Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

A survey of recent developments in theoretical neuroscience and machine vision Jeffrey B. Colombe Dept. of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence The MITRE Corporation 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean VA 22102 [email protected]

Abstract Efforts to explain human and animal vision, and to automate visual function in machines, have found it difficult to account for the view-invariant perception of universals such as environmental objects or processes, and the explicit perception of featural parts and wholes in visual scenes. A handful of unsupservised learning methods, many of which relate directly to independent components analysis (ICA), have been used to make predictive perceptual models of the spatial and temporal statistical structure in natural visual scenes, and to develop principled explanations for several important properties of the architecture and dynamics of mammalian visual cortex. Emerging principles include a new understanding of invariances and part-whole compositions in terms of the hierarchical analysis of covariation in feature subspaces, reminiscent of the processing across layers and areas of visual cortex, and the analysis of view manifolds, which relate to the topologically ordered feature maps in cortex.

1. Introduction Conventional computer-science approaches to automated image analysis have met with little success when compared with even rudimentary visual analysis capabilities of children or animals, and much less when compared with trained image analysts. Past efforts have been based on the knowledge engineering approach to software design, in which logical or geometric heuristics based on scientific knowledge of the problem domain (or the intuition of the software engineer) are used to analyze image data. The adaptability and performance of human analysts, however, does not primarily result from their brains being preordained with domain knowledge about the physics and natural history of image generation. Human brains develop expertise primarily as a function of

exposure to information from the sensory environment, and from innate rules implemented at the level of neural circuits and synapses for organizing and retaining that information during learning. This paper reviews several key findings from neuroscience about the functional architecture of the visual cortex, and several neuromimetic machine learning approaches to modeling these findings.

1.1. Cognition as probabilistic control Cognition may be thought of broadly as the sensorimotor signal-processing aspect of survival. A cognitive agent is coupled to its environment in a sensorimotor feedback loop, the function of which is to regulate environmental conditions in ways that favor the survival of the agent's design. As with all control systems, corrective influences are generated in response to deviations of target environmental variables from their desired values. A trivial but familiar example of a feedback control system is a thermostat which, importantly, must sense temperature in order to control it effectively. If an agent were able to directly measure its environment, and the environment were static in its properties, a deterministic optimal control policy could be developed and hard-wired into the agent. However, the environment is constantly changing due to the presence of nonstationarities like evolving species, learning organisms, and advancing technology. In addition, the organism only has access to the proximal sensory stimulus, and cannot directly observe the true degrees of freedom in the environment or their causal constraints on each other. Perceptual processing thus becomes necessary. Perception is widely regarded as the preprocessing of sensory signals for behavior. Sensory input is transformed into an alternate representation that is more suitable for the regulation of behavior. Preprocessing is needed because behaviorally relevant target variables in


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

the environment are only implicit in sensory signals, but need to be made explicit for efficient behavioral learning. Further, it is generally useful, particularly in organisms that can afford high compute-density nervous systems, to develop a predictive model of causality in the environment for planning and problem-solving. In the absence of a prior innate model, and/or when the environment is nonstationary, target variables of interest in the environment must be estimated from the statistical properties of the sensory data. Thus, I argue that the most generally useful kind of perceptual system, as a first approximation, would apply unsupervised learning to the statistics of natural sensory scenes to model exploitable redundancies in the environment.

1.2. Invariance and sensory semantics The human brain uses both sensory and linguistic processing to understand and communicate sensory events. One of the grand challenges of artificial intelligence has been to understand how noisy, continuous-valued sensory signals can be effectively mapped into the symbolic representations typical of language. In particular, one might ask how statistical properties of the sensory data may suggest, or warrant, the formation of descriptive classes in language, specifically nouns, modifiers, and verbs, in an unsupervised framework. An active area of research proposes that objects can be identified from the topologically organized manifolds of their views [1-3]. During live viewing, subsequent views of an object are related by their spatiotemporal continuity and their similarity in sensor space (e.g., the Cartesian coordinate space of pixel intensities) from one moment to the next [4-6]. Neural architectures that learn a variety of views, and group those that are spatiotemporally adjacent, can thus potentially identify manifolds corresponding to "natural" object classes, in other words those suggested by the structure of unlabeled sensory data. Such grouping of views provides a basis for learning nouns. Figure 1A shows a viewing sphere, indicating the set of views obtained by rotating a point of view around a rigid object in three dimensions. The author notes that an object's view manifold may also include degrees of freedom that result from deformation of the object, for example facial expression, and other sources of view variation such as illumination. Linguistic modifiers may be thought of as pose or state variables to describe the configuration of an object, corresponding to the position of the current view within that object's manifold. These attributes may systematically apply to a class of individual object manifolds; for example, a description of the state of horizontal rotation of a head may apply to any number of individuals' heads. In Figure 1B, each row of images

corresponds to an object (noun) manifold in which there is an object-identity analogy between images, wheras the columns correspond to a pose variable that has analogous meaning across object identities. Figure 1C shows systematic temporal trajectories through pose space, which provide a basis for learning "natural action" classes and their corresponding verbs. In this framework, a parsimonious representation of natural scenes is suggested in which object identity and pose are factorized as relatively independent sources of image variability, and actions are temporal features in the resulting pose spaces. One of the major difficulties of this approach is that views of two different objects may be more similar (closer together in sensory space) than two views of the same object. Thus, simple distances between disjoint views are not sufficient for separating object manifolds from each other.

1.3. Composition hierarchies of parts and wholes It is important in a wide range of perceptual and behavioral tasks to be able to identify parts and wholes in visual scenes (e.g., both a car and its wheels), and to identify part-to-whole relations, or compositions, within the scenes. In addition, it can be easier to learn larger patterns if one is able to have previously learned the parts that compose it, and then recognize the wholes as relatively simple assemblies of familiar parts [8]. The local data compression that results from summarizing covariation among several inputs with a single feature may provide a process compression effect in the use of that signal in downstream processing, by helping to avoid the curse of dimensionality in inferences that span larger numbers of sensory variables. A variety of recognition tasks are thus likely to be greatly simplified if they can be broken up into several hierarchical processing stages, each of which models sensory structure with some degree of inclusiveness over the set of sensory variables. Recognizing objects despite occlusion by the foreground (e.g., a tiger behind tall grass) can be made more tractable if the local features that describe all of the unoccluded parts can be assembled by higher-order pattern detectors that use the outputs of the lower-level components as input, with some tolerance for missing parts or expected deviations from a "best" pattern. An important consideration is that monotonic scalar variables (approximating the rate or phase properties of spiking neurons, for example) have limited representational capacity in a single-layer architecture. Decision manifolds, for example between perceptual classes, may be too complex to be modeled in a single layer of linear or nonlinear monotonic processing. Hierarchical networks make it possible for complex decision manifolds, or partitions, to be built up in several stages using simple transfer functions.


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

Figure 1. Viewing manifolds and their potential linguistic decompositions. (A) A viewing sphere for a 3D object is a manifold of views around an object in which positionally (in this case, rotationally) adjacent views have similar coordinates in the Cartesian space of input variables (in this case, pixel intensities). (B) Objects versus pose variables. Rows correspond to members of the same object manifold that are analogous across pose variables, and columns correspond to systematic pose variables that are analogous across objects. (C) Analogous trajectories through pose space. (Face images are from the publicly available Database of Faces from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge [7]; Finding an appropriate transformation from sensory signals to such a representation has proven to be elusive, but there are clues from neurobiology about how the brain executes such a transformation. One of the key issues in studying biological systems is to determine which of their properties are critical for cognition in general, and which properties are merely implementational consequences of the particular hardware medium used by natural systems, or that reflect constraints imposed by the evolutionary sequence from which the design properties were derived. For example, it is clear that the evolution of spiking in neurons was needed to send nondegrading signals over long cellular distances; it is less clear what precise role spikes play in the computation of perceptual and behavioral activity in animals; and it seems implausible in the extreme that spiking per se is required for cognition at an algorithmic or functional level of description. Numerical or statistical modeling of neural systems provides an opportunity to clarify which properties are likely to be intrinsic to cognition, and which implementational.

2. Findings from neuroscience If the brain is not born an expert image analyst, how does it become one? Mammalian nervous systems are capable of learning to extract statistically relevant structure from sensory data in ways that abbreviate and

compress the information in sensory data. These learned representations are able to abbreviate structure by making hypothetical models of the causal processes that appear to have generated the data. Such models allow predictive inferences to be made about currently obscured environmental conditions across differences in space or time. This predictive model-building capability of the cerebral cortex appears to operate relatively independently of sensory modality, whether imagery, sound, tactile and postural signals, chemical sensing, etc. [e.g., 9]. Further, the local circuit architecture of the cerebral cortex has important basic similarities over all of the areas of the brain that process different senses [10]. A compelling suggestion from neuroscience research is that a general-purpose representational algorithm is embodied in the cortex (with some built-in areal specializations), and that what is learned from cortical area to cortical area, and from one brain to another, is largely the result of the same basic operator applied to different modalities, and different sets, of sensory data. Using a simple computational principle, if it is an appropriate principle, it should be possible for all of what is learned in an intelligent perceptual system to be generalized from the informational structure, or statistical redundancy, of the sensory data itself. This shift of focus in perceptual modeling from a priori logical and geometric computation, to a posteriori statistical analysis of the properties of sensory data, has


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

grown partly out of efforts to model the anatomy and physiology of the brain, and out of efforts to use biologically inspired neural network algorithms to solve engineering problems. The early clues from neuroscience suggested several algorithmic and implementational approaches for neural processing, including massive parallelism using nearly identical and fairly simple processors, distributed representations (also called population codes), analog signal processing, local feature analysis, hierarchical organization with feedback between levels, and statistical learning. In the early 1990s, biologically-inspired neural network methods were explicitly cast in the larger framework of statistical learning theory and conditional probability [11-13]. Around this same time, attention in the neuroscience community began to turn in earnest toward a study of the statistical properties of natural sensory scenes, which necessarily constrain a posteriori function [14-18]. In the primate cerebral cortex, there are over 30 identified areas that are sensitive to visual stimuli. After visual signals are processed in the retina, they project through a relay nucleus and into the primary visual cortex (or area V1), then on to a large set of other processing stages. The two major processing streams in primate visual cortex, the dorsal (motion and location) pathway and the ventral (form) pathway, are each composed of a hierarchy of cortical areas, each of which has broader spatial receptive fields than the areas beneath it in the hierarchy [19,20]. The features in higher areas tend to be qualitatively more specific than those below; more invariant to translation, scaling, and other sources of variation; and less frequently observed (e.g., curved contours of a given size and orientation are less frequently seen than the edgelets that make them up, which themselves appear in a variety of other contours). Other sensory modalities have a similar hierarchical organization (e.g., in auditory cortex [21]; and in somatosensory cortex [22]). Object-like representations are built up in these several hierarchical stages in visual cortex, and at each stage there are topologically organized maps of features, where nearby neurons in the twodimensional sheet of cells in a cortical area show qualitatively and quantitatively similar responses to local image content.

3. Neuromimetic machine learning findings There are a handful of new machine learning approaches to the above research problems that show promise. Several of these build on or relate to prior work in independent components analysis (ICA), an unsupervised source separation method that learns a single-layer transformation of sensory data whose output signals adapt to become as statistically independent from each other as possible over the set of training data [2325]. The set of features found using ICA extract

important local structure from sensory data. When applied to image data, these learned features are substantially similar to processing in so-called simple cells in the primary visual cortex of mammals [26-28]. The simple cell encoding of visual information is the first transformation applied to visual information in the cerebral cortex. It resembles a Gabor wavelet basis, similar to that used in image compression techniques that compactly summarize image structure. When provided with visual input that has stereo information from two retinas and multiple color channels, ICA learns stereo disparity-tuned features [29] and color-opponent features [29,30], as in mammalian simple cells. When provided with moving visual input from natural video sequences, ICA learns space-time receptive field properties typical of simple cells, such as direction-selectivity, velocity tuning, and reversal [31,32]. Higher-level percepts, such as contours, shapes, and objects, are built up by further processing the outputs of simple cells, both within the primary visual cortex and in a hierarchically organized sequence of other cortical areas with similar local circuit architecture throughout [19]. Several new approaches to modeling the relationships between simple cells, and the stages of processing that follow simple cells, has opened the possibility of understanding the nature of high-level vision problems from simple characterizations of low-level visual processing, particularly if mechanisms responsible for low-level perception can be applied in hierarchical architectures across successively more global portions of the sensory field.

3.1. Subspace methods and slow feature learning for local invariance A collection of related methods, called subspace-norm or adaptive subspace methods, assign features (syn. units, neurons, basis vectors, filters) into groups, or subspaces, prior to learning. The synaptic weights of all features are adapted so that the norm (e.g., the Euclidean length) of the activities within each subspace is as independent as possible from the norms of other subspaces. The importance of the norm is that it allows the subspace features to represent related image structures that vary in some systematic way, like being shifted in space by degrees, while the norm over the group is invariant to this shift. When applied to images, such responses are analogous to the transformation performed by complex cells in the primary visual cortex of mammals [26,33]. Complex cell responses are the first stage of processing in the cortex that cannot be explained by a linear transformation from pixel intensities on the retina, but which require a nonlinear disjunction over the responses of groups of simple cell-like features. Complex cell modeling is an important frontier in understanding how invariant responses are built up mechanistically in the


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

cerebral cortex. Some versions of subspace methods impose a network topology or map on the set of features, forcing the learning of similar features in nearby parts of the map, as also occurs in cortex [34]. Adaptive subspace methods are beginning to show use in automated image description and retrieval [35]. Another approach to modeling local invariances does not impose subspaces on a network a priori, but lets them emerge in a principled way. Wherever invariant features are seen in perceptual cortex, invariances tend to appear strongest with respect to those aspects of the stimulus that are most likely to vary, or that have the highest local variance, due to normal movement of the stimulus [e.g., 36,37]. Finding invariances over typical scene motion is analogous to adaptive image stabilization, performed locally, and has been referred to as slow feature learning [38,39]. Complex cell responses are built up from simple cell responses under slow feature learning, because subsets of phase-varying simple cells are most likely to lead and follow each others' activities on short timescales. The second layer of complex cells learns to integrate over these phase-varying simple cell subspaces so that the set of complex cell outputs can show persistent, but relatively independent, activities in response to input. The complex cell code developed in this way can be thought of as a representation that predicts from one state of the lowerlevel representation (simple cells) what the next lowerlevel state is likely to be, by bridging over a learned subspace of these states. Another method, referred to as temporal coherence learning, seeks components that have some temporal correlation with their own activities over relatively short time periods, in response to natural video sequences [40]. Simple cell receptive fields show a kind of temporal invariance because their own activities persist or recur over short timescales, and thus are predictive of their own activities on those timescales. Similar principles have been used to develop invariance to moving edges [4], and to novel views of familiar rotating 3-dimensional objects, using temporal "trace" learning to associate temporally contiguous views [41]. All of these methods exploit the persistence of physical objects, and the temporal contiguity and high likelihood of seeing adjacent views over various timescales, as modelindependent clues for the unsupervised discovery of objects in the environment.

3.2. Learning generator functions and space-time receptive fields for invariance One approach for learning to recognize objects regardless of "nuisance parameters" or sources of image variability, such as translation, dilation, rotation, and variations in the illumination or deformation of objects, is to model these sources of variability explicitly and separate that information from the residual identity of the object. The result is a set of multiple maps, for example a

map of object identity and another map of object pose. The total information about the object and the scene is preserved in such a representation, but the statistically separable sources of variability are factored into separate but interacting representations. The set of visual cortical areas in human and nonhuman primates are divided into processing streams that report different aspects of visual scenes [19]. The ventral stream progressively extracts shape information with a limited degree of invariance to the position, pose, and lighting of the object. The dorsal stream progressively extracts estimates of the position and movement of the visual scene with some invariance to the identity of objects. Rao and Ballard [42,43] modeled a similar factorization of object identity from object transformation using a method that learns canonical images in one pathway, and systematic image transformations in another pathway, as a result of having been trained on a variety of systematically transformed canonical images (see also [44]). The method then seeks to explain novel images as systematically transformed canonical images (but see also [45]). While the method is currently limited in that it has only been demonstrated to perform global affine transformations of images, the idea shows promise in the modeling of locally modulated transformations that may include deformation and articulation. A general approach seeks to find generator functions that systematically transform images by a small amount along an invariance path or manifold in the pixel or representation state-space [46]. Specific deviations of novel images from recognizable, previously learned images can be generatively corrected, globally or locally, using a sequence of small linear transformations. In Rao and Ballard [42,43], these transformations were selected by joint gradient descent with the selection of canonical images from a learned set. In visual cortex, neurons that receive visual inputs with several different degrees of delay from the original stimulus show space-time receptive fields, with response properties that represent input structure not only across input variables but over some interval of time [31]. These motion and change-sensitive cells show direction selectivity, velocity tuning, and occasionally simple reversal in polarity of on- and off-sensitive regions. ICA models provided with several sets of serially delayed pixel inputs learn features that model similar temporal structure [32]. Such receptive fields, although local, could be coordinated and used in a generative modeling capacity to enact the transformations that they recognize, providing a new inroad to the learning of perceptual invariances. The generator functions of Rao and Ballard [42,43] are collections of local difference operators, similar in form to spatial receptive fields, that are multiplicatively coordinated in groups by higher-order neurons representing the learned global affine transformations (rotation, translation, dilation). These


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

coordinated groups of local transforming features alter canonical image content additively. If short-term, local image transformations are learned as a set of motionsensitive feature detectors, these same features could be used in a generative framework to perform a shift operation for transformation invariance.

3.3. Joint statistics of filters and dependent components analysis The filters learned by independent components analysis do not result in coefficients that are truly independent. There is a body of research focused on fixed banks of feedforward filters that are similar to those learned using ICA, perhaps the most well-known of which is the steerable wavelet pyramid [47]. A wavelet pyramid is a set of derivative filters, sensitive to edges at a variety of positions, orientations, phases and scales, analogous to processing in primary visual cortex. The same set of filters are scanned over an image centered on each pixel in sequence, and the set of spatial frequencies are filtered by scanning the same set of filters over duplicates of the image that have been blurred and subsampled at several different scales. Recent work has shown that the coefficients of these filter banks show characteristic statistical dependencies with each other over sets of natural images [48-50]. Filter outputs (coefficients) that are distant from each other in an image relative to the size of their receptive fields have joint activity histograms that are well-fit by a diamond-shaped Laplacian function. The coefficients of components whose receptive fields have a common center (but, for example, different spatial frequency) have a joint histogram that is well-fit by a radially symmetric Laplacian. Components with some overlap in their receptive fields have a joint histogram that is intermediate between diamond-shaped and circularly symmetric. The circularly symmetric joint isoprobability surface of concentric receptive fields indicates an increased likelihood that both coefficients will have high values, when compared with the diamond-shaped isoprobability surfaces of distant receptive fields. Importantly, the coefficients contributing to a diamond-shaped Laplacian joint distribution are factorially independent, whereas the coefficients of a circularly-symmetric Laplacian are not independent. It may be expected that overlapping receptive fields that are not orthogonal will show dependency because they are similarly driven by some of the same inputs, as measured by the inner dot-product of their weight vectors. Depending upon their orientations, filters that are several wavelengths away from each other in the image plane also tend to show smaller characteristic dependencies with each other, that correspond to the appearance of extended edges and contours in natural scenes [18,51,52].

A family of models has been developed that use longrange "horizontal" or "lateral" excitatory connections between filters, to allow those filters with high coactivation probability to boost each others' activity in a way that is consistent with the suggestions of human psychophysics [53,54], the correlated anatomy and physiology of primary visual cortex [55,56], for example involving the synchronization of neuronal oscillations [57-59], in order to subserve contour popout and/or contour completion. Such models make use of the deviations from statistical independence between individual filters to perform inferences, whether or not this is explicitly stated as motivation for these models. Under these models, occlusions or breaks along the length of a contour are treated as 'dirty' or uncharacteristic measurements, and corrected using lateral inference between filters. Nonlinear gain control mechanisms that adapt to the conditional dependencies of filter outputs can be used to reduce or eliminate those dependencies [51,60,61]. These models also use recurrent connections between filters that are intended to model horizontal intraarea connections in cortex. There have been some recent efforts to develop unsupervised learning methods that learn filters whose coefficients show specific types of dependencies with each other. The general problem of dependencies between variables has been addressed in terms of the coinformation lattice, which describes the information between variables in an arbitrarily structured graphical model [62], although the problem of tractably finding dependency graphs is not addressed. Tree-dependent component analysis [63] finds sets of components whose dependencies can be modeled using an analytically tractable tree-structured graphical model. Child components are allowed to be dependent upon their parent components via a bivariate density model, while correlations between adjacent parents and children are minimized. An extension of this method proposes foreststructured graphical models in which clusters contain sets of tree-dependent components, while components across clusters seek independence during learning [64]. One concern with conventional graphical models that use density estimation techniques to model conditional distributions is that they appear to depart from the biologically more plausible monotonic, weighted-sum inference mechanisms of neural systems, which although less general an approach are nonetheless more computationally efficient.

3.4. Compositional and hierarchical feature analysis Compositionality is a relatively undeveloped area of study in neuroscience and machine learning. Early work identified the need for compositional analysis methods and the compositional hierarchy (CH) representation


Proceedings of the IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition workshop 2003

structures that result [65,66], although these have so far largely resulted in methods based on formal grammars or heuristic learning methods applied to symbolic representations of sensory data [67-70]. A desirable property of composition parse hierarchies is that lowerlevel features should approach independence given the activity of the higher-level features that represent, and thus account for, the lower-level dependencies (Geoffrey Hinton, personal communication). The idea of explicit integrative feature hierarchies appears to have originated with the Panedmonium model [71], in which signal-processing "demons" reported on their input signals in a sequence of layers that ultimately converged on behavioral decisions. This notion was later cast in terms of neural architectures with the Neocognitron, which used a sequence of processing steps to develop translation-invariant visual pattern recognition [72]. One recent example of a composition parse hierarchy used for feature analysis is the multilayer HMAX method for object recognition [73,74]. A handwired multilayer architecture used alternating layers of conjunction-finding units ('S' for simple) and MAX-tuned disjunctive units ('C' for complex). The simple units responded to specific patterns in their input and the complex units responded in proportion to the strongest (the MAX) of a set of transformation-related inputs, such as a set of phase-varying edges. Objects were learned only at the highest level of view-tuned units. This algorithm worked well for learning to associate the multiple views of rotated 'paper-clip' objects, which are artificial images generated using 2-dimensional projections of 3-dimensional rigid objects made up of line segments. Another example of a composition parse hierarchy used for adaptive feature analysis used the outputs of a model of simple and complex cells to learn extended contour features [75]. A framework for generative hierarchical factor analysis was outlined by Dayan [76], although because there is no method for adapting the graphical structure of models, this approach depends on a user-specified fixed architecture, and thus does not address the issue of finding optimal representational architectures or graphs. There has been very little progress in the area of finding optimal graphical architectures for hierarchical, factorial analysis in an unsupervised learning framework. Important issues include the tesselation density of features at any level, principled ways in which model neurons might reorganize their connections to establish layers and streams, and the factors upon which objectives for adaptive architectures should be based, including the relevant statistical properties of sensory data and the desired feature extraction and inference functions of the network.

3.5. Manifold modeling Tenenbaum et al. [2] and Roweis and Saul [3] proposed similar methods for embedding highdimensional manifolds in lower-dimensional subspaces where the true dimensionality of the degrees of freedom in sensory data can be explicitly parameterized and visualized. Both methods are based on local neighborhood relationships between observed sensory data points. Interestingly, interpolations within these embedded manifolds all generate plausible sensory images if the density of observed points is high enough. Positions within the manifolds thus appear to describe the viewing state of an object, and trajectories within the manifolds appear to correspond to typical object actions. These approaches offer promise for adjacency mapping of noun classes, the parameterization of position within noun manifolds for learning modifier classes, and the mapping of trajectories for the learning of verb classes.

4. Summary Independent components analysis, and more recently, dependent components analysis approaches to modeling the structure of the sensory environment are being extended in hierarchies, and in parallel processing streams, to handle the invariances and compositionality properties of natural object classes. Manifold embedding methods and the modeling of spatiotemporal transition features show promise for identifying manifolds corresponding to natural object classes, natural attribute classes, and natural action classes for mapping sensory data into linguistic representations.

5. Acknowledgements This review was supported by the National GeospatialIntelligence Agency (NGA). The opinions expressed here are those of the author, and are not endorsed by the NGA or the United States Government.

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