
Vol. 2, Issue 6

070-17-06 Cocoa Village, FL.

THE WEATHER DECK "Serving the news needs of those who serve."

December 2009

AUX lends support to PCYC Holiday Lights Boat Parade in Port Canaveral Port Canaveral, FL.

Although the event was to go rain or shine, the dark clouds parted and the heavy rains stopped long enough so USCG Auxiliary Division 17 could support our marine partner, Port Canaveral Yacht Club (PCYC), in their annual Boat Parade in Port Canaveral. Two Auxiliary Facilities, under Coast Guard orders, both from Flotilla 17-6, braved the cold, damp

Inside: From the 2 Division 3 Flotilla 17-6 4 Citation for 7 "Did YOU Know?" 8 10 Sea Cadet 11 Photo 12 Birthday 14 15 ADM Papp 23 The Weather Deck

winds, and participated. Jim Urich, owner of the "Sabaidee" led the parade with Ann Easterwood, Rich Bloom, and Steve Brown, on board. Vice Division Commander George Peek had FC Gary Gunter, FC elect Jim Roche, Darlene Bush, and Bill Giers on board his boat the "Brendel III" and performed the "rear guard" and "Chase Boat" duties. The port light parade traveled slowly past the restauDECEMBER 2009

Photos by: Bill Giers SO-PA Photo by: Bill Giers SO-PA

rants and establishments located along the shoreline of the port to enthusiastic holiday revelers. The restaurants were packed with people wearing Santa hats and dancing to the live bands and people were obviously in the "holiday spirit",

Photos by: Bill Giers SO-PA

Photo by: The open spaces between Bill Giers SO-PA

Boat Parade, continued on pg 13

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The Weather Deck

The Weather Deck


From the Editor...

Founded: May 2008

Weather Deck - The main or uppermost deck extending from side to side, exposed to the wind and sea. The best location for a watch to be posted.

Senior Editor: William “Bill” Giers Computer Consultant: Darlene Bush Proofreader: Barbara Carolus The Weather Deck E-Mail :

newsletter_submissions@ Flotilla WEBSITE: (for past issues) (Click on Members Section)

Content Approval Board: Gary Gunter, FC [email protected] Peg McGuinness, SO-PB 17 Nick Ingersoll, AUXLO CG Station Port Canaveral

Sean Carillio, AUXLO Marine Safety Detachment, PCAN

Reporters: Bill Giers, FSO-PA Jim Roche, VFC Photographers: Bill Giers, Rick Bloom. The Weather Deck: DHS/USCG-AUX, District 7, Division 17, Flotilla 6, P.O. Box 540867, Merritt Island, FL. 32954, (877) 835-3760. This publication is intended for the sole benefit of and circulated to the members of Team Coast Guard. All rights reserved. The Weather Deck

2009. What a year! We created a new division. We welcomed a new OIC for the CG Station, and a new supervisor for the Marine Safety Detachment. Both have welcomed the auxiliary into their missions and areas of responsibility. We have new Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with the US Navy Sea Cadets and the Boy Scouts. We provided essential services to a joint CG/Navy/NASA R&D project. We supported the launches of the US Space Shuttle and subsequently all of their support missions. We elected a new President of the United States, a new Secretary of Homeland Security and new Cabinet. We provided education to the recreational boating public, promoted Waterway Watch, vessel safety examinations, ATON and environmental patrols. We did a great job in supporting the missions of the USCG. AND, we had fun doing it. So, what about next year? What does 2010 hold in store for us?

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All of that and more. Division 17 has plans and goals for 2010 as does this flotilla. But, more importantly, what are YOUR goals? While it is agreed that the flotilla is where the "rubber meets the road" in actually doing the work of carrying out the various missions of the Coast Guard, it is the individual member that makes or breaks the flotilla. Failing to plan is planning to fail is a common maxim. So, what are your individual plans and goals for 2010? Become more fit? Learn a new skill? Discover an area you have not served in before? Earn some ribbons? Make new friends? Whatever it is, remember that the auxiliary is a team. Share your goals and accomplish them together. Talk to the staff officer that oversees that area. Talk to others who have already done what you are setting out to do. Make this year special. Jump in. Get involved. Get trained. Stretch your brain and your body. Have fun! Laugh. But, DO SOMETHING!

"The Weather Deck", an Award Winning Publication. 7th District - Flotilla Newsletter Contest (2nd place)


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The Weather Deck Division Elected Officer Reports

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THE QUARTERDECK "Leading by demonstrating service."

Division Staff Officer Reports

Quarterdeck - The part of the Weather Deck which is abaft the mainmast, or in that generalVol. location of a2. I, Issue ship without one. In the age of sail, the quarterdeck was the preserve of the ship’s officers.

Division 17 Bridge

Want to be More Involved? Get the Training You Need to Do It. As 2009 comes to a close, Division 17 is gearing up for 2010. There will be numerous trainings to increase opportunities for member service next year.

Nevin Lantry Division Commander IPDC,

George Peek Division Vice Commander

Barbara Carolus

Your Division Staff Officers SO-CC, SO-CM, SO-CS, SO-FN, SO-IS, SO-MA, SO-MS, SO-MT, SO-NS, SO-OP, SO-PA, SO-PB, SO-PE, SO-PS, SO-PV, SO-SR, SO-VE,

In addition to individual flotilla trainings, Division 17 will be offering:

Kevin Jarvis Denis Sullivan Frank Fortney Thomas Bandemer Barbara Carolus George Peek Gary Gunter Nevin Lantry Mike Kanis Bob Balke Bill Giers Peg McGuinness Carl Motes Ellen Hill James McGuinness Cynthia Coltrane Jim Roche

CG Station Watchstander 19 & 20 DEC 2009 Non-VE Examiner Assistant training for VE Team 3 JAN 2010 CG Station Gate Guard 9 JAN 2010 UPV Training 9 JAN 2010 AUXNAV 11 JAN - 30 MAR 2010 SC&E APR - MAY 2010 To sign up for any of the Division 17 Trainings: Reply ASAP with your full name, member number,

The Weather Deck


and e-mail address to [email protected] (SO-MT) with a cc to your FC and FSO-MT. Division 17's AUX 2010 Birthday Celebration Cruise will be sailing 25 June from Ft. Lauderdale. Make your reservations now. A great gift to yourself. "Thanks for your attention to these learning opportunities I look forward to hearing from each of you and being part of your learning experience." ~Nevin Lantry. Division 17 Calendar 12 DEC - CB Parade 19 DEC - M. I. Parade 19 DEC - Watchstander 2010 3 JAN - VE Day Freddie Patrick Park For the latest information: Division 17 Website: page three


The Weather Deck

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Flotilla Elected Officer Reports

"Leading by demonstrating service."

Flotilla Staff Officer Reports

Quarterdeck - The part of the Weather Deck which is abaft the mainmast, or in that generalVol. location of a2. I, Issue ship without one. In the age of sail, the quarterdeck was the preserve of the ship’s officers.

Flotilla 17-6 Bridge

Gary Gunter Flotilla Commander

Jim Roche Flotilla Vice Commander

Your Flotilla Staff Officers Kevin Jarvis FSO-CC, Gary Gunter FSO-CM, Frank Fortney FSO-CS, Pat Grimmnitz FSO-FN, Gil Steinfort FSO-IS, Burt Almeda FSO-MA, Gary Gunter FSO-MS, Jim Roche FSO-MT, FSO-NS, Bill Terrell Rich Bloom FSO-OP, FSO-PA, Bill Giers Bill Giers FSO-PB, Harry Preston FSO-PE, Jean Gunter FSO-PS, John Vitalie FSO-PV, Darlene Bush FSO-SR, George Peek FSO-VE, Fellowship, Vacant Bereavement, Bill Giers The Weather Deck

TCO: Telecommunications Officer (also known as Auxiliary Watchstander) training has been completed for 2009. If you still need to Stand for your Qualification Boards, please contact Gary Gunter ASAP. The date and time for the required 16 hour TCT to be a Watchstander at Station Port Canaveral has not been set. Not having this TCT training will NOT prevent you from attending the CG Watchstander training to be held 19 & 20 DEC 2009. AUX TCO is required to take this training. There is a group of 15 auxiliarists who have passed their TCO training and have indicated that they want to take CG Station Port Canaveral's watchstander training to be taught by AUXLO BM1 Ingersoll. The auxiliary is moving towards meeting the requests of AUX support made by CWO Dubea. DECEMBER 2009

Member Training: Coxswain Training will be offered in 2010. Dates and times to be announced in JAN 2010. This training will be open to all flotillas. On-going operational training will be offered at regular periods throughout the year. Fully qualified coxswains and crew will have opportunities to practice all required skills necessary including all two vessel drills. TCT: The one (1) hour training will be taught on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 at 19002000 sharp. Training to be held at Flotilla 17-6. Please notify Jim Roche if you wish to attend. Information Services: As the end of the year is approaching, I would like to advise all members that any activities for which you wish to receive credit in 2009 must be reported to me no Flotilla 17-6, continued on pg 5

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THE QUARTERDECK Flotilla 17-6 Staff Officer Reports

Flotilla 17-6 contiued from page four

later than 11 January, 2010. Public Affairs: Thank you to all those who have participated in any of the flotilla PA activities we have held over that past few years. It has been great fun and we have contributed much to the Coast Guard missions while meeting a great group of people. I will not be continuing as flotilla FSO-PA in 2010. However, I will be the Division SO-PA Officer and remain active in our flotilla. I look forward to working with all of you in 2010 on our many new projects, trainings, and events for the flotilla, the division and at the CG Station. Trainees, Boat Crew & Coxswain Candidates: A special review of what to expect when underway as a trainee will be held at the Flotilla 17-6 building 5 & 7 Jan 2010 at 1900. This special training will include "hands on" practice on the knots we all need to know, how to properly throw a The Weather Deck

heaving line as well as the opportunity to learn a little about the towing evolution. All MUST bring a 12 foot long line for practice. Lead instructor will be Rick Bloom. Invite a friend and learn together! Rick Bloom, FSO-OP, is looking forward to seeing everyone attend. Operational Recertification (QE) for 2010. If you know that you will need a "Check Ride" for your three year recertification in 2010, please contact the FSO-OP so plans and scheduling can be arranged.

contact the flotilla VFC (Jim Roche) and inform him of your presence and any AUX needs that you may wish to have met while you are in this operational area. Equipment Audit: If you ever have had any equipment issued to you, make sure you register with George Peek ASAP. Remember, issued property is Federal Property. Check your Batteries: Now is the time to check the batteries in your EPIRB and your smoke alarms at home. Be energized to face the new year safely. Semper Paratus.

AUX Snow Birds: If you are a Snow Bird now in Central Florida, please All Flotilla Staff Officers are encouraged to use the Flotilla Newsletter as a means to communicate current missions, goals, and important information pertaining to their area of responsibility to the Flotilla. This section of "The Weather Deck" is dedicated to you, The Flotilla Staff Officer. Encourage members who have interests in or who support your department to send in stories, photos and reports of activities to you for your review. Remember, interesting articles from other sources are welcomed. Every member needs to know what you are doing and your report may inspire them to join your efforts. Be proud of what you do. Share information. Together, we can accomplish even more. DECEMBER 2009

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THE QUARTERDECK Flotilla 17-6 Staff Officer Reports

Flotilla 17-6 contiued from page five

New Year's resolutions are commonly talked about this time of year. Now is the time to stop talking and set your own personal goals for the new year. So, what are YOUR Auxiliary goals for 2010? Is there an area in which you have always wanted to be qualified? Do you want to have more ribbons on your tropical blue long uniform? Do you just want to learn a new skill and expand your mind and world? Then, speak with the FSO in charge of the area in which your desire resides, then, set some goals and work towards their attainment in 2010. Auxiliarists invited to Special US Navy Sea Cadet Event All Auxiliarists are invited to attend the Annual Inspection on Saturday, 16 January 2010 from 1400-1600 at the Naval Ordinance Testing Unit (NOTU). Transportation will be provided. This The Weather Deck

is a major event for them. We have been requested to wear our Tropical Blue Long uniforms. This will be inspiring to observe and we should show our support. Please read the poster on page 11. WePhotographer: have Bill been Giers asked to sit in the stands and enjoy the ceremony. U.S. Naval Sea Cadets now consider themselves the official youth group of America ’s oldest continuous military sea service, the

Do you have something to convey that the flotilla really needs to hear? Send information about it to the FSO-PB. Need volunteers? Planning something? Upcoming training? Patrol plans? Fellowship event? Let everyone know! Express yourself! DECEMBER 2009

U.S. Coast Guard. No special badging, all we’ll need is names by e-mail, in advance, for transport in and out via NOTU bus. Each individual attending must contact LT. Neil Durette to RSVP. It would be good to have a cc to Bill Giers, SO-PA so we know what type of response we have. During the pass and review, all Auxiliarists in uniform are invited to come front and center, form up alongside the unit staff, and render hand salute on command as the cadets march past and do eyes right. One of the drill movements is called “to the winds” which you may have seen in military graduation ceremonies. A group of cadets, on their own initiative, have been practicing with the M-1 Garands, and if they are ready, we’ll also have a drill team demonstration. C G Station Canaveral has also been extended an invitation. For more information, go to page 11. page six

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Official CB Airshow photos

Official CB Airshow photos

The Weather Deck

Official CB Airshow photos


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"Did YOU know?" Member's share Local Maritime Knowledge

Life on a Lighthouse By Jim Roche, VFC 17-6

To begin the incredible adventure we must learn a little about the Lighthouse itself. The Cuckolds Lighthouse was built on one of two pieces of a granite rock island called the Cuckold’s Ledge. If the seas were running high the cuckolds disappeared altogether, this posed a serious navigation problem. Navigating this area in 1800’s was no small feat with nothing called GPS or Loran only a skilled Captain could do it by a practice called Seaman's Eye. In 1874, because of the rise in commerce and shipping, a 57 foot tower was built on the eastern most set of rocks and later in 1886 a bell buoy was placed one half mile to the south. Both Aids to Navigation were a quick fix to a dangerous set of rocks. It wasn’t until the 51st ConThe Weather Deck

1874 construction photo. Tripod is the 57 ' tower. Small building is the oil house and the cistern to the right. Cape Neayan in background.

gress passed HR 3064 on June 3, 1890 stating that a permanent structure be built on the rocky menace. Construction began in April of 1892 after Architects and Engineers spent many pain staking hours developing the Fog Signal Station on a set of wave swept rocks. Construction o f the Boat Slip, Boathouse, Fog Signal Station, Keepers house and Oil Storage building were completed on December 15, 1892 when the last piece the 1 st Class Daboll Trumpet was installed and activated. The Cuckolds was not done yet, in 1907 a Platform and CuDECEMBER 2009

pola were mounted on top of the Signal Building. A Fourth Order Lens finally upgraded the Cuckolds to a Lighthouse. (Part 2 in a series) Jim Roche is currently the vice flotilla commander (VFC) for flotilla 17-6. He also serves as the Flotilla Staff Officer for member Training. (FSO-MT) and temporary Operations Officer. He has been elected to serve as the Flotilla Commander for 2010.

"Did YOU Know?" Will be a regular feature allowing Team Coast Guard to share specific helpful maritime knowledge with each other. Put TCT into action. Share. page eight

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Fellowship Flotilla 17-6 Cocoa Beach, FL.

Once again, Jack and Donna Miller hosted a Fellowship Event for the flotilla. This time, it was at their home in Cocoa Beach and the reason was simply to share their fantastic view of the Cocoa Beach Boat Parade that goes right by their canal home with all their fellow auxmates. The Christmas lights were up and decorations were all around even on the boat on the trailer in their driveway. This event was open to all AUX and their guests. As

Change of Watch The Change of Watch (COW) was held at the "At Ease Club" located within the Indian River Colony Club (IRCC) in Viera on Friday, 4 December 2009. Speakers included: LT Cliff Harder, BM1 Ingersoll, outgoing FC Gary Gunter, VDC George Peek, DC Nevin Lantry, and IPDC Barbara Carolus. The Weather Deck

Photo by: Jack Miller

usual, the Miller's supplied plenty of hors d’oeuvres and mixers for all and were most gracious and attentive hosts. Not letting threatening skies and a little breeze interfere with the festivities, about a dozen Auxiliary members showed up to enjoy the up close view of the brilliant

and meticulously decorated boats pass by. Between the Oohs and Aahs, as the boats passed by, there was much socializing and merriment. It was a wonderful way to end 2009 and hopefully a great fellowship beginning that may encourage others to mimic in 2010.

Do you have news or photographs for the Flotilla Newsletter? Just send it by e-mail to the editor and put “Newsletter” in the subject line along with the subject or category of your submission. Thank YOU. This newsletter cannot be produced unless YOU share what is happening. Do your part! Send an article or an idea for an article today. Always take photos at every event and send them in! Remember to list the names of everyone and get permission to publish. Every member can and should be a contributor. When everyone is helping, the work load is light and the results are brilliant! DECEMBER 2009

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The Weather Deck

Important Dates

Flotilla 17-6, Cocoa Village, Florida DECEMBER 2009 CB Boat Parade 12 DEC MI Boat Parade 19 DEC CG Station Watchstander Training 19 & 20 DEC 9am Flotilla Staff Meeting 27 DEC 7pm JANUARY 2010 New Year's Eve Stay Alive. Don't Drink & Drive. VE Monthly RAMP DAY & Training Day Sunday, 3 JAN Noon to 4 PM Don't miss your opportunity to get the year's first Vessel Safety Seal examinations done & learn how to be part of the VE Team. The Weather Deck

DECEMBER 2009 Flotilla 17-6 Meeting Monday, 4 JAN Fellowship Social: 6:30 Business Meeting: 7:00 Boat Trainee Day Tues/Thurs 5 & 7 JAN Learn to tie knots, throw a heaving line, towing operations. What you should know aboard a patrol facility. Watchstander Training Make up day. Saturday, 9 JAN Station Port Canaveral 9am Gate Guard Training Saturday, 9 JAN Station Port Canaveral TBA Uninspected Passenger Vessel (UPV) Training Saturday, 9 JAN 9am-4pm 17-6 Building. lunch on your own Last Day to submit to AUXDATA 11 JAN AUXNAV Course Begins 11 JAN - 30 MAR Flotilla 17-6 Building DECEMBER 2009

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Sea Cadet Inspection Saturday, 16 JAN Everyone is encouraged to attend wearing your Tropical Blue Uniform. Meet NLT 1:30 at pick up point. See details on page 11 of this publication. APRIL 2010 Search & Rescue Course (AUXSC&E) TBA APRIL 28 hours of class JUNE 2010 USCGAUX Birthday Cruise Friday, 25-28 June Contact Bill Giers, SO-PA. Detailed information available on the website: Call 888-614-6596. Four day/three night AUX Birthday Celebration cruise to the Bahamas for $300. This includes all port charges, fees and gratutities. Everyone is invited. Reserve now. Calendar Submissions: Please contact Bill Giers, FSO-PB if you have any information regarding future events so they may be listed here. Thank you. page ten

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Courageous Division, U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, welcomes all Navy League members and guests to attend their annual inspection. Your personal presence may just the motivation needed for the unit to earn her battle E ! The event will take place on Saturday, 16 January 2010, at the Naval Ordnance Test Unit, on the grinder outside Building 1061 (the Sea Cadet Office), from 1400 to 1600. Regional director LCDR Gail Ryan will head up the inspection team. The Cadets will perform a color guard and other precision drill ceremonies, including a pass in review, and personnel inspection will be conducted by the inspection team. This is an opportunity to view our nationally renown U.S. Naval Sea Cadets at their very sharpest. Your attendance is highly encouraged to show your personal support of their efforts. Photo by: Bill Giers SO-PA

Directions: 528 E Exit the ‘Blue Cruise Line’ exit – Phillips Parkway Pass the cruise ships on your Right Just past Grouper Rd on your Right Parking lot outside of Bldg 1068 – Pass & ID Building – State Rd 401 Bus will depart at 1330 to take you inside the gate Please RSVP to LT Durette ([email protected]) if you will be attending..


All USCGAUX and their GUESTS are welcome to attend. The Sea Cadets have supported the USCGAUX on many occasions. It is time for us to return the favor. Please RSVP to LT Durette and send a cc to the SO-PA, Bill Giers.

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The Weather Deck

This Month's Photo Entries

Best Photo November 2009

Want to submit a photo? If you read "The Weather Deck" you may enter our challenge. Submit your photo via e-mail in .jpeg format. Include your name and where it was shot. All submissions become under full use of the USCGAUX. Selected photos will be placed for a vote. Names will be withheld so voting is by photo content/quality only. Good Luck! Make your digital camera an essential part of your everyday AUX equipment on every mission every time.

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Vote NOW for best photo! Anyone who reads "The Weather Deck" may vote (once) by sending an e-mail with the number of your photo selection to: newsletter_submissions@

OCTOBER ! Best Photo forWINNER November 2009, by popular vote of our readership, is # 3. Taken by: Rick Bloom, FSO-OP 17-6. Congratulations!

Put "Best Photo" in the subject line and vote by number. Winners will have their work submitted to the division 17 photo contest. Maybe you can take the photo that becomes the next cover of the Navigator.







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Boat Parade Continued from front page

buildings were sparsely populated with dedicated parade enthusiasts.

The Port Canaveral locks remained open until 2230 (10:30pm) that night by request to support the event.

the Children's Wish fund sponsored by the Cape Canaveral Fire Department. Port Canaveral Commissioners supplied a $300 grand prize for the most decorated boat. Delicious "snacks" (which were meals in themselves Photo by Jim Nickels for even the FSO-PA 17-11 heartiest of eaters) were Photo by sold for $5. Sliders, sevBill Giers eral kinds of wings, Mediterranean macaroni salad, and more.

PCYC also offered dock space for free to our participating AUX vessels for the event and also if they wanted to remain overnight before returning to their homeport.

Organizers of the PCYC event, Fran & Bob commented that they were pleased that the USCGAUX came out to assist this year and hope we will make this an annual event together.

The parade followed the Disney Cruise ship out of the port to the jetty and returned to PCYC. There was a post parade party at PCYC's Tiki Lounge where marine and other items were raffled off to raise money for The Weather Deck

All photos on this page taken by Bill Giers, SO-PA.

Photo by Bill Giers


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USCG Auxiliary Division 17 Offers AUX Birthday Cruise AUXOP Training will be included Division 17 Central Florida

2010 will be the 71st birthday of the CG Auxiliary and Division 17 is planning a big celebration that we hope will become "THE" annual AUX birthday event! Picture this; After long Photo by Jim Nickels on Vessel hours working FSO-PA 17-11 Exams since the beginning of the year, and lots of effort and time on NSBW, to relieve some of that stress, you step onboard a beautiful cruise ship with your friends, family and auxmates, to celebrate the 71st anniversary of the USCGAUX and are entertained and served fantastic foods while enroute to the Bahamas. When you return to the US , you are relaxed, refreshed, having spent time with your friends and loved ones, and have taken one of the specialty courses needed for AUXOP certification. And you did all of this at a discount price. Such a deal! Friday: We board ship, check in at the special AUX The Weather Deck

Official Cruise Line Photo

desk, have lunch, check out Photo by Jim Nickels our accommodations and FSO-PA 17-11 event plans with the AUX coordinators. Explore the ship and await the exclusive AUX cocktail and hors de overs party. Perhaps a surprise guest will meet with us before a pirate themed costume party that evening on the upper deck. Depart 5pm. Saturday DAY: Port fun time. In addition to ship's excursions we are developing some special excursions that will be of particular interest to AUX members. TBA. Saturday NIGHT: SemiforPhoto by Jim Nickels FSO-PAnight. 17-11 mal Tropical Blue Long uniforms/or jacket and tie. Dinner seated together. Photos. Later, dancing in DECEMBER 2009

one of the ballrooms. Sunday: Early class time. Lunch break to coincide with on deck buffet. Sunday night: Last Night at Sea Party or be on your own for romance and adventure. Monday morning: Disembark. Transportation home may be coordinated if there are sufficient requests. For more detailed information, check out the website: Sailing 25-28 June 2010. $300 for a four day/three night cruise to the Bahamas. Includes all port charges, fees and gratuities. Reserve now. AUX Birthday Party. Aye! page fourteen

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1st Annual Coast Guard Auxiliary Birthday Cruise Come Celebrate the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s 71st Birthday aboard the Bahamas Celebration on a 3 night Cruise to Nassau, Bahamas departing Port Everglades Friday, June 25, 2010 at 5pm. Hosted by USCGAUX 7th District, Division 17. All Team CG, family and friends are welcome

Your Bahamas Celebration Cruise Includes: 3 Nights Accommodations Private Team Coast Guard Cocktail Reception Full Day in Nassau/ Paradise Island, Bahamas All meals with a choice of Four Restaurants Crystal Room—serving 5 course meals Rio’s—Brazilian Steakhouse Trattoria-casual Italian Dining Lido Buffet on pool deck Live Bands and Entertainment Upscale Las Vegas style Casino 2-Deck Nightclub with Shows & Disco Elegant Lounge—Relaxing Music & Karaoke English style Pub with Piano Bar & live band Spacious Spa & Fitness Room Onboard Duty Free Shop Pool, Water Spray Park with 180-Foot Slide Live Band and Tiki Huts on pool deck Camp Celebrations’ 3 kids clubs

Total Cost $300.00 per person (Interior) INCLUDING ALL PORT CHARGES, FEES AND GRATUITIES. Based on Double Occupancy. 3rd and 4th person $210. Additional $40pp for Oceanview. Suites also available.

Call for reservations at 888-614-6596 Additional information is available online at: HSPI P.O. Box 422022 Kissimmee, FL 34742 FL Seller of Travel #ST36767

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Long Range Navigation (Loran-C) Termination in 2010 U. S. Coast Guard National Headquarters

1. Earlier this year, after the release of the President's FY10 budget request that identified LORAN-C for termination, the Vice Commandant released an ALL HANDS e-mail that discussed the planned termination and our way forward. Since then, a broad crossfunctional team based out of CGHQ, led by COMDT (CG-541) and COMDT (CG-43), and including representatives from personnel Service Center, LORAN Support Unit, the Civil Engineering Program, and other elements, has developed a comprehensive termination plan that will further guide our actions. On October 28, 2009, the President signed the 2010 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, which directs the Coast Guard to discontinue LORAN-C operations not earlier than 4 JAN 2010 as long as certain conditions are met. The Weather Deck

2. The Act requires the Commandant to certify that termination of the operation of the LORAN-C signal will not adversely impact the safety of maritime navigation, and further requires the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security to certify that the LORAN-C system infrastructure is not needed as a backup to the GPS system or to meet any other Federal Navigation requirement. When those certifications are made, the U.S. Coast Guard shall, commencing January 4, 2010, terminate the transmission of the LORAN-C signal and commence a phased decommissioning of the LORAN-C system infrastructure. 3. Our current mission remains clear. We will continue to stand the watch and operate the LORAN-C system until both certifications have been made. Concurrently, we must prepare ourselves to operate in accordance with the approved budget and continue termination progress. It is critical that throughout the planDECEMBER 2009

ning process we remain stewards to the taxpayers, the environment, the local communities that host LORAN sites, and most importantly the guardians who have loyally operated and maintained our stations for the past fifty years, and who continue to professionally do so today. 4. Tailored instructions for signal termination, and station-specific shutdown procedures, will be transmitted over the next two months to each station by NAVCEN, the operational commander of the nation's LORAN system. 5. We understand and acknowledge the challenges associated with executing a mission when programmatic and personal futures are unclear. We will continue to disseminate information to areas and districts that have LORAN Stations in their AOR's, for further transmission to station personnel throughout this process, we collectively remain LORAN, Continued page sixteen.

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LORAN Continued from page fifteen


committed to minimizing personnel disruptions to the extent possible while fulfilling our national mandate to fully operate and maintain the system until terminated. 6. Coast Guard personnel have staffed and operated LORAN since 1943. Since that time, LORAN has gone through several changes with incredible accuracy and with near zero lost time. The LORAN system superbly supported navigation and positioning needs for many years, and has been a foundational element of the Coast Guard's long and proud history. Thank you all for your continued professionalism and dedication to the Coast Guard. 7. POC: CDR Bob Feigenblatt, LORAN Program Manager, at (202) 372-1558, or e-mail [email protected] 8. RDML Kevin Cook, Director of Prevention Policy, sends.


LORAN-C Debate The continued existence of LORAN-C is subject to the will of Congress and the President. Critics of LORAN, state that the LORAN system has too few users, is not cost-effective, and that GPS signals are superior. Supporters of the continued and improved LORAN operation state that LORAN uses a strong, difficult to jam signal, and that it is an independent, dissimilar, and complementary system to other forms of electronic navigation, and is a necessary backup system for GPS, which helps ensure consistant availability of accurate navigation signals. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget released a document identifing the Loran-C system as “outdated” and supports its termination at an estimated savings of $36 million in 2010 and $190 million over five years. The U.S. Senate Commit-

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tee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs advocates continued support for the Loran system. The Independent Assessment Team (IAT) report on LORAN stated that it: “unanimously recommends that the U.S. government complete the eLoran upgrade and commit to eLoran as the national backup to GPS for 20 years.” the report carefully considered existing navigation systems, including GPS. The unanimous recommendation for keeping the LORAN system and upgrading to eLORAN was based on the team’s conclusion that LORAN is operational, deployed and sufficiently accurate to supplement GPS. The team also concluded that the cost to decommission the LORAN system would exceed the cost of deploying eLORAN, thus negating any stated savings as offered by the Obama administration and revealing the vulnerability of the U.S. to GPS disruption. The fate of LORAN may still be in question. page sixteen


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Thanksgiving: USCGAUX serves Communuity Flotilla 17-6

Every year, for over 25 years, the beachside communities have a Thanksgiving Dinner at Sydney Fischer Park on the beach. The five dollar park entrance fee is waived and everyone from the area is invited to share a meal together.

Photo by: Ann Giers

In addition to enormous amounts of great food donated by local grocery stores, restaurants, and individual donations, clothes and other personal items are available free for the taking. This wonderful tradition be- Employment opportunities gan as a meal for the home- are available as well as are less ministry. However, social service networking. many seniors, who had no relatives nearby, began The volunteers are rather showing up. The organizers varied; church members, as realized that meeting the you might expect, but also needs of those who are tourists, motorcycle clubs, lonesome is also important. community organizations, So the name was changed entire multigenerational to the Beachside Commu- families, teens, people who nity Thanksgiving Meal. have been in need in the Photo by: Ann Giers

past and now want to give back, and folks with no one to visit and nowhere to go. People are very enthusiastic about attending this community meal. Some volunteers serve on the food line, some sort clothes and help people find what they need in the correct sizes, and some sit and talk with those who are eating. Having someone listen can fill a hunger that at times can be more important than food. Everyone has a story to share and needs an eager ear to hear it. Small children that come with their parents become surrogates for grandchildren thousands of miles away. Smiles abound. No one leaves hungry or in need. Just one more of the many ways in which the USCGAUX proudly serves our community.

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Active Duty Reports


Reserve Unit Reports

"Serving through saving lives."

Gold Side - Referencing the color of insignia for USCG Active and Reserve duty personnel.

Daring CG Rescue Brings Cocoa Boy Home to Mom. St. Petersburg Times Newspaper. Byline JAMAL THALJI; EMILY NIPPS; ANDY BOYLE; CHRIS ZUPPA.

The Coast Guard spots his dad’s gray sailboat in the gulf and meets the vessel, guns drawn. Luke Finch ate ice cream and sausage and all of their pizza crackers. He spent the ride to shore standing beside the men in blue, and even got to steer the ship, just for a little bit. The blond boy then fell asleep in the arms of a detective. Then, as the Coast Guard cutter Crocodile approached the dock, the 3-year-old boy clapped his hands. “I’m coming, Mommy,” he said. “I’m coming, Mommy.” As the sun set on the horizon, Christa Finch ran up the gangway and wrapped her arms around her son, their 2-1/2 day ordeal finally over at 5:43 p.m. Tuesday. “I love you,” she told him. “I miss you.” The reunion was made possible by a daring Coast Guard rescue The Weather Deck

early Tuesday morning that by: auPhotograph thorities said thwarted a kidnapDarlene Bush ping plot by Luke’s father. Paul Martikainen, 35, is accused of stealing the boy from a supervised visit in Cocoa on Saturday, then trying to sail off with his son for parts as yet unknown. They were last seen leaving a St. Petersburg marina, just days after the state accused him of physically abusing the boy. A massive search was launched, the tension increased by a fierce line of storms that marched across the Gulf of Mexico toward Florida, while authorities weren’t even sure that the father knew how to operate a sailboat. But then late Monday, a Coast Guard plane spotted the sailboat heading south. As day broke, the father apparently awoke to find himself outmanned and outmaneuvered, surrounded by Coast Guard vessels on water and up above. About 120 miles southwest of Fort Myers, authorities said, Martikainen gave up without a fight. He was handcuffed and, hours later, learned that being captured was the best thing that could have happened to him that day.


That’s because the sailboat sank while it was being towed back to shore, the Coast Guard said, with rough seas just a day or so away. “They were lucky we got to them when we did,” said Senior Chief Stephen Smith, commander of the Crocodile. The sailboat, which Martikainen had painted gray, was found after investigators learned that he may not have much experience sailing. They figured he might use the onboard motor instead of the sail, so they set up a 22,000-squaremile search zone based on his estimated speed. An HC-130 Coast Guard plane using infrared imaging technology first spotted the sailboat about 5 p.m. Monday. The sailboat, a 1977 32-foot Bristol, was heading south as fast as 7 knots - or 8.1 mph. The vessel slowed during the night. Christa Finch was told that the Coast Guard might have located her son. But they wouldn’t try to board the boat until daybreak. “I was praying and praying and praying,” she said. A Coast Guard HU-25 Falcon jet took over for the HC-130. It guided in two cutters, the Crocodile and the Kodiak Island, to the sailboat’s Photo by Bill Giers position. page eighteen

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CG Rescue Continued from page eighteen

Photo by: CHRIS ZUPPA. St. Petersburg Times

The Crocodile arrived first around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, the Kodiak Island an hour later. They stayed just a few miles behind the sailboat, hoping to stay hidden in the dark. The boat’s mast was lit, as required by law. But its sail was up. “Obviously he knew how to operate a sailboat to some extent,” said Capt. Timothy Close. The operation would commence at daybreak. The cutters waited for a Coast Guard helicopter to arrive. It was bringing an FBI hostage negotiator, just in case the father was armed and the situation deteriorated. A Cocoa police detective who knew Luke was also onboard. Meanwhile, the sailboat drifted left and right, Senior Chief Smith said, suggesting the father had gone to bed. Just before sunrise, the cutters lowered Zodiac boats into the water. Each carried armed Coast Guardsmen. “He planned this pretty well,” Smith said. “We didn’t know if he was armed.” The waters had calmed down. The weather was perfect. The sun rose, and the Coast Guard was ready. Smith radioed the sailboat at 7:20 a.m. The Weather Deck

They saw Martikainen pop his head out from the cabin. They had taken him by surprise, Smith believed. It wasn’t until a Coast Guardsman on a Zodiac displayed a shotgun, the senior chief said, that the father gave up. He was not armed. The Zodiac from the Kodiak Island came alongside the sailboat and arrested Martikainen on a federal kidnapping warrant. Luke Finch was onboard and appeared unharmed, the Coast Guard said, though he was not in a life jacket. The first thing his rescuers did was put Luke in one, and then transferred him to the Crocodile. “When we got him on board he was very scared, very quiet,” Smith said.


The helicopter lowered Detective Nellie Woodruff to the Crocodile. She had met Luke while supervising some of his court-approved visits with his father. The boy quickly took to the crew, who fed him junk food. And he fell asleep in Woodruff’s arms. The handcuffed father was kept on the sailboat, where he was guarded by several Coast Guardsmen. The boat was inspected after the father’s capture and appeared seaworthy, the Coast Guard said. But sometime Tuesday as the Kodiak Island towed it to shore, officials said it sprang a leak. The cutter took everyone on board, and then the boat sank in the gulf. The Coast Guard did not release any more details about that incident on Tuesday, including where it sank and at what time. page nineteen

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CG Rescue Continued from page nineteen Nor did authorities say what kind of provisions the father had on board, or what his plan may have been. But his general course south convinced the Crocodile’s skipper of Martikainen’s destination.

“I know that Paul is a con man,” she said. Around 8 p.m., Martikainen was brought onshore by FBI agents, who drove him to an undisclosed location. The father made no comment.

After reuniting with her son, Finch “It looks like he was headed to the thanked the Coast Guard and law enforcement. But she was most Yucatan Peninsula,” Smith said. The father had been estranged thankful for those at St. from his son since around his birth, Petersburg’s Salt Creek Marina, the mother said, and didn’t enter who first tipped authorities that fahis life until about a year ago. Ac- ther and son were headed into the cording to Florida Today, court gulf. records show the boy was at the “I’m in debt to that man for the rest center of a bitter custody battle. of my life,” she said as more than The Department of Children and a dozen cameras filmed her. Families said that on Nov. 25, days before the alleged kidnapping, it But Luke was done with all the atfiled a report verifying allegations tention. of physical abuse. “I want to go home now,” he said. Why would the father try to steal his Article used with permission of own son? the St. Petersburg Times News“Vengeance against me,” was paper. Suzanne Palmer, News AdChrista Finch’s answer at a news ministration manager conference Tuesday evening. As Byline she spoke, Luke clung to her leg JAMAL THALJI; and chewed on a stuffed toy owl EMILY NIPPS; ANDY BOYLE; that he calls “Uh-oh.” CHRIS ZUPPA. Cocoa police believe the father took his son during a court-ordered "The Weather Deck" would like to visit in a park that was supposed thank the St. Petersburg Times to be supervised by a friend of his. and Suzanne Palmer, News AdBut the police believe that friend ministration manager for their is not a co-conspirator in the kid- support and cooperation in allownapping, and the mother doesn’t ing this reprint of their coverage of this important local story. blame him, either. The Weather Deck


End of Year Seasonal Tax Tips for Team Coast Guard 1. The Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 extends tax-free IRA distributions to charitable organizations (like the USCGAUX) through 2009. Donors must be age 70.5 or older. Transfers must be made directly from the IRA to the charity. Gifts can be of any amount up to $100,000 and, if married, up to $200,000 maximum per couple. Gifts must be made outright to the charity. 2. In addition to annual dues, direct donations to the USCGAUX are always welcome. Donors names may be listed in the newsletter if they wish. 3. Please also remember the USCGAUX in your Last Will and Testament. Amounts of any size may be gifted to the Auxiliary so, when your estate is settled, you can still help continue the good work you have been doing all along to promote recreational safe boating and support the Coast Guard missions. Happy New Year! Saving Lives and Guarding the Coast Since 1790. The United States Coast Guard Proud History. Powerful Future. page twenty

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THE GOLD SIDE Lest we forget... December 7th 1941: A day that will live in infamy. On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched an early morning, surprise attack against U..S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Official Navy phoito

U.S. Casualties: Battleships USS Arizona (BB-39) - total loss when a bomb hit her magazine. USS Oklahoma (BB-37) Total loss when she capsized and sunk in the harbor. USS California (BB-4 4) Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired. USS West Virginia (BB-48) Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired. USS Nevada - (BB-36) Beached to prevent sinking. Later repaired.

Aircraft 188 Aircraft destroyed (92 USN and 92 U.S. Army Air Corps.) Cruisers USS New Orleans (CA-32) Light Damage.. USS San Francisco (CA-38) Light Damage.

USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) Light damage.

USS Detroit (CL-8) Light Damage.

USS PhotoMaryland by Bill Giers(BB-46) Light damage.

USS Raleigh (CL-7) Heavily damaged but repaired..

USS Tennessee (BB-43) Light damage.

USS Helena (CL-50) Light Damage.

USS Utah (AG-16) - Sunk. (former battleship used as a target)

USS Honolulu (CL-48) Light Damage..

Official Navy phoito

Destroyers USS Downes (DD-375) Destroyed. Parts salvaged. USS Cassin - (DD -3 7 2) Destroyed. Parts salvaged. USS Shaw (DD-373) Very heavy damage. USS Helm (DD-388) Light Damage. Photo by Bill Giers Minelayer USS Ogala (CM-4) Sunk. Later raised and repaired. Seaplane Tender USS Curtiss (AV-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired. Repair Ship USS Vestal (AR-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired. Harbor Tug USS Sotoyomo (YT-9) - Sunk but later raised and repaired. Total personnel 2,403 KIA, 1,178 WIA All photos credited to a sailor aboard the USS QUAPAW (ATF-11O) His camera was ready, he recorded history. Keep your camera ready!

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The staff of the Port Canaveral Marine Safety Detachment wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season !

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THE GOLD SIDE President Obama to Nominate Vice Admiral Robert Papp USCG Commandant Washington DC

also served as commander of a task unit during Operation ABLE MANNER off the coast of Haiti in 1994, enforcing United Nations sanctions. Additionally, his task unit augmented U.S. Naval Forces during Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY.

Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced President Obama’s intent to nominate and appoint Vice Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr. to be the next Commandant of the United States Coast Guard. Upon Senate confirmation, VADM Papp, who currently serves as Commander of the Atlantic Area and Defense Force East, will relieve Admiral Thad W. Allen during a change of command ceremony on May 25, 2010. Vice Admiral Robert J. Papp, Jr. assumed the duties as Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area (LANTAREA) in July 2008, where he serves as the operational commander for all U.S. Coast Guard missions within the eastern half of the world. LANTAREA ranges from the Rocky Mountains to the Arabian Gulf and spans an area of responsibility including five Coast Guard Districts, 42 states with over 14 million square miles, and serves with more than 51,000 military and civilian employees and Auxiliarists.

LANTAREA Vice Admiral Papp served as the Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard in Washington, DC, overseeing all management functions of the Coast Guard. From 2004 to 2006 he served as Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District, with responsibilities for Coast Guard missions on the Great Lakes and Northern Border. Vice Admiral Papp was promoted to Flag rank in October 2002 and appointed the Director of Reserve and Training. He was responsible for managing and supporting 13,000 Coast Guard Ready ReVice Admiral Papp concurrently servists and all Coast Guard Trainserves as Commander, Defense ing Centers. Force East and provides Coast Guard mission support to the De- He served in six Coast Guard Cutpartment of Defense and Combat- ters and commanded the Cutters RED BEECH, PAPAW, FORant Commanders. WARD, and the Coast Guard’s Before assuming command of training barque, EAGLE. He has The Weather Deck


Vice Admiral Papp’s assignments ashore have included the Commandant of Cadets staff at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Aids to Navigation staff in the Third Coast Guard District; Chief of the Capabilities Branch in the Defense Operations Division; Chief of the Fleet Development Team; Director of the Leadership Development Center; Chief of the Coast Guard’s Office of Congressional Affairs; and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard. He is a 1975 graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy. Additionally, he holds a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College and a Master of Science in Management from Salve Regina College. Vice Admiral Papp is the 13th Gold Ancient Mariner of the Coast Guard which is an honorary position held by an officer with over ten years of cumulative sea duty who is charged with keeping a close watch to ensure sea-service traditions are continued and the timehonored reputation of the Coast Guard is maintained. page twenty-three

Weather Deck

Reporters: Bill Giers, FSO-PA. Jim Roche, VFC. Photographers: Bill Giers,. Rick Bloom. The Weather Deck: DHS/USCG-AUX,. District 7, Division 17, Flotilla 6,. P.O. Box 540867, Merritt Island,. FL. 32954, (877) 835-3760. This publication is intended for the sole benefit of and circulated to the members of Team Coast. Guard.

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