Vol. 2 Issue 1 WELCOME TO THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE 2015-2016 WILSON BUZZ! This issue is titled “Taking a Stand.” Each of the writers was asked to take a position on an important topic in the news. See if you agree with any of these journalists, and ask yourself “What stand would you take?”

Who would be the best candidate for the next president of the United States?

2016 Presidential Candidates By: Cynthia Salinas Ah, the presidential elections. A year of me hiding under my desk and asking, ‘is it over’. When choosing a president, you’re kind of choosing an employee that best caters to your establishment. You’re looking for a hard working, honest person who will listen to you and follow through with your recommendations. An individual who best represents your business’ values. All it takes is one vile, divisive employee to ruin your livelihood. So I can’t fathom how or why there are people that think Trump is the most suitable person for the job. America shouldn’t be settling for ‘politicians’ like him. The first half of his speeches are dedicated to how great he, how he’s polling, a lot of ‘me, me, me’, and how everyone else isn’t polling. Then the last half of his speeches are him making promises about he’s going to get rid

of all the ‘illegal aliens so freaking fast’ once he’s president. I would appreciate Donald Trump more as a candidate if he applied his business experience on ways to strengthening our economy, instead of blaming America’s rape culture on an entire race of people. America needs a president with effective solutions, and not just another bigot who can rile up support from a crowd with his promises to kick out undocumented immigrants. I mean this guy’s approach to immigration reform is to build a wall that spans 1,954 miles, and would cost 40 billion dollars (money we do not have). That he would want to rip 11 million people out of this country is unimaginable. That if you’re a child born in America with parents that are undocumented, your citizenship is also questionable. You're taking babies from hospitals, children from school, people from their jobs, homes, and businesses. Tearing apart families, ripping them in half. Shipping them off to a country they’ve never been in and may not even speak the language. All because their parents didn’t have the right papers, because you were born to undocumented immigrants, something you never had any control over. It would cause a human right’s violation of great magnitude, especially when our 14th amendment says, ‘persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States’. Immigration is a massive problem but that’s not a solution. Upon first hearing Donald Trump was running for president I was amused at first but now it's frightening. And for all his talk on how immigrants are ruining this country, “My grandparents didn’t come all the way from Germany just to see it get taken over by immigrants. Not on my watch.” Kind of ironic isn’t it. I want a presidential candidate who’s talking about economic inequalities, climate change, and student debt. Someone who acknowledges that LGBT+ people are not getting the public accommodations, housing rights, job discrimination protection that they deserve. A candidate who recognizes there is a gender pay gap. So, as it stands on presidential candidates, I’m writing to Santa to send me better ones.

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New candidate for the U.S.: Bernie Sanders By: Jenie Galvez New 2016 candidate running for president, he is a Democrat. The candidate, Bernie Sanders. He may not get as much TV. time as the others but is still a well standing candidate. He is saying many things that could change the U.S. for the better but, the question is, will he? Who knows but, Bernie Sanders has my vote. Sure, some people may say that we are too young to vote or we should enjoy life and not be involved much with politics. The truth is we, the young blood are running the country, America’s future lies with us; our ideas have the power to change America for the better and we need a leader to help us. Who better than Bernie Sanders. Sanders is says he will fix the issues relating to Racial Justice, Fighting for Women's rights, Income and Wealth inequality, Real Family Values, and Making college affordable for all. Let me point out that this could help us, racial justice is something this country needs, roughly 54 million Hispanics (around 17% of the country's population), around 18.2 million Asians (4.8% of the country's population), and 45 million (14.2% of the country), those are just the main races, there’s many more races to be listed, now just imagine half of all of the races listed are discriminated. Some get hurt due to some extremists that attack them just for their skin color. Second issue to address is fighting for women’s rights. Since 1848 women have been fighting for rights, in 1920 women’s rights were heard and they got the right to vote, do things said only men could do. However in 1920, that was just the beginning for women’s rights. Today, women still fight for their rights, activists are out there wanting equality. It may not seem like it but, in some parts of this country women are paid less than men just because of their gender. If Sanders comes through with fighting for women’s rights maybe all of us can truly be equal to each other. It would be better to do something about it then just complain and not take a stand. Also, if we were equal in the sense

of money and classes there would be a nicer atmosphere. Isn’t it a bit rude separating people by the labels rich, mid class, and poor? Isn’t it also unfair to have a big gap between the wealthy and the rest of us? If the income and wealth issue is addressed this as well could help us as a country feel better because we shouldn’t be separated by labels and money income. Now let’s get to real family values. If this issue is paid attention too, it could help families with low money incomes. Let’s say you are an ish-well paid person, then one day someone in your family gets sick and you don’t go to work, you will still be paid that day even though you are spending time with your sick family member. That would be nice, huh? And finally, the one that could benefit us as students making our way towards college, we all know college is expensive, if it was more affordable maybe, just maybe, more people would go! We need the knowledge college offers for us to reach our dreams. That would be great for us and the next generations, think about it! However, there are some reasons he might not be so good. So first of all, not to be mean, but his age. He may be too old to run this country, it would be horrible if he were to pass away while still in office, who then would help run the country. Also, there is an issue he says he will address is A Living Wage, he says he would like the national minimum wage to be fifteen dollars per hour. Sure that may sound like a good deal to some and it may be fine for big companies who can actually pay it but to small companies, that’s a high price to pay, imagine them having to keep up with that wage, heck, some may not even be able to pay that. Same with the downside of Real Family values. Some small companies may not be able to afford someone missing days and paying for them missing that day. We just can’t higher the price for minimum wage seven dollars and seventyfive cents. That’s way too much, the U.S. is already on debt, owing around eighteen trillion, who knows. Doing this may put us in more debt. Other than the things stated above, I believe that he is one of the best candidates to choose. What do you think? Which candidate will help our generation and other generations succeed? “Do the elected officials in Washington stand with ordinary Americans - working families, children, the elderly, the poor - or will the extraordinary power of billionaire campaign

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 contributors and Big Money prevail? The American people, by the millions, must send Congress the answer to that question.” -Bernie Sanders

have to be a people person. You kind of have to be likeable. Not caring what others think can be a good quality to have, but don’t you think that sometimes that would be a horrible person to represent you?

Donald Trump for president? By: Kaitlin Ceder

The 2016 presidential race is quite a controversial one. I haven’t seen a newscast in quite awhile where there hasn’t been something about the election, and it’s only going to get worse from here. Donald Trump can’t give a speech without digging himself into a deeper hole. Hillary Clinton is in the middle of some email scandal. Trump is currently in the lead for the Republican candidate. In the lead for the Democratic candidate is Hillary Clinton.

(Modern Art)

I am not very big into politics, but I will be this presidential race if Donald Trump is the Republican candidate. I sincerely hope he does not win. He is a successful businessman, but would not be a good president. He wants to build a wall, separating America and Mexico. This would cost so much money that we don’t have in the first place. When this was brought up to him, he said that he would get Mexico to build and pay for it, which is a ridiculous notion. He is racist towards certain ethnic groups, and I won’t bring up what he’s said about them in speeches. Some Donald Trump supporters may say that Trump is an experienced and tough dealmaker, which will be good for America. But, he can’t make deals with countries whose people he’s so racist towards. They also may say that Trump doesn’t care about being liked or about what he says, and that’s good so he’ll be honest during honest debates. But to be a good president, you

Donald Trump, President 2016 By: Rachel Ward The candidates for president in 2016 have a lot of people talking. Especially Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a very interesting character. Trump is known from ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’. Donald is now running for

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 president 2016. He and a bunch of others claim he will ‘Make America Great Again’ but how will a racist,homophobic,ignorant person make America great. He has many ideas for his campaign. One thing he wants to do is send ‘rapists’ and other criminals across the border. He also said he will build a giant wall across the border but he says the Mexican government will have to pay for it. I don’t like Trump at all because he is the most ignorant person. He thinks he is the best and he thinks he’s above everyone when he’s the most annoying person ever and below everyone. Before I heard Donald Trump was running for president I thought he was an okay guy but man, was I wrong. The Republican debate was live on CNN just recently and Trump did not win at all. Some people predict there will be a nomination drop in the polls because of the debates events. Some are saying Carly Fiorina really took the win from the debate. I honestly don’t really care as long as it’s not the arrogant Donald Trump. Some things Trump will say or do is terrible. A man asked Trump something and in the question he said president Obama was a secret Muslim and ‘un-American’. Donald did not question or correct the man. I won’t bash on the questioner as much as I’d like to but the fact Donald didn’t say anything about it or correct him is ‘un-American.’ He thinks every Mexican is a rapist or a criminal. He thinks every Mexican wears sombreros and speaks Spanish but news flash, this is wrong and this is one of many stereotypes. No one likes a bragging and selfish person so why would someone want to vote for Donald Trump? I personally can’t wait till 2020 when it’s time for Kanye West to stand up to the podium of victory. Donald Trump as President By Raymond Simmons

Think Donald trump should be president. Donald Trump would be a good president he could probably get a big chunk out of our debt as a country. He is a good role model with money and could inspire kids to start saving money. He can handle our affairs with the Chinese. He knows how to handle the Chinese and settle all the affairs once and for all with them. Donald trump has good ideas to make America great and make us more of an independent country. He will get rid of a lot of the debt we have with China. He wants to have an illegal immigrant reform that would probably get rid a lot of the crime. He wants a wall built between Mexico and the U.S and make Mexico pay for it because they send out flyers to how to seek into the U.S. Mexico is trying to get rid of their crime by sending it into the U.S On the other hand some people might want Hillary Clinton for president. Hillary wants to raise income for Americans. She wants to increase the women labor to get more equal rights. She wants to raise women labor so we are not 19th of 24 in women equal rights. Another thing she wants to do is make an economy of tomorrow.

Donald Trump for President. By. Amanda Failla. I think Donald Trump is the most prepared to lead the country. He is running for president. People who voted for Obama are starting to fall in love with Donald trump. Over 50 percent of people are going to vote for him. He is going to make a lot of new laws and change things for the better. But he is going to deport a lot of people back to Mexico.Because he does not want them to fill the jobs for American people. And says he is going to build a wall around there.So people cannot come into America illegally. That is very racist I don't get it but yea. He is also making gay marriage illegal.. Some people love Donald Trump because he speaks his mind. On television shows. He is very big for that. Also some people love him because he is going to make gay marriage illegal. Also he is going to deport

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 Mexicans back to Mexico and build a wall around Mexico. I think that is a bad idea because where will they get things they need because they don't have all their resources. I think that he should not make gay marriage illegal. Because they are who they are. Although I think Donald Trump would make a good president. Because he knows what he is doing. Defeating ISIS - Jarod Haffner I think Jeb Bush would be best out of all the other candidates like Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton. Jeb Bush has built more prisons and made criminals serve longer sentences for what they did. Will keep gun-control under control so there will be no more mass killings. He will strike the immigration laws and will not kick the immigrants we have already but make it harder for the new ones to come in. He will honor our veterans and current troops in Afghanistan and get rid of ISIS forever. He will also make it harder to get drugs across the border and sell them to buyers. He also has plans to stop abortion from rape and incest. To build the XL pipeline and to deliver oil.


could lead to solving the crime. Plus, if people know that there is a better chance of them being caught, the number of police getting shot would most likely go down. Another reason I think that all police officers should be equipped with cameras on their uniforms is so that in cases where they think the police officers is guilty of murdering someone, they could see what happened. You would be able to see who really was guilty in the situation. Police officers would know that everything they do is on camera, which may also bring down the number of cops who commit a crime on duty. Although you may think that putting a camera on a police officer's uniform is going too far, or an invasion of privacy, I don’t. They are officers, which means they are leaders and role models to many in the community. So, if they are doing their job, and not doing anything wrong anyway, why can’t they have a camera on their uniform? Plus, it’s more for their safety, in case something ever happened to them.

Police shooting by William Calabretto

Should the Safety of Police be Stronger? By: Kaylee Rothmeyer Should all police officers be equipped with cameras on their uniforms? I do think that all police officers should be equipped with cameras on their uniforms. Every time you turn on the news, you hear about a police officer being killed, or a police officer killing someone. In my opinion, it is getting out of control. This problem needs to be solved! One reason I think all police officers should be equipped with cameras on their uniforms is so, in any case where the police is shot, they would have some sort of evidence that

This article is about how Police have been killed by people and people have been killed by the police. They are talking about how they should

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 put hidden cameras in police uniforms by the police departments. I think it’s a great idea because so people and the police departments can see what really happened. Also even if the people are lying saying cops only kill black people it’s really phony and stupid that people think that because they don’t realize that they cause it because they resist the arrest. If u resist arrest the cops might be a little aggressive if you disobey the law and the cop is in control so they have no right to resist an arrest.

Whoever made or invented that would be so great because it shows what really happened but of course somebody around the world are going to say “well they could have edit that” well even if they can but they won’t because that would be wrong and they would get sued and fired. Cops are very smart they can outthink some people but some people may outsmart people too. I think it’s a great idea and safe environment for the city. Also they can show the footage to the judge and he/she can decide which serves the time since they did the crime.

People think it’s wrong because cops shoot people but it’s ok if people shoot cops. Well some shootings are missed read or different like they shot somebody cause they ran away or trying to hurt them or trying to shoot them then people that are thinking wrong needs to recheck. I think that some cops that are new that don’t know everything they do something like shoot the person for a resist or a stupid reason then people get all mad that they killed somebody well it isn’t right to shoot them unless they are like you are chasing them in a car chase or they are pointing a gun at you or they are shooting at you. I will agree with some people like the Eric Garner incident that a cop killed him because he was resisting arrest, the whole story was that he was selling illegal cigarettes then the cop was trying to arrest him and he was resisting the arrest one cop tackled him and got him in a choke hold then the guy was screaming that he can’t breathe he can’t breathe even though there's like 5 people on top of him and he kept choking him he died. The cop had to go to court then the charges were dropped.

IS TOM BRADY GUILTY OF CHEATING? Sports and Cheating by Gavin Smith So you are playing baseball and you spit on the ball, that’s cheating. You pretend to throw the baseball but don’t, that’s cheating. In football pretending to throw the ball is not cheating. Deflating the ball is. Deflating the football makes it easier to throw and catch. And that’s cheating. It was cold when the game was played. So that could explain why the balls were deflated. In fact that is what the coach Belichick said could have happened. The balls were inflated to the correct PSI by officials, taken to the climate controlled locker room, and then the game officials climate controlled room. After that it may have been the weather. Tom Brady was playing for the New England Patriots when the balls were discovered to have been deflated. That’s cheating. Tom Brady was accused of being aware of this deflating. And then during trial he was convicted. Four games out of a whole season is a fair punishment.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 The Deflate Gate By Jordan Peterson

Football vs. Futbol

I think that it is so stupid that the Quarterback for the Patriots, Tom Brady gets away with cheating in the biggest game in football. He knew they were like they way they were and he did not get penalize for it. He gets to play when if someone did that in high school or college they would get kicked from games and one famous player cheats in the biggest games in football and to win is to cheat. I watch the first game and they were getting away with stuff and I think they did something again. I know a lot of kids that like Tom Brady and they will do what they do. Tom Brady is a bad example for kids because kids will do anything they like. The kids the kids think they will do bad stuff and they think they will not get in trouble because look at Tom Brady. A lot of kids are going to try to cheat now because they can get away with it.one thing is Tom Brady he was suppost to get 4 game suspensions and they ruled it off and why would they rule that off he knew that the balls had less air. Maybe he did not know that they was less air out of the balls maybe the coach made him do it and make him take all the blame for it. Tom Brady might have known but he still won’t to do it. He probably learned his lesson and he won’t. But I know that he should got at least four games there is like 12 so he could played the rest. The backup Quarterback really never plays.

By: Emily Eikenberry

Tom Brady Cheats in the super bowl I think that Tom Brady should have gotten kicked off the team or not get paid to be off the team for 4 games. He should have not cheated because he had a 50% chance of winning the game so he should have played fair but because he had to win which they always have the next year to win. I think that Tom Brady needs to learn not to cheat and play fair when they have games because it’s not fair to the other team. Everyone thinks that Tom Brady is the best person ever and did not have anything to do with the deflated the footballs for the game. Some people think that he should have never got suspension because he did nothing wrong. Tom Brady was in the first game so he got unsuspended . After he did the judge that suspend him was seen at a party with the head coach. Another Person who cheated is FIFA vice president Jack Warner. He has been accused of taking $750,000 (£490,000) of aid meant for the 2010 Haiti earthquake into bank accounts he controlled. Jack Warner's long list of crimes. One of the crimes was taking funds raised to assist victims of the deadly earthquake that killed over 100,000 people. In my opinion Jack should have stayed in jail and not get released for exhaustion. Some people say he should have not gotten in trouble because he did not deflate the footballs. In my opinion Tom Brady should have got suspension because he did deflate the football. But he got unsuspended because the judge is his friend. Tom will probably cheat again because he thinks it’s ok to cheat.

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Should the Patriots be in trouble for cheating ? by Alejandro Chavez The patriots were caught cheating in the super bowl . They deflated the ball so it could have more grip so they can catch it better. but the thing is it's not there first time they cheated they have a lot more cheating games from different times and years. They say that the coach Bill Belichick and tom Brady where in on the act together.But they made a law suit but there is nothing yet from the officials. Well second off they deflated the ball during the final game and it is illegal and they should be fined ! also why don’t they check the ball if there cheating because they need to play fair . Another did the coach encourage them to deflate the ball . If so why would they ? Will they cheat again to get to the next super bowl or play fair ? I think they should get punished because it's the biggest game of the year.Some people believe that he shouldn't get in trouble because he is the quarterback and from the popularity. So there probably going to cheat the next game. So if you believe that you might want some serious thinking about that. That's why I think he should be in trouble . It might happen again that's why because it is a very big deal.

Deflate gate by~ Ashlie Knecht

My story is about “Shady Brady” and deflating the game ball at the Superbowl. If you don’t know what Deflate gate is it's simply in the title “Deflate”. You might say well why would the Tom Brady deflate the ball it makes no sense?. Well it does make sense when you deflate the ball it makes it easier for the players to throw and catch. In the end I do believe he was responsible and did deserve his punishment even if he wasn’t the one who deflated the ball he knew it was deflated and he didn’t say anything to the officials. So he deserves to be punished for cheating. Like do you think its okay in soccer if someone was exaggerating to get the other player a yellow card or to get stuck on the bench? No it’s not fair the same as him knowing about the ball being deflated. My counterclaim is even if Tom Brady wasn’t the one to deflate the ball he knew about it and still went along as if everything was ok. You might say “well he didn’t do it” well you're right he didn’t but he was the bystander and sometimes the bystander gets in just as much trouble like Tom Brady did.

Deflate Gate By Mack Dofner

In the 2014 Superbowl people blamed Tom Brady the guarder back for the New England Patriots for deflating the football to make the ball easier to through and easier to grip. Some people think that he should be in trouble he know that if you do deflate the ball it is easier to through so he could of did it but some people may be of done it because they don’t like his team so they blame him. Some people think that they did not do it because his coach might have made him do it and if he did not then he would have got kick off the team so he did it anyway.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 the time they were moved from the stadium to the locker rooms. In my opinion they should be disqualified this year and there coach should be fired cheating in a national game.

BY TRAAVON THOMAS Brady should get more of a punishment for cheating I think that he should get kicked of the team and becomes it’s the super bowl. Patriots for deflating the football to make the ball easier to through and easier to grip. The other side think he should not be punishment becomes there a big fan for tom Brady but the coach should be in trouble to.

Deflate Gate By: Jacob Fries Lets talk about deflate gate this happened during the 2014 super bowl the new England patriots were accused of deflating the footballs. They had more grip on the footballs. This year it has been made official that they did deflate the footballs this should be a huge deal. since it was the super bowl the only time this would be a small penalty would be in the preseason games because the win doesn't matter. I think the deflate gate penalty should be a bigger issue than what they made it out to be the minor penalty they got was kind of weak in my opinion. The new England football coach was going into a very big press conference to blame the deflating of the footballs was the climate or because the players rubbed the air out of it. After Saturday's 30-minute press conference explaining the effect of psIs atmospheric and climatic conditions all as it relates to footballs.

Yes it’s their lives. I understand that, but other people don’t . Others thought they were ruining their careers. Ruining their dreams and dreams of others who wanted to meet these celebrities. Nobody would want to meet a celebrity that posts inappropriate videos, or a celebrity that left their band for whatever reason. It’s just not something kids would want. Tom Brady by: Joe Schuetz

If I was the officials I would not believe the coach I mean honestly he’s not bill Nye and all the footballs had the same thing happen to all of them. So that means all the footballs would have to be deflated a bit. If there was a case when just those footballs were deflated than they had to be tampered with or left in extreme cold at

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TOM BRADY going to court

Vol. 2 Issue 1 Tom Brady By: Ryan Bangart The deflate game I think tom Brady should get more of a punishment because he got to play in the game last night. it is the super bowl and he cheated so I think it is not a good thing so I am against that and so I think that if they make it to the super bowl tom Brady should not play. If they make it in the super bowl and I want to that so his only punishment was not to play in 3 preseason games and that is not really a punishment and tom Brady thinks it's ok because he didn't do it and the couch did so tom Brady thinks its ok but other people don't think it's fine like me I think he should get more of a punishment I think that he should be more punishment because he was not even really punish because he got to play in the 1st game of the year and so that meant that he didn't play in the preseason and it don’t really matter about the preseason games because it is just like practice to help and see if people are good and if they are better then they will put them as 1 string so tom Brady should've been out for 3 games in the regular season because I bet u if tom Brady was not in the 3 regular season games they would not win because that is how they win and so I think that he should be more punts. But some people think that he should not be in trouble because they like him and they like the team and they don't know what the most important thing is to because he cheated in the most important game of the season and that is a really big deal to some people and some people don't think that because they just think that it is fine because he just got suspended for 3 preseason games and they think that is fine because it is 3 games but those games are not important but some people don't see that in the game and the NFL should be more strict about that because it is the most important game of the season and idk why people think that is ok to do that in a game and it is not ok to cheat in a game period because you are supposed to play the game fair and that is what people think about tom Brady being suspended.

Recently in the sports news. Tom Brady and John Jastremski were in suspension by the NFL shortly after discovering a ball running out of air or a Deflategate during the Super Bowl, many according to sources such as NFL said that they did say that Jastremski and Brady were texting to each other. How ever sources like CNN (and most likely other sources) say other wise. Me, personally think that Tom Brady and his team didn’t do the deflate the ball. To further backup my evidence, Tom Brady did say to the media that he didn’t alter the football used in the game. But recently small sources such as the Bleacher Report, said that NFL has reported they are going to talk a settlement about the incident. So, regardless (unless the story is fake), Tom Brady will probably be brought back to the team, since he is one of NFL’s big football celebrity. But, John Jastremski might be fired for this event. Even the Seahawks agree, their cornerback, Richard Sherman, says that they shouldn’t even be getting the punishment. According to the CNN article, Jastremski was seen talking to Brady on his iPhone about how nervous he was for doing this stunt shortly after an interview during the Super Bowl, due to the most likely reason that him and his team were somewhat doing bad at the game when they competed with the Seahawks.

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Should we hold Celebrities to a higher standard, expect them to be role models?  Cynthia Salinas It’s not a celebrity’s job to be a good role model for your children, they’re not here to raise your kids, that’s a parent’s job. A celebrity should not be held accountable for the behavior of a kid. For that to happen they would need long term exposure to this behavior more than anything else (friends, family, teachers). If you’re concerned that the way they’re acting is affected by a celebrity on TV you should be looking for a way to see where this behavior truly stems from, search for solutions. Don’t dismiss and blame a TV star, to absolve yourself of the problem. Most celebrities don’t even want to be celebrities, if anything they want to do what they love and be treated as normal people. These people didn’t sign up to become role models for millions of people, they don’t know how much of their personal life is being sacrificed. When getting into this, celebrities don’t know people expect them to conduct themselves in a specific manner. We live in a world where celebrities are treated as the very definition, and example we should live our lives by as individuals. Celebrities are normal people, to have different expectations because they’re are constantly on

camera or in the spotlight is absurd. The only thing that casts them aside from the average Joe is that they can’t walk down the street without attracting a mob. Otherwise you wouldn’t recognize them, to you they’d be another person walking to Starbucks. Celebrities are penalized very easily for doing anything out of character, and are especially scrutinized when they make a single mistake. I think the term role model has gotten a tad out of hand. It’s okay to admire these people if they’ve inspired you in your everyday life. If their success makes you push yourself harder as football, basketball, or soccer practice because you aspire to reach that point of recognition for your hard work as an athlete, that’s amazing. If a celebrity inspires you to take that solo, finish that drawing, or achieve any of your goals, great. However, you’re the one who took the initiative to do that, and whether that behavior is positive or not. So even good role models shouldn’t be recognized. But we forget that these celebrities are people and should be treated as such, they’re not to be put on pedestals, or made out to be better than they are. Doing these things, dehumanizes them, making us forget they’re individuals. Individuals who lead a life of their own and express themselves through different creative outlets. Disney stars and Nickelodeon kids get the brunt of this. For years child actors portray a character or personality, growing into these niches. So when that show ends, when they’re all grown up, wondering “What do I do now? Who am I?”. They’re coming of age, making difficult decisions, trying to grasp their selfidentity as they grow into adults. And all of the sudden, they’re deemed as horrible human beings over a few mistakes. They’re held to impossible standards and every single action is recorded to be overanalyzed a hundred times over, forever. For all the hatred and dismissive comments Nicki Minaj receives, many people overlook the fact that she’s using her influential powers to speak up on big world issues. She preaches about body positivity, female empowerment, in her interviews she emphasizes sexism in the workplace. Minaj encourages her fans to be independent individuals who should put their needs first. However, all of that of that is overlooked when the media chooses to portray her as the angry, black woman, with out of context pictures attached.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 As a last word, a role model is someone who possesses desirable, genuine qualities, or it can be whoever you’re looking for as a role model. Celebrities however aren’t the best choice. Some fund charity events, promote positive beliefs. Be aware that the mass media’s coverage on these celebrities vary, and spin delusional stories that may misrepresent an individual. And you’ll never know that celebrity as a person you’ll just know what the media tells you, and/or omnipresent gossip. It’s the media that ruins a lot of these kids, it’s the tabloids that exploit many celebrities. I mean the public practically burns celebrities at stake, or glorifies them for any action. ‘Celebrities are people, and the media should not control or filter what they say and do. They deserve basic human decency and should not be upheld to your standards of what is good for your children. They are your children. You take care of them. Celebrities shouldn’t have to do it for you.’ -Matt Chaplin

Montana is dead”. Being a grown up isn’t twerking, she should be more of an adult and not be praised for eating glitter in a music video, she has talent but is trying to hard to get attention. Another person that many young children look up to is Justin Beiber, he previously had done a performance at the 2015 VMA’s singing ‘What Do You Mean’ after the performance he was tearing up, many fans were saying it was because he was happy to get his fame and everything back into order. Justin had a previous fall out with drugs, getting in fights and even getting in trouble with the cops. Kanye west has previously been on the news, Kanye West had done a speech that everyone praised him for, seen on VMA’s at the end of the long speech he told everyone “and if you're wondering yes I’m running for president in 2020”. In previous interviews he had compared himself to being god. Is that what you want your kids and other younger children to look up to? The question is, are pop stars being inappropriate and is it showing kids that it’s okay to act out like this? Parents putting videos on social media thinking it’s funny that their 4 year old is twerking. Celebrities should be held to higher standards and should be doing well in the community, for example donating to charity and helping out. Some celebrities going to hospitals and talking to their fans. Fans and younger kids look up to them. Some children are too young to understand that it is bad what some of these celebrities are doing. Maybe they are taking their fame for advantage?

Controversial Hollywood Stars By: Alexis Rothmeyer

Hollywood stars have been all over the news for months. People making big deals about Miley Cyrus and her being to inappropriate and Justin getting in more trouble. More Stars are getting careless about what they do, and it could make kids act out.

People like Miley, Kanye and Justin need to think about their fans and the young kids looking up to them. What is your opinion on the topic?

Many people look up to celebrities, kids wanting to be like them. There has been a controversial argument about fame getting to people they are recently acting out for example Miley Cyrus hosting the VMA’s her clothes may have been to ‘revealing’ considering millions of people were watching the performance. Miley also abuses drugs. She uses growing up for an excuse saying “Hannah

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Should We Monitor Celebrities Actions? By: Charley Clapp I don't think celebrities should have to monitor how they act, just how we don’t have to. Yes many children may look up to a celebrity, but that's the parent's job to monitor. After all we're all human. I believe this because, a celebrity is just as much a person as us. While most children would possibly mirror they're idol, they're parent’s are at fault because they let their child listen to them and act that way. Plus if whatever the celebrity posts is so inappropriate it will get deleted from the social media website. Some might say that celebrities directly impact our future generations, and while that is true it’s only too an extent. I can’t stress enough you can monitor your child's favorite singer by simply not listening to a radio station. Your kid’s music taste or favorite singer will probably change in the next year anyways.

There has been a lot of controversy in the news lately over the behavior of several Hollywood celebrities. What do you think? Why are these celebrities acting like this? America had let some really and influences begin a pop star career and end up getting fired or cut off! I believe that these stars should not be in it! Their music may be good but is it really someone you want to set your life on? I believe that most of these so called Pop Stars shouldn't be! Only because most people try to act like them and most of they turn out to be really bad kids! But some kid’s parents let them listen to that type of music! It’s not their fault they like it! I think that since Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber were such inappropriate kids, Only because they are teaching kids that drugs and alcohol are okay to use! Never do drugs or alcohol! Some might say that celebrities directly impact our future generations, and while that is true it’s only too an extent. I can’t stress enough you can monitor your child's favorite singer by simply not listening to a radio station. Your kid’s music taste or favorite singer will probably change in the next year anyways. Also not listening to certain music is the best because showing that a pop star does drugs and drinks some kids think that it’s okay to do because they're doing it! This article is about Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber even though they are big celebrities they have been caught doing something inappropriate several times and that behavior in not good for kids to look up to as role models. Even though they are adults or still teenagers if they choose to live however they want but I don’t know if it is a good choice and some people has said that they should be arrested for their behavior. Would you really want to look like this with your boyfriends someday.

Are Celebrities Good Role Models! By: Ally Wright

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The way how celebrities should act is nice, caring, and a great role model. The most important thing to remember is to sing from the heart and never forget who you are.

The way how celebrities should look is looking there best, do what you do on stage but nothing inappropriate though and dance appropriate so you can be an excellent role model for all of the kids that looks up to you.

Unspecified narcotics are reportedly found on board, but no one is charged. Also January 23, 2014 Bieber is arrested after being pulled over for drag racing in Miami Beach, and fails a drug test after being taken into custody. As Justin Bieber has had 20 mistakes that a lot of normal non famous celebrity people would get into trouble for doing illegal things. As Justin Beiber would NOT get into any trouble people may say it’s because he’s a top celebrity that a lot of people like. But about the (tour bus is raided by police in Stockholm, Sweden, after an officer smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle. Unspecified narcotics are reported found on board, but no one is charged) but as most people say maybe it’s because he paid them off. From Justin’s mistakes/problems he has made in his career as he shows his younger fans to get into trouble and that it is ok to bend the rules. But his younger fans are bending the rules just as he is. They are getting put into juvie but what’s happening to Justin is he? Is it just because Justin’s a celebrity or is he just well liked? So are the authorities favoring celebrities?

Celebrities Take a turning Point in Career By Allison Schubert

Should Celebrities be Role Models? by Hope Garcia

Should Miley Cyrus be able to twerk on public television should Justin Bieber be able to get into fights for no reason and not get in trouble? No if whatever anybody does everybody should get into trouble for there actions. As like Justin Bieber attempts to host a live stream video during Grammys ceremony, but Ustream experiences capacity issues. "Never been so frustrating," he writes on Feb. 10, 2013. April 25, 2013 Bieber's tour bus is raided by police in Stockholm, Sweden, after an officer smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle.

Millions of kids look up to celebrities. Whether it’s Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, or the One Direction band, they all have fans. And they’ll all continue to have fans, especially after the controversies that have been in the news recently about these celebrities. Justin Bieber getting tattoos and getting caught drinking and doing drugs, Miley Cyrus making inappropriate videos and posting them online or Zayn Malik leaving the One Direction band. So how come these celebrities are doing these things? Shouldn’t they be held to a higher standard? Since they have so many people and kids looking up to them?

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 I think they should be holding themselves to a higher standard. I think this because they were all once very popular and very healthy. And they still are. So what caused them to do the things they did? They had everything a young adult would want. They all had amazing talent. They all had incredible fame. I think by doing the things they did, made them look like bad influences and role models. That’s why so many people judged, but these celebrities knew their consequences, and did the things they did anyways.

consequences just like everyone else. If they get away with everything, What does that tell us that were nothing compared to them. Just because they're famous that doesn't mean they should get special treatment, We should all be treated the same.

Celebrities Behavior by- Wimach Gilo

Millions of people look up to celebrities like Miley Cyrus , Justin Bieber, Taylor swift, Drake , etc. The celebrities don’t always do good things. I think they should get in into trouble just like we do. They are normal people like we are. Just more people look up to them. I think it is their choice what they do and what they don’t want to do. The reason why I think they should get into trouble for bad things they are doing because it is wrong. They are people too , even though more people look up to them they need to be punished for anything bad that they have done. It is the “ fans “ choice either to look at them as role models or not. Like Miley Cyrus , if people like what she does and wears and supports what she does then that is their choice to like her for her , if she gets into trouble that is on her. I think that she should ask herself “would I get into trouble if I do this?” Someone will find out and then it and people could not see her as a role model anymore and that is on Miley. When someone finds out and then it could be trending worldwide. Some people think she should do what she wants and not get in trouble but a lot of things she does is disturbing. She has a “ trashy ” wardrobe that people could get into trouble for but she possibly would not because she is famous. Most people look to her as “ attractive “ but really all she shows is skin and a lot of people think it is “ pretty or attractive “. People would want to like them for how smart they are not pretty and trashy like her. I think people should not look at celebrities as role models because not everything they do is worth modeling.

There has been a lot of controversy in the news lately over the behavior of several Hollywood celebrities. Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and many more have been caught doing several inappropriate things and posting them online, discussing them in public, or being arrested for their behaviors. I feel these celebrities should hold themselves to a higher standard with their behavior since so many see them as role models. Lately there have been reports of celebs doing inappropriate things. In July Ariana Grande and her boyfriend Ricky Alvarez were caught licking donuts in a shop and declaring that she ¨Hates America¨. In 2014 Bieber was busted in Miami Beach he was also arrested for resisting arrest, drag racing and driving with an expired license, Justin was also taking both drugs and alcohol. A picture of 13-year-old Willow Smith lying in bed with a 20-year-old was posted online. The daughter of Will and Jada PinkettSmith has been seen with actor Moises Arias. He leans against a wall, while Willow lies on her side next to him, her head resting on her arm. So in conclusion if celebrity are going to keep up their attitude they should be accountable for their actions. If there going to keep doing inappropriate things that should have

Should celebrities get in trouble for what they do.? By: Kadayzha

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 I personally think that they should have some standards. Because there are literally thousands maybe millions of people who look up to these people, and if they follow them then they might think that’s right and start acting like it. Then America would really be in trouble. Also maybe they could act like they want just not around paparazzi or spread it to the world about what they did. I think when they are on camera, they should act like reasonable adults instead of thinking that they can do anything they want just because they are rich and famous.


I honestly believe that they should live up to their names more. Because so many people look up to them, but lately some celebrities have been getting a little out of control. Like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. They have all been getting a little out of control. From being in appropriate to drunk driving and drag racing. One example is how Nicki Minaj has been having inappropriate contact with drake. Another is how Justin Bieber is drag racing, and drunk driving. Miley is also in the mix by wearing a birthday suit and has been causing a big splash in social media. The biggest disturbance lately would have to be Kim Kardashian, with her going from guy to guy these past few years and then finally getting pregnant, she has by far been the most popular with everyone talking about her.

Kim announcing pregnancy.

The Has Been Talking About Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber And They’re Behavior. by Sylver Hardiman

I Think that Miley Cyrus, And Justin Bieber Should Act Like A Rolemodel For kids Because A Lot Of People Look Up To Her And Justin Bieber Too And They Will Try To Do The Same Things As Justin Bieber And Miley Cyrus Does , It’s Not Good For Kids Who Try To Do The Same Things As Miley Cyrus Does. And Ariana Grande Was In THe DoughNut Shop WIth Her New BackUp Dancer/Boyfriend. And They Both Have Been Licking DoughNuts

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 In The Store. And Didn’t Say Anything, She Was Also Handed A Tray Of DoughNuts. And Her Response Was ‘’ EW What Are Those?’’ And That’s When She Said She Hated America And Americans. And Next At The VMA’s Miley Cyrus Was Hosting She Said Nicki Minaj Wasn’t Nice. And Then Miley Cyrus Was Called The B word By Nicki Minaj. Drake Even Got Into This And He’s Taking Miley’s Side NIcki Minaj Says She Feels Betrayed By Drake. Selena Gomez Wants Justin Bieber Back And Justin Bieber wants to date Justin Bieber AGAIN!!!!!! But After That She Apoligized. Should Celebrities be held to a higher standard? By Samantha Vacanti I believe celebrities are people too, and they can do whatever they please with their life but if they do they get judged for it, and that shouldn't happen, just because they have a talent and many people know them across the world do not mean there not like everyone else.

Yes celebrities are many people's role models but there natrual people, and it's not even their fault that all this is getting on the news, like “Oh new update about Miley Cyrus sleeping with Justin Bieber behind Selena’s back.” that's personal to them. I wouldn't want that to get out if I was any one of them. The paparazzi need to just back off. So therefore, celebrity’s should do whatever they want, it's their life, they shouldn't be told how to live it, you wouldn't be happy if someone told you how to live your life, and if they decide to make not so good decisions that's their choice, because yolo right.

Should Bad Celebrities Get In Trouble by LaShae Larson I think that celebrities should be able to do whatever they want. On July 10 a new video of the Bieber carelessly peeing into a restaurant mop bucket doesn't add to any good-boy image. But he goes on twitter and apologizes and says. “In life u will make mistakes and people will try and tear you down…but u gotta stay positive. Stay strong..and learn to be better…and…always live to serve others and The Lord. #growing everyday.” They are 21 and have the freedom to do what they want, this is a free country.We also have a constitution of independence. Yea some of the things are ridiculous but most of the time they say they are sorry. Most of the things they do aren't even that bad. But some people would want them to change because there kids might watch them. Some of them are inappropriate. And don't want there kids doing what the celebrities are doing. There parents should show you from right and wrong. But I say if Justin Bieber wants to pee in a bucket… let him

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Hate For Hollywood Stars. By: Erica A

Vol. 2 Issue 1 A lot of hate going towards celebrities especially Miley Cyrus. Many people are sending hate towards Miley for her recent actions. Miley has been getting hate for her 2013 VMA appearance. Does she really deserve it? People only concentrate on what she does badly. Miley clearly trying to clear up here act, with the 2014 ‘Happy Hippie Foundation’ where she cares for the homeless, “Our mission is to rally young people to fight injustice facing homeless youth” Stated in her “Happy Hippie Foundation” website. I believe that Miley is trying to do well, but is being steered off by the distractions. She does mean well, right? Now let’s talk about Justin Bieber. People have been hating. I think it’s not fair. What makes him so different from other people, what because he is famous? Hate can emotionally make someone feel un accepted, just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you can hate. Justin crying in the 2015 VMA’s, stating he finally feels accepted and wanted. In conclusion, what's the point of giving hate towards someone just because they are famous or going and doing their own thing?

model. Also to make themselves more popular they should be responsible. If they were more responsible parents would let their kids listen to their music. Such as Justin Beiber using drugs in two different incidents. First when he rented a Lamborghini and drag raced it under the influence. Secondly they found drugs in the singers California mansion. they arrested his friend Lil Za and Bieber bailed him out. Cops where further investigating the egging case causing about $20,000 in damage to the neighbors plaster and wood exterior. these are reasons why Justin Bieber is irresponsible. Some people think you should be able to do what you want because of freedom. But freedom doesn't cover everything. Especially illegal stuff like drugs and other things. stars in this world need to get mature and do the right things. there has been a lot of immature stuff dealing with stars in the past two to three years. Bad Influences? Isaiah Cayton

Celebrities doing inappropriate things BY:Cayden Rowell

I think that the way these celebrities act is just blasphemy. I mean just some of the things they do and say, like Justin Bieber saying that he would kill African Americans, and joining the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). So all of his followers heard this and we're ok with it. Some of his hardcore fans thought that he would really do this and that they were going to do it as well. Something else that was crazy was the cut for Justin thing. Diehard fans were cutting themselves to try to stop him from smoking weed. But I don’t think these behaviors were always this way. Recently within the last two years there has been several celebrities that have done inappropriate things that are unacceptable. I think that there are acting irresponsible when they should be acting mature cause they are famous. Also they have small children that looking up to them as a role

I think that celebrities used to be nice kids growing up, but then they did something and got famous. Then as the fame came to them, it started to change how they acted. Like Justin Bieber smoking weed and committing even more

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 crimes. The money had given him more and more access to these illegal things. If they didn’t have the people to get them out of jail. Sometimes the officers didn’t even take them to jail, because of the popularity. It made these people almost untouchable. Out of all this, I do not think that these celebrities should be looked upon as role models, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, etc. I don’t think they should be role models because of all the negative messages they send to children, and even teenagers. Mostly teenagers. If these celebrities were to change peoples outlook of them this world would be a better place.

Should celebrities be held to a higher standard? By: Dawson Hernandez In my opinion I don’t think that celebrities should have to be role models to kids just because they are a part of their daily lives because although we’d like to think that we are perfect, nobody is. I think that because that most celebrities think that that they have to be a pillar of humanity by donating to charities and speaking at public events just because they didn’t have anything better to do doesn’t mean that all celebrities have to be just like them and be the absolute best that they can be. If you think about the only reason that most people become famous in the first place is just by pure luck or even just because somebody that that they were cool and enough people decided that they like them so they get rocketed to fame in a matter of weeks. So in this sense it should be the celebrities choice whether they are going to be the best people that they can be or if they want to be the kind of people that the only reason that people want to watch or listen to them is because of their pure vulgarity it is their choice.

IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? Life on Other Planets by Joe Cooley There may be life on other Planets in different solar systems. Because if it has water and has plants it has life. Some other planets with life may have Unique Features like different plants and creatures. But a few planets may have a bit of life but too cold for us. Also a few planets may be too hot in summer and too cold in the winter but just right in spring and fall. Some space cameras have taken pictures of planets of other solar systems with what appears to be water that may be possibly hinting life.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 Kepler-186f: Could There Be Life On Other Planets? By Matt Chaplin Goldilocks Planet By: Jared Thompson

Recently, NASA’s Kepler discovered a planet in the next galaxy that could hold life. It has water and an atmosphere and seems to be a bigger, older cousin of Earth. Now the question is, could there really be life on other planets? I think there could be. If a planet has everything needed to sustain life, and is within the habitable zone of a star, why not? It is scientifically plausible for there to be life on a planet like Kepler-186f. Therefore, I think there might be. We haven’t landed on it yet to discover what the surface looks like, but there could well be life there. There could even be some kind of civilization there. To sustain life, a planet would need: a solar system with one Sun that can be a longlived, stable source of energy; to be non-gaseous; to be within the habitable zone of the Sun; in a habitable place in the galaxy; a moon with the right amount of mass to sustain the planet’s rotation; plate tectonics; an atmosphere with plenty of oxygen; a sweeper planet to deflect comets; water; energy; nutrients; gravity; and planetary neighbors with non-eccentric orbits. If Kepler-186f (or any other planet) had these things, it could have life. Although these are all of the things a planet would need to hold life, some people still think it is impossible. Many people believe this because of their religion. Some Christians believe that God created Earth to sustain life, and only Earth. Therefore, no other planets can contain life because God didn’t create the planet or the life forms on them in the Bible. However, the science behind this suggests otherwise. If a planet has the proper requirements, it could hold life. So, I think Kepler-186f could hold life, or we may one day discover another planet that does.

Astronomers found a planet that that supposedly is very similar to Earth. This planet was found in our neighboring galaxy. Astronomers say that this planet is almost like a “twin” to our planet, Earth. They also said that this planet has the exact same characteristics as Earth, such as water, land and the perfect atmosphere for life. I think that if astronomers had found this planet many, many years ago that humans would be living there now. If astronomers would have found this planet earlier then we would know more about galaxies. If they did, we could live on Earth and that planet. Even if we just got to see what life would be like on that planet that would be fascinating. I think that it would be like a fresh start to your life being on another world. If we lived there astronomers could find out more about space and galaxies. That’s why I think that this would be a great idea. Some people may be scared to go on another planet that they have no idea about. I think that people will feel it is just like Earth so much that they might want to stay here. They might think that they already have a good life here why would they move? I know that many people have their own reasons on why to stay here. But I think that it would be a great experience to go to another planet to live there or just to see what it's like there.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 planet comparable to Earth in size is a major step forward."

NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star - junior Silva could this be real or is it a hoax

NASA'S NEW PLANET!!! -by Adrian Hernandez

Nasa has found a new Planet. There might be life on this Planet. This planet has all the things they need to have life, water, sun. It look’s like it has air on the planet NASA's Kepler Space NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the first Earth-size planet orbiting a star in the "habitable zone" -- the range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting planet. The discovery of Kepler-186f confirms that planets the size of Earth exist in the habitable zone of stars other than our sun. While planets have previously been found in the habitable zone, they are all at least 40 percent larger in size than Earth and understanding their makeup is challenging. Kepler-186f is more reminiscent of Earth.

"The discovery of Kepler-186f is a significant step toward finding worlds like our planet Earth," said Paul Hertz, NASA's Astrophysics Division director at the agency's headquarters in Washington. "Future NASA missions, like the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and the James Webb Space Telescope, will discover the nearest rocky exoplanets and determine their composition and atmospheric conditions, continuing humankind's quest to find truly Earthlike worlds." Although the size of Kepler-186f is known, its mass and composition are not. Previous research, however, suggests that a planet the size of Kepler-186f is likely to be rocky."We know of just one planet where life exists -- Earth. When we search for life outside our solar system we focus on finding planets with characteristics that mimic that of Earth," said Elisa Quintana, research scientist at the SETI Institute at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and lead author of the paper published today in the journal Science. "Finding a habitable zone

. When I look that the Photo On top I see land. I also see water. Also that’s how our world was started. Science made most the stuff we use in this world. Most people won't think that there is life on that world because they think god made people. Another thing is that this planet is not in this Galaxy. It’s in a Whole Different place. This Galaxy is right next to the milky way. if we send a thing to talk to this Planet. It will take more than 10 years. When I first thought about this Planet I thought I was just another Planet without life.

Goldilocks Planet By Thanakorn Saokaeo

Nasa’s Kepler space telescope has help astronomers to discovered the first Earth size planet orbiting a star in the habitable zone. The range where water can pool on the surface of planets. Other planets have been found in the habitable zone of their system but they are at least 3 times bigger than Earth. Kepler 186f is more reminiscent to Earth. There are other

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 planets that are found in the habitable zone but they are at least 40% larger than Earth. Kepler 186f is a planet that is found in the habitable area of its solar system but the scientist haven’t found or discovered life on the planet. Kepler 186f is in the habitable area which means that pools and bodies of water can lay on the surface of Kepler 186f. Being in the habitable zone means that it doesn’t that there's life on the planet. “The planet’s temperature is strongly dependent on what kind of atmosphere the planet has said Thomas Barclay”. Research say that the surface of Kepler 186f is rocky. Kepler 186 is also orbiting a star that is about half the size of our sun. Scientist say that Kepler 186f takes 130 days to orbit its star. The star that Kepler 186f orbits is considered a M-dwarf or a red dwarf. On the surface of Kepler 186f, the brightness of its star at high noon, where it’s only bright as our sun when setting. Overall , this information does show that life could exist on other planets but I don’t believe that life could exist on this planet.

The New Planet

By:Dylan Smith Nasa has discovered a new planet the size of earth. Some people say that there may be and source of life on this new planet. The researchers say that there is a sign of liquid and different stars on this new planet. Nasa is also planning for the future for this new planet by having a Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. Plus this new planet is 600 light-years away from earth and in earth years that would be around a year and month. The new planet is called “Kepler”, it is the 10th bigger planet than earth. George Lucas the creator of “Star Wars” predicted that there is a double sunset when that prediction is actually true. Of his prediction it was that his movie was based of off Kepler. Also , just because the planet is habitable doesn’t mean that it is a habitat zone. Who knows there might be a chance of other life forms on Kepler. Fun fact is that they are 150,000 stars away from earth. That’s pretty far.

The radius is 2.4 times than Earth. The temperature is around 70 degrees F. Most of the things on Earth is about the same to Kepler. Exoplanet hunters were looking for a Earth 2.0 and they did! Some people say that Kepler is Earth’s cousin. Kepler is 60% bigger compared to Earth. A comparison is that it takes a 385 days to orbit its star (Sun). Unlike earth which takes 365 days. After all of these facts I hope that you believe in this New Planet (Kepler) that it is in our Universe!!!

Kepler By:Ashton Holmes I believe that there can be life on other planets. The planet has water, light and air the main things that lives have to have to live. There is not to much different in earth and Kepler. They have the same characteristics like air, water and light. I believe that there can be life because they have every thing that earth has. Life on earth started in water then we evolved and moved to land. The same thing can happen to the world on Kepler because they have the same thing that we have or what we started with. Some people will not believe that there is life on Kepler because of their religion. They believe that god created humans and not science. Other people will not believe in life on Kepler because the planet is in another solar system and people believe our planet is the only planet with life.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 planet on the plant but for all we know it could just be a pool of water . . The size of Kepler-186f is known to be less than ten percent larger than Earth, but its mass, composition and density are not known. Previous research suggests that a planet the size of Kepler-186f is likely to be rocky .

It may not be Earth’s exact twin, but it’s a pretty close cousin. by: Joel Murray A space telescope called Kepler has spotted a Earth like planet. They call it Kepler 452b, that's just slightly bigger than our own and orbits a sunlike star at about the same distance Earth circles the sun. This is the first possibly rocky, habitable planet around a solar-type star. Scientists feel they are getting closer to finding a true twin like earth planet. This just maybe the closet find yet. Planet Kepler lies 1,400 light years away, and is the only planet known in it’s solar system. It’s about 60 percent wider than earth. The planet is probably about five times more massive than our own, making it a so-called "super Earth." It likely possesses a thick atmosphere, lots of water and active volcanoes. The exoplanet completes one orbit every 385 days, so it’s year is only slightly longer than Earth’s. It’s being said, that discoveries will be coming from Kepler for the next several decades.

Kepler By-Tricia Burton NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star .It is called kepler-186f The plant is made completely out of water so there could be land . Because the planet is made out of water/H20 which means there is going to be some oxygen so it gives it more possibility to have life on the

The picture shown above is the planet Kepler 186f discovered by NASA Ames Research Center. Scientists recently discovered a Goldilocks planet in a neighboring galaxy capable of supporting life By: Maxine Mass NASA’s Kepler mission has discovered the first Earth size planet orbiting in a habitable zone of a star outside our solar system. Managed by NASA Ames Research Center, they used a space based telescope to search one part of the galaxy for potentially habitable planets. Kepler186f is about %10 larger than the Earth and also orbits around a star that is smaller and cooler than the sun. The planet only orbits this star every 130 days, which places it in the habitable zone, where it’s in a region where it could have water on it’s surface. Scientists believe that Kepler-186f is most likely to be a rocky world, but are unable to confirm it’s mass and density. In my opinion, I do believe that there could be life on other planets. It just depends if whatever the planet is, has the right supplies for life. So obviously there wouldn’t be life on a gas planet, but if it receives energy, and had landforms like Kepler-186f or the Earth, it would possibly be considered a planet with life. It also had a land similar to Earth, which could mean Kepler-186f has life. By life I don’t mean aliens, I mean like plants, but just saying, there could be

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 “other aliens” searching for a world with life like ours. Some people might not think that there is life on other planets because they may think that the images they’ve been seeing are false images, like maybe it shows a fake planet. It just depends on who takes the photos. Now NASA, they’re really reliable for gathering information and images, so that’d be a great source to rely on to receive exact information. Also, some may think there isn’t any life on any planets because they just haven’t really had any proof yet. Well, they’re still searching, and it depends on what you mean by life, whether it’s alien/human life or just plant life. There will be a day when mankind finds a new planet to explore. The question is….. when?

Life on another planet? By Lily Hernandez NASA has now discovered a new planet that might have life of some sort. I think that there might really have life because water and it is able to see the sun and that’s the main things life need to survive. The planet is not named but it goes around their star in 130 days. Their star is cooler and dimmer than our sun. The strength of their star at high noon is the same strength as an hour before sunset. Even though the planet is habitable does not mean it is inhabited. They know right know that we could put people on there BUT it is too hot because it goes around their sun every 4, 7, 13, and 22 days. Most people say Kepler is a sister earth but NASA thinks that the planet is a cousin. Why because it is bigger and older than earth. Most people believe that no other planet could have life because god was not there to make the planet. Most say no only earth has life science has proven that some of people's beliefs wrong. Never can any other planet have life because most people don’t think so and they are also think that they are right all the time. I think that they are wrong there could be life on other planets . I think they can, do YOU?

This is Earth (Left) and Kepler. (Right)

Kepler-186f By Gabrial Wilcoxen Is there life on other planets? They have found a new planet and it may be able to inhabit life! I say there might be life on other planets because we can’t be the only intelligent beings in the universe. There has to be pictures of buildings on other planets and more. There has always been speculation of life on other planets. Although there is no real proof of life on other planets, but we also have not found all of the animals in the world. So there is no proof that there is not life on some other planets. Although they say that there is not real proof that outer being exist in the world. They have been lot of people saying that they have seen them in the air and outer stuff like that. There have not been scientific proof of them but lot say that they are out there. There is a lot of thing on the internet that there may be outers that are smarter than people. There are lot of scientist looking for more beings. There are lot of people that doubt that they are in the world. I am half on there side but you can’t always say no. To throw thing that u cant prove are real or fake. Not always you are right and you can’t expect people to believe that you saw something. Most people will not believe you because lot of people say that they saw something but they were lying or it was fake.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1


games like grand theft auto 5 should have the M esrb rating be true because that game rewards for destruction and bad things like drugs. Video Games can also make certain older people who are really gullible bad but I don't think videogames are the reason for all the violence. There is a study from the FBI that says quite a few of the school shootings was related to violent video games but like I said that's probably the gullible people

Do Video Games Affect Kids Behavior. By: Qur’an Owens Do video games make you violent? by:Harly Larsen

I do not believe that videogames have any type of effect on children's behavior at all. I think it could and if you feel that it does than you should limit your child’s gaming time. Different games affect different people differently. Some people want to try what they do in the game in real life but that doesn’t happen very often. Read on and you will find out why I believe this.

A recent book was released calling Grand Theft Childhood by Drs. Cheryl K Olsen and Lawrence Kutner. The book is about how they started a study in 2004 when they had young kids play violent video games like Rockstars Grand Theft Auto 5 and the study showed that they were getting more and more violent. The book was released recently and caused a lot of Controversy of whether video games really made you violent or not. You will see what I thought about all this controversy. I don't think video games make you violent because I think video games less the violence because when I’m angry I like to go destroy stuff on a video games like Just Cause 2. They can help you learn sometimes to like puzzle games and educational games that you play at school. I think that the article grand theft childhood is lying because you can't trust some surveys. It says on videogames.procon.org that juvenile activity has decreased as violent videogames get more popular proving my point that videogames let out violence. I do agree videogames can make some people violent like people who are under the age of 10 shouldn’t be playing M rated games. Some

Everybody is different, I feel like most people can separate their gaming and their life. Anyways in some cases people feel like they should try it and it would be cool. Most of the time that doesn’t happen but it definitely can and has. If your child does this or you think he is going too, you should either limit his game time, or take that game all together. I feel like some of this is on the parents for not paying better attention.

In the end I do not feel like games affect child behavior but can affect their thinking. Sometimes they might do something from the game but nothing over the top. Most kids can control themselves and if they can’t they usually get caught doing whatever it is they’re doing. I feel like if this happens the parents should get some blame. So I think video games CAN affect kids behavior but won’t.

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 The story I will be talking to you about is does violent video games make you violent. Some people think they do make you violent. Some people think they don’t make you violent. The more realistic video games get the more people get worried.

Violent Video Games Trevor Brayman I think that that violent video games don’t make people violent they choose themselves violent and it don’t help with all the murder shows and they see those people getting away with it. They choose to become violent not the video games just because older people think it all caused by video games doesn’t mean that that’s the reason people are violent. If people do become violent because of games they are just trying to imitate the action in the game. It all depends on the game you play at a certain age.

My opinion to if video games makes you violent is no. To me it is how the person takes video games. Like me I it don’t make me violent but it’s makes me feel violent. I think kids under 7 should not be playing because they will think this is ok to kill someone in real life. The counter claim is that people think they should not play violent video games because it makes you violent. Its don’t make them violent unless they want to be violent about it. But people let kids at the age of 5 playing BO2. And GTA5 and ECT…. But it depends on how much they play the games. So that is the counter claim of does violent video games make you violent.

Violent Video Games By Juan Moreno

not that dangers!

If a kid plays a violent video game 24 hours a day they are bound to become violent. Seeing all those pictures of shootings, fires, inappropriate things in GTA. Kids are playing GTA, Black Ops, and Left for Dead. When kids are violent already because something already happened to them they get the urge to kill when they are older. Parents just let them play on and on and on all day long. I think kids are playing to often with their phones and Playstation. Kids need exercise at least one hour a day, fruits and water. People

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Vol. 2 Issue 1 keep coming out with all sorts of video games that are violent. I play video games at night but during the day I am outside most of the time. I think parents should get on their kids case. ProCon.org says, “Most of the research on whether video games encourage violence is unsatisfactory, focusing primarily on short-term effects. In the best study so far, frequent playing of a violent game sustained over a month had no effect on participants’ level of aggression.” They also say, “If games really did make people violent, this tendency might be expected to show up in the figures, given that half of Americans play computer and video games.”

ARE KIDS WHO PLAY VIDEO GAMES VIOLENT by JEFF BRAMMER I disagree about how kids playing video games are violent when I play videogames I play to release anger also when I play videogames it calms me down like when I come home from school mad I play videogames to calm me down. also I play with my friends so I have people to talk to or help when they need it. One time I came home and saw my dad in a crappy mood then I asked if he wanted to play CALL OF DUTY then after 1 hour of playing he was all better and not in a crappy mood anymore. My brother was mad at this one kid and I asked him if he wanted to play HALO with me when we did we talked about what happened while we were playing and when we were done he wasn't mad from my experience videogames help people And there was a story about a man had to do physical therapy because he had brain surgery and he bought the game destiny he has been getting smarter learning more than he used to know and they have seen him improving they said to try videogames so the man chose Destiny the game and after 1 or 2 weeks the doctor has seen amazing changes he's been getting smarter and learning faster I think video games help people a lot like anger issues brain damage or if your just mad.

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