Minutes of the public meeting of The Morvern Community Development Company Ltd 8th May 2013 Directors present: Angus Robertson, Lesley Jones, Clare Holohan, Hector Mackechnie, Malcolm Macneill and Lilia Dobrokhodova (Development Officer). Apologies: Barbara van der Meulen, Jane Stuart – Smith, Kirstin McQuillan. Members of public: David Brewis (Project Management), Alda Grace. Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Minutes of last public meeting 10th April 2013 Matters arising Renewables – Angus Robertson Shore Facilities –David Brewis Scout Hut – Jane Stuart – Smith, Clare Holohan AOB Next meeting – 11th June 2013

1. Minutes – of the last public meeting were approved, Angus proposed Clare seconded. 2. Matters arising – none. 3. Renewables – meeting with REIF Fund was set up, Angus attended the meeting in Glasgow. REIF’s aim – community ownership of renewables, MCDC qualify for funding and REIF are keen to support us, because we are a community company and also there is a possibility of “foreign” money coming to Scotland (from sources outside Scotland). Green Highland Renewables are trying to raise fund for their part of the project but have failed so far. But there seems to be a venture capital company in London that may be interested. The community have an opportunity to invest up to £500K with further £1.5mln coming to the project from “foreign” money. There is a question whether Forestry Commission will support venture capital funding. There is nothing MCDC can do at the moment, we have to wait whether Forestry accept venture capital funding, wait until GHR come up with finalised financial prospectus. Once MCDC have all information decisions will need to be made as to the way forward. Lilia to draft a letter to the Forestry informing them about our positive meeting with REIF fund and ask for an update on where things are with GHR in terms of lease and funding and why things are taking so long. MCDC’s possible own schemes – feasibility report from Hydroplan UK was received and the outcome for all three schemes is not that great, expected payback is 12 – 14 years, i.e. not bankable. This is based on “turn key” basis where an external company does all the work and hands us a key at the end of the project. There is a possibility of doing a DIY scheme, possibly at Acha Forsa (partially on Forestry land and partially on Ardtornish Estate land), but there is a big question of whether the community has the capacity to realise a DIY hydro scheme. MCDC have until November 2013 to acquire land for hydro from Forestry. There is a good scheme at Barr – about 1mWatt – but there is no GRID connection there at the moment, payback is possibly 8 years.


Lilia to put notices in De tha Dol?, on Facebook, on notice board and in the shop asking if anyone in the community was interested in getting involved in renewables in Morvern. A possibility of a renewables steering group was discussed. 4. Shore Facilities – is 99.9% complete. Singing off is expected on 9th May 2013. Hector did a snagging list for shore facilities and contractor will be resolving all next week. Display board was installed. Photos showed. Washers and dryers are in place. Telephone/Wifi is still to go in. Strobe light + siren at shore facilities for fire notification but Fort William fire brigade will visit shore facilities to advise as to adequate fire protection inside the building. MCDC hope to move to the new premises next week. 5. Scout Hut – 160 copies of community consultation paper were posted to every household in Morvern. Responses are expected before 24th May. MCDC will be organising Big Lunch in June (date to be confirmed) to further seek opinions of the community with follow up during shore facilities official opening at Gala Week. The Scout Hut will be demolished asap once the money from Tarmac come through. Demolition warrant will be required. Lilia to advertise demolition contract in De tha Dol? and on Facebook. Sign on Scout Hut to be kept and 2 notice boards will require to be moved. 6. AOB – none. 7. Next meeting – 11th June 2013 at 7.30pm.


1 Minutes of the public meeting of The Morvern ...

May 8, 2013 - Members of public: David Brewis (Project Management), Alda Grace. Agenda: 1. Minutes of last public meeting 10th April 2013. 2. Matters arising. 3. ... snagging list for shore facilities and contractor will be resolving all next week. Display board was installed. Photos showed. Washers and dryers are in place ...

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