
learn to fly in

Bled Grigorescu Alexandru Romania

Reinventing an old story for a young generation Let’s put youth, sport and nature together in Bled Youth education tourism means: help young pupils to free their mind and spirit, to make them believe in the role of nature and sustainable development in our lives.

Sport brings color to the project, inspires freedom, brings youth closer to nature and generates vitality necessary to achieve maximum individual performance and productivity. Bled history is rich, and since early starting has interesting stories as the Alpine Wellness, stated by Arnold Rikli in the middle of the XVIII century.

Why Youth?

Why Bled?

Because young generation is the future, because we have to learn them now, when they are growing and when are opened to learn and believe in the role of nature and sustainable development as the only way of growing our society.

Because it is pure and beautiful as a child, because it brings together a natural environment for sport, a rich history, a good geographical position, a well developed infrastructure and the best story about Alpine Wellness, the story about a smart future.

The project is about camps in Bled, for pupils in which they will do lots of sport, will live in a natural way, will eat and drink healthy food and beverages, will learn about the world development, threats and solutions and about the sustainable development.

Slovenia will become the best destination for youth education, a worldwide known place with the highest standards and solutions, where pupils from all over the world will come to become smarter and powerful.

The advertising process will be made in collaboration with schools and will consist of presentations in schools, development of The advertising costs will be around Internet content, social media content, 1000 Euro for the website, 1 500 Euro youth events and of a presentation movie. for the printed materials, 10 000 Euro the movie, 2000 Euro each event.

o A durable and reliable youth education system will be created o Slovenia could become the leader in touristic youth education o The future generation will learn about a natural way of living and a sustainable and green social development and will acquire this lifestyle o Bled will become world wide known o The tourists of tomorrow will be assured for Bled because the young people will comeback when they will grow o The sporting schools could find young talents



learn to fly in


Youth in Bled.pdf

Slovenia will become the best. destination ... Internet content, social media content,. youth events and of a presentation movie. The advertising costs will be around. 1000 Euro for the website, 1 500 Euro. for the printed materials, 10 000 Euro. the movie, 2000 Euro each event. Page 4 of 5. Youth in Bled.pdf. Youth in Bled.pdf.

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