Call for Papers The Journal of South Texas English Studies is now welcoming submissions for its Fall 2016 issue, themed “Journeys: Literal, Metaphorical or Imaginary.” Submission deadline: October 31, 2016. ‘Journey’ is a word that evokes images and feelings of freedom, escape, newness, experience, and curiosity. Within English studies, a journey may be literal, requiring movement across borders and spaces; figurative journeys often develop the inner dynamic of a character; and whimsical voyages, on the other hand, take place in the mind—the ultimate creative, uncharted territory. While the genre of “travel writing” has recently experienced a great surge of interest, JOSTES understands journey stories as wider in scope than a particular literary genre; “journey” is at the heart of human experience, as literary characters and writers embark on transformative excursions within space and/ or within themselves. The JOSTES editors are looking for scholarly articles between 5,000 and 8,000 words which address our theme: “Journeys: Literal, Metaphorical or Imaginary.” We encourage contributors to reflect on English Studies (both undergraduate and graduate) and themes that reflect the idea of journeys, movement and travel. We encourage submissions from literature (American, British, or other literature written in English), linguistics, rhetoric, composition, literary theory, pedagogy and the English classroom, and academia itself. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Literature  How have authors’ journey experiences (a trip/ vacation, migration, displacement, diaspora, and exile) shaped certain literary texts?  How does literature with a keen interest in “journey” discuss ideals of cosmopolitanism and world citizenship?  The literal, metaphorical or imaginary journey of characters within poetry and fiction  Journey themes in children’s and adolescent literature: literal journeys, coming of age stories, psychological and intellectual and/ or developmental  Close readings of published or archived travel-diaries/ travel-journals  Travel Writing theory Sociolinguistic  Second language learning as a journey to a new multilingual persona  Linguistic fieldwork as a journey to another place, culture, and language  Language change as a reflection of community journey (for example, the rise of gender-neutral pronouns in response to society's changing attitudes) Rhetoric & Composition  The rhetoric of journey stories (fiction or nonfiction)  The writer’s metaphoric journey / writing as a recursive journey  The student writer’s metaphoric journey in the composition classroom Journal of South Texas English Studies 6.1 (2016)


Pedagogy in the English Classroom  We would also welcome an exploration of how an inter- or trans-disciplinary approach to English Studies and the English classroom symbolizes the concept of a journey All submissions, including book reviews, must be original work and not be under consideration elsewhere. Please note: all articles must conform to our submission guidelines, which follow MLA 7th edition or APA 6th edition conventions. If notes are needed, they should follow the paper in endnote form. Do not use Microsoft's automatic endnote feature – please see submission guidelines. A Works Cited page should be last. Because the journal employs a blind editorial review process, please include a cover letter with the title of paper and author’s name. Do not put author’s name on the actual paper; rather, include the title of paper in the header or footer in place of author’s last name. Please format paper with 1-inch margins on all sides, double spacing, and 12-point, Times New Roman font. Please attach submissions as a single Microsoft Word or RTF document (no PDF documents) and e-mail it to [email protected] with the subject line "article." Articles not following our submission guidelines will be returned unread. Please consult our submission guidelines here: p_mQ/edit. We also accept book reviews of scholarly, non-fiction, and fiction up to 500 words. Preference will be given to book reviews of works that are related to the current issue’s theme, but we will consider other book reviews as well. Please attach submissions as a single Microsoft Word or RTF document (no PDF documents) and e-mail it to [email protected] with the subject line "book review." Please note that our submission policies have changed, and JOSTES no longer accepts creative pieces (short stories, poems, or creative non-fiction). Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2016. For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:

Journal of South Texas English Studies 6.1 (2016)


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