Frontier Dispatch Sept 27 — OCT 3 Frontier Elementary School * 1854 N. Mustang Drive * 585-2430 Tuesday, September 27

Wednesday, September 28

Thursday, September 29

Friday, September 30

Monday, October 3

Buttermilk Bar


Benefit Bar/Oatmeal Raisin

Yogurt & Granola

Chocolate Oat Chewie

Chocolate Milk Day Corn Dog Tater Tots Carrot Stix Diced Pears Ketchup & Mustard Packets

Meatball Sandwich Shredded Mozzarella Seasoned Corn Fruit in Season

Hot Dog Baked Beans Cucumber Slices Orange Wedges Ketchup & Mustard Packets

Pepperoni Pizza Broccoli Bites Pineapple Tidbits Ranch Dressing/Dip

Mini Corn Dogs Celery Stix Fruit In Season Ketchup & Mustard Packets

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of A griculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA – Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Salad Bar & choice of milk available daily. Menu is subject to change without notice.

Meeting Announcements >Parent Advisory Council Meeting< Tues * September 27th * 6:00PM PLC >District Board Meeting< Wed * September 28th * 5:30PM PLC >Band Booster Meeting< Tues * October 4th * 7:00PM MS Band Room

Student Activities

Special Events

>Student Council Campaign Week< September 26—30th

Parent Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS! Friday—October 7th

>Picture Day< Make-ups/Retakes Thurs * October 6th

On Wednesday, October 5th, the office will be closing early at 3:30PM due to a scheduled power outage.

News & Information 

   

PLEASE NOTE: Siblings on Campus. This is a friendly reminder that only children who are enrolled at Frontier are allowed on campus during school operating hours. If you are coming to volunteer, visit the classroom, have lunch with your child, etc. please make arrangements for childcare for any younger children as they will not be permitted on campus. This is for the safety of everyone on campus and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Dress Code Reminders: Shorts must be longer than the students’ longest fingertip when their hands are hung down by their sides. Shoulder straps should be a minimum of 2” wide at the top of the shoulder. Additional details can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook. Students who are out of dress code may not be on the playground during recess and will have to remain in the office during those times. Volunteer Packets: Are available in the office. When you turn it in, we need a copy of your driver license and a TB test or screening that has been completed within 60 days prior. Your child’s teacher will be notified once you have been cleared and you can then work directly with the teacher to schedule volunteer times in the classroom or for events. Campus security: Please note that NO ONE is allowed on campus without first obtaining a Visitor Badge. This policy is in effect from 7:45AM—3:30PM and pertains to all points of entry to campus. Parents are not permitted to enter through the Kindergarten gate to escort their child to class. Anyone wishing to do so must first sign in at the office. Electronic Delivery: If you would like to receive a copy of the Frontier Dispatch via e-mail, simply e-mail Mrs. Bailey at [email protected]. Please include your child’s name, grade, and teacher in the body of the message. Attendance Hotline: 585-2430, option 1. Please report your child’s absence by 10:00AM each day they are not in school.

Parents and families: The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser has come to an end and I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you that participated. I saw the number of order forms that were returned and it was wonderful. This is always a wonderful fundraiser to support the PTC and all of the wonderful things they do for our students. Your help and support for our school is appreciated! Mr. Raven

Give yourself something to work toward… constantly. – Mary Kay Ash

Weekly Bulletin.pdf

equal opportunity provider and employer. Salad Bar & choice of milk available daily. Menu is subject to change without notice. Give yourself something to work toward... constantly. – Mary Kay Ash. Parents and families: The Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser has come to an end and I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you that.

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