The Franklin Family

Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life. Acts 5:20

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R Phone (829) 2 ) 259-6570 2 5 0 / U.S. Phone: ne: (417) 1 ) 860-7315 6 - 3 5 D.R. Web link enabled PDF at

he Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:4 that No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. The theme Transforming Soldiers came from this verse and set the tone for the whole week. Jordan, Regina, Pastor Dial and I, all got to lead Tia Gina teaching Bible lesson and memory verse multiple children to the Lord in small groups. ttendances were over a 100 each day, with close to 50 first time visitors. Everyday and everywhere it seemed, lives were being transformed. 16 children received Christ on the last day and one older visitor, Albania came with her sister and went to the kitchen to see if Doña Rosa needed some help with the refreshments. Little did Albania know that tucked back in that little corner - Doña Rosa also masquerades as one of our elite Special Op Soldiers. So Albania, seeking to help refresh others, left the kitchen truly refreshed in her heart - after receiving Christ as her Savior! God worked everywhere at VBS this year - even in the kitchen. amboril celebrated its 5th Anniversary Sunday morning June 29th with cake and special music sung by the children of the Transforming Soldiers VBS. It was an honor to preach Staying Busy on our Father s Business from Luke 2:41-50. I shared that His priority is redemption and more families in our community need to be redeemed. The Fr


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[email protected] 4/10 [email protected] 5/10 Anniversary 10/10/92 John Tyler 3/3/95 Timothy Jordan 9/19/97 Tiffany Joy 2/19/06 JuliAnna Truth 1/19/08


Jordan leads Soldiers (Boys vs. Girls) in a game

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Web Linked Enabled PDF - June 2014

Regina, Pastor Dial and I, all got to lead multiple children to the Lord in small groups. ttendances were over a 100 each day, with close to 50 first time visitors.

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