Weed control in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) with ...

The herbicide was applied in a spray volume of 900 litres water ha 1 using a knapsack sprayer fitted with a flat-fan nozzle. No after-cultivation was done ..... Control of Sclerotium rollsiiaoú weeds in peanuts by solar heating the soil. Plant Disease Reporter. 63. 1056-1059. KATAN. J.. 1980. Solar pasteurization of soils for ...

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Arachis hypogaea L. - Semantic Scholar
Singh et al. (1988) reported that bi-directional shift of days to maturity ..... 2.0-18.5. 1.0-12.2. 3.2-21.0. 4.2-21.0. 0.8-14.5. 0.5-8.4. SD. (2.65). (3.60). (2.46). (4.72).

Arachis hypogaea L. - Semantic Scholar
Groundnut, generation mean analysis, additive and dominance gene effects, epistasis. Introduction .... Duplicate epistasis observed for this trait hinders the.

Arachis hypogaea L.
methane sulfonate (Gowda et al., 1996), ethidium. Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay,. Mumbai – 400 085 India. Email: *[email protected] bromide (Levy and Ashri, 1975) and colchicine. (Tiwari an

Arachis hypogaea L.
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,. Vridhachalam 606 001. Email: [email protected]. K 134, JL 24, VRI 3 and VRI Gn 6 and three testers viz., UG 9, GAUG ...

Arachis hypogaea L. - Semantic Scholar
weight was found increased in combined treatments and in lower dose of gamma rays (30 kR). Combined treatments and lower doses of mutagens were found ...

Arachis hypogaea L. - Semantic Scholar
Groundnut, generation mean analysis, additive and dominance gene effects, epistasis. Introduction .... Duplicate epistasis observed for this trait hinders the.

Arachis hypogaea L. - Semantic Scholar
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications with a spacing of 45 cm X 30 cm. Data were recorded on five randomly chosen plants per replication from ...

on growth and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)
Sep 2, 2008 - Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vridhachalam, ... Key words : Growing degree days, Groundnut, Heat-unit efficiency, Helio-thermal ..... Journal of American Society of Horticultural Science 118.

Studies on Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Groundnut ...
Email: [email protected] disease ... parents. Recommended cultural practices were ... adjudged as the best parent followed by COG 438 and COG 437.

Yield maximisation in groundnut - horse gram cropping ...
P. BALASUBRAMANIAM*, A.K. MANI AND V.P. DURAISAMI ... application of Composted Coir Pith + Soil test based NPK + MN mixture or Tank silt + soil test ...

weed management effects on earthworms in a banana plantation in ...
Field Experiments. □ SUMIFRU Banana. Plantation. □ Cavendish banana. □ established 2-5 years before the start of the experiment. □ RCB Design. ▫ 2 sites.

Jun 15, 2007 - 3/2005. (64) Patent No.: 8,067,038. * cited by examiner. Issued: Nov. 29, 2011. _. App1_ NO;. 123,041,875. Primary Examiner * Michael Meller.

Groundnut Seed Production Manual - UGA CAES
Science with a human face. B R Ntare, AT Diallo, .... period in the field and for pod and seed characteristics after harvest. Only those plants that .... Harvesting. It is important to harvest groundnut at the right time, ie, when the crop is mature.

Best Weed Wacker - WWW.TECHANDMACHINE.COM.pdf ...
Best Weed Wacker. Whether you call it a weed eater, weed. trimmer, grass trimmer, or weed wacker, it's all. the same thing – but not all of them are created.

Best Weed Wacker Links - WWW.TECHANDMACHINE.COM.pdf ...
Beautiful gardens, lawns, or yards are not grown by themselves, rather the. products of extensive hard work. As much as we love fabulous gardens, a. consistent ...

Spacing and weed management in transplanted ...
at 6 DAT supplemented with hand weeding at 20 DAT and anilofos+2,4-DEE. (readymix) 0.40+0.53 kg ha-1 at 6 DAT supplemented with 2,4-D sodium salt 1 kg ha-1 at 20 DAT). Grasses were the predominant weed species observed in the experimental field. Unch

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Aug 3, 2004 - This invention relates generally to techniques for utilizing interactive .... ing procedure in advance, so that the personal channel pro gram is ready for ..... illustration, and in alternate embodiments, the present inven tion may ...

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Primary Examiner—Louis S. Zarfas. [22] Flled'. NOV' 30' 1996. Assistant Examiner—Monica A. Weingart. [51] LOC (6) Cl. ....................................................... .. 22-01.

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