
50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

The Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost http://www.7sealsand7thunders.net __________________________________________________________________________________________________30-03-2011

(You can also to read my other paper – 49_Fruit of the Spirit and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.)

One of the mysteries revealed by God through bro Branham was the mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation. (62-1230 IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN 260) What is the meaning of “without sensation”? According to Cambridge Dictionary: 1) The ability to feel something physically, especially by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability: 2) A general feeling caused by something that happens to you, especially a feeling which you cannot describe exactly. 3) Something very exciting or interesting, or something which causes great excitement or interest:

I think second definition is the closest. -----------------------------------------------------------Regarding the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, when you listen to bro Branham’s later tapes, have you come across he said the evidence of the Holy Ghost in the spirit is not the sure sign? And he said the fruits of the spirit are not the evidence even though in the earlier tapes he said so. However, what I have learned was that there is one thing a Holy Ghost baptised person will not do, that is to deny the WORD of the hour. In other words, to say the revealed Word of the hour is not true. Bro Branham said in QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN _ 59-1223 If it's the Spirit of God, God won't deny His own Word. If I deny my own word, then I become a liar. And if--and if you say you got the Spirit of God and deny the Word of God, it's either God a liar or you're a liar, one or the other. And the Bible said, "Let every man's word be a lie and Mine be the Truth." And a man that's borned of the Spirit of God cannot disagree with God's Word; he's got to say It's the--right. He cannot do nothing else. This is it; this is the Truth. THE.HARVEST.TIME_ PHOENIX.AZ 64-1212 I'm going to ask you something. How can a man or a woman who claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the Word (that right?), and how can you be the flesh of that Holy Spirit, has made you part of Him, to reflect the Gospel of your age, and deny the Word that He wrote? I don't care how good you are. Why, I can take you to Africa, to the--the Hottentots there, and show you a life that a Christian can't touch... AND.WHEN.THEIR.EYES.WERE.OPENED.THEY.KNEW.HIM_ TAMPA.FL _ 64-0416 126 But what is the evidence of a believer? That will but believe the identified Word of the hour. Its always been that way. .... Look upon Him and see. He said, "If I don't do the works of My Father, believe Me not. Search the Scriptures, in Them you think you've got Eternal Life; They testify Who I am. If I don't do what the Scripture says that I shall do, then don't believe Me.”.... (End of quote) Please remember that doing the works of the Father are not always miracles, healings and signs and wonders. Look at Jesus Christ’s three pulls. Look at bro Branham’s three pulls. And look at Apostle Page 1 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

Paul’s ministry. Miracles, healings, signs and wonders can be seen much more during the first two pulls. But in the Third Pull (when the Word of the hour was being preached) there were less and less of them. But yet the Third Pull was still doing the works of the Father. Do you understand? Doing the works of the Heavenly Father is to work according to the Word of the hour of that time. And what is the Word of the hour now? First Pull? Second Pull? No. We are in the Third Pull right now. Therefore, we must see whether we are doing the works of the Third Pull, or else we are not of Him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We must know what age are we in, and then be a part of that manifested Word of the age. Do you know what age are we in now? We're at the eye age now It shall be Light" at the evening time! What is Light sent for? So you can see. See what? CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN 65-0822M 153… there is nothing beyond the eye. Now let's find out. "It shall be Light" (about the middle day?) "at the evening time!" What is Light sent for? So you can see where you're... how to get around. Is that right? See where you're at. "It shall be Light about the evening time." 76 ……For, Jesus Himself is the interpretation of the Bible, when He's made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest. If it's a hand age, it must be a hand; it can't be a head age. If it's a voice age, well, then, it can't be a foot age. See? And now we're at the eye age. And now the next, is Him Hisself, to come. CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN _ 65-0822M 158 So we see the evening Light's here. And what does it do to have Light, if you don't have any eyes to see how to get around in It? What is the evening Light? The Light comes on, to reveal something. Is that right? If there's something here, you feel and you can't understand what it is, in the darkness, then turn a light on. It's to reveal! What's Malachi 4 to do? See? Do the same thing. What was the opening of the Seven Seals to do, where all these denominations staggering around in this...?... Is to reveal, bring out. If you haven't got any eyes, then what's the use to reveal? There has to be eyes, first, to see. Is that right? . . . . .To reveal Malachi 4, . . . . . . reveal Saint Luke 17:30, . . . . . . . .Saint John 14:12 . . . .also John 15:24, 16:13 . . and to also reveal Revelations 10:1 to 7, the opening of the Seven Seals, and the seventh angel's Message; to open up, to reveal, when the evening Light's come. CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN 65-0822M 162 …… all of them saw; and all these things, everybody, every form, every move, every place in the Body, positionally shows us the very hour that we're living in. Not another move can come above it. There was a move of the hand; charity, Wesley. There was a move, of foundation; Luther. Charity, there never was a greater; it was called the Wesley move. They sent missionaries to all the world. One of the greatest moves that was made, in the age before that. Then come the Pentecostal age; then come in the different fingers and things, the Pentecostal age, of tongues, and nose, and so forth. Now it's in the eyes. What good will you need eyes, or need light, if that eyes wasn't there to see? There has to be eyes, first, to see. And then when that come, He opened the Seven Seals and revealed the evening Light, taking all the mysteries that's been hid down through these church ages, and now revealed them as He promised to do in Revelations 10:1 to 7. Here we are today setting in the midst of the Word, and the Word being revealed to us by Jesus Christ. Then, This is God's Word. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 2 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

How Christ made His Bride to become part of Him? There are three stages CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ 65-0822M 140 (My note: The first stage) When Jesus was manifested in the Old Testament, in a theophany, in the person of Melchisedec; not a priesthood, but the Person, the Man. See? For, this Man had yet not been born, but He was in a theophany, so He had no father, no mother. He was God Himself. He was manifested in the form of a Man, called, "King of Salem, which is King of Peace, and King of Righteousness." See? He was Melchisedec. "He had neither father nor mother, beginning of days or ending of life." See? It was Jesus in a theophany, in the form of a Man. Could you go that? All right. Then He was made actually human flesh, and dwelled among us, in the Person of Jesus Christ Himself, born of the virgin Mary. He come in that form so He could die, and went back into Heaven. (My note: The second stage during Jesus Christ first coming. Then the New Testament started) Now in this last days, (My note: The third stage of manifestation). He has promised to manifest Himself in the fullness again, of His flesh, in Spirit. See? "For as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man." Now look at the Sodom, how it set, and what taken place. And Jesus Christ being manifested in bodily form, of His Church today, see, doing the same thing, same work, same things that He did all the time, never changes, the Eternal One. See? And upon earth today, He has manifested Himself in the human bodies, our human bodies that He has called, and done exactly the same thing He done in sundry times, and in the times of His flesh upon the earth. And doing the same thing today, because, "God in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last days through His Son, Jesus Christ." See, the Son being revealed in the last days, God manifested in human flesh, setting just before Sodom's destruction, the end of the Gentile world. You see it? There is three manifestations. 142 Now, the next thing happens, is when it's all gathered up into that one Person, Jesus Christ, Bride and Body, at the physical return of the Lord Jesus. (My note: Rapture). Making His three times. When He was brought on earth; killed, crucified, raised up. (My note: The second manifestation). Manifesting Hisself in the form of His Body, which is His Bride, the Woman. (My note: the third manifestation was in His Bride) You get it? She is part of His Body. And the woman and man is just so close together, till they're just almost …They are the same. They ought to be, anyhow. There they are, see, they just exactly manifested the same. She is a part of him, because she was taken out from him. And the Bride today is taken out from the body of Christ, which is acting and doing just exactly like He said It would do for this day, the Bride, the Queen; King and the Queen. All right. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN 63-0728 603 That's it, Christ, the Word! He was the Word; He is the Word. And the Church becomes the Word, by Him making Her a part of Him, and that's the Word again. Personally identified by Him, His property alone! His property alone! She is redeemed by Him, through Him, for Him, and for Him alone. That's right. Then, what the devil is howling about, that it's being revealed. My note: The Church becomes the Word by receiving the Word. Then Jesus Christ poured Himself (the Spirit) into His Bride. His Bride who has His Spirit will do the same works, same ministry, making Her becoming part of the Bridegroom.


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50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

If you are part of HIM then you are being readied for rapture. Rapturing Faith! Faith must have a resting place. We cannot believe on something if we do not understand it. There must be a revelation first before the faith comes. How can we be part of the Word of the hour if we do not understand what God is doing at the present time? How can we have faith if we do not have something for the faith to rest upon? For those who are not His Bride, it is all mysteries, but when He made it plain to us it is a revelation, and His Church is built by revelation. What revelation? Revealing Christ! IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN _ 65-0418M 308 He is the One Who opened those Seals. He is those Seals, for the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was opened. What is the opening of Seals then? Revealing Christ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why after knowing, there is nothing changing. Don’t feel much in the body, don’t feel much in the spirit. What can It gives us then? It is about body, spirit and soul. It is also about the junction of time. The turning at the junction to a different direction. It happened before during the first coming of Jesus Christ. It happened again during the ministry of bro. Branham. (It was a past tense) The changing to the higher notes in the symphony. The Spirit takes the same song and picking it up an octave higher. It started in Old Testament (OT) – when the plan of Redemption is beginning to be unfolded. At that time, God was dealing with his people in the physical realm. God was being revealed in types and shadows. Then somewhere at the end of the ministry of Jesus Christ during His first coming, there was a turning at the junction. The physical realm changed into the spiritual realm. Those without the revelation didn’t understand it. The blood of the lamb was all right until that day, but now at the crucifixion it changed. The old system was done. It didn’t mean Jesus Christ came to abolish the laws, but He added to it and magnified it and then He fulfilled it. When was the time of the turning of the corner? When Jesus died on the cross. Physical → Spiritual Then His plan of Redemption continued to unfold until we are now at the end time. And God sent a prophet. And then somewhere at the end of the ministry of bro. Branham, there was again a turning at the junction. Page 4 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

The Spiritual realm went into the Soul realm Spirit → Soul When did this turning happen? When they crucified the Word of God afresh the second time by rejecting the Message. From then on comes the Word, and the Word only. That was the day the Word come into full effect. THE.INDICTMENT_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0707M 110 Now, and Christ is God's provided Lamb. Notice how appropriate it was now, showing that that Jerusalem was ceasing. When? It was in effect until that hour. The blood of the lamb was all right until that day, but now at the crucifixion it changes. The old system is done. There was a new one, and the--the Lamb was at the Sacrifice. The Lamb, the sacrificial Lamb, was on the grounds. They were condemning and doing the very thing there that they had to do. That's right. 111 God be blessed, for seeing this wonderful Heavenly Light in this last day! Because, the churches is doing the same thing today. Until the hour that organization religion is condemned and proved to be sacrificing Christ's Word, from then on comes the Word, and the Word only. From, the old pascal lamb passed away and Christ become our Lamb, at the day of the crucifixion. And the day that the denomination crucified the Word of God and accepted a creed in the stead of the Word, that's the day the Word come into full effect. That's just been recently.

But before that indictment, the changing of the beats actually began at the time when the seven Angels came down in 1963. SHALOM_ SIERRA.VISTA.AZ V-13 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0112 170 ….. "The seventh angel's Message would be the last Message." And then, oh, we find out over here in Revelation 10, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mysteries of God should be finished," the Seventh Seal would be pulled back. It should be there. Then all at once, when it's happening, a vision broke, said, "Go to Tucson, a great noise will take place at this time so you'll be thoroughly understanding and know that it's sent. It'll just shake the earth, nearly." All of you know about it. It's on tape, months before it happened. Then it happened! Then appeared in the sky. "Shalom!" What is it? It's a-changing beats, the sympathy. 171 Then one time He said about the Third Pull; how it would come by this one way, then by knowing the heart, and then the spoken Word. And then the first and second pulls were not more. It means God will not use these two pulls to attract the people anymore. In other words, God is no more using divine healings and miracles to attract the Bride even though divine healings and miracles will still be around until to the end. But they are no more the sure signs of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We have turned at the next corner. We are now in the Third Pull which is the Spoken Word. God is using bro Branham’s voice to feed the Body-Word Message of Christ to the Bride to make Her becoming part of Him. (end of quote)

And the second pull ended at the right time and right at the end of the correct message, when bro Branham has just finished preaching “Christ is the Mystery of God revealed”. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED_ JEFF.IN _ 63-0728 637 638 Not knowing... Of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things. Not knowing this; God knows it. But if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot, two o'clock, the end of the Second Pull. The Third Pull is at hand! See? Did you notice the Spirit take the same song and picking it up an octave higher like that? The next Pull is at hand! Amen! Uh-huh. (end of quote) Page 5 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

Therefore, here we are, “from then on comes the Word, and the Word only”. Do you know the meaning of “from then on comes the Word, and the Word only”? It means all other things; any sensation, any sign, any miracle, and divine healings etc. are not the sure sign anymore. It has to be the Word only - the revealed Word of the Third Pull, the full revelation of Him in the Seals (Seven Thunders). This is the only thing the devil cannot imitate, because only His Bride will know and will receive the full Word. “And that's the day the Word come into full effect”. And we know the time it started and we also know what we should look for right now, in order to prepare us to become His Bride. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Do you know what senses control or influence the realm of the soul? Physical realm - physical senses manifested out Spiritual realm - spiritual senses manifested out Soul? Soul has no physical or spiritual senses – it is either you believe or not believe. No physical or spiritual sensation. THE.END.TIME.SIGN.SEED_ TIFTON.GA MONDAY_ 62-0319 E-49 ..... You've got five senses that controls the body. You've got five senses that controls the soul: conscience, and so forth. Now, the body, there's see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. But there's only one channel to the inside of that soul, show that you are a seed. You're soul, body, and spirit, and then the one channel, avenue, one way into that, your own free moral agency. That is, you can receive or reject, do whatever you want to. Bro Branham has warned us to watch out for “the false anointed ones at the end time”. They are anointed in the spirit but their souls are not from God. Many will come with signs and wonders and with many fruits of the spirit to show but what they preached are not from God. Please do not think that these false teachers with real anointing from God existed only in the denominational churches. This same situation is now present among the message believer churches too. There some who are causing many believers to stumble by teaching them to look at the wrong sign. A.THINKING.MAN'S.FILTER_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-6 SUNDAY_ 65-0822E 68 Now to follow that in with the continuity of the Message, The God Of This World, The Anointed Ones In The Last Days. That outside, that middle circle... First circle is the--the human senses. The second circle is the spirit senses; will, self-will, desire, and so forth. But the inside is the soul; that soul was predestinated. So, they can anoint this spirit to make the outside body come in subject to the spirit. "But the soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." The soul that rejects, in unbelief, the Word of God, which it is a part of, that soul shall Eternally... has, always. (end of quote)

If you can accept what I have written here, you should be able to understand why bro Branham said, “The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation. But the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

The Third Pull is the highest work of the Spirit. I wish to write about this once more. Doing the works are not always performing signs and wonders or producing the fruits of the spirit, or accumulating the virtues; even though they are wonderful. Please don’t think that I am saying all these are not important. I didn’t say that. I am only stressing that many people are looking at these but have overlooked the more important thing that we should do, and that is receiving the revealed Word of the hour. Please look at the Third Pull, even though there is not much for you to feel with your senses. Yet the Third Pull is the highest work of the Spirit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bro Branham preached the evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost according to what realm God is dealing with the people at that time. Before the turning of a corner- it was still in spiritual realm. But after the turning into the soul realm – fruits of the spirit are no more the evidence.

In the early days he said: HEBREWS.CHAPTER.SIX.2_ JEFF.IN _ 57-0908E 495 “There's not one thing left in the Bible, as "evidence of the Holy Ghost," only the fruits of the Spirit. Find out any place that Jesus said so. Yes, sir. The evidence of the Holy Ghost is the fruit of your Spirit. Jesus said so, "By their fruit you shall know them." "And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, peace, gentleness, meekness.”

Then in the early 60s: FROM.THAT.TIME_ KLAMATH.FALLS.OR 60-0716 E-98 …And I've always taught: The evidence of the Holy Ghost is perfect love. See? I believe in speaking in tongues, sure. "But though I speak with tongue in men and angels and have not charity, I am nothing--become a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal." So, when you speak with tongues and got love with it, that'll show you. DEBATE.ON.TONGUES_ YAKIMA.WA SUNDAY_ 60-0807 E-7…... The initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, I took it to be love. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In the later years he brought it to a higher level into the soul realm LEADERSHIP_ COVINA.CA V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207 159 …You've got to come to one thing to believe: you're either going to believe God, you're going to believe your church, you're going to believe the world. You--you cannot mix it together. And you can't hold to them old things that the other church before you did. You've got to take the Message of the hour. 160 … Then you either receive That or reject It. … 162 “The choice of your conduct. You could. You can't mix it now. You're either for God or against God, and the outward expressions shows exactly what's on the inside. See? The cocklebur Many of you think, "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I'm going to Heaven." That don't mean one thing that you're going to Heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost every hour in your life, and still be lost and go to hell.” Page 7 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

163 Look here, you are a outside person. You have five senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses; not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Then you have a spirit on the inside of that, and it has five outlets: conscience, and love, and so forth. Five outlets that you contact the spirit world with that, but with your spirit. Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God. --------------------------------------------------------------------AND.KNOWETH.IT.NOT_ JEFF.IN _ 65-0815 120 to 138 120 Now, now that, the Church, that His very whole purpose was the Church. Now how do we get into this Church? "By one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body," the Church, the Body of Christ. It cannot fail. 121 Now, here is what happens. Now watch this, just a little figurative picture here. [Brother Branham again shows his drawing of three rings--Ed.] 122 Now, this outside man is the flesh. That's what we look at; what we see. And it has five inlets to that body. And any grammar school child, as myself, would know there is five senses control the body; see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Without that, you can't touch the body. That's the only way you have to the body; see, taste, feel, smell, hear; you see it, taste it, feel it... Now, that is the evil one, on the outside. 123 Now, inside of that is a spirit, which you become when you're born in the earth and the breath of life is breathed into him. That spirit is of a worldly nature because it was not given from God, but it was (given) permitted by God. Now you got that? For, every child that's born in the world, "is born in sin, shaped in iniquity; come to the world speaking lies." That right? So, that person, inside there, is a sinner, to begin with. Now, but... 124 Now, it's got five inlets. And them five inlets... I don't know whether I can call them right off now. When the... First, I know, is thought, conscience, and love, choice... No. Conscience, love, reason... There is five inlets to the spirit. You can't think with your body; you have to think with your spirit. You can't have conscience in your body. It has no mental faculties at all; your body doesn't, so you have to think with your spirit. You have to reason. You can't reason with your physical being, 'cause reason doesn't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear. Reason is what you can make in your mind. If you're asleep or you're out, your body is lying there dead, but your spirit can still reason. There is five senses that controls that inside man. And that... 125 Now, to the last man, which is the soul, there is only one sense that controls that, and that is free... moral agency's free will to choose or to reject. 126 And now the reason that people today... Now, don't forget this now, and you'll--you'll see what the Holy... what the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost is. See? 127 Now, people can live in this spirit, and they dance in the spirit. They shout in the spirit. They go to church in the spirit, and they can absolutely have the real Spirit of God anointed on that spirit, but still be lost and just as devil-possessed as they can be, with that spirit. 128 Because, watch, that's the reason you couldn't tell that woman, she was wearing shorts, was wrong. You couldn't tell her bobbing her hair was wrong. "Well, what's your hair got to do with it?" Well, it did to Samson. See? 129 "Whosoever shall add one word to This, or take one Word from It." You've got to have an ultimate somewhere. 130 Now, for instance, if I was a--a--a--a Baptist man, and you come down and told me I must be-I must be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ; it's in the Bible. Well, first thing you know, I'd say, "I'll ask my pastor." (My note: Or some may say, “I’ll go and ask my friends or relatives and see what they say”) 131 And I go to the pastor; he say, "Oh, that's something back yonder, see. Yeah, see, we Baptists, here is what we believe; we believe that we should be immersed in the titles of 'Father, Son, Holy Page 8 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

Ghost.' That's the way all the church has done it. Since John Smith founded it, that's the way it's done." Well, that's your ultimate. "Heck with what that guy says!" 134 O God, help this to sink in! To me, the whole thing is wrong. God's Word is the ultimate. Whatever that Word says, then that's right. (My note: We will be making the same mistake too when the Word comes to us and we have to go and ask others about their opinion. What kind of faith do we have if we always need to see what other people think about it? Then believing that the majority is right rather than believing the Word. If we are doing it this way, we are taking the pastor or our friends or relatives as the ultimate.)

135 Now, the only way up here in this spheres, that you could ever be in this little inside man; and you have to be foreordained. Because you was with God, you're a part of God. 136 I was in my father. I also was in my grandfather, and my grandfather's grandfather. By seed, I was in that. 137 And I was in Christ. You were in Christ before the foundation of the world. He came to redeem His Own, His Own that was in Him. Hallelujah! His children that was in Him! 138 He never came to--to save the devil's children. They never will know It. And they are so shrewd in the ways of their intellectual learning, that you can't compare with them at all. You can't outtalk them. But, by faith you see It. ------------------------------------------------------------THIS.DAY.THIS.SCRIPTURE.IS.FULFILLED_ JEFF.IN FRIDAY_ 65-0219 ….146 The Holy Ghost is the Word of God in you, that identifies Itself by accepting that Word. Outside of that, it can't be the Holy Ghost. If it says it's the Holy Spirit, and denies one Word of that Bible, it cannot be the Holy Spirit. That's the evidence whether you believe or not. (My note: How the Holy Ghost identifies Himself in you? In other words, how the Holy Ghost shows you that He is already in you? The evidence is that the Spirit in you will accept the Word that is coming to you.)

CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN _ 65-0822M 23 And last Sunday when we was going into those cycles, about how that the five senses on the outer realm. That's the inlet, five senses to the body. There's only one way you can get into the body, that's by those five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. There's no other way to contact the--the body. On the inside of that man is a man called spirit, and he has five senses: think, thought and thought, and love, and conscience, and so forth. All right. Now, you can't think with your body. You think with your mind. And in there is where too many, of Christians, only stop. And they can, just like the corn in the field and the weed in the field, they can be anointed with the same Holy Spirit that the real believer is anointed with. But down on the inside of that, next realm, the third realm, is the soul; and that's predestinated by God. There is where the real seed-germ lays, is in there. (My note: Bro Branham said many Christians have stopped at the spirit realm level. They thought they already got it when they have the manifestations of the spirit in them – love, peace, joy, signs and wonders, etc.; and stopped receiving the rest of the Word of God.)

26 And, remember, if I'd take a cocklebur and cut it open, draft into it the heart of a--of a wheat and put it there, bury it, it would bring forth a wheat out of the cocklebur; no matter what the outside is, what the emotions. Today, so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost, and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God has got, but he cannot bring that Word, Word by Word. That's where he failed in the garden of Eden. That's where he's always failed. That's where them, the tape on "false, anointed ones," or anointed ones; they can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance, shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil. It's the inside! Now Page 9 of 14


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Bro Lau

remember, Jesus said, "All the Father has given Me will come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first." (My note: The devil can impersonate any kind of gift, and also is able to bring out part of the Word. But there is only one thing the devil cannot do. It is to believe the full Word of God. If he is able to do that, he has to be part of God. So right now, what is the thing that separates the Bride from the rest? The Bride is able to receive the full Word of God, whereas the rest of the people only receive part of the Word.)

--------------------------------------MODERN.EVENTS.ARE.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECY_ 65-1206 100 Notice, we find today that people... There's many people just can't believe It, even Spiritfilled people. I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism, see. Here's the inside soul, in here, that has to come from God. But then on the outside you have five senses, and five out... inlets to your... contact your earthly home. The inside, you have a spirit, and in there you have five outlets: your conscience, and love, and so forth, five outlets to that spirit. Remember, in that spirit you can be baptized with the genuine Spirit of God and still be lost. It's the soul that lives, that was ordained of God. Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils, done great and mighty works, prophesied, the great gifts of God?'" He said, "Depart from me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you. -----------------------------------------A.THINKING.MAN'S.FILTER_ JEFF.IN _ 65-0822E 122 Now, if you want the evidence of the Holy Ghost, there it is. When that soul of yours will line with the Word of God, in every respect, it shows you've drawed your life through the thinking man's Filter, God's Filter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bro Branham said, “Let me show you the fruits of the Spirit, and see if you could go for that anymore.” (Please read all) SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 135 Then you other people, you say, "The fruits of the Spirit, that's how we know. Love, joy, that's how we got the evidence." It is? Then the Christian Science has got you all beat. They exercise that more than all you Pentecostals, Methodists, and Baptists, put together. Watch what happens. Let me show you the fruits of the Spirit, and see if you could go for that anymore. Let's take Jesus. God forgive me for these words I'm going to say; I'm going to turn against Him for a minute, to show you, take these council of man here, and this council of man here this afternoon. I'll say… "Sirs, … SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 137 "Sirs, there is a young Fellow around here, by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, have nothing to do with Him! Who was the first... What does our Bible teach us? God is love. Who was the first with you when you were born? .. .. Your kind, old priest. .. .. That's right. .. .. .. Who come to you when you was in need, didn't have no money, and loaned you some money? .. .. Your kind, old priest. Exactly. Who put his hand on your shoulder and on mother's shoulder, when you was about to separate, and prayed you back to God? Your kind, old priest. Who was it took sides with you, when you and your neighbor was in fussing, and brought you back together in fellowship? Your kind, old priest. That's right. Who is it, is the last words going to say over you at the day out yonder? Who is it? They let you lay there and rot; but your kind, old priest comes and blesses you, and sends the Word of God along with you. Your kind, old priest! Page 10 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 138 "What about this Guy called Jesus of Nazareth, then, see, what school did He come from? Your kind, old priest had to sacrifice, all of his life. His grandfather was a priest. His great-great-great-greatgreat-grandfather was a priest. He put his whole time in the organization. He is trained to the Word; he knows what he is talking about.” Now we're talking about fruits of the Spirit: kind, love, joy, peace, understanding, long-suffering, patience, see, fruit of the Spirit. "What about this Jesus, where did He come from? We haven't got a word that He ever come out of any school. All He does is try to tear up the schools that we've built." Not much fruit of the Spirit there, is it? SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 141 "What did He do up there where them poor merchants down there, and businessmen that had to... They, they don't raise sheep, so they--they set a little pen out there so the man can bring in a sheep. That poor businessman, he--he wants to offer a sheep, 'cause it's God's requirement. He brings in the--the sheep, to sell to the businessman, so that he can offer for his soul. What has this Jesus of Nazareth done? Kicked over his tables; took some leather and plaid it together, beat them priests out of there; and called your kind, old priest, 'a snake in the grass; a hyprocrite'!" SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 142 Now you call that fruit of the Spirit? Certainly not. Then where is your fruit of the Spirit landing up at? No more than you think of compassions, and Him going through a multitude of people there, multitudes laying, blind, crippled, afflicted, withered, halt, lame, and never healed any of them; full of compassion. People with a carnal mind will never know It. Seminaries don't teach It. It's a revelation. Certainly. Fruit of the Spirit drops off there, doesn't it? Them priests had ten times the fruit of the Spirit. SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ _ 64-0119 143 How would you know what's right? The manifestation of the spoken Word of God being made manifest, Light of the hour. Certainly. There is what the evidence of the Holy Spirit is, believing the Word of God when It's manifested. He was the Word, manifested. And some of them denied It, laughed at It, made fun of Him and called Him a--a fortune-teller, some evil spirit; there is evidence, speaking in tongues, there is evidence of the fruits. The only evidence there is, is when man believe the written Word. When It's vindicated, walk in the Light of It. Jesus was the Light of the hour because He was the promised Word of the hour, and tried to tell them so, but they were too--too much in darkness to understand It. So is it, today, now. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THEN.JESUS.CAME.AND.CALLED_ TULARE.CA _ 64-0213 20 .......what did this young fellow do? Kindness? He beat, put some ropes together, some...?... and looked out upon the people, with anger; kicked over those tables, and beat them out of there. And you call that fruits of the Spirit, looking upon them, with anger? And, look, depriving the man of his opportunity to worship Jehovah! The businessman wants to worship Him; he don't raise lambs, and he went there to buy it. And He turned it over, and kicked them, and run them out.” Who has the fruit of the Spirit there? See? There you are. See, not fruit of the Spirit, not speaking in tongues, not shouting. You say, "Then, Brother Branham, what is the evidence? What is the evidence?" The vindication of the Word in the hour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARADOX_ BAKERSFIELD.CA _ 64-0206B 216 God forgive me for doing this. I'm going to put Jesus on a trial for you, just a moment, if you'll forgive me. Have I got that much time? Let's see, just a moment. Just be a... Yes, I'm--I'm ten minutes a-past time, but I'll hurry and omit some of this, see. Let's just try this just a minute, brethren. Now, Heavenly Father, forgive me for this. I don't like to speak it, but it's so that people would know. I'm Page 11 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

going to take that I'm going against Jesus, this morning, and I'm going to say you're a bunch of Jewish people, and Jesus just rose up here in Bakersfield. "Let me call you man together and talk to you about the fruits of the Spirit." They believe that, too. What is the fruit of the Spirit? Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness. That right .Fruit of the Spirit, many people rely upon that. Sometime that's the devil. He can impersonate that, to the letter; he cer-... he can impersonate speaking in tongues, to the letter; interpretation of it, to the letter. Any of those gifts, he can impersonate it. (My note: Yes, the devil can even impersonate love. So, can we rely on how much love a person produced to show how much Truth that person have?)

PARADOX_ BAKERSFIELD.CA _ 64-0206B 230 What is the fruit of the Spirit? The manifestation of the promised Word. If they'd just a stopped to look, He did not have these things that they had, fruit of the Spirit, or anything. But the Word that was promised that day was manifesting Himself, that was exactly the Light of the hour. That was It, see. No matter how much education, and how kind, how much you speak with tongues, how much kind, gentle, and everything you are; unless you accept that Word of the hour, when It's manifested before you, you're in the same predicament. That might sound crude, I don't mean it that way, but it's Truth. Just, just believe It, see. All right. (My note: This is what I want to receive. The real Fruit of the Spirit. Please notice that bro Branham said, “No matter how much education, and how kind, how much you speak with tongues, how much kind, gentle, and everything you are; unless you accept that Word of the hour, when It's manifested before you, you're in the same predicament”)

PARADOX_ BAKERSFIELD.CA _ 64-0206B 234 Who had the fruit of the Spirit? Jesus! He said, "Search the Scriptures. You think they... In Them you think you have Eternal Life. They testify of Me. They tell you Who I am." He never did come out and say Who He was. He didn't tell them. And why He got His congregation that great... He said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood," as I said last night, "you have no Life.“Why, my, that congregation said, "That Guy is crazy. What would doctors and science... Well, that Man trying to make cannibals." He never explained It. It was time for them to turn Him down. (My note: Jesus Christ told us to search the Scriptures, for they testify of Him. And now it is the message that we need to search. However, when I diligently search the tapes for the revelation of Jesus Christ, and then wrote it down, people say I should not do that. They say no need to study and write so much. They say I am wrong because what I say was not what the majority believe.)

PARADOX_ BAKERSFIELD.CA _ 64-0206B 236 Then He had a bunch of preachers hanging around him, borderline believers. He said, "Well, what are you going to say when you see Me ascend up from where I come from?“ "Come from? Well, we've seen the cradle You were born in, the city You were born in. We fished with You, out here on the hills. You, we walk with You, talk with You, and You come from...? Oh, my, now we know You're crazy.“ But real, genuine faith don't move. Them disciples couldn't explain It, but they knowed there it was. See? It has to be something that God planted, had to be His thoughts before the foundation of the world, when He planned the whole redeemed. Ephesians 1:1-5, He planned the whole thing before the foundation of the world, His thoughts, and this is the attributes of His thoughts. PARADOX_ BAKERSFIELD.CA _ 64-0206B 239 Look at Judas standing there, as a clergyman up here, "Yes, walking in the Light," had power to heal the sick. Matthew 10 proves it. He sent them out, and they come back rejoicing, and devils was subject unto them. Judas with them! That's right. He said, "Don't rejoice that the devils is subject; but your names are written on the Lamb's Book of Life." Judas was with them. But when it come to taking the full Word of God, he turned It down. Page 12 of 14


50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

So does people, today! See? Jesus said, "Man shall live by every Word," not just one or two Words. Every Word! You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I can go for part of It. And I can't go....” Then you got the interpreter Eve had. Uh-huh. . . . . . He took every bit of It, interpreted It right, but one little phrase. (My note: Eve has who as her interpreter? The devil. And right now among the message believers, the devil is trying to explain away the message. We have seen too many people who have turned down the full Word of God)


And I believe that we're now at the time that the Word should have preeminence for the rapturing faith to come TOKEN.THE_ SHREVEPORT.LA _ 63-1128E 23…… And I'm looking for a time of a break forth of the Spirit of God in these last days that we're now living in, for another surge of the Holy Spirit into the Church for a rapturing faith, just before it comes. And everything is setting straight in order for that. And I believe that we're now at the time that the Word should have preeminence. I believe that the time to lay aside our creeds and our thoughts and come back to the Word... (My note: Yes, please come back to the Word. The Word is in the tapes and not in a church, or by any personal opinion. The rapturing faith will come when the Bride is beginning to give the Word the preeminence. And then when it happens, it will be very close to the coming of Christ to catch us up)

SEVENTH.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ 63-0324E 575-4 {390} ….. Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. This one I have--will speak and have spoke, that it is the mystery of the seven thunders. The seven thunders in heaven will unfold this mystery. It'll be right at the coming of Christ, because Christ said no one knew when He would return. … ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So, do you know what is the power that will bring the Bride to meet Jesus Christ? The ‘church natural’ or the Message? What is our priority? Being in the ‘church natural’ means a person felt secure by belonging to a church organization and having a good fellowship with the church members, and actively participating in the church programs, but does not mind that the church he/she belongs to is not preaching the full word of God. However, it is sad that many believers are paying more attention to the ‘church natural’ than the Word. THE.FIFTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN FRIDAY_ 63-0322 347-3 {97} Now, now, we find out that the beast of Daniel, it meant that it was a power raising up amongst the people. Or in--in John's visions here also shows that it was powers--nations raising up. Like the United States appears in Revelations 13 as a lamb. And then, if you want to know a different... You say, "Well, that--that's talking about national power." It also represents holy power too: a beast. Did you know that? Notice, Rebekah, when--a--when the-- the servant of Abraham, Eliezer, when he came to get Rebekah, she--he mounted her up on a camel, the very camel she watered. And she rode this camel to meet her unseen bridegroom. The very thing she watered was the thing that took her to her future home and husband.

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50_ The evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Bro Lau

348-1 {100} And it's the same thing today. See? The very thing that the Church is watering, that is the Seed, the Seed of the Word; it's the very Word that becomes alive and carries us to our unseen Bridegroom. See? The... See? A.TIME.OF.DECISION_ LA.CA SATURDAY_ 59-0418 E-44 E-45 …You can't never smother It out. It's God's Message. It'll burn till Jesus comes. Certainly It will And so she watered the camel, the animal, the power that was to take her home to her new home. And another thing. Did you notice, when she went over now, being blood relation, just by faith she believed it, only thing she had was a servant's message. That's all that maybe you've got, my message. I want to be a true servant to the Word. The blessings are for you; they're yours. I know it's not popular. But I don't care about popularity; I want to be honest to my Master as Eliezer was. I want a clean cut decision out of you, like Eliezer. Come out and tell me whether you believe it or not. See? I want a clean cut decision. A true servant requires that. If you do, then act like it. See? Go on, put it into action. Come, go along.


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