Looking for good books to read this summer?

Summer readi ng f un begi ns at Wi ndsor Publ i c Li brary wi t h t he Touch-a-Truck event on June 24t h! At t end programs, read book s, and t ake part i n act i vi t i es al l summer.

Recommended readi ng l i st s by grade are found i n t he Summer Port al on t he W PS websi t e: www.wi ndsorct .org.

Summer Readi ng 2017

Vi si t t he websi t e : www.wi ndsorl i brary.com.

summer reading books avail abl eat Windsor Publ ic Library W PL i s a member of a 30-l i brary consort i um, and as a resul t , Wi ndsor f ami l i es have access t o many copi es of our di st ri ct 's summer readi ng book s. See a W PL l i brari an for i nformat i on and for hel p f i ndi ng t he book (s) you need.

Cont act Us Bonni e Fi neman Wi ndsor Publ i c School s Di rect or of Art s and Humani t i es (860) 687-2000, ext . 285 bf i neman@wi ndsorct .org

OneSchool , OneBook Fol l ow W PS's summer readi ng program on Twi t t er:


OneSchool ,OneBook St udent s shoul d read t he book for t he school t hey are ent eri ng i n 2017 and any ot her book s of t hei r choi ce. See t he Summer Port al on our websi t e for suggest ed t i t l es, by grade l evel : www.wi ndsorct .org.

Oliver Ell sworth

John F. Kennedy


The M ost M agni f i cent Thi ng By: Ashl ey Spi res

The Lemonade War By: Jaquel i ne Davi es


Clover Street

Windsor High

One (Gr.K ), Two(Gr.1), Zero (Gr.2)

The Worl d Accordi ng t o Humphrey By: Bet t y G. Bi rney

W hen Breat h Becomes Ai r By: Paul K al ani t hi

By: K at hryn Ot oshi

Fi sh i n a Tree By: Lynda M ul l al y Hunt

*Poquonock School i s readi ng a di f ferent t i t l e by K . Ot oshi at each grade l evel . K -2 st udent s shoul d read or be read t o for a mi ni mum of 20 mi nut es dai l y.

3-5 st udent s shoul d read for a mi ni mum of 30 mi nut es a day, at l east 5 days a week .

6-12 St udent s shoul d read for a mi ni mum of 35 mi nut es a day, at l east 5 days a week .

WPS Summer Reading Brochure 2017.pdf

Ol iver El lsworth. Poquonock*. JohnF.Kennedy. Windsor High. K-2 students should read or be. read to for a minimum of 20. minutes dai ly. 3-5 students should read for a. minimum of 30 minutes a day,at. least 5 days a week. 6-12 Students should read for a. minimum of 35 minutes a day,at. least 5 days a week. Clover Street.

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