MPM1D1 Unit 1 – Day 4

Name: _____________________ Monday, September 9

Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents We now know that the line in a fraction really means: ___________________________ Putting fractions in lowest terms (also known as reducing fractions) How I do this without a calculator… a)

4 = 12


22 = 36


9 = 3


7 = 7

and with my calculator…

Now let’s practice by completing the puzzle on the next page. Try as many as you can without a calculator.

In high school, we try to avoid working with mixed numbers. It will be easier to work with improper fractions. An improper fraction is: _________________________________________________ My own example of an improper fraction: My example written as a mixed number would be: Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions How I do this without a calculator… a)


1 = 4



2 = 5

and with my calculator…

MPM1D1 Unit 1 – Day 4


Name: _____________________ Monday, September 9

MPM1D1 Unit 1 – Day 4

Name: _____________________ Monday, September 9

Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents

Fraction (in lowest terms)



4 12


120% 9 3



My summary to remind myself how to convert between fractions, percents, and decimals:

Now let’s practice more converting by completing the puzzle on the next page.

MPM1D1 Unit 1 – Day 4

Name: _____________________ Monday, September 9

Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents – Practice puzzle

comparing ratios

Unit 1 – Day 4. Monday, September 9. Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents. Fraction (in lowest terms). Decimal. Percent. 4. 12. 0.54. 120%. 9. 3. 0.4. 8%. My summary to remind myself how to convert between fractions, percents, and decimals: Now let's practice more converting by completing the puzzle on ...

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