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an invitation to the

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access to INTENSIVE

POWERFUL PRESENCE Sydney | July 7–9, 2017 Friday – Sunday


The Practice of Powerful Presence 
 starts here 

So what’s leadership all about?

Why can Obama, Merkel, and Branson hold millions in thrall, following their lead?

And what will it take for you to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be?

These are the questions that haunt us as we face tough conversations, decisions, and challenges. And here’s the paradox: the times when we need the very best version of ourselves is exactly when an undesirable version of ourself starts running the show. So is there a better way? Yes. Powerful Presence is a series of concepts and exercises that let you consistently bring out the best you, so you can be the best leader for others. This isn’t just another leadership tool or an ‘app’ you can simply download — it’s the complete operating system you need for success in your personal and business life. Learn how to be powerful, no matter what’s going on in your life. It’s the system for: •

Thinking clearly

Thinking creatively

Being present

And it’s your communications edge.

Don’t just intellectualise yourself as a leader — learn how to actualise yourself. 
 We’re turning leadership inside out so you can be the most Powerful version of you. Join us for a deep dive into what makes you a great leader.


strategy, meet creativity



Friday 7th, Saturday 8th, and Sunday 9th of July 8.30 am –5.30 pm

Group Size:

Maximum 18 places available.



The Retreat at Wisemans, Wisemans Ferry, Hawkesbury River http://www.wisemans.com.au/ $3,450 incl GST per person Three places are reserved for alumni in each session at half price.

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Course tuition and facilitation Private room accommodation at our luxury mountain retreat (including pool) Breakfast, lunch, two course dinner, morning tea, afternoon tea All course and writing materials Digital copies of course materials Pictorial aide memoirs

Powerful Presence is an immersive process that takes three full days. Activities run throughout the day and into the evening. Participation requires focus for the full three days, so it is a requirement of attendance that participants do not leave during the three days. Participants who cannot commit the full time are kindly requested not to attend.

Hear what others thought of the weekend here
 strategy, meet creativity

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 

Kathy Rhodes Senior Marketing Leader

“Don’t waste another minute reading Powerful Presence testimonials — just go ahead and sign up now! It will be the best leadership and personal development course you will ever attend. Why? You’ll see yourself — truly see yourself — for the first time. And when you do, you’ll uncover what’s holding you back professionally and personally. You’ll walk away with skills you will use for the rest of your life to improve every aspect of your life. So grab your entire team or go it alone, but whatever you do, just go!”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Cambell Holt Consumer Marketing Leader

“Powerful Presence has literally changed my life. In fact, I’d classify it as the best spent three days of my life, and it’s made me a much better leader, friend, husband, and father. We all carry perceptions, conditionings, past experiences, and our own human biology through life, having them hold us back from our true potential. Not anymore, thanks to Powerful Presence. I’ve done plenty of leadership development in the past and considered myself an effective leader and developer of relationships in my professional and personal life. Little did I know that I was only accessing a fraction of my potential before being exposed to the tools, techniques, and more importantly the thinking frameworks and philosophies that Powerful Presence offers. The course will completely challenge your perceptions of what it’s like to be effective in the things that matter most to you and is guaranteed to create positive change in all aspects of your life, from work to personal relationships. I strongly recommend Powerful Presence for anyone wanting to make their life happier, more purposeful, more meaningful, more valuable, and more rewarding. And if that’s not enough, the opportunity to be in the presence of Ashton, one of Australia’s best strategists and speakers for three whole days is worth the price of admission alone.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Gemma Fitzsimons Marketing Manager

“It's an amazing journey of self-discovery and empowerment that allows you to see through the noise and truly identify the leader in you as well as assisting your self-development along the way. It's confronting, invigorating, and sometimes emotional, but buckle up as this is a truly unique rid,e giving you the tools to be powerful and present.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Scott O’Hehir Director

“I was really apprehensive before I signed up for Powerful Presence, but the last three days have been amazing. I’ve learned a lot about myself and have built a lot of friendships with some incredible people. So if you’re even half-considering jumping into Powerful Presence, I’d recommend you to just take the plunge. Put your faith in Ash and the team at Step Change. It’s amazing, and you won’t regret it.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Brad Jansen

Founder and Managing Director 

“I’ve worked with Step Change for four years now as they’ve helped Qattro grow from a $30 million to over $100 million business — so I already trusted them, but going into Powerful Presence, all I really remember was that it was designed to ‘unlock unrealised potential in key personnel’ (including me). Driving to the 3-day retreat, it hit me that I had no real clue of what this was all about… probably the first time I acted on pure faith. And so the workshop began… At this point, I’m so very tempted to share a blow-by-blow description of some of the amazing moments that defined this long life-changing weekend. However, integrity dictates that I will not rob you of this experience. Have faith… in Ash’s team… in your judgement… Here’s what I will share: •

I started the course with my leadership team and quickly realised I had a management team. However, after 3 days, I left with a leadership team and a team of leaders

I have a sense of ‘being’ that is amazingly clear and provides me absolute awareness

The secret to success for me and the Qattro attendees was uncovered, magnified, and unleashed

I’m a better leader… all those that attended are better leaders… for themselves, each other, and anyone they touch

So if you know life has unfulfilled ambitions or compromised dreams — you can taste it, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is that is holding you back — then do this!”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Paul Barrett Co-Founder & Director 
 Absolute Wealth Advisors

“Ashton took me through the Practice of Powerful Presence at a very difficult time in my life. I had been married for 24 years, had two beautiful children, but my marriage was not working, and I was sad, stressed, and confused.  The Practice of Powerful Presence has helped me cut through all the noise in my head and listen to my own needs by getting clear on what I needed to do.  With practice, I was then able to stay present to my needs in a way that was as compassionate as possible for all involved. I have also been able to use Powerful Presence at work by being more present with myself, my clients, and my staff, resulting in the best quarter of new business in our company’s eight-year history.  We have new clarity on our purpose and clear direction on how we will evolve our business to best utilise our resources and continue to grow profitably into the future. I have read many ‘self-help books’ and attended a few ‘selfimprovement courses’, but the Practice of Powerful Presence has had, by far, the most immediate and lasting impact on how I conduct myself every moment of every day.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Marcelo Concha Co-Founder & CEO

“Powerful Presence really breaks you down to uncover what’s holding you back and how you can move forward without limitations. Ashton as a facilitator is impressively in tune with your needs, and the whole Step Change team really go the extra mile to make it a life-changing experience. I would recommend this to anyone feeling trapped in the results that they are getting in life and wanting to discover a whole new way of being.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Sally Boardman NeuroChange Specialist

“The Powerful Presence workshop is the best personal development course I’ve encountered. Its potency lies in the mix of wide-ranging concepts, practical application to your personal and business life, and Ash’s outstanding talent as a presenter, facilitator, and coach. The content is expansive yet comprehensive and packaged brilliantly into bite-sized chunks that are then personalised and practiced. I have witnessed many facilitators and coaches but none that equal Ash with his delivery of this programme. Ash is a flawless presenter, an expert in being able to hold the space for 20 people to deep dive into, while concurrently maintaining the ability to be in tune with every single one of them. He holds everybody accountable to being their best selves and doesn’t let a whiff of farce pass him by. Ash’s power of getting every single person to step up, be their best selves, and hold them there for three days is incredible, sometimes painful, but highly rewarding. If he can hold you there for three days, surely we can hold ourselves there for longer? Even post-course we are supported to do so via email and reminder information. The essence of the course is, how can you get the most out of others if you’re not getting the most out of you? To be a great leader, you have to first be a great You. Ash both teaches and exemplifies this. I have no doubt this course will change lives and recommend it wholeheartedly.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Nikita Mehta

Sponsorships & Partnerships Manager

“I cannot begin to say the transformation journey you’ll go on — and this is coming from a nonbeliever. I didn’t know what I was in for, and I never thought I’d open up who I was, where I came from, and where I’ve gotten to with a group of strangers.
 But these strangers are now my friends. Powerful Presence is an experience that will change your life, and I cannot say enough about it — so go along and give it a shot because you will come out on top.”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Rohan Erwin Managing Director Erwin & Associates Pty Ltd

“Step Change is on to an absolute winner with the Powerful Presence course, and all those who dare to participate shall be richly rewarded. The course was confronting and liberating, and I wish I had done it years ago. It has assisted me to shift some negative tendencies for good, and for the better, and has given me tools to continue to manage and improve those niggling reactive behaviours that pop up but don’t help. It’s the best personal development course I’ve done and facilitates lasting positive change for both personal and corporate performance. Thank you so much. I highly recommend it for anyone to whom self-belief and interpersonal skills are important — i.e. everyone!”

“My Powerful Presence Experience” 
 Chris Bates CEO Checkside

“So the thing about Powerful Presence is that you can’t put it into a box. Like many CEOs, I am involved in mentoring groups and have done a lot of executive training to ‘stay on top of my game’. And in my consulting business, we have the privilege of training other leaders. But Powerful Presence adds the missing piece (or missing peace) we all need. What do I mean by this? Well, for those of you who have seen the movie City Slickers, it is kind of like finding Curly’s ‘one thing’ (and if you haven’t seen it, look it up on YouTube, now!) 
 Ash covers some important leadership, awareness, and mindfulness concepts over the three days of the course — but the way it was packaged and delivered was incredibly clever and enabled a journey for each participant that was intensely personal but shared and safe at the same time. For me, the greatest impact was finding a better way to shut down the unhelpful noise that can circulate through my brain and focus on being present and focused on the right thing at the right time, all the time. Straight after the course, I joined my family on holidays on the Gold Coast (our kids are five and six years old), and it was without doubt the most relaxing holiday we have ever had. The cool thing was that by practicing being present and calm, I could see the power and impact that had on the mood of my wife and kids. And I now really get how the same osmosis applies for my employees, clients, and friends. So when you look at all the courses and workshops you can do in a year, make sure Powerful Presence is at the top of your list. It is the perfect complement to the other stuff you’ll do and will provide great context and clarity to your role as a leader (at work and at home). Oh — I should add that you will make lasting connections with some amazing people. It is a bit like doing a three-day mountain climb with a new group of friends: an awesome journey that you will always remember, just without the photos!”

Ashton Bishop is a business strategist who draws on his vast experience in the marketing world to build differentiated strategies with a creative core. His ability as a master facilitator has helped forge the alignment that is missing from most strategic plans, delivering actionable, real-world plans for businesses, from not-for-profits in Perth to Sony Home Pictures Entertainment in London — and everything else in between.

Lead facilitator Ashton Bishop

With experience that includes lecturing on strategy for the world’s #1 CEO circuit, mentoring at the Founders Institute for Start-Ups on the principles of lean and agile thinking, starting a tech company and building Step Change’s proprietary Agile Strategy IP from scratch, Ashton is uniquely positioned to see leadership from all angles. His passion for business and critical thinking grew from a Law/ Commerce degree before his career path plunged him into marketing strategy in some of the world’s best agencies. From this experience, he built the belief that the smartest business ideas start with marketing, founding Step Change Marketing in 2009 as a way to build business strategies that contain real value for end users.

So, are you really ready? 

This isn’t going to be some namby-pamby team building, corporate-hug adventure; this is an SAS mental assault course that’s designed to let you access unprecedented performance and unlock what it means to lead. Powerful Presence turns leadership inside out. It starts with a look into the way you think and challenges assumptions that you’ve probably grown up with and never tested before. It covers your impact on others in your workplace and how those patterns might flow over into your personal life. It will push you beyond your comfort zone and introduce concepts that will change what you think is possible for yourself. So what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re planning on playing it safe, it’s probably best you down a bucket of off-prawns, pick up a little food poisoning, and call in sick immediately. Powerful Presence isn’t something that’s done for you or to you — you create Powerful Presence for yourself. So are you prepared to be challenged? Prepared to be coached? And prepared to step into your leadership? 
 If the answer is yes, then let your journey into leadership begin.


Registration details on next page >

strategy, meet creativity

To register, contact Jessica: 02 8030 8655 [email protected]

www.hellostepchange.com Level 3, 47–49 Murray St, Pyrmont Sydney

An invitation to the Powerful Presence intensive - July 2017.pdf ...

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