Soledad Unified School District Weekly Newsletter Timothy J. Vanoli, Superintendent

Discover What’s Possible Board of Trustees

March 2, 2018

America Reads Celebration Soledad Rotary and members of or Administrative Team, came out to read to the first grade classes at Jack Franscioni Elementary. Students got to take a free book home. Thanks Rotary. Mr. Jack Franscioni himself was also present and read to the kids. Check out the action!

Josie Perez-Aguilera


Jodi Massa Vice-President

Monica Pantoja Clerk

Javier Galvan Trustee

Jaime Fernandez’ Trustee

Mr. Bangs reading to students. Checkout the decorations. Thank Ms. Dean for helping with the event. You are one talented Library Technician

Meanwhile at the Rose Ferrero, Gabilan and San Vicente Elementaries

Mr. Vanoli and Ms. Ramirez’s Preschool Class at San Vicente Elementary

Mr. Vanoli reading to Gabilan students. Our District Superintendent enjoyed not only visiting the schools but having the privilege of reading to students. They all behaved marvelously.

Ms. Jordan and her students at Gabilan

Rose Ferrero students reading along wth their laptops

Our goal is to eliminate the opportunity gap while creating every student to be civic and digital citizens who are prepared to be college and career ready. The mission is to provide leadership and guidance for all stakeholders to increase student achievement through standards based curricula, professional development, & educational support.

“The Educational Services Department supports teachers in continuous improvement of their knowledge and skills. We aim to support teachers in delivering as well as sustained professional learning and the Systematic Instructional Framework.”


Randy Bangs, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Supporting Staff: Maria Torres

Dr. Dianne Witwer, Director of Student Services, Assessments and Accountability Supporting staff: Rosalinda Sanchez & Maria Torres

Erin Ramirez, Special Projects Coordinator Supporting Staff: Rosalinda Sanchez, Sandra Celio & Maria Torres

Annette Trujillo, Director of Technology Supporting Staff: Martha Martinez, Vickie Quitevis, John D. Little, Zeke Zuniga, Greg Quitevis, Edgar Leos, & Lucero Zuinga

Lori Morones, Program Coordinator/Preschool Supporting Staff: Cristina Chavez, Elivier Aguilar, Lupe Calderon, Emely Tovar

Nathan Moreno, Special Education Coordinator Supporting Staff: Cristina Chavez, Elivier Aguilar, Lupe Calderon, Emely Tovar

“The Educational Services Department supports teachers in continuous improvement of their knowledge and skills. We aim to support teachers in delivering as well as sustained professional learning and the Systematic Instructional Framework.” March 5, 2018

Educational Services Newsletter District Wide LCAP Meetings The LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Process continued this week with meetings at Jack Franscioni and Rose Ferrero Schools. The parent turnout was good and their input was insightful and will be helpful in completing the LCAP Update. The work of school site and district office personnel from the educational services, business and HR offices as well as the Soledad High School Student volunteers at these meetings has been tremendous and is truly appreciated.




LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Meetings will continue next week at Main Street Middle School on March 6th and San Vicente Elementary on March 8th.

Mr. Frank working late hosting the LCAP meeting on his birthday. Happy Birthday.

Educational Services Newsletter

Educational Services Department

Weekly Newsletter

School Visitation On February 26th a team of representatives from the District Office and San Vicente School visited Fletcher Elementary School in the Bakersfield City School District. The four person team which included two administrators and two teachers wanted to learn about Fletcher School’s intervention model. The model is called “Flight School” and provides for a 30 minute daily leveled intervention model which addresses the needs of all learners, including newcomers, EL students and students above grade level. The visit affirmed some of the District’s current practices and offered some new ideas to consider implementing.

Pinnacles High School Mock WASC Process On February 28 a District Teams of Administrators and Teachers served in the role of WASC (accreditation) visitation team. The team met with the PHS WASC committee, observed classrooms and met with students. Following the mock visit, the team debriefed with the PHS staff and determined that PHS has made significant progress in its continuous improvement process and is ready for the real visitation scheduled for April 24-26.

National Read Across America Day- March 2, 2018 In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Read Across America motivates children to read. Soledad Unified School District honors Dr. Seuss by reading to soledad students across the district.

Dianne Witwer at Frank Lesdesma

Educational Services Department


Week of February 26, 2018 LCAP  Goals 1-6:

LCAP Stakeholder Meetings at Frank Ledesma & Gabilan this Week

LCAP Goal 2The 3rd Grade Team is scoring the Interims at FL

The Frank Ledesma staff has taken the time to score the Interim About 70 parents attended the Assessments in order to better LCAP Stakeholder Meeting at prepare the students for the Caaspp Frank Ledesma on Feb. 21 and test in the spring. Here is the 3rd about 30 parents attended our Grade team LCAP meeting at Gabilan on hard at work to Feb. 22 at 6:00. They reviewed discover what what is going they need to well and what focus on from we still need to now until May 1.

CISC Conference at the Monterey Conference Center on Feb. 21-23 work on in each of the goals.


This week Julia Turner, Mel Kuchta, Dianne Witwer, Jaime Calderon, Randy Bangs, and Superintendent Vanoli attended the CISC Conference in Monterey. We took part in sessions to learn more about:  MTSS  SBAC Tools that assist in instruction all year long  Coaching models  Interpreting the Dashboard data, and  Alternatives to Suspension L

LCAP Goal 2: 2nd Trimester Report Card Timeline for the Elementary Schools . 2nd Trimester Ends 3/6/18 . Illuminate Opens for Data Entry- 3/1/18 . 1st Non Meeting Day3/5/18 . 2nd Non Meeting Day3/6/18 . 3rd Non Meeting Day3/7/18 . Illuminate closes 3/11/18 . 2nd Trimester Report Cards Verified/Printed/Distribu ted 3/12/17 .Illuminate closes at 5:00 on 3/11/17 . Spring Parent Conference Week 3/123/16-1:00 PM Dismissal

Coderdojo Clases will begin on Feb. 24 & last for 6 Saturdays for students that are ages 817. The first Sat. class will be held at Frank Ledesma and the other 5 classes will be held at Rose Ferrero. The classes will be from 9:00-12:00.


ELPAC English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (LCAP GOAL 6)

ELPAC testing has begun! Testing is nearly 100% complete at the middle school and moving onto the high school. Additionally, we welcome back some of our retirees as they have been hired to assist with the testing. Please refer to the testing schedule below. As the team completes testing at each site they move to the next school on the schedule. We look forward to completing this massive task in timely manner just in time to begin CAASPP testing. Please refer to for resources, questions, and practice tests.

Coming Up: ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments 1 of California) Testing Window (for annual students only): February 8 – May 31

ELPAC Testing Schedule Dates Location March 5 – March 9 March 12 – March 16 March 19 – March 23 March 26 – March 29 April 9 – April 13 April 16 – April 20 April 23 – April 25

Soledad High School Jack Franscioni School Frank Ledesma School Rose Ferrero School Gabilan School San Vicente School Make Up Days

DELAC Meeting: 2

The next District English Language Advisory Committee Meeting will need to be rescheduled, TBD.

Special Education Department SUSD Moving Towards Inclusion It is an exciting time for SUSD as we begin planning for the 2018-2019 school year. The district is currently exploring different inclusive service delivery models. We are working collaboratively with Santa Clara County Office of Education in determining the best inclusive model for our district. We will be looking to our neighboring district such as Carmel Unified School District and North Monterey County Unified School District for ideas on creating the best program since have already moved to an inclusive models. In order to prepare our staff for meeting the needs of our students with special needs in an inclusive setting, the district will be providing trainings. Most recently, the Monterey County SELPA came to SUSD to train a handful of our special education and general education staff in the various models of Co-Teaching. This included looking at how teachers can utilize both professionals area of expertise. The district is looking forward to continuing to work with our staff and other outside agencies in developing programs that meet the individual needs of ALL of our students.

Nathan Moreno SpEd Coordinator (831)678-1581 ext.116 *** Lori Morones Program Coordinator (831)678-1581 ext.113 *** Cristina Chavez Secretary I: SpEd (831)678-1581 ext. 137 ***

Special Olympics Fundraiser– Taste of Pinnacles March9th, 2018 @ 3:00pm Co-Teaching Training– Santa Clara COE March 12th, 2018 @ 8:00pm District Special Education Staff Meeting– Mission Room March 21, 2018 @ 2:30pm

Elivier Aguilar Translator Clerk (831)678-1581 ext. 139 *** Lupe Calderon Secretary I: SpEd/PreS (831) 678-1581 ext. 117

Educational Services Department

Weekly Newsletter

Tech Support Is your wifi not working as it should? Is your printer or phone malfunctioning? Have you put a tech request? Please remember all technology should be working properly at all times. If it isn't, let us know by sending in a tech request. We can't fix it if we don't know its broken!

Collaborative Conversations are a district initiatives that allows students to have productive conversations in a variety of classroom settings. Wondering where to start? Here is a list of sentence starters Feel free to copy and use them in your class. 1hBx_BBNbxb0Tu1QaMX_97NYf1ttPpP3fnsigpdODUc/copy! 1durDQAY11pIHtR4vLLhGqOAdFcqz_13ArEBSNu0TU6 s/copy

Did you know? Our Tech website has a lot of Staff Resources including how to's. Check it out under Resources at:

Do you Tweet all the great things happening in your classroom or at your school? Follow & tag @SoledadSupt & @soledadedtech

Be sure to use the hashtag


Book Carrie for one-to-one

coaching at

I look forward to working with you!

Upcoming Recruitment Fairs MONTEREY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION March 3, 2018 9 00 1 00

REMINDERS  Please visit the website to ensure that your credentials are up to date.

March 8, 2018 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Fresno Convention Center

 If you have moved or have a change to your personal information please be sure to inform HR.


Staying Healthy At Work Here are some awesome articles to help us stay healthy on the job. These article offer simple ways to keep us fit and healthy throughout our busy days.

20 Exercises to Do at Your Desk — Get Fit at Work!

How to Eat Healthy at Work w-to-eat-healthy-at-work.html

NEW TEACHER SUPPORT & DEVELOPMENT New Teacher Support & Development Coordinator Julia Turner

Kester Bantin New Teacher Support TOSA

Opportunities to Grow #2 Last week’s article I wrote after one day of the CISC conference. As auspiciously and provocatively as it began, the remaining 1-1/2 days continued to escalate with engaging seminars and inspiring speakers. Recapturing the ambience created by each speaker, I shan’t even try. I will provide, however, their website URLs for your perusal.

Ryan Smith on Equity: Michael Fullan on Coherence: George Curous on Innovator’s Mindset: Manny Scott: I am in your class. Seminar on Technology for learning: This page provides several apps. Finally, teachers who attended the CTA New Teacher Weekend sent me the following link that shows what they learned. A few shared their thoughts about the conference: wonderful, loved it, amazing, learned so much, would definitely recommend it. Ol_oxoiU9G/p/1O-RcRggk1EWi_IATrU_Aq04cHxX06HQ/edit One last descriptor: FUN! The proof!? Erin LaFace, Sophia Dakis, and Jenna Briley (l to r) look like they definitely were not thinking about coming home!

Unlocking the Future Today! LCAP #5: SUSD will attract, recruit, support, and retain a highly effective and diverse workforce. LCAP #2: Proficiency for all: SUSD will provide a high quality and comprehensive instructional program.

Soledad Adult School Newsletter

Deysy Garcia started as a student at Soledad Adult School seven years ago. Deysy enrolled in Francisco Pinedo’s ESL class at Gabilan School in 2011. Deysy had a goal and a vision, she wanted to learn English, get her GED,and work in a good job. Deysy passed her GED here at Soledad Adult School, attended Hartnell College and got her AA degree and later on became a district sub. This year, Deysy became employed in the evening, to care for children while the parents attend the night classes at Soledad Adult School. Deysy started as a student at Soledad Adult School and now is helping other adults like herself to achieve their goals! At Soledad Adult School, we train our students to be workforce ready! Deysy is just one example of many other students employed at Soledad Unified School District that are a product of Soledad Adult School.

The Adult Education Block Grant Soledad Adult School teachers and staff, materials and technology used in the classrooms is fully funded by the Adult Education Block Grant. This money is distributed to Soledad Adult School and is the only funding source our school receives (in addition to WIOA Title 2 money). The AEBG funding is ongoing funding for Adult Education programs in California (AB104) The 2015-16 State Budget appropriated $500 million ongoing funding to the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the California Department of Education to allocate funding for adult education. These funds will be provided to eligible consortia for the purpose of implementing regional plans for adult education. The intent of the Adult Education Block Grant was to expand and improve the provision of adult education via these consortia. Soledad Adult School is part of the Salinas Valley Adult Education Consortium, with Hartnell College being the fiscal agent, and members include North Mo. Co. Adult Education, MCOE, Salinas Adult School, Gonzales Adult School, So. Monterey County Adult Education and Soledad Adult School.

Business Department By the Way . . . Governor Announces Appointment to the Computer Science Strategic Implementation Advisory Panel Governor Jerry Brown recently appointed 15 members to serve on the Computer Science Strategic Implementation Advisory Panel. These appointees form the bulk of the 23-member panel, which is charged with providing recommendations to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) on a computer science strategic implementation plan. The SPI must develop the plan for consideration by the State Board of Education by July 15, 2019. Recommendations for the plan will include broadening the pool of teachers to teach computer science, defining computer science education principles for K-12 students, and ensuring pupil access to quality computer science courses. The first meeting of the panel will be March 1-2, 2018, in Sacramento. A list of the panel members and other information about the panel can be found here.

NEW Travel and Conference Policy Please take a couple of minutes to review the new Travel and Conference Policies for 2018.  All Reimbursement Claims should be submitted immediately upon returning from your trip and should include a Copy of Approved Conference Request and Original Receipts. Request submitted on old forms will no longer be accepted. **Please allow 30 days for Claim for Reimbursement to be processed.

Important Deadline Information Purchasing Deadline for Purchase Orders is

April 27, 2018

Soledad High School & Jack Franscioni Elementary Not In Our School (NIOS) youth are working together to bring awareness on bullying & encourage youth to be an Upstander! Debut will be at the Barbara Coloroso Workshop on March 28th 2018 at 5:30 pm.

Spring Break Opportunity for Youth Ages 14-18! For more information & registration: Artemisa Delgado (831) 678-6400 Ext. 607 Aidee Aldaco(831) 540-0191 cell

NUTRITION AND YOUR HEALTH Did you know that unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are the leading causes of death in the U.S.? Join us for a series of 5 free NUTRITION Workshops! Learn about: * Healthy Food Choices          * Chronic Disease Prevention * Planning Balance Meals       * Sugar and Grains *Kid Friendly Recipes              * Groceries Stores and many other topics!

Workshop Dates: March 7, 2018 March 14, 2018 March 21, 2018 March 28, 2018 April 11, 2018 Location: Frank Ledesma Library Time: 6:00 PM

Note: Workshops will be held in Spanish

Child Care and a healthy snack will be provided! For more information contact: Maribel Franco @ 678-6320 [email protected]

NUTRICIÓN y tu salud ¿Sabía que la alimentación poco saludable y la inactividad física son las principales causas de muerte en los Estados Unidos? ¡Únete a nosotros para una serie de 5 Talleres de NUTRICIÓN gratuitos! Aprenda acerca de: *  Elecciones de alimentos saludables              * Tiendas de abarrotes                              * Planificación de comidas balanceadas          * Azúcar y Granos *Recetas para niños                                      * Prevención de enfermedades crónicas

Fechas del Taller: 7 de marzo del 2018 14 de marzo del 2018 21 de marzo del 2018 28 de marzo del 2018 11 de abril del 2018 Lugar: En la Biblioteca de Frank Ledesma Hora: 6:00 PM

¡Se proporcionará cuidado de niños y un aperitivo saludable! Para mas información  llame a Maribel Franco al 678-6320 [email protected]

TRIPs A new reimbursement program to help with your travel costs. Un nuevo programa de reembolso para ayudar con sus gastos de viaje.

Do you depend on your family, friends or a neighbor for a ride to the doctor, store or any other destination? If you are a senior, veteran or person with disabilities, living in an area of Monterey County that is outside MST’s service area, MST will reimburse you 40¢ per mile up to 250 miles per month ($100). Call MST at 1-888-MST-BUS1 (1-888-678-2871) to learn more.

1-888-MST-BUS1 (1-888-678-2871) |

¿Depende de su familia, amigos o un vecino para ir al médico, la tienda o cualquier otro destino? Si usted es una persona mayor, un veterano, o una persona con discapacidades, viviendo en un área del Condado de Monterey que está fuera de nuestro servicio, MST le reembolsará 40¢ por milla hasta 250 millas por mes ($100). Llame a MST al 1-888-MST-BUS1 (1-888-678-2871) para obtener más informacion.

Weekly Newsletter March 2, 2018.pdf

Jaime Fernandez'. Trustee ... Page 3 of 19. Meanwhile at the Rose Ferrero, Gabilan and San Vicente Elementaries ... Weekly Newsletter March 2, 2018.pdf.

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