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Facultad de Biología 27 Abril 2015


BECA PREDOCTORAL EN EL INCYL Salamanca El grupo de investigación de Sistema visual del Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León (Universidad de Salamanca) busca candidato para solicitar una beca predoctoral de la Junta de Castilla y León. Requisitos: Expediente académico superior a 6,5 y haber realizado o estar cursando un Máster. Para más información dirigirse a: Almudena Velasco. Laboratorio 10 del Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León. Correo electrónico: [email protected]. Facultad de Medicina. C/ Alfonso X El Sabio, s/n. 37007 Salamanca. E-mail: [email protected] Tlfno: 923 294500 Ext. 1853. Fax 923 294549 BECA PREDOCTORAL EN BIOLOGÓA VASCULAR Centro de Investigación Cardiovascular. CSIC-ICCC Contacto correo-e: [email protected] --The Vascular Biology Research Group at Cardiovascular Research Center in Barcelona (CSIC-ICCC) seeks for a highly motivated predoctoral student with a good academic expedient for appying to National Fellowship Programs. The position involves working with a trans-disciplinary team of scientist studying the pathophysiological basis underlying atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases such as abdominal aortic aneurysms. Our group has been pioneer involving new genes in endothelial activation and atherosclerosis plaque progression promoted by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and other pro-atherogenic factors, as well as identifying vasculoprotective mechanisms elicited by high-density lipoproteins. Our studies are focused in the characterization of nuclear receptors and transcription factors involved in the onset and progression of atherothrombotic disease and in the role of extracellular matrix modifiying enzymes in atherosclerosis development and aneurysm progression. The position involves working with transgenic animal models recently developed by our group and vascular cell cultures using molecular and cellular biology techniques. Candidates with Bachelor degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmacy or similar and a good academic expedient (>2) are invited to apply. Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in research. Candidates should send a brief cover letter indicating his/her motivation in the area, a CV and academic expedient (indispensable) by email to: Dra Cristina Rodríguez/Dr José Martínez-González ([email protected]/[email protected]). CONTRATO PREDOCTORAL FPI Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Contacto correo-e: [email protected] --Se ofrece: - CONTRATO PREDOCTORAL FPI por 4 años asociado al proyecto “ BIOLOGIA ESTRUCTURAL DE PROCESOS CRÍTICOS DE REMODELADO DE LA PARED BACTERIANA IMPLICADOS EN RESISTENCIA A ANTIBIÓTICOS” (BFU2014-59389-P) - Investigación en una línea puntera con aplicaciones en Biomedicina y Biotecnología. - Incorporación a un grupo de excelencia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas en interacción con grupos internacionales de primera línea.

Está dirigido a: • Licenciados en Bioquímica, Biotecnología, Biología, Química, Farmacia y que tengan un master (o lo finalicen) en julio 2015. • Personas motivadas en la investigación científica. • Expediente académico alto (≥ 2,5). Breve descripción: La resistencia antimicrobiana es hoy en día una de las amenazas más serias a la salud mundial. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio multidisciplinar de algunos procesos críticos de remodelado de la pared bacteriana para proporcionar nuevas dianas farmacológicas en la lucha contra algunos de los más peligrosos patógenos multiresistentes. La aproximación experimental incluye el uso de ingeniería de proteínas, técnicas de difracción de rayos X, caracterización biofísica, bioinformática y finalmente estudios de infección in vitro e in vivo. Publicaciones recientes relevantes: •JACS (2015) 137, 1738−1741. •Nature Communications (2014) 5. •JACS (2014) 136, 9814-9817. •PNAS (2013) 110, 16808-16813. •EMBO Molecular Medicine (2013) 5, 1852-1870. •JACS (2013) 12605-12607. •JACS (2013) 135, 10318-10321. •Nature SMB (2010) Vol.17, N 5; 576-581. •EMBO reports (2009). 10, 246-251. •Nature SMB (2005) Vol.12, N 6; 533-538. Interesados contactar con: Dr. Juan A. Hermoso, CBE- Instituto Rocasolano. CSIC Serrano 119 - 28006 Madrid Tel: 917459538 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.xtal.iqfr.csic.es/grupo/xjuan/ BECAS /CONTRATOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN Ayudas contratos predoctorales JCyL La presente orden tiene por objeto convocar, en régimen de concurrencia competitiva, ayudas destinadas a financiar la contratación predoctoral de personal investigador, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Social Europeo, a iniciar en el año 2015. Número de ayudas convocadas: 66 ayudas. Las solicitudes deberán formalizarse conforme al Documento 1 que se encuentran a disposición de los interesados en la sede electrónica https://www.tramitacastillayleon.jcyl.es , donde también se encontrarán las instrucciones de cumplimentación y envío. Asimismo, también estarán disponibles en el Portal de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, http://www.educa.jcyl.es/universidad El plazo de presentación de las solicitudes finalizará a las 14:00 del 15 de mayo de 2015 PhD en FLORIDA *PhD position in movement ecology at the University of Florida starting Fall 2015* We seek an ambitious and hard-working PhD student to lead a project on wood stork movement ecology. The project will focus on habitat selection and movement responses to environmental stressors (climate change, weather and urbanization). Using and developing cutting-edge methods in movement ecology, the student will evaluate individual variation as a basis for adaptive responses to global change. The work will be mostly data-driven, relying on an extensive telemetry data set (>100 individuals over >10 years), and will not require additional field work. Applicants are expected to demonstrate robust fundamentals in statistics and data management; knowledge and understanding of R and PostGIS preferred. Publication records in peer-reviewed journals in ecology is highly desirable. Applicants must have a M.S. in ecology, evolutionary biology, behavior, or a related field.

This position will be supported by a fellowship of four years funding plus tuition and benefits, expected to start Fall 2015. The student will be based in Dr. Mathieu Basille's lab [1], located at the University of Florida's Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center (FLREC [2]). The lab focuses on species distribution modeling, from fine-scale movement and habitat selection to range dynamics. The FLREC is based in Davie, FL, but class semesters will be held on the main campus in Gainesville, FL. Davie is a town within the large Miami metropolitan area in South Florida, just miles away from the Florida Everglades. Please apply by sending an email including a cover letter describing your interest, experience and career goals, a CV, unofficial transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for three references to Dr. Mathieu Basille ([email protected]). Applications will be processed in the order they are received until a suitable applicant is found. [1] http://ase-research.org/basille/ [2] http://flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/ -~$ whoami Mathieu Basille http://ase-research.org/basille ~$ locate --details University of Florida \\ Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center (+1) 954-577-6314 3 puestos DE TRABAJO en Noruega: Three positions in statistical/quantitative ecology (1 PhD, 1 post-doc, and 1 researcher) are available at the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology of the University of Tromsø, Norway. These positions will work within the project “Sustainable management of renewable resources in a changing environment (SUSTAIN): an integrated approach across ecosystems”, funded by The Research Council of Norway for the period 20152018. This project combines the three strongest ecology research groups in Norway with nodes at the Universities of Oslo (UiO), Trondheim (NTNU) and Tromsø (UiT), led respectively by Profs. N.C. Stenseth, B.E. Sæther and R.A. Ims. The Tromsø node also includes NINA (Department of Arctic Ecology) and the Norwegian Polar Institute. The project’s main aim is to investigate how combined anthropogenic and climatic changes affect different harvested ecosystems (terrestrial, freshwater, and marine – particularly, but not only, in Arctic regions) and how management strategies can be improved to ensure sustainable exploitation and resilience. The research for these positions will mainly be associated with the work package 5 of the SUSTAIN project, which aims to explore how climate variation and change in combination with harvesting and other management actions will affect food web interactions in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. See the links for the details on each position. PhD position (deadline 25 May 2015): http://www.jobbnorge.no/…/postdoctoral-fellow-in-quantitati… Post-doc position (deadline 25 May 2015): http://www.jobbnorge.no/…/postdoctoral-fellow-in-quantitati… . Researcher position (deadline 4 June 2015): http://www.jobbnorge.no/…/researcher-in-quantitative-ecolog… The appointment date for these positions is 1st January 2016. The PhD position is for 4 years. PhD’s in Norway are considered a job with some teaching duties. Both the researcher and the post-doc positions are for 3 years. The descriptions for these two positions are the same, but we expect successful applicants to develop their own research perspectives within the themes of the SUSTAIN project. The titles for these two positions differ mainly for logistic reasons, so in case of doubt you are encouraged to submit your application to both calls. All applications should be done through jobbnorge.no following the links above. Although Norway is an expensive country, the salaries are adjusted in consequence. It is not possible to indicate salary in the official calls because it can vary a lot depending on experience, but to give an idea the PhD positions start at about 430 000 NOK per year (~51 000 EUR) and post-doc/researcher positions at 482 000 NOK per year (~57 000 EUR).

Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. Prof. Rolf Ims ([email protected]) Prof. Nigel Yoccoz ([email protected]) Dr. Sandra Hamel ([email protected]) Dr. John-Andre Henden ([email protected]) TRABAJO EN PARÍS 3 PhD proposals at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris in Ecology and Conservation Sciences, including one about efficiency of translocation in conservation programme supervised by François Sarrazin and Alexandre Robert http://www.mnhn.fr/fr/enseignement-formation/enseignement-superieur/ecole-doctorale/viedoctorale/attribution-contrats-doctoraux/sujets-umr-7204-cesco-centre-ecologie-sciences-conservation

POSTDOC EN FRANCIA: Dans le cadre du LabEx, l’Observatoire Hommes-Milieux Vallée du Rhône recrute au 1er octobre 2015 et pour une durée de 12 mois un(e) post-doctorant(e), dont le thème de recherche sera « Biodiversité des casiers Girardon : vers une hiérarchisation des gains et des risques liés à la reconnexion de ces anthroposystèmes au chenal principal ». Le chercheur sera accueilli au laboratoire IMBE (UMR CNRS 7263), site d’Aix-Marseille Université (Pôle de l’étoile, St Jérôme, Marseille 13), Équipe Écologie des Eaux Continentales. Vous trouverez tous les renseignements utiles pour une éventuelle candidature dans la fiche de poste détaillée ainsi que sur le site du LabEx. • Candidature à transmettre avant le 12 juin 2015 https://www.driihm.fr/actus/actus-du-reseau/119-appel-a-candidature-post-doctorale-labex-driihm-ohm-vallee-durhone Profesor Biología 2º Bachillerato Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: DidactiaDescripción: En Didactia estamos seleccionando un profesor para impartir clases particulares de Biología a una alumna de 2º Bachillerato. Zona: Metro Quevedo Horarios: Clases de Lunes a Sábado de 16.30h a ...Requisitos: Experiencia docente. Titulación universitaria.Contrato: Otros contratosJornada: Parcial - Tarde25-04-2015

Manager De ProduccióN De BiolóGicos Amer (Girona)Empresa: AXXON - SELECCIÓ I CONSULTORIADescripción: HIPRA es una compañía farmacéutica veterinaria dedicada a la investigación, producción y comercialización de productos para la Salud Animal. Con más de 50 años de historia, se trata de una empresa ...Requisitos: El perfil corresponde a un/a profesional con formación superior en Biología, Biotecnología o Veterinaria. Imprescindible do

TéC. Rel.Laborales / Adm Personal San Cugat De Valles (Barcelona)Empresa: VALORIZA SERVICIOS MEDIOAMBIENTALESDescripción: Valoriza Servicios Medioambientales, filial de la compañía SACYR, busca incorporar a su oficina en Barcelona ( San Cugat del Valles) un Técnico de Relaciones Laborales / Administración de ...Requisitos: ·Titulación: Diplomado en Relaciones Laborales, Licenciado en Derecho, CC del trabajo o titulaciones afines ·

TéCnico/A De Calidad Pamplona (Navarra)Empresa: MEDITERRANEA DE CATERINGDescripción: La persona seleccionada desmpeñara funciones propias del puesto en un Centro Hospitalario de Pamplona. Entre otras: > Realizar el seguimiento de los análisis microbiológicos, de superficies, ...Requisitos: Licenciatura en CC Químicas, Tecnología de los Alimentos o similares. Conocimientos en sistemas de gestión de calidad y APPCC. Exp

Coordinador de estudios / Data Manager Pozuelo De Alarcón (Madrid)Empresa: Importante consultora de selección.Descripción: Hospital privado situado en Pozuelo de Alarcón necesita incorporar un/a Coordinador/a de estudios / Data Manager para en servicio de Oncología cuya misión principal será coordinar el desarrollo y ...Requisitos: - Formación académica en área biosanitaria (Enfermería, Biología ,etc.) Valorable formación en investigac

TéCnico De Emisiones AtmosféRicas Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: TALENT SELECTIONDescripción: Empresa de inspección técnica requiere de un TÉCNICO DE EMISIONES ATMOSFÉRICAS para llevar a cabo mediciones de emisiones a la atmósfera. Línea derivada, gases de combustión con normas CEN, ...Requisitos: No tener miedo a las alturas, poder cargar equipos de medición.Contrato: Otros contratosJornada: Completa24-04-2015

Asistente Comercial Molins (Barcelona)Empresa: Exide TechnologiesDescripción: Empresa multinacional del sector de la industria, dedicada a la fabricación de baterías (antigua Tudor) necesita incorporar un Asistente Comercial Back Office para el departamento Comercial de ...Requisitos: - Experiencia en sector medioambiental. - Experiencia Administración Comercial y/o Logística - Capacidad de trabajo en equipo. - Actit

Becario Departamento de Personal Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona)Empresa: TRADEBEDescripción: Tradebe, compañía internacional del sector medioambiente con importante presencia en España, Reino Unido y USA, precisa incorporar para sus oficinas centrales en Sant Joan Despí: Becario ...Requisitos: - Persona proactiva, resposable y organizada; - Valorable experiencia en un departamento de RRHH (prácticas/beca); - Valorable experiencia con

Delegado Promotor Comercial Canal Farmacias Sevilla (Sevilla)Empresa: Multinacional Farmacéutica.Descripción: Empresa con productos líderes en el sector por ampliación de su estructura precisa incoporar un Delegado Comercial de Farmacias Se ofrece formación continua, plan de carrera, reribución con ...Requisitos: Preferentemente formación en ciencias de la salud (Biología, Farmacia, Química...) Experiencia en ventas de al menos 2 años prefe

Especialista Aplicaciones Roche (4773) Zaragoza (Zaragoza)Empresa: Centil 90 Recruitment, SL (Grupo MC Asociados)Descripción: Roche Diagnostics es una División del Grupo suizo Roche, dedicada a la continua mejora del cuidado de la salud. Desarrollamos innovadores, seguros y rápidos sistemas para el mercado del ...Requisitos: -Imprescindible Licenciado/a universitario/a en Ciencias de la Salud (Biología, Química, Farmacia, Medicina). Se

Especialista Aplicaciones Roche (4772) Toledo (Toledo)Empresa: Centil 90 Recruitment, SL (Grupo MC Asociados)Descripción: Roche Diagnostics es una División del Grupo suizo Roche, dedicada a la continua mejora del cuidado de la salud. Desarrollamos innovadores, seguros y rápidos sistemas para el mercado del ...Requisitos: -Imprescindible Licenciado/a universitario/a en Ciencias de la Salud (Biología, Química, Farmacia, Medicina). Se val

Project manager fundación Probitas Sant Cugat Del Vallés (Barcelona)Empresa: GRIFOLSDescripción: El Project manager reportará directamente al coordinador/a de proyectos y cuando sea necesario reportará a la Directora General de la Fundación Probitas. Contribuirá en la medida de su ...Requisitos: Licenciado superior preferentemente en ciencias de la salud con un postgrado o Máster en el ámbito del Laboratorio Clínico, Microbiología

Técnico/a de registros Sant Cugat (Barcelona)Empresa: GRIFOLSDescripción: Para la empresa Grifols, SA. sociedad matriz de las empresas Grifols en el mundo que aglutina los servicios corporativos, y dentro del área de Registros, se responsabilizará de realizar la ...Requisitos: Licenciado/a en Farmacia, Biología, Bioquímica o similar. Se valorará Máster en Industria Farmacéutica y Parafarmacéutica. Experiencia mínima de

098 - Asesora/or de Herboristeria. Valencia (Valencia/València)Empresa: Manpower Trabajo TemporalDescripción: Empresa dedicada al sector de la venta de productos ecológicos y biológicos precisa incorporar a dependientas/es para asesoramiento y posterior venta de diferentes productos.Requisitos: Imprescindible formación en Dietética y Nutrición, Licenciatura en farmacia, grados relacionados, etc. Experiencia previa en puestos simila

Nutricionista / Dietista Ibiza Y Pueblos Colindantes (Illes Balears)Empresa: NUTRICION CENTERDescripción: NUTRICION CENTER 1985 SL hoy en día, se han convertido en el referente del asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, estando presentes en más de 3.000 en toda España, donde sus 300 nutricionistas ...Requisitos: - FORMACIÓN DE GRADO O DIPLOMADOS EN NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA. NO se valoraran aquellos perfiles que no tengan la

Product Manager Internacional (Fitosanitario) Parets Del Vallés (Barcelona)Empresa: MAT INVESTMENT HOLDINGDescripción: INDUSTRIAS QUÍMICAS DEL VALLÉS, empresa perteneciente a Grupo Matholding dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de productos para la protección del cultivo, con presencia internacional, ...Requisitos: - Ingeniero técnico agrícola, agrónomo, biólogo o formación universitaria equivalente. - Inglés hablado y escrito perfec

Nutricionista / Dietista Madrid Y Pueblos Colindantes (Madrid)Empresa: NUTRICION CENTERDescripción: NUTRICION CENTER 1985 SL hoy en día, se han convertido en el referente del asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, estando presentes en más de 3.000 en toda España, donde sus 300 nutricionistas ...Requisitos: - FORMACIÓN DE GRADO O DIPLOMADOS EN NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA. NO se valoraran aquellos perfiles que no tengan la Diplo

Nutricionista / Dietista Palma Y Pueblos Colindantes (Illes Balears)Empresa: NUTRICION CENTERDescripción: NUTRICION CENTER 1985 SL hoy en día, se han convertido en el referente del asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, estando presentes en más de 3.000 en toda España, donde sus 300 nutricionistas ...Requisitos: - FORMACIÓN DE GRADO O DIPLOMADOS EN NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA. NO se valoraran aquellos perfiles que no tengan la

Responsable comercial y técnico productos medicos Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: Merce V ElectromedicinaDescripción: Especialista de producto/ responsable comercial para la venta de productos médicos de alta tecnología. Tendrá responsabilidad comercial, principalmente en la zona centro (Madrid, Castillas y ...Requisitos: Formación académica media o superior, ya sea complementaria al sector de "Medical Device": ingeniería, ingeniería técnica, f

Delegado Zona (Empresa Servicios Medioambientales)

Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: BROS GROUPDescripción: BrosGroup, Consultoría de Recursos Humanos especializada en la búsqueda y selección de mandos intermedios y perfiles de dirección, precisa incorporar para empresa ubicada cerca de Barcelona un ...Requisitos: Formación Universitaria en Ciencias o Ingeniería (preferiblemente) Experiencia mínima de 5 años en posición similar dentro del sector de tr

Técnico de Calidad en Producción Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: RandstadDescripción: Empresa Multincional farmaceútica precisa incorporar a su planta de producción en la zona del vallés un /a : TÉCNICO DE CALIDAD EN PRODUCCIÓN Reportando directamente al Gerente de Produccion ...Requisitos: . Grado en ciencias de la salud - Inglés mínimo First Certificate - Experiencia alrededor de un año en posición similar LOS CANDIDATO INTERESAD

como Responsable Técnico Laboratorio Medioambient Albolote (Granada)Empresa: Dnota Medio Ambiente SLDescripción: Responsable Técnico en laboratorio medio ambiental acreditado según 17025 El candidato ha de tener conocimientos sobre las siguientes Técnicas: FIA, Cromatografía iónica, TOC, ICP, Parámetros ...Requisitos: Tres años de experiencia como Responsable Técnico en laboratorio medio ambiental Conocimientos en técnicas de FIA, Cromatografía i

Visitador/A Medico/A En Almeria Almería (Almería)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en Almería. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Persona

Técnico/a comercial de piscinas y tratamientos Palma De Mallorca (Illes Balears)Empresa: *ADECCO DISTRIBUCIONDescripción: Importante empresa del sector de la fontanería precisa tecnico/a para formar e incorporar en plantilla. Funciones: Atención telefónica a los clientes Vistas comercial Asesor/amiento Se ...Requisitos: Estudios como ingeniería Técnico/a o licenciaturas en Químico/a o biología. Valorable experiencia en puestos similares.Contra

Tecnico de Calidad y Laboratorio Murcia (Murcia)Empresa: INNOVA SELECCIONDescripción: Sus principales funciones serán: -Análisis del vino: grado, acidez total, volatilidad, sulfuroso, hierro, grado de Boume, densidad, intensidad, olor, color,... -Análisis de la dureza del ...Requisitos: F.P. Técnico de Laboratorio Experiencia en puesto similar Conocimientos de Sistema de calidad (ISO:9001)Contrato: IndefinidoJornada: Completa23-0

Visitador/A Medico/A Burgos Burgos (Burgos)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en Burgos. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Personas c

Becari@ Quality Viladecans (Barcelona)Empresa: UNILEVERDescripción: Buscamos un/a Becari@ para dar soporte al área de Quality PRINCIPALES TAREAS Fichas técnicas de nuestros productos, requerimientos de información sobre nuestros productos por parte de los ...Contrato: Otros contratosJornada: Completa23-04-2015

Técnico/a Senior de Desarrollo Analítico León (León)Empresa: Spring Professional LifeScienceDescripción: Spring Professional selecciona un/a Técnico/a Senior de Desarrollo Analítico para empresa del Sector Farmacéutico especializada en Biotecnología ubicada en León. Entre otras, realizará las ...Requisitos: -Formación en Ciencias de la Salud -Experiencia de al menos 5 años en el puesto similar en el sector Farmacéutico -Conocimiento norm

Becario para el Área de Impacto de Medio Ambiente Aranda De Duero (Burgos)Empresa: CALIDAD PASCUAL SA.Descripción: La Dirección de Relaciones con la Sociedad y Medio Ambiente ofrece una Beca para realizar prácticas en el Área de Impacto del Medio Ambiente. Las prácticas consistirán en apoyar el día a día de ...Requisitos: - Estudiante Universitario de Grado de Medio Ambiente, Biología, Química o relacionado. - Nivel alto de inglés. - Manejo del p

Técnic@ de Laboratorio Jaén (Jaén)Empresa: ADAPTALIA ESPECIALIDADES DE EXTERNALIZACIONDescripción: Adaptalia Especialidades de Externalizacion, empresa dedicada a la externalización de servicios del Grupo Crit, multinacional líder en el sector de los Recursos Humanos con más de 40 años de ...Requisitos: - Titulación mínima de B2 de Inglés, valorable C1 - Experiencia demostrable como Técnic@ de Laboratorio al menos 2 año

Técnico QA Materiales Masnou (Barcelona)Empresa: Laboratorios AlconDescripción: Coordinar los proyectos de materiales y/o materias primas en caso de cambio de componentes o de nuevos componentes. Obtener los datos necesarios para generar la documentación para cada ...Requisitos: Licenciatura en Química, farmacia, biologia o similar Conocimientos normativas GMPs, experiencia en gestión de proyectos, nivel de inglés avan

Comercial Estetica (Las Palmas Gc) Las Palmas Gc (Las Palmas)Empresa: ACTIVACANARIAS RRHHDescripción: Importante Empresa de distribución/venta de cosmeticos de alta gama, selecciona para Gran Canaria Comercial con conocimientos de estética y dominio alto de francés. Valorable estuidos en biologia ...Requisitos: Experiencia en puesto similar Alto nivel Frances Disponibilidad Viajar Muy buena presenciaContrato: IndefinidoJornada: Com

Dependiente Extra DietéTica Y NutricióN Valencia (Valencia/València)Empresa: CORVAN RH ETTDescripción: CORVAN RH ETT selecciona dependientes en la zona de Valencia y Castellón para una empresa de nutrición y dietética. Salario a 6,79€/brutos la hora. - Extra de Sábados. Trabajar todos los ...Requisitos: - Tener una experiencia mínima de 1 año como dependiente. - Tener disponibilidad para cubrir vacaciones y/o bajas de los compañeros. -

Técnico/a de laboratorio y Control de Calidad Premià De Mar (Barcelona)Empresa: Eurofirms ETTDescripción: Empresa Internacional que desarrolla su actividad en el sector Sanitario, precisa incorporar para su departamento de calidad a un/a Técnico/a de Laboratorio y Control de Calidad. Funciones: ...Requisitos: Imprescindible formación de grado medio o superior en Química o Sanidad. Experiencia mínima de un año en un puesto similar.Contrato:

TéCnico De Microbiologia Zona Norte De Madrid Zona Norte (Madrid)Empresa: IMAN TEMPORINGDescripción: Importante empresa del sector farmacéutico precisa incorporar para la zona de Norte de Madrid un Técnico en Microbiologia con mas de cinco años de experiencia en el sector. Horarios: Jornada ...Requisitos: -EXPERIENCIA MÍNIMA DE CINCO AÑOS COMO TÉCNICO EN MICROBIOLOGIA -INCORPORACION INMEDIATAContrato: IndefinidoJornada: CompletaSalario: 24000

Asistente Aseguramiento de Calidad Girona (Girona)Empresa: Manpower Trabajo TemporalDescripción: ¿Te gustaría desarrollar tu carrera profesional en una importante empresa del sector alimentario? Esta es tu oportunidad. Estamos buscando un Ingeniero/a Agroalimentario o Licenciado/a en ...Requisitos: - Estudios de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria, Biología o Máster en Ciencia y Tecnología de los alimentos.Jornada: CompletaSalario: 900€ Bru

Becario/a Calidad & Asuntos Regulatorios Sant Cugat Del Vallés (Barcelona)Empresa: ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS, S.L.Descripción: Incorporándose al área Calidad & Asuntos Regulatorios su misión será dar soporte realizando las siguientes funciones: - Creación y actualización de procedimientos en base a los estándares de ...Requisitos: - Grado en Ciencias de la salud (biología, farmacia, química, bioquímica, etc.) - Muy valorable formación comple

Auxiliar Laboratorio Control Calidad Parets Del Vallés (Barcelona)Empresa: GRIFOLSDescripción: Para la empresa Biomat, S.A., compañía intermedia entre los bancos de plasma y las empresas productoras de hemoderivados, que se encarga del almacenamiento, control y análisis de las materias ...Requisitos: Formación mínima: Bachillerato o CFGM con experiencia. Se valorará Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Salud (Biología, Farmacia, Química o

Docente "Legionella" para Boiro Boiro (A Coruña)Empresa: Grupo FemxaDescripción: Femxa Formación S.L., consultora especializada en formación continua, perteneciente a GRUPO FEMXA, precisa incorporar PROFESORES para la docencia del curso "LEGIONELLA" que tendrá lugar ...Requisitos: - Licendiad@s en Biología/ Ciencias Ambientales/ Ingeniería Agrícola o Industrial. - Se requiere experiencia en el sector DEMOSTRABLE en tra

Personal para Laboratorio y Calidad (industrial) Estepa / Pilas / Arahal / Sevilla (Sevilla)Empresa: CRIT INTERIM ETTDescripción: Crit selecciona personal para Laboratorio para diferentes puestos en sector industrial. Requisitos: - Formación: -Ciclo de Grado Superior de Análisis y Control de Calidad en Laboratorio. - ...Requisitos: - Formación: Ciclo de Grado Superior de Análisis y Control de Calidad en Laboratorio. Licenciatura en Químicas, Bio

TéCnico De Calidad Y Medio Ambiente Para Obra. Madrid (Madrid)Empresa: EIFFAGE INFRAESTRUCTURASDescripción: PANASFALTO, empresa que forma parte de EIFFAGE INFRAESTRUCTURAS, selecciona 1 TÉCNICO DE CALIDAD Y MEDIO AMBIENTE PARA OBRA para su Centro de Trabajo ubicado en Vicálvaro (Madrid) . Reportando a ...Requisitos: - Titulación Superior o Técnica del Sector de la Construcción. Experiencia consolidada de 1 año en el mismo puesto. - Experienc

Medico Del Trabajo - Sevilla Mairena De Aljarafe (Sevilla)Empresa: Grupo InprexDescripción: Perfil de los candidatos/as: * Licenciada/o en Medicina, con la especialidad de Medicina del Trabajo Puesto: * Médico del Trabajo Funciones: · Realizar reconocimientos médicos tanto en clínica ...Requisitos: Requisitos mínimos - Disponibilidad Inmediata. - Permiso de trabajo para UE en vigor. - Valorable Experiencia en el puesto. - Val

Ingeniero/a Agroalimentario Girona (Girona)Empresa: Manpower Trabajo TemporalDescripción: ¿Te gustaría desarrollar tu carrera profesional en una importante empresa del sector alimentario? Esta es tu oportunidad. Estamos buscando un Ingeniero/a Agroalimentario o Licenciado/a en ...Requisitos: - Estudios de Ingeniería Agroalimentaria o Biología o Máster en Ciencia y Tecnología de los alimentos.Jornada: CompletaSalario: 900€ Br

Ing. validaciones equipos farmaceuticos Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Matis HispaniaDescripción: En Matis Hispania buscamo a un ingeniero para realizar el control, la gestión y la ejecución de cualificaciones de equipos especiales y seriados para la industria ...Requisitos: Formación universitaria científico-técnica (química, farmacia, biología, ingenierías, etc...). Dominio de herramientas informáticas (word, excel). Experiencia mínima

Técnico de Calidad

Jaén (Jaén)Empresa: Empresa de ámbito nacional.Descripción: Ejecutar las tareas de control de calidad y seguridad alimentaria en los procesos sobre las materias primas y productos, además de apoyar en la gestión de los procesos de calidad con otros ...Requisitos: Especialidad agroalimentación, Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola, Industrias Agroalimentarias, Licenciado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimen

Profesor/A Manipulador De Alimentos. Varias Localidades (Barcelona)Empresa: Grupo IoeDescripción: Grupo IOE, consultora integral de formación que trabaja a nivel nacional dando servicio a mas de 10.000 trabajadores en activo de aproximadamente 1.500 empresas, estudia, diseña, organiza y ...Requisitos: Licenciados en Biología, Quimicas o Higiene Alimentaria. Experiencia y conocimientos especificos demostrables en esta materia Formació

AREA SALES MANAGER sector BIOTECNOLOGICO Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: CRUMA Consultores de Gestión y Dirección EmpresarialDescripción: Grupo internacional, para una de sus empresas, fabricante de equipos para laboratorio, precisa incorporar a su estructura comercial AREA SALES MANAGER Formación: Ingeniero / Ldo. Química / ...Requisitos: - Formación nivel Ingeniero o Licenciado Químico o Físico. Dominio idioma Inglés nivel negociación,

Key Account Manager Barcelona (Barcelona)Empresa: Empresa distribución de ingredientes y aditivos para la industria alimentaria.Descripción: KEY ACCOUNT MANAGER Se incorporará al departamento comercial de la compañía con la misión de mantener e incrementar las ventas de una cartera de clientes clave de Ingredientes y Aditivos ...Requisitos: COMPETENCIAS TÉCNICAS: - Formación técnica en Alimentación: Ingeniería Agróno

TéCnico Consultor Prl Girona (Girona)Empresa: GABINETE SME Y PREVENCIÓNDescripción: Se requiere Técnico Superior Riesgos Laborales de perfil científico - técnico (Licenciatura en Químicas, Biología, Ciencias Ambientales o Ingenierías) para gestionar desarrollo de crecimiento del ...Requisitos: Titulación de Técnico Superior de Riesgos Laborales (3 Especialidades) Esperiencia mínima de 5 años en el ámbito de la Prevenci

Microbiólogo Malaga (Málaga)Empresa: Grupo Sanitario de ámbito NacionalDescripción: Microbiólgo con amplia experiencia contrastada. Formación adecuada Manejo de herramientasofimáticas Inglés fluido. Se valorarán otros idiomas Habilidades en comunicación y organizáción de ...Requisitos: Experiencia contrastada Manejo de herramientas ofimáticas Ingles, Se valorarán otros idiomas.Contrato: IndefinidoJornada: Comp

Vendedor/A Farmaceutico/A Almeria Almería (Almería)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Vendedor/a Farmacéutico/a en Almería. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Pe

Nutricionista Estepona (Málaga)Empresa: NUTRICION CENTERDescripción: NUTRICION CENTER 1985 SL hoy en día, se han convertido en el referente del asesoramiento nutricional en farmacias, estando presentes en más de 3.000 en toda España, donde sus 300 nutricionistas ...Requisitos: - FORMACIÓN DE GRADO O DIPLOMADOS EN NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA. - IMPRESCINDIBLE RESIDIR EN LA ZONA DE LA SIERRA DE HUELVA QUEDA EXCLUIDOS D

Técnico de Proyectos Smart Llanera (Asturias)Empresa: ASAC Comunicaciones S.L.Descripción: Se requiere para la incorporación a la Oficina Smart en uno de nuestros clientes, un titulado superior en áreas técnicas. Su trabajó consistirá en la elaboración de Planes de proyectos, gestión ...Requisitos: Experiencia previa: o Con exposición en proyectos innovadores del área medioambiental o Relación con proyectos técnicos de I+D+

Técnico de sistema de calidad con Inglés alto Viladecans (Barcelona)Empresa: EPOS SPAIN ETTDescripción: Importante empresa del sector alimentario situada en Viladecans, precisa incorporar a un/a Técnico/a de sistema de calidad. Las funciones a realizar son: - Sistema de aseguramiento de ...Requisitos: Formación académica en área de ciencias (Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos, Química, Biología?) Formación específica en gestión de cualidad

Monitor de Ensayos Clinicos Veterinarios Hondarribia (Guipúzcoa/Gipuzkoa)Empresa: Ondax ScientificDescripción: As a Veterinary Clinical Trials Monitor you will be responsible for setting up, monitoring and reporting clinical trials in large animals (cattle, pigs, poultry, etc.) and companion animals ...Requisitos: ESSENTIAL: - Veterinary / Veterinario, Biology / Biologo, Agronomy / Agronomo or Pharmacy degree / Farmaceutico - English PRO

Project Manager FundacióN Probitas Sant Cugat Del Vallés (Barcelona)Empresa: GRIFOLSDescripción: El Project manager reportará directamente al coordinador/a de proyectos y cuando sea necesario reportará a la Directora General de la Fundación Probitas. Contribuirá en la medida de su ...Requisitos: Licenciado superior preferentemente en ciencias de la salud con un postgrado o Máster en el ámbito del Laboratorio Clínico, Microbiología

Visitador/A Medico/A En Almeria

Almería (Almería)Empresa: LABORATORIO FARMACEUTICO INTERNACIONALDescripción: Laboratorio Farmacéutico Internacional en proceso de expansión busca incorporar un/a Visitador/a Médico/a en Almería. Rápida carrera profesional.Requisitos: Licenciatura en cualquier rama de la Salud (farmacia, biología, químicas, veterinaria...) Informática a nivel de usuario. Carnet de conducir. Buena presencia. Persona

Oferta de empleo en México: Jefe de seguridad y medio ambiente Acertam requiere un Jefe de seguridad y medio ambiente para Tamaulipas, Río Bravo.

Oferta de Empleo: Monitor de campañas de concienciación ambiental Bioma Consultores Ambientales, SL. necesita incorporar un Licenciado/a en Ciencias Ambientales para el puesto de monitor de campañas de concienciación ambiental en Pamplona.

Oferta de empleo en México: Técnico de planta tratadora de aguas residuales Eaton Corporation requiere un Técnico de planta tratadora de aguas residuales para Aguascalientes.

Oferta de Empleo: Responsable Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente (HSE) Bayer Hispania, S.L. requiere un/a Licenciado/a en Ciencias Ambientales como Responsable de Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente en Sant Joan Despí.

Oferta de empleo en México: Encargado de Sustentabilidad y Recursos Renovables Empresa del Sector de Alimentos y Bebidas solicita un Ingeniero Ambiental para la zona de Orizaba.

Oferta de Empleo: Docentes para curso de "Legionella" Femxa Formación S.L precisa incorporar Licenciad@s en Ciencias Ambientales para seis plazas de docentes en Boiro, La Coruña.

Oferta de empleo en México: Coordinador de Medio Ambiente Grupo Vitro requiere un técnico en medio ambiente para trabajar como Coordinador de Medio Ambiente en Jalisco.

Oferta de Empleo: Técnico de Medio Ambiente experto/a en normativa REACH Grupo Agio selecciona para importante empresa química a un/a Licenciado/a en Ciencias Ambientales para el puesto de Técnico de Medio Ambiente en Dos Hermanas.

Oferta de empleo en México: Jefe de Ecología Inix, S.A. requiere un Ingeniero Ambiental para el puesto de Jefe de Ecología en el Estado de México.

Oferta de Empleo: becario para el Departamento de Salud y Seguridad Befesa requiere contratar a un Licenciad@/Graduad@ en Ciencias Ambientales como becario para el Departamento de Calidad, Salud y Seguridad en su planta de Valladolid.

Oferta de Empleo: Docentes para curso de "Legionella" Boiro, A Coruña - del puesto de trabajo: Licenciad@s en Biología / Ciencias Ambientales / Ingeniería Agrícola o Industrial. Se requiere experiencia en el sector... abarcando los aspectos técnicos, económicos y administrativos del... Poner en el asunto Gestor Ambiental. Ambiental, forestal, industrial, calidad...


Técnico/a de Plagas Adecco - Lleida - de control. Nivel de Estudios: Grado Superior en Salud Ambiental, Titulación en Ciencias (Biología, Veterinaría, etc.) o en posesión...

Comercial empresa DDD Adecco - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid - Ambiental, precisa Técnico/a comercial de Grandes Cuentas. Captación y gestión de futuros clientes y ampliación de cartera. Prospección y.../a, comunidades, etc. Imprescindible aportar experiencia comercial de al menos 3 años. Muy valorable procedencia del sector de la higiene ambiental y...

Researcher at Metapopulation Research Center Contract

Jefe de Proyecto. Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas Contract

PhD student in systems biology Doctorate

Postdoctoral researcher in systems biology Postdoctorate

Candidatos para contratos FPI-UAM


Senior Lecturer in Ecology and Conservation/Wildlife Management Newcastle University - School of BiologySalary: Not specified

Teaching Associate Edinburgh Napier University - School of Life Sport & Social SciencesSalary: Not specified

Senior Lecturer in Plant and Microbial Sciences Newcastle University - School of BiologySalary: Not specified

Research Technician, Soil and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratory The University of Manchester - Faculty of Life Sciences / Molecular SystemsSalary: Not specified

Research Technician, NERC Soil Security Programme The University of Manchester - Faculty of Life Sciences / Molecular SciencesSalary: Not specified

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Crop Science Newcastle University - School of Agriculture, Food & Rural DevelopmentSalary: Not specified

Lecturers (non-clinical) Cardiff University - School of MedicineSalary: Not specified

Research Associate in Pericellular Mechanisms of Fibrillin Microfibril Assembly The University of Manchester - School of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Assistant Queen Mary, University of London - Barts Cancer InstituteSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant/Associate University of Cambridge - MRC Cancer UnitSalary: Not specified

Research Technician King's College LondonSalary: Not specified

Chair or Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases University of Sheffield - Department of Infection and ImmunitySalary: Not specified

Research Fellowships in College of Biomedical and Life Sciences Cardiff UniversitySalary: Not specified

Flow Cytometry Assistant or Specialist Babraham InstituteSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Scientist MRC Clinical Sciences CentreSalary: Not specified

Associate Lecturer Biological Sciences and Chemistry Oxford Brookes UniversitySalary: Not specified

Herbarium Curator (MSB Projects) Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew - Identification & Naming DepartmentSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Scientist - Investigating Exosomes University of Oxford - Department of PhysiologySalary: Not specified

Higher Scientific Officer Institute of Cancer Research - Division of Breast Cancer ResearchSalary: Not specified

Open Science Developer EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)Salary: Not specified

Research Fellow University of Birmingham - School of Cancer SciencesSalary: Not specified

Research Associate: Fragment-based Drug Discovery (Fixed Term) University of Cambridge - Department of ChemistrySalary: Not specified

Scientific Officer Institute of Cancer Research - Genetics & EpidemiologySalary: Not specified

Bioinformatician Institute of Cancer Research - Genetics & EpidemiologySalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Functional Genomics and Systems Biology Institute of Cancer Research - Molecular PathologySalary: Not specified

Research Fellow/Associate (Two Posts) University of Bristol - School of Social and Community MedicineSalary: Not specified

Research Fellow University of Exeter - College of Life and Environmental SciencesSalary: Not specified

Senior Lecturer/Reader in Protein Science University of Essex - School of Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Edinburgh Napier University - School of Life Sport & Social SciencesSalary: Not specified

Lecturer in Biomedical Modelling The University of Manchester - Institute of Population Health / Centre for Health InformaticsSalary: Not specified

Research Scientist for Islet Biology and Metabolism University of Oxford - Department of Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsSalary: Not specified

Diagnostic Laboratory Technician Medical Research CouncilSalary: Not specified

Research Writer Imperial College London - Department of Medicine / Departmental Research OfficeSalary: Not specified

Research Associate - Chemical Biology / Medicinal Chemistry Magnus Life ScienceSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant / Associate - Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group Imperial College London - Department of PhysicsSalary: Not specified

KTN Agri-food and Industrial Biosciences CASE PhD Studentship - Understanding Satiety in Broiler Breeders During Rearing and Application to Commercial Diets Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)Salary: Not specified

Post-doctoral Research Fellow Plymouth UniversitySalary: Not specified

Senior Scientific Associate University of Cambridge - Cancer Research UK Cambridge InstituteSalary: Not specified

Research Associate (ESPRC Bright Ideas) Newcastle University - School of Civil Engineering & GeosciencesSalary: Not specified

Chancellor’s Fellow University of EdinburghSalary: Not specified

Early stage researcher PhD position for cartilage regeneration in joints and intervertebral Cardiff UniversitySalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Assistant Queen Mary, University of London - William Harvey Research InstituteSalary: Not specified

PDRA, B23 Diamond Light Source - Life ScienceSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associates University of York - Department of BiologySalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associates University of York - Department of BiologySalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Training Fellow - Parasitology The Francis Crick InstituteSalary: Not specified

Teagasc Post Doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 (PD1) - Microbial Food Safety The Agriculture and Food Development Authority - TeagascSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh - College of Science and Engineering - ChemistrySalary: Not specified

Senior Scientific Officer - Tissue Biomarkers The University of Manchester - Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology Group – Professor Caroline DiveSalary: Not specified

Bioscientist (Drug Discovery Unit) The University of Manchester - Cancer Research UK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified

Scientific Officer - Prostate Oncobiology Group The University of Manchester - Cancer Research UK Manchester InstituteSalary: Not specified

Studentship: Comparative genomics of Streptococcus pneumoniae during the implementation of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines

University of SouthamptonSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Sheffield - Department of NeuroscienceSalary: Not specified

Research Associate/ Research Fellow in Translational Stem Cell Technology & Automation University of Nottingham - Cancer & Stem CellsSalary: Not specified

BRU RA Chemist University of Cambridge - Wolfson Brain Imaging CentreSalary: Not specified

Research Associate/ Research Fellow in Translational Stem Cell Technology & Automation University of Nottingham - Cancer & Stem CellsSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh - College of Science and Engineering - ChemistrySalary: Not specified

Laboratory Technician Queen Mary, University of London - Institute of DentistrySalary: Not specified

Departmental Lecturer in Evolutionary Ecology University of Oxford - Department of ZoologySalary: Not specified

Research Fellow/Lecturer in Immunology: Tanzania London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineSalary: Not specified

Curatorial Assistant in Natural Sciences The University of Manchester - Manchester MuseumSalary: Not specified

Senior Research Technician University of Leicester - Cell Physiology and PharmacologySalary: Not specified

Principal Scientific Associate University of Cambridge - Cancer Research UK Cambridge InstituteSalary: Not specified

Lecturer in Pharmaceutical or Medical Microbiology Durham University - School of Medicine, Pharmacy and HealthSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Molecular Immunology University of Oxford - Investigative Medicine, RDM, Weatherall Institute of Molecular MedicineSalary: Not specified

Research Physiologist in Small Airway Imaging and Function University of Leicester - Infection, Immunity and InflammationSalary: Not specified

Research Fellow in Biostatistics – Specific Purpose Contract University of Limerick - Graduate Entry Medical School / Faculty of Education & Health SciencesSalary: Not specified

Research Fellow (75706-045) University of Warwick - Warwick Medical SchoolSalary: Not specified

PhD Studentship - Evaluating the Burden of Paediatric Eczema in England University of Nottingham - School of Medicine – Centre of Evidence Based DermatologySalary: Not specified

Horticultural Taxonomist Royal Botanic Gardens,Kew - Arboretum and Gardens SectionSalary: Not specified

EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Studentship 2015 - Modelling the Network of Bioactive Lipids that Mediate Cutaneous Inflammation The University of ManchesterSalary: Not specified

Associate Research Fellow University of Exeter - Medical SchoolSalary: Not specified

Technician University of Glasgow - College of Science and EngineeringSalary: Not specified

CR UK Clinical Research Fellow (x3) University of Southampton - Faculty of Medicine - Cancer Sciences Academic UnitSalary: Not specified

Research Technician King's College LondonSalary: Not specified

Lecturer in Physics - Chemistry King's College LondonSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant / Associate Newcastle University - Institute of Genetic MedicineSalary: Not specified

Part Time Laboratory Aide

King's College LondonSalary: Not specified

Senior Research Fellow University of Southampton - Researcher DevelopmentSalary: Not specified

Senior Research Assistant/ Research Fellow University of Southampton - Researcher DevelopmentSalary: Not specified

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science University of East London - The School of Health, Sport & BioscienceSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant UCL Institute of NeurologySalary: Not specified

Research Assistant University of Cambridge - C.I.M.R. MedicineSalary: Not specified

Post-doctoral Research Associate (Structural Bioinformatics) University of Cambridge - Department of BiochemistrySalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Assistant University of Dundee - Life Sciences ResearchSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Officer Bangor University - School of Environment, Natural Resources & GeographySalary: Not specified

Research Fellow (Qualitative) University of York - Health SciencesSalary: Not specified

Lecturer in Single Molecule Biophysics King's College LondonSalary: Not specified

Clinical Research Fellow in Adult Vaccinology University of Oxford - Oxford Vaccine Group, Department of PaediatricsSalary: Not specified

Research Associate Newcastle University - Institute of Genetic MedicineSalary: Not specified

Data Scientist University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesSalary: Not specified

Research Associate University College London - UCL Division of Infection and ImmunitySalary: Not specified

Research Assistant University of Cambridge - Cancer Research UK Cambridge InstituteSalary: Not specified

Head of International 6th Form Centre in Indonesia Barnsley CollegeSalary: Not specified

A level Teachers - Chemistry / Biology Barnsley CollegeSalary: Not specified

Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics Queen Mary, University of London - Blizard InstituteSalary: Not specified

Senior Researcher - Oxford Biomedical Research Centre Senior Economist University of Oxford - NDPH, Old Road CampusSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant in Inflammatory Arthritis University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of OrthopaedicsSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Researcher - Translational Research University of Oxford - Department of PsychiatrySalary: Not specified

3-year Fully Funded PhD Studentship - Evaluation of the Ligandability of Cyclophilins with Biophysical Methods University of EdinburghSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Researcher - Translational Research University of Oxford - Department of PsychiatrySalary: Not specified

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice University of Sussex - School of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified

Analytical Chemist Rothamsted Research - Sustainable Soils and Grassland SystemsSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant in Rodent Phenotyping

University of Oxford - Division of Cardiovascular MedicineSalary: Not specified

Lecturer in Bioinformatics (Education and Research) University of Exeter - College of Life and Environmental SciencesSalary: Not specified

Laboratory Research Technician University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of OrthopaedicsSalary: Not specified

Teagasc Post Doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 (PD2) - Food and Health The Agriculture and Food Development Authority - TeagascSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Liverpool - Department of Cellular and Molecular PhysiologySalary: Not specified

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Queen's University Belfast - School of Biological SciencesSalary: Not specified

PhD Studentship - New ‘Smart’ Polymers for Biomedical Wireless Sensing Applications University of Kent - School of Engineering and Digital Arts & School of Physical SciencesSalary: Not specified

Research Assistant University of EdinburghSalary: Not specified

PhD Studentship: Developing Biosensor Technology to Monitor Biofilm Formation on Voice Prosthesis in Throat Cancer Patients Following Total Laryngectomy University of Kent - School of Engineering and Digital Arts & School of BiosciencesSalary: Not specified

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Queen's University Belfast - School of Planning, Architecture and Civil EngineeringSalary: Not specified

Clinical Research Fellow University of Southampton - EpidemiologySalary: Not specified

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Queen's University Belfast - School of Planning, Architecture and Civil EngineeringSalary: Not specified

Research Statistician MRC Biostatistics UnitSalary: Not specified

Teaching Fellow in Immunology University of Sussex - School of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified

Clinical Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in Surgical Oncology Queen's University Belfast - Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology / School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical SciencesSalary: Not specified

Registered Pharmacy Technician – Pharmacy/Biomedicine Teaching laboratories University of Sussex - School of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh - Institute of Cell BiologySalary: Not specified

Software Developer / Bioinformatician EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified

Research Fellow – Bioinformatics University of Leeds - Leeds Institute of Cancer & Pathology (LICAP)Salary: Not specified

Lecturer in applied Biology - Maternity Cover The London CollegeSalary: Not specified

Programme Manager/Research Fellow University of Edinburgh - School of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health SciencesSalary: Not specified

Projects and Communications Officer - Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified

Reader/Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics/Drug Delivery University of Sussex - School of Life SciencesSalary: Not specified

Technician (Part time 18.5 hours) Newcastle University - Institute of Cellular MedicineSalary: Not specified

Senior Research Assistant/Research Fellow in Microbial Epidemiology University of Southampton - Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of MedicineSalary: Not specified

Postdoctoral Fellow EMBL - European Molecular Biology LaboratorySalary: Not specified

Research Associate in Statistics/Epidemiology University of Bristol - School of Social and Community MedicineSalary: Not specified

Self-Funded Studentship: Ultrafast dynamics in photoactive media (MEECH_U15SF) University of East Anglia - School of ChemistrySalary: Not specified

Yangzhou University (YZU): Yangzhou University Recruitment Scheme in 2015 The university will offer competitive salary: Yangzhou University (YZU): Yangzhou University (YZU) hunting talents globally Yangzhou, China

TUSM/CMDR: Postdoc fellow NIH standard for Postdoc fellow: TUSM/CMDR: Postdoctoral fellow position funded by NIH grant is open to study vascular dysfunction and inflammation, lipid malregulation underlying atherosclerosis in metabolic disorders. Great Philadelphia area

MERCK & COMPANY INC.: Director, Operations DOE: MERCK & COMPANY INC.: Biologic Production - Viral/Bacterial Elkhorn, Nebraska, United States, 68022

UW Tacoma: Lecturers in General and Introductory Chemistry commensurate with experience: UW Tacoma: The University of Washington Tacoma invites applicants for one or more innovative, highly motivated Full-Time Lecturers in General and Intro Chemistry in the Division of Sciences and Mathematics within the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences. Tacoma Washington

Louisiana State University: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Tenure-Track) Commensurate with rank and experience.: Louisiana State University: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Tenure-track) Baton Rouge

Windber Research Institute: Bioinformatics Scientist salary based on experience + benefits: Windber Research Institute: This position will apply bioinformatics & data mining technologies to the study of breast cancer & other human diseases, using data acquired with clinicopathologic, genomic, & proteomic technologies both within the institute & with our collaborators. Windber, Pennsylvania

Genetics Society of America (GSA): Policy and Communications Manager Based on skills and experience: Genetics Society of America (GSA): The Genetics Society of America seeks a professional to promote the interests of the Society & genetics community in advocacy, outreach, & communications. Bethesda, Maryland

AuraSense Therapeutics LLC: Senior Scientist in Immunology Competitive, with performance bonus and stock options: AuraSense Therapeutics LLC: AuraSense Therapeutics seeks an experienced immunologist to develop its Spherical Nucleic Acid platform for immuno-oncology applications. Chicago, IL

Center for Global Health - Weill Cornell Medical College: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow Competitive salary: Center for Global Health - Weill Cornell Medical College: Postdoctoral training in microbiology at NIH-funded laboratory in Port au Prince Haiti to conduct research on M. tuberculosis. A unique opportunity to receive rigorous microbiology training and participate in clinical research in resource poor setting. Cornell, NIH-funded research laboratory, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Health Research Inc: Postdoc Salary based on years of experience: Health Research Inc: A postdoctoral position that will encompass a combination of molecular genetics, proteomics and genome-scale analyses of transcription, with an overall goal to characterize the function of small proteins encoded by mycobacteria. Albany, NY

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: Postdoctoral Positions Available Postdoctoral position: University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: The lab focuses on the roles of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes in DNA repair and other pathways involved in tumor initiation, progression and metastasis. Houston, Texas

MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology: Tenure-Track Group Leader position MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology: The MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, funded in partnership by the Medical Research Council and King's College London in 2000, is now implementing a new strategic plan under the directorship of Oscar Marin. The Centre occupies the entire fourth Other

Institut Pasteur: PhD position at Institut Pasteur and Sanofi Institut Pasteur: Developing ex vivo / in vivo models to assess the efficacy of immunomodulator molecules against infectious situations France

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology: Life Cycle Assessment Analyst - mobility systems (M/F) Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology: The successful applicant will be mainly involved in the CONNECTING and DyPLCA research projects co-funded by the National Research Fund Luxembourg (FNR). The main objective of CONNECTING is to propose an operational approach for consequential LCA of mob Luxembourg

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research: FMI International PhD Program Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research: The FMI International PhD Program provides advanced, interdisciplinary training for graduate students in the fields of epigenetics, neurobiology and quantitative cell biology. Switzerland

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research: FMI Postdoctoral Position on HDACs and Viruses Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research: A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Patrick Matthias (http://www.fmi.ch/matthias.p) at the FMI in Basel, Switzerland, to study the role of the deacetylase HDAC6 in viral infection. Switzerland

West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin: Assistant West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin: Assistant in Department of Human Nutrition Physiology Poland

Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)/ ELI: Post-doc position in crop monitoring by remote sensing Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)/ ELI: The Research Laboratory in Environmetrics and Geomatics of the Earth and Life Institute - Environmental Sciences, Université catholique de Louvain, is opening a position for a Post-doc position in crop monitoring by remote sensing (24 months) in the Europe

Hannover Medical School: LISA Summer Academy in Immunology Hannover Medical School: Hannover Biomedical Research School, as part of Hannover Medical School (MHH), invites applications for the Summer academy, from August 15th - 29th, 2015. Germany

Amgen: Marketing Sr Manager, Kyprolis MCM/DTP Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description This position will report to the Director of Promotions for the Oncology MultiChannel Costumer Engagement group. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop and execute a broad range of multichannel programs desig US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Senior Associate EH&S - Environmental Programs Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Under the direction of the EH&S Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for the implementation, coordination, advancement and support of existing Environmental compliance programs at the site level. These programs may US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Access & Reimbursement Ops Sr Mgr Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Senior Manager Access and Reimbursement Operations is responsible for ensuring that the execution of Access and Reimbursement call center services meets Amgen business objectives, and for providing valued consultation to the bus US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Research Operations Mgr Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen is seeking a Research Operations Manager to join the Biologics group in either South San Francisco or Thousand Oaks, CA. This position will be responsible for providing functional support, technical planning and scientific exp US - CA - South San Francisco

Amgen: Sr Biopharmaceutical Rep, Oncology - Northeast Indiana Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Territory# 15433 - Northeast Indiana Covering: Fort Wayne, South Bend, & Marion No relocation assistance is provided for this position. As a Sr Biopharmaceutical Representative, you will act as the primary customer contact for deman US - IN - Field Based

Amgen: Undergrad Co-op - R&D Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Molecular Structure department at Amgen is seeking a highly talented student for a 6 month co-op opportunity. The co-op student will participate in a support function for all activities of a Discovery Analytical Science group. T US - MA - Cambridge

Merck: Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Animal Health Job Merck: Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Animal Health-REG001864DescriptionMSD is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines and animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company – on Riyadh, SA

Merck: Due Diligence/BD&L Senior Specialist Job Merck: Due Diligence/BD&L Senior Specialist-ENV000340DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company Kenilworth, NJ, US

Cranfield University: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher (PhD Studentship) in Environmental Science Cranfield University: The Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Remediate (Improved decision-making in contaminated land site investigation and risk assessment) comprises 10 beneficiaries (from 5 EU Member States - the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and Italy) and 15 partner organi Other

IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH: Marie SkłodowskaCurie Early Stage Researcher (PhD Studentship) in Environmental Science IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH: The Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Remediate (Improved decision-making in contaminated land site investigation and risk assessment) comprises 10 beneficiaries (from 5 EU Member States - the UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and Italy) and 15 partner organi Germany

University of Colorado at Boulder: U.S. Global Hub Director - Future Earth Secretariat salary commensurate with experience: University of Colorado at Boulder: The US Hub of the Future Earth Permanent secretariat is seeking a director. The U.S. Hub Director based in Boulder, CO will have the overall responsibility for the leadership of the Colorado based hub for Future Earth Boulder, Colorado

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center: Bacteriologist DOE: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center: full time Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States, 27157

Humboldt State University: Temporary Faculty, Biological Sciences Unspecified: Humboldt State University: Temporary Faculty, Biological Sciences at Humboldt State University Arcata, CA

Sandoval Laboratory: Physiology and metabolism

NIH post-doctoral fellowship pay scale based on experience: Sandoval Laboratory: Postdoctoral position in a multi-PI, multidisciplinary research group focused on the role of the gut-brain axis in metabolism with special emphasis in T2DM and bariatric surgery available for fall 2015. Ann Arbor

USF MCOM MPP: Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology: Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Competitive: USF MCOM MPP: Duties: Candidates are expected to establish or continue active NIH funded research programs and participate in teaching medical/graduate students. University of South Florida, South East Region

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SCIENTIST: Departmental Scientific Integrity Officer $126,245 to $158,700: OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SCIENTIST: The OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SCIENTIST in the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE is seeking to fill the position of Departmental Scientific Integrity Officer. Washington, DC

SCPTP: Director, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology (GDB) Undisclosed: SCPTP: The National Institute of General Medical Sciences is seeking exceptional candidates for the position of Director, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology. Bethesda, MD

University of Missouri: Department Chair and Professor, Biomedical sciences, Veterinary Medicine Undisclosed: University of Missouri: The University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine is seeking nominations/applications from outstanding academic scientists for Chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences. Columbia, Missouri

The Carver College of Medicine at The University of Iowa: Director Undisclosed: The Carver College of Medicine at The University of Iowa: The Carver College of Medicine at The University of Iowa seeks candidates for the position of Director, Neuroscience Institute. Iowa City, Iowa

Fujian Norman University: High-level Talents Recruitment Program Undisclosed: Fujian Norman University: Fujian Normal University (FNU), co-sponsored by Fujian Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Education, is striving to turn itself into one of the Top 3 universities of the province. China

Northeast Forestry University: 2015~2017 High-level Talent Undisclosed: Northeast Forestry University: Established in 1952, Northeast Forestry University is in national “211 Project” directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and key construction projects of “Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform”. China

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Foundation: Sofja Kovalevskaja Award Undisclosed: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Foundation: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is now calling for applications for the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, one of the most valuable academic awards in Germany. Bonn, Germany

Shell Oil Company: Biofuels Scientist / Biodomain Researcher Undisclosed: Shell Oil Company: You'll need experience in one or more of the following areas: soil carbon pathways and sequestration, metabolic pathway improvement via transformation, enzyme hydrolysis, solid or liquid fermentation. Houston, TX

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC: Tenure-Track Associate or Full Professor Undisclosed: Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC: To conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of cell and developmental biology, tissue regeneration, cell signaling and/or gene regulation at the Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology (CCMB). Los Angeles, CA

University of South Carolina School of Medicine: Postdoctoral Fellowship Undisclosed: University of South Carolina School of Medicine: Postdoctoral fellowship is available to pursue research supported by NIH grants. Studies will address the effects of plant products such as resveratrol, indoles, and cannabinoids on inflammation, autoimmunity, and cancer. Columbia, SC

NTNU / Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology: 12 tenure-track positions available at NTNU Undisclosed: NTNU / Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology: The Onsager Fellowship programme at NTNU is designed to attract the most talented scholars with an established reputation for high quality research and a commitment to learning and teaching at the university level. Trondheim, NORWAY

[email protected]: Director, Antibody & Phage Display Based on Experience: [email protected]: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is seeking an outstanding scientist to manage a phage display and antibody engineering core facility. This core will be an integral part in a drug discovery and therapeutics development effort. New York

Université de Lausanne: Associate Professor, Physician in chief, Infectious Diseases Service to be discussed : Université de Lausanne: The Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and the University Medical Centre of Lausanne (CHUV) invite applications for the position of Associate Professor, Physician in chief, Infectious Diseases Service Lausanne

Department of Microbiology, Ohio State University: Two Faculty Positions Available in Microbial Systems Biology for Infectious Diseases Academic rank and salary are commensurate with experience and negotiable.: Department of Microbiology, Ohio State University: The College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Microbiology at The Ohio State University invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions (Assistant/Associate Professor) specializing in systems biology approaches to address modern challenges. Columbus, Ohio

European Food Safety Authority: Pesticide Residues Scientist European Food Safety Authority: Are you a dedicated scientist with expertise in scientific risk assessment of pesticides? Do you have the knowledge and determination to implement policies and processes in international scientifically-driven organisations such as EFSA? The successful Italy

AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS: Postdoctoral position in protein NMR at Spanish National Biotechnology Centre (CSIC) - Madrid, Spain AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS: A post-doctoral position in protein NMR is available in the group of Victor Muñoz and Eva de Alba at the National Biotechnology Center, Madrid, Spain, to work on a research project funded by the ERC Advanced Grant MOLRHEOSTAT (for more information a Spain

Charite University Berlin-GiM: Doctoral Student Position Charite University Berlin-GiM: Doctoral student position in Molecular Cardiology Germany

University of East Anglia: Deploying durable yellow rust resistance in African wheat (UAUY_J15SFA) University of East Anglia: This 4-year John Innes Centre Science for Africa studentship is available to successful candidates who meet the eligibility criteria of the studentship. Below is the link to the studentship eligibility guidelines which all candidates should

University of East Anglia: Understanding the digestion of fats and fat soluble nutrients using NMR (WILDE_F15DTPR) University of East Anglia: Understanding the digestion of fats and fat soluble nutrients using NMR (WILDE_F15DTPR) Other

Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny: Assistant professor Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny: The Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Medicine Medical University of Gdansk hereby opens a competition for the position of assistant professor - a didactic and research university employee- a full time academic teacher - Departme Poland

Poznan University of Medical Sciences: Lecturer Poznan University of Medical Sciences: Department of Toxicology Poland

University of Bielsko-Biała: Professor University of Bielsko-Biała: The candidate for the position has to meet the requirements of the act of Polish Parliament of 27.07.2005 Higher Education Law (with subsequent changes). In particular the candidate: (1) should be a Professor of biological sciences with experience in th Poland

University of Aveiro: Assistant Researcher University of Aveiro: The Associated Laboratory (LA) CESAM (Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies), University of Aveiro, aims to fill in the near future, one position in the field of Wildlife Management and Conservation. The post is at a level equivalent to Assistan Portugal

Cranfield University: Lecturer in Strategic Service-Design and Communications Cranfield University: Cranfield is seeking to appoint a dynamic and energetic Lecturer with exceptional design-thinking and software development talent. You will contribute to the Centre for Creative Competitive Design (C4D) that has been named by BusinessWeek as one of the t Other

NTNU: Associate professor of molecular biodiversity NTNU: The Onsager fellowship programme - 12 tenure-track positions available at NTNU The Onsager Fellowship programme at NTNU is designed to attract the most talented scholars with an established reputation for high quality research and a commitment to lear Norway

Univerza v Ljubljani: Apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships with University of Ljubljana in the field of biological sciences Univerza v Ljubljani: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty is searching for a post-doctoral researcher interested to develop a project proposal for the Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) scheme in the field of biological sciences. The Univers Europe

Amgen: Sr Associate Scientist Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen is a leading global biotechnology company, with a mission to serve patients around the world. As a science-based, patient-focused organization, we discover and develop innovative therapies to treat serious illnesses. Our medic US - CA - South San Francisco

Amgen: Sr Associate Project Mgmt Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Reporting to the Director, R&D Training and Development, the Senior Associate Project Management works cross-functionally to provide project management support for the Global R&D Learning and Development team to ensure flawless exec US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Senior Scientist - Sterile Manufacturing and Microbiology Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen is searching for a Senior Scientist of Sterile Manufacturing and Microbiology. This role will report to our Director Process Development and will be based on our main corporate campus in Thousand Oaks, CA. The Senior Scientist US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Sr Associate Strategic Planning & Ops Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Sr. Associate, Strategic Planning & Operations facilitates timely, transparent and accurate management of the business unit's external expense budget. Responsibilities include negotiating supplier budgets and scopes of work (SOW US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Data Management Sr Mgr Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Senior Manager, Data Acquisition works in partnership with U.S. Commercial Information Management Director and Senior Manager, Data Integration & Strategy to develop and oversee a comprehensive U.S. Commercial Systems and Data G US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Regional Medical Liaison_CV Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Job Purpose •To maximize Amgen's value propositions through first-class medical and scientific projects, services and expertise, with key scientific customers within a therapeutic area •To implement scientific programs in local terr Japan - Tokyo

Amgen: Associate Scientist Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen is a leading global biotechnology company, with a mission to serve patients around the world. As a science-based, patient-focused organization, we discover and develop innovative therapies to treat serious illnesses. Our medic China - Shanghai

Merck: Associate Director, Health Economics and Outcomes Research- Cardiovascular Job Merck: Associate Director, Health Economics and Outcomes Research- Cardiovascular-OUT000311DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are bui Gwynedd, PA, US

Merck: WP Bio Sterile Validation Subject Matter Expert Job Merck: WP Bio Sterile Validation Subject Matter Expert-CHE004350DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthc West Point, PA, US

Merck: HTA Outcomes Research Manager Job Merck: HTA Outcomes Research Manager-MAR005360DescriptionToday's MSD is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. MSD is a tradename of Merck & Co., Inc., with headquarters in Whitehouse Station, N.J., U.S.A. Through our prescription medicin EMEA-Norway

University fo Puerto Rico: Immunologist - Assistant Profesor To be negotiated: University fo Puerto Rico: Immunologist - tenure-tract faculty position available Puerto Rico

Division of Psychiatric Genomics: Director, Center for Statistical Genetics Competitive salary based on experience.: Division of Psychiatric Genomics: We are seeking someone to lead a dynamic group of faculty who are pursuing both methodological research and applications to large-scale genomic data. New York City

University of Rochester, Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI): Tenure Track/Tenured Position in Cardiovascular Biology The Aab CVRI offer competitive startup packages, excellent core facilities, & interactive scientists: University of Rochester, Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI): The Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry invites applications for faculty members at the Assistant and Associate Professor levels. Rochester, New York, USA

CSULA : Advanced Instrument Technician UAS1441 $4,107.00-$5,481.33/Monthly: CSULA : Under the general supervision of the Title V-B Project Director and Title V-B Faculty Director, the incumbent will be responsible for operations and maintenance of sophisticated biomedical instruments in support of departmental research and teaching. Los Angeles

Department of Systems Biology: Postdoctoral Fellowships To be discussed with selected candidates: Department of Systems Biology: MD Anderson Postdoctoral Fellowships. Project 1: Characterize and target cancer dormancy to prevent cancer recurrence. Project 2: Identify mechanisms that mediate drug resistance and develop effective combination therapy for precision cancer therapy. Greater Medical Center Area

The Wistar Institute: Faculty Position in Translational Tumor Immunology The Wistar Institute offers a highly competitive start-up package.: The Wistar Institute: The Wistar Institute is seeking outstanding candidates for faculty positions at all ranks to develop or expand their extramurally-funded research programs in a variety of areas of tumor immunology and tumor microenvironment. Northeast

Leading Technology Group: Literature Reviewer - Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Hourly Contract Rate Based on Experience: Leading Technology Group: Smart and diligent researcher is required to undertake literature reviews on topics related to atherosclerosis and help identify key themes. Flexible hours and work location. Flexible work location

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - N.O.: Assistant Professor Competitive salary: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - N.O.: The Department of Pharmacology in the School of Medicine at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, LA is seeking candidates for a tenure track faculty position at the assistant professor level. New Orleans

HD Biosciences: Various job openings in pre-clinical drug discovery in HD Biosciences competitive compensation: HD Biosciences: HD Biosciences Co., Ltd. (HDB) is a company in Shanghai, China, specializing in contract drug discovery research services in biology. We are always seeking for people of passion and creation to build the future together. Join us and fulfill yourself. Shanghai, China

Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering: PHD Student Position TVöD13 (50%): Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering: The project will be centered on the molecular characterization of the ground-state planarian stem cells, with focus on: 1) the commitment and the onset of differentiation 2) the control of pluripotency exerted by the niche. Sulzbach

WT/DBT India Alliance: Early Career Fellowships in Biomedical Research

Upto $27000: WT/DBT India Alliance: This scheme provides a unique opportunity for the most promising postdoctoral researchers to carry out research in India. India

CIBIO: Invited Chair in Biodiversity (CIBIO, Portugal) CIBIO: We seek a talented and outstanding scientist to conduct innovative research in the field of biodiversity, focusing particularly on the impact of the activities of REN. The successful candidate will have a background in biology and biodiversity, with at l Portugal

Queen's University Belfast: Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Queen's University Belfast: Queen's University Belfast Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) School of Biological Sciences Ref: 15/103833 Queen's University Belfast is offering the opportunity for an Early Stage Researcher to undertake research in the framework of the REMEDI Other

UNIVERSITE DE PAU: ATER-Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives UNIVERSITE DE PAU: Biology and physical exercice France

Inserm: Post-doctoral position in Immunology / Virology Inserm: The pathophysiology of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is strongly related to the host immunity, yet the mechanisms of modulation of the immune system by the virus are still misunderstood. The candidate will study the mechanisms of modulation by HBV of innate im France

Tsinghua University: Academic and Research Positions at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University salary negotiable: Tsinghua University: Academic and Research Positions at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University Shenzhen,China

Amgen: Sr Biopharmaceutical Rep, Bone Health - Minneapolis NW, MN Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Territory# 84K01 - Minneapolis NW, MN Covering: Minneapolis, St Cloud, Alexandria, Bemidji, Grand Rapids and North to the Candadian border. No relocation assistance is provided for this position. Amgen therapeutics have changed the US - MN - Field Based

Amgen: Patent Coordinator Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Patent Coordinator will provide administrative support to the Intellectual Property Litigation team. The successful candidate will provide support to the Intellectual Property Litigation team by assisting and supporting our liti US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Regional Medical Liaison, Bone/Inflammation (Western Canada) Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Position: Regional Medical Liaison, Bone Health and Inflammation Territory: Western Canada Reports to: Sr Manager, RML Grade Level: 5 / 6 Starting: May 2015 We currently have an opening for a permanent RML supporting Bone Health and Canada - Mississauga

Amgen: Sr Associate Compliance Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description •Operational support of the Hungarian affiliate in all Healthcare Compliance and data protection /data privacy matters, under leadership of the Compliance Lead, act as Data Privacy Officer for Amgen Hungary •Drive and support mainte Hungary - Budapest

Amgen: Regional Medical Liaison Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen is a Fortune 500 company, the world's largest independent biotechnology organisation, dedicated to serving patients around the world. Permanent full time position, based from North Ryde, Sydney, Australia. 60% national travel Australia - Sydney

Amgen: Sr Associate Scientist - Tumor Immunotherapy Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description The Department of Oncology at Amgen in South San Francisco is seeking a highly motivated Senior Associate Scientist to perform research studies aimed at elucidating mechanisms of immune-mediated regulation of tumorogenesis in order US - CA - South San Francisco

Merck: Senior Scientist – Upstream Process Development Job Merck: Senior Scientist – Upstream Process Development-BIO004241DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthc Kenilworth, NJ, US

Merck: Supervisor Microbiology Merck: Supervisor Microbiology-PRE000493BeschreibungAbout MSDMSD is a global healthcare leader working to address unmet health needs. We provide innovative medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and consumer and animal health products to help improve health an Luzern, LU, SCHWEIZ

Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology-DIR010201DescrizioneLa posizione prevede l'esercizio della professione di Informatore Scientifico del Farmaco (ISF) per rappresentare prodotti oncologici e servizi MSD Italia.Scopo della posizione é costruire e manten EMEA-Italia-Lazio-Roma

Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology-DIR010202DescrizioneLa posizione prevede l'esercizio della professione di Informatore Scientifico del Farmaco (ISF) per rappresentare prodotti oncologici e servizi MSD Italia.Scopo della posizione é costruire e manten EMEA-Italia-Lazio-Roma

Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology

Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology-DIR010200DescrizioneLa posizione prevede l'esercizio della professione di Informatore Scientifico del Farmaco (ISF) per rappresentare prodotti oncologici e servizi MSD Italia.Scopo della posizione é costruire e manten EMEA-Italia-Lazio-Roma

Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology Merck: Senior Sales Representative Oncology-DIR010205DescrizioneLa posizione prevede l'esercizio della professione di Informatore Scientifico del Farmaco (ISF) per rappresentare prodotti oncologici e servizi MSD Italia.Scopo della posizione é costruire e manten EMEA-Italia-Lazio-Roma

Merck: Scientist, Pharmacology Job Merck: Scientist, Pharmacology-PHA001261DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company – one that i Boston, MA, US

Merck: Regional Director of Monitoring Excellence Job Merck: Regional Director of Monitoring Excellence-CLI003831DescriptionMSD is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines and animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company – one t Luzern, CH

Merck: Supervisor Microbiology Job Merck: Supervisor Microbiology-PRE000493DescriptionAbout MSDMSD is a global healthcare leader working to address unmet health needs. We provide innovative medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies and consumer and animal health products to help improve health and Luzern, CH

Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Faculty Positions in the School of Pharmacy Shanghai Jiao Tong University salary negotiable: Shanghai Jiao Tong University: The School of Pharmacy was established in 2000 and has been fully accredited to offer bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in pharmaceutical sciences. Shanghai,China

WorldFish: Country Science Leader Global staff benefits will be provided: WorldFish: The Country Science Leader is responsible to ensure high quality research in all research programs in Bangladesh, and share responsibility for overall strategic and tactical leadership in Bangladesh and contribute to WorldFish global leadership forums. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Arizona Respiratory Center: Postdoctoral Research Associate I $40,000 - $60,000 : Arizona Respiratory Center: The research lab of Dr. Monica Kraft is seeking a postdoc candidate for the Arizona Respiratory Center at the U of A. Dr. Kraft is a leading authority on pulmonary medicine. Her research is composed of both basic science & translational studies. Tucson, Arizona

[email protected]: Research Scientist - Finite Element Analysis/Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling (209289) Open: [email protected]: Foreign nationals are welcome to apply. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is not required. This position is located in Frederick, Maryland. Frederick, Maryland

Solve ME/CFS Initiative: Research Director Full time, salaried position with benefits: Solve ME/CFS Initiative: This Research Director position will pay a critical role in moving forward the science on this debilitating, serious, multi-system disease, ME/CFS, that affects an estimated 1 million Americans. Los Angeles, CA

[email protected]: Postdoctoral Fellow commensurate with experience: [email protected]: Applicants interested in dendritic cell development and functions and/or development and functions of regulatory T cells and hold a doctorate degree with strong research skills in immunology, molecular biology or biochemistry are encouraged to apply. Midwest region

Mer, Molécules, Santé: PhD Research Fellowship in Ecotoxicology Mer, Molécules, Santé: One of the greatest challenges facing regulators in the ever changing landscape of novel nanomaterials is how to design and implement a regulatory process in accordance with safety for consumers and the environment, which is the aim of the european PhD p France

Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS): CBBS-Postdoctoral Network; 4 Postdoctoral Positions Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS): The Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS) Magdeburg announces a call for 4 postdoctoral positions within the newly founded CBBS Postdoctoral Network funded by the Leibniz Association. Germany

IRSTEA: Research scientist in Microbial Ecotoxicology IRSTEA: The Research Unit “Freshwater Systems, Ecology and Pollution” (MAEP) of the Irstea center of Lyon-Villeurbanne conducts research, appraisal work and technical support to evaluate and improve the biological and chemical quality of aquatic envi France

Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) - INSTITUT D'INVESTIGACIO SANITARIA PERE VIRGILI: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships: Psychiatry research group Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) - INSTITUT D'INVESTIGACIO SANITARIA PERE VIRGILI: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF) candidate search to develop a two year project at the Psychiatry research group Spain

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Biochimie et biologie moléculaire INSA DE LYON: Structural, metabolic and functional biochemistry France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Aménagement de l'espace, urbanisme

INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Anthropologie biologique, ethnologie, préhistoire INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Géographie physique, humaine, économique et régionale INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Histoire et civilisations : histoire des mondes modernes... INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Sciences de l'information et de la communication INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

INSA DE LYON: ATER-Sociologie, démographie INSA DE LYON: Sciences, techniques, company(society), environment, city France

West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin: Full professor West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin: Full professor in Department Hydrochemistry and Water Biological Resources Poland

University of East Anglia: Design and manufacturing of implantable 3D polymer devices for prevention and treatment of Cataract (SAEED_U15UEA) University of East Anglia: This 3 year PhD studentship is funded by the Faculty of Science. Funding comprises home/EU tuition fees, an annual stipend of £14,057 and £1000 per annum to support research training. Overseas applicants may apply but they will be required to Other

Nicolaus Copernicus University: Senior Lecturer Nicolaus Copernicus University: The scope of duties as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacognosy includes teaching future pharmacists and cosmetologists. Research profile is related to chemistry and pharmacology of plant material and its active compounds. Extraction, isolati Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus University: Senior Lecturer Nicolaus Copernicus University: The scope duties as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacognosy includes teaching future pharmacists and cosmetologists. Research profile is related to chemistry and pharmacology of plant material and its active compounds. Extraction, isolation Poland

Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry: Research Group Leader Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry: We are seeking applications by outstanding candidates with postdoctoral experience, a strong track record of original research contributions, and a proven ability to attract fellowships or extramural funding. Candidates are expected to develop an interna Germany

Bioforsk: PhD position in molecular plant pathology Bioforsk: A 3-years PhD position in molecular plant pathology is available at Bioforsk Plant Health, in the department of Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics. The position is part of the project POTTIFRISK (Improved potato seed tuber quality through better diseas Norway

Inserm: Post-Doc in Cancer Research Inserm: The applicant will characterize in vitro and in vivo the selectivity, the specificity and the toxicity of a novel chemical compound that hamper glioblastoma progression. Skills in animal experimentation are required. Contract is for 7 months with po France

Inserm: IE in bioinformatics Inserm: Un poste d'ingénieur d'étude bioinformaticien est ouvert dans l'équipe « Epissage alternatif et progression tumorale » au Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon (CRCL) (Inserm U1052/CNRS UMR5286) en collaboration avec France

Amgen: Sales Ops Sr Mgr Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Summary: In support Amgen's Commercial Sales Force(s), responsible for creation and implementation of Incentive Compensation (IC) plans, establishment and maintenance of field sales goals, creation and implementation of sales awards US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Consumer Senior Marketing Manager Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description This position is responsible for working with the marketing director and crossfunctional team members to develop and execute the U.S. direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing plans and programs for the Inflammation & Nephrology Business US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Amgen: Sr Biopharmaceutical Rep, INBU - Los Angeles, CA Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Territory #38312 - INBU Blue Team covering Marina del Rey to Downtown LA to Lakewood. As a Sr Biopharmaceutical Representative, you will act as the primary customer contact for demand creation by executing marketing strategy and pro US - CA - Field Based

Amgen: Scientist - Drug Product Formulation Technologies Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Amgen discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen was one of the first companies to realize the new science's promise by bringing safe, effective medicines from lab, to m US - CA - Thousand Oaks

Merck: Senior Scientist - BioProcess Research Job

Merck: Senior Scientist - BioProcess Research-BIO004237DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare compa West Point, PA, US

Merck: Scientific Leadership & Research Manager Job Merck: Scientific Leadership & Research Manager-SCI004176DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare com Gwynedd, PA, US

Merck: Associate Director, Research Procurement, AH GSM Job Merck: Associate Director, Research Procurement, AH GSM-SUP000778DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of health Madison, NJ, US

Merck: Ex Dir Molecular Biomarkers Job Merck: Ex Dir Molecular Biomarkers-RES001510DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company – one th Rahway, NJ, US

Merck: Scientist Laboratory Animal Resources Job Merck: Scientist Laboratory Animal Resources-LAB000432DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare compan Kenilworth, NJ, US

Merck: Head, Medical Policy and Quality Research Job Merck: Head, Medical Policy and Quality Research-OUT000303DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare co Gwynedd, PA, US

Merck: Customer Representative - Companion Animal (New Hampshire/Vermont) Job Merck: Customer Representative - Companion Animal (New Hampshire/Vermont)-DIR010849DescriptionMerck is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, and vaccines, as well as animal health products. Today, we are building a Manchester, NH, US

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Research Technologist Competitive: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Research Technologist in the Hematology Department assists the principal investigator with the collection and analysis of data for specified research projects in an entry-level capacity. Our lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms regulating hematopo Memphis, Tennessee

[email protected]: Biology of Lung Repair and Regeneration Up to $49,000 per annum + benefits: [email protected]: Postdoctoral fellowship to define the roles of lung parenchymal epithelial stem cells in injury responses and their potential for therapeutic intervention. San Francisco

United States Department of Agriciulture, Agricultural Research Service: National Program Leader (Soil and Air Management) GS-0408/0470/0471/0890-15, $126,245 to $155,705 per annum: United States Department of Agriciulture, Agricultural Research Service: The USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Office of National Programs, Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems in Beltsville, MD, is seeking a permanent, full-time, National Program Leader for Soil and Air Management. Beltsville, MD

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,Inc.: #3378BR Staff Scientist - Metabolic & Muscle Diseases Commensurate upon experience: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,Inc.: The Metabolic and Muscle Disease group is seeking someone with molecular biology, biochem, in vitro assay development, and in vivo pharmacology to help advance the metabolic and muscle antibody project portfolio and provide validation for new projects. Tarrytown, NY

[email protected]: Postdoctoral Fellowship on Mitochondrial Biology in Neurodegenerative Disease Startuing at $45,250 : [email protected]: Postdoctoral Fellowship on Mitochondrial Biology in Neurodegenerative Disease San Francisco

Simons Foundation- HR Department: Staff Writer, Simons Foundation competitive salary and excellent benefits: Simons Foundation- HR Department: The Simons Foundation is seeking an accomplished and versatile science writer to handle diverse assignments related to the foundation’s programs in life sciences and in mathematics, the physical sciences and computer science. New York City

[email protected]: Research Associate ("Post-Doctoral Researcher") Competitive Salary: [email protected]: Research Associate ("Post-Doctoral Researcher") University of Colorado at Boulder

LSUHSC School of Medicine: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher Full time salary plus benefits: LSUHSC School of Medicine: Functions in a highly independent environment, the incumbent plans, organizes, and performs the day to day operations of research functions and conducts laboratory experiments of research projects with final approval of the Principal Investigator. New Orleans

Roche: Postdoctoral Fellow – Optogenetics of Social Behavior in CHF: Roche: 2 years Postdoctoral Fellowship position at Roche, in Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne, Switzerland

LSUHSC School of Medicine: Postdoctoral Researcher Full-time salary plus benefits: LSUHSC School of Medicine: Functions in a highly independent environment, organizes, and performs the day to day operations of research functions and conducts laboratory experiments of research projects with final approval of the Principal Investigator. New Orleans

Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: Director, Genomic Computing Center - Genetics TBD: Texas Biomedical Reserach Institute: The Department of Genetics invites applications for a senior faculty at the SCIENTIST level to direct the Genomic Computing Center (GCC). San Antonio, TX

[email protected]: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Section Head/Director, Tenure-Track) Commensurate with rank and experience.: [email protected]: ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR Baton Rouge, LA

Pedagogical University of Cracow: Professor Pedagogical University of Cracow: - Scientific title of Professor in Biological Sciences; - important scientific achievements in the field of Ecotoxicology and Developmental Biology; - conducting scientific research in the field of Ecotoxicology and Developmental Biology; - at least 5 Poland

Pedagogical University of Cracow: Associate Professor Pedagogical University of Cracow: - Doctorus Habilitatus degree in Biological Sciences; - significant scientific achievements in the field of Biological Sciences, Biology Teaching Methods and Environmental Protection, documented by publications and speeches given at conferences, evaluat Poland

Pedagogical University of Cracow: Associate Professor Pedagogical University of Cracow: - Doctorus Habilitatus degree in Biological Sciences; - significant scientific achievements in the field of Biological Sciences, evaluated according to the current rules adopted by the parametric evaluation of scientific units above 150 points of Minist Poland

Pedagogical University of Cracow: Assistant Professor Pedagogical University of Cracow: - Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences in the field of Biology, spec: Plant Physiology; - scientific achievements in the field of biochemistry, with particular emphasis on research related to the effect of drought stress, induction of winter plants flowe Poland

University Hospital Zuerich: PhD position in the area of pancreatic diseases University Hospital Zuerich: The goal of the research project is to investigate the endocrine and exocrine crosstalk in pancreatic diseases. Specifically, we are focusing on elucidating how deoxy-sphingolipids, the levels of which increase in the context of diabetes, exert cytotoxi Switzerland

University of Thessaly: Technical Manager for the proposal "A Location-aware System for Fruit Fly Monitoring and Pest Management Control «FruitFlyNet» II‐B/2.1/0865/ENPI CBC MED/EU 4795" University of Thessaly: Position: A. Conducting experiments with entomological enemies agricultural importance, the field and the laboratory as part of the work packages 1,3,6,7 and 8. Location: Volos Greece

Southwest Jiaotong University: Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China Anticipates Your Working Application salary negotiable: Southwest Jiaotong University: Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China Anticipates Your Working Application Sichuan,China

Amgen: Sr Biopharmaceutical Rep, INBU - Asheville, NC Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Territory # 33205 - Asheville, NC Covering: Asheville NC,-east to Hickory, NC and west of Asheville to the Maggie Valley area No relocation assistance is provided for this position. As a Sr Biopharmaceutical Representative, you will US - NC - Field Based

Amgen: Regional Account Manager x 10 Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Title: Regional Account Manager x 10 The Company: Amgen is one of the world's largest independent biotechnology companies, with global revenue in excess of $18 billion and over 18,000 employees globally. For more than 35 years, Amge United Kingdom - Abingdon

Amgen: Manager District Sales - Philadelphia, PA/South Jersey Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description District #32100 - Philadelphia, PA/South Jersey : Covering: Philadelphia, Upstate NE PA and South Jersey Collaborate cross-functionally with other Amgen business units including District Sales Mangers, Regional Sales Directors and C US - PA - Field Based

Amgen: Sr Associate Quality Control Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Primary Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Decisions Rights • This role will be responsible for coordinating, facilitating, and undertaking activities pertaining to LIMS. • Build, develop and maintain LIMS templates.Troubleshoot Ireland - Dun Laoghaire

Amgen: Sr Biopharmaceutical Rep, Bone Health - Burlington, VT Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description Territory# 81A05 - Burlington, VT Covering: VT, Northern NH and Plattsburgh, NY No relocation assistance is provided for this position. Amgen therapeutics have changed the practice of medicine, helping millions of people around the US - VT - Field Based

Amgen: Specialist Quality Control - Biochemistry Competitive: Amgen: Amgen Job Description SUMMARY Under general direction, functions as the technical specialist for testing & development in areas of Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Microbiology. Focus is on the complex technical issues and scope is typically multi-orga US - PR - Juncos

Paramount Recruitment: Quality Assurance Officer (12 months) Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Quality Assurance Officer (12 months) An excellent opportunity has arisen for a QA Officer to join a leading healthcare organisation based within the South East. Buckinghamshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Quality & Regulatory Administrator - South East Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Quality & Regulatory Administrator - South East An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Quality & Regulatory Affairs Administrator to join a healthcare organisation based within the South East of England. Oxfordshire, England

Seltek Consultants: Applications & Marketing specialist | Molecular modelling software | South East England £30-45K (depending on experience): Seltek Consultants: Applications & communications specialist to join a company providing highly innovative software solutions for molecular modelling and crystallography. South East England (GB)

Paramount Recruitment: Account Director, Macclesfield negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Account Director - MEDCOMMS - Macclesfield & Oxfordshire Are you looking for an exciting new opportunity within an award winning integrated medical communications agency in Cheshire or Oxford? My client urgently requires an enthusiastic and experienced S Macclesfield, England

Paramount Recruitment: SALES & MARKETING | ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | LIFE SCIENCES | LONDON competitive + excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: An exciting opportunity has arisen for an ambitious Account Executive to join the fast paced sales & marketing team at an award winning, boutique scientific agency in London! London, England

Paramount Recruitment: Account Manager HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Competitive with excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: Award winning medical communicationss agency in London is seeking an Account Manager with excellent PR expertise to join their dynamic team! Responsibilities include: *Assist in the development and implementation of strategic communications programmes f London, England

Paramount Recruitment: SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Competitive salary and enviable benefits!!: Paramount Recruitment: Highly experienced medical communications Account Manager is urgently required for a fast paced, award-winning PR and healthcare communications agency in Central London! London, England

Paramount Recruitment: LIFE SCIENCES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | LONDON competitive + excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: A brilliant new position has recently arisen at an award winning, boutique scientific agency in London for a PHD educated individual to join the science team as an Account Executive! London, England

Seltek Consultants: German/French-speaking EMEA Inside Sales Representative | Industrial chemicals | UK £30-40k (depending on experience) + 15% bonus + benefits: Seltek Consultants: Are you an experienced chemicals seller looking for an office or home-office sales role? A well-known global chemicals manufacturer is expending it... UK, France or Germany

Seltek Consultants: German-speaking EMEA Inside Sales Representative | Chemical ingredients | UK or Germany £30-40k (depending on experience) + 15% bonus + benefits: Seltek Consultants: Are you an experienced chemicals seller looking for an office or home-office sales role? A well-known global chemicals manufacturer is expending it... UK or Germany

Steinfl & Bruno LLP: Patent Agent/Attorney - Chemist - Pasadena, California Incentive Bonus compensation plan based on 1000 Billed hours: Steinfl & Bruno LLP: Patent prosecution, USPTO admission required. The ideal candidate has a PhD in chemistry, organic chem, pharmacology or related biote... Pasadena, California (US)

Zenopa: Field Sales Representative Base salary up to £35,000 per annum + bonus + company car: Zenopa: This is a full-time field-based scientific sales role, travelling to visit customers on this region at least 4 days per week, with 1 day per week w... Hampshire, Sussex and Surrey

Seltek Consultants: Business Development | Scientific Imaging Software | UK/Ireland (10250) £36K (£55K OTE) + car allowance, pension: Seltek Consultants: An international post acquisition imaging software and equipment business with a market leading reputation for quality. The role is to take control... United Kingdom - home based

Helix Recruitment: International Product Manager - Flow Cytometry - Birmingham £45k - 50k per year + bonus + car + benefits: Helix Recruitment: ROLEAs International Product Manager for Clinical Flow Cytometry you will be responsible for the promotion of Flow Cytometry Reagents into NHS Ho... Birmingham

Matchtech: Biomedical Scientist (Histology) GBP29000 per annum: Matchtech: We are currently looking for a number of Biomedical Scientists with experience in histology to work for a leading hospital based in Essex. Southend-On-Sea, England

Matchtech: General Radiographer GBP28000 per annum: Matchtech: We are currently looking for a General Radiographer to work for a leading private healthcare provider based in Merseyside Liverpool, England

Reed Scientific: QC Analyst (HPLC) - Perm - Herts - £22'000 per annum

GBP16000 - GBP22000 per annum + benefits: Reed Scientific: Our Clinet is one of the UK's leading analytical laboratories, providing analysis and testing for clients across the pharmaceutical industry. With a background of managing and manufacturing brands, we know what it's like to be your side of the desk. Hertfordshire, England

Reed Scientific: QA Administrator (Scientific biased) GBP20000 - GBP30000 per annum + benefits: Reed Scientific: Reed Scientific are supporting a large Refining and Chemical company based in Hertfordshire in the recruitment of a Scientifically biased QA Administrator. Hertfordshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Customer Service Engineer Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Customer Service Engineer - Field Service Engineer - West England England

Matchtech: BMS 3 Section Head Microbiology GBP50000 per annum: Matchtech: We are currently looking for a Section Head of Microbiology to work for a leading private healthcare provider based in London. London, England

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Market Access Consultant Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Market Access Consultant Market Access, Health Economics, Management Consulting A Senior Market Access Consultant is sought after by a prestigious life sciences consultancy based in Cambridgeshire to join their ever growing Market Access team Cambridgeshire, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: GCP QA Auditor/Consultant Negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: Opportunity for an experienced QA auditor to join an expanding team, supporting all aspects of Quality Systems Management, particularly for phase I-IV clinical development programmes. Cambridgeshire, England

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Formulation Development Scientist £25000 - £40000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for a Formulation Development Scientist on a permanent basis to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based in the County Armagh area... Northern Ireland

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Formulation Scientist £30000 - £32000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for a Formulation Scientist Dose to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based in the North East of England. KEY DUTIES AND... North East

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Pharmaceutical Technologist £32000 - £36000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for a Pharmaceutical Technologist to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based in the Kent area. KEY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: As the... Kent

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Downstream Shift Team Leader Competitive: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): An excellent opportunity has become available for a Downstream Shift Team Leader to join a global pharmaceutical business based in Merseyside. The role will require... Merseyside

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Analytical Development Manager £40000 - £55000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for an Analytical Development Manager to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based in the Cheshire area. As the Analytical Development Manager /... Cheshire

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Process Improvement Executive £40000 - £45000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): A fantastic opportunity has become available for a Process Improvement Executive to join a global leader of innovation and technology. The role will be based... Surrey

Steinfl & Bruno LLP: Patent Agent/Attorney (Chemist) Incentive Bonus compensation plan based on 1000 Billed hours: Steinfl & Bruno LLP: Patent prosecution, USPTO admission required Pasadena, California (US)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA)- Home based opportunities, Dublin, up to 60,000 Euros IRELAND only monitoring Up to 60,000 Euros.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Ireland (IE)

Meet Recruitment: Clinical Research Study Manager – 12 Month Contract – Middlesex – Oncology £320 per day: Meet Recruitment: A top 10 biopharma have expressed the need for an experienced Global Project Manager to work on a 12 month contract in the Oncology therapy area. London (Greater) (GB)

Meet Recruitment: Contract CRA – 6 Months – 0.6 FTE - Global CRO – Croatia €35-40 per hour: Meet Recruitment: A medium sized, global CRO are searching for a CRA to be home based and work on a 0.6 FTE basis for 6 months. Croatá, Ceará (BR)

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand: Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Cross-cultural Psychology On application: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand: The School of Psychology is seeking to make a permanent appointment at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level Wellington, New Zealand

Key People Pharmaceutical: Microarray Scientist GBP23000 - GBP35000 per annum + negotiable, DOE: Key People Pharmaceutical: My client is looking for a microarray scientist for their site in Scotland. Dundee, Scotland

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Vigilance Standards and Collaborations Specialist- 12 mo GBP40000 - GBP49000 per annum + Fantastic Benefits package : Paramount Recruitment: Senior Vigilance Standards and Collaborations Specialist- 12 month fixed term A fantastic opportunity has become available for an experienced Project Manager within a leading pharmaceutical company who are looking to expand their Vigilance Risk Manage Cambridge, England

Matchtech: Senior Analytical Chemist Negotiable: Matchtech: Our client is a large medical device manufacturing company based in Hampshire with a fantastic opportunity for a Senior Analytical Chemist. Southampton, England

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Clinical Database Developer/Programmer - Nottingham Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Clinical Database Developer/Programmer - Nottingham Senior Clinical Database Developer - East Midlands - Clinical Research - Pharmaceutical - Data Management - Biostatistics - SAS Nottingham, England

Paramount Recruitment: Statistician - London - SQL required Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Statistician - London - SQL required Statistician - SQL - SAS - Biostatistician - Health Care Databases - HEOR - Consultancy - Analytics - Epidemiology An exceptional new opportunity has become available for a Statistician / Biostatistician with a City of London, England

Paramount Recruitment: Statistical Programmer - Pharmaceutical - Home/Office Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Statistical Programmer - Pharmaceutical - Home/Office Statistical Programmer Pharmaceutical - Home/Office - SAS - HTA's - Health Technology Assessment - Biostatistics - Observational Studies - Real World Evidence Commutable from Cambridge, Stevena Hertfordshire, England

Thermo Fisher: US Regional Sales Specialist East Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:The Sales Representative is responsible for selling consumables used by Pathology Laboratories to process and visualize human and animal tissues. This person will focus on exceeding sales quotas for the full product line within the assig Boston Connecticut

Thermo Fisher: Scientist I Production Thermo Fisher: About Us Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and sa Frederick Maryland

Thermo Fisher: Scientist II Manufacturing Sciences Thermo Fisher: Position ObjectiveAssess the feasibility of inquiries for small-scale, pre-clinical, non-GMP catalog and custom cell culture media/supplements/reagents produced through various unit operations. Design and develop new custom media formulation instructions Grand Island New York

Thermo Fisher: Scientist I Production (Biology) Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custome Pleasanton California

Thermo Fisher: Assoc. Chemist ClinChem Manufacturing Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:Manufactures products and completes associated documentation. Contributes to the transfer of new products into Product Production. Participates in Practical Process Improvement projects. Key Responsibilities: Manufactures complex produc Fremont California

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Scientist - Antibody Expression - Cambridgeshire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Scientist - Antibody Expression - Cambridgeshire A leading BioPharmaceutical company is currently seeking an Antibody Expression Scientist to join their expanding team based in Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Project Manager GBP40000 - GBP50000 per annum + negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: Exciting Clinical Project Manager Opportunity with small CRO company in the UK Cambridge, England

Paramount Recruitment: QA Associate Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: QA Associate A fantastic opportunity has arisen for a Quality Assurance Associate to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based within the South East of England. Berkshire, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Research Associate GBP32000 - GBP42000 per annum + negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Research Associate Opportunity for experienced monitor who is able to perform site visits across the UK to join our global client on a permanent basis. The Clinical Research Associate (CRA) is responsible for performing the clinical monitorin Cambridge, England

Paramount Recruitment: Cell Culture Scientist - Graduate- Scotland Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Cell Culture Scientist - Graduate- Scotland An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Graduate with industry experience in cell culture/cell banking to join a leading company based in Scotland. Scotland

Alta Innovations Ltd: Deputy Laboratory Manager - Birmingham Research Park £29,000: Alta Innovations Ltd: Based on Birmingham Research Park, The BioHub is a brand new, fully serviced biomedical laboratory... Birmingham Research Park, UK

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home based, Netherlands, up to 60,000 Euros- Top 5 CRO- 80%PART TIME Up to 60,000 Euros. : Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Netherlands (NL)

Zenopa: Technical Service Specialist

Up to £30,000 + bonus: Zenopa: An exciting opportunity for an experienced Scientist to move into a Technical Support role. Poole, Dorset (GB)

AstraZeneca US: Publications Lead AstraZeneca US: Description: The primary responsibility for the Clinical Publications Lead is the development of an integrated and strategic US Publication Plan and delivery of the medical, scientific and technical publications included in this plan. The Publications Lea USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Diagnostic Manager (Oncology- Gaithersburg, MD) AstraZeneca US: The Diagnostic Manager (Oncology - Gaithersburg, MD) ensures the timely, high quality in-market companion diagnostics / testing solutions to enable optimal treatment throughout the patient journey. An important element of this role is therefore to design USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Diagnostic Manager (Oncology - Southeast) AstraZeneca US: As the Diagnostic Manager (Oncology- southeast region), you will leverage your current diagnostic market and clinical test market experience that will make an impact within a large, global pharmaceutical company. This is a newly developed group with an ex USA - Florida

AstraZeneca US: Analytics and Insight Leader, Diabetes AstraZeneca US: As the Analytics and Insight Leader, Diabetes you will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic, rapidly-evolving disease state within our Diabetes business unit located in Ft. Washington, PA. You will be part of a highly visible commercial team with dir USA - Pennsylvania

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_INJ - Longview, TX AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Texas

AstraZeneca US: Endo Sales Specialist - D_SPEC3 - Berkley, MI AstraZeneca US: Education: -Bachelors degree (any major) from an accredited college or university is required. Experience: Knowledge of the medical, healthcare or pharmacy industry and skills in clinical selling are preferred, but not required Demonstrated effective USA - Michigan

AstraZeneca US: District Sales Manager - NSC_DSM - Miami FL AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: Provides inspirational leadership and strategic direction to PSSs in order to achieve performance objectives; this is accomplished by achieving field day requirements and through effective coaching, mentoring USA - Florida

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes MSL Regional Director Medical Affairs - TX/OK/AR AstraZeneca US: About AstraZeneca As one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, our business is focused on providing innovative, effective medicines that make a real difference in important areas of healthcare. At AstraZeneca, innovation is about more than just USA -

AstraZeneca US: Computational Chemist AstraZeneca US: We are currently recruiting a highly qualified computational chemist who will be joining our fast-pace multidisciplinary oncology team. The successful candidate will support project teams from target identification through lead optimization. The c USA - Massachusetts

AstraZeneca US: Analytical Chemist (Separation Scientist - chiral and achiral) AstraZeneca US: Mission Statement AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven, integrated biopharmaceutical company. Our mission is to make a meaningful difference to patient health through great medicines that bring benefit for patients and add value for society. We dis USA - Massachusetts

AstraZeneca US: Senior Buyer-Direct Materials AstraZeneca US: Position Summary: Direct BuyerThis position will be responsible for managing the plant's direct suppliers and the supply of critical raw materials. This individual will insure our suppliers' materials meets our quality expectations and are delivered in a USA - Ohio

AstraZeneca US: Global Brand Manager-Diabetes AstraZeneca US: Act as the commercial lead on device development and LCM for Bydureon. Work collaboratively with key markets and colleagues to generate, evaluate and deliver robust commercial options and strategies for LCM and Device development opportunities. Develop ro USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Technician I, Manufacturing-Packaging AstraZeneca US: POSITION SUMMARY:Position is on night shift (6pm-6:30am). Performs manufacturing and assembly of commercial pharmaceutical products.ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS:* Operate and maintain production equipment under supervision by experienced associate.* Weigh, mea USA - Ohio

AstraZeneca US: Principal Clinical Pharmacometrician AstraZeneca US: This is a strategic and scientific job accountable for the scientific quality of modelling work being performed within a specific TA. This person will apply state of the art approaches in disease modelling and dose selection to clinical program design wi USA - Massachusetts

AstraZeneca US: Sr. Developer AstraZeneca US: Company description AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. But we're more than one of USA - California

AstraZeneca US: iOS Architect AstraZeneca US: High Level Function Overview The purpose of CTO Office is to enable AstraZeneca to achieve Scientific Leadership and Return to Growth through the innovative use of Information Technology. The focus will be on 3 key areas; Cloud & SAAS, Data & Analytics, USA - California

AstraZeneca US: Android Architect AstraZeneca US: Company description AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. But we're more than one of USA - California

AstraZeneca US: Visual Designer AstraZeneca US: Company description AstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines for some of the world's most serious diseases. But we're more than one of USA - California

EMD: Medical Publication Lead, Neurology and Immunology (53222) Competitive: EMD: Req Id 53222 - Posted 11/06/2014 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Development (clinical) - Career Level (3) - Full-time ... United States (US)

EMD: Medical Publication Manager, Immunology (59662) Competitive: EMD: Req Id 59662 - Posted 12/19/2014 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Development (clinical) - Career Level (2) - Full-time ... United States (US)

Paramount Recruitment: QA Officer Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: QA Officer (12 month contract) An excellent opportunity has arisen for a QA Officer to join a leading healthcare organisation based within the South East. South East England, England

Vector Recruitment: Senior Design Assurance/Quality Engineer Negotiable: Vector Recruitment: We are looking for a Senior Design Assurance/Quality Engineer with a medical device technology background to join one of the UK's leading product design consultancies. You will be involved in a wide range of new product R&D projects from design to man Cambridge, England

Meet Recruitment: Principal Regulatory Officer (Respiratory) – Global Pharma – Greater London £55,000 +: Meet Recruitment: Global Pharma looking for an experienced Regulatory Affairs professional with extensive Respiratory experience. United Kingdom Greater London

Farmingdale State College, State University of New York (SUNY): Instructional Support Technician Chemistry - Farmingdale, New York Salary DOE: Farmingdale State College, State University of New York (SUNY): The Chemistry Department is seeking a full time Instructional Support Technician for college laboratory work. Farmingdale, New York

SRG: Senior Clinical Laboratory Outsourcing Manager Negotiable: SRG: Senior Clinical Laboratory Outsourcing Manager Switzerland Based, 1 year contract Competitive Daily Rate Working in a key role, you will oversee global laboratory outsourcing needs and strategies, ensuring that vendors are assessed, onboarded and man Switzerland

Reed Scientific: District Sales Representative/ London/ £35,000- £38,000 GBP35000 - GBP38000 per annum: Reed Scientific: Two fantastic opportunities are now available for an Account Manager and a District Sales Representative to join a world leading organisation specialising in water treatment and process improvement services. This global company was established more than 6 London, England

Reed Scientific: Quality Assurance Manager/ South London/ £40,000- £50,000 GBP40000 - GBP50000 per annum: Reed Scientific: A rare opportunity is now available for an experienced Quality Assurance Manager to join a leading labelling and distribution pharmaceutical company based in South London/ Surrey border. They are among the UK's fastest growing pharmaceutical wholesalers, London, England

EMD: Simulation and Modeling Expert, Quantitative Pharmacology (80263) EMD: Req Id 80263 - Posted 04/22/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Research & Development - Career Level (2) Full-time The Quantitative Pharmacology (QP) department at EMD Serono is seeking a PhD level scienti United States (US)

EMD: (Sr.) Medical Director, Immunotherapy Medical Affairs Lead (PD-L1) (76081) EMD: Req Id 76081 - Posted 04/22/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Development (clinical) - Career Level (1) Full-time EMD Serono is the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a global phar United States (US)

EMD: Research Account Manager - National Institutes of Health (75301) EMD: Req Id 75301 - Posted 04/22/2015 - United States - Maryland - Maryland - all - Sales - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Millipore has an opening for a Research Account Manager – National Institutes of Health. The Lab A Gaithersburg, Maryland (US)

EMD: Quality Technician III - B Shift (81704) EMD: Req Id 81704 - Posted 04/22/2015 - United States - New Hampshire - Jaffrey - Quality - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Millipore plays an integral part in the life science community, harnessing our passion and innovation to h United States (US)

EMD: Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, NDD/Immunology (82181) EMD: Req Id 82181 - Posted 04/23/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (1) - Fulltime PURPOSE OF THE ROLE Develop and lead Global regulatory strategies Lead submission a United States (US)

Paramount Recruitment: Business Administrator - Agrochemical / Food Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Business Administrator - Agrochemical / Food - Hampshire A leading pest management company in Hampshire is currently seeking a Business Administrator. Southampton, England

Paramount Recruitment: LIFE SCIENCES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | LONDON competitive + excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: A brilliant new position has recently arisen at an award winning, boutique scientific agency in London for a PHD educated individual to join the science team as an Account Executive! London, England

Paramount Recruitment: SALES & MARKETING | ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE | LIFE SCIENCES | LONDON competitive + excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: An exciting opportunity has arisen for an ambitious Account Executive to join the fast paced sales & marketing team at an award winning, boutique scientific agency in London! London, England

Cranleigh Scientific: Trainee Recruitment Consultant-Permanent-Guildford-OTE £25k GBP18000 - GBP25000 per annum: Cranleigh Scientific: Scientific Recruitment Resourcer - Permanent - Guildford - Permanent OTE £25-27k Cranleigh Scientific is looking to recruit new talent to assist with our current expansion plan. Guildford, England

Thermo Fisher: Senior Systems Engineer Embedded Systems On application: Thermo Fisher: Position SummaryWe are seeking a Senior Engineer, Embedded Systems, to work with a product development team of scientists and engineers to develop ... Tewksbury Massachusetts

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Quality Assurance Officer £25000 - £30000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for a Quality Assurance Officer to join a leading pharmaceutical company based in the Oxfordshire area. The main overview for this... Oxfordshire

Meet Recruitment: Account Director - Healthcare Advertising - Central London Competitive, depending on experience: Meet Recruitment: One of the UK’s leading independent healthcare creative communication agencies is looking for an Account Director to join their fun-loving team in ... London (Central), London (Greater)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Part time Post Doc or PHD student, NY, NY, can supplement current salary, at 100.00 per hour... Supplement current salary, at 100.00 per hour, with work done on weekends or evenings: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Part time Post Doc or PHD student, NY, NY. Building RNA seq pipeline on mac OS 10.6 system using Tophat and R with Bioconductor and in interpretation New York, NY

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home based, regional Dublin, up to 60,000 Euros - Innovative CRO- re locators. Up to 60,000 Euros.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Dublin (IE)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home based opportunities, UK, up to £46,000 - Top 5 CRO. Unique opportunity. Up to £46,000.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. United Kingdom

Weill Cornell Medical College: Postdoctoral Positions - Cancer Stem Cell Biology Laboratory - New York, NY Salary not specified: Weill Cornell Medical College: Postdoctoral Positions Available Cancer Stem Cell Biology Laboratory at the Meyer Cancer Center, Weill Cornell College of Medicine The former Molec... New York (US)

Thermo Fisher: Territory Sales Representative Manhattan\Northern NJ Thermo Fisher: An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced sales professional in the Laboratory Equipment Division (LED) of Thermo Fisher Scientific. This position will offer you a key position in the Laboratory Equipment Division and will provide opportunities fo New York City New York

Thermo Fisher: Inside Sales Representative Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: The Inside Sales position is a part of a vigorous sales training program. Candidate would begin their career on our inside sales team where they would manage accounts for clinical laboratories. Candidates learn the skills to analyze cu Houston Texas

Thermo Fisher: Quality Assurance Manager Clinical Packaging Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: This position is responsible for leading and training QA Team Leaders in Clinical Packaging and the Quality Assurance Coordinators in plant operations in order to assure compliance with CGMP’s, company SOP’s and customer requirements Allentown Pennsylvania

Thermo Fisher: Molecular Biology Technical Sales Specialist Thermo Fisher: Title : Technical Sales Specialist - Molecular Biology Position Summary: The Technical Sales Specialist is responsible for the promotion and revenue growth of the full portfolio of molecular biology products, and representing Thermo Fi Atlanta Georgia

Thermo Fisher: Laboratory Consumables Representative Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:The Laboratory Consumables Representative is responsible for achieving budgetary targets by selling the life science and manual liquid handling product lines through multiple sales channels within a defined geographic territory. This indi Atlanta Georgia

Thermo Fisher: Sales Analyst Hanover Park IL

Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:The Sales Analyst is a key member of the Fisher Science Education commercial team. In this role the individual will analyze data and work with the sales and commercial teams to set go to market strategies, pricing, and improve the overall HANOVER PARK Illinois

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative 1 New York City Rockefeller Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research products and services within a defined territory, serving customers engaged in pharmaceutical, biomedical, chemical, and other fields of research and development, as well Remote \ Field New York

Thermo Fisher: Territory Account Manage MN\NE\SD\ND Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Territory Account Mgr The Territory Account Manager is responsible for selling instruments and consumables used by Pathology Laboratories to process and visualize human and animal tissues. This person will focus on exceeding sale Minneapolis Minnesota

Thermo Fisher: Territory Account Manager KY\TN Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Territory Account Mgr The Territory Account Manager is responsible for selling instruments and consumables used by Pathology Laboratories to process and visualize human and animal tissues. This person will focus on exceeding sales quot Remote \ Field Kentucky

Thermo Fisher: Manager District Sales Thermo Fisher: Manager, District Sales- East RegionPosition Summary:District Sales Manager position to manage multiple HealthCare Division field sales reps in the East Region Area reporting to the Region Vice President. This position is critical to achieving forecast sa Remote \ Field New York

Thermo Fisher: Clinical Sales Consultant Birmingham AL Thermo Fisher: The Immunodiagnostics Division of Thermo Fisher Scientific develops, manufactures and markets complete blood test systems to support the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of allergy, asthma and autoimmune diseases. We are the global leader in allergy and Birmingham Alabama

Thermo Fisher: Regional Sales Manager East Coast Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: The Sales Manager is responsible for developing, managing and executing sales strategy, sales plans, setting and measuring sales goals, negotiating customer contracts, maintaining senior level customer relationships, managing vendor part Durham North Carolina

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative 1 Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research products and services within a defined territory, serving customers engaged in pharmaceutical, biomedical, chemical, and other fields of research and development, as well Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Thermo Fisher: Technical Sales Specialist Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We he Remote \ Field Colorado

Thermo Fisher: Global Quality Director (QA\QC) Thermo Fisher: GLOBAL QUALITY DIRECTORAbout UsThermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world heal Grand Island New York

Thermo Fisher: Health Systems Executive South East Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Florida - Miami Job Level Experienced Posting date: March 27, 2015 The Immunodiagnostics Division (IDD) develops, manufactures an Miami Florida

Cranleigh Scientific: Production Technician-Fuel Cells-5s-Manufacturing-Perm-£20k GBP18000.00 - GBP22000.00 per annum: Cranleigh Scientific: Production Technician - Fuel Cells - Manufacturing -5S - Lean Permanent - Guildford - Surrey - Permanent - £18k-22k + Excellent Company benefits Our client is developing a fuel cell based technology that will revolutionise the production of power f Guildford, England

Covance UK: Global Site Services (Study Start Up) Associate - Sofia, Bulgaria On application: Covance UK: COVANCE is one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive drug development services... Sofia, Bulgaria

Meet Recruitment: Key Account Product Manager – Medical Devices – Switzerland – Around 120’000 CHF Competitive: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Charlie Price +447896 312311 or [email protected] Switzerland (CH)

AstraZeneca US: Principal Clinical Information Scientist not specified: AstraZeneca US: We are currently recruiting for a Principal Clinical Information Scientist (PCIS) to take a key role within our Information Practice team. Working within AstraZeneca's Information practice is an innovative place to be. As a recently created unit wit USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Project Manager not specified: AstraZeneca US: The OPAL Project Manager provides consultative advice to GMD users of the system to ensure that the information required by the business (activities, cost and value) is available for decision making at the project and portfolio level. This role is respon USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_ORA - McKinney, TX not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Texas

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_INJ - Baltimore W, MD not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Endo Sales Specialist - D_SPEC2 - Houston, TX not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Texas

AstraZeneca US: Director HEOR not specified: AstraZeneca US: Description: The Director of HEOR, Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) will have responsibility to interact with Organized Customer Group Directors and Leaders within brand teams and with Medical Affairs to design and implement innovative Real W USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_ORA - Lincoln Park S, IL not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Illinois

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - CV - East Texas, TX not specified: AstraZeneca US: DESCRIPTION: The Hospital Sales Specialist will have primary focus on key Brand academic centers, affiliated institutions and some large community hospitals. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES : Responsible for developing /positioning AstraZeneca as a lea USA - Texas

AstraZeneca US: Global Medical Academy Leader - Oncology not specified: AstraZeneca US: The Medical Academy Leader is accountable for ensuring timely access and delivery of scientific content knowledge, to strengthen Medical's scientific leadership. The Medical Academy Leader will be responsible for development and maintenance of the AZ Medi USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Senior Medical Affairs Leader - Respiratory Biologics not specified: AstraZeneca US: Mission & Objective Description: * To provide scientific direction for the development of our assets. * To leverage relationships with external customers to ensure robust physician and patients insights are what drive successful product launches* To lead USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Senior Scientist not specified: AstraZeneca US: AstraZeneca is looking for an experienced Biotransformation / ADME Scientist. The specific opportunity is in the DMPK Team where we are seeking a successful met-id and ADME scientist to join our advanced capability. This is a diverse laboratory based grou USA - Massachusetts

Matchtech: Product Engineer Negotiable: Matchtech: Our client are a large Medical Device manufacturing company based in Norfolk looking for a Product Engineer Kings Lynn, England

Paramount Recruitment: SAS Programmer - Cheshire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: SAS Programmer - Cheshire SAS Programmer - Cheshire - SAS - Statistical Programmer Biostatistics -Sheffield - Chester - Liverpool - Leeds - Manchester Cheshire, England

Fred Hutch: Philanthropic Gift Advisor not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5411 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Epidemiology & Risk Specialist - Cambs - 18month Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Epidemiology & Risk Specialist - Pharmaceutical - Cambridgeshire 18 Month Fixed Term Contract (FTC) Office Based Paramount Recruitment is currently working with an international pharmaceutical organisation based in the Cambridge area. Cambridge, England

Fred Hutch: Junior Oracle Developer not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4683 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

Fred Hutch: Director Philanthropic Gifts not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5410 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiology Senior Consultant - Central London Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiology Senior Consultant - Central London Epidemiology Senior Consultant - London Lead - Pharmacoepidemiology - Biostatistics - SAS - Pharmaceutical - Epidemiologist City of London, England

Reed Scientific: Laboratory Operations Manager

Negotiable: Reed Scientific: I am recruiting for a highly successful contract testing organisation who specialise in working with environmental samples and offer high quality services to their large client base. The company are extremely busy and urgently need to recruit a Laboratory North West England, England

Lab Support: Postdoctoral Researcher £14.36 per hour: Lab Support: Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxfordshire, £14.36 p/h, INITIAL 6 MONTH TEMP TO PERM CONTRACT!! Oxfordshire

Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : Senior Scientific Officer - Tissue Biomarkers - Manchester Range of £22,100 - £37,100 dependent upon experience per annum: Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute (www.cruk.manchester.ac.uk)... Manchester, UK

Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : Bioscientist (Drug Discovery Unit) - Manchester £18,200 - £29,700 dependent upon experience: Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute (www.cruk.manchester.ac.uk), an Institute of The University of Manchester... Manchester, UK

Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : Scientific Officer - Prostate Oncobiology Group - Manchester £18,200 (depending upon experience) per annum: Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute : The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute (www.cruk.manchester.ac.uk), an Institute of... Manchester, UK

Waters Corporation: Field Service Engineer - Home Based - South UK On application: Waters Corporation: Customer success is our mission. Waters innovations... Home Based - South UK

Imanova: Associate/Cyclotron Engineer - London On application: Imanova: Experience in PET cyclotron operation/ maintenance is preferred, however candidates with strong engineering backgrounds... London, UK

Matchtech: Mechanical Engineer Negotiable: Matchtech: Our client is a Medical Device manufacturing company with a great opportunity for an experienced Mechanical Engineer to be based at their site in Cambridge. Cambridge, England

Matchtech: Product Designer Negotiable: Matchtech: Our client are a Medical Device manufacturing company with a fantastic opportunity for a Product Designer at their site in Cambridge. Cambridge, England

Reed Scientific: Emergency Information Scientist/ London/ £18,000- £25,000 GBP18000 - GBP25000 per annum: Reed Scientific: Are you a Medical Information Scientist looking for your next challenge? Do you have excellent communication skills, particularly a strong telephone manner? Then you could be exactly what we are looking for!! I am currently recruiting for an Emergency In City of London, England

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Principal Scientist - Upstream and Downstream Processing Dependent on experience: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We currently have a fantastic opportunity for an experience Upstream and/or Downstream Processing Scientist to join a leading life sciences business as a Principal Scientist... Berkshire

Meet Recruitment: 3 Month Contract – CRA – Global Pharma – London/Leeds Competitive: Meet Recruitment: A global pharma are looking for a CRA to work for 3 months from their London office with travel to Leeds. London (Greater) (GB)

UNSW: EMBL Australia Group Leader The position includes funding for a research team and a generous annual research budget: UNSW: Accelerate your research career - Form and lead your own independent research group - Designed for high potential, early-career scientists Sydney

Fred Hutch: Research Technician II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5544 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonpr Seattle

Fred Hutch: Intern Research not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5524 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Registered Nurse Pediatric BMT Infusion Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5500 Type Regular Part-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview This position provides direct patient care and is critical in the management of our patients being trea Seattle

Fred Hutch: Registered Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5497 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview This position provides direct patient care and is critical in the management of our patients being treate Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5523 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Administrative Coordinator performs administrative duties and provides project support within the M Seattle

Fred Hutch: Apprentice Engineer not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5390 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Title : Apprentice (General) Current Position Held by: vacant Position Reports t Seattle

Fred Hutch: Patient Care Coordinator I

not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5510 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Support specific oncology/hematology clinics by coordinating the intake process for incoming patients. Tr Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5468 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Team Coordinator, Breast Imaging/Mammography Scheduler/Receptionist is under the direct supervision Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5338 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington, is part of a dynamic collaboration amon Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5455 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance located in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic collaboration among thre Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator (Per Diem) not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5377 Type Regular Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Team Coordinator schedules all oncology-related patient appointments, including all outside consulta Seattle

Fred Hutch: Buyer I (Per Diem) not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5333 Type Temporary Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance located in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic collaboration among three Seattle

Fred Hutch: Cash Application Representative not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5177 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance located in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic collaboration among three or Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5337 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Team Coordinator schedules all oncology-related patient appointments, including all outside consult Seattle

Fred Hutch: Medical Coding Trainer not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4643 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview This position will be responsible for the development and maintenance of coding training/ educational mat Seattle

Fred Hutch: Project Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5237 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington, is part of a dynamic collaboration amon Seattle

Fred Hutch: Learning Management System Administrator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5286 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Learning Management System Domain Administrator (DA) has an active role in the day-to-day management Seattle

Fred Hutch: Data Coordinator II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5311 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Responsible for the collection, coordination, processing, and quality control of clinical tri Seattle

Fred Hutch: Project Manager III not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5178 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview About Us:Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independ Seattle

Fred Hutch: General Oncology and Hematology Financial Clearance Supervisor not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5185 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The financial clearance supervisor will work with the Associate Director of Coverage Determination and Co Seattle

Kelly Scientific Resources: Clinical Study Manager £300 - £320 per day: Kelly Scientific Resources: Kelly Scientific are currently working closely with a leading, global pharmaceutical company who have a ver strong pipeline in several therapy areas. The client are... South East

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Account Executive - Junior Account Manager GBP25000 - GBP30000 per annum + doe: Paramount Recruitment: I am looking for a Senior Account Executive or Junior Account Manager for a fast growing advertising agency in Central London. This is an exciting time to be joining this dynamic company with huge growth plans over the coming years. The ideal Senior Acc City of London, England

Cranleigh Scientific: Scientific Recruitment Resourcer-Permanent-Guildford-OTE £25k GBP18000 - GBP25000 per annum: Cranleigh Scientific: Scientific Recruitment Resourcer - Permanent - Guildford - Permanent OTE £25-27k Cranleigh Scientific is looking to recruit new talent to assist with our current expansion plan. Guildford, England

Matchtech: Senior Analytical Scientist Negotiable: Matchtech: Our client is a highly successful biologics company. Due to demand they are looking to bring on an experience Senior Analytical Scientist to join their Stability & Formulation Team on a permanent basis. As a Senior Scientist your primary responsibility w Berkshire, England

Cranleigh Scientific: QC Development Chemist-Method Development-GMP-E.Sussex- £Comp Negotiable: Cranleigh Scientific: QC Development Chemist-Method Development-GMP-E.Sussex- £Comp-Method ValidationMethod Transfer-Stability Testing A growing pharmaceutical company require an experienced QC Chemist to join their Development team. East Sussex, England

Cranleigh Scientific: Production Engineering Technician-Permanent-Basingstoke-£30-35k GBP30000 - GBP35000 per annum + Company Benefits : Cranleigh Scientific: Engineering Technician - Mechanical / Electrical Engineering - PPI - LEAN - Continuous Improvement - Kaizen - Quality Systems - Production - Permanent - Basingstoke - Salary £30-35k +Company Benefits A leading, international scientific company are cur Basingstoke, England

Cranleigh Scientific: Engineering Technician GBP30000 - GBP35000 per annum + Company Benefits : Cranleigh Scientific: Engineering Technician - Mechanical / Electrical Engineering - PPI - LEAN - Continuous Improvement - Kaizen - Quality Systems - Production - Permanent - Basingstoke - Salary £30-35k +Company Benefits A leading, international scientific company are cur Basingstoke, England

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Senior Sales Specialist - UK & Northern Europe £45000 - £60000 per annum, Benefits: 45000 - 60000 + Bonus: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS) is representing a global bio-technology company based in Cambridge. The role available is a Sales Specialist covering UK and Northern Europe - -... Cambridge

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home Based, UK, up to £42,000 - Top 20- ONCOLOGY/ HAEMOTOLOGY Up to £42,000.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. England (GB)

Meet Recruitment: Clinical Research Study Manager – 12 Month Contract – Middlesex – Oncology £320 per day: Meet Recruitment: A top 10 biopharma have expressed the need for an experienced Global Project Manager to work on a 12 month contract in the Oncology therapy area. London (Greater)

Lab Support: Customer Account Manager £35k pa: Lab Support: Customer Account Manager, Oxfordshire, From £35k P/A, FULL TIME PERMANENT CONTRACT!! Oxfordshire

Lab Support: Regulatory Affairs Associate From £12.20 per hour: Lab Support: Regulatory Affairs Associate, Hampshire, From £ 12.20 p/h, INITIAL 12 MONTH CONTRACT!! Hampshire (GB)

Lab Support: Formulation Scientist £8 per hour: Lab Support: Formulation Scientist, New Milton, £ 8p/h, INITIAL SHORT TERM ROLLING CONTRACT! Hampshire (GB)

Seltek Consultants: Global Key Account Manager | Life Science | Germany (10287) €100K (€130K OTE) + car pension, healthcare: Seltek Consultants: A leading life science company is recruiting a Global Key Account Manager to manage one specific pharmaceutical account on a global basis. Europe

Seltek Consultants: Key Account Manager | Life Science | North UK/Scotland (10286) £45K (£58K OTE) + car, pension, healthcare: Seltek Consultants: A global manufacturer of research products has recently promoted a Key Account Manager and now needs to recruit a new member to the team! North UK/Scotland/Ireland

Lab Support: Materials Tester Up To £20k pa: Lab Support: Physics or Materials Science graduates - Materials Tester - West Yorkshire West Yorkshire

Farmingdale State College: Instructional Support Technician DOE: Farmingdale State College: The Chemistry Department is seeking a full time Instructional Support Technician for college laboratory work. Farmingdale, New York

Seltek Consultants: Sales Specialist | Scotland | Genomic Research sector (10285) £36K (£50K OTE) + car, pension, healthcare: Seltek Consultants: A leading brand within the genomic research sector is keen to recruit a new Sales Specialist to manage an established customer base in Scotland. Scotland (GB)

GBR Technology: Technical Sales and Account Manager (Vacuum Fluids and Lubricants) - Aldermaston £25K - £50K plus company car and bonus: GBR Technology: GBR Technology are a small, well established and rapidly growing supplier and manufacturer of oils, greases and related fluids. Aldermaston, Reading, UK

Thermo Fisher: Area Manager – Boston\Cambridge Territory not specified: Thermo Fisher: The Area Manager is responsible for achieving incremental sales growth of the Thermo Fisher Global Chemicals product lines (Analytical Reagents, Bio-reagents, and Discovery Chemicals) in target accounts and new business development accounts in the Boston/ Boston Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Bioinformatics not specified: Thermo Fisher: The Enterprise Genomics Solutions Group (EGS), Thermo Fisher Scientific, is a leading global Genomics Medicine Enterprise Services provider, providing numerous customized population-scale infrastructure and scientific projects globally. The operational p Carlsbad California

Thermo Fisher: Quality Assurance Associate not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:The Quality Assurance Associate is responsible to communicate and maintain the QualitySystem for an assigned project/distribution center. Communicate the quality policy andobjectives and ensure prescribed objectives are met. In this p SWEDESBORO New Jersey

Thermo Fisher: Associate Chemist QMS

not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:Manufactures products and completes associated documentation. Contributes to the transfer of new products into Manufacturing. Participates in process improvement projects. Key Responsibilities:Manufacture products and complete batch recor Fremont California

Thermo Fisher: Medical Group Clinical Sales Consultant Lower Tri State not specified: Thermo Fisher: The Immunodiagnostics Division of Thermo Fisher Scientific develops, manufactures and markets complete blood test systems to support the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of allergy, asthma and autoimmune diseases. We are the global leader in allergy and Bronx New York

Thermo Fisher: Laboratory Technician not specified: Thermo Fisher: Fisher BioServices has 29 years of experience in biorepository/biobanking services, cold chain logistics, and related support services for healthcare-related research. The company manages high value biological specimens, cell-based therapeutics, v Rockville Maryland

Thermo Fisher: Inside Safety Sales Representative not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Inside Safety Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of Fisher Safety’s products and services primarily by using the telephone; but also using email, Internet, and other technology within a defined territory. The Inside HANOVER PARK Illinois

Thermo Fisher: Global Quality Data Analyst not specified: Thermo Fisher: Job Title: Global Quality Data AnalystPosition Location: Asheville NC Preferred (Can consider remote or virtual in Continental US near a major airport)POSITION SUMMARY:An opportunity exists for an ambitious professiona Asheville North Carolina

Thermo Fisher: Account Manager New York City not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: The Account Manager for this Healthcare Market Division position supports the sales territory and reports to the District Manager. The incumbent will maintain and improve existing customer relations while establishing new accounts a Remote \ Field New York

Thermo Fisher: Inside Sales Specialist Durham NC not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: The Inside Sales Specialist, Life Sciences (located in Durham, NC) is responsible for maintaining sales, supporting customer inquiries for non-strategic customers and for responding to incoming inquiries that are not assigned to outside Durham North Carolina

Thermo Fisher: Director Business Development US West Coast not specified: Thermo Fisher: Division Summary:Specialty Diagnostics Group (SDG) is one of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s 6 global businesses and is a world leading manufacturer of specialty diagnostic tools used in clinical, food and pharmaceutical laboratories. There are approximately 6 San Francisco California

Thermo Fisher: Sales Development Representative not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Texas - Houston Job Level Experienced Posting date: December 8, 2014 Position Summary: This position will serve as a project speci Houston Texas

Thermo Fisher: Research Scientist not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Scientific Research & Development Education Doctorate Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - Canoga Park Job Level Experienced Posting date: January 15, 2015 Transplant Diagnostics Div Canoga Park California

Thermo Fisher: Regulatory Analyst not specified: Thermo Fisher: About Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cl Frederick Maryland

Matchtech: Biomedical Scientist (Haem/ Blood) GBP29000 per annum: Matchtech: We are currently looking for a Biomedical Scientist with experience in haematology and blood transfusion to work for a leading hospital based in Essex Southend-On-Sea, England

Matchtech: Biomedical Scientist (Microbiology) GBP29000 per annum: Matchtech: We are currently looking for a number of Biomedical Scientists with experience in microbiology to work for a leading hospital based in Essex. Southend-On-Sea, England

AstraZeneca US: Principal Scientist - Protein Mass Spectroscopist not specified: AstraZeneca US: The Enzymology Centre of Excellence is a multidisciplinary group based near Boston at Gatehouse Park, Waltham. The group is focused on delivering e... USA - Massachusetts

Key People Pharmaceutical: Senior Officer / Principle Officer, Regulatory Affairs GBP45000 - GBP54000 per annum + bonus and benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: An excellent opportunity has arisen to join a leading Pharmaceutical company at a Principle Regulatory Officer / Manager level. East London, England

Lab Support: Field Service Engineer £27-£33k pa DOE: Lab Support: Field Service Engineer to carry out repair, installation, maintenance, IQ, OQ, PQ, calibration, validation for Lab Supply Co - Cambridgeshire/London Cambridgeshire/London

Fred Hutch: Outreach Specialist not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4711 Type Regular Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

AstraZeneca US: Director Business Insight not specified: AstraZeneca US: Position Summary: Leads the delivery of customer insight and analytics for Neuroscience Franchise overseeing In-Line brands, launch brands and early phase pipeline assets (Phase 1A on), using best practices to define and deliver differentiated brands to USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Medical Director / Senior Medical Director - US Medical Affairs Patient Safety not specified: AstraZeneca US: ~bsp Medical Director / Sr. Medical Director, US Medical Affairs Patient Safety The role holder provides medical leadership as either an expert lead for a number of drug projects that ensures effective collaboration between physicians and teams. He/Sh USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Director, Media Strategy not specified: AstraZeneca US: Job Description / Capsule Job Title: Director, Media StrategyThe AstraZeneca US Commercial Operations Organization seeks a seasoned and innovative Media Strategy Director to join our team as we seek to progress our US Portfolio and brands. This will incl USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Director, Social Strategy not specified: AstraZeneca US: Job Description / Capsule Job Title: Director Social StrategyThe AstraZeneca US Commercial Operations Organization seeks a seasoned and innovative Social Strategy Director to join our team. We seek to progress our US Portfolio and brand strategies to inc USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Injectables Marketing Leader (Diabetes/Brand) not specified: AstraZeneca US: As a Marketing Leader, you will contribute to the development of marketing plans to maximize the value of AstraZeneca's diabetes injectable products, with a focus on strategy, operations, and the diabetes educator network. You are responsible for working USA - Pennsylvania

AstraZeneca US: Associate Director Scientific Training - Oncology not specified: AstraZeneca US: The Associate Director Scientific Training - Oncology (ADST-Oncology) is responsible for leading the scientific content development and training for Medical Affairs activities in support of the oncology therapeutic area and medical brand plan objectives. USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_ORA - Waco, TX not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Texas

AstraZeneca US: Sr. Scientist - Cancer Epigenetics -- Drug Discovery not specified: AstraZeneca US: We are seeking a highly motivated scientist with a strong cancer epigenetics background. The successful candidate will become an integral member of an oncology bioscience team focused on the discovery and delivery of novel anti-cancer therapies based on e USA - Massachusetts

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - Oncology - Washington DC not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for selling, maintaining and documenting all sales activities for the AstraZeneca Oncology portfolio of products to physicians in private practice, in group practices, in ho USA - Dist. Columbia

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - HOSP_O - Salt Lake City, UT not specified: AstraZeneca US: DESCRIPTION: The Hospital Sales Specialist will have primary focus on key Brand academic centers, affiliated institutions and some large community hospitals. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES : Responsible for developing /positioning AstraZeneca as a leader th USA - Utah

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - RST_PSS - Port Saint Lucie, FL not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Florida

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - HOSP - Tampa, FL not specified: AstraZeneca US: DESCRIPTION: The Hospital Sales Specialist will have primary focus on key Brand academic centers, affiliated institutions and some large community hospitals. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES : Responsible for developing /positioning AstraZeneca as a leader th USA - Florida

AstraZeneca US: Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist - RST_PSS - Nashville S. TN not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Tennessee

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_INJ - Baltimore N, MD not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical e USA - Maryland

Paramount Recruitment: Value Consultant Market Access Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Value Consultant Market Access Market Access, HEOR, Health Economics, Value Communications, Value A well respect, global healthcare value consultancy are significantly growing their workforce throughout 2015 across HEOR and Market Access and theref Cheshire, England

EMBL - EBI: Software Engineer - Hinxton near Cambridge, UK

monthly salary starting at £2,387.20 free of UK income tax: EMBL - EBI: We are looking for a highly motivated, experienced Software Engineer to work in the Functional Genomics Development Team... Hinxton near Cambridge, UK

Cancer Research UK: Senior Business Development Manager GBP40000 - GBP48750 per annum + excellent benefits : Cancer Research UK: Are you an innovative and ambitious individual, with the desire to join us and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured? Islington, London, England

Illumina: Technical Applications Scientists- Italian Speaking Excellent : Illumina: Technical Support across Europe to Scientific customers. Good Biology, Mol bol, Genetics or relevant subject from Degree to PhD. Excellent training... Cambridge

Matchtech: QC Technologist GBP21400 - GBP25000 per annum: Matchtech: Our client is a highly successful biopharmaceutical organisation who are fully committed to providing the highest quality products. A new opportunity has arisen for an experience Analyst to join their Quality Control Team on a permanent basis. In this po Salisbury, England

NES Global Talent: Pharmaceutical Technical Manager 65000: NES Global Talent: Pharmaceutical Technical Manager- Pharmaceuticals- Kent - Permanent Our client is looking for a Pharmaceutical Technical Manager to manage their technical department including the following teams - manufacturing... Kent

Diamond Light Source: Vaccum Instrumentation Engineer/Graduate Vacuum Instrumentation Engineer South Oxfordshire Circa £26,000 for graduate level, Circa £34,000 for higher level: Diamond Light Source: Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron science facility and a leading scientific facility of its type in the world. South Oxfordshire, UK

Kelly Scientific Resources: Clinical Project Manager £40 - £70 per hour: Kelly Scientific Resources: Clinical Project Manager - South East - 12 month contract Are you a highly skilled clinical project manager? Do you have exceptional project management experience across different... South East

Key People Pharmaceutical: Regulatory Consultant - Full life cycle 6 month contract GBP40 - GBP50 per hour: Key People Pharmaceutical: We are currently searching for an experienced contractor with full life cycle exposure to join our client based in Oxfordshire on a 6 month contract basis. Oxfordshire, England

The Binding Site Group: Antisera Production Supervisor - Birmingham On application: The Binding Site Group: The Binding Site Group is an international in vitro diagnostics company that has been involved in advances in diagnosis... Birmingham, UK

The Binding Site Group: Production Specialist - Birmingham On application: The Binding Site Group: The Binding Site Group is an international in vitro diagnostics company that has been involved in advances... Birmingham, UK

SRG: PK Team Leader GBP0.00 per annum: SRG: PK Team LeaderDo you hold strong experience within Pharmacokinetics (PK), holding a technical understanding through to study design and client contact? Are you experienced in leading or managing others within a PK study environment, and seeking an opportu Oxfordshire, England

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Research Technologist not specified: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: The Research Technologist in the Hematology Department assists the principal investigator with the collection and analysis of data for specified research projects in an entry-level capacity. Our lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms regulating hematopoi TN

Key People Pharmaceutical: Compliance Assessor GBP46.22 per hour: Key People Pharmaceutical: Interim Compliance Assessor required to review product manufacturing and quality documentation to cGMP, company and industry standards, using the standardised processes and procedures in support of the compliance project. Required to review existing manuf Maidenhead, England

Fred Hutch: Philanthropic Gift Advisor not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5411 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

Meet Recruitment: Home Based – Senior SAS programmer – Global CRO €45 - €90 per hour depending on location: Meet Recruitment: This world leading CRO is after experienced SAS Programmers who can come in on a contract basis and hit the ground running as a senior SAS programmer. Homeworking

Meet Recruitment: Senior SAS programmer – Global Pharma – Europe or USA, Fully home based £45 - £60 per hour: Meet Recruitment: A world leading pharmaceutical company is looking for experienced SAS Programmers to come in and hit the ground running as a senior programmer. Homeworking

Meet Recruitment: Principle SAS programmer – Global CRO – UK, Fully home based or Office £45 - £60 per hour: Meet Recruitment: This world leading CRO is after experienced SAS Programmers who can come in on a contract basis and hit the ground running as a senior SAS programmer. Homeworking

Meet Recruitment: Senior SAS programmer – Global CRO – UK, Fully home based or Office £45 - £60 per hour: Meet Recruitment: Exciting prospect with a specialised biometrics CRO, they are after experienced SAS Programmers who can come in on a contract basis. Homeworking or London based

Meet Recruitment: Statistical Programmer UK - Home-based - Lead Programmer experience required

£45 - £60 per hour: Meet Recruitment: This is a career enhancing opportunity for a Lead Statistical Programmer to join an international CRO. Homeworking

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home Based, UK, up to £42,000 - Top 20 CRO- ONCOLOGY/ HAEMOTOLOGY Up to £42,000.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. United Kingdom (GB)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home regional monitoring, Dublin, 60,000 Euros - Innovative CRO- re- locators. Up to 60,000 Euros. : Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Dublin (IE)

EMD: Sales – Key Account Manager, Neurology – Jacksonville (81381) not specified: EMD: Req Id 81381 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Florida - Florida - all - Sales - Career Level (1) - Full-time PURP... Jacksonville, Florida (US)

Thermo Fisher: Scientist I Production not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries... Bedford Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Staff Engineer Mechanical not specified: Thermo Fisher: The Staff Mechanical Engineer will be responsible for the development of various analytical instruments for the life sciences market. The ideal candidate would have at least 8 years experience in the mechanical design of precision subcomponents of the ins South San Francisco California

Fred Hutch: Palliative Care Management Analyst not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5549 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Provide organizational analysis and support to the Palliative Care (PC) Department. Define and implement Seattle

Fred Hutch: Radiation Therapist I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4729 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Perform all duties of Radiation Therapist I (Provide Radiation Therapy to patients utilizing a variety of Seattle

Fred Hutch: Systems Analyst\Programmer II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4859 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is an independent, nonprofit research institution dedica Seattle

Henry M Jackson Foundation: Research Scientist - Finite Element Analysis/Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling (209289) negotiable: Henry M Jackson Foundation: The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (HJF) is looking for junior and senior scientists to join the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command's Bio... Frederick, Maryland (US)

Paramount Recruitment: Regulatory Affairs Project Lead - ISO13485 - Gloucestershire Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Regulatory Affairs Project Lead - Medical Device - Gloucestershire Cheltenham - Gloucester Chipping Norton - Cirencester - Oxford A great opportunity has become available for a Regulatory Affairs Project Lead to join a growing Medical Device com Gloucestershire, England

EMD: Quality Engineer II (81681) not specified: EMD: Req Id 81681 - Posted 04/20/2015 - United States - New Hampshire - Jaffrey - Quality - Career Level (1) - Fulltime This individual shall be responsible for providing guidance to ensure compliance with the Quality Systems for United States (US)

EMD: Postdoctoral Scientist, ImmunoTechnologies, ImmunoOncology (81143) not specified: EMD: Req Id 81143 - Posted 04/20/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Research & Development Career Level (2) - Full-time A post-doctoral position is available to join the ImmunoTechnologies Group in Immuno-Oncology United States (US)

EMD: Molecule Leader US (81283) not specified: EMD: Req Id 81283 - Posted 04/20/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Research & Development Career Level (1) - Full-time PURPOSE OF THE ROLE Lead a GMS project team in order to drive and set the CMC develop United States (US)

EMD: Head of Clinical Immunology (80286) not specified: EMD: Req Id 80286 - Posted 04/20/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Development (clinical) - Career Level (1) - Full-time PURPOSE OF THE ROLE Lead the Clinical Immunology Function and manage a team of Medical United States (US)

Cranleigh Scientific: Microbiology Lab Supervisor-UKAS-Food-Permanent-Surrey Excellent Company Benefits : Cranleigh Scientific: Microbiology Lab Supervisor - UKAS - Food Research - Permanent - Surrey - £ Negotiable + Excellent company benefits An international food research business currently require a Microbiology Laboratory Supervisor to manage the day-to-day running of t Epsom, England

Cranleigh Scientific: Process Specialist - Composite Materials - Cambridgeshire Negotiable: Cranleigh Scientific: A global organisation that is the industry leader in the manufacturing of industrial fabrics and composite materials is looking to recruit a Process Specialist. Cambridgeshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Market Access/Medical Writing Consultant Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Market Access/Medical Writing Consultant Market Access, Medical Writing, Value Communications A Market Access/Medical Writing Consultant position in the value demonstration team of a highly reputable consultancy at grand offices in London. London, England

Paramount Recruitment: Digital Project Manager - Pharmaceutical doe: Paramount Recruitment: An opportunity for a Digital project Manager has become available with a highly regarded specialist pharmaceutical digital agency in Central London. As a Digital Project Manager you will manage the daily activities of large-scale web and mobile developme City of London, England

Vector Recruitment: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer Negotiable: Vector Recruitment: A great opportunity for a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer ready to take a step up in their career! This highly technical project leadership role has been created at an exciting new technology development consultancy in Cambridgeshire. Recently establish Cambridge, England

Vector Recruitment: Mechanical Design Engineer Negotiable: Vector Recruitment: A great opportunity for a Mechanical Design Engineer ready to take a step up in their career! This highly technical role has been created at an exciting new technology development consultancy in Cambridgeshire. Recently established but already growing fas Cambridge, England

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home based, regional, Dublin, up to 60,000 Euros - Innovative CRO- re- locators Up to 60,000 Euros. : Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Dublin (IE)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home based, UK, up to £46,000 - Re-locators apply. Up to £46,000.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. United Kingdom (GB)

Meet Recruitment: Contract CRA – 6 Months – 0.6 FTE - Global CRO – Croatia €35-40 per hour: Meet Recruitment: A medium sized, global CRO are searching for a CRA to be home based and work on a 0.6 FTE basis for 6 months. Croatia (HR)

Unimin Corporation: Research Scientist We offer a comprehensive salary/benefits package, including a 401(k), growth opportunities and more.: Unimin Corporation: Every discovery nurtures our success. Unimin is the kind of pacesetter you want to work for—a responsible and expanding industryleading firm wi... Bakersville, North Carolina

European Patent Office (EPO): Patent Examiner - Munich or The Hague EUR 4.400-6.500 per month, depending on experience: European Patent Office (EPO): In 2015 the European Patent Office plans to recruit more than 150 engineers and scientists to work as patent examiners... Munich or The Hague

Kent County Council: Analytical Chemist - Scientific Officer - West Malling, Kent Starting salary £23,991 per annum: Kent County Council: Kent Scientific Services is recruiting an experienced Analytical Chemist Scientific Officer to work in its Public Analyst laboratory... West Malling, Kent

Fraunhofer IBMT: PHD Student Position - Sulzbach, Germany On application: Fraunhofer IBMT: The Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) is one of six Life Science-oriented institutes... Sulzbach, Germany

Thermo Fisher: Senior Embedded Systems Software Engineer not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Scientific Environmental & Process Monitoring (EPM) delivers best-in-class environmental monitoring and process systems used to meet customers’ most demanding applications. We have over 600 employees and manufacture out of three main locations: Fr Franklin Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Clinical Sales Consultant New Orleans not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Louisiana - New Orleans Job Level Experienced Posting date: April 10, 2015 Are you looking to move beyond your current Sales Career New Orleans Louisiana

Thermo Fisher: Technical Sales Specialist not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We he Boston Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative 1 Denver CO Colorado Springs CO not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research products and services within a defined territory, serving customers engaged in pharmaceutical, biomedical, chemical, and other fields of research and development, as well Denver Colorado

Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Chemistry not specified: Thermo Fisher: Scientist III, Chemistry (SCKL114) Job Description We seek an experienced, engaged analytical chemist with the ability to operate and troubleshoot modern instrumentation associated with the characterization of new chemical entities, including, Eugene Oregon

Thermo Fisher: Demonstration Chemist

not specified: Thermo Fisher: Demonstration Chemist A dynamic and self-motivating individual is required to support state-of-theart LCMS instrumentation as a Demonstration Chemist. As a member of the Thermo Fisher Scientific North America Demonstration and Applications Somerset New Jersey

Thermo Fisher: Business Development Manager not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our custome Remote \ Field California

Thermo Fisher: Intern qPCR Oligo R&D not specified: Thermo Fisher: Evaluates a prototype of a Volume Checker for measuring the individual well volume in a 96- or 384well plate format Assists in creating test plan Executes test plan Assists with data analysis Generates presentati Pleasanton California

Thermo Fisher: Scientist II Molecular Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We he Carlsbad California

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative 1 Chapel Hill NC not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research products and services within a defined territory, serving customers engaged in pharmaceutical, biomedical, chemical, and other fields of research and development, as well Chapel Hill North Carolina

Thermo Fisher: Associate Chemist Quality Control not specified: Thermo Fisher: Using standard operating procedures and good manufacturing practices, responsible for conducting routine and non-routine analysis of incoming raw materials, work-in-process materials and/or matched kits and filled bottle reagents. Receives general instru Fremont California

Thermo Fisher: Merchandising Representative Pittsburgh PA not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: This position will serve as a project specialist requiring self-motivation and ability to follow through on timelines and to deadline requirements. This position is project driven position with responsibilities to: Create, launch and f Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Thermo Fisher: Associate Chemist Quality Control not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: You will be required to use standard operating procedures and good manufacturing practices to conduct testing of products including the extraction of viral, bacterial, and cellular material using QIACubes . Duties may also includ Fremont California

Fraunhofer IBMT: PHD Student Position - Sulzbach, Germany On application: Fraunhofer IBMT: The Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) is one of six Life Science-oriented institutes of the Fraunhofer Society... Sulzbach, Germany

Proclinical: Clinical Trial administrator/ CTA Highly Competitive Salary : Proclinical: A global contract research organisation have an exciting job opening for Clinical Trial administrator/ CTA to be based in Vienna, Austria. The company specialises in research into pharmaceuticals, healthcare and nutrition and offer flexible conditions and Vienna, Austria

Meet Recruitment: Digital Technical Manager Up to $90,000: Meet Recruitment: Opening for a Digital Technical Manager to join a HEALTHCARE ADVERTISING agency, developing complex interactive projects, in Central New York. New York (City) (US)

Meet Recruitment: Senior Account Manager Up to $85,000: Meet Recruitment: HEALTHCARE ADVERTISING Ideal for: Account Manager, Account Executive, Senior Account Manager, Senior Account Executive. New York (City) (US)

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Medical Science Liaison/Sr. MSL in the Central CA/Nevada not specified: AstraZeneca US: About AstraZenecaAs one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, our business is focused on providing innovative, effective medicines that make a real difference in important areas of healthcare. At AstraZeneca, innovation is about more than just USA -

AstraZeneca US: Diabetes Sales Specialist - D_INJ - Sandusky, OH not specified: AstraZeneca US: External Summary of Primary Responsibilities: - Function independently with a high degree of sales proficiency. - Develop superior product and disease state knowledge and effectively educate and engage healthcare professionals in dialogue about clinical USA - Ohio

AstraZeneca US: Portfolio Operations Leader not specified: AstraZeneca US: Description: As the Portfolio Operations Leader (POM Leader), you are part of the Global Marketing Services Skill Center, and are an extension of the Promotions team. You are responsible for the overall operational customer experience and oversee the del USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Portfolio Operations Manager not specified: AstraZeneca US: As a Portfolio Operations Manager (POM) you will be part of the Marketing Team and work closely with the Portfolio Operations Leader and the Global Marketing Services Skill Center. You are responsible for the overall operational customer experience for o USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Analytical Chemist

not specified: AstraZeneca US: Mission StatementAstraZeneca is a global, innovation-driven, integrated biopharmaceutical company. Our mission is to make a meaningful difference to patient health through great medicines that bring benefit for patients and add value for society. We disco USA - Massachusetts

AstraZeneca US: Specialty Portfolio Operations Manager not specified: AstraZeneca US: As a Specialty Portfolio Operations Manager (Specialty POM) you are part of the Specialty Marketing Teams and, work closely with the Portfolio Operations Leader and the Global Marketing Services Skill Center. You are responsible for the overall operati USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Technician II, Manufacturing not specified: AstraZeneca US: SummaryPerforms manufacturing and assembly of commercial pharmaceutical products. FunctionsLine clearances, cleaning/sanitization, cleaning, preparing and sterilization of fill equipment, sterilization of components, operation of aseptic filling equipment USA - Ohio

AstraZeneca US: Head of LAS (US) not specified: AstraZeneca US: The Arena: This position is located in Waltham, Massachusetts within the Laboratory Animal Sciences (LAS) Section. This group supports all in vivo studies conducted at Waltham and has active global collaborations. LAS scientists conduct studies to evalua USA - Massachusetts

Matchtech: Microbiology Research Technician (Food) GBP23000 per annum: Matchtech: Our client is a highly regarded testing organisation that supports the Food Industry. Due to planned expansion within micro the group are looking to recruit an experienced Research Microbiologist to join their team on a permanent basis. In this role the Buckinghamshire, England

Proclinical: Biostatistician GBP60 - GBP65 per hour: Proclinical: An internationally known biotechnology company has an opening for a Biostatistician job at their offices based in the South East of England. The company has a strong reputation for developing innovative therapies for neurological diseases and employs appr South East England, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: IT Support Analyst Negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are currently working for a growing Pharmaceutical company in Berkshire, who are seeking an IT Support Analyst to join their team. Berkshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Regulatory Writer - Macclesfield GBP40000 - GBP45000 per annum: Paramount Recruitment: Specialist Medical communications agency based just south of Manchester are recruiting for an experienced Senior Regulatory Writer to replace an employee that has moved on. Macclesfield, England

Paramount Recruitment: Account Director, Macclesfield negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Account Director - MEDCOMMS - Macclesfield & Oxfordshire Are you looking for an exciting new opportunity within an award winning integrated medical communications agency in Cheshire or Oxford? My client urgently requires an enthusiastic and experienced S Macclesfield, England

Paramount Recruitment: SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Competitive salary and enviable benefits!!: Paramount Recruitment: Highly experienced medical communications Account Manager is urgently required for a fast paced, award-winning PR and healthcare communications agency in Central London! London, England

Celgene: IT Program Manager, Tech Ops (Sys. Associate) Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Celgene: Specialist, Testing and Reporting (SQL) Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Paramount Recruitment: Account Manager HEALTHCARE COMMUNICATIONS Competitive with excellent benefits: Paramount Recruitment: Award winning medical communicationss agency in London is seeking an Account Manager with excellent PR expertise to join their dynamic team! Responsibilities include: *Assist in the development and implementation of strategic communications programmes f London, England

Vector Recruitment: Senior Electronics Design Engineer - Medical Technology GBP45000 - GBP60000 per annum + Bonus: Vector Recruitment: We are looking for an experienced Senior Electronics Engineer with a breadth and depth of skills across a range of electronic hardware design disciplines. You will be working with some of the most talented technical specialists in the industry on complex Cambridgeshire, England

Meet Recruitment: Key Account Manager – Pharmaceutical - London – Competitive Salary Competitive Salary, Bonus and Benefits: Meet Recruitment: Territory Sales Manager, Sales Manager, Key Account Manager Charlie Price on +447896 312311 or email [email protected] London (Greater) (GB)

EMBL - EBI: Scientific Curator - Cambridge On application: EMBL - EBI: We are looking to recruit an experienced and motivated Scientific Curator to join the ArrayExpress/Expression Atlas content team. Cambridge, UK

Fred Hutch: Lab Aide II

not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5548 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institutio Seattle

Fred Hutch: Physician Assistant or ARNP not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5492 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview A Seattle Cancer Care Alliance ARNP/PA-C is a certified physician assistant or advanced registered nur Seattle

Fred Hutch: Web Producer I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5479 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Job Summary This 6month contracted role (with potential to extend beyond) directs content s Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Assistant I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5470 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, non Seattle

Fred Hutch: Recruiter or Senior Recruiter Temporary not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5527 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates Seattle

Fred Hutch: Post Doctoral Research Fellow Patient Genomics Data Visualization not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5366 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonpr Seattle

Fred Hutch: Buyer I (Per Diem) not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5333 Type Temporary Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance located in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic collaboration among three Seattle

Fred Hutch: CTP QA Associate II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5369 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Cellular Therapeutics group is responsible for all therapeutic cellular collection and processing occ Seattle

Fred Hutch: Clinical Nurse Coordinator Benign Hematology not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5348 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington, is part of a dynamic collaboration amon Seattle

Fred Hutch: Post Doctoral Research Fellow not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4908 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonpr Seattle

Fred Hutch: Office Worker (Work Study) not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4508 Type Hidden (18701) Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Under the supervision of the Manager, the Office Worker is responsible for providing administrative and lo Seattle

Fred Hutch: Associate Director Planned Giving not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5413 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates, Seattle

Fred Hutch: Patient Care Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5510 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Support specific oncology/hematology clinics by coordinating the intake process for incoming patients. Tr Seattle

Fred Hutch: Medical Assistant with Surgical Technologist Registration not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5483 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Procedure Suite/Interventional Radiology Medical Assistant (MA) assists in the delivery of patient Seattle

Fred Hutch: Philanthropic Gift Advisor I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5411 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle ... Seattle

Proclinical: Clinical Trial administrator/ CTA Highly Competitive Salary : Proclinical: A large global contract research organisation specialising in pharmaceuticals currently has a vacancy for a Clinical Trial administrator/ CTA at their site in Lucerne, Switzerland. Role: This Clinical Trial administrator/ CTA job will require great Lucerne, Switzerland

Key People Pharmaceutical: Inside Sales & Account Manager Negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are currently working for a growing, data-driven CRO, who are looking for someone to join their expanding team as an Inside Sales & Account Manager. This position can be based from home, either in the UK or in the United States. England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Microbiology Lab Assistant GBP11 - GBP13 per hour: Key People Pharmaceutical: My global client is looking for a Microbiology Lab Assistant to work in the QC lab at their medical devices site in the North West. This is a 3 month contract, which may be extended. Lancashire, England

Meet Recruitment: Account Supervisor x 2 – Healthcare Advertising - New Jersey - $90,000-120,000 $90k-$120k: Meet Recruitment: 2 x Account Supervisor opportunities to join a leading healthcare advertising agency in New York. (One requiring consumer/broadcast (TV) experience.) New York (State) (US)

Fred Hutch: Lab Aide II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5548 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institutio Seattle

Fred Hutch: Physician Assistant or ARNP not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5492 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview A Seattle Cancer Care Alliance ARNP/PA-C is a certified physician assistant or advanced registered nur Seattle

Fred Hutch: Web Producer I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5479 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Job Summary This 6month contracted role (with potential to extend beyond) directs content s Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Assistant I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5470 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, non Seattle

Fred Hutch: Recruiter or Senior Recruiter Temporary not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5527 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates Seattle

Fred Hutch: CTP QA Associate II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5369 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Cellular Therapeutics group is responsible for all therapeutic cellular collection and processing occ Seattle

Fred Hutch: Associate Director Planned Giving not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5413 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates, Seattle

Fred Hutch: Palliative Care Management Analyst not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5549 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Provide organizational analysis and support to the Palliative Care (PC) Department. Define and implement Seattle

Fred Hutch: Compliance Analyst not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5452 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Under the direction of the Clinical Billing Integrity (CBI) Manager, this position performs daily activit Seattle

Fred Hutch: Community Sites Research Manager not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5204 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Research is a primary reason that the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) was created and Research Integ Seattle

Fred Hutch: Intern Research not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5531 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Recruiter or Senior Recruiter not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5526 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates, Seattle

Fred Hutch: Clinical Research Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5518 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview The Clinical Research Nurse will work collaboratively in the planning, coordination, and implem Seattle

Fred Hutch: Radiation Therapist II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 4729 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Perform all duties of Radiation Therapist I (Provide Radiation Therapy to patients utilizing a variety of Seattle

Fred Hutch: Post Doctoral Research Fellow not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5435 Type Regular Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch), home of three Nobel laureates, is an indep Seattle

Fred Hutch: Apprentice Engineer not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5390 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Title : Apprentice (General) Current Position Held by: vacant Position Reports t Seattle

Fred Hutch: Clinical Research Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5529 Type Regular Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, non Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5523 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Administrative Coordinator performs administrative duties and provides project support within the M Seattle

Fred Hutch: Intern Marketing not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5465 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Clinical Research Coordinator II not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5463 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview This position works with faculty and staff to facilitate investigator-initiated and pharmaceuti Seattle

Sysmex: Clinical Applications Specialist $75K to $85K: Sysmex: This position fulfills two primary needs within the department: in-house applications training and liaison and external/customer application training Mundelein, Illinois

Key People Pharmaceutical: Business Development Manager - North America - HOME BASED USD70000 - USD90000 per annum + Commission: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are currently working for a growing, data-driven CRO, who are looking for someone to join their expanding team as Business Development Manager on the East Coast. North Carolina, USA

Paramount Recruitment: Junior Account Manager - Healthcare Advertising GBP25000 - GBP30000 per annum + doe: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Account Executive - Junior Account Manager A fantastic opportunity for a Senior Account Executive - Junior Account Manager has arisen at an award winning Healthcare Advertising Agency based in Central London. Due to continued growth they are now City of London, England

Animal and Plant Health Agency: Admin and Technical Support - Variety & Seeds Delivery - Cambridge £27,400 - £31,680: Animal and Plant Health Agency: At the Animal and Plant Health Agency, we safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy. Cambridge, UK

EMD: Regulatory Senior Manager, Immuno Oncology (57590) not specified: EMD: Req Id 57590 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Serono is the biopharmaceutical division of Merck K United States (US)

EMD: Senior Manager, Global Regulatory Affairs (63382) not specified: EMD: Req Id 63382 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Serono is the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a global pharmace United States (US)

EMD: Emerging Market product Lead [avelumab] (63543) not specified: EMD: Req Id 63543 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (2) - Full-time SPECIFIC JOB DESCRIPTION For early development program in a defined therapeutic area: United States (US)

EMD: Regulatory Affairs Senior Manager, PD-L1 (57589) not specified: EMD: Req Id 57589 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Serono is the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a global pharmace United States (US)

EMD: Global Regulatory Lead (anti-PDL1) (63401) not specified: EMD: Req Id 63401 - Posted 04/17/2015 - United States - Massachusetts - Billerica - Regulatory Affairs - Career Level (1) - Full-time EMD Serono is the biopharmaceutical division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a global pharmace United States (US)

Rothamsted Research: Analytical Chemist - Harpenden, Hertfordshire starting salary in the region of £29,842 to £32,315: Rothamsted Research: Rothamsted Research is looking to appoint an experienced chemist to join a multi-site... Harpenden, Hertfordshire

Paramount Recruitment: Statistical Programmer DOE: Paramount Recruitment: Statistical Programmer An exciting opportunity for a Statistical Programmer has become available within a global pharmaceutical company based in Hertfordshire! This opportunity will be a 6 month, office based role where the successful candidate wi Hertfordshire, England

Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): Process Chemist - Fuels Industry £20000 - £25000 per annum: Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS): We are currently looking for Process Chemists to join a global leader in the formulation, manufacturing and marketing of petroleum additives for lubricants and fuels.... Oxfordshire

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRAII, SCRA- REGIONAL- Home Based Barcelona/ Madrid, Spain, Up to 43,000 Euros. Top 5 CRO. Up to 43,000 Euros. : Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Spain (ES)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home/ Field based, Rep of Ireland, Up to 60,000 Euros Up to 60,000 Euros.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. Dublin (IE)

Meet Recruitment: CRA, CRA II, SCRA- Home Based, UK, up to £40,000 - Top 20 CRO- ONCOLOGY/ HAEMOTOLOGY Up to £40,000.: Meet Recruitment: Please contact Laith Bader on +44 (0) 7792003933 or [email protected]. United Kingdom

Meet Recruitment: Group Copy Supervisor – Healthcare Advertising –New York – $110-135K $110,000 - $130,000: Meet Recruitment: An exciting opportunity to work across a leading breast cancer account for a globally renowned agency based in Manhattan, New York. New York (City) (US)

Meet Recruitment: Senior Account Executive Healthcare Advertising - London - **Networked Agency** Competitive: Meet Recruitment: Our client is a huge name in healthcare advertising and is looking for a Senior Account Executive in healthcare advertising to join their team. London (Central), London (Greater) (GB)

Meet Recruitment: Junior Account Executive Medical Communications - London - **Intern Experience Required** Competitive: Meet Recruitment: An opportunity for a Junior Account Executive to join a leading networked Medical Communications agency based in London. London (Greater) (GB)

Meet Recruitment: Senior Account Executive – Medical Education – London - £27k-£32k £27k-£32k : Meet Recruitment: Opportunity for an experienced Senior Account Executive to join this well-known Medical Education agency based in a central London Location. London (Greater) (GB)

Kelly Scientific Resources: GMP Compliance Assessor £38 - £42 per hour: Kelly Scientific Resources: GREAT NEW OPPORTUNITY FOR A QUALITY GMP COMPLIANCE PROFESSIONAL!!! A GMP Compliance Assessor position has just become available for a global pharmaceutical company based in... South East

Kelly Scientific Resources: Regulatory Affairs Associate £25 - £50 per hour: Kelly Scientific Resources: Regulatory Affairs Associate - South East - Highly Competitive Salary - 12 Month Contract Are you a highly skilled regulatory affairs associate? Do you have exceptional experience... South East

AstraZeneca : Discovery Safety Specialists - Cambridge On application: AstraZeneca : As one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, our business is focused on providing innovative... Cambridge, UK

Thermo Fisher: Sales Operations Analyst not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Work closely with the Sr. Sales Manager, Americas - RMSI - to develop and ensure the timely delivery of actionable sales information bookings and other reports. Support development and maintenance Salesforce.com CRM system (SFDC).Ensu Franklin Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Account Manager Financial Services not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary:The Account Manager, Financial Services will be responsible for supporting and driving lease growth within Thermo Fisher Scientific, specifically the Research Safety Division and Laboratory Products Group. S/he will be responsible for de Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Thermo Fisher: Software Engineer R&D not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Objective: As part of the Thermo Fisher Diagnostic Quality Controls Business, the Engineer III will lead R&D software activities aimed at designing and developing products that include software tools that support molecular diagnostics in a cli Fremont California

Thermo Fisher: Associate Chemist Quality Control not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Using standard operating procedures and good manufacturing practices, responsible for conducting routine and non-routine analysis of incoming raw materials, work-in-process materials and/or matched kits and filled bottle reagents. Fremont California

Thermo Fisher: Scientist II R&D not specified: Thermo Fisher: THE POSITION:The Thermo Scientific Quality Controls team is a group of passionate individuals dedicated to changing the way medicine is practiced. We are building a talented team of scientists dedicated to the AcroMetrix Quality Controls business, based i Fremont California

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative 1 Boston Cambridge area not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: Our Sales Representative is responsible for the sales of research products and services within a defined territory, serving customers engaged in existing and new customers primarily in biotech, start ups, and medical research. The Boston Massachusetts

Thermo Fisher: Scientist III Cell Biology not specified: Thermo Fisher: About Us Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and approximately 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and saf Frederick Maryland

Thermo Fisher: Sales Support Representative – District Sales Support not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: The primary duty of this position is to support their assigned sales team with defined responsibilities and act on behalf of the salesperson to prioritize and resolve process issues that impact the customer and sales team productivity. Houston Texas

Thermo Fisher: Account Executive Senior (San Francisco Bay Area) not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - San Francisco, United States - Pennsylvania - Allentown Job Level Experienced Posting date: April 17, 2015 Position Summary: The Senior Account Ex Allentown Pennsylvania

Thermo Fisher: Account Executive Senior (San Francisco Bay Area) not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Job Type Full-time Location United States - California - San Francisco, United States - Pennsylvania - Allentown Job Level Experienced Posting date: April 17, 2015 Position Summary: The Senior Account Ex San Francisco California

Thermo Fisher: Inside Sales Representative not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - Texas - Houston Job Level Experienced Posting date: January 9, 2015 Position Summary: The Direct Sales position is a part of a vig Houston Texas

Thermo Fisher: Sales Representative Virginia W. VA Maryland Delaware NC & SC not specified: Thermo Fisher: Expertise Sales Education Bachelors Job Type Full-time Location United States - West Virginia - All, United States - Maryland - All, United States - Maryland - Baltimore, United States - Virginia - All, United States - Delaware - Al ALL Maryland

Thermo Fisher: Sr. Engineering Project Manager not specified: Thermo Fisher: Position Summary: We are seeking an experienced, self-motivated and enthusiastic Senior Engineering Project Manager Tewksbury Massachusetts

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Department of Pathology: Director, Division of Informatics Birmingham, Alabama Dependent on Experience: University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Department of Pathology: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Dept. of Pathology is seeking a tenure/tenure-earning Associate Professor or Full Professor. Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35201

Mettler Toledo: Service Sales Representative - Northeastern, US Benefits : Mettler Toledo: The Service Sales Representative (SSR) is responsible for promoting value-added maintenance contract solutions to new and existing customers. Northeastern, U.S.

AstraZeneca US: Strategy directory women's cancer franchise not specified: AstraZeneca US: The Strategy Director, Women's Cancer Franchise will:* Be accountable for leading a team of Brand Leads to define, design, execute and measure brand strategy across both HCP & Consumer segments for the Women's Cancer Franchise* Collaborate effectively acr USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Business Analyst not specified: AstraZeneca US: Function / Team / Location The Business Analyst is responsible for understanding the business needs and analysing, validating and documenting the business and system requirements that identify how these needs can be best addressed. This role also designs USA - Delaware

AstraZeneca US: Study Physician/Sr. Study Physician, Immuno-Oncology not specified: AstraZeneca US: Responsible for managing or providing specialist expert support within one principal function, or a geographical area within the span of Medical Science components. Will have significant input into the regional Medical Science strategies and some input to USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Safety Skills Director not specified: AstraZeneca US: Job Description / Capsule Accountable for the performance and results across a number of teams within the span of Patient Safety. Sets departmental objectives/plans to ensure delivery of business objectives. Lead the provision of high quality product saf USA - Maryland

AstraZeneca US: Business Insight & Analytics Associate Director, Immuno-Oncology (2 Openings) not specified: AstraZeneca US: Successful candidates will be AstraZeneca Employees and will be located at AstraZeneca's MedImmune strategic science center in Gaithersburg, Maryland. MedImmune is the worldwide biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, a global, innovation-d USA - Maryland

Paramount Recruitment: Validation Engineer - Central Belt - Scotland - Contract GBP35 - GBP45 per hour: Paramount Recruitment: Validation Engineer - Central Belt - Scotland - Contract Biomedical - Scotland Edinburgh - Glasgow - Livingston - Stirling - Falkirk - Hamilton - Dunfermline - Validation - Validation Engineer - Senior Validation Engineer We are looking for someone Central Belt, Scotland

Paramount Recruitment: Regulatory Affairs Associate DOE: Paramount Recruitment: Regulatory Affairs Associate An exciting opportunity for a Regulatory Affairs Associate has become available within a leading global pharmaceutical company! This role is a maternity cover contract position based in the south of UK. Basingstoke, England

Celgene: Hematology Oncology Consultant (Multiple Myeloma) - NW Indiana Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Chicago, Illinois, United States

Celgene: Hematology Oncology Consultant (Solid Tumor) - West Virginia Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Charleston, West Virginia, United States

Celgene: Executive Director, Global Marketing, Rheumatology, I&I Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passion Warren, New Jersey, United States

Celgene: Senior Manager, Clinical Trial Analyst Job

Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, United States

Celgene: Rheumatology Specialty Rep - Salt Lake City Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Celgene: Sr. Manager, Aggregate Safety Reporting Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passion Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, United States

Celgene: Environmental Health & Safety / Ergonomics Project Coordinator Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passion Summit, New Jersey, United States

Celgene: Director, Global Investigational Material Supply Chain (IMSC) Business Applications Job Dependent Upon Experience: Celgene: Celgene is a global biopharmaceutical company leading the way in medical innovation to help patients live longer, better lives. Our purpose as a company is to discover and develop therapies that will change the course of human health. We value our passio Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, United States

Cranleigh Scientific: Senior Biochemist - Biotechnology - Hertfordshire - up to £40k GBP35000 - GBP40000 per annum: Cranleigh Scientific: A Hertfordshire based, biotechnology company is seeking to appoint a Senior Biochemist to support the company's proprietary programs developing bioprocesses for synthesis of higher value chemicals from C1 feed stocks. Hertfordshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiologist DOE: Paramount Recruitment: Epidemiologist Epidemiologist, STATA, Drug safety, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Contract, Freelance, Hertfordshire, UK A world class Pharmaceutical company are actively seeking a talented Epidemiologist on a contract /freelance basis. Hertfordshire, England

NES Global Talent: Senior Scientist (Microbial Fermentation, Product Delivery) £25000 - £30000 per annum: NES Global Talent: Senior Scientist (Microbial Fermentation, Product Delivery) - Permanent Staffordshire As a leading international clinical and commercial manufacturer of biologics and pharmaceuticals, my client offers a broad... Keele

EMBL: Projects & Communications Officer - Bioinformatics & Systems Medicine - Heidelberg, Germany On application: EMBL: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. Heidelberg, Germany

EMBL: Software Developer / Bioinformatician - Heidelberg, Germany On application: EMBL: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. Heidelberg, Germany

EMBL: Automation / Mecatronics Engineer - Grenoble, France On application: EMBL: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. Grenoble, France

EMBL: Postdoctoral Fellow (2 positions) - Grenoble, France On application: EMBL: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. Grenoble, France 6d

Key People Pharmaceutical: Admin Assistant (Pharma experience required) Negotiable: Key People Pharmaceutical: A clinical research organisation are looking for a an admin assistant to join their team and help them with their filing. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who is looking to help an organisation with their administrative duties. Uxbridge, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Medical Devices Auditor GBP40000 - GBP45000 per annum + company car, 10% bonus, laptop, mobile: Key People Pharmaceutical: My client, a global company, is recruiting experienced auditors for its medical device section. England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Microarray Scientist GBP23000 - GBP35000 per annum + negotiable, DOE: Key People Pharmaceutical: My client is looking for a microarray scientist for their site on the East coast of Scotland. Dundee, Scotland

Key People Pharmaceutical: Qualified Person GBP55000 - GBP60000 per annum + benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: To act as a 'Qualified Person' for the company's Manufacturing and Wholesale licenses, releasing finished dosage products, as well as liaising with regulatory authorities during audits. Gillingham, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: CRA - Field based or Office based GBP50000 - GBP55000 per annum + Benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Research Associate - Field based Your rewards : ° The opportunity to pursue further training and an interesting career in an inspiring environment that values achievement, supports a balance between your personal and professional life and allow Germany

Key People Pharmaceutical: Translational Project Manager GBP60000 - GBP67000 per annum + Bonus and Extensive benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are looking for an experienced Translational Project Manager to work for our client based in the Cambridgeshire region. This is an interesting role taking projects from translation research through to early clinical phase. This role is respon Cambridgeshire, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: Qualified Person (Commercial) GBP70000 - GBP80000 per day + Extensive benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: CANDIDATES MUST MEET THE EU REQUIRMENTS FOR QUALIFIED PERSON STATUS Summary: The QP will provide support to all appropriate and relevant activities within the company. The job has three primary functions, QP certifications and declarations, technical c East Sussex, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: CRA - Belgium EUR50000 - EUR55000 per annum: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are looking for a CRA to work for our global CRO client based in Belgium to be insourced to a leading pharmaceutical client. Home-based working is possible and a competitive salary and benefits package is offered Required skills, Experience a Belgium

Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Project Manager GBP60000 - GBP67000 per annum + Bonus + Extensive Benefits!: Key People Pharmaceutical: We are looking for a Clinical Project Manager and Senior Clinical Project Manager to work for our biotech client based in Cambridgeshire. This is an fantastic opportunity to join an exciting company with strong career development. Applicants must have Cambridgeshire, England

Key People Pharmaceutical: CRA - Field based or Office based GBP50000 - GBP55000 per annum + Benefits: Key People Pharmaceutical: We are looking for CRAs to be either field based or office based in Germany. Candidates MUST be currently living in Germany and speak fluent German. Focusing on Oncology studies. Germany

Key People Pharmaceutical: Clinical Research Physician GBP50000 - GBP60000 per annum + Bonus: Key People Pharmaceutical: Key People are recruiting for a Clinical Research Physician to work for our client based in the London area. Candidates must be currently living in the UK, and have completed their undergraduate or post graduate training in the UK. This is a great posit London, England

Cranleigh Scientific: QA Manager-IVD-ISO 13485-GMP-Diagnostics-West Sussex-£40-45k GBP40000 - GBP45000 per annum + Excellent company benefits : Cranleigh Scientific: QA Manager - ISO 13485 - IV Diagnostics - Microbiology - West Sussex -Permanent - £40-45k + Excellent Company Benefits An experienced QA Manager is required to join a global, leading in-vitro diagnostics company at their West Sussex facility. Crawley, England

Paramount Recruitment: GCP Auditor - Quality Assurance Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: GCP Auditor - Quality Assurance A fantastic opportunity has arisen for a Senior QA Auditor to join a leading CRO based within Northern Ireland. Belfast, Northern Ireland

Paramount Recruitment: Compliance Associate - North West Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Compliance Associate - North West A fantastic opportunity has arisen for a Compliance Associate to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based within the North West. Cheshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Senior Quality Assurance Officer (FTC) - South East Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Senior Quality Assurance Officer (FTC) - South East An excellent opportunity has arisen for a QA Officer to join a leading healthcare organisation based within the South East. Buckinghamshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Quality Assurance Associate Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Quality Assurance Associate A fantastic opportunity has arisen for a QA Associate to join a leading Pharmaceutical company based within the South East or England. Berkshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Quality & Regulatory Affairs Administrator - South East Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Quality & Regulatory Affairs Administrator - South East An excellent opportunity has arisen for a Quality & Regulatory Affairs Administrator to join a healthcare organisation based within the South East of England. Oxfordshire, England

Paramount Recruitment: Operations Manager Negotiable: Paramount Recruitment: Operations Manager A fantastic opportunity has arisen for an Operations Manager to join a leading scientific supplies company based within the East Midlands. East Midlands, England

Fred Hutch: Intern Research not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5531 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Recruiter or Senior Recruiter not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5526 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates, Seattle

Fred Hutch: Writing Intern not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5512 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution de Seattle

Fred Hutch: Nursing Assistant not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5501 Type Regular Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Nursing Assistant is responsible for preparing the room for patients, performing vital signs, assurin Seattle

Fred Hutch: Registered Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5499 Type Regular Part-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The nursing position is responsible for direct patient care and nursing management of patients being infu Seattle

Fred Hutch: Helpdesk Support Analyst I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5498 Type Regular Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, no Seattle

Fred Hutch: Human Nutrition Lab Intern not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5495 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Communications and Marketing Design Intern not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5481 Type Temporary Part-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5468 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Team Coordinator, Breast Imaging/Mammography Scheduler/Receptionist is under the direct supervision Seattle

Fred Hutch: Intern Administration not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5465 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Intern Administration not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5456 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Fred Hutch, home of three Nobel laureates, is an independent, nonprofit research institution Seattle

Fred Hutch: Team Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5338 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington, is part of a dynamic collaboration amon Seattle

Fred Hutch: Registered Nurse Women's Center & Specialty Oncology Clinics Per Diem not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5044 Type Regular Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Provides longitudinal comprehensive nursing care to Women’s Center/Specialty Oncology Clinics patients. Ha Seattle

Fred Hutch: Marketing Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5539 Type Regular Full-Time Company SCCA Proton Therapy, A ProCure Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview ProCure is dedicated to bringing proton therapy to patients by using a comprehensive approach Seattle

Fred Hutch: Clinical Nurse Coordinator not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5538 Type Regular Full-Time Company SCCA Proton Therapy, A ProCure Center Location US WA - Seattle Overview ProCure is dedicated to bringing proton therapy to patients by using a comprehensive approach Seattle

Fred Hutch: Administrative Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5455 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance located in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic collaboration among thre Seattle

Fred Hutch: Registered Nurse not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5382 Type Regular Per-Diem Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, located in Seattle, Washington, is part of a dynamic collaboration among Seattle

Fred Hutch: Cerner Clinical Applications Manager not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5300 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Manage, implement and evaluate all daily operations, maintenance and support of SCCA’s Electronic Medical Seattle

Fred Hutch: Recruiter or Senior Recruiter Temporary not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5527 Type Temporary Full-Time Company Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Cures Start Here. At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , home to three Nobel laureates Seattle

Fred Hutch: Patient Care Coordinator I not specified: Fred Hutch: Job ID 5510 Type Regular Full-Time Company Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Location US - WA - Seattle Overview Support specific oncology/hematology clinics by coordinating the intake process for incoming patients. Tr Seattle


the characterization of nuclear receptors and transcription factors involved in the onset and progression of. atherothrombotic disease and in the role of extracellular matrix modifiying enzymes in atherosclerosis. development and aneurysm progression. The position involves working with transgenic animal models. recently ...

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