SATB Choir WLA Association Theme Song 2014-2015

We Preach Christ Crucified for SATB choir, congregation, and piano 1 Corinthians 1:23a, DAW

Dale A. Witte


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1st time Unison, 2nd & 3rd SATB

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Copyright © 2014 Dale A.Witte Permission is granted for WLA Association Churches and Schools to copy and use in worship.


SATB Choir

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cross of wood sav-ing souls from death is not un - der - stood with-out tor-ture and death is an in - stru - ment of love and grace. Je - sus



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faith in Christ and His sav - ing Word bring-ing life from what was gave him - self for me will - ing - ly to crush the pow'r of

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We Preach Christ Crucified (WLA Theme Song 2014-2015) - SATB Choir.pdf. We Preach Christ Crucified (WLA Theme Song 2014-2015) - SATB Choir.pdf.

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