Judy’s Progress
Mwlv bhwa
A weekly Dvar Torah published in loving memory of Mrs Judy Feiglin A"H Nylgyyp y"n ldn[m Mjnm 'r /b h"[ hwj ltyg /rm /mvn ywl[l
Vol 3 No. 12 18 Teves 5774 December 21 2013 Shemos
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Parshas Shemos
This week's Parsha, Shemos, details the growth of the Jewish people from a family of seventy to a multitudinous nation, led by Moshe Rabbeinu. When Hashem first appeared to Moshe, at the burning bush, the Torah tells us Moshe's words: "I will turn and see this great sight, why the bush is not burning." The Medrash tells us that Moshe either took three steps or merely turned his head to see this supernatural apparition. This act, a mere movement, was the beginning of Moshe's path to greatness and leading the Jewish people. Had he decided not to look aside, he may have kept walking into oblivion! We may never have heard of Moshe Rabbeinu, and another may have taken his place. There is tremendous merit in simply noticing the unusual and taking the time to pay attention to one's surroundings. Rabbeinu Bechayai explains this verse that Moshe understood three things: there was a fire, an angel and the presence of Hashem's Shechina. First he saw the fire that was burning but the bush was not consumed, visible with the naked eye. When he saw this fire, he thought it was a sulfuric fire from the spiritual depths below, and that was why the bush was not consumed he wanted to investigate whether the bush was unnatural or the fire was wondrous. After his investigation, his mind strengthened and he saw an angel there, and when he went a level higher, Hashem's presence appeared. Hashem educated him slowly how to receive prophecy, and that was why He showed Moshe various apparitions before appearing, to strengthen his mind for such an event.
Rabbeinu Bechayai explains how Hashem gradually educated Moshe in steps until he reached the ultimate level of perceiving Hashem's presence. Rabbi Henach Leibowitz זצ״לasked, what significance is there that should allow Moshe to ascend levels by thinking about the fire? He thought it was a regular fire, and was astonished that the bush did not burn. How does contemplating a physical object relate to spiritual growth, to the point where he merited seeing an angel? We must conclude that when Moshe thought about and investigated a physical thing, it was, in his mind, a Mitzvah and a spiritual endeavour - we know that "His [Hashem's] glory fills the world" and in Tehillim the verse states "The heavens tell the honour of Hashem and His handiwork is praised by the sky". When Moshe thought about nature, his intent was not mere curiosity - he wanted to increase his knowledge and understand the sights of Hashem's wonders in the world, and that is a spiritually uplifting endeavour - Moshe's thoughts and desire to grow merited him to reach a level to see a Divine angel. We see the importance of taking the time to understand nature - Hashem's creations and wonders in the world. Through such thoughts one will come closer to Hashem, grow in spirituality and come to recognise Hashem in everything. We are also given the sacred task of passing this outlook on to our future generations. If we educate our children to see the hand of Hashem in everything, the beauty and perfection of creation, then we hope that Hashem will grant us the ultimate reward with the coming of Moshiach.
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Judy’s Progress
Vol 3 No. 12 18 Teves 5774 December 21 2013 Shemos
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Dear Family and Friends, We hope you are enjoying the Divrei Torah every week.We hope that they bring some additional Torah thoughts to some Shabbos tables around the world! If you would like to support Torah learning in Israel in Judy's h"[ merit, we have added a "Donate" button to the blog proceeds go directly to Kollel Zichron Pinchas Meir in Yerushalayim. ($US only at this time). Anyone who is interested in contributing/writing a Dvar Torah for a particular week or sponsoring an edition please email us at
[email protected] can also email us at that address to subscribe (or unsubscribe) or you can read it on the blog at http://www.judysprogress.com/ Wishing everyone a Good Shabbos, All the best, Sarah Abraham & Yitzchak Feiglin and families
Proudly published by Judy's children, Sarah Abraham and Yitzchak Feiglin and families. Read why on the blog. Keeping memories alive and spreading the light of Torah.