Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission If you want to share your story about child sexual abuse in an institution with the Royal Commission, this guide will help you work out what to say. It also tells you the sort of information we would like to know. You can answer all or just some of the questions. Or tell us your story in your own words. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember everything or don’t know an answer to a question. It will help us if you answer as many as you can.

Contact us To learn more about making a statement to the Royal Commission, please contact us: 1800 099 340 GPO Box 5283, Sydney NSW 2001 contact@childabuseroyal commission.gov.au www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au

Your details You don’t have to give us your name or contact details, but it will help us if you do.


Alexander Hayes

Birth date or year

20th February 1969

Phone number



[email protected]

Mail address

15 Salsola Street Rivett ACT Australia

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


What happened Are you telling us about child sexual abuse that happened to you? Yes, it happened to me

No, it happened to someone else

What is your relationship to that person?

Where did the sexual abuse happen? Institution As detailed in ACT Police Job Reference 6071070 City/Town Sydney

State NSW

When, or around when, did the abuse happen? Date or range of dates 1979 - 1984

Can you tell us what happened?

Yes I can. I was subject to sexual abuse involving four or more members of the Anglican Church, Church of England Boys Society (CEBS) between the dates of 1979 - 1984. As reported to Police in 2017 I consider this a grave crime against humanity and despite my every attempt to report this via my Family, via the Church itself and medical professionals over thirty years no justice has been served. I am now reporting this crime as it has affected my life adversely. I was subject to rape, digital rape, wilful exposure, deprivation of liberty being held against my will, verbal assault and intimidation. The locations at which these acts occurred are detailed in the police report I have provided.

Did anyone else see what happened?


No/Not sure

If yes, who? Numerous children that attended those camps - also those named in police reports

Did you tell anyone about it around the time when it happened?



If yes, who? Family, members of the church administration, medical professionals

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Reporting to the institution Did you report the sexual abuse to the institution? No [Skip to section 3]


Who at the institution did you tell about it? Name/s and position/s

I spoke with the Minister of the main Anglican church I was attending (see police report) at that time who dismissed my claim. I also spoke with my principal CEBS charge or carer (see police report) who promptly dissapeared from NSW soon after I concurrently reported it to my parents who also did not act on my complaint.

What did you tell them?

I told each and every person that I had been subject to series of crimes that involved being raped, exposed to, interefered with and deprevation of liberty. Each individual was given an opportunity to hear my claim and I sought their advice as to what I should do next as I was a young person and not able to understand the process of claim. I had been threatened by the main perpetrators of the crime that my parents lives and well being were at risk, that my Brother was at risk of being harmed and that I would not be believed.

When, or around when, did you tell them? Date Successive dates begining in 1985.

Did you put it in writing?

Yes If yes, do you have a copy of it? No

Did you tell anyone about it around the time when it happened?





If yes, who? My parents, institution and medical staff

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


The institution’s response Did the institution do anything when you told it about the sexual abuse? Yes

No/Not sure [Skip to section 4]

How did the institution first respond?

What else did the institution do about it?

Did the institution investigate what happened to you?


No/Not sure

If yes, how did they investigate?

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Did you feel encouraged by the institution for reporting the abuse?





Did you accept the help or support they offered?



To accept their help or support, did you have to agree to any conditions (like keeping it confidential)?



Why or why not?

Did the institution offer you any help or support? If yes, what help or support did they offer you?

If yes, what were those conditions?

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Did the institution accept responsibility for what happened?



If yes, how? For example, did they apologise to you personally or in a public statement?

Did the institution encourage you to report the abuse to the police?



If yes, what help or support did they offer you?

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Reporting to the police Did you report the sexual abuse to the police?





Did the police charge the accused person?


No/Not sure

Did you give evidence in a criminal case?



If no, was there a reason why you didn’t?

Would you like us to report it for you?

When, or around when, did you report to police? Police officer’s name Anthony Connor, First Constable Police station

Woden Police Station Phillip, ACT


14 February 2017

What did the police do?

Took report and referred onto Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team

What was the result for the accused person?

I have been referred to judicial services that address that crime in that geographical region. I am awaiting further

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Compensation Did you seek compensation for the sexual abuse? Yes

No [Skip to section 6]

How did you seek compensation? For example, did you go to court, attend mediation, go through a formal compensation process, or approach the institution directly?

Did you receive a compensation payment?





How much? Was it enough? Who paid it?

Were there any conditions attached (like keeping it confidential)? If yes, what were they?

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Did you have help from a lawyer when you sought compensation?



If no, did the institution encourage you to seek independent legal advice before agreeing to any compensation?



How long did it take for you to receive compensation, from when you first requested it?

Were you satisfied with the compensation process?



Why or why not?

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Support Have you received any emotional or psychological support since the sexual abuse? Yes


What support, if any, have you had?

I have attended numerous forms of counselling and support services since 1984. I have sought and recived medic

What support, if any, are you getting now?

I have strong peer support and have strong community ties that provide me with help and guidance in these matte

Is there any support you would like to have?

I am not seeking support from anyone in this matter. I am reporting to Police as required and I am providing my c

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Other inquiries Have you told your story of child sexual abuse to another inquiry? Yes

No [Skip to section 8]

Which inquiry was it? Inquiry name

How did you tell your story to that inquiry? Made a written submission Gave evidence in public Gave evidence in private

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Your recommendations for change Please let us know if you have suggestions that we should consider, or any other information you would like to share with us.

Do you have suggestions for changes to the institution’s policies or procedures?

All forms of congregation that involve clustering children into "care" away from parents and guardians should be closley monitored by society. All institutions that claim that their religious activities prevent them from directly reporting judicially should be immediately disbanded and prevented from re-forming. I believe that the Anglican Church, The Church of England and all instituions similar should be illegal and all activities ceased that continue to perpetrate these crimes against humanity. I have grave concerns for the continued activities of these institutions who commit, protect and continue to foster perpetrators who commit crimes against humanity.

Is there anything you would like us to recommend to the government?

I believe a government only serves itself and not the wider public. I am providing this infomation to the Commission for hansard and data retreival purposes with little hope nor compensation from anyone in my life time. I have only the hope that one day my story, my facts, my case is brought forward to scrutiny and review and that a criminal case is lodged as my eveidence is damning, extensive and I have knowledge of many of the perpetrators modus operandi over a defined period. I have written evidence and secondary evidence to support my criminal case claims.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the Royal Commission?

I have written a personal account that summarises the impact that this has had on my life, of the many related incidents that arose from such abuse and the subsequent horrific impact that this has had on those around me. In 2015 I published this story publicly and it has been widely distributed as it is my personal story. My personal story published is not a criminal case record rather an account that is purely circumstantial. In my personal story I do not name anyone other than those who are damningly and publicly still committing crimes. My submission through the Royal Commission and my reports to Police will remain accountable and accessible to the wider public. I defend my right to keep this process open and accountable. You can access this personal account and additional information or myself by navigating to http://www.alexanderhayes.com/publications/real-story

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission


Next steps Please send us your written statement by: [email protected] or post to GPO Box 5283 Sydney NSW 2001.

To email your story, please follow the instructions below: If you have hand-written your story, please scan this form on both sides, attach and email to [email protected] If you have typed your story directly into this form, you can simply save the document, attach and email to [email protected]

To post your story, please follow the instructions below: If you have hand-written your story, you can simply post the hard copy to us. You may wish to take a photocopy of your statement before posting it to us. If you have typed your story directly into this form, please print the document and post it to us. Please post your hard copy written statement to GPO Box 5283 Sydney NSW 2001. Or to tell us your story over the phone or in person, you can call

1800 099 340 to arrange an interview.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

How we use your information We might like to use all or part of your story in our reports. If we do this, we take out people’s names and other identifying details. For example, instead of giving the exact name of an institution, we might use a more general term like ‘a Catholic primary school’, ‘an Anglican church’ or ‘a state-run orphanage’. And instead of naming the town or city where the sexual abuse occurred, we might call it ‘a small rural town’ or ‘a capital city’. Can we use any part of your story if we take out people’s names and other identifying details? Yes

Guide to sharing your story with the Royal Commission




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