Why Melinda Gates is Evil.


chrishalasz Why Melinda Gates is Evil.

Educating the experts on animation part II. May 28th, 13:49 Where I was when I wrote this.: Canada, Hamilton How I'm feeling right now.: worried Hi Everybody. The heat wave is on the wane, thank goodness. I spent the early morning setting up some image files snapped from "I Like Pandas", a personal project done by Ottawa artist Jessica Borutski—the young woman Warner Brothers has hired to rework our beloved Looney Tunes cartoon characters. As I mentioned last night on my Twitter stream, Melinda continues to harass me, putting dirty spam on my accounts, and making threats of stalking and violence. (I'm short on sleep from having to wake up every three hours to delete super-smut from my Twitter account.) Again, this is not by any means a competition, or me patting myself on the back for how smart I am. I am recording my insights because I wish to refute the slander this woman has propagated against me online all these years. This writing is a big part of me building my case against this woman and her unethical hiring practices, proliferation of censorship culture that's calculated to maintain her stranglehold on the black-market porn industry, and her justification of slavery and human rights atrocities against my family for no justifiable reason. Ultimately, she needs certain subjects to be taboo if she is not to expose her black-market activities. If we all spoke openly about bawdy culture, she'd get nailed in the mainstream press by her enemies, so she spreads this idea among other women that we ought to be ashamed of our bodily functions, when the opposite is much healthier for our self-esteem, and our families. Anyone who is following my Twitter stream (http://twitter.com/Chris_Halasz) , knows that I attempted to leave comments on the Canadian Animation Resources site under this article (http://www.canadiananimationresources.ca /?p=1980&cpage=1#comment-2956) on the 26th of May. Here are my comments: "I am very concerned for the mental health of the children who may view it because their parents are not in the loop for legitimate reasons." I noted the comments on Twitter after I submitted them, and waited to see if they would be released by the owner. Then I noticed a day later that others had left derogatory comments. The handle, "Mark C", which appears under the article in the comments section, is obviously a verbal attack using my first initial to incite violence, given the history of the conduct of the woman in question. The term "mark" is being used provocatively (http://thesaurus.com/browse /easy+mark) , and was left by someone who is following my Twitter stream, which had linked to the article prior to the comment being left. My guess is that it was Melinda Gates, as she has been doing this for years now all over the internet, wherever I write. This is the manner in which she targets people, using language in such a way as to tip off only those 'in the know'.

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Why Melinda Gates is Evil.


Here is the definition of the tern, "mark", according to Thesaurus dot com: Main Entry:

easy mark

Part of Speech: noun Definition:

easy victim


chump, cinch (http://thesaurus.com/browse/cinch) , doormat, easy pickings, easy touch, fall guy, jay, mark (http://thesaurus.com/browse/mark) , mug, patsy, pigeon, prize sap, pushover, scapegoat (http://thesaurus.com/browse/scapegoat) , sitting duck, soft touch, sucker, trusting soul

My original May 26th complaint on Twitter, was that this insipid verbal attack had cleared, but my own legitimate, if critical comments had not been cleared as yet. I went on Twitter to complain again on the 27th of May that my comments on "pedophile-themed artistry targeting younger audiences" had been censored under the article in question. I left further comments on both Valiquette's site, and on Twitter, that he had "cleared death threats", but not my concerns. Turns out I had been censored by Owner and Publisher Mike Valiquette. Here is the explanatory email he sent me later (with edits to my email to prevent spam-bot access): to: halaszchristina[a]gmail[dot]com date: Thu, May 27, 2010 signed: canadiananimationresources.ca Hello Christina, I just came across your two comments in the moderation queue. I'm afraid you have me at a bit of a loss. Your first comment speaks to fears for the mental health of children relating to Jessica's design work for the Looney Tunes show? I'm afraid I don't see the connection. Would you be willing to explain your position? Your second comment, along with a very serious allegation regarding my site on your Twitter feed, leaves me even more confused. First of all, all comments queue for moderation on the site, as I get inundated with spam. I also refuse to post inflammatory comments, and do my best to screen that type of thing out. I only just checked the comments today, and when I saw yours, decided to look into it before writing it off. I'm not sure what you mean by death threats, what your point is as far as Jessica's design work, and moreso, I'm disappointed that a reader of mine, if you're familiar with the site at all, would think for a second that this wasn't a forum for sound, civil discussion. If you feel like clarifying, I'm all ears. Sincerely, Mike Valiquette Owner/Publisher Canadian Animation Resources I am sure my more discerning readers will agree whole-heartedly that Mr.Valiquette has the matter inverted. I am the one who left civilized, if deeply concerned remarks about the quality of the material covered by the article in question, and about Ms.Borutski's work ethic, while another party who engages in slimy, covert death threats, pretended to be politically correct at the expense of any realistic discussion on the merits of the actual work being discussed. We've all seen this sort of anti-intellectual mentality at play in grade school, where children are censored in order to pound forth the notion that certain modes of communication are not accepted from subordinates. To see this mentality at play in an

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industry magazine where, supposedly, professionals in the field are free to leave stimulating and realistic commentary, is, however, dangerous at best in terms of freedom of expression in the realm of the commercial arts. Ultimately, when we are discussing the commercial arts, it's a given that there will be some political and economic agenda attached to the material. Anyone with a cursory understanding of the commercial arts knows that the very essence of commercial art is to sell something to the masses. Ever since the inception of mass marketing in the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, our methodology to this effect has been honed and refined and studied and pie-charted and observed and calculated and fine-tuned by people exactly like our friend Melinda Gates, to have the most profound effects on the masses—all to the sole end of achieving the greatest possible profit margins. I realize the popular attitude on the front end has been to nail responsibility for these capitalist pig behaviors on the menfolk, but a look behind the scenes indicates that these sorts of women are inevitably the driving force behind any male who is bent on world domination at any cost to society. In fact, this Freemasons Sorority I spoke of in my previous entry, has had an active agenda to accomplish just this ever since the days of Victoria and Albert, up until about a week ago by my calculations. It's safe to say that such a group mentality would be unreceptive to any notion of fair play, social impact, environmental impact, or any vague semblance of a conscience in terms of the degrading inter-generational effects of commercial science in this vein. At least, that's how it was when I first entered the digital scene back in 1995, and, to quote a memorable Virginia Slims campaign from the 1970's: "You've come a long way, baby!" (http://www.rageboy.com /mbimages/long-way-baby.jpg) "How does this tie in with that poor, innocent little artist you are butchering on your Live Journal and Twitter accounts for no legitimate reason, you ask?!" Please continue to read, and the answers will be more than evident by the end of this entry. To go back to the question of Ms.Borutski's contract with Warner Brothers Animation, the original Looney Tunes were not exactly squeaky-clean to begin with. They were covered with themes of cross-gender role-play, (Bugs Bunny dressing up as a female version of himself to thwart assailants); overt sexual harassment, racism (Pepe Lepew refusing to take "NO" from his female counterparts), among other themes of dubious morality. But we survived intact, somehow, and we're raising our kids on the originals in an historical perspective. That being said, we as are affronted by this new transformation (http://www.canadiananimationresources.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/crappytunes_b1.jpg) as all the obsessive animation geeks are in California about this. But thing is—it's not at all about generational narcissism or even nostalgia.

My 11 year-old son walked into the room as I posted this, said, "What did they do to Bugs Bunny?!" Basically, as I described yesterday, and as you can see, Ms.Borutski gave the characters infantile proportions because this supposedly has more 'child appeal'. This perception is originally according to the pseudo-child-scientists hired by bureaucrats and bean-counters of the animation community—who also insist that children are "deprived" if they do not get their fair share of carcinogens in their diets. Ms.Borutski also changed the shade of Bugs Bunny's coat from a neutral gray to a violet hue, gave him more rounded, effeminate facial features—making him appear to be a homosexual. Looking at samples (http://www.canadiananimationresources.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/modelsbunny.png) of her personal work, I see Borutski has an affinity for rabbits à la (http://www.associatepublisher.com/e/m/mi/microsoft_bob.htm) Melinda Gates (http://www.associatepublisher.com/e/m/mi/microsoft_bob.htm) and her creation, Microsoft Bob (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Bob) , where the rabbit character was originally used as a derogatory symbol to

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promote the victimization of the attractive female for the purpose of enabling growth in her porn empire—so this is hardly a surprise at all. You might say, "Don't you think you're leaping to conclusions", or, "Surely such a nice girl did not intend for the material to be interpreted in that light". And my response is most definitely that it makes little difference whether the intentions are there in propaganda and how it influences a child's inner landscape and formative years. All that matters, is how the material impacts a growing psyche. However, my educated guess is that anybody getting into the medium has at least a cursory understanding of pop-culture symbols, and the rabbit is notoriously associated with gender abuse among attractive females ever since some dirty old man with too much money got involved, and porn took hold of the entertainment industry. Borutski's excuse explanation for the look of the revised material: "I really wanted to give them a more 1940’s proportion, but keeping it fresh by adding a more stylistic line quality and simplified shapes. I wish I could show you some but I’d be in big trouble. (: I’m really looking forward to the Looney Tunes buffs of the industry’s opinions. I realize most people will hate it because everyone has such a love for these classic characters as they are. But I feel I have kept a lot of their original appeal. I’d say they are 10 % different if you want to get technical! My favorite redesign was probably doing Bugs and Petunia Pig." I hate to disappoint Ms. Borutski, but that's not why we "hate it". I am looking at the designs in her contract work, and for the life of me, I can't find even the slightest nuance of 1940's post WWII Abstract Expressionism in her interpretation, so I'm challenged to critique her execution of her artistic goals. If anything, the work is a mish-mash of 1980's psycho-pop and Post-Modern digital, pedophile-happy Nihilism aesthetic at play here. And, yes, even my kids despise the reworking. It panders to the notion that babies are easier to access psychologically and thus brainwash if they can identify closely with the character's configurations. This idea, while it accomplishes its agenda on a very basic level, is the intellectual equivalent to Uncle Creepy insisting your Jr. sits on his lap in the other room during family gatherings so he can wipe his greasy chicken-fingers on Jr.'s chubby little knees. So, yeah—on seeing the work, warning flags are raised left, right and center for anyone who has studied the intended societal effects of propaganda as in depth as I have endeavored to do in my investigations. First of all, I have to inform my readers that when recruiting an artist for a given project, one of the requirements is for human resources, or the director, as the case may be, to look carefully at an artist's portfolio samples to get a feel for how the artist will handle the material in question. I've read countless articles from experts in animation staffing who say that the themes explored in an artist's personal work have to be in line with the philosophy of the company it works for. (Here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHt2JbrYTW8&feature=player_embedded) is the film if you want to view it so you can follow my critique more closely.) And on that happy note, let's have a look at the stills I pulled from Borutski's "I Like Pandas" piece: Here (http://twitpic.com/1ruzpf) we see a still I clipped from 3 frames of the first segment of the "I Like Pandas" short animated film. (The John K influence is obvious, I must say.) One of two identical "panda bears", who have the look of drug-addled creatures from "Hellraiser" more than any resemblance to any panda I've ever seen—have been dancing around onscreen for what feels like an eternity while sucking on lollipops. The Panda theme can easily be construed as a racist allegory to the Chinese culture, as these creatures are readily associated with the Chinese. This is cause for concern. These three frames in particular have such strong anal sex overtones, that I felt it was my obligation to capture them and expose them for what they are: subliminal messages. You'd have to blind not to see that the lolly-pop sticks are pointed directly at Panda #2, and the facial transition from the top to the bottom green frame shown here show clear sexual interest. The pink frame at the center, which follows the two green frames in the film, consists of a big heart as a

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backdrop while featuring Panda #2 in a state of what can only be interpreted as sexual elation, given the subliminal content of the preceding poses. Sure, the coloring is competent, and the designs are somewhat pleasing if you're not accounting for taste, but the content of this film is cold, calculated, void of anything substantial, filled with the most derogatory and unhealthy symbolism imaginable, and utterly delinquent, artistically speaking. Even the music Ms.Borutski selected is artificial, tinny, and lacking soul. Here (http://twitpic.com/1rus44) , we see another theme explored after the bears are finished their subliminal rectal exploits, and we have a purplish hue due to nightfall. The lollipop sticks look increasingly like cigarettes when they are clasped between the teeth of the Panda pair, and my guess is that this is no accident. I would hardly even call it subliminal because it's so obviously intended to appeal to the delinquent sensibility. The third (http://twitpic.com/1ruzt2) and last still I'll be featuring from this expose on divergent propaganda hidden in seemingly innocent cartoons drawn by "respectable, wholesome" girl-next-door types, depicts our panda friends dropping dead from being poisoned by a giant lollipop in the sky which is portrayed as the rising sun. Cartoon morbidity in itself is nothing to shake a stick at because it's very common throughout the medium—in fact, practically a staple in the cartoon language throughout history. However, in connection with a poisoned lollipop, which is a candy ordinarily associated with childhood, and which also has connotations of father-to-child incest, or the "lolita" phenomenon of premature sexual activity in youths with older males, it's downright disturbing. The material I covered in yesterday's entry was on the subject of disinformation dissemination targeting family life with pedophile acts. On my Twitter, stream, I have also covered this subject along with the subsequent instinct-injury, and learning trauma, and often leading later in life to suicide or drug and alcohol abuse in families who have problems with incest. Basically, Melinda and the handful of subordinates she has left, are not terribly bright themselves, so they need these social engineering strategies in order to ensure their economic positions, and advantage for their own offspring in the academic and corporate world. In view of the plague of pedophilia at play in today's culture because of the dissemination of this sort of material, I find it disturbing that this person is finding work in the field, much less being hired in a leading role on a large-scale operation such as Warner Brothers. But, you see, this is how it's been, and getting worse every week ever since the Nazis went underground, bringing their propaganda culture to North America after WWII. As Warner Brothers handles a ton of family-themed material from its animation division, that people such as Ms.Borutski are the ones finding work these days, makes it imperative that we learn to question the legitimacy and intent of these company owners—total strangers whom we blindly follow as consumers when choosing what media to expose our families to. The most terrifying aspect of this dilemma, is the fact that although they would have you believe otherwise, executives at these corporations have been voraciously feeding from my writing for years, to the point where countless infractions have occurred in regards to intellectual property theft. But rather than cleaning up their content, these creeps have been reverse-engineering my work creating awareness of these mental health issues, in order to further their capitalist agenda. Thus, the material being published has become increasingly diseased the more I make efforts to educate the public. If anything, this is indicative of some sort of antisocial disorder, most likely some form of attachment disorder among the executive classes. These greedy, brainwashed, undereducated executives and artists who pander to the herd mentality no matter what, have latched superficially onto the health culture I've promoted in order to conceal their aims. This is evident in the dramatic transformation of pop-culture over the last seven years into one that is infinitely more health conscious, at least superficially. However, simultaneously continued is this downward spiral in entertainment programming sublimation and pedophile-promoting propaganda to the point where there are little children committing murders and

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suicides and sexual harassment to extremes throughout our society. That this woman who sells out to this extent for this sick agenda is getting the opportunity to work leisurely from home on material for young children, while I am criticized for writing night and day until my legs atrophy, for working at home—is unforgivable. In closing, I remind my readers that every excuse Melinda Gates has concocted as to the reasons why I ought not be compensated for my research and intellectual property—extorted from me by her for years under threat of violence, and exploited greedily by her business counterparts for billions in profit—has been proven illogical due to precedents set by standards she has for other employees of hers. This instance, where I am denied compensation because I work at home, and another instance where she has someone working at Microsoft with nothing other than a degree in poetry, and I am shunned because I do not have a degree in business or computer science, are illustrative of how ridiculous her reasoning is. I'll say it again: Melinda Gates clearly suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and is incapable of understanding or acknowledging anything that does not flatter her or cater to her twisted social engineering agenda. This is because she herself is hiding so much shame that she cannot afford to give me an ounce of credit for my countless contributions to her massive fortune. Her treatment of myself and my family is shameful, illegal to an extreme, criminally insane, totally unjustifiable by any reasonable standards, and incomprehensible to boot. Those who have been enabling her have done so largely out of fear of retribution or else blind complacency, and I doubt there's anyone out there who really follows her line of thinking in regards to this behavior, because it's just too insane to grasp by any standard. By the way, here (http://www.medicinenet.com/narcissistic_personality_disorder/article.htm) is a bit about Narcissistic Personality Disorder taken from this web site: "Narcissistic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality disorders

(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=39177) . People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and a distorted self-image. Narcissistic personality disorder is further characterized by an abnormal love of self, an exaggerated sense of superiority and importance, and a preoccupation with success and power. However, these attitudes and behaviors do not reflect true self-confidence. Instead, the attitudes conceal a deep sense of insecurity and a fragile self-esteem." No matter how the woman came to be the way she is, being blacklisted and enduring murder attempts, brutality, privacy invasion and non-consensual detention has been beyond traumatic, as has been the incessant hand-to-mouth existence thrust on us. I only hope this latest piece, which consumed another 5.5 hours of my time, will be the one that finally frees us from what can only be described as a living purgatory.

Tags: bill & melinda gates foundation, bill gates, black-market-sex-trade, blackmail, canada, canadian animation resource, catholic church, child pornography, disney, extortion, fraud, freemasons society, freemasons sorority, illuminate, intellectual property law, intellectual property theft, internet culture, jessica borutski, lawyers, legal abuse, melinda gates, microsoft, mike valiquette, nazis, ottawa, propaganda, religion, rental abuse, subliminal messages in cartoons, warner brothers Add to Memories Share this!

Educating the experts on animation. May 27th, 19:40 How I'm feeling right now.: uncomfortable

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Why Melinda Gates is Evil.


Okay, everybody. It's 30 degrees in Hamilton today, and I've got my kids setting up a fan in my home office so I can make it through this post without dying of heat prostration. Yeah—we've got central air-conditioning in this rental, but guess what? It doesn't work. Surprise, surprise, huh?! So please be thankful that I am ticked off enough to muster up the courage to write today, and forgive any grammatical casualties I leave in my wake. Those of you who have been following my work, already know of my Twitter account (http://twitter.com/Chris_Halasz) , and about my history of being blacklisted in my field of endeavor, (publishing for kids), for years due to addressing concerns on the subject of covert child exploitation in the industry, (among a host of other interconnected issues). If you've been following my work, you already know that for no apparent reason, I've got Melinda Gates (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melinda_Gates) crawling up my right leg with a knife in her teeth (figuratively speaking). Due to this dilemma, I have, for a number of years, been conducting online investigations into the milieu of this woman; the peer culture she has proliferated throughout industry, especially in North America; her connection with the Freemason Society's sorority. Its language, symbols, methods of communication have unfolded for me, and I have accumulated an increasing deluge of support in my efforts to unearth evidence of Mrs.Gates' transgressions against my family. Mrs.Gates' abuse of connections within this [Freemasons] organization to conduct illegal and anti-competitive acts on behalf of Microsoft and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, are legendary. Her behaviors are clandestine yet infamous, and in my particular case, these behaviors are calculated to sabotage my economic and social progress while feeding voraciously from my intellectual property for a number of years now—encouraging her peers to do likewise. It so happens that I have relations in the British Royal Family: a fact that I was unaware of until a few years ago, and one which I stumbled across in the onset of these investigations. It turns out I am also a cousin of Mrs.Gates' husband, William Gates III, and thus also of special interest to his wife for political reasons. (It's doubly interesting to stalk and harass someone of a higher pedigree than one's self, from what I have gathered.) My understanding is that Royals are valued in this Society for their bloodlines; thus making me an automatic target at birth by certain interests within this organization—not the least any natural aptitudes inclined to those with a high concentration of noble lineage. All of this lunacy against me, has been transpiring while the legal community turns a blind eye due to their own Freemason Society associations, and apparently, an inclination to undisputed collusion with the goals of this society's leaders is common in legal circles and among higher-ups at other professions where membership is concentrated. (Melinda Gates, if nothing else, is greatly feared by her peers for being ruthless and brutal in her transgressions.) And so, I have been the victim of a wide spectrum of anti-competitive behaviors that run the gamut from the abuse of NASA technology-enabled espionage in my private residence, and computer hacking, to the spreading wildly malicious slander among my peers all over the Internet; to family members, neighbors, friends, employers—and the bribing of many landlords has occurred, with court officials and government in cahoots to keep me in a state of distress for many years now so that I cannot find the stability to begin my corporate endeavors. I am actually very popular, respected, and moderately well-known, although my disinclination to share much of this with the mainstream media would indicate otherwise to those who are not in the loop. Anyhow, that is the background of my relationship with this woman, Melinda Gates, summarized, just to bring you up to date if you are a new reader. Feel free to browse through my Twitter stream (http://twitter.com/Chris_Halasz) for a clearer picture of some of the issues I am forced to concern myself with in my efforts to defeat this woman's insane decades-long campaign against my family. It's been 7 years now since I became fully aware of the abuse and began to blog about it. I've owned a computer since 1995. We've made a ton of progress since then, but the cost to my health has been significant. I see that there is a chance now for me to recoup my losses as the tides are turned in my favor of Melinda Gates' own accumulated misdoings.

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I've decided to start this L.J. account so I'll no longer be a slave to Twitter's poetic limitations when I need to address meatier issues. I enjoy Twitter immensely, but it's not always the ideal venue for more detailed writing. (I figure my readers will be grateful for this effort, as I am certain reading longer entries in spotted, reversechronological order has been challenging.) What prompted me to take the leap today of all days—in 30° heat so thick and humid, it's like a sauna in here— is an email I received from Mike Valiquette, Owner and Publisher of Canadian Animation Resources; the Online animation industry magazine where I came across this article on Ottawa artist Jessica Borutski (http://www.canadiananimationresources.ca/?p=1980&cpage=1#comment-2956) , regarding her present stint for Warner Brothers. Miss. Borutski was hired to do a redesigning of the Loony Tunes my generation grew up with, and there has been much controversy in animation community strongholds on the subject of her adaptation. I agree that the new Bugs Bunny appears to be gay, and the feet as big as the characters' heads is a doubtful design decision at best; creating an obtuse sense of infancy in the designs in a similar vein to Spielberg's "Animaniacs". But my concern goes much deeper than such superficial aesthetic matters. In order to endeavor to justify my claims against this artist's work, I must first elaborate on the issue of cultural dissemination as it pertains to media conditioning and ensuing child psychology: the social science that most fascinates me, and is my pivotal area of focus, tying together all of the peripheral disciplines I cover in my work. In my investigations, I discovered that other professionals who associate with Melinda Gates in said sorority connections throughout industry in North America and abroad, tend to play defense in managerial roles for various branches of industry, including finance, entertainment, publishing, internet technology, government, medicine, law, education, agriculture, charity, manufacturing, defense, and pharmaceuticals. The problems start when, as head of this underground sorority, Melinda issues orders that are deeply mistaken, often misconstrued from my own work, so that such chaos unfolds as to chart humanity's darkest, most fantastical and destructive fantasies. Currently, a quick glance at the mainstream news displays a vast array of her inadequacies as a leader, ranging from deliberately orchestrated environmental disasters to medical and agricultural and social atrocities of as yet unknown consequence to the survival of the species, to wars and economic disasters of unprecedented scale and stupidity. And all for the sake of leveraging her own stock market gains. As you can see, the areas of endeavor I list in this paragraph above are vast and overlapping, and this woman has influence in whatever field she desires due to her bottomless pit of a bank account. The potential for her to damage society is boundless, and she has confirmed our worst fears in terms of the limitations she fails to self-impose in her process. Before I introduced the subject of business ethics, she had never heard those words uttered in the same paragraph, and if I recall correctly, great hilarity ensued as to my lack of professionalism for being so "naive" as to entertain such delusions. Melinda's management minions quickly endeavored to color all of their own corporate endeavors a nice, safe, "ethicalish" camouflage in order to sublimate and undo my own efforts at escaping her clutches. (We're talking cereal intellectual property theft of supreme proportions.) You see, Mrs.Gates' charitable and business pursuits are funded largely by investments in unethical, monolithic, government-sanctioned businesses and a vastness of adult-themed Internet activities, largely black-market—thus the game begins to get very, very dangerous when affected by her petty, meddlesome ways. The reason she blacklisted me, was because my naive ethical life prevented me from interacting in the culture she had set up, and she did not want word to get out of her black market activities. (Don't let her public image and poorly dress-sense fool you; the woman is a hardened alcoholic sexual deviant who engages in an highly sophisticated adult-life that those of us who are quite square would blush at.)

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I was unfortunate enough to realize in my investigations that Mrs.Gates micromanages to an extreme when carrying out her business and personal vendettas. On a personal level, she has meddled for years in my rental circumstances and threatened family members, so I put nothing past her. On a public level, she intervenes in hiring decisions, pushing forth her own special brand of prodigy; those who carry forth what can only be described as her increasingly dangerous child-sodomy agenda. This is particularly evident in the entertainment field, where you can see obvious examples of her bias in the work that is targeting our children. This is also the issue that ties in with the article in question, and emails resulting from comments I left under it, and related entries to my Twitter account. Animation is a propaganda-dense medium, which means an artist can squeeze a lot of hidden, but highly suggestive, unhealthy, biased, and psychologically potent material of whatever nature into a cartoon and you'd never notice unless you're trained to recognize it. As a result of circumstances thrust on me by this unscrupulous woman, I've spent many charitable years educating families across the globe on the dangers of such content, and its effects on family unity and health, and culture, in an effort to extract myself from her abuses. In doing so, I've exposed to what degree Naziesque-themed social engineering material has permeated society since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and subsequent introduction of media into human society. I could go into the history of the technology, and other political matters, but that's something time-consuming others are free to reflect on in their own time. My insights have been invaluable to many over the years without such validation, and so you'll have to forgive the informality of the work. We all know that t.v. is a big part of our culture and whether or not I regurgitate excessive historical fact in this entry is irrelevant to the larger issues, or to my family's immediate safety. It's easy to forget in the vastness of these subjects I cover, that I am doing this while held hostage as a political prisoner of an American corporate citizen, and in a direct effort to politically extract myself from the woman's unscrupulous clutches. I have been forced into an economy due to these imposed circumstances, that does not allow for certain formalities due to constraints on my schedule while raising my own family in a ridiculous amount of undue stress at the hands of this woman. You've doubtless seen evidence of my charitable writing and its influence on popular media, politics, throughout the Catholic Church of late with an increased focus and Papal apology for gay priests abusing young boys and such. (The religious scene is actually getting quite interesting (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/27/italianpriests-mistresses-letter-pope) of late as a result of some of the awareness we've created through my work). All of this change was born of efforts to expose an antiquated subculture that grew of esoteric,and often subliminal disinformation spread by Freemason Society through a wide spectrum of religious doctrine—not only Catholicism—with the aim to cause instinct injury to vast segments of lower, middle, and upper-class society of all races—all of this formative and society-imposed psychological trauma and resulting injury aiming to cauterize the flow of money from the upper-class to those below. Mrs.Gates was instrumental in translating and modernizing such abuses: converting the social engineering of equally destructive ideals, for example, into media culture, I.T., education and management culture, and rest assured she made no apology for failing to address any inadequacies in her "new and improved" system due to its antiquated, and therefore ineffective constructs being literally copy-pasted from long-deceased theologians and philosophers. Unfortunately for Mrs.Gates, she grew greedy, and like the Knights Templar before her, the fuller her own coffers became, the more disadvantaged other members of her Society grew, and this was evidenced in her independent management of Microsoft since 2008, sans the input of her husband, and my cousin, Mr.William Gates III. He left Microsoft at my bidding at that time so we could fully realize the level of her incompetence if he was not there to shield her from her own greed and stupidity. And thus, we have our fully realized catastrophe splattered all over the mainstream news, beckoning us all to illustrate our collective dissatisfaction with the power this woman exerts over

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09/11/10 12:51 PM

Why Melinda Gates is Evil.


domestic industry and abroad as collateral against whatever nonsense she attempts to blackmail us with in the future. My cousin, William Gates, has indicated he is interested in working with me in the near future on my corporate endeavor, but he has yet to reach out and initiate any kind of formal interaction, or to offer financial help to counter his wife's misdeeds. He has contributed immeasurably to my good reputation in society, and to my understanding of the frightful and hidden behaviors of his spouse—whom he repeatedly claims he wishes to divorce—but he has also profited from said efforts, so we shall see where that relationship leads. I do not wish to be a doubting Thomas, but I would be surprised if anything professional or otherwise ever comes to pass between us other than words on a screen after so many years of such exclusive digital interaction. It's odd to be so close to someone you have never met, and who appears to be some far away guardian angel in the news, mirroring your words as though he owns them. And so, with this wealth of occult knowledge now under our belts, tomorrow, we shall proceed to the discussion of an email that I received today from Mr.Mike Valiquette, and the reasons for my harsh criticism of Jessica Borutski 's work. I am off to eat my much deserved dinner in the sauna room. (Ever notice how no matter how much you stir the air around in a heat wave with a fan, the heat stays the same, only you get an earache? I'm having a blast here!) A demain, people! Tags: bill & melinda gates foundation, bill gates, black-market-sex-trade, blackmail, canada, canadian animation resource, catholic church, child pornography, disney, extortion, fraud, freemasons society, freemasons sorority, illuminate, intellectual property law, intellectual property theft, internet culture, jessica borutski, lawyers, legal abuse, melinda gates, microsoft, mike valiquette, nazis, ottawa, propaganda, religion, rental abuse, subliminal messages in cartoons, warner brothers Add to Memories Share this!

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09/11/10 12:51 PM

Why Melinda Gates is Evil..pdf

internet, wherever I write. This is the manner in which she targets people, using language in such a way as to tip off. only those 'in the know'. Why Melinda Gates ...

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