WUOA Special Board Meeting Via Conference Call Friday, August 26, 2011 2:00 PM Present: Board Members Property Manager Charles Snell Tina Butcher Judy Hoops Laurie Pate Dwayne Porter (Michaux Merhout notified the Board that she would be unable to attend.) Charles Snell, president, called the meeting to order at 2:06 PM, and a quorum was established. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the August 8, 2011 meeting were approved as written. Discussions/Decisions • Having regularly-scheduled Board Meetings, once a month, was discussed. It was decided that between September and December, 2011, meetings will be the first Wednesday in each month at 3 PM. If there is no business to be discussed, the meeting will be called off. •
The Managing Agent will work with the secretary on whether or not information can be posted on the website without Board approval.
On major decisions, and where time does not allow Board approval, the Managing Agent will contact the president, who will use his discretion in handling the situation.
A formal annual review of the Managing Agent will be done at the end of each contract year.
Guidelines have been put into place (and are posted on the website) for owner appeals of decisions made by the Managing Agent or the Board. The Managing Agent requested that she not be included in discussions of appeals prior to the meeting.
Regarding the effort to streamline the sending of emails (posting meetings on website), because of Owner input, the Board decided to continue to send emails, as well as posting the meetings online.
Because of a delay in getting information from the attorney, it was decided to not have a special membership meeting this fall to change the By-Laws and Declaration. The Board will adopt an official repair/damage policy, based on the present By-Laws and Declaration, keeping in mind past and current practices. After an attorney has answered the questions presented by the Board, changes in the By-Laws and Declaration will be considered for a vote at the next annual membership meeting.
Use of the lodge was discussed, and it was decided that a survey would be sent to the membership to obtain input.
Further Discussion By standard procedure, the Managing Agent hung up. Board members stated their approval of the work the Managing Agent is doing. The meeting was adjourned at 2:43 PM. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Pate Secretary, WUOA