Wh-Movement, Licensing and the Locality of Feature ...
the checking domain relevant for the licensing of wh-features is actually ... checking domains for wh-elements in these languages have different values,.
Aug 15, 2013 - Taroo-TOP self-gen child-NOM English-ACC speak C thinks ..... 'Anilk put a book on hisk desk.' ... 'Ravim placed a new laptop (on hism desk).'.
work stealing algorithm that improves the data locality of multi- threaded ...... reuse the thread data structures, typically those from the previous step. When a ...
running time of nested-parallel computations using work stealing. ...... There are then two differences between the locality-guided ..... Pipelining with fu- tures.
Department of Computer Sciences. University of Texas at Austin .... race-free computation that can be represented with a series-parallel dag [33]. ... In the second class, data-locality hints supplied by the programmer are used in thread ...
Aug 15, 2013 - and a recent claim made in S¸ener and Takahashi (2009) and ... Keywords: Argument ellipsis; VP ellipsis; Sloppy interpretations; Hindi; Bangla; ...
Jan 22, 2002 - School of Computer Science ... Department of Computer Sciences ..... We also require that the dags have a single node with in-degree x , the ...
each pair of pre- and postsynaptic neurons, with different synaptic contacts having different axonal delays. Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) thus allows the model to select the most effective axonal transmission delay between neurons. Furthe
Mar 23, 2008 - a quarter in the department got his first job in the US. b. No presupposition that there was at least one student from France in the department ...
Jan 22, 2002 - School of Computer Science. Carnegie ... Department of Computer Sciences. University of .... Locality-guided work stealing does significantly better than standard work ...... University of California at Berkeley, November 1989.
Mar 23, 2008 - 0.3 Plan. I. Scalar implicatures and the interventions they create. II. ..... µ([(50-a)]) â µ([(50-b)]): (49) predicted bad by my theory. 3.2.3 Other ...
Dec 8, 2010 - entailing (DE) iff for all A, B in the domain of F such that A â B, F(B). â F(A), where 'â' stands ...... Assertion: John would prefer that Mary didn't buy a car. Presupposition: John ..... attested on the internet. Here is one of
... Engineering Education for information on Board-Approved, ABET, EAC, TAC, related science degrees, and experience. credit without a degree. Page 1 of 2 ...
May 21, 2011 - New: We can create an ill-formed configuration by placing 2 PIs of opposite polarity together under a superordinate ... monotonicity w.r.t. the position of Ï, and all other PIs in A are licensed within A. 5.2 Entanglement with 2 ....
the business of music licensing pdf. the business of music licensing pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying the business of music ...
Perl, a UNIX-based programming language that allows for the automa- ..... man/display_doc.php?docid¼756&group_id¼1 (accessed September 17, 2002). 23.