All containers must be EMPTY. Please, RINSE them whenever possible. Aluminum Beverage containers Baking tins Food containers Foil

Brown Paper Craft paper Paper grocery bags Paper bags

Other Paper Computer paper Old phone directories Paperback books

Steel Steel food containers Empty aerosol cans (nonhazardous) Clean metallic lids Glass Glass bottles and jars (any color)

Magazines Magazines Product catalogs

Plastic Bottles Only bottles (neck smaller than base)

Mixed Paper Calendars Sticky notes Carbonless forms

Plastic Tubs Butter Sour cream Cream cheese Yogurt

Cardboard Cardboard boxes (broken down) Pizza boxes (non-greasy)

Junk Mail Envelopes Greeting cards Brochures and flyers Letters

Paperboard Cereal boxes Tissue boxes Paper towel/toilet paper cores Soda and beer cartons Juice and milk cartons

Newspaper Newspapers and inserts

Recycle, Brevard!

Recycle Brevard, Inc. 1535 Cogswell St. unit C-15 Rockledge, Florida 32955 321-220-3379 RecycleBrevard [email protected]

3RsAndBeyond [email protected]

What can be recycled_Summary Table.pdf

Other Paper. Computer paper. Old phone directories ... Recycle, Brevard! Recycle Brevard, Inc. ... inserts. Page 1 of 1. What can be recycled_Summary Table.pdf.

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