DEB ii platform

Web Application for Semantic Network Editing Adam Rambousek, Tom´aˇs Hruˇso Natural Language Processing Centre Masaryk university [email protected]

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Introduction DEB – Dictionary Editor and Browser platform for developement of dictionary writing systems all the data stored in XML, Unicode free data structure, any language

client-server architecture server data manipulation, most of the functionality data storage user and dictionary management, cooperation modules - building blocks

client lightweight applications graphical or web interface

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Semantic network editing

VisDic – offline desktop application DEBVisDic – online reimplementation in DEB iilatform developed as an extension for Mozilla Firefox browser

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


DEBVisDic 2

reimplementation as a general web application no requirements for specific browser based on JQuery new possibilities for cross-dictionary linking enhanced server-side support (e.g. saving user setting)

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Hypero-hyponymic tree

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Entry preview

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Entry XML representation

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Entry editing

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

DEB ii platform


Cross-dictionary links

Adam Rambousek, Tom´ aˇs Hruˇso

DEB ii

Web Application for Semantic Network Editing

DEB – Dictionary Editor and Browser platform for developement of dictionary writing systems all the data stored in XML, Unicode free data structure, any language client-server architecture server data manipulation, most of the functionality data storage user and dictionary management, cooperation modules - building ...

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