4º CSH Unit 4

At the beginning of the XIX century, the war against the French invasion led to a deep crisis within the Ancient Regime which gave way to the start of a new liberalism in Spain.

The monarch, Charles IV, decided to declare war on France (1793-1795). The war was a disaster and later Manuel Godoy, one of the most relevant ministers, looked for an alliance with Napoleon against Great Britain. He allowed the French army to go through Spanish territory to attack Portugal. In fact, the Spanish people soon became so disappointed with Godoy that in 1808 the Aranjuez riot took place. Godoy was forced to resign and the monarch, Charles IV, also had to abdicate the throne to his son Ferdinand VII. However, Napoleon called the king and his son to France and made them both abdicate and accept his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, as the new Spanish king. ACTIVITIES: Q1. What was the Mutiny of Aranjuez? Q2. Describe the picture.

These events led to a popular revolt and Madrid took up arms against the French. Juntas and a Supreme Central Junta were created to manage the fight, whereas the Spanish people


4º CSH Unit 4 joined the guerrilla groups to fight in the countryside. The cities, like Zaragoza, refused to surrender, which made things worse for the outside invaders. The aid of British troops, under the command of Wellington, was so influential that by the end of 1813, the French troops began their withdrawal. That year, the Treaty of Valençay was signed, which meant the return of Ferdinand VII to the Spanish throne and the withdrawal of Napoleon’s troops from Spanish territory. ACTIVITIES: Q3. What were the causes of the War of Independence? Explain the evolution of the conflict.

The abdications left Spain without a legitimate government. Therefore, the Supreme Central Junta convened a meeting of constituent assembly in Cadiz in 1810. The first decision made by this assembly was revolutionary: Everyone present met in one assembly and all votes had equal weight. A Constitution was drafted in 1812, reflecting the basic principles of political liberalism: national sovereignty, separation of powers, suppression of guilds and manors, abolition of the Inquisition and all Spanish people were given equality concerning matters of law and taxes. ACTIVITIES: Q4. Compare the Constitutions of 1812 and 1978:

     

Sovereignty Powers Suffrage Rights Relations between the Catholic Church and the State What day were they passed?

Ferdinand VII went back to Spain in 1814. The Liberals attempted to make him sign the Constitution of 1812, but the Absolutists got him to restore Absolutism. The king chose to return to Absolutism. By means of a coup d’état, he closed the Parliament and overrode the Constitution. Soon, the Ancien Régime was established again. Many Liberals had to leave the country. Some of the opponents of Absolutism, backed by the liberal side of the Army, started some revolts, but most were suppressed. Their leaders were executed. ACTIVITIES: Q5. What did Ferdinand VII do when he returned to Spain?


4º CSH Unit 4

In 1820, a military uprising led by Colonel Riego succeeded, starting the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823). The king was obligated to accept the Constitution of 1812, to decree amnesty and to hold elections. The new Parliament restored most of the liberal reforms of Cadiz and created the National Militia. However, the king was discontented and called for foreign aid, which the Holy Alliance assigned to France. In 1823, the so-called Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis, under the command of the Duke of Angoulême, defeated the Liberals and restored Ferdinand VII as an absolute monarch. ACTIVITIES: Q6. What was the Liberal Triennium? How did it end?

The return to Absolutism brought a crackdown on liberals and the destruction of all the legislative work of the Triennium. However, the government of Ferdinand VII was incapable of solving the deep problems of the country. Firstly, the war against France and the independence of the American colonies had left the country on the verge of bankruptcy. The privileged classes backed the Absolutist ideas and the king couldn’t ask them for more taxes without damaging his own interests. Secondly, the king had only daughters and they couldn’t be crowned because of the Salic Law. He tried to ensure his eldest daughter, Isabella, succession to the throne by issuing the Pragmatic Sanction. Many absolutists started to consider Carlos, the king’s brother, as the legitimate candidate for the Spanish throne.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the American colonies gained their independence, which helped to accelerate the economic problems and politically discredit Ferdinand VII.   

There were many causes of the Independence: The spreading of Liberal ideas and principles of Freedom and Equality. The successful revolution in the United States. The dissatisfaction of the criollos (people born in America with unmixed Spanish descent) who saw Spain’s economic policy as an obstacle to American interests.


4º CSH Unit 4 ACTIVITIES: Q7. How were the criollos? Why did they want the independence of their countries? Q8. Write down the date of independence of each country.

When Ferdinand VII died, his daughter Isabella was only three years old and her mother, the regent Maria Christina, sought the support of the Liberals to place her on the throne. On the other hand, the Absolutists continued to support Carlos, the king’s brother, and soon a civil war broke out. The two sides were:

The Carlist absolutists. The agrarian nobility, the clergy and the peasants from the Northeast. They backed the Ancien Régime and the supremacy of the Catholic Church. The Isabelline liberals. The Monarchy and the nobility at court only wanted to defend their own interests and privileges, so they chose the liberals as allies against the absolutists. The liberal bourgeoisie, the popular urban classes and the peasants from the other parts of the country supported the queen and her daughter, looking for a return to a liberal government and a constitutional monarchy. Liberals approved the Royal Statute of 1834. The war lasted seven years, with several outbreaks of Carlist insurrections in places such as the Basque Country, Aragon and Catalonia. The embrace of Vergara ended the war, but Carlism went on for almost the entire nineteenth century. ACTIVITIES: Q9. What were the causes of the Carlist War? Describe the picture (page 72).


4º CSH Unit 4

There were two groups of liberals, the moderates and the progressives. The moderates wanted limited reforms. The progressives advocated the complete dismantling of the entire structure of the Ancien Régime. When Maria Cristina was forced to call on them, they introduced some liberal reforms between 1835 and 1837 led by Mendizabal. A set of laws allowed for the dissolution of the manor system, the division of ownership and the confiscation of property of the clergy and the municipalities (disentailment or desamortización). The Constitution of 1837 led to a Parliamentary Monarchy, which recognized national sovereignty and individuals’ rights. ACTIVITIES: Q10. What political parties were there in Isabelline Spain? Q11. What reforms dismantled the Ancien Régime?

In 1840, after a Moderate period of government supported by the crown, an opposition movement rose up against the Regent and Maria Cristina was forced to resign. This started the period of the regency of the progressive Espartero. However, his government would not last long since his authoritarianism and free-trade measures hurt the young Spanish industry; he was forced to resign in 1843. The Courts proclaimed Isabella II queen before she reached the age of maturity. ACTIVITIES: Q12. Why did Espartero leave the government?

During the reign of Isabella II, The Moderate Liberal Party was the head of the government. It had the support of the monarchy. They imposed a suffrage based on census, which was a major intervention by the Crown in politics and the limitation of freedoms. Besides, the army was still very influential, as everybody would seek its help to get power. The new regime relied on the most powerful groups: the Aristocracy, the Church and the conservative bourgeoisie. All of them accepted the new liberal government in order to stop the Carlists. In 1845, another Constitution was enacted. This Constitution of 1845 established shared sovereignty between the Crown and the Parliament. In 1853, an agreement with the Catholic Church made Spain a confessional state. Only the Basque Country and Navarra kept their old provincial rights (fueros), fearing Carlism.


4º CSH Unit 4 Other moderate reforms were the creation of a Finance system (Hacienda) and the Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) in 1844. ACTIVITIES: Q13. What characteristic had the Constitution of 1845?

The Progressive Biennium In 1854, a military uprising succeeded in Vicálvaro (Vicalvarada), which was supported by the progressives and disappointed moderates who had founded the Liberal Union under the leadership of General O’Donnell. During these two years, there were several reforms: a new desamortización of the church lands and they started the building of the railway system. ACTIVITIES: Q14. What reforms were issued during the Progressive Biennium? The crisis of the Isabelline system The last part of the Isabelline reign was a period of alternation of power between the Moderates and the Liberal Union. They put a colonialist policy into effect, which led to the African War (Morocco, 1859-1860). The opposition to the regime grew and new political groups emerged, such as the Democrats, who advocated universal male suffrage, and the Republicans, who advocated the abolition of the monarchy. ACTIVITIES: Q15. What new parties appeared in the 1860’s? What did they defend?

The governments tried to change Spain into a democratic system.

From 1866 on, there was a severe economic crisis, which coupled with the political erosion of the Isabelline regime, triggered a revolution against the monarchy. The rebels were those marginalized from power: Unionists, Liberals and Democrats, who sought an alternative method, based on the democratization of political life (Pact of Ostend).The movement, led by the military Prim (progressive) and Serrano (Unionist), erupted in September 1868. The military uprising was followed by riots in major cities. The troops loyal to the Government were defeated in Alcolea, and Isabella II marched into exile. They formed a provisional government lead by Prim and Serrano. Finally, they chose new Courts and adopted the Constitution of 1869, which had a democratic character: national sovereignty, universal suffrage, freedom of religion, constitutional monarchy.


4º CSH Unit 4 ACTIVITIES: Q16. Explain the causes of the Revolution of 1868. Q17. What characteristic had the Constitution of 1869?

The Constitution of 1869 established a government by monarchy, so they had to find a king among the European dynasties. Amadeo of Savoy, from the Italian royal family, with a democratic conception of the role of the monarchy, was chosen. But Amadeo was always opposed by the Church, the moderates and the Carlists, who all remained faithful to the Bourbons. On the other hand, many Democrats proclaimed themselves Republicans and some Republicans promoted insurgency. After an insurrection on the island of Cuba in 1868 and a new Carlist War, which began in 1872, Amadeo had to give up his throne in 1873. ACTIVITIES: Q18. Why did the monarchy of Amadeo of Savoy fail?

The Republic was proclaimed after being voted in by the Courts, despite a majority of Monarchical politicians within it. In addition, the Republic was welcomed by the people in the towns. The Republicans had a wide program of social reforms and tried to create a federal state. However, the political situation was not good. The Carlist wars and the revolts in Cuba got worse, their internal divisions grew, and the most radical Republicans started uprisings. Cartagena was proclaimed an independent canton. On the other hand, the monarchical supporters started to think about restoring the monarchy through Isabella’s son Alfonso. In 1874, a coup d’état led by General Pavía dissolved the Parliament and chose General Serrano as president. He wanted a conservative Republic, but his potential supporters had already opted for the return of the Monarchy. ACTIVITIES: Q19. What problems had the First Spanish Republic?

General Martínez Campos proclaimed Alfonso de Bourbon, son of Isabella II, King of Spain in December, 1874 in Sagunto. The restoration was met with joy by the conservative groups.


4º CSH Unit 4

Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, a conservative, set up the new political system. It was liberal but not very democratic. This system had two major parties:  The Conservative Party: It was led by Cánovas, and supported political stagnation, the defense of the Church and the established social order.  The Liberal Party: It was directed by Mateo Práxedes Sagasta. He supported democratic, secular and social reform (universal suffrage). Both parties belonged to the upper bourgeoisie. And both agreed on the essential ideologies (defence of the monarchy, the constitution, private property, and a central State). System stability was restored due to the drafting of the Constitution of 1876, which was clearly moderate. Other factors that calmed the situation were the end of the Carlist war, and the war with Cuba. ACTIVITIES: Q20. What political parties were there in the Bourbon Restoration?

Conservatives and Liberals agreed to govern by alternating turns (turnismo). This functioned because becoming part of the government depended on the king’s choice and not on winning the elections. This was possible thanks to a corrupt electoral system that manipulated the elections and didn´t hesitate to falsify votes or to buy votes. Besides, all kinds of coercive practices were used against the electorate. The chieftains (landowners and members of the gentry) wielded an excessive amount of power over the population, especially in rural areas (caciquismo). ACTIVITIES: Q21. Was there democracy in Spain? Describe the picture (page 78).

The confirmation of a centralized, uniform state caused the emergence of nationalist movements.  Catalonia. The movement claimed the Catalan language and culture and this resulted in the creation of political parties such as Unió Catalanista or the Lliga regionalista.


4º CSH Unit 4  Basque Country. The abolition of some ancient laws (fueros) after the Carlist defeat created an anti-Spanish protest movement that culminated in the creation of the Nationalist Basque Party (PNV).  Galicia: Gallegan nationalism remained for many years as a cultural movement with few political repercussions. ACTIVITIES: Q22. Why did nationalist movements appear in Spain?

Because of Spain’s limited capacity to make political reforms on the island, a new insurrection broke out in Cuba in 1895, which gave the island some autonomy. The USA supported the rebels because the high tariffs were hindering trade. The conflict escalated in 1898. The USA declared war on Spain after of they sank an American boat. This caused Spain to lose the war, which was a swift and humiliating defeat. Spain lost its last colonies: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The defeat of 1898 provoked a state of frustration, rooted by strong pessimism, among the Spanish society and political classes. Regenerationists appeared who asked for a true Spanish democratisation and to put an end to power of chieftains and political corruption.

ACTIVITIES: Q23. How did the Cuban War begin? Q24. Answer the key questions (page 80).  What was the Spanish War of Independence? What was the Constitution of 1812?  What reforms issued the Progressives and the Moderates?  What was the Democratic Sexennium? What phases did it have?  What were the characteristics of the Restoration?  Put in a chronological axis the main political periods of Spain in the 19th century.


4º CSH Unit 4

The Spanish population grew, but in smaller proportions compared to other European countries. Thus, Spain went from 11.5 million in 1797 to 18.6 million in 1900. This growth was the result of declining mortality, whereas maintaining the birth rate. Despite this, mortality remained higher in Spain than in the rest of Europe. The country’s population only increased within the industrial zones. The Spanish economic and agricultural situation was very poor. Because of this, many peasants migrated. This exodus developed cities more than rural communities:  In the first stage, migrants went to urban areas, and then to the most industrialized areas.  In a second stage, thousands of Spanish people emigrated to Latin America. ACTIVITIES: Q25. Why did Spanish population grow in smaller proportions compared to other European countries? Q26. Where did peasants migrate?

The manorial system was dissolved, communal property was removed and the land belonging to the Catholic Church was confiscated (desamortización). These reforms strengthened the ownership of private property. Despite this, one of the biggest problems had always been land reform, and the majority of farmers never agreed to own private property. They continued as poor peasants. The fact that farmers remained in the fields as a source of cheap labour, there were no investment in mechanization or developing productivity, and the capacity for the peasants to buy didn’t increase at all, prevented the industry from advancing. ACTIVITIES: Q27. What were the effects of the desamortización?

The industrialisation process was delayed in Spain and some industry was located in Andalusia, Asturias, Catalonia and the Basque Country. The main causes of its poor development were:  The populations’ low purchasing power. 10

4º CSH Unit 4    

Lack of investment and lack of gentry. Transport problems were caused by the delay of the railroad and our relief. The shortage of energy sources. The remote location of Spain compared to most industrialized cores.

ACTIVITIES: Q28. Why did Spanish industrialisation have a poor development? The Textile Industry The textile industry developed mainly in Catalonia and spinning machines like those used in Great Britain were quickly installed. Catalonia lacked coal and had to import it by sea. This made production more expensive, but many industries were located near rivers allowing them to use hydroelectric power instead of coal. This higher price resulted in the emergence of protectionist laws, which were designed to protect the Catalan industry from the outside world. The Metal Industry The first ones were located in Andalusia (in Marbella), but they did not have coke there and this caused their closure. It was Asturias and the Basque Country in particular, which developed a commercial trade with England. They were the two great cores of the iron industry. In the Basque country, a gentry’s class began to develop. The Banks of Bilbao and Vizcaya were created. Mining The Spanish subsoil is rich in mineral deposits, such as lead, copper, mercury, zinc... In addition, there are coal and iron in Asturias and Vizcaya. With the exception of the Basque Country and Asturias, the rest of the mining areas were run by foreigners. The extracted ore was sold to Europe, which meant the industry of this sector was never developed in Spain. ACTIVITIES: Q29. Where did the textile and metal industries develop in Spain? Railroad Developing the railroad in Spain was full of mistakes and problems. Most of the materials were imported, since our small steel industry wasn´t capable of coping with the large quantities required. Therefore, it didn’t gain anything from the building of the railway. In addition, the rail network was built following a radial structure focused in Madrid and using a bigger rail width than the rest of Europe. That made trading with the rest of Europe more difficult. ACTIVITIES: Q30. What problems had the railroad in Spain? The industry did not just spread in Catalonia and the Basque country, but also in other areas. The industrial sectors were consolidated in Asturias, Valencia and Madrid. Despite this, deep imbalances in the distribution of wealth continued to exist in the Spanish economy.


4º CSH Unit 4 Andalusia, Extremadura, Galicia and the Canary islands kept a traditional agricultural system. They were stuck in the past.

Industrial society had a new group of disadvantaged people who couldn’t buy property and had to live by earning a salary. The first forms of protest had a Luddite character, among which was the events of Alcoy (1821). The first trade union (Asociación de Tejedores de Barcelona) was founded in Barcelona in 1840. The first general strike in Spain was in 1855. The workers’ movements were major sources of ideological changes, such as anarchism and socialism. Anarchism was the most important. This ideology was followed by workers in Catalonia and the Andalusian peasantry. Spanish anarchism was violent and they carried out many terrorist attacks. These attacks caused the formation of anarchist groups opposed to violence, which founded trade unions such as CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo). Socialism had more influence among the proletariat of Madrid, the Basque Country and Asturias. Socialists founded the PSOE in 1879 and the UGT in 1888. ACTIVITIES: Q31. Where did Anarchism and Socialism settle in Spain? Q32. Answer the key questions (page 100).  What characteristics had the Spanish population in the 19th century?  Why did people migrate?  What was the desamortización? What were its effects?  What obstacles had the Spanish industrialization?  What minerals were exploited? How was the railroad build?  What social groups were there in Spain?  What new ideologies appeared in Spain associated with the labour movement?

1.- Join words and definitions:  Carlist.  Cacique.  Civil Guard.  CNT.  Conservative Party. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

 Desamortización (disentailment).  Embrace of Vergara.  Liberal Union.  Moderate Party.

    

Pragmatic Sanction. Progressive Party. Salic Law. Vicalvarada. UGT.

Liberal party founded by O’Donnell: Party founded by Cánovas: Corrupt electoral system that manipulated the elections: Edict issued by Ferdinand VII revoking the Salic Law: Party that advocated the dismantling of the entire structure of the Ancien Régime: Socialist trade union: Confiscation of church lands: Political boss: Anarchist trade union: 12

4º CSH Unit 4 j) Traditionalist and legitimist political movement in Spain: k) One of the two Spanish political parties that contended for power during the reign of Isabella II: l) Group of disadvantaged people who couldn´t buy property: m) Rule of succession in certain royal families of Europe, forbidding females and those descended in the female line to succeed to the titles in the family: n) Police force founded by moderates: o) Military uprising supported by the progressives: p) Banishment of manorial system: q) Agreement that ended the major fighting in First Carlist War: 2.- Fill in the blanks: The constitution of the Spanish __________, June 30, 1876, declares Alphonso XII. de __________to be the __________ King of Spain. His person is __________, but his __________ are responsible, and all his __________ must be countersigned by a minister. The __________ power resides in the __________ with the __________. The Cortes is composed of two __________ bodies, equal in power—the __________ and the Congress of __________. The Senate is __________ (1) of senators by their own __________, who are—sons of the kings, grandees of Spain with 3000l. yearly income, the __________-__________ of the Forces, the __________-___-________, the _________ of the __________, the __________, the Presidents of the __________ of State, of the Supreme Tribunal, of the National __________, of the Council of _______, and of Marine, after two years' service; (2) of life __________, named by the crown; (3) of senators elected by the corporations of the State, or the __________ citizens—half of these must be __________ every five years. All senators must be __________ years of age, and the number of __________ (1) and (2) together must not exceed that of the elected senators, which is fixed at __________. The __________ of Deputies is returned by the __________ Juntas, one deputy being elected for every __________ souls. Deputies are elected by universal __________, and for a period of __________ years. The Congress meets every year at the __________ of the king, who has power to __________ or close the session; but in the latter case, a new Congress must meet within __________ months. The president and vice-presidents of the __________ are nominated by the king, those of the Congress are __________ from its own __________. The __________ of the laws belongs to the king, and to __________ legislative bodies; but the __________, and all __________ matters, must be __________ presented every year to the Congress of Deputies. No one can be __________ to pay any ______ not voted by Congress, or by the __________ appointed corporations. The __________ are public, and the person of deputies is __________. Ministers may be __________ by the deputies, but are _________ by the Senate. Justice is __________ in the king's name, and judges and magistrates are __________. The __________ are administered (1) by a governor, who, with his immediate subordinates, is nominated by the Government; (2) by a Provincial __________, elected by the __________ of the province. All members must be __________ of, or residents in, the province; their number varies according to the __________. (3) Five members elected from the Provincial Deputation form a Provincial __________ to conduct business when the deputation is not sitting. Below the __________ are the municipal __________, the Alcaldes (__________), Ayuntamientos (municipal __________), and the Juntas Municipales.


4º CSH Unit 4 3. - Who were these figures? Joseph Bonaparte, Duke of Wellington, Manuel Godoy, Simón Bolívar, Carlos V, José de San Martín, Ramón María Narváez, Juan Prim, Amadeo of Savoy, Baldomero Espartero, Antonio Cánovas del Castillo. 4.- Correct: a) Cabrera was Prime Minister of Spain and regent in 1868-1869: b) Cánovas started a mutiny demanding the return of the 1812 Constitution: c) The textile factories developed mainly in Andalusia: d) Bolívar was an Argentine general: e) Joseph I was the only King of Spain from the House of Bourbon: f) The Spanish subsoil is rich in mineral deposits, such as silver and gold: g) Ferdinand VII defeated French armies: h) Pablo Iglesias founded the Liberal Union: i) Zumalacárregui was a liberal who embroidered an antimonarchist flag: j) Asturias lacked coal and had to import it by sea: k) Figueras restored Spain's Bourbon dynasty: l) The railroad developed in Spain successfully: m) Sagasta founded the Socialist Workers' Party: n) Wellington was a Venezuelan military and political leader: o) Isabella II was president of the First Spanish Republic: p) Spain declared war in 1898 when a Spanish boat sank: q) The movement claiming the Catalan language and culture supposed the creation of political parties such as ERC: r) Spanish population grew faster than European: s) General Espartero led the bands of Don Carlos in Catalonia and Aragon: 5.- Comment these pictures:


4º CSH Unit 4 6.- Underline the correct answer: 1. Spanish people became disappointed with Godoy because… a. He was the Queen’s lover. a. He allowed the French army to go through Spain. b. His mother was Portuguese. 2. British troops were commanded by… a. Nelson. b. Wellington. c. O’Donnell. 3. In the Constitution of 1812 the sovereignty was… a. National. b. Royal. c. Both of them. 4. Who restored Ferdinand VII as an absolute monarch? a. The Duke of Angoulême. b. General Riego. c. Cabrera. 5. The Salic Law… a. Was revoked by the Pragmatic Sanction. b. Was issued by Ferdinand VII. c. Was issued by Carlos María Isidro. 6. Causes of the Independence of Latin American colonies… a. The dissatisfaction of the proletariat. b. The successful revolution in Canada. c. The spreading of Liberal ideas and principles of freedom and equality.

7. Carlists were… a. The agrarian nobility and the clergy b. The peasants and the liberals. c. The liberal bourgeoisie and the popular urban classes. 8. Espartero was… a. Progressive. b. Moderate. c. Republican. 9. Narváez was… a. Progressive. b. Moderate. c. Republican.

10. In the Constitution of 1869 the sovereignty was… a. National. b. Royal. c. Both of them. 11. In 1898 Spain lost… a. Philippines and Fernando Poo. b. Cuba and Puerto Rico. c. Philippines and Santo Domingo. 12. Spanish population went … in 1797 … in 1900. a. From 9.1 million to 16.7 million. b. From 11.5 million to 18.6 million. c. From 14.3 million to 20.3 million. 13. The most populated city in 1857 was… a. Madrid. b. Barcelona. c. Bilbao. 14. The most populated city in 1900 was… a. Madrid. b. Barcelona. c. Bilbao. 15. Agricultural reforms were: a. The manorial system was solidified. b. The land belonging to the church was confiscated. c. Lands were redistributed to poor farmers. 16. At the beginning of the century the metal industry was located in… a. Andalusia. b. Asturias. c. Basque Country.

17. By the end of the century the metal industry was located in… a. Andalusia. b. Asturias. c. Basque Country. 18. There were coal mines in… a. Catalonia. b. Asturias. c. The vicinity of Madrid.


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BJT Amplifiers and MOS Amplifiers · BJT Amplifiers - Frequency Response: Logarithms, Decibels, General · BJT Amplifier, Analysis at · bypass Capacitors, The.

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Laws, Network Reduction Techniques - Series, Parallel, Series Parallel, Star · -to-Delta or Delta-to-Star Transformations, Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis,.

Buku Guru 4 Tema 7, Cita-Citaku_revisi.pdf
Page 1 of 50. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS. International General Certificate of Secondary Education. MARK SCHEME for ...

SOAL UAS KLS 4 TEMA 5.pdf. SOAL UAS KLS 4 TEMA 5.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying SOAL UAS KLS 4 TEMA 5.pdf. Page 1 of ...

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Speed control: change of frequency; change of poles and methods of consequent poles; cascade connection. lnjection of an EMF into rotor circuit. (qualitative ...

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Pollution & Control: Classification of pollution, Air Pollution: primary and secondary pollutants, Automobile and lndustrial pollution, Ambient air quality standards. Water pollution: ... Wendell P. E|a.2008 PHI Leaming Pvt. Ltd. ... INDIA edition.

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Condensers, Chimney and cooling towers. Nuclear Power Stations: Nuclear Fission and Chain reaction, Nuclearfuels, · Principle of operation ol Nuclear reactor, ...

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technologies: Wastewater Treatment methods: Primary, secondary and · Tertiary. Overview of air pollution control technologies, Concepts of bioremediation. Global Environmental Problems and Global Etforts: Climate change and · impacts on human environ