The drug nicotine


YOUTH IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Prevalence Cigarette use remains a problem with nearly 15% of students reporting smoking them at least once in their lifetime and 3.7% reporting use in the past 30 days.

In Hillsborough County, one in five high school students reported smoking cigarettes at least once during their lives.

is as addictive as heroin and cocaine ______ A person can become addicted after only a few cigarettes ______ Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals ______ AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined kills

The amount of past 30-day reported use of cigarettes increases from 1.9% in middle school to 5.1% in high school.

Statewide and in Hillsborough County, cigarette use is slightly more common among female middle school and high school students.

fewer people than tobacco-related health problems

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY ANTI-DRUG ALLIANCE 2815 E Henry Ave Suite B1 Tampa, FL 33610 (813) 238-4034

Survey data obtained from the 2014 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey conducted by the Florida Department of Children and Families Facts obtained from: Slothower, Laurie. (2009). 50 things you should know about tobacco [Brochure]. Santa Cruz, CA: Journeyworks Publishing

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