


Course 1 Unit 2 Practice 4. Make use of structure.

Lesson 7-1

a. Can a positive rational number be an integer? Explain. Give an example.

1. Model with mathematics. Identify the integer at each point. M


212210 28 26 24 22

P 0







10 12

a. 28 b. 0

b. Can 0 be classified as a positive rational number? Explain.

c. 10 d. 8 e. 25 f. 11

5. Liam withdrew $18 from his savings account. Which integer below represents this situation?

2. Write the opposite of each integer.

A. 18

a. 1

B. 218

b. 228

C. |218|

c. 0

D. 2(218)

d. 2(27) e. |2100|

Lesson 7-2

f. 23

6. Compare each pair of integers. Write . or ,. a. 23

3. Write an integer to represent each situation. Explain the opposite of the situation and write an integer to represent the opposite.

b. 0

a. 20 feet below sea level.


c. |29|


d. 25


e. 2 b. a deposit of $30



7. Model with mathematics. Use the number line to write the integers 2, 23, 26, 4, and 9 in order from least to greatest.

c. a loss of 12 points

210 28 26 24 22







d. 228C

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SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice



8. Write the integers in order from least to greatest, evaluating each absolute value.


12. Model with mathematics. Use a number line to find the sum.

a. |215|, 230, 25, 7, 22

a. 8 1 27 b. 26 1 4

b. 18, 216, 3, 213, 97

c. 27 1 9 d. 26 1 29

c. 10, 212, 2|27|, 28, 0

e. 7 1 27 f. 3 1 28

9. Which choice below shows the integers in order from greatest to least?

13. Make use of structure. Will the sum be positive or negative? Explain.

A. 22, 0, 3, 20, 45 B. 210, 23, 26, 0, 10

a. the sum of 218 and 12

C. 21, 25, 217, 220, 298 D. 18, 1, 26, 21, 0 10. The following locations are all below sea level. List the locations in order from the lowest elevation to the highest. Location Amsterdam

Caspian Sea Dead Sea Death Valley Jericho New Orleans

b. the sum of 221 and 239


24 meters 228 meters 2423 meters 286 meters 2258 meters 22 meters 14. Which addition number sentence represents the model shown?

Lesson 8-1 11. Model with mathematics. Use counters to find each sum.


a. 23 1 25

A. 27 1 8

b. 27 1 4

B. 25 1 7

c. 28 1 25

C. 9 1 26

d. 22 1 7

D. 26 1 9



e. 22 1 21 f. 5 1 23 © 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.


SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice




18. Find each sum.

15. The temperature was 24°F at 5 a.m. The temperature rose 6°F by noon. Then the temperature dropped 8°F by 5 p.m.

a. 212 1 35 b. 17 1 242

a. What was the temperature at noon?

c. 229 1 211 d. 42 1 238 e. 215 1 212 f. 263 1 56 g. 287 1 236 h. 73 1 2115 1 26 i. 252 1 41 1 211

b. What was the temperature at 5 p.m.?

19. Reason quantitatively. The average temperature for 3 days was 3°C. The temperature readings for the same time each day are in the chart below. The temperature for the third day was erased. What was the temperature for the third day? Day 1 2 3

Temperature 4°C 6°C

Lesson 8-2 16. Determine if each sum will be positive or negative.

20. Brian went scuba diving. He dove 7 feet below sea level to investigate some coral. He then dove another 3 feet to look at a school of fish. Which integer represents the depth of the school of fish?

a. 24 1 8 b. 6 1 23 c. 25 1 25

A. 213

d. 27 1 4

B. 210

e. 25 1 9

C. 27

f. 28 1 7

D. 23

17. Explain how to use absolute value to add a. 220 1 15 b. 220 1 215

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Lesson 8-3

Lesson 9-1

21. Model with mathematics. Show how to use counters to subtract 28 2 4.

25. Write the ordered pair for each point. y



22. Find each difference.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

0 210292827262524232221 21

a. 9 2 (22) b. 27 2 8 c. 23 2 (27)


d. 26 2 (24) e. 5 2 (28) f. 4 2 9 g. 22 2 (22)

a. A

h. 21 2 5

b. B

i. 6 2 (23)

c. C

22 23 24 B 25 26 27 28 29 210


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



d. D 23. Make use of structure. Explain how to use the rule for subtracting integers to solve 24 2 (28). Find the difference.

e. E f. F g. G h. H i. J

24. At a temperature of 5°F and a wind of 10 mph, the wind chill is 210°F. What is the difference between the actual temperature and the wind chill? A. 5°F B. 15°F C. 20°F D. 25°F

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SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice



26. Graph and label each point on the coordinate plane below.


28. Attend to precision. Which point is on the y-axis (0, 5) or (5, 0)? Explain.

y 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 210292827262524232221 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 210

29. Caroline graphed the point (23, 5). Jon switched the coordinates and graphed the result. In which quadrant is Jon’s point located? A. first 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B. second


C. third D. fourth

Lesson 9-2 30. Find the distance between each set of points. a. (1, 2) and (1, 16)

a. K (5, 26)

b. (28, 3) and (2, 3)

b. L (8, 9) c. M (23, 6)

c. (24, 22) and (24, 9)

d. N (27, 24) e. P (2, 24)

d. (6, 23) and (6, 210)

f. Q (1, 3) g. R (26, 2)

31. Make sense of problems. Jeremy lives at 12th Street and 5th Avenue. His Aunt Sylvia lives on 12th Street and 8th Avenue, his cousin Adriana lives on 7th Street and 5th Avenue, and his cousin Robert lives at 5th Street and 8th Avenue.

h. S (24, 27) 1 i. T (3  , 4) 2 27. Name the quadrant in which each point is located.

a. Write each location as an ordered pair.

a. (212, 10) b. (9, 21)

b. What is the distance between Jeremy’s home and Adriana’s home?

c. (7, 11) d. (210, 25)

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c. What is the distance between Aunt Sylvia’s home and Robert’s home?


SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice




35. Find each product.

32. Make use of structure. Sam places a dot at (22, 6) to represent point A.

a. 9(25)

a. Next he reflects point A across the x-axis and labels it point B. What are the coordinates of point B?

b. 27(6) c. 26(212) d. 16(23) e. 29(27) f. (28)2 g. (5)(22)(3)(24) h. (25)(26)(210)

b. Then he reflects point A across the y-axis and labels it point C. What are the coordinates of point C?

i. (23)3 j. (26)(22)3

36. Make sense of problems. Alfredo’s bank charges an $8 service fee each month if his account goes below $500. In June, Alfredo had $510 in his account. He withdrew $25 and then did not have any transactions in his account for 6 months.

c. Finally he reflects point B across the x-axis and labels it point D. The location of point D matches which point?

a. Write as an integer the amount by which Alfredo’s bank balance changed during the six months.

33. What is the reflection of (23, 27) across the x-axis? A. (3, 7) B. (23, 7) C. (3, 27)

b. What was the balance in the account at the end of January?

D. (23, 27)

Lesson 10-1 34. Determine if each product will be positive or negative. a. 20(23)

c. How much will Alfredo have to deposit for his account to be at least $500?

b. 24(3) c. 212(25) d. (23)(2)(25) e. (22)3 f. (22)6 © 2014 College Board. All rights reserved.


SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice



37. Use , or . to complete each statement. a. 12(23)

41. Evaluate each expression. a. (25)3 4 25


b. (25)4

b. 3 3 29 4 (23)3


c. (210)(2)(23) d. 18(26)


c. 29 3 24 4 (23)




28 326 24 3 3

e. 6 3 (29) 23 3 (32 )

38. Which is the 12th number in the pattern below? 23, 26, 29, 212 … A. 224

42. Reason quantitatively. Use ,, 5, and . to complete each statement.

B. 236 C. 272

a. 28 3 (25 1 10)

D. 2144

b. 54 4 29 3 3

54 4 29 4 3

c. 272 4 28 4

272 4 28 4 23

280 1 40

Lesson 10-2 39. Use inverse operations to determine each missing number. a. 216 3

5 48

b. 12 4

5 22

c. 256 4

5 28

d. 218 4

5 23

e. 5 3

43. The low temperatures for 5 days in Fairbanks, Alaska last January were 215°F, 211°F, 25°F, 3°F, and 22°F. What was the mean temperature for the 5 days? A. 210°F B. 28°F C. 26°F

5 260

f. 25 3

D. 25°F

5 275

40. Find each quotient. a. 256 4 7 b. 125 4 225 c. 296 4 28 d. 48 4 216 e. 2105 4 7 f. 272 4 28 g. 72 4 26 h. 275 4 5 i. 263 4 29 j. 36 4 24

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SpringBoard Course 1, Unit 2 Practice

Course 1 Unit 2 Practice

Robert lives at 5th Street and 8th Avenue. a. Write each location as an ordered pair. b. What is the distance between Jeremy's home and Adriana's home? c.

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