

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Washburn, Missouri 100 years old - October 19, 1983

Revival· October 9·15, 1983 Paul YarnaH - EvangeHst

CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION October 16, 1983 Sunday School 10:00A.M. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service Fellowship Dinner 12:00A.M. Afternoon Centennial Service 2:00 P.M. Congregational Hymn ... .... . ............... Loraine Erwin Welcome and announcements .............. Bro. Leon Erwin Presentation of Anniversary Certificate .... Dr. Adrian Lamkin Missouri Baptist Historical Commission Church History ................ Charlene Paul, Church Clerk Special Music Message ............................ Bro. Franklin Crosby Director of Missions Testimonies from former Pastors Congregational Hymn ....................... Loraine Erwin Benediction



The First Baptist Church of Washburn was organized October 19,1883 with worship services being held in the Masonic Hall. The 16 Charter members were:

J. N. Brooks Stephen Felker J. C. Johnson J. W. Johnson W. M. Johnson Taylor Bennett E. J. Foster G. A. Kelley

Rebecca E. Brooks Eliza Felker M. A. Johnson M. J. Johnson Agnes Kelley Martha Sparks Deliah Johnson M. B. Springs -Copied from record found at Anderson, Missouri Library

The First Baptist Church of Washburn joined the Shoal Creek Association September 4, 1884. (The minutes called the church "First Washburne.") At this session it was decided to give the churches in Barry County letters of dismission to form a new association called Barry County Association. -Missouri Baptist Historical Commission Library

The Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches decided to build a Union Church as each Church was not financially able to build a church of their own. They all worked together constructing the new church building. Donations were made and sufficient material was obtained for the new building. This building was constructed in the year of 1884 and was dedicated in 1885. -WPA Survey of State and Local Historical Records: 1940

The Baptist Association was organized in Cassville in 1884 with 13 members, namely:

Cassville Church No.1 J. C. Sills, Pastor Cassville Church No.2 J. C. Sellers, Pastor Purdy J. J. Dunnegan, Pastor Washburn Prairie J. M. Brooks, Pastor Washburn No.1 K. Northcutt, Pastor Oak Ridge R. M. Morgan, Pastor

Friendship W. L. Trewitt, Pastor Bethel and Pleasant Ridge Levi Allen , Pastor Roaring River Ed Chappell, Pastor Rock Springs R. C. Bone, Pastor New Hope J. C. Sellers, Pastor Antioch Ed Chappell, Pastor Early Barry County Addah Longley Matthews

On October 2, 1902 the Union Church was destroyed by a cyclone. After this the churches met in the J. A. Pease home in Washburn until the Methodist erected a building in 1904. This time the location was moved from '/4 mile East of town to about the central part. The Methodist and Baptist both worshipped in the building, the Methodist meeting the second Sunday of each month and the Baptist the fourth Sunday. A small concrete porch was made at the entrance of the building with about 13 concrete steps leading up to the porch with iron banisters on each side. A bell is located on top of the house in the belfry. -WPA Survey of State and Local Historical Records: 1940 -Missouri Baptist Historical Commission Library Early Barry County Addah Longley Matthews

The Washburn First Baptist Church failed to send a report to the Barry County Association in 1915 and 1916. As a result, the Association sent a committee of P. H. Hodge and W. M. Kennedy to the Church . A report has always been sent every year since that time . A tent revival held in the summer of 1921 with County Missionary J. T. Brattin was one of the most successful ever held here. There were 67 who accepted Christ and 112 who joined the church, making it one of the strongest in the County. Having been 27th in membership it now became 5th in membership with 126 members. The following newspaper item tells about the July 1921 revival.

Mollie Adcock, M~rtha Hic~ox, Mrs. Em ma Snook, a nd Pauline Henry . On SUTI?ay evenmg followmg the revival a BYPU was orga ni zed at th e ch urch wIth W. O. Horton, preSident; C. D. Henbest, vice president; Cad Stevens secretary; and Ruth Gates, treas urer . Prayer meetings were held each Wednesday night. W. S. Brown of Monett was elected pastor of the church with services to be he ld each 4th Saturday night and Sunday. Elder Charles Vanza ndt was first elected pastor , but dec lined to ser ve, saying he felt called to ser ve the ch urc h at Siloam Springs, Arka nsas full time. A ~in i sters and Deacons meeting was held July 29 with the Washburn Baptllst Ch urch . Preachers present were Frank Linebarger Edward Chappell, M. Smith, Charles Vanzandt, Wm . Ireland, W. E. Brdwn , T. M. Haply, P.H . Hodge, A.P. Da lton, Mote Varner, J. T. Brattin, Paul Davis and W. T. Ward. Deacons pressent were Mr. Savage, M. l-forton, H. Ba rn es, J. A. Roller, T. M. Wea thers, E. L. Henbest, Tom Yarna ll , Dr. D. L. Mitchell , John Bowma n, a nd L. Sha nnon.

RECORD REVIVAL AT WASHBURN IN 1921 A truly memorable revival meeting was held in July, 1921 at Washburn, with records of the record meeting supplied this week by Mrs . Pauline Cantwe ll of Washburn who found the records in m a terial saved by her mother, the late Gertie Henry. County Missionary Elder J. T. Brattin and his singer Buell Coones took down their tent at Washburn on August I, 1921 , and went to Pleasant Hill on Sugar Creek , to hold a meeting, after a truly successful meeting. Records of the day sa y that " his forceful , convincing sermons wrought a great cha nge in Washburn . 67 persons accepted Christ a nd His cause was greatly revived and strengthened, a nd eternity will only know the grea t good here." One hundred twelve joined the churCh, ma ki ng the Washburn Church one of th e stronges t in the county. Those ma king dec isions in the meeti ng were: Della Chadd, Ja mes Coble, Rea ms McCormac k, A. S. Westmorla nd , Vernie Coble, Nellie Builes, Marie Elgi n, Troy Chadd, James Scott, Nadine Ca rgile, Thelma Rains, Ir ene Black, Vennie Rowley, May Thomas, Ma r ie Blac k, Wayne Black, Vernon Blac k, Li ll ie Chadd, Grace Chappell , Loui se Keen, David Rowley, Ellis Vanderpool, Mable Gowen, Andra Watson, W. L. Long, Effie Crim, Mamie P endergrass, Lennie Mooney, Lithe Duckett, Elsie Duckett, Dora Duckett, Galen Watson, Andrew Burnett, Louise Dudley, Orche Brisco, Maltie Lytle, Mable Gates, Ruth Gates, Mrs. Mable Tate, Mrs. Mandia Hickey, Susie Crim, Nettie Pendergraft, Jack Kennedy, Veril McGlothlin, William Gowen , Ned Hickey, Zellie Chadd, Tom Hickey, Walter Stevens, Chad Stevens, Elsie Gui les, Helen Mooney, William Henry, Pearl Coble, Helen Apple, Mary Smith, Emmett Babb, Mrs .

Baptizing - Dec. 1933


Not too much is known of the early history of the Church. The records we have of the Church minutes only go back to 1930. These notes are taken from these records and an old treasurer's book.


·The Church is now 40 years old. The pastor is W. A. Ireland. The pastor's pay for 4 Sundays was $15.00.


.J. A. Roller of the Washburn Church served as Treasurer of the Barry County Association from 1924 to 1930.


-J. A. Roller and Jake Roller were listed as ordained deacons. Business meetings were Saturday afternoon before the 4th Sunday. The Baptists were still worshipping in the Methodist Church. ·Preaching was changed from 1/.1 to V2 time. The Lord's Supper was observed on Saturday afternoon following business meeting. . November 19th a revival started with pastor, Bro. John Harris doing the preaching . There were 47 conversions and 56 additions to the Church . Five of those baptized are still on the membership roll. One who has always taken an active part through the years is Pharis Ledenham. The Church is now 50 years old. ·The Royal Ambassadors were organized with Alfred Clark leader. -The BYPU had a total of 139 members in 5 departments with Paul Varner as the director. -Herbert Crews, Arch Rowley, Charles Bryant and Paul C. Varner were ordained as deacons on May 13th.





·A committee of three was appointed from the Baptist Church to work with the committee from the Methodist Church to repair the church roof. Those appointed were: Paul Varner, Mrs. Amah Foster and Mrs. Novis Lamb. ·Paul Varner and Jessie Hancock were elected trustees to help care for the Methodist Church building . -There were 69 erasurers from the Church membership roll, leaving a membership of 82. Bro. Charles Vanzandt was the pastor.


·The Church planned to repair the Washburn Prairie Baptist Church so a protracted meeting could be held there. ·Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trolinger gave a clock to the church. -February 16th Workers Conference met with the Washburn Church. Two State workers were present: Mrs. Truex, State WMU Secretary and Dr. S. W. Digger of the Stewardship and Brotherhood.


.J. P. Graham was accepted as a deacon from the Baptist Church in Ellis, Kansas. ·A 4 point budget plan was adopted in October.


-Jessie Trolinger was elected trustee to replace Jessie Hancock.


-Leon Erwin was elected trustee to replace Mr. Henbest.


·Leon Erwin and Joe Vanderpool were ordained deacons February 14th. -Joe Vanderpool was elected a trustee . -May 21 st the Church met in special session, the purpose be· ing to decide whether or not to build a Church. The vote was unanimous to build. The following were elected to the building committee: Earl Trolinger, Chairman; Joe Vanderpool" and Orville Roller. ·June 16th the financial committee reported $676.40. The Church voted to build a church on land donated by Dr. George Newman. The following were added to the building committee: Lawrence Roller, Frank Pachl, Leon Erwin, Pharis Ledenham and J. B. Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson replaced Earl Trolinger as Chairman. -In September the Church accepted the church plans made by the County Missionary. W. A. Ireland was pastor during the building program.


·The Church voted to refuse support from the State Board. ·The Church met for services in the new building on October 22nd with their newly elected pastor, Eugene Edwards. -A Cradle Roll was started with Mrs. Orlena Chappell.


·Business meeting was changed to Wednesday night before the 1st Sunday of the month.



r ",,..SHB!Tl". 'BAPTIR'f''' CHURCH

Working on the church roof•


Vacallon Bible School· 1952

Washburn Baptist Church· 1983

Baptizing. Dec. 7, 1980. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Higgs· pastor and wife, Robbie Piatt, Lisa Akins, Patty Washia, Edith Piatt, Shellie Piatt.

Baptizing . Aug. 2, 1970. Eighteen were baptized:


Bible School· May 1963

i. 1946

-Mr. Pachl pointeg out the need to buy used seats until war conditions permit getting material to build new ones. Some seats had been given to th e Church by the Seligman Baptist Church and others were borrowed from the Washburn Prairie Baptist Church .


-The temporary pulpit was moved to the West side of the Church. -Full time preaching was started with Bro. A. M. Edie as pastor.


-The WMU and Brotherhood were organized with Mrs. A. M. Edie and Paul Varner as the Presidents. -Walter Bruton was accepted as an active deacon. -Outdoor rest rooms and wood shed were built. Pine flooring was bought and new seats were built.


-A committee was appointed to see if a more suitable place with more room could be found to move the building. Those on the committee were: J. O. Roller, Chairman; Paul Varner, Leon Erwin, Walter Bruton and Joe Vanderpool. -Voted to buy land from Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gates.


-Lawrence Henry was licensed for the ministry April 10th and ordained July 6th.


-Noel Greenway was ordained to the ministry October 28th. -Letters and candy were sent to boys in the service of our country . . . -Kirtsey Still was received as a deacon from Rock Springs Church.


-Morris Daugherty was received as a deacon from Exeter Church. -Prqpane was installed in the church.


-A vestibule was built on the front of the church.


-Curtis Bateman surrendered to the ministry and was licensed. He was ordained April 17th. Also ordained as deacons that day were Fred Roller, Gene Howell, Lewis Shockley and Don Michael. -The new Church building was dedicated at 2:00 p.m. June 26th. Bro. Pat Richardson preached the dedication message. History was given by Ruth Vanderpool and the dedication prayer by Leon Erwin.


-Mission Baptist Church requested we ordain Bro. Gene Howell to the ministry. Ordination service was held December 15th. -Mr. and Mrs. Worth Keen donated ceiling fans for the church.


-The Church is now 75 years old. Loren Henson is the pastor. There were 120 enrolled in Sunday School and 96 in Training Union. The membership roll listed 197 members.


-Plans were made to improve the church nursery with money to be raised by taking a special offering the second Sunday of the month. -The Church voted to neither grant or accept letters from churches other than those affiliated with Southern Baptist. -A youth choir was started. -The Lord's Supper was observed the third Sunday in May at the morning service. -A service was held to dedicate the newly decorated nursery to the Lord. Bro. C. F. Siler brought the message.


1962 1964

-A new piano, pulpit and communion table were purchased. -Cabinets were built for the kitchen. -Leon Erwin was ordained to the ministry Feb. 28th .

-A visitation program was started the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. -Ertie Wilson was elected trustee to replace Leon Erwin. -Water was put in the church and the building was painted.


-Due to financial ' condition, contributions to the cooperative program, annuity and the pastor's rent were reduced.


-A building fund was started for indoor rest roorris ' and new church signs were made. -Ronald Lucas was accepted as a deacon from the Seligman Church. -Rest rooms were built and ceilings lowered in the auditorium.

1967 1968 1969 1970

-A license was issued to Leon Erwin. -Fred Harris was ordained to the ministry May 24th. -August 23rd a service was held to ordain Paul B. Varner, Leon L. Paul and Jimmy Ellis as deacons.


-Church by-laws were adopted. -Robert and Mary Lee Sisney were called to serve in our Music Department . -Tiff Cantwell was elected trustee to replace Ertie Wilson .

-A mourner's bench was added at the front of the auditorium. '-A 3 day youth retreat was started at Camp Smokey at Roari ng River. -A used school bus was purchased for use in a bus ministry. -The pulpit was changed back to the North of the building. -Bob Cantwell was received as a deacon from the Corinth Church' L~immy Ellis was ordained to the ministry Nov. 12, 1972. -,. -The Lord's Supper is observed quarterly. 1973 -Parsonage and youth building were purchased_ -Carroll Ledenham was ordained as deacon February 18th . . -Old by-laws were terminated and the Baptist Manual adopted . -New addition was built which included a baptistry, choir loft, and pastor's study. An anonymous gift of paneling for the new addition and auditorium was recei ved. -Ray Hudson was licensed to the mini stry on September 9th .


·Classrooms were paneled. Church property was listed at $45,000.


·Storm windows were purchased.


·Connie Deans was appointed Youth Director. -Jack Piatt and Leon L. Paul were elected as trustees. ·Youth building was re·roofed and a furnace put in the building.


·The nursery was redecorated and carpeted. ·A sound system was installed. The church was painted. ·New drapes were purchased for the auditorium and the win· dows were re-done using amber plastic panels. ·The present membership of the Church includes 49 resident and 114 non·resident members for a total of 163. ·The Sunday School enrollment is 26 with average attendance of 22.



-The new addition was dedicated with Bro. Clyde McCormack bringing the message. -Lots were purchased for use as a parking lot for the church . -Church doors were padlocked. Later the Church split and the Mt. Zion Church was organized by those members who left. -Ertie Wilson was elected trustee to replace Jessie Trolinger. -The Church by-laws were amended. -Church voted to present a family Bible to newly-wed members.


·New flags and drapes were purchased. ·Church started paying pastor 50 % of the offering as salary.


·Senior Recognition Day was started for graduating members.


·Discontinued Training Union until we get more to participate. ·New Baptist hymnals were ordered .


·Parsonage was rented as it was not needed for the pastor. ·Lots bought for use as a parking lot were sold to the City of Washburn for construction of the City Hall and Fire Depart· ment.

We, of the history committee, would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way in the research and preparation of our Church History. Rev. Leon Erwin, Pastor Mrs. Loraine Erwin Pharis Ledenham Mrs. Alice Ledenham Mrs. Charlene Paul, Church Clerk

Leon and Loraine Erwin· Thanksgiving 1980

Church Clerks

Pastors of the First Baptist Church Washburn, Missouri· 1883·1983 1883·85 1886 1887 1888·89 1890·91 1892 1893 1894 1895·98 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903·05 . 1906·07 1908·11 1912·13 1914 1915·16 1917·18 1919 1920 1921 1922·24

J. N. Brooks J. K. Northcutt J. C. Sellers Abe Carlin J. N. Brooks J. M. Bandy J. A. Swiger J. N. Brooks A. J. Maxwell • ' George M. Irwin W. D. Jaynes None listed A. J. Maxwell H. P. Church N. M. Whittington W. R. Prier P. H. Hodge None listed No report to Association P. H.Hodge W. A. Hopkins P.H . Hodge W. E. Brown W. A. Ireland

1925·26 1927·29 1930 1931·32 1933·34 1935·39 1940·42 1943·44 1945 1946·48 1949·51 1951·52 1953·56 1957 1958·59 1960·63 1964·68 1969

J. T. Brattin Charles McNabb Nan Baker M. Henson John Harris Charles Vanzandt Loren Lauderdale W. A. Ireland Eugene Edwards A. M. Edie Raymond Cameron Noel Greenway W. R. Mattingly Tom Flippen Loren Henson Hugh Higgs Walter Smart Troy Payne

1970·72 1973·75 1976·77 1978·79 1980·82 1983·

Fred Harris Leon Huse Calvin Meeds Lester Antle Hugh Higgs Leon Erwin

Fellowship Dinner

1883·84 1885·94 1895 1896·97

J. W. Johnson R. J. Foster A. C. Farley S. D. Withers

1925·28 1929·30 1930 1931

1898 1899·00 1901 1902 1903 1904·05 1906·14 1915·16 1917·18 1919·22 1923·24

T. M. Weathers W. S. Price C. B. McCary C. G. Henbest C. L Henbest C. G. Henbest Amah Foster No Report Juanita Henbest LN. Henbest Maggie Gowen

1932·33 1934·36 1937·39 1940·42 1943·45 1946 1947·49 1950·54 1955·56 1957·72 1973·

Clara Henbest Maggie Gowen Etta Roller Pauline Henry and Jessie Henry Marvin Roller Elaine Rowley Lula Pachl Jessie Trolinger Novis Lamb Melva Wilson Ruth Vanderpool Paul Varner Pansy Still Martha Windes Charlen'e Paul

Church Treasurers 1921 1922·25 1926·30 1931·32 1933·34 1935

E. L Henbest W. L Henry J. O. Roller C. D. Henbest Charles Bryant Paul Varner and Carrie Stephens

1936 1937·43 1944·52 1953 1954·55 1956·72 1973·

Arch Rowley Paul Varner Leon Erwin Frieda Edens Wanda Roller Jessie Trolinger Carroll Ledenham


Washburn First Baptist Centennial Celebration.pdf

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