Factors, Common Multiples, and Pendulums.

Facts:• Each complete swing of a specific pendulum takes the same amount of time. • The length of the pendulum determines the time of each complete swing. OODIN ATH

Longer Pendulum 3 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

Shorter Pendulum 2 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

3 first swing:_______________

first swing:_______________

6 second swing:_______________

second swing:_______________

third swing: _______________

third swing: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

The two pendulums will start together at 0 seconds.

When will the two pendulums meet for the first time?

This is the lowest common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________ When will the two pendulums meet for the second time? This is a larger common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________

©2016 Woodinmath.com

Factors, Common Multiples, and Pendulums.

Facts:• Each complete swing of a specific pendulum takes the same amount of time. • The length of the pendulum determines the time of each complete swing. OODIN ATH

Longer Pendulum 4 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

Shorter Pendulum 3 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

4 first swing:_______________

first swing:_______________

8 second swing:_______________

second swing:_______________

third swing: _______________

third swing: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

The two pendulums will start together at 0 seconds.

When will the two pendulums meet for the first time?

This is the lowest common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________ When will the two pendulums meet for the second time? This is a larger common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________

©2016 Woodinmath.com

Factors, Common Multiples, and Pendulums.

Facts:• Each complete swing of a specific pendulum takes the same amount of time. • The length of the pendulum determines the time of each complete swing. OODIN ATH

Longer Pendulum 4 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

Shorter Pendulum 2 seconds. One complete swing takes ____

Multiples What will the time be after...

4 first swing:_______________

first swing:_______________

8 second swing:_______________

second swing:_______________

third swing: _______________

third swing: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

The two pendulums will start together at 0 seconds.

When will the two pendulums meet for the first time?

This is the lowest common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________ When will the two pendulums meet for the second time? This is a larger common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________

©2016 Woodinmath.com

Factors, Common Multiples, and Pendulums.

Facts:• Each complete swing of a specific pendulum takes the same amount of time. • The length of the pendulum determines the time of each complete swing. OODIN ATH

Longer Pendulum One complete swing takes ____ seconds.

Multiples What will the time be after...

Shorter Pendulum One complete swing takes ____ seconds.

Multiples What will the time be after...

first swing:_______________

first swing:_______________

second swing:_______________

second swing:_______________

third swing: _______________

third swing: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

: _______________

The two pendulums will start together at 0 seconds.

When will the two pendulums meet for the first time?

This is the lowest common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________ When will the two pendulums meet for the second time? This is a larger common multiple. ________________________________________________________________________________

©2016 Woodinmath.com

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