Hearing Voices and Psychic Phenomena Sam Fryman All Sam Fryman’s works are free to download at http://mens-liberation-sam-fryman.blogspot.com

Copyright © Sam Fryman 2006

Hearing Voices and Psychic Phenomena– By Sam Fryman According to a recent TV documentary around 2-4% of the British public – that is, up to 2.4 million people – report that they have experienced voices in their heads which appeared to come from an external source, and we must point out immediately, that this figure only represents the people who will admit to hearing voices. Because after all, surely everybody knows that “having voices in your head” is regarded by modern psychology and psychiatry as one of the signs of being insane or mentally ill, and therefore a significant but unknown proportion of people have also undoubtedly “heard voices” but quite understandably don’t want to talk about or admit to it. And we submit there are very good reasons on even more serious grounds why they would rather not, as for example many murderers and serial killers will allege that it was “a voice” that told them to commit the crime, such as British modern day “Yorkshire Ripper” Peter Sutcliffe who murdered over a dozen prostitutes on the grounds that “God” told him to do it. So we don’t really imagine if Christ saved an adulteress from stoning that his ‘Father in Heaven’ actually orders one individual or another to go round murdering prostitutes, so clearly we have to look for another explanation. And what is undoubtedly true is that the voices of others certainly can talk inside our heads, usually those of people whom we know or have known well in our everyday lives, such as our parents, friends, partners, school or college associates and work colleagues. Not only that, we can even have music or songs “invading our heads”, and many people have some tune or song obsessively running through their minds, and cannot “switch it off.” Similarly, if we have some traumatic or scary experience, such as we have a painful relationship break up or are threatened by some violent person or criminal, the words and voice of the person who has caused us the upset will tend to keep popping up in our mind from time to time whether we wish to hear them or not . So we have discovered by this short analysis, that not just a few of us, but most if not all of the population can at times have involuntary thought patterns in our minds. We can hear tunes, voices and so on that we wish would go away, but even if we suppress them for a while by forcibly pushing them out of our minds, they tend to come back again until they diminish or disappear in a time of their own, regardless of our conscious will. And to understand this phenomenon, we have to consider that when we are dealing with thought and memory, we are as far as one can see dealing with biochemical and physiological processes and mechanisms within the brain. So we can assume that all experiences and thoughts are laid down as some kind of physical chemical structure in the brain, and our conscious will cannot necessarily dissolve such a structure. As we have explained in our other works such as How to Meditate, it is our experience that in most cases the brain has its own “repair mechanism” (mainly sleep) which will usually repair and “cleanse” the structures of the brain associated with memory, so that most of the time the thoughts we have occupying our mind today will be gone tomorrow, or at any event in a week or fortnight.

For how else could we possibly cope with everyday life, if the thoughts of yesterday and the day before were still going through our minds and imposing themselves on the present? But of course, such thoughts do intrude into the present, when as we have said, we have one of these “traumatic events” in our lives, such as a serious relationship breakdown or somebody attacks us or burgles our house or something of a similar deeply disturbing nature. And thus it is clear that the normal mechanisms in the brain repairing itself are not always adequate to deal with such powerful experiences, which can be like a scar on our minds and therefore brains. Thus, we advocated a meditation technique, such as that explained in our earlier work How to Meditate, or for those who can get training in it where they live, the Maharishi’s relatively simple transcendental meditation technique, which he describes basically as a technique to release stress by providing deeper rest. But in the absence of and even in some cases despite the long term use of such a technique, we find in practice that most of us have some disturbing thoughts which never seem to go away. It could be regarding the death of a friend or child or life partner, and in many cases, we do not actually want our memories of them to leave us, so we can actually by desire keep revivifying them by bringing them to our minds and dwelling upon them. We should be aware in this respect that the mind is like a garden of the most fertile soil, and that we can “grow” anything we wish in it, by “planting the seeds of thought” and then “fertilising them” by focussing, dwelling or contemplating upon these “seed thoughts.” And we have deliberately emphasized the word anything because we find that our mind is composed of whatever we decide to grow there by first letting it into our mind and then “feeding the thoughts” with new material. For example, suppose we are in the habit of thinking about and listening to music – it fascinates us, we hunger for it, and when we are in emotional pain or anxiety we long to hear it, to lose ourselves in it. It is like we are building a huge forest in the landscape of our mind, composed of all these musical things we hear. We can stroll into that forest and lose ourselves there almost any time we like. Many of us will have had the experience of “hearing music” we know in the drone of the sound of an engine, such as an air conditioning fan; we can hear a piece of music we know as if it were being played on a recording, note for note, but we are merely hearing the echo of the track laid down in our brains. So likewise with voices in our heads. We are merely hearing in the case of those voices known to us things said to us before, perhaps recently or long ago, such as parents who “drummed things” into our minds many years or decades ago, which we now don’t even consciously remember. For it is obvious that most of our behaviour and mode and manner of speech came from our own parents (or whoever else was around us at this early age), so that mostly when “a voice in our head” says “do this” or “don’t do that” it is one of these early voices that we are hearing, which we now imagine to be our own. But of course, when we know a voice well, we can using “our imagination” even get it to “say things” that the real person who owned the voice never actually ever said, for example, as the impressionists who imitate famous personalities do.

So using these kinds of ideas modern psychology and modern science would wish to “explain away” all the voices people have in their heads as such logically explicable patterns of cause and effect. Thus, for instance, in the case of the so called “Yorkshire Ripper” we can say, that is was not any “voice of God” at all, and neither was it any kind of “evil spirit possessing him”, it was merely an unhealthy set of thought processes that he had somehow grown in the garden of the mind and he was no longer in conscience control of. We don’t know his childhood background, but he may for example have had some kind of such suggestions regarding the “evil” of prostitutes or women in general planted into his mind at an early age by someone around him, and the compulsive dwelling upon sexual thoughts which the average male does in youth in any case may have got mixed up with these feelings. He may even have had a sexual experience with a prostitute that involved him being humiliated somehow which caused him to turn against these kinds of women, but admittedly this is all just speculation. The point is we can explain such behaviours without having to resort to any kind of belief in “the supernatural” because we have shown that thought patterns can develop which can become compulsive and outside of the control of our conscious will. Someone seriously traumatised in childhood can have such an “emotional case of explosives” inside them, such that they may use mindless violence as a means of temporarily relieving their anxiety, and feelings of powerlessness and inner oppression, which in a smaller way is much the same action as the average bully, who gains a temporary feeling of security and “empowerment” by making others afraid. So if we mix these two things up – someone who has confused feelings about sex and serious emotional trauma – it is not difficult to see how this kind of serial killer can arise due to compulsive violent and vengeful thoughts. For those who find this scenario difficult to visualise, they should recall the situations in their own lives, where someone has made them feel very small, embarrassed and humiliated and how they had violent, vengeful and even murderous thoughts about such a person. There are many cases for example of children who have been bullied, dehumanized and depersonalized by a parent – often, though by no means always a bullying, brutal father who may have beat them, molested them or whatever – whom they can easily end up attacking or even killing, once the child grows up and becomes physically strong enough to do so. Some boys and men will even attack their own mothers for such reasons, because they see the cause of their mental problems as their mother from whom they cannot (psychologically speaking) ever “escape.” Daughters also fight with and attack mothers nowadays, especially as many times there is no father available to intervene and protect the mother from the daughter. It’s a sick, godless, violent, bullying, disrespectful world that too many of us are living in nowadays, but “old fashioned values” like respecting one’s parents and so on are now laughed at in so many quarters, and such are the consequences of a widespread and wholesale rejection of moral values as we now see before us. We have a world that is focussed on greed rather than need, and thus when the minds of parents are focussed on the acquisition of status, money, material luxuries and gratuitous sex, children get neglected. They say go play outside while they have some passionate sex, because society has told them that “the joy of sex” is the pinnacle of life, is the only thing worth living for.

So instead of being cared for and educated by sober, sensitive parents, the child is raised in an atmosphere of neglect, seething sexual passion and violence, and then its mind starts going in strange directions. Whilst it is forced to be outside whilst its parents are inside selfishly getting lost in one another’s body’s and playing out the violating fantasies of insecure and immature personalities, it meets some other lost children out there, who start experimenting in other ways, or maybe meet some perverted adult who start encouraging them to take on some strange ideas and activities. These are the seeds of confusion, fear and perversion planted in neglected childrens’ minds. Because, we see that these seeds, these ideas, cannot easily originate in one’s own mind. So much which occupies our thoughts did not come from our own minds. It came from the teacher, the priest, or the parent or the friend, sister or brother (though we have long forgotten it), it came from the book we read, or the TV or the magazine, or as likely nowadays something we accidentally came across on the Internet. So when this seed idea is planted there by someone or something, we can grow a forest of thought around this idea. This is why porn in general and internet porn especially is not a good idea for most people, because our empty bored minds feed on such ideas and can grow this forest of thoughts and obsessions which once grown can be hard to cut down. Anyone who has had an addiction – and most of us have likely had at least one – wish they had never taken that first step, the first bet, or that first cigarette or visit to the prostitute or whatever, because now they find that they cannot stop. We have taken our best shot at helping those with sexual addictions in our earlier work Understanding Female Sexuality and Porn, though because sex is for men at least a largely overpowering and more or less permanent instinct, which does not generally stop until death, there is no “cure” as such for “sex addiction” and it is just a case of moderating the frequency and duration of sex activity, so it doesn’t take an undue precedence and therefore damaging over-importance in one’s life. But for example, there was a man shown recently on TV confessing that he had become addicted to child pornography on the Internet having progressed from “mainstream pornography.” So he had somehow got voices in his head telling him to seek this stuff out, but we presume the voices were of compulsive habit, not once again, “evil spirits” or whatever. But while we can therefore see that on the one hand to blame one’s behaviour on some evil spirit or even “God” talking to one, and “giving the orders”, is perhaps a convenient means of evading responsibility, the voice of habit can be no easier to control than a so called “spirit” that invades someone’s mind and appears to have an independent will and intelligence of its own. Because the truth is we are more controlled by habit rather than what we imagine to be our “conscious will”, and thus it is this hidden maze of thought in our mind, all these small or large forests of thought in our minds collectively, which control our lives, and thus, we have to be careful what we let into our minds, what we grow there. That is, the world we see around us is really just a reflection of what is in our minds individually and collectively. Our minds are chaotic, undisciplined, in turmoil, rather than clear and pure like the waters of a fresh stream, and thus we see chaos and turmoil in the world around us.

So therefore, we have to control what is going into peoples’ minds and especially our own. Does that mean “censorship”, control of freedom of expression? It certainly does, and we won’t apologise for it because we can see before our eyes the horrors – the murders, the rapes, the savage violence, the child abuse, the wrecking of lives and families, the suicides, the cruel bullying, the terrorism, the vandalism, the hooliganism, the war – that results when we don’t control what is in our minds. Does anybody seriously believe that when they show a gangster movie like The Godfather, or Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction or Blue Velvet that it doesn’t encourage an admittedly small but terrifyingly real percentage of the population to emulate that behaviour, to want to be a big man in their neighbourhood, and go around threatening others, dealing drugs, forcing women into sex or prostitution, making good citizens threatening “offers they can’t refuse” and so on? Or if they make fantasy sex videos of nuns being raped or women being tied up and beaten and so on, that it doesn’t encourage x percent of men to want to do those things in real life? We are not saints, we are not paragons of virtue. We are all subject to these desires, and if we are given enough suggestions, enough seed ideas to grow in our minds most of us are going to sooner or later do something that society in general would rather we did not. TV soap operas constantly show affairs between cast members, because the forbidden – such as adultery, lesbian or gay sex and so on – are shocking, exciting and keep the viewers glued to their screens. So they are clearly both exploiting and corrupting us. They tell us unlike some strange movie that this is what real life is like. They say, school teachers have sex with their pupils all the time. Whereas in reality, it’s a rare event. And the truth is, that there is censorship already. We can’t make movies showing paedophilia or real people being tortured, raped or murdered, we can’t even say in many Western countries that we hate disabled people or other races and so on. In fact, it is difficult for us to express publicly any kind of “minority view” at all, because the publishers will only publish what they think will sell lots of copies, so therefore minority views are suppressed for commercial reasons, even if they are true. And likewise, if the statistics given in this TV documentary are even approximately true, then the views of those who hear voices in their head, as only 2%-4% of the population, are also going to be suppressed in one way or another, because that would mean that 96%-98% of the people as a whole either don’t admit to or simply don’t hear such voices. But psychology and science has a problem with this. And that problem is that a lot of very intelligent, apparently very rational and even famous people have been “hearing voices” as shown in this TV documentary, such as English concert pianist John Lill. In fact, John Lill went a step further. He was practising the piano the night before the final of the Tchaikovsky International Piano competition in Moscow, and some kind of a figure which he took to be a deceased composer, actually appeared before him, and told him that he would win it.

After this unexpected and shocking “visitation” he argued to himself that this might have been his imagination, but then questioned if that what the “spirit” had told him came true –which it did – that would give more credence to it, and in any case, it appeared real to him, just as seeing any other external reality that can be verified by other people. But of course, we cannot use that as “evidence”, because whatever John Lill saw, or thought he saw, he may simply have been the best pianist in the competition so that the outcome was entirely predictable. However, Mr Lill claimed numerous other such experiences, so what are we to make of that, in this otherwise sane, rational and successful person? Then we have a further category of persons with voices in the head, such as in this documentary, French mathematician Françoise Chatelin who said she had a new understanding of mathematics given to her by these “voices in her head” which “revealed” things to her on a nightly basis. We might consider the other example given in the documentary, a novelist named Hilary Mantel, who said that the characters she created appeared to have “lives of their own” and did “unexpected things” which she had not imagined they would, and started to “speak to her” as if they were independent beings or entities like spirits. However, this is less clear, because a novel is dealing with fantasy anyway, and unlike John Lill’s victory in the piano competition, or Françoise Chatelin’s mathematical work, there is no test to say if the characters in a novel are productive of any “new information” not known to the person previously. However, what the lady novelist’s report does show, is once again, this ability of the mind to dwell on thoughts which somehow develop “a life of their own”, just as when we get addicted to something, and we no longer seem to be in control of this habit we have created. For example, as the well known saying goes regarding alcoholics: First the man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, and then the drink takes the man. So this is telling us that we have originally got a power, and that power is to grow things in our minds. But once we grow these thought patterns and habits we may well be stuck with them, unable to alter or control them. Thus we must be careful what we grow in our minds, and if we see we are starting to move in a certain direction which leads us to some kind of problem, we must stop in our tracks, just as we must stop children going the wrong way at the first sign of a serious diversion from what will be in their best interests, which of course only experience and wisdom will tell us. But the scientists and psychologists are still left with the problem of how to explain people like the lady mathematician who seemed to get her knowledge in a “mediumistic” kind of way, and then the countless religious figures like Moses and so on, who talked of information such as prophecy being “given to them” as “revelation” or “told them by God” or “an angel” and so on. For example again, we have Joseph and his “coat of many colours” in the Bible story, who had a dream “revealing to him” that he would one day be bowed down to by all his brothers, who soon threw him in a ditch out of resentment and so on. So the story goes, he successfully interpreted someone’s dream as a prediction of a seven year famine, seven years hence, enabling the Egyptians to successfully avert starvation by conserving food to prepare for the event, and in his role of governor of

Egypt, Joseph eventually had his own dream fulfilled of his brothers bowing down to him. As we have said –s o the story goes. But of course, modern science and psychology cannot accept prophetic dreams and voices “revealing things” because they can’t find a rational explanation for such occurrences, which in any case are either very rare, or a private event occurring in someone else’s mind, of which all but the persons who have this experience are unaware. One of the great difficulties in trying to establish the truth of such “psychic phenomena” is the deceptiveness of our ideas of chance. For example, if we ask the average person – in fact, almost anyone apart from a trained mathematician – how many people we need to have in a room before it is more probable than not that at least two of them will share the same birthday, they will likely guess 183 or so, i.e. half the days of the year, when in fact it is mathematically proven the number is only 23, so that on average, more classes of children with 30 pupils than not will have at least two people in them sharing the same birthday. Equally we will find some “book of fascinating statistics” or whatever, tells us that the odds of us being struck by lightning or being in a plane crash on any particular day are a million to one or whatever. But what about those who never travel on planes? Look at those who rush indoors quickly at the first murmur of thunder, whilst others will put up their steel-tipped lightning-conductor-like umbrellas and defiantly walk though a storm. So clearly, to ascertain such probabilities truly would require the most careful observation and analysis of all relevant behaviour and circumstances, and therefore in the final analysis, it is often a nearly impossible task. Likewise, we should not be fooled by medical statistics that tell us one in three of us or whatever is going to die of cancer. For example, it mayor may not in the course of time be discovered that cancer only affects those in the top ten percent of the intelligence scale five or ten times less than the rest of the population. So that is, depending on who you are, your behaviour and so on, the probability of you getting a certain disease might be virtually zero. Because the doctors and scientists don’t necessarily know why person X who has lived a life out in the sun or smoked sixty a day all their life doesn’t get cancer, while person Y who appears to have taken all the precautions still does succumb to such a killer disease. Yes, we can say that certain genetically inherited attributes predispose certain people to one condition or another, but this does not necessarily imply that they will develop the disease, so the ultimate determination of probability once again seems impossible. But we can perform endless tricks with this “science of probability.” For example, most scientists probably believe that when we are dead that is the end of us as individuals for all time. But then, seeing as how we have arisen once, if the universe actually goes on for eternity, then surely eventually, we will live again, in fact, in numerous approximately similar ways? In fact, if we take this one step further, if we really are fully extincted in any conscious way when dead, and do not have any kind of life as a “disembodied soul”,

then even if a trillion years passes by in “cosmic time” before we are reborn, to us it will be a continuity, so that as a conscious embodied being, we will never die. Yes, we are aware that some people believe in the “Big Bang” theory that says the universe has got a beginning and an end. But how do they know it only has one beginning and one end ? Of course they don’t, so all our ideas of what reality is in the final analysis are totally suspect and open to probably eternally inconclusive debate. So we think we know what is likely and what is not, and this applies even to the scientists and mathematicians. Because though the mathematical theory of probability my be perfect, just like with a computer, the application of that theory depends upon the correctness of the data and assumptions we employ. So when it comes to the testing of so called “psychic phenomena” for example, one assumption that is made, is that like a chemistry or electronics experiment, to prove our theory we should be able to do repeatable experiments to verify our case. But supposing these psychic phenomena do exist yet are – as Gopi Krishna for example alleges – not functioning under the simple kind of consistent and immutable laws which mainstream science identifies, such as those of gravity, motion, magnetism and so on, but under the aegis of some kind of “higher powers of Nature” which unlike Richard Dawkins’ “blind laws of nature” are actually intelligent powers, which only enable the functioning of such psychic faculties according to some broader more comprehensive purposeful plan in the universe, of which modern science and man is presently wholly unaware. And this is in fact the allegation of the category of hearers of voices in the head known as prophets, in that they say there is a “universal intelligence” described as God, Allah, Yaweh, Apollo, Zeus (very close to Deus is it not?) or whomever. But of course if anyone starts saying they are talking to “god” like for example perhaps David Icke did in his earlier days, most of us get pretty worried about he or she who makes claims like that. Because, we think, well – look at the Yorkshire Ripper – or even modern figures like George Bush, who allege that God is telling them to do various things; for if so, the rest of us would rather this “god” did not exist at all. But the point is, suppose that for the sake of argument there really is a god, and there really are genuine prophets who are able to “hear his voice.” Well, that being the case, remembering such a god would be totally all powerful and inspire and wholly control the activity of our every atom in ourselves and the whole universe, then it would be pretty “goddam stupid” not to listen to such a prophet wouldn’t it? But because we can find people who claim they “talk to god” and then do something utterly awful, or at best dubious, we have understandably come to regard those who claim they talk to or even about God in any kind of authoritative manner as scary and possibly dangerous people. One of the reasons that the street corner bible thumper is not often challenged is that we live in fear of what this “religious zeal” might make him feel empowered to do, quite regardless in some cases even of the law of the land. For example, some Muslims feel entitled to put out a “fatwa” on the likes of author Salman Rushdie, but then George Bush and Tony Blair do things that a very large proportion of the British and American people don’t agree with also, equally – as Bob Dylan so well put it – believing it is with God on our side.

So we can well appreciate the reasons that scientists, psychologists and a large proportion of the public in general furiously want to dismiss these ideas of religion, and a god that can give orders to suicide bombers and so on. But unfortunately, in trying to kill this disease of “voices in the head” which for example inspired Mohammed, Moses and all the rest, there is a risk they might kill the cure also. Because it is the voices in the head of those who founded religions and humanitarian philosophies which has created the degree of justice that exists in our world at all, because otherwise we would just be living in materialistic dictatorships with psychopathic brutes like Stalin, Nero or Attila the Hun at the helm, prepared to slaughter millions at their whim. And indeed, if we look at our global affairs, we see that we are not so far off that kind of situation now, with the main extravagantly rich countries and dictatorships in the world dominating the rest with military and economic power, killing tens of thousands even of their own people when necessary to achieve their aims. So that is to say, if there really is a god, and there really are some genuine prophets, like our modern day Gopi Krishna, whom we have discussed in our various earlier works – e.g. Kundalini – Preventing the Apocalypse – it is merely necessary to distinguish who are the true hearers of the “heavenly voice” from the false. Of course however, most scientists and the public in general would currently mock and reject such a one as Gopi Krishna and his theory of evolution based on the kundalini yoga mechanism. So to them, we would like to give some evidence, which though it will not fully prove the case of evolution of the brain due to reverse flow of sex energy upwards along the spinal column, should certainly give them some cause for thought. That is, for the scientists, let us give them what they wish, let us offer them the chance to conduct their own experiment, one incidentally which as we will see, any sufficiently mature youth or adult male can carry out. It is commonly believed that the morning erection that many men have when they awaken is the result of either sexual dreams or due to a need to urinate. We are suggesting this is in many cases wrong, and neither of these explanations is adequate to account for this widespread phenomenon. The truth is that this is a symptom of the kundalini mechanism, which is most active during sleep, and therefore disappears soon when awake. Firstly, each man can observe himself and see if this erection has been produced by either a sexual dream or the need to urinate. He will find that many times neither is the case. What is more, he will find that if he has sex activity – i.e. that which leads to orgasm and ejaculation – immediately before sleep, this morning erection will appear less frequently or quite often not in fact appear at all. The reason is that the originally pure latent sex energy is converted into a gross form and depleted by orgasm and ejaculation and is not therefore available to be sent up to the brain for purposes of rejuvenation and evolution. Equally, if a man on the other hand moderates his sex desire – for example cuts it from daily to a few times a week only – he will find over a period of time, and even in the short term in many cases, that not only does this morning erection appear even more regularly than ever, but he becomes generally more vigorous, his mind is more active and so on. Why?

Because this sex energy is according to our “hearer of voices in the head” Gopi Krishna –if not used up in the sex act – able to energise the brain, and also rejuvenate the body in general by somehow being absorbed back into the bloodstream. For those who wish to try this experiment, it would be wise to keep a diary of all these factors over a period of time to be properly scientific about it. A scientist of sufficient standing could even organise such an experiment amongst a statistically significant group of people, though it is suggested more dramatic and convincing results will be found amongst those who are in the top 5% to 20% of the intelligence brackets. Incidentally, there is a well known and rather intelligent (broadly speaking) “personal growth and success book” called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, which was brought to our attention by someone recently, and though we are not recommending the idea of getting materially rich as a worthy goal, there is a whole chapter in this book which deals with this “discovery” (based on many real life stories of very successful people so he says) of reducing sex activity to increase creativity and power of mind. We would not however advise people to get too excited or high on this discovery they may find in themselves, because too much zeal or fanaticism is not good for the psyche, body or soul. We need balance and moderation and peace in our lives, not wild excitement, fervent zeal and over-ambitiousness, which will just burn us up in time. That applies especially to the sex desire – neither extremes of indulgence nor abstinence will be good for us in most cases, so we are advocating this exercise as an experiment, not a lifestyle, except for the fact that many people at present would probably benefit from moderating their sex activity to the 2 or 3 times per week or fortnight that Gopi Krishna suggested as an average normal non-damaging level of activity for most people. So now, let us speculate a little further on the “psychic.” That is to say, even if we reject an intelligent conscious power with aims as per the Biblical or spiritual God, or even “gods” of numerous other religions, we cannot surely imagine that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. Yet even some scientists still do, and once again, the reason is that we have no proper means or basis of establishing the probability of other life forms developing elsewhere. But let us look at that more closely. Suppose we say that we are unique. There is no life as we know it elsewhere, this whole universe is just a vast emptiness of lifeless stars and galaxies. That is to say, that given millions and billions of years, and millions and billions of stars, not one single planet ever had life on it apart from ours. Though we cannot prove it, such a view surely seems more unbelievable to a scientific, rational mind – which says that life somehow just arose and evolved completely by chance on our planet – than that there is a god. So we have to admit that there are likely thousands or millions of other planets here and there with life on them scattered throughout the universe. For instance, according to astronomers there are actually two hundred to four hundred billion stars in our own Milky Way galaxy alone, and our galaxy is only one of billions of galaxies in the known universe. So it is as if we are living in the tiniest thimble, fixed in a single droplet, and we are trying to adjudicate on the contents of the rest of the ocean.

And then we have to consider what life-forms who have been around for millions or billions of years longer than ourselves might be like – where even their science and technology would have eventually evolved to. And we cannot have any way of knowing. But is seems possible that as depicted in the Star Trek type fantasies of the future, that some might even exist invisibly in other dimensions sharing the same space as ourselves, like the transmissions of different radio stations we are wholly unaware of if our dial is stuck on one frequency. And this may be the explanation of the genuine psychic phenomena, and this is what Gopi Krishna, and so many of the other prophets, yogis and so on say. That is, the reason these phenomena are only appearing in a few percent of the population like our concert pianist, the lady mathematician and our mythical Joseph and his coat of many colours, is that their “receiving apparatus”, i.e. their brain, is able to “tune in” to different frequencies and receive messages that the average person cannot. Clearly, those who have never received such “broadcasts” will find every means of denying their reality, just as those who could only see in monochrome would deny the existence of colour in those who possessed colour sight, or those of a nation of sightless people would deny the existence of vision amongst some new mutant who developed the first eyes. And because these alleged psychic faculties are not necessarily ones that we can switch on and off at will, and therefore prove by repeatable experiments, that will further consolidate their doubt and denial. For example, famous country music singer John Denver once went on a camping trip with some friends, and they awoke early one morning feeling deeply uneasy with no identifiable cause. They decided it was time to move though they didn’t know why. And this enabled them to avert some kind of disastrous flood or whatever which would otherwise have killed them had they not moved so quickly. So if such a power is given to us by “God” or “higher powers in Nature” it is only given for a purpose. We can’t expect to use it to predict the next spin of the roulette wheel or lottery numbers. And there are spiritual reasons why this could be the case, which can also be backed up by brain physiology. John Denver cited “purity” as the factor he believed heightened the sensitivity of his camping group to the danger, that is, living a purer life, closer to Nature, away from the corrupting and psychically polluting environment of city life. It is easy to imagine how technologically primitive peoples such as American Indian, African and the Australian aboriginal tribes would be a lot “closer to Nature” than the average modern city dweller, and we would quickly come to grief in environments that their senses are sharpened to, by their simpler, more natural ways of life. But it appears also that the message of the prophets to pure behaviour, that is, avoiding the poisonous emotions of hate, anger, greed and so on, was more than just making a list of dos and don’ts, it was about preserving the finer functioning of the brain. For most of us can easily see that we lose our clear thinking and objectivity when we get into these angry and hypnotics states, or our minds are as we have earlier said a turmoil of all these undigested thoughts and distractions spiralling around.

That is, by such a restless, polluted frame of mind, as many modern people have, for example even one that is constantly reaching for ideas of sex, we lose the higher powers of mind. So that is to say, if indeed there is any other dimension of mind, that we can tune into, as psychics and mediums allegedly do, then our current lifestyle would likely cut off the greater part of the population from doing so, even should they have that ability. Thus it may be that only this small percent report these “voices” because the rest of us are in fact blotting out the possibility of hearing them, due to the clamour of our lives drowning out these finer perceptions. So by now, no doubt some readers are feeling very dubious about some of the ideas we have put forward, so thus we shall draw on our own experiences, and give them a few first hand incidents in the author’s own life. Some years ago your author was staying on a farm with a friend for the weekend, in a flat attached to a farmhouse. He felt however a strange atmosphere when he entered the flat, a kind of heaviness. After returning from a lovely walk across the fields, he settled down to bed but found his sleep was interrupted, he drifted into a kind of waking sleep state, and a figure started to appear to him, not at all like any kind of dream he had ever experienced. The figure grew clearer and clearer, and in some fright he awoke. Some minutes later he fell asleep once again, into this same kind of semi-conscious state, and this time, he saw in his mind what seemed like some real life scenes being played out on the back porch of the main farmhouse, as if some kind of party was going on, and the personality who was the figure had objected and received a hostile response from the landlord and landlady who dwelled in the main house. Again, this was very disturbing and caused awakening. The third time your author fell asleep, this time the figure not only appeared to him once again, but start speaking to him, and seemed like no character from any kind of dream, but a being with an independent existence and will of its own. This was very shocking and your author tried (as he had seen on a TV show of those who were real life “ghostbusters” clearing spirits from haunted houses) to speak to this entity, and explain to it that it was dead, and should pass to the other side. Again, your author awoke in fear, and on falling asleep some time later, this voice again seemed to intrude into his head and said very aggressively in a most distinctive way: “WHY DO YOU TELL ME TO SHURRUP???” The way that the last word was said – shurrup (i.e. to shut up) – in particular, seemed to prove to your author that this was not part of his own consciousness, not like any kind of nightmare, but an intelligence with a separate identity and existence of its own. So that was the end of the interaction, because your author stayed awake after that, and left for home the next day, but on enquiring of his friend, it turned out a man had lived there previously, a teacher in his 30s, and this approximated the thin, dark man in his 30s your author had seen forming in his mind. But no further details of this man had been forthcoming from the landlord and his wife, and someone had phoned my friend enquiring where this teacher was, so there was some suspicion in your author that something dastardly had happened, such as this physically powerful landlord had killed the teacher lodger and buried him in the ample fields of the farm somewhere.

On returning there a few weeks later, the atmosphere had vanished, and your author slept peacefully without any such interruptions, and has not had any similar experience since, as neither had he before that time. We have already in our earlier work Kundalini – A Personal Experience talked of the incident where in this same neither-sleep-nor-awake state, a voice “intruded” into our head, and said the word DRUGGED in response to our contemplations about the cause of death of Princess Diana referring to her driver Paul Henri, so we are not going to say more about that here. But apart from that your author has just had the kind of things that many people do such as thinking about someone one hasn’t seen or heard from for some time and then having them appear or telephone unexpectedly. Of course, the hardened “rationalists” write all these things off as “coincidence”, but it is really not easy to judge the probabilities of things as we have discussed. This is especially true when at times, one can feel a strong “message” from someone, when in this same kind of lucid-sleeping state (we won’t say lucid dreaming, because we are really not convinced that it is like any normal dream, which one realises is total fantasy upon awaking), as if they were “tugging on the ether” trying to make contact. These experiences tend to be accompanied by a certain feeling which gives them a kind of authenticity and makes them distinct from the usual dreaming state. Thus, once again, we have a clue here, as to why the “hard headed rationalists” don’t experience these psychic phenomena; because while their intellects are sharp, their faculty of feeling is dulled. Thus generally, it is the artist types – e.g. as we have said, John Denver – and poets and musicians who tend to feel more credulous towards the psychic zones than the general run of scientists. But as we are aware, it is scientists and other supposed “rationalists” who are running the world, and not the artists – the “dreamers” we might say. And because we have singers and poets who talk of “love and a peaceful world”, “all you need is love” and “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony”, but they are not taken seriously, instead we are all ruled by the pragmatists, the hard headed “realists”, the world functions in this cruel, soulless realism that has us all at war with one another. It was this kind of world presumably into which Joseph and his coat of many colours was born, in which his brothers plotted to do away with him, due to his father’s favouritism of him, and he was later sold into slavery and falsely imprisoned due to accusations of him behaving “improperly” to his Master’s wife and so on. Things haven’t changed much, have they? But fortunately, due to his ability to interpret dreams, to listen to and interpret the voices in his head, he gained the ear of the Pharaoh and was released from his prison cell and made Pharaoh’s second-in-command, ruling over the whole nation. Our personal interpretation of his story is that Joseph was a kundalini awakened man, who developed these psychic abilities, and the so called “coat of many colours” was in fact the multi-coloured aura that those who can perceive psychically see around a person of advanced development. Another modern case of note is that of British healer Matthew Manning. He had a number of psychic experiences – poltergeist activity, etc. – around him from his college years, and then found he could do what is known as “automatic writing”, and in fact actually drew some quite impressive works of art which appeared

to be the work of dead artists, though he had no previous training or skill whatsoever in art . Likewise, concert pianist John Lill believes that various dead composers may inspire his playing, as for example, the one whom he alleges appeared to him before the Tchaikovsky Piano competition. So we are suggesting here that it may be possible for many of us to receive “inspiration” or “revelation” or shall we put it merely guidance, if we “open ourselves” to a higher source of intelligence, which may exist in some kind of form our science does not understand, even ultimately the universal intelligence, or “God” himself (i.e. he/she or itself– a “God” would have to be above gender issues, or could not be regarded as all-powerful and unlimited). At the very least, we could be open to a kind of instinct or intuition that might help us steer our course through life more safely and wisely. For instance, some people get a bad feeling before some train, boat or plane journey they are about to take, and change their mind, and thereby avoid some disaster. Again, your author has one such experience, which he is not going to detail, but no doubt there are also many who have such feelings which are just pure fear and delusion and they cancel a journey needlessly. As usual, such things are very hard or impossible to prove or disprove. But if this psychic power is available to a lot of us – that is, the ability to commune with some kind of higher intelligence to get guidance or even scientific understanding, as the French lady mathematician alleges – then we have to look at why some people can get scary or terrifying experiences, as happened to your author in the farmhouse incident. And one answer seems to be, because we can be at a low ebb. Just as those who went through the psychedelia era of the 60s and 70s or its recent revivals know regarding drugs, it is not good to take any “mind altering” drug when one is not with trustworthy friends, or in a good state of mental and physical health. (not that we are advocating any drug use at all, except as we have said elsewhere, moderate use of alcohol – but just using it as an example) So likewise if one becomes somehow “psychically open”, if one is in a low, weak or depressed state, which your author was at this time, the experiences one may get could be negative, the entities one “tunes into” could be low ones. We mention this for two reasons. Firstly, we are well aware that some people are plagued by troublesome voices, some of which may be their own creations, as we have explained, by “growing them in one’s mind” (or having had them planted in one’s mind at an early age by abusive or traumatic experience), but then there is the possibility, as seemed to happen in your author’s own case, that they may be of external agency. So such sufferers, as depicted in this TV documentary may well have turned to modern psychology and psychiatry for help, but as one said, the typical treatment is either to administer drugs – which even if they don’t get rid of the voices tend to stop the fear getting too far out of hand – or else pretend to the patient they are not real, and encourage them to “forget them” and play a game or something instead. But the ex-patients depicted in the program said this was not helpful, and a new approach was shown by some European psychiatrists to work with these voices rather than try to merely suppress them. Our answer to that would be that if one is indeed psychically open, able to act as a “receiving station” for these apparently disincarnate entities, one should try to cultivate purity of mind, body and heart.

Just as wicked people don’t want to hang around with a “goody goody” type person, if indeed there are such beings and entities, neither would they wish to stay with someone who had positive, healthy and humanitarian thoughts. Just as if we have depressed ne’er-do-well friends, and we change, we find they are uncomfortable with us, and start disappearing, or alternatively, we feel so different and healthy, we don’t want to be with them any more. We find ourselves with those whom we are “in tune” with, but if we tune ourselves to a different vibration, then we are out of tune with the old people, though may not for some time be able to link up with the new. So the higher vibration we are – that is, the more refined, higher in thought and ideals we are – the less people there are who are like us, and so it is not so easy to hook up with people any more. One becomes more solitary, as many artists and writers do, just keeping to their little clique of family and friends, and perhaps keeping the mass of people at a distance who cannot really understand them. So to such people, some kind of “spiritual connection” becomes more important, and thus we see such interest in artists and composers who cannot easily see the completion of their high ideals in the “common men” or women whom they daily meet. But this is not to say anyone who feels such should look down on all the rest. We have to remember even if we are a famous composer like Beethoven or whomever, that we depend for all that we have upon the common man or woman who milks the cow and turns the water tap at the reservoir and the switch at the power plant. We also have to realise that if there is really some kind of God running this whole show, and there is some kind of higher purpose to our lives, then the things that happen to us may also in some incalculably complex way be part of the pattern of our development. For example, a thoughtless bad mannered person will sooner or later meet someone who will not tolerate him or her, and may get a nasty reaction which will teach them a lesson. Likewise, those who hear voices – which we do not advise anyone seeks out by playing with Ouija boards etc. – may be being taught some kind of lesson that they are resisting of. But in conclusion, our point here is that we have to look at and take a deeper view of all these so called psychic phenomena, without necessarily jumping to conclusions such as they are all nonsense as the scientists have mostly done. For we may thereby be cutting ourselves off from the higher and indeed limitless sources of help and intelligence in Nature, with which we could solve all the problems of our mixed up world, and attain for the first time in known human history to a state of world peace, harmony and bliss.

Also by the same author: A Mens Liberation Guide to Women 4th edition An Innocent Woman’s Guide to Men How to Meditate Kundalini - Preventing the Apocalypse A Men’s Liberation Update What Is Intelligence? Kundalini - A Personal Experience Feminal Farm - a short satirical novel The Innocent Persons Guide to Law Understanding Female Sexuality and Porn Freedom of Speech & Maitreya An Innocent Persons Guide to the Da Vinci Code How the Feminists Stole Psychology Hearing Voices and Psychic Phenomena The Psychology of Soaps Is Competition Necessary? On Drugs and Alcohol The Importance of Thinkers The Demonisation of the Innocents The Psychology of Prejudice Science and Fear The Scientist and the Guru Respect for Age A Waste of Paper Saying No to Peer Pressure Smashing the Da Vinci Code If Men Went on Strike Why Size Doesn’t Matter Afraid of Women The Feminist Offenders Register The Truth about Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Why Capitalism Doesn't Work Time for Dawkins to Retire The Dawkins Delusion Dawkins - The Blind Mischief-Maker The Christian War on the Christ A Mens Liberation Guide to Women II All the above works are currently available for free download on the following (clickable) link: http://mens-liberation-sam-fryman.blogspot.com

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