Living Christ's Mission: Celebrating the Epiphany In Puerto Rico, and other Spanish-speaking countries, on the evening of January 5, the children place hay, grass, and water under their beds to feed the camels of the Three Kings as they seek the Christ Child. To recognize their kindness, the Three Kings leave the children gifts. This tradition actually predates the Christmas Eve tradition of Santa Claus delivering gifts to children.

Saturday: January 4, 2014 4:00pm:

Intentions of Paul Wajda by the Akinson Family

Sunday: January 5, 2014 8:30am: 10:30am:


Rita Clancy by Pat Clancy Lena Decker by Mary Spaulding Albert Lavigne by The Corpus Christi Community Anna Knorowski by Jackie McDonough

January 6, 2014

How interesting it is that this tradition reflects the reality of the Three Kings' journey. The Epiphany, which symbolizes that Christ is the Savior King of us all, required the kindness of ordinary people who made possible this long journey of the Three Kings by providing simple gifts such as food and drink for the animals.


Like the Three Kings, all of us are on our way to Christ. Some of us have simple gifts that we can offer along the journey, while others, like the Three Kings, have gold. Christ's parable of the widow's mite taught us that all our gifts have equal value in his sight. He asks only that we generously share whatever he has given to us. Without the simple gifts of people along their route, the Three Kings may never have been able to give Christ their gold.

Thursday: January 9, 2014

You may never know the full impact of your gifts to others. What have you shared today?

Sunday: January 12, 2014

Mr. Joseph Citro, MSW, serves as the Vice President of Greater Mission, which inspires profound generosity to Catholic causes. He can be reached at [email protected].

Stewardship: A Way of Life


Mary, Patrick and Brian Aherne by Richard and Madeline Atkinson

January 7, 2014 People of Corpus Christi

Wednesday: January 8, 2014 9:00am:

Josephine Bellanti by Mietlicki Family


Christopher Stewart by Gary, Linda and Andy Stewart


January 10, 2014

9:00 am: People of Corpus Christi

Saturday: January 11, 2014 4:00pm:

8:30am: 10:30am:

Marie Welch by Maurice and Jacqueline Desrochers Anna Knorowski by Friends of Corpus Christi Robert Bialek by Sister Scott Ryan by John and Sharon Ryan Michelle Garabedian by The Corpus Christi Community Ida Cardone by Frank and Yolanda

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Reservation Chapel and the The Daily Mass Chapel candle is lit for the Intentions of The Corpus Christ Community. 2014 PARISH CALENDARS

Parish Financial Support December 21-22, 2013 Envelopes/Loose checks (357) $ 9,467 Loose Cash $ 1,019 E-Giving (17) $ 698 Total $11,184

When we add a little extra or give a little more than what’s expected, both the receiver are greatly blessed. The person on the receiving end appreciates the extra attention. The giver receives a special blessing as a result of his generosity. Giving a little extra can mount up to a great blessing for everyone.

2014 calendars are located in the Gathering area. Please remember to take one on your way out of church today. We are grateful to Emerick’s Funeral Home on Rout 9 in Clifton Park for supplying our church with the calendars.

Welcome to Corpus Christi! A special welcome to our new parishioners: Shane, Meryl, Austin and Parker Staats

January 5, 2014

The Epiphany of the Lord


January 5, 2014

First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 (20ABC) Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 The magi from the east followed the star until it stopped still over the house. They entered, found the child with Mary, prostrated themselves, did him homage, and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But because of Herod, they returned to their home country by another way. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK

First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 (21ABC) Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel Reading: Matthew 3:13-17 LIVING THE EUCHARIST Do you remember last Spring when many of our parishioners participated in Year 1 of the Living the Eucharist Program? This year, small group discussion groups will meet beginning March 3. We ask that you prayerfully consider participating again, or for the first time. This is your opportunity to grow in faith and to share your faith with others. Sign ups will begin February 1. There will also be sign up dates for small group leaders. Questions may be addressed to Teri and John Gay at 882-1692 or [email protected]

Please welcome Ariel Fuller into our parish family. She is being baptized at our 10:30am Mass this weekend.

9:00am: 9:30am: 6:00-7:00pm: 7:00-8:30pm:

All children ages 4-11 are invited to join us during the 4:00pm Saturday, and the 8:30am and 10:30am Sunday Masses. The children leave the assembly after the Opening Prayer to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word. God’s Word is presented to our younger parishioners at their own level of understanding. Preschoolers are also welcome if accompanied by a parent.

Morning Coffee Mother Mary’s Rosary Group Boy Scouts Troop 42 Hall

TUESDAY, January 7, 2014 9:00am: 10:00am: 4:30-5:30pm: 7:00-9:00pm: 6:30-8:00pm: 7:30-8:30pm:

Mass Women’s Bible Study Faith Formation Classes Grade K, 1-5 Knights of Columbus Room 2/3 Living the Eucharist Meeting Room 4/5 Baptismal Preparation Church

WEDNESDAY January 8, 2014 9:00am: 9:00am: 10:00-12:00pm: 10:00-3:00pm: 4:30-5:30pm: 7:00pm:

Mass ~ Rosary following Morning Coffee Disciple Bible Study Room 8 Saratoga Hospital Navigator Room 7 Faith Formation Classes Grade 1-5 Pastoral Council Executive Meeting Room 7

THURSDAY January 9, 2014 9:00am: 10:30am: 2:00-3:30pm: 6:00pm: 7:00-8:30pm:

Mass Disciple Bible Study Room 8 Corpus Christi Book Club Room 4/5 Mosey Around Hall Adult Choir Rehearsal

FRIDAY January 10, 2014 9:00am: 6:00-8:00pm:

Mass Cub Scouts Hall

SATURDAY, January 11, 2014 3:00pm: 3:00-4:00pm: 4:00pm:

Confessions Junior RCIA Room 8 Mass

SUNDAY, January 12, 2014 8:30am: 10:30am: 11:00-5:30pm: 5:30-7:000pm:

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is in full swing!

Mass ~ Rosary, Devine Mercy, Novenas after

Mass Mass Confirmation Retreat Parish Activity Center Youth Ministry Hall

Corpus Christi Website

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Music Notes

Youth Ministry Youth Ministry News Karen Hedley, Youth Minister Tel. 877-8506 x306 Email: [email protected]

Thank you to the many bakers who supplied the Youth Ministry with delicious Christmas treats to sell last weekend at our annual Christmas Cookie Sale. It was a scrumptious success! Faith Formation — Grade K-5 We are on break until January 7, 2014. Please bring your children for the Advent season which they have learned about in class. They will enjoy seeing the Advent wreath lighting each week as we light another candle. They also learned about our Saviors birth bring them to see the beautiful nativity set of life size figures that are in church. There are many Church activities also like the Christmas Pageant to be performed after the 10:30 Mass on December 15th or Breakfast with Santa on Sunday December 15th. These are great family events enjoy this wonderful Spiritual Season share them as a family. Have a Blessed, Spirit filled Season ~ Joan Haviland.

The Corpus Christi book club is currently reading “Someone” by Alice McDermott. The book is about Marie, a woman who reminisces about her life from her childhood in Brooklyn through her final years in a nursing home. The book centers on her relationships with her brother, parents, neighbors, school friends, husband, children and other characters. The book does not involve a complicated plot; instead, it is about an ordinary life told in an extraordinary way. The characters and places come alive through the vivid details of the author’s descriptions. Our book club will meet on January 9th, 2014 at 2pm in Room 4/5 to discuss “Someone.” Please read the book and join in the discussion. Available in the Kiosk How is the best way to live? The great minds of every age have pondered this question. Are you living your best life? Matthew Kelly answers this question and addresses the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the great sacrament of Confirmation. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. - Mt 2:10-11 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Help enrich the worship experience at Corpus Christi by joining a music ensemble. The Music Ministry has a place for everyone: singers and instrumentalists, young and old! Please see Matt Duclos, Director of Music, for more information, or consult the Music Ministry web page: Children's Choir Available for children in grades 3 and above. This choir's next performance will be during the Easter season.

Adult Choir The Adult Choir provides harmony for the hymns each weekend and presents seasonal music throughout the year. Being able to read music is not a requirement for joining this choir. Rehearsals are each Thursday from 7:00-8:30pm in the church. Joining this ensemble is sure to enrich your spirituality, and your participation is greatly appreciated by everyone at Corpus Christi.

Contemporary Music Ensemble This group provides music for the monthly Choose Christ Youth Mass at 5:30pm. We are in need of singers, guitarists (bass, acoustic, and electric), and other instrumentalists. The music is contemporary and upbeat and it's a lot of fun to participate!

Resurrection Choir For people who are able to sing as needed in the choir at funerals. Rehearsals are the half hour before each funeral.

Blessing of Homes for Epiphany The Sunday after New Year's Day is the feast of the Epiphany. In imitation of the magi, who, according to Matthew's Gospel, came to the home of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we ask Christ to visit our home and to bless all who dwell there. Come join us at church on the Epiphany and pick up a blessing prayer and a piece of chalk to inscribe above the door: 20+C+M+ B+10 for the year and the Latin words "Christus mansionem benedicat," May Christ bless this house.

The Epiphany of the Lord

January 5, 2014



ADORATION & THE ROSARY Come Join Us: Every Monday Evening at 6PM in the Daily Mass Chapel

Have you been away? Know that you have been missed! If you have questions, concerns, or just need a place to talk, LANDINGS is the place for you! An 8 week Fall Session is starting soon! For info, contact: Carrie Wajda at 383-5570 or [email protected]

PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care is looking for volunteers to visit anyone who might be homebound or in the hospital. If you have an hour once in a while, I’m sure the visit would be appreciated. We understand if you were called and couldn’t make it that particular time. We would just call someone else and try you again. Please call Jackie McDonough at 877.8506 ext. 374 with your questions and to sign up!

Homebound and Nursing Homes If you know of someone who is a parishioner of Corpus Christi and is homebound or in a nursing, assisted living home, please contact Pastoral Care at877-8506 ext. 374 so we can visit & have Communion brought to them. ~Thank you!

Our Lady of Lourdes Blessed Pope John Paul II designated 11 February as World Day of the Sick, “a special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one’s suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding us to see in our sick brother and sister the face of Christ who, by suffering, dying, and rising, achieved the salvation of humankind (Letter Instituting the World Day of the Sick, 13 May 1992,3). Anointing Mass: If you are ill, facing surgery, or otherwise feel in need of this healing sacrament, please join us on Tuesday, Feb 11th, at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served in the Gathering Space after the Mass. Why come to this Mass? Here’s information from the Catechism about the Sacrament of the Sick: ‘The fruits of this Sacrament are: ~Unity with the Passion of Christ, for the sick person’s own good and that of the whole Church. ~Strength, peace, and courage to endure as a Christian the sufferings of illness or old age. ~Forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the Sacrament of Penance. ~Restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of the soul. ~Preparation for entering eternal life.’

Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1527, 1532.

Our Corpus Christi Council will hold their monthly Pancake Breakfast Sunday, January 19th, from 8:30am to 12:30pm. This ALL YOU CAN EAT breakfast will consist of Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Homes Fries, Bagels and more. Come with your family and friends and enjoy a hardy breakfast. Any questions contact John Finn or any one of the Knights. CATHOLICISM THE NEW EVANGELIZATION Father Robert Barron’s Documentary and Formation Program

The Catholic faith is not about myths, legends or symbols. It’s about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world. It’s about an encounter with Jesus Christ! Throughout history the call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some believers to prison or to their graves. We have the same call. That’s evangelization! We need to take up that call with new ardor, new expressions and new methods. This five week program begins Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center hall. It will raise your awareness and provide the foundation necessary for one to become part of the New Evangelization effort here at Corpus Christi. Ministry leaders, smallgroup leaders would be perfectly matched for this ministry. Refreshments will be served. Participants will be required to pay one-half the cost of their workbook ($15.00). Register now by signing up on one of the posters at the church ent r ances or cont act J usti n Lovi gl i o at [email protected] or at 518-867-7942. Studied the Catechism in a Year? Now Study the Gospel in a Year, too! For the Year of Faith, an online email community of over 135,000 people read the Catechism each week for a year. They were part of the largest group in history to study the Catechism together. This was following the specific request of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to study the Catechism for the Year of Faith. Sign up at The new readings officially started December 9th. How many more can we help benefit from these programs? This week, can you please convince 2 of your friends to sign up, too? If each of you do that, just imagine how many more people will be blessed by this amazing, simple program. Just copy and share one of these two links with any friends who may be interested: That’s it. Please share it now so that your friends will be ready for when we start! Thanks for your prayers and have a blessed week!


Upcoming Events ****************************************************

The Dominican Retreat And Conference located at 1945 Union Street in Niskayuna has many retreats and workshops each month. For more information they can be reached at 393.4169 or the website is: ****************************************************

“A Tribute to Pope John Paul II” will be presented on Tuesday, January 14th at 7pm Parish Hall Flicker room at Immaculate Conception Church in Glenville. This presentation will depict the Papacy of soon to be canonized Pope John Paul II (aka Karol Jozef Wojtyla). Pope John Paul II who assumed the papacy in 1978, was the first non-Italian Pope in more than 400 years. He advocated for human rights and strategically used his influence to effect political change. Come learn more about this fascinating, humble and peaceful man. Our presenter for the evening will be our very own, Sean Caron a member and presenter for our RCIA team. Bring a friend, relative or neighbor. ALL ARE WELCOME ****************************************************

RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT Hurting from an abortion? Experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat, January 17-19, 2014 (snow date: Jan. 2426) at Serenity on the Lake in Queensbury. The weekend will combine discussions, spiritual exercises, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial Service and a Mass of Entrustment. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. The cost is $150. Some financial assistance will be available. For more information or to register contact: Mrs. Kathy Whimple, 518-469-0779 or Mrs. Pat Mousaw, 518-792-8942 (h), 518-2221160(c), e-mail: [email protected]. For a complete listing of retreat dates and locations contact: 1 -877-HOPE-4 ME or visit the Rachel’s Vineyard website: ****************************************************

“Pastoral Care to the Sick, Elderly and Homebound” Training--Beginning Thursday evening, January 23, 2014, a Six Week Formation and Skill Building Workshop entitled “Pastoral Care to the Sick, Elderly and Homebound” will be held from 6:308:30pm at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 498 WatervlietShaker Road, Latham. This program will be held Thursday evenings through February 27th and will provide information on: the art of pastoral visitation; communication skills; illness issues; spiritual assessment; grief and loss; suffering and faith; death and dying; ritual and sacraments in pastoral ministry; theology of pastoral care and care giving issues. Weekly sessions include presentations and interactive exercises, as well as readings. Two pastoral visits are required along with a journal process. There is a $40 fee which includes a book and all handout materials. Registration is necessary and limited to 28 attendees. Registration deadline is January 16th. Please call Maria Schollenberger, Pastoral Care Ministry, Albany Diocesan Cemeteries, at 641.6818 or email: [email protected] If you have any questions please contact Jackie McDonough at 877.8506 ext. 374.


Prayer for Epiphany Dear Jesus, though a newborn, the wise men knew your greatness. On a hint from the heavens, they traveled far from their places of comfort so that they could honor you. From their belief in your divinity, they gave amazing gifts, offerings that symbolized your life, power, and even your death. And because of a dream in the night, they altered their well-laid plans to return home in order to protect you. May we be so willing to honor, sacrifice, and obey, all for love of you, as we meditate on the meaning of this day. Amen.

Jesus Christ Superstar Members of Corpus Christi and St. Clement's have been rehearsing the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" are they are looking forward to seeing you at the performance! The show will be at St. Clement's at 7pm on January 16-18 and Corpus Christi at 7pm on January 23-25. CORPUS CHRISTI’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY In April 2014, our faith community will celebrate 10 years in our new church building. Corpus Christi has been blessed with music, liturgy, and sacraments in this environment filled with the Spirit, in spite of many obstacles and continuing challenges. HOW SHOULD WE CELEBRATE OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY ? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PART OF THE PLANNING TEAM ? We welcome all to be part of this campaign to gather ideas and team members. We would like to put a team together by January 1, 2014. Therefore, please submit your ideas and /or volunteer yourself for team by dropping a note in the box "10TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN" in the gathering area. It would be great if you could put a phone number or email address in the note so we can contact you, especially if you would like to be on the planning team. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU !!!!!!!

MISSION STATEMENT Corpus Christi Parish, a Roman Catholic community, seeks to nurture the faith and serve the needs of parishioners and visitors by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through active stewardship, ministries of the word and sacraments, programs of Christian formation and works of charity and justice.

Pixie’s Closet Children’s Consignment Clean and Recall Free 2124 Doubleday Ave, Ballston Spas 885.1757


CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ROUND LAKE, NEW YORK. Parish Financial Support December 21-22, 2013. Envelopes/Loose checks (357) $ ...

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