Certificate Programme in Food Safety Term-End Examination June, 2014 BFN-002 : HAZARDS TO FOOD SAFETY Time : 3 Hours]
[Maximum Marks : 100
Note :—Attempt Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks. 1. Give one example for each of the following :
(i) Causative organism of Ergot (ii) Aerobic spore former (iii) Toxic amino acid in Kesari dal (iv) Gram negative pathogenic rod (v) Emerging protozoan of concern (vi) Aflatoxin Producer (vii) Toxic alkaloid in potato (viii)Food borne virus (ix) Emulsifying agent (x) Antioxidant used in foods 2. (i) Differentiate between the following :
(a) Food Infection Vs Food Intoxication (b) Anticaking agents Vs Emulsifiers BFN-002
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( 2 ) (c) Physical Hazard Vs Chemical Hazard (d) Thermophilic organisms Vs Mesophilic organisms (H) What are the factors which affect the microbial growth ? Explain briefly.
3. Discuss the significance of the following with respect to food safety :
(a) GRAS status (b) Veterinary Drug residues (c) Mycotoxins (d) Heavy metals 4. (i) List the common adulterants found in foods. Give the methods of detection for any four adulterants in foods.
(ii) What are the different types of biological hazards associated with foods ? Explain with examples.
5. Describe the causative agent, mode of entry, symptoms and preventive measures of any two of the following diseases : (i) Listeriosis (ii) Hepatitis A (iii) Campylobacteriosis (iv) Salmonellosis BFN-002
( 3 ) 6. (i) What are* Food Additives ? Explain their role in extending the shell life of a product.
(ii) Elaborate on the harmful effects of Heavy metals ingested as food toxicants. 7. Write short notes on any four of the following : (i) Air/water activity and its role in spoilage (ii) Natural toxicants (iii) Emerging pathogens of concern (iv) Pesticide residues (v) Shellfish poisoning
Certain strains of E. coli are very harmful to human beings. (d). Emergence of new food borne pathogens is always a concern. (e). Antioxidants are used for extending the shelf life of foods. 6. (a) Differentiate between Food Infection and. 6. Food In
breather, 3 weeks of inter- semester break, and one week of final examinations. at the end of each semester). The first 9 months ... Total direct cost for one. student 1,093,000 1,093. 4. ... Main menu. Displaying ADMISSION INTO THE CERTIFICATE PROGR
Time : 3 hours. Maximum Marks : 100. Note : (i) Answer any two questions from Section I. Each question carries 20 marks. (ii) Answer any four questions from Section II. Each question carries 10 marks. (iii) Answer any four questions from Section III.
ties to meet long term goals of sustainable devel- opment and poverty alleviation within the context of food security using a sustainable livelihoods ap- proach.
'Small business operators face many barriers in ... 'micro-enterprise' in the informal section that you ... young people how to establish and operate a small.
... and disadvantages of 5+5 the following training aids : (i) Posters. (ii) Films. 2. Explain what is Food Safe Facility and what are 20 the key features of such facility ? 3. (a) What are the safety measures to be taken 10 by the following to ensur
... a Behavior-Based Food Safety Management System (Food Microbiology and ... scientific literature on these topics are noticeably absent in the field of food ...
ternational Development (USAID). FOOD SECURITY ... food stockpiles, the development of evacuation plans ... technology to better organize and manage its ...
PDF Books Food Safety Culture: Creating a Behavior-Based Food. Safety Management System (Food Microbiology and Food Safety) -. Read Online. Book detail.
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