6 5° E




4 0° N

Ta j i k i s t a n

Uzbekista nI mpor ts22 0kV 3 00M W , $0. 07 / K wh

Turkmenistan T ur kmenista nI mpor ts11 0kV 2 3M W , $0. 02/ K wh

T ur kmenista n, Afgha nista n, P a kista n, I ndia ( T API ) Ga sLine


Par w an

T a jikista nI mpor ts110kVa n d 220kV 1 42M W , $0. 03 64/ K wh

J uma

ADBGa sF ield Development/ Reha bilita tion

M a yma na

E T " ¨

Sar ePul


An gut

Y a mga n

Samangan Province

Pulekhumr i

Sari Pul Province

K elega i 54

Panjsher Province

Baghlan Province

US AI D S a la ng S ubsta tion S a la ng

4 00

Gul Baha r 1 2 0 1 2 0 Gul Baha r

S a ygha n

Qa le Now

China ( F utur e) 4 00M W T her ma l Pow erPla nt a nd T r a nsmissionLin e

+ # R

I ndia New S ubsta tion

Bamyan Province

I r a nI mpor ts20kVa nd 132kV 1 40M W , $0. 04 / K wh

Parwan Province

Bamya n

Ha jiga k I r on

Wardak Province

S a lma 4 6

Nejr ab

Kapisa Province

Ar gha ndi

ADB Chimta la toAr gha n diT r a nsmissionL ine

F r a nce 1 10kvT r a nsmissionLine Na ghlu toNejr ab

Baghda r a 4 00 K a bul K a bul Cha r ki Nor th PulNW S ur obi Na ghlu 2 0 Tar a khil 1 00 4 4 105 M a hip a r66 obi2 8 0 S ur

Chimta la

S ha htoot

Gover n ment ofI ndia Hir a t toS a lma Da mT r an smissionL in e

Ghor Province

F utur e, F un ding T BD

Ghazni Province

Nangarhar Province

Paktya Province

J uma

6M W Diesel P ow erPla n t


Bashikur d


Farah Province

T a ngi

S a nginS outh

L a shka r Ga h


ista d

d + #

Br eshna K ot

d + # R .

L a shka rGa h Diesel P ow erPla n t

M usa Qa la

D e s e r t



Q E T " ¨ Q 200

Ger quduk

220/110 kv Substation (Proposed) 220 kv Substation (Existing) 220 kv Substation (Proposed)


Gas Field Unknown

" Ú ¨

Amine Gas Sweeting Plant

! ! " ! " ! "

Coal Deposit Copper Deposit Iron Deposit

Foundation Data \



Provincial Center Key Terrain District

220 Switching Station (Existing)

District Boundary

Diesel Power Plant

Province Boundary

Hydro Power Plant (Existing) Hydro Power Plant (Proposed) Thermal Power Plant (Existing) Thermal Power Plant (Proposed) 20 kv Line (Existing)

International Boundary

Road Network

Regional Highway (Completed) Regional Highway (Ongoing) Regional Highway (Proposed) National Highway (Completed) National Highway (Ongoing) National Highway (Proposed)

Water Bodies

Main Rivers Main Lakes

110 kv Line 2 Circuit (Proposed) 220 kv Line (Existing) 220 kv Line 2 Circuit (Existing) 220 kv Line 2 Circuit (Proposed)

TF BS O Reha bilita tion ofExisting 12"Ga sPip elin e

500 kv Line (Proposed)

K hoja Bola n

Natural Gas Pipeline (Existing) Gas Connecting Pipe (Ongoing) Natural Gas Pipeline (Proposed)


Nejr ab F r a nce 1 10kvT r an smissionL in e Na ghlu toNejr ab

1: 1, 500, 000 1cm equa ls15km @ A0


S ha htoot

E " ð ¨

K a bul East


M ehta r la m

+ #

" ð ¨ 2 0 S ur obi1 M a hip a r6 6 S ur " 8 0 ð ¨ " ð ¨ ¨ E obi2 " P uleCha r khi ð

3 7. 5

7 5M iles

Ga mber i 3 6

+ # R

Butkha k

Da r unta 1 1 1 1

" ð ¨

+ # + # R

F utur e K a bul S outh S w itching S ta tion

Gow cha k 2

" ð ¨


Southern Electrical Power System (SEPS)

5 1

US AI D Upgr a de K a ja kiDa m 30M W to5 0M W New S ubsta tiona t Dur a iJ un ction Upgr a de Br eshna K ot S ubsta tion

L a shka rGa h Diesel P ow erPla nt

L a shka r # + Ga h

+ #

7 0° E


120K ilometer s

DATA SOURCE GI S ba se topogr a phica l infor ma tioniscour tesyofAfgha nGeodesya nd Ca r togr a phy Hea d O ffice ( AGCHO ) . Ener gyda ta sour ced fr om US AI DAfgha nista nP ow erT r a nsmissionExpansiona nd ConnectivityPr oject ( PT EC) . DATA DISCLAIMER T he PT ECnetw or k a nd ga slinesa r e a dia gr a mma tic r epr esenta tiona nd donot r epr esent a ctua l loca tions. All bounda r iesa nd ma pfea tur esa r e a ppr oxima te a nd should not be consider ed a uthor ita tive.W hile ever yeffor t isma de touse the best a va ila ble da ta , a ccur a cyof fea tur esorotherinfor ma tionca nnot be gua r a nteed. Noendor sement bythe U. S. Gover nment orotheror ga niza tionisimplied.

S a ngin S outh

+ # R

# < = R

+ # R

Hesa r eS ha hi I ndustr ia l Par k

+ #

Gr ishk 4 . 5

E " ð ¨

Gow cha k 1

Ayn a k Cop per

" ð ¨ T a ngi

F utur e, F unding T BD


MAP INFORMATION M a pPr oduced :18S eptember2014 Ca r togr a pher :S a yed Z ia Ahma d Qua lityContr ol:Da niel Heiner Pr ojection:W or ld M er ca tor Da tum :W GS 1984


S a ngin

6 5° E

110/220 kv Substation (Existing)

Oil Field

110 kv Line (Proposed)

TF BS O Amin e Ga sS w eeten in g Pla nt

TF BS O ( O ngoing) Ga sConnecting P ip e

Br eshna K ot

+ #

Dur a iJ unction

6 0° E

" Ú ¨


K hoja Goger da q

S ha ka r ak

1 0 0 Na ghlu

+ # # d + + + # # " T ¨ + # + # G # !

K a ja ki



" T ¨

! "

< R =

Z e r e h

e p r e D

a khil K a bul T a r Nor th 1 0 5

Diesel P ow erPla nts US F O RA: BageP ol 1 0M W , SI P10M W US AI D: Br eshn a K ot 10M W , SI P6. 6M W



Chimta la

K a bul NW 4 4

Ar gha n di

K an da ha r E a st

ADB I n cr ea se Gr ishk 1 . 5M W to4. 5M W


110 kv Substation (Exist/Prop)


W or ld Bank, Upgr a de of 4T ur bin e Units

US F O RA/ US AI D Upgr a de orConstr uct 110kvT r a nsmissionL in es M usa Qa la T a ngi-Dur a iJ unction-Br eshn a K ot Upgr a de T a ngia nd S a nginS ubsta tion s New S ubsta tionsa t S a nginS outh, M a yw a n d an d Pushmul


+ # R E " ð ¨

Z ar a nj

Gowd-e Zereh


110 kv Substation (Proposed)

110 kv Line 2 Circuit (Existing)

Baghda r a

Kandahar Province

M a r g o w

+ # R

110 kv Substation (Existing)

110 kv Line (Existing)

US F O RA Cha r ika rtoGul Baha ra n d Nejr abTr a nsmissionL ine

4 0 0

Gr ishk 4. 5

Dur a iJ unction

Cha r ika r


1M W Diesel P ow erPla n t

M a yw a nd

Nimroz Province

Zabul Province

Gul Baha r

Qa la t

S a ngin ADB I ncr ea se Gr ishk 1 . 5M W to4. 5M W

Hilmand Province

US AI D Upgr a de K a ja kiDa m 30M W to5 0M W New S ubsta tiona t Dur a iJ un ction Upgr a de Br eshna K ot S ubsta tion



K a ja ki 5 1

I n dia New S ubsta tion

Paktika Province

Ab e

M usa Qa la

og or

S ha h J oy

US F O RA/ US AI D Upgr a de orConstr uct 110kvT r a nsmissionL in es M usa Qa la T a ngi-Dur a iJ unction-Br eshn a K ot Upgr a de T a ngia nd S a nginS ubsta tion s New S ubsta tionsa t S a nginS outh, M a yw a n d an d Pushmul

3 0° N

1 20

# < = R

110/20 kv Substation (Prop/Exist)

35 kv Line (Proposed)

Kabul Basin Power Development

Gul Baha r

E " ð ¨

+ # .

ADBGa sF ield Developmen t/ Reha bilita tion

M uqur




US AI D Ga sF ield Developmen t/ Reha bilita tion

K host ( M a tun)

US AI D Ar gha nditoK a nda ha rBr eshna K otT r a nsmissionL ine

Reactive Power Compensation

Y a timta q

US AI D/ ADB/ Pr iva te S ector 2 00– 1 00 0M W Ga sS w eetening P la nt a nd P ow erPla nts

Uruzgan Province

d ¯

Sheberghan Gas Development

Khost Province

Qa r a ba gh

Bakhsha ba d 2 7

110/35/20 kv Substation (Proposed)

20 kv Line (Proposed)

US F O RA Ar gha nditoK hostT r a nsmissionLine

Ga r deyz

Gha zni

35/20 kv Substation (Proposed)

" ð ¨ E " ð ¨ " T ¨ E T " ¨

Hesa r eS ha hi I ndustr ia l Par k


4R # R # ! #< + # + # R # < = R # < # < = R + # + # R G # ! # +

J a la la ba d

Kabul K a bul E a st Province

Logar Province

Daykundi Province

S ha l 8 00

Ga mber i Da r un ta 3 6 1 1

F utur e K a bul S outh S w itchin g S ta tion

Puli Ala m

S a yed Aba d


M ehta r la m

Aynak Copp er

Herat Province

Kunar Province

Laghman Province

Butkha k

Br eshna K ot

LEGEND Energy Infrastructures

Nuristan Province

US F O R-A Cha r ika rtoGul Baha ra nd Nejr abTr a nsmissionL ine

E " ð ¨

Cha r ika r















Z eba k

AqDa r ya

Badghis Province

Her at

W ar duj

T a sk F or ce forBusinessa nd S ta bilityO per a tions( TF BS O ) Reha bilita tionof Existin g 12 "Ga sPipeline

E shpushta

3 5° N

Takhar Province

K ud Ber g

Qa shq ar i

Faryab Province

T ur kmenista nI mpor ts11 0kV 2 8M W , $0. 02/ K wh

Sar ePul

Baza rK a mi

US AI D/ ADB/ Pr iva te S ector 2 00– 10 00M W Ga sS w eeten in g Pla n t a nd P ow erPla nts

K unduz

4 8 K ha ja Bula n

J or m

T a loqan


Z a ma r ud S a i

200 200

S ha ka r ak

Ge r qu du k

US AI DGa sF ield Development/ Reha bilita tion

M inistr yof Ener gya nd W a ter New 11 0kvT r a nsmissionL ine

Na iba ba d

K hoja Gogor da k Bashikur d


M a za r eS ha r if


S heber gha n Y a timta q

Kunduz Province


M inistr yof Ener gya nd W a ter New 11 0kvT r a nsmissionL ine

Jawzjan Province

Balkh Province

Baha r ak

3 5° N

J a nga l e K a la n

Qa la iM a ma y 4 45

Aga K ha nF ounda tion T a jikista nI mpor ts35kVa nd 110kV 1M W , $0. 0325 / K wh

S huha da

3 0° N




ADB( Pla nn ed) 5 00kvT r a nsmissionLine F r omT ur kmenista ntoK a bul

Badakhshan Province



I r a nI mpor ts20K V 2 4M W , $0. 04/ K wh

As of September 2014




Transitional Energy Investment Plan

K a pisa






Centr al an d S outh Asia Electr icityT r a de an dTr an smissionPr oject ( CAS A1 00 0)

7 5° E

< = 4R

Vision 2020

7 0° E

4 0° N

6 0° E

M a ppr epar ed bythe Afgha nista nI nfr a str uctur e Da ta Center( AI DC) , I nter national Relief a nd Development, EQUAL S Pr ogr a m.

M a yw a nd

+ # R


+ # R

Diesel P ow erPla nts US F O RA: BageP ol 1 0M W , SI P10M W US AI D: Br eshn a K ot 10M W , SI P6. 6M W

Br eshna K ot

# +

+ # # +

K an da ha rEast

d + # R

# +# +

7 5° E

17-Transitional Energy Investment Plan (Wall) 22 Sept 2014.pdf ...

17-Transitional Energy Investment Plan (Wall) 22 Sept 2014.pdf. 17-Transitional Energy Investment Plan (Wall) 22 Sept 2014.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with.

9MB Sizes 3 Downloads 232 Views

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