2.4 Install and Configure Oracle XE 

     

1. Install Oracle XE o Linux o Mac OSX 2. Verify Oracle is running 3. Change the default port o For Oracle only, 11g you'll need to create a workspace 4. Adding Master User SYSDBA 5. Starting and Stopping Oracle XE 6. Increasing processes 7. Obtaining Oracle JDBC Driver o Steps

NOTE: ensure you are running a computer with decent and up-to-date specs. Some Windows developers also add ReadyBoost memory to their system to improve performance. See http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=2160.

1. Install Oracle XE To run the database completely on your local machine you'll need to install one of Oracle 10g Express (XE) Universal Edition or Oracle 11g Express (XE) (11g preferred Windows 7: Make sure that you run the install as administrator (right-click "Run as Administrator") Do not use "@" symbol in any passwords you create Linux 1. 2. 3. 4.

See Larry Symms for the 32 bit version of 10G Install package From terminal run sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure Feel free to change the Application Express port (apex websever) and db listener but these values will require minor changes to the procedures in this guide 5. Setup path and oracle_home in ~/.bashrc 6. export ORACLE_HOME="/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server" 7. export PATH="$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin" export ORACLE_SID="XE" Mac OSX Since Oracle is not supported on Mac OSX, the most expedient way to get Oracle running locally is to install it Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.. This will give you an Oracle 11g running on Ubuntu 12.04 (with no Apex). Default username/password will be system/manager. Subsequent steps from this page need not be followed (with the possible exception of the step for Increasing Processes).

2. Verify Oracle is running

Launch and login as user "system" with the password you set up for that user Use if you installed Oracle 11G XE.

3. Change the default port Note that by default OracleXE will create a "Oracle Database Homepage" sever (i.e admin server for Oracle) on port 8080 ( This is the same port 8080 that the standalone version of Rice is preconfigured to use. In order to avoid a port conflict you can change the port that the OracleXE web user interface uses to 8383 ( To change the port, launch the command line ("cmd" on windows) and login as Oracle super-user "system" prompt>sqlplus system@xe enter the password you created for the user "system" SQL>begin (notice that there is no ; on this line) 2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8383'); 3 end; 4 / Pw: tr1gger

Restart Oracle (See #5 below). You can check port number with: select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port", dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;

After changing the port number you need to update your Oracle Database Homepage link to use port 8383: http://localhost:8383/apex For Oracle only, 11g you'll need to create a workspace 

initialize an apex admin user prompt>cd $ORACLE_HOME\apex prompt>sqlplus system@xe SQL>@apxxepwd admin

    

log into http://localhost:8383/apex/apex_admin with admin/admin (tr1gger) set new password (Kcm!011) click Manage Workspaces click Create Workspace Fill out Forms

   

click Create Workspace click Done click logout log in with new workspace user and password (will ask you to reset password) (kcm!011)

4. Adding Master User SYSDBA This is required to allow you to use the same user that is configured in the ks-cfg-dbs pom.xml prompt>sqlplus sys as sysdba SQL>CREATE USER master IDENTIFIED BY change_on_install; grant sysdba to master; grant dba to master;

5. Starting and Stopping Oracle XE Select the options from the Windows Start menu > Programs > Oracle Database 10g XE > Stop Database, then Start Database For Windows 7, when launching the Start and Stop shortcuts, right click on the shortcuts and choose to "Run as Administrator" OR To restart Oracle in Windows, navigate to {path_to_oraexe}\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\bin and execute StopDb.bat followed by StartDb.bat.

6. Increasing processes If you do not increase processes, you will sometimes get errors like TNS:no appropriate service handler found The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:XE, you will need to increase the number of processes in XE. Log in as your system user (SYS as SYSDBA) and execute this: ALTER SYSTEM SET PROCESSES=150 SCOPE=SPFILE;

Then Shutdown and Restart XE

7. Obtaining Oracle JDBC Driver  

Oracle has chosen to license their JDBC driver in a way that prevents it from being publicly available This requires a manual step to install the jar in your local maven repository so it is available for use by Maven

Steps 1. Obtain a copy of ojdbc14.jar one of 2 ways below 1. Download the version from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc112010-090769.html 2. Use the maven-install-plugin to copy ojdbc6_g.jar into your local maven repository mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc6_g Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=ojdbc6_g.jar

3. You should see output similar to this if the jar gets installed correctly 4. [INFO] Installing /var/folders/m2/nvh07q057yd2hbxz82lm_qk00000gp/T/mvninstall762314484601 9209390.pom to /Users/Administrator/.m2/repository/com/oracle/ojdbc6_g/ _g- 5. [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS

2.4 Install and Configure Oracle XE -

Windows 7: Make sure that you run the install as administrator (right-click "Run as Administrator"). Do not use ... Feel free to change the Application Express port (apex websever) and db listener but these values will .... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS.

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