The Dragon Times Volume 6, Issue 11

March 29th

Junior High Honor Band By Ruby Granados On Monday, the junior high students participated in honor band. Juan Diaz was one of the students who participated. The instrument that he plays is the bass clarinet. The songs that junior high played in honor band were Flurry, Fairest of the Faire, Ancient City of Stone, and Cathedral. Juan's favorite song was Ancient City of Stone. He wants to do honor band again next year. The best part for him was that all the schools came together. Lastly, the person he thought the best player was HeeYeal, a person from Wray who played the trumpet.

High School Honor Band By Tuff Sigler Isaac Strauss plays tenor saxophone for the high school honor band. At the concert, Isaac?s favorite song was ?Different Voices.? Isaac thinks that Mackayla Hill was the best player at honor band. Isaac was pretty sure he would get accepted into Honor Band because he worked very hard at his tryout and put everything on the table. Isaac says he will continue to play in honor band next year. Also, Isaac says that he prefers playing with high school students because it is more challenging than junior high.

Spring Play By Diego Jimenez On Friday, March 23rd and Saturday, March 24th the High School Drama Productions presented their spring play ?The Best Man?. The Best Man was about two presidential candidates fighting over the presidential nominee taking place at political convention in the 1960?s. Both characters try to get dirt on one another and in the end Luke Krogmeier character withdrew his nomination and gave his votes to someone that no one really knew about. Everyone did an amazing job and it was a very good performance

Dr agon Spor t s HS Tr ack By: Clover Adler Jessie Mosqueda?s favorite event in track is the 800 meter dash, and the events that she does are pole vault, the 4x8, the 800, and the mile. Jessie thinks that the hardest working person on the team is Jillian Hunter. Also, her favorite person to compete with is her sister Jacky. Jessie says that the team?s goal is to take every event to state, but her personal goal is to take the 4x8 relay to state. Jessie?s favorite place to compete is Kersey. The next HS track meet is on April 7 here in Holyoke.

Junior High Tr ack By Diego Jimenez Johny Quintana, an 8th grader, is doing his first year of Junior High track. He participates in the 4x1, Long Jump, Triple Jump, and Discus. His favorite warm-up is the C-Skip, and he is ?uncertain? about what his favorite event is. When asked who the best team member is, he said that everyone is good at their own thing, and the most improved player is Diego Jimenez ?as a manager?. Johny said that he most likely will do track next year and is very excited for the track meet on Tuesday.

High School Baseball By: Ethan Johnson Dylan Miles plays first base for the high school baseball team and he wears the number 29 on the field. Dylan has been playing baseball for 11 years now. Dylan thinks that the hardest-working player on the baseball team is Jesus. Dylan?s goal for the team this year is to make and win regionals. Dylan?s favorite drill to do is a drill that they do at practice called total base. He thinks that the Dragons?hardest opponent is Julesburg.

Gir ls Golf By: Er in Ander sen Mrs. Dalton has been coaching golf for about four years now. Their next tournament is on Thursday. Her favorite places to play are Holyoke and in the Front Range. Her favorite club to use is the hybrid, and her favorite club brand is Callaway. Mrs. Dalton said that the hardest-working members of their team are all the senior girls who have stuck with it and worked hard to improve. She says that the most improved this year is probably Traeli Hutches, but she also thinks that everybody has improved a lot.

Pr o Spor t s NHL B y C ad e K i l l i n

A f ew N H L team s h ave al r ead y cl i n ch ed p l ay of f ber t h s, bu t th e p l ay of f r ace i s sti l l ver y m u ch op en . T h e f i ve t eam s t h at h ave cl i n ch ed a p l ay of f ap p ear an ce ar e t h e L i gh t n i n g, Gol d en K n i gh ts, Jet s, Br u i n s, an d t h e Pr ed at or s. Accor d i n g t o ESPN , t h e Aval an ch e h ave ar ou n d a 63% ch an ce t o m ake t h e p ostseason , bu t sp or ts ar e cr azy, so t h ei r ch an ces can n ot be r u l ed ou t y et . T h e Avs h ave f i ve gam es l ef t , an d t h ey n eed som e cr u ci al w i n s to h el p th ei r ch an ces. M LB B y T u f f Si gl er

W i t h t h e M L B season star ti n g an y d ay n ow, m an y star t er s ar e begi n n i n g t o p l ay p r eseason gam es to k n ock of f th e r u st . For ex am p l e. M att Sh oem aker an d A l ber t Pu jol s l ed t h e A st r os t o a 4- 1 w i n over t h e L os A n gel es D od ger s. M i ke T r ou t , w h o on ly batt ed t w i ce, h i t a h om e r u n an d on e t r i p l e w i t h t w o p eop l e bat t ed i n . Ross H i l l p l ay ed excep t i on al ly w el l f or t h e D od ger s. H e h ad m an y RBI s an d on e h om e r u n . W e h op e f or t h e best f or al l M L B t eam s h ead i n g i n t o t h e r egu l ar season . B al l er z Po st B y Et h an Jo h n so n T h i s w eek i n basketbal l i n cl u d ed th e M cD on al d 's A l l - A m er i can H i gh Sch ool Basketbal l gam e, i n w h i ch al l th e top h i gh sch ool basketbal l p l ay er s i n th e cou n tr y p l ay i n a bi g al l - star gam e. O n e of th e top stor i es of th i s y ear ?s gam e i s th e D u ke p l ay er s th at ar e p ar ti ci p ati n g. D u ke si gn ed th e top 3 p l ay er s i n th i s y ear ?s r an k i n g as w el l as th e # 1 p oi n t gu ar d i n th e cl ass, so th ey ar e l ook i n g to be r eal ly good th i s u p com i n g y ear . I n th e M cD on al d ?s gam e th e p l ay er s ar e sp l i t u p 2 an d 2 on op p osi te team s. So p eop l e r eal ly w an t to see th e f i r st gl i m p se of w h at th ese p l ay er s can d o togeth er .


Dear Caroline, StateTestingiscomingup soon, and I amsostressed! I feel likemy lifeis fallingapart and I amgoingtofail. I have abadfeelingabout this... Thanks,SomeDudeWhosWorried Dear SomeDudesWhosWorried, You?regoingtodojust fine. Just remember tostudy,get plenty of rest, and put your best effort intoit. Sincerely,Caroline

Brenna Gatton 04/04/2002 Yamileth Ruiz 04/05/2000

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M em es

Review s M ilk Du ds By: Stephen Murray Milk Duds are a caramel candy with a coat of chocolate covering the outside of the candy. They are manufactured by the Hershey Company. Milk Duds were first invented in 1926 by Sean le Noble. Milk Duds got their name by having a worker name them duds. Then two years later, a company named Holloway Company bought out Hoffman and brought Milk Duds to stores. The milk in the name comes from the amount of milk the candy contains.

Salt Water Taffys By: Clover Adler Salt water taffys come in all kinds of flavors including orange cream, blueberry, peppermint, grape, and black licorice. You can find them at any Walmart or candy store. At a candy store, depending on how much your taffy weighs, it will determine how much it costs. But at a regular store like Walmart the range will be around 3-5 dollars. I personally really like salt water taffys, and my favorite flavor is the orange cream.

Basset Hounds By: K yr ah M cConachie Personally, I feel basset hounds are the cutest dogs in the world. I have a basset hound named Mavis from the movie Hotel Transylvania. I love basset hounds because of their personalities and their cuteness. Even though my dog sheds a lot, it is still worth to have a dog as cute as her. I would rate basset hounds a four out of five because they do shed a lot, but they are adorable. They are kind of hard to find, but if you can find one, you're lucky because they are the best dog you could have.

Bread By: Er in Ander sen Bread is a very good food. Bread is a good source of carbs, vitamins, and nutrients. Pretty much everyone likes bread. You can make a lot of stuff with bread, such as PB&Jsandwiches, other sandwiches, bread crumbs, french toast, hot dogs, and more. Bread was first invented in 8000 B.C. by the Egyptians. A lot of people like bread because it?s soft and squishy, it tastes good, and they like the texture.

Spotlight Lau r a Con de By: Ru by Gr an ados Laura is a student here at Holyoke whose favorite color is blue. Her favorite sport is volleyball, but this year she is not in any sports. Her favorite movie is Beautiful Creatures. She has four siblings in her family. Laura?s best friend is Shyanne Conde. Her hobbies are hanging out with her friends. The people that inspire her are her parents. In the future, she wants to be a nurse. Lastly, her favorite food is hard to decide because sometimes she likes Chinese and then she likes Mexican food.

An dr ew River a

By: Dylan Hielsch er Andrew Rivera is a sophomore with no nickname. All the after school activities he does are football, wrestling, track, the musical, and the play. Andrew?s favorite sport is football, and his favorite football team is the Nebraska Huskers. His favorite food is stroganoff. One of his friends is his sister Mackenzie Golden. One of his favorite subjects is lunch. Andre was born on september 30. He would rather eat McDonald?s than Wendy's.

M r . Zilla By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

Blak e M osen t een

Mr. Zilla has been living in Holyoke for six years, but has been teaching for 32. When Mr. Zilla was a kid, he wanted to be an MLB player. In his free time, he likes to hunt. His favorite food is steak, and his favorite movie is The Sandlot. Mr. Zilla has four sisters and one brother in his family. When asked if he could live anywhere in the world, he said he would live in Canada.

By: Dylan Hielsch er Blake Mosenteen is a sophomore. He has no nickname. The sports he does are football, baseball, and basketball. His favorite sport is baseball, and his favorite baseball team is the one and only Washington Nationals. Blake?s favorite food is steak. He didn?t choose one best friend, but said that some of his friends are Seth Watson and Slaten Burris. He likes social studies. Blake was born on September 29, and his siblings are Tyson and Sadee. He would rather have Wendy?s than McDonald?s.

Spotl igh t Jimena Nunez By: Emma Thompson This year Jimena Nunez is in seventh grade, and her hobby is hanging out with her family. Her favorite food and drink are Bug Juice and Menudo. She loves Mrs.Mallari?s class, and she has two siblings. Her birthday is October 29th. Jimena she plays basketball and track, but she loves the Colorado Rockies team.

Anthony Beltran By: Ethan Johnson Anthony Beltran was born on January 14, 2000, which means this year he turned 18 years old. Anthony?s best friend is Andy. His favorite flavor of Ramen Noodles is beef. Since Anthony is a senior this year college has been on his mind and the college that he is looking to go to is Colorado State University. This year he played a number of sports: basketball, football, and track. If he could live any place in the world he would live in Hawaii. If he could have any superpower he would fly, and if he could date any celebrity he would date Rachel Demita.

Robert Soukup By: Erin Andersen Robert?s nickname is Bobby Boucher. Bobby?s favorite colors are red and black. His favorite sport is football. His favorite subject is science, and his favorite teacher is Mrs. Clayton. His favorite food is his dad?s homemade pizza, but his favorite drinks are Sprite and Propel water. He has too many best friends to name. His dream job is to be in the military. He enjoys playing video games, reading books, and spending time with his family.

Josie Herman By: Max Kleve Josie Herman is a sophomore this year. Her favorite sport is track, and her favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs. Her best friend is Emily Jelden. One random fact about Josie is that she is the shortest in her family, but not the youngest. If she had to choose between eating a handful of dog food or cat food, she would eat dog food, She thinks that cat food is gross because it is moist.

Wor ld New s SpaceX Rocket Cute Hole in Atmosphere By Cade K illin In August of last year, SpaceX launched their Falcon 9 rocket. Scientists recently determined that the launch carved a 559 mile hole in the ionosphere. The ionosphere is in the far reaches of the upper atmosphere, and is a very important part of the atmosphere. The reason for the large hole was that the cargo the rocket was very light, so the rocket took a vertical path into space, rather than a curved one like normal. Engadget describes the event as dropping a rock straight into water instead of skipping the rock.

M arch for our L ives By: Clover Adler

M ummy Revealed

The March for our Lives protest was on Saturday, March 24, 2018. The protest was held in the nation's capital, Washington D.C, and was put together by survivors of the Parkland shooting in Florida. Students, teachers, and citizens spoke out their thoughts about how the government is trying to protect us. Many celebrities participated in the March for our Lives. For example, Miley Cyrus performed her song ?The Climb? during the protest.

By: Emmanuel (EV) Vasquez Early Tuesday morning, it was revealed that scientists in Australia have discovered a mummy in a supposedly empty coffin. The remains were found in a coffin that is 2,500 years old. The body had been left untouched at a university museum in Sydney for more than 150 years.Archaeologist Dr. Jamie Fraser said that this has been a remarkable moment. "It was just unbelievably astonishing what we saw. It was one of those moments where you can't help but take in a breath and just hang in the moment," said Dr. Fraser.

Chinese Space Station Cr ashing to Ear th By: Stephen M ur r ay China?s first prototype space station, Tiangong 1, will be crashing on Earth between March 30th or April 2nd. According to the European Space Station, the information on where and when the space station will crash is currently unknown. Some facts about the station?s size are that the station is about 34 feet long and 11 feet wide of habitable internal volume. Tiangong 1 launched into orbit on September 29, 2011 without anyone aboard the ship.

L ocal N ew s M ar ch 30

M ar ch 31

Ap r i l 2

Ap r i l 3


H S Basebal l


JH Tr ack

Good Fr iday

@ H axtu n

Ap r i l 5

@ Ster l in g

Ap r i l 6

Ap r i l 7



H S Tr ack

Con fr en ce

Con fer en ce

@ H ol yok e

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@ Den ver JH Tr ack @ H ol yok e

H i gh Sch ool St u d en t of t h e M on t h By Em m a Thom pson Th is m on th H ol den Redm an won an awar d th at h e deser ved, Stu den t of th e M on th . M r s.Br own was th e teach er wh o n om in ated H ol den . H e was ver y su r pr ised to see th at h e won th e awar d. Th e pr ize was five dol l ar s in dr agon bu ck s. H ol den said th at ever y oth er stu den t sh ou l d deser ve th e awar d too.

Test i n g Sch ed u l e By St ephen M ur r a y On Apr il fou r th , seven th an d eigh th gr ader s wil l be tak in g m ath tests. On th e n ext day ,Apr il fifth , seven th an d eigh th gr ader s wil l be tak in g r eadin g tests. On Apr il el even th , n in th an d ten th gr ader s wil l be doin g PSAT. M ak e su r e to get l ots of r est an d to h ave a good br eak fast befor e testin g.

Et h an Sch n el l er By K yr a h M cCona chi e W h en Eth an fou n d ou t h e won stu den t of th e m on th , h e was ver y excited. M r s. Bieber was th e on e wh o n om in ated Eth an becau se sh e fel t th at h e displ ayed Rise in h er cl assr oom . H e r eceived a pl aqu e an d a dr agon dol l ar th at can be spen t at sel ect pl aces. Eth an feel s th at h e is good th at h e got th e awar d bu t th at th er e ar e m an y peopl e th at sh ou l d?ve gotten it. For exam pl e, h e feel s th at eith er Al m a Al ejan dr e or Su m m er M ar tin sh ou l d get it n ext tim e becau se th ey ar e al ways qu iet an d pol ite in h is ar t cl ass.

vol 6, Issue 11.pdf

... Ancient City of Stone, and Cathedral. Juan's favorite song. wasAncient City of Stone. Hewants to do honor band again next year. The. best part for him was that all theschools cametogether. Lastly, theperson he. thought thebest player wasHeeYeal, a person from Wray who played the. trumpet. High School Honor Band.

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