“Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!” “You writing needs to paint a picture or create a movie in the mind of the reader.” “Using vivid descriptions can help your readers feel as if they are there with you.”
How to “show” what is happening in your story (or other writing) in an effective way: ¾ Let your word choice be specific, precise, and colorful •
• •
Specific nouns (No. 2 pencil, Mr. Rojas, centipede) Precise-action verbs (plunge, snapped, twisted) Colorful adjectives (bumpy, scaly, mature)
¾ Use figurative language to enhance the imagery •
compares two unlike things, by using the words like or as, that have one quality in common (The rug was as
soft as a bed of moss) •
Metaphors compares two unlike things that have one quality in common without using the words like or as (The
trip was a nightmare) •
giving human qualities to an object or an idea (The old house creaked and complained about its
worn and aching joints) •
Exaggeration stretching the truth to make a strong statement (My feet were killing me!) Hyperbole an extreme exaggeration often used for humorous effect (He was so hungry that he ate everything
Idioms (Nadine had cold feet at her piano recital)
but the table!)
¾ Add sensory details that make use of the five senses • • • • •
See what’s happening or what people are doing Hear the words and sounds Feel the sensations Smell the smells Taste the flavor
¾ Describe the character’s actions ¾ Show what the character is thinking ¾ Describe the feelings (emotions) felt by the characters in the story ¾ Add dialogue (include the actual thoughts or words spoken when you can) ¾ Describe the specific setting using sensory details ¾ Organize your descriptions
present your details in a way that makes sense to the reader (descriptions may
be organized in any number of ways: from top to bottom, left to right, near to far, most recent to least recent, etc.)
Descriptive Writing - Show Don't Tell Writing Mini Lesson.pdf ...
Metaphors compares two unlike things that have one quality in common without using the words like or as (The. trip was a nightmare). ⢠Personification giving human qualities to an object or an idea (The old house creaked and complained about its. worn and aching joints). ⢠Exaggeration stretching the truth to make a ...
Page 1 of 1. Descriptive Writing. âDon't Tell Me, Show Me!â âYou writing needs to paint a picture or create a movie in the mind of the reader.â âUsing vivid ...
... but more general nouns and weaker verbs force writers to add modifiers, which rob ... This book was very interesting with an English and Spanish theme. I.
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. A Year Of Writing Mini Portfolio.pdf. A Year Of Writing Mini Portfolio.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign I
Writing. ⢠Use subordinate clauses to write complex sentences. ⢠Use passive voice where appropriate. ⢠Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated ...
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