

Church of the Advent, Nashville, Tennessee August 2015 Volume 4, Issue 9

Joint Advent—Armenian Service August 9 Inside this issue: Christian Ed. Men’s News


Save The Date! Parenting Forum


Sr. Warden’s Message 4 Time & Talents Healing Service Healing Workshop


EYC Update 6 College EYC Gathering Confirmation Classes Ministry Opportunity Nursery Update Girls’ Night Out Food Pantry This ‘N That It’s Not Too Late


God’s Economy Note Of Thanks Plan Ahead!




Rally Day Highlights


General Convention


Odds & Ends Birthdays Anniversaries


Church of the Advent was invited by the Archbishop of the Armenian Church, USA to participate in a joint service of Holy Communion. After consultation with Bishop Bauerschmidt and the Vestry, we have decided to participate in the joint service, though Fr. Brian will not be concelebrating the Eucharist with the Archbishop. As The Episcopal Church and the Armenian Church are not in communion, Bishop Bauerschmidt felt that concelebration would not be appropriate at this time. In the nine years that the Armenians have been worshipping at Church of the Advent, this is the first visit by an Archbishop. Needless to say, they are excited for this opportunity! To that end, there will be a joint service held at 11:00 a.m. on August 9 that uses

the Armenian liturgy. There will likely be some Adventers asked to participate as readers or intercessors. All are invited to attend, and those who enjoy high liturgies are particularly invited! If you come and want your offerings to go to Advent, please use one of the Advent envelopes. If you want the offering split between the two churches, simply toss the loose cash into the plate. Members of the Armenian Church will make sure the church is locked up after the service and pot-luck following. Those who prefer to worship in the BCP tradition are invited to attend the 8:00 a.m. service, as Fr. Brian will celebrate a traditional Rite 1 service at that time. If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Vestry.

Ministry Sunday/Rally Day & Cook-out Join us for Ministry Sunday/Rally Day Sunday, August 30! We will have only one service at 9:30 a.m. Following worship, leaders and members of the various ministry opportunities at Church of the Advent will be available in the Moss Room to explain their ministry, how you can serve, and sign you up! Ministry Sunday will then be followed by a cookout/potluck around noon-ish. The Men’s Club will serve hot dogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings and tea and lemonade. Parishioners are asked to bring a side dish (hot & cold sides, salads, baked beans, etc.) &/or dessert.

Christian Formation Opportunities Adult Bible Study on Sundays at 9:15 a.m. The Bible study group continues the study of the Gospel of Mark. They gather in the library and are led by Larry Douglass and Tom Jurka. All are welcome! Lectio Divina Contemplative Prayer on Sundays at 9:15 a.m. The prayer group continues in the bride’s room. Using the Lectio Divina method and employing silence, meditation, and prayer they focus on the Scripture lessons assigned for the day. No prior experience is necessary. All are welcome to come and share in this quiet and reflective time in community prayer. Bible Study (Psalms) & Eucharist on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. There will be a morning spoken Eucharist and a Bible Study to follow that examines the Psalms. We will begin in the Parish Hall with the intention of finishing around 11:30 a.m. Bible Study (Genesis) & Eucharist on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., there will be a spoken Eucharist and a Bible Study to follow that looks at the book of Genesis (the Holy Family put the fun in dysfunction). Parishioners are invited to attend both, but we realize that schedules are busy and full of conflicts. If the Eucharist works and not the study, please join us. If the study works but not the Eucharist, again, please join us.

This month’s Men's Club dinner meeting will be Tuesday, August 11 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Corner Pub, 710 Old Hickory Blvd., Brentwood. All men are invited and encouraged to bring a guest to all our meetings. Also, Advent men are encouraged to consider attending the Laymen's Conference at Dubose Friday, August 14—

It’s not too late to join a Bible study!!! A couple individuals have expressed a desire about joining the weekday Bible studies, but worry they have missed too much to learn anything or to enjoy learning. As mentioned at the beginning of the summer, Fr. Brian is providing the classes with some “jump off” points of questions for the texts. The questions merely serve as the beginning of the discussion, but they allow anyone to catch up, keep up, or even study some on his or her own. The verses where the answers are to be found are usually marked, and the overall feedback so far has been quite positive. If you find yourself on the fence about attending a Bible Study, please join us. The fellowship is fantastic, and the verses studied often relate to events in the wider world. For everyone’s convenience, Fr. Brian is now leaving copies of the materials in the Chapter Room (Classroom #4). Please help yourself! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Fr. Brian. Children’s Sunday school will resume in September. Teens are invited to join the study of the Gospel of Mark. Instructed Eucharist Ever wonder when it is appropriate to stand or to kneel during worship? Ever wonder why some bow to the altar and others bow to the Cross as it passes in procession? Ever wonder why do we do the things we do during worship? Keep an eye out in September as Church of the Advent will offer an Instructed Eucharist during one Sunday’s regular worship services.

Sunday, August 16. The Men's Club will pay the registration fee for anyone who has never attended this statewide gathering of Episcopal men. If you haven't experienced a weekend on "The Mountain" I challenge you to prayerfully consider attending this annual event (see page 7 for further details). 2

Save The Date & Spread The Word!!! Mark your calendar now to join us Saturday, September 26, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the 34th Annual Church of the Advent Fall Festival & Bar-BQ! Plans are already underway. The menu with Peg Leg Porker BBQ, kielbasa, chicken, and sides will be delicious as always, and we will have the Silent Auction with many (our goal is 100 items) choices on which to bid. A Planning Committee met on July 9 to lay the groundwork for this year's event in hopes to make it a successful and enjoyable day for Advent and those who attend. In addition to identifying the various committees that are needed to perform the tasks required for the big day, the Planning Committee approved several goals to help make the event a big success. We want as many Adventers as possible to be committed to assisting in the preparation and culmination of this year's Fall Festival as possible. We identified several goals which we are asking each member to consider to help increase our ticket sales and attendance and the number of items donated to the Silent Auction and Bake Sale. Some of these goals are as follows: 1. Each Advent member/family is encouraged to invite three or more guests to attend the Fall Festival (we hope that your guests will be not only be family and friends, but some who have never visited our church in the past). 2. Each Advent member/family is asked to donate one or more items with a minimum value of $10

to the Silent Auction and/or Bake Sale. You may ask a local business to donate a new item or gift card or you may purchase an item for donation or prepare a cake or other baked items for the Bake Sale. 3. Our ticket sales goal is to sell 500 tickets by September 26 and to have 100 items donated for the Silent Auction. If we are able to achieve these goals we should clear approximately $6,000 for funding many of our programs within the church and for outreach projects. Meal tickets for the BBQ will go on sale on Sunday, August 2 following each church service and at the door the day of the barbecue, so please plan to purchase your tickets in advance and help get things off to an early start! Meal tickets are $12 each. Contact the church office to pre-order cooked whole butts. Advance order cost is $45 each. Pork butts ordered the day of the festival cost $55 with a two week delivery time. They freeze great, so order plenty! Parking, admission, fellowship, and fun galore are FREE!!! Join us and invite your friends, coworkers, family, and neighbors! This is a great opportunity to share the fellowship of Advent. In the next few weeks The Planning Committee will be contacting many of you to ask for your help and participation in completing the many tasks that must be done to make the 2015 Fall Festival a big success. Please clear your calendar for this important day and commit to helping us achieve the goals we have set.

The Parenting Adult Children group will gather Tuesday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend. 3

Senior Warden’s Message It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks schools will be back in session, summer vacations will come to an end, and the days will continue to get shorter as we prepare for fall. I am sure we will all look forward to cooler weather as we have experienced a very hot summer. Now is a good time to reflect on the past months and begin looking forward to the balance of 2015.

The most significant change made has been in the increased number of services and opportunities for worship and study. Additionally, Father Brian has established an open door policy and can be found in his office many hours throughout the day. He is approachable and available. While these changes are not big, they have certainly encouraged members to be more involved in church and with each other.

In looking back at the past seven months I pulled up the comments included In our Parrish Profile that was published during the search for our rector. The top four priorities that were listed from the Holy Cow assessment, which was completed by 146 individuals, were: 1) Make necessary changes to attract families with children and youth to our church 2) Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to reach new people and incorporate them into the life of the church 3) Develop ministries that work toward healing those broken by life circumstances 4) Develop the spiritual generosity of the people to financially support the ministries of the church.

This fall will offer opportunity for all members to engage in a Gifts and Talents program, which will be offered on various days and times of the week. The desire is that as many members as possible complete the multiple sessions. Those that complete the sessions offer up their Gifts and Talents during Advent when our Bishop makes his annual visit. I hope this will help our members find where they can be most productive in building a strong church home. Additionally, the Fall Festival is planned for Saturday, September 26 and presents a tremendous opportunity to bring new individuals and families to Advent. What a grand way to show people what Advent is all about and who we are. Jerry Rice has set a goal of selling 500 tickets. The importance of the 500 ticket goal is not the monetary amount of the 500 tickets, but how those tickets are used. I would encourage you to use your tickets to bring other individuals and families to the Fall Festival to help them get to know us and our church.

It was also noted in the assessment that "it was very clear that members of the church realize that change is needed and will be required to sustain growth in the church in the future; however, analysis of the assessment shows that the congregation is adverse to change."

Time & Talents try, led by Dick Light and Ron Taylor, completed the class this past spring, and all have agreed to host a small group if necessary. Please take the time to prayerfully discern whether God is calling you to explore the gifts of which He has bestowed upon you, that you might use them to His honor and glory. Please see a Vestry member or Fr. Brian if you have any questions or need more information!

Beginning later this fall, and culminating with the bishop’s visitation in November, Church of the Advent will be offering Time & Talents to all those at Advent who wish to explore God’s calling/s on their life. The Ves4

Healing Service On August 2 and repeating every three months, Church of the Advent will celebrate a Healing Eucharist at both the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Eucharist. The service is identical to the Rite 1 and Rite 2 Eucharist, except for the Prayers of the People and the Sacrament of Healing. There has been a tradition of midweek healing services at Advent in the past. If we pay attention to the book of Acts, however, we see that people came to the Church expressly for healing, even as some were drawn to the Church be-

cause of the stories of the healing miracles. In true Episcopal tradition, everyone is invited to partake of the sacrament, but none are required. Those not seeking healing will have the opportunity for some private prayer or meditation as the anointing occurs. More instructions will be given during the service. Please feel free to share your thoughts about the service with members of the Liturgy & Worship Committee (Christian Niemeyer, Candida Bannister, Mary Clyde Sparks), the Vestry, or Fr. Brian.

Healing Prayer Workshop Register now for a Healing Prayer Workshop at St. George’s Episcopal Church Friday and Saturday, October 16-17. All of us have things that bind us. Whether it is physical hurt, depression, anger, the need for forgiveness, or struggling with intimacy and identity, parts of our lives feel less than fully alive. God invites us to bring those parts of ourselves to him so he can give us freedom and make us whole. Judith MacNutt, co-founder of Christian Healing Ministries and internationally-known author and teacher will offer workshop for people who are new to or experienced with Healing Prayer. It is for those of us who, because we are leaders, mentors, teachers, parents, or employers, want to help people be released from the things that hold them down and become more fully alive. It is for those of us who desire to learn to hear and respond to God more readily. During the workshop we will explore:  The Scriptural basis for healing prayer  Listening skills -- hearing and responding to God  Experiencing healing of our illness, hurt, pain, and trauma

Praying for healing, both in the church and in our families, social networks, and workplaces

Schedule is as follows: Friday, October 16  4:00 Training/Q&A/Practicum for St. George’s clergy and Healing Prayer team  5:45 Buffet dinner with Keynote Speaker Judith MacNutt  6:15 Keynote  7:00 Q & A  7:30-8:30 Healing Prayer service, Judith preaching Saturday, October 17  8:30 Breakfast and Registration  9:00 Session 1  10:15 Break  10:30 Session 2  12:30-2:00 Optional Practicum for Area Clergy and Healing Prayer ministers The cost is $30, which includes Friday evening dinner. Add an optional Saturday afternoon practicum for $10 (lunch with be provided). To register or for more information, check out the site at

or contact St. George’s directly.


EYC Update Although it may seem as if there is no work being done to find someone/someones to take over the youth ministry at Church of the Advent, there has been some significant work behind the scenes. One of the priorities expressed by parents is that any curriculum we use be tied to the lectionary and that the person we hire have a love of liturgy befitting someone leading Episcopalians. We have reached out through the diocesan staff as well as one of the local youth ministry schools. Unfortunately, at this time, there are simply not enough youth pastors looking for new jobs, and Fr. Brian and the Vestry are reluctant to bid against those serving at other parishes at this time. Of course, life goes on and Youth Group will need to start up again in September as the other min-

istries kick off. Until a permanent replacement is found, an interested team of Advent adults will serve as mentors, and Fr. Brian will be more active than he or we expected. Although Fr. Brian is not called specifically to youth ministry, his experience with seven kids has made him a bit of a constant youth pastor! This interim time and interaction with the rector, hopefully, will give the youth and the parents an opportunity to craft a youth program that serves our youth well. Our hope is that we are able to craft a program that balances worship, fellowship, fun, and service in a way that helps all our youth to grow into their full stature in Christ. As always, if you have suggestions, please speak with a member of the Vestry or with Fr. Brian or, in this case, with some of the youth!

College Bound EYC Gathering There will be a last meeting of those ladies heading off to college on Sunday, August 9 at 6:00 p.m. Mostly, this is a chance for the ladies to share in their excitement and fears and

to enjoy one another’s company one last time over pizza. They will begin in the Moss room and then figure out where they are headed from there.

Confirmation Class / Newcomer’s Class It is getting near that time of year when we begin preparations for the bishop’s visitation during Advent 1 on Sunday, November 29. If you are interested in being confirmed in the

church or being received into the church during Bishop John’s visit, please see Fr. Brian about joining a confirmation class or newcomer’s class.

Ministry Opportunity After many years of faithful service, Pat Grace has discerned a need for a break from her ministry with the acolytes. Pat has served as the scheduler of acolytes, meaning she has put out the schedule each month for those who serve at the altar. This is a great ministry

for those with highly charged organizational desire and drive! If you think you might be interested in serving God and Church of the Advent in this capacity, please call the office. If you have questions about the ministry, please speak with Pat or the church office!

Nursery Update It’s hard to believe that another year has passed and that Rally Day is again here. Please sign up to volunteer to serve one Sunday in the nursery. Hav-

ing a solid list of “go to” names helps so much when I am making the calls each month to secure helpers. You will find that the experience is gratifying and fun. Thank you. Jane Simmons 6

Attention ladies of Advent . . . Join us for another Girls’ Night Out Thursday, August 27, 5:30 p.m.!!! This time Advent’s ladies (and any lady friends you would like to invite) will gather at Brick’s Café, 330 Franklin Rd.

in the Brentwood Kroger shopping center. Since Brick’s does not take reservations, please respond to the church office no later than Wednesday, August 26, so we know how many for “call ahead” seating.

St. Luke’s Food Pantry Needs Assistance collection box. Church volunteers will take the food to St. Luke's. You can also help by donating monetarily to Second Harvest Food Bank which supports the food pantry at St. Luke's.

During the summer many families in some neighborhoods struggle to have adequate food for their children. Kids who often get their breakfast and/or lunch at school do not have that available when school is closed. St. Luke's food pantry serves such a neighborhood and is in need of food items for emergency food boxes. A list of needed items is in the narthex as is a

Back To School Deals Tennessee Tax Free Weekend Tennessee's Annual Sales Tax Holiday is Friday, August 7, beginning at 12:01 a.m. and ending at 11:59 p.m. Sunday, August 9. During this weekend, certain goods may be purchased tax free. For more information visit:

Summer Sale The This 'N' That Thrift Shop, 5007 Georgia Avenue, is having a summer sale Wednesday, August 5— Saturday, August 8. Many summer seasonal items will be half-priced. The shop is open Tuesday-Friday: 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. and Saturday: 10:00 a.m.— 1:00 p.m. This 'N' That is operated completely by volunteers and proceeds benefit St. Luke's preschool.

It’s Not Too Late To Register For The 69th Men’s Conference August 14-16, 2015 Every year since 1947, laymen of the Episcopal Churches in Tennessee have gathered at DuBose Conference Center in Monteagle, TN. We invite Advent’s men to join in this wonderful tradition of worship and fellowship. Enjoy a barbecue competition, home-cooked meals buffet style under a giant tent, listen to engaging speakers, join in the singing of hymns, worship, and lodging in one of the many facilities at DuBose: Claiborne and Bishop’s Hall with cabins single or double rooms, new or rustic cabins for “camp” style, tent camping or at an off-site property. There is also golfing, hiking, tennis, fly fishing,

skeet shooting, a bluegrass jam, and, of course, competitive napping. Only golf and skeet shooting have any additional costs and you can select your activities at registration or check-in. A schedule of the weekend’s activities is available at: Registration forms are available in the Moss Room Media center or you may register online at: 7

God’s economy / Ripples in Ministry Apparently, I had done a good job of keeping a secret about one of our ministries. I shared with the men this past month, and a number of the men said I needed to tell the church. As many of you know, the Outreach Committee determined to gift Siloam Health with some of our 2014 outreach monies. I called the head of Siloam and asked her if there was something she needed, but was afraid to ask for. After a couple weeks of prayerful discernment on her part, she said a great want was upgraded Audio-Visual equipment for their teaching/ meeting room. As I shared the conversation with the men back in March, the Advent Men’s Group offered up to $2000 to help with this effort. So, I asked the lady in charge for the specs of the necessary equipment. As this was going on, Advent was preparing for and holding its annual raffle. One of the gifts was a 60” television, which happened to be won by Clayton Ingalls, who, as everyone knows, is headed to Indonesia. Naturally, I asked Clayton if he wanted to television or the money. Clayton eventually jumped at the money. So, we bought the television back from Clayton to install at Siloam. As we near completion of this project, the real cost will probably fall just under

$1700, unless we choose to spend all the money set aside. Why do I share the story? Two weeks ago, the Anglican bishop of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa were in Nashville. The bishop and his wife are attacking poverty in Ethiopia through schools and medical clinics (she is an MD). While in Nashville, she was given a tour of Siloam. Naturally, during the conversations, the subject of Anglican bishop came up, which led to Episcopalians in this country, which led to the folks at Siloam beaming that they knew some Episcopalians well, that Advent had been spearheading the upgrade of their A/V equipment. The bishop’s wife made sure I understood the blessing that we had given Siloam and that I would thank the men especially for their faithful response to a need in our community. Since Advent contributed $540 out of its Outreach budget, and some would have come out of discretionary funds, had not the men stepped up, we should all share in the words of a “well done, good and faithful servant.” For less than $2000, we have helped Siloam extend its ministry and its blessing to the wider community, and we will help Clayton and Theresa in their efforts. That a bishop and his wife would hear that story as they were touring just reminds us of the care and concern that God has for all that we do.

Note Of Thanks . . . skills of Dale Watney, David McVey, Fr. Brian, George Kelly, Hunter McCarty, Jerry Keathley, Jerry Rice, Larry Douglass, Nathan McVey, Phocian Sampson, Rick Wey, and Tom DiNella for their work sprucing things up.

After their breakfast and meeting on July 11, a number of the men got together and trimmed the hedges around the church. Despite the heat and humidity and pressing tasks to do at home, a number of the fellows gave of their valuable time and talents. Those of us at Advent are especially grateful for the gardening

St. Luke’s Preschool Backpacks—Planning Ahead For Next Year . . . This time of year, with all of the back to school sales, BOGOs, and soon even clearance, it might be helpful to stock up on supplies, pricier items such as backpacks, as well as some of the hard to find items, such as the first grade writing tablet to donate stuffed backpacks to the preschool graduates at St. Luke’s next year. 8

Tanzania 2015 Two weeks is never quite long enough. I found that especially true this trip. I’d like to start out by first thanking everyone who made this trip possible— whether you helped out financially or through prayer—I can’t thank you enough. A big Asante sana! to all of you.

I completely enjoyed my time at the Children’s Home, but that wasn’t our only purpose. We also completed a medical mission at a remote village six hours outside of Dar. The village itself is predominantly Muslim, but a church was planted there a few years ago and has been growing. Doctors and nurses from Tanzania accompanied us as well. I’m not in any way a doctor, so I didn’t help in the clinic. I, along with other members of my team, worked with the children. We made crafts together and shared with them the creation story. We also taught them the story of salvation bracelets, and everyone made one afterwards. It was a truly wonderful experience. Sure, we didn’t speak the same language, but there are times when you don’t need words to communicate.

We spent the majority of our time in Tanzania at the Valentine Children’s Home, an orphanage that has been in the works for a few years through the Valentine Project. The dedication was set for Monday, July 6, and the team worked to make sure everything was ready. We painted the gates—one black and one blue. The black gate is actually the entrance into the Children’s Home and the blue one is the door to the dormitory.

Before I knew it, the time had come to return to the States. I didn’t want to. I’ve felt God’s call so strongly in the five trips I’ve made to Tanzania, and one day I plan to live there and teach. Until then, I hope to continue to make these short trips across the ocean to the beautiful country that has stolen my heart. Again, I sincerely thank everyone who made this trip possible. I’ve been so very blessed. There aren’t enough words to express that, but as Bishop Valentine put it, “God has done it.” I’m so glad to see what’s been done in my time in Tanzania and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Of course, painting wasn’t the only thing we did in our short time at the Children’s Home. There were 19 children already there, and they all wanted some love and affection. We had plenty to give. I gave countless piggybacks, played lots of soccer, and just had so much fun. The children are incredibly adorable, and their giggles are contagious. There’s one girl, though, who stood out to me the most. Loveness was a bit rough on the other kids. She tried to keep them in line, often by hitting or yelling. She isn’t inherently mean, though. She just doesn’t know how to verbalize her wishes like we might. As tough as Loveness may seem, she certainly was a little love bug. She was the first one to come up to me when we first arrived at the Children’s Home. She hugged my legs and smiled. Later, I started playing with her and realized she wanted to be held. She craved attention and love, and I was more than happy to oblige.


Rally Day Highlights Serving in a ministry is about helping us connect with God, whether by serving as an usher, acolyte, in the flower guild, teaching, or serving at Room in the Inn, or in the nursery. Ministry is about empowering us to respond to God’s love in whatever way God calls us to use our gifts, resources, and lives. Ministry is not about equipping us to serve the church. Serving God, yes; carrying out church chores, NO!

Being an Acolyte gives Young people an opportunity to serve the clergy and be a leader in the worship.  It also gives them the opportunity to have an active role in the church service.  They get to learn firsthand and participate in the customs and traditions of the Episcopal Church, which can help in their spiritual development.  It helps to develop a closer relationship with the priest(s) (and the chalice bearers).  In some families, serving as an a acolyte continues a tradition set by grandparents, parents or brothers and sisters who have also served as an Acolyte. Acolytes receive complete training and begin serving in some of the simpler areas and then advance as experience is gained. Crucifers carry the Cross in the procession. Servers light and extinguish candles and assist at the altar during the Holy Eucharist. Torchbearers “light the way” for the procession with their torches. 

Join us Sunday, August 30 after the one 9:30 a.m. service for Rally Day/Ministry Sunday. Leaders and members of the various ministry opportunities will be available in the Moss Room to explain their ministry, how you can serve, and sign you up! The following is a glimpse of some of the ministry opportunities you will be able to sign up for. These are very brief descriptions. The ministry leaders will be available to answer all your questions. You will also be able to sign up for the Men’s Club and the EYC for youth rising sixth through twelfth grades. Acolyte We love our Acolyte volunteers; they are so important to our worship and that’s why we want every baptized child at Advent, ages 8 - 18, to be a part of this ministry. If you, or your child, fit the criteria and are able, and willing, please volunteer. We always want to have enough volunteers to allow flexibility and to prevent over-scheduling. Here are a few things you or your child(ren) may not know about serving as an acolyte:  Young people who are faithful to the ministry realize it is a way to serve their Lord and church.

Altar Guild Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity at church that is small on time commitment, but big on spiritual value? Consider joining the Altar Guild. Members of the Altar Guild care for the altar, vessels, linens, and vestments, and prepare for each service. All members commit to approximately two hours one weekend a month: time on Saturday morning and after one of the services on Sunday. When needed, we also assist in marriages, funerals, and seasonal services. Members of the Altar Guild perform a special ministry. If you would like to help prepare the altar for worship, the Altar Guild welcomes you. Children’s Chapel/Liturgist Children’s Chapel is held during the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays. Currently volunteers serve once every 4(Continued on page 11)


(Continued from page 10)

6 weeks. The children are led by the liturgist down to children’s chapel where they share in an age appropriate reading, singing and prayers. Flower Guild Members prepare floral arrangements for Sunday’s services; usually on Saturday. Flower guild can be seen as a way to serve in the background—letting the beauty enhance our worship and remind of God’s creation. You do NOT need experience; only a love of flowers and a willingness to learn. Greeter It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this ministry. We want a visitor to leave Advent with someone having extended a good-bye to them, thanking them for attending the service and inviting them to visit again. As a Greeter we hope to meet and greet the visitor and demonstrate by our actions they are important, answer their questions and invite them to attend another church service or coffee minutes. Music Advent’s Music Ministry runs September thru May. We have adult choirs for both singing and ringing. They generally meet once a week for rehearsals. Previous musical experience is not required. All that is needed is the desire to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Nursery Advent’s nursery is provided on Sundays from 10:15—11:45 a.m. Our nursery is now completely volunteer staffed with support from our youth as needed with the exception of select holidays when outside an service provider is used. Thanks to the overwhelming support of Adventers volunteers usually only serve once or twice a year.

Prayer Team The Prayer Team consists of at least two people intentionally praying for the needs of Advent, it's members, friends, and family Monday through Saturday. Each week they are provided with updated prayer requests. Those with email are also notified as unexpected or urgent needs are made known. Prayer team members identify and commit to a time of prayer on a day that is compatible with their schedule. All that is required is a sincere and prayerful heart. Room in the Inn Room in the Inn provides overnight shelter during the cold months of November thru March. On the first Saturday night of each of these months, Advent parishioners host eleven homeless men at the St. Luke's Community House Rogers Center (although plans are under way to eventually host them in Advent’s parish hall). The men are carefully selected by Nashville's Campus for Human Development. Adventers prepare, serve and share dinner and fellowship with our guests. We also furnish the next day's breakfast and a sack lunch for the men to take with them. While men, women and children are invited to share in the fellowship and help with dinner, men are always needed to spend the night with our guests. Usher Ushers are the first impression worshippers obtain about Advent. Some obvious duties include directing visitors as they enter and exit the Sanctuary, direct people to come forward during communion, passing out the bulletin and passing the offering plates. Some hidden duties include checking pews for Prayer Books, hymnals, welcome cards; ensuring kneelers are up; and taking an attendance count. Ushers may sign up to serve at the 8 a.m. service, the 10:30 a.m. service or both.


What Did General Convention Do? A number of parishioners have stopped by or reached out to see what all was done at General Convention in Salt  Lake City this past month. There is a comprehensive list of resolutions and the actions taken on them at this site: = . Approximately 155 resolutions were passed. The following resolutions are hoped by delegates at GC to be enacted by parishes or individuals: A011 – Recommit to Criminal Justice Reform and Advocacy – Encourages each congregation and Diocese to undertake at least one specific initiative aimed at addressing the destructive consequences of the mass incarceration system and includes a  list of possible actions. 

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A020 – Affirm the Work of The Episcopal Church at the United Nations – Asks all Episcopalians to educate themselves about the work of the United Nations and the many ways in which our collective call as Christians to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” aligns with the work of the United Nations, and to support and partner with the United Nations and its programs and agencies in pursuit of peace, reconciliation and justice for all people. A021 – Continue Our Commitment of 0.7% of the Millennium Development Goals – urges all dioceses and congregations to continue to contribute 0.7% of their annual budgets to fund appropriate international development programs A026 , A027 – support dioceses and congregations in their efforts to develop ministry among young men in Native American communities, develop models for young men in Native American Ministries and Native American campus ministries A036 – Amend Canon I.18 Marriage – allows clergy to marry same sex couples beginning Advent 1 2015 A037 – Continue work of the Task Force on the Study of Marriage – requests dioceses and parishes use the study materials on marriage provided in the last triennium A049 – Make Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women a Focus of Foreign and Church Aid – commends the achievement of gender equality and empowerment of all women, including transgender individuals, to dioceses and congregations as a criterion for


engagement in domestic and international projects A051 – Support LGBT African Advocacy – encourage parishes and dioceses to build relationships with and learn from Anglican African scholars who are already offering Biblical interpretations that affirm the dignity and humanity of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex people and to offer prayers for the safety of our (African) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex sisters and brothers, their families and communities, and for the scholars and activists who tirelessly work on their behalf A054 – Adopt Resources and Liturgical Rites from I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing – rites for blessing and marrying same sex couples, beginning Advent I 2015 A072 – Develop Awareness of Five Marks of Mission – encourage dioceses and congregations to use materials that instruct persons about the Five Marks of Mission, and dioceses and congregations adopt the practice of intentionally and publicly stating how each of their activities relates to the Five Marks of Mission A073 – Update Model Policies for the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct – not later than December 31, 2016, the Guidelines for the Protection of Children and Youth of each diocese conform to the Updated Model Policies with due regard to applicable local laws on the subject matters of the Updated Model Policies A076 – Commend Use of Christian Formation Certifications – commend to all dioceses and congregations the use of Christian Formation Certifications as a way to encourage professional development for both paid and unpaid Christian Formation leaders and to deepen the Church’s commitment to the value and status of lay Christian Formation leaders A078 – Reaffirm the Charter for Lifelong Christian Formation – dioceses and congregations adopt The Charter for Lifelong Christian Formation and annually review the ways in which their Christian Formation ministries reflect and embody The Charter A096 – Affirm Relationship-Based Social Justice – challenge all Episcopalians to hear in a bold way the call of both Jesus and St. Francis of Assisi to befriend and be with the poor, and that we come to know that the future vitality of The Episcopal Church is grounded in our mutu(Continued on page 13)

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ally affirming relationships with our brothers and sisters who are poor; encourage all Episcopal congregations to establish relationship-based, social-justice ministries through which relationships are developed between those who serve and those who are served, resulting in shared and transformational experiences and in a greater commitment to work for justice on all sides of the socio-economic divide A158 – Task force to Review and Revise policy on substance abuse, addiction, and recovery – adopt the following policy on alcohol and other substance misuse and encourage dioceses, congregations, seminaries, schools, young adult ministries, and affiliated institutions to update their policies on the use of alcohol and other substances with the potential for misuse A179 – Commend Memorial V – encourage Deputies and Bishops to circulate Memorial V in their communities, congregations and dioceses for study and reflection B018 – Support for Sudan and South Sudan – strongly urge TEC dioceses and parishes to consider prayer partnerships and joint work with bishops, dioceses, and church organizations in Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan to support them to reduce and resolve the current conflicts, help refugees, hold war criminals accountable, and improve people’s living conditions C018 – Pursue Justice, Peace, and Security in the Holy Land – urge Episcopalians to demonstrate our solidarity by making pilgrimage to Israel and the Occupied Territories and learning from our fellow Christians in the region C019 – Establish Response to Systemic Racial Injustice – Episcopal church understands and affirms that the call to pray and act for racial reconciliation is integral to our witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to our living into the demands of our Baptismal Covenant C020– Ministry to People with Mental Illness and Their Families – calls upon dioceses, congregations, schools and other entities of the Episcopal Church to explore and adopt best practices for the vitality and increased capacity of their mission and ministry in the inclusion, support, and spiritual care for persons with

mental illness and their families; dioceses, congregations, schools and other entities of the Episcopal Church increase understanding about mental illness by providing educational material and training C028 – Disclosure of Criminal Records – all discernment, search, and nominating committees for bishops and rectors in the Episcopal Church use resources available to them including knowledge of unrestricted criminal convictions in evaluation of candidates in thoughtful ways and make certain that all members of such committees be made aware of any issues which may impact the character and competence of candidates C037 – Sponsoring and Supporting Scouting Units – commend that vestries and clergy in charge of congregations sponsor or continue to sponsor scouting units (packs, troops, posts and crews), especially those units recently displaced by decisions from other denominations to cease sponsoring scouting units as a consequence of the BSA’s recent change to a nondiscriminatory membership policy concerning sexual orientation C045 – Environmentally Responsible Investing – urges all dioceses and parishes of the Episcopal Church to engage the topic of divestment from fossil fuels and reinvestment in clean energy within the coming year C048 – Increase the Minimum Wage – confirms that “it is the policy of The Episcopal Church and its dioceses and congregations to provide employees with a living wage C055 – Church-wide Day of Prayer – commit the Church to continual prayer for the cessation of all violent acts against believers D014 – Question Ordinands about Addiction – Sponsoring Clergy, Vestries, Commissions on Ministry, Standing Committees, and Bishops interviewing and evaluating Nominees, Postulants, and Candidates for Ordination explore directly issues regarding substance use in their lives and family systems (Continued on page 14)


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D015 – Encouraging Advocacy for Hunger Relief – That dioceses, parishes, and faithful Episcopalians are urged to pray and discern whether they are specifically called to advocate changes in public policy to help poor and hungry people D030 – Establish Parental Leave Policy – Strongly urges all dioceses, congregations, and other church-related offices and agencies/contexts to establish and make available parental leave policies for birth and adoptive parents, both clergy and lay, in their employ D034 – Affirmation and Support of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 – dioceses and congregations be urged to seek education from available community D/ deaf/hard of hearing and disability organizations on supporting full inclusion of disabled persons in all aspects of public life D035 – Support Christians in Pakistan – call upon the congregations and members of The Episcopal Church to learn about the realities of the Church in Pakistan and the oppression of religious minorities in that country, and to pray purposely and specifically for the Church of Pakistan (United) D041 – Encourage faith communities to develop both corporate and personal opportunities to pray for peace in the Middle East, for an end to the humanitarian and refugee crisis in Syria, and for the continued witness and presence of Christian communities there D044 – Removal of Confederate Battle Flag – Episcopal Church strongly urges all persons, along with public, governmental, and religious institutions, to discontinue the display of the Confederate Battle Flag (I wasn’t there, but my son told me the entire deputation from Mississippi stood at the microphone to speak in favor of this) D045 – Support for Men’s Ministry – encourage and support dioceses and congregations in their efforts to develop and expand Ministry to Men and to mentor and raise up the next generation of young men throughout the Episcopal Church D057 – Re-commit to the Spirit of Sanctuary – recommit to the spirit of the New Sanctuary Movement by supporting congregations so they can assist immigrant individuals, unaccompanied minors, families, and communities by being centers of information, services and

accompaniment, and by supporting families facing separation in the absence of comprehensive, humane immigration reform D058 – Dominicans of Haitian Descent – all Episcopalians pray for Dominicans of Haitian descent and all other stateless persons in the world that they may find homes where they are welcomed and afforded legitimate residential, educational, work status, and legal documentation of their personhood for themselves and their children D071 – Call for the Ratification of the UN CRPD – acknowledge that the United States of America is the last developed nation member of the United Nations that has yet to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and recognize that other countries in which The Episcopal Church exists have ratified the treaty; urge all members of the Church in the United States to contact their Senators and advocate for ratification of the treaty D073 – Supporting Home and Community Based Services – urge dioceses and local congregations to discern ways in which they can provide practical support to individuals and families affected by a lack of adequate home and community-based services and supports (for persons with disabilities) D077 – Uniting Families – strongly urge dioceses and congregations to develop programs and partnerships with local agencies that emphasize the value of strong immigrant families and provide assistance with psychological, financial, and spiritual needs so as to assist immigrant families with their needs as they struggle to adapt to their new home country D079 – Education for Undocumented Families – strongly urge dioceses and congregations to provide resources and education for undocumented persons and their families to learn about their legal rights, including their rights regarding certain immigration relief such as asylum

For more specific information on the resolutions, feel free to contact the delegates from our diocese! 14

Haiti Connection 2015 has been postponed. Because of the scheduled elections in Haiti and possible civil unrest, they have rescheduled the October 21-23, 2015 Haiti Connection Conference to the spring of 2016. For the latest information visit: The Chapter of the Holy Spirit took a break for summer, but will start a new book in the fall. Any request for cleaning service must be approved and requested through George Kelly, Junior Warden. If you would like to include an article in the Announcer, please remember the deadline is the third Monday. For the month of July Advent donated 34 pounds to St. Luke’s Food Pantry! Thank you!!! Convenient, pre-addressed, and dated 2015 offering envelopes are available in the Narthex. If you place cash in the envelope you must put your name on the envelope so we know it is from you. After the 8 & 10:30 a.m. services Adventers gather in the Moss Room to share fellowship, coffee, and a snack. If you would like to help provide a snack for a special occasion or simply to offer help, please notify the Vestry member in charge of the Coffee Minute for that day, which is available each month in the server schedule and at the bottom of each month’s calendar. If you would like to make a last minute addition of prayers for healing, for those who have died, for thanksgivings, or guidance during the prayers of

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Avery Simpson Sara Nau Noelle Prince Joanne Martin June Post Ron Taylor

4 William Aaron 7 Carol Lynn McCarty 7 Landy Norris 8 Betsy Dozier 8 Betsy Gregory 9 Joshua Culp 10 Ellen DiLorenzo 10 David Kline 10 Tori Ross 11 Barbara Jones 15 Billy Ballard

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the people on Sundays, there is a prayer request sheet in the Narthex. An usher will take the sheet to the lector during the Nicene Creed each Sunday. The Diocesan newsletter Connections is available online at Stay informed! If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter via email, pastoral updates, and weekly “Happenings” emails, send us your e-mail. For a current listing of the volunteer opportunities available through St. Luke’s Community House visit Get Forward Day by Day on your Kindle or Nook, via email, on their website or Facebook fan page. Details at the Forward Day by Day website: Alternative Gifts: Adventers may send honor someone special by making a donation to Church of the Advent. Upon receipt of your donation with name and address of recipient, a card will be mailed notifying the recipient of your gift in their honor. Memorials may also be made. Be sure to also give the name of the person for whom the memorial is being made. Another great idea is donating new prayer books and/or hymnals ($10 each) by completing a blue form found in the narthex metal literature rack. A commemorative bookplate will be place inside the front cover.

Bobbie Krieger Shane Hamill Sue Higgins Melissa Boaz David Cañas Alex Hess Sydney Bland Jane Simmons Lehman Hailey Muriel DiNella 15

2 Shane & Sara Hamill 3 Mark & Vicki Markham 5 Carey & Delaniah Bringle 11 Brian & Karen McVey 12 Oliver & Pauline McIntyre 14 Joe & Janice Collins 16 Hunter & Carol Lynn McCarty 23 Ralph & Carol LaNeve 24 Harry & Len Tate 25 Jim & Joanne Martin

Ministry Sunday, August 30! See page 10! SERVICES Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Rite I 9:15 a.m. – Christian Formation 10:30 a.m. – Rite II MONDAY 10:00 a.m.—Bible Study, Eucharist TUESDAY 7:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 6:30 p.m.—Bible Study, Eucharist WEDNESDAY 12:00 p.m.—Holy Communion OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. CONTACT 5501 Franklin Road, Nashville, TN 37220 Phone: 615-373-5630 Fax: 615-377-3600 [email protected]

Rector The Reverend Brian McVey Officers Senior Warden—Hunter McCarty Junior Warden—George Kelly Treasurer—Gregg Conroy Clerk—Pat Grace Vestry Gregg Conroy, Leslie DiNella, Judy Dudley, Shane Hamill, Dick Light, Vicki Markham, Andrea Parsons, Mary Clyde Sparks, Ron Taylor, Tina Tsui


Men’s Club Leadership Team Leadership Team—Jerry Rice, Rick Wey, Landy Norris Treasurer—Gregg Conroy Secretary—Dale Watney ECW Leadership Council Bishop’s Guild—Vickie Markham Outreach—Lynn Conroy Parish Meals—Joan Vollmer Prayer Ministry—Anoosh Howser Treasurer—Betty Douglass Staff Bookkeeper—Lisa Gaines Music Director— Waldemar Wensell Office Administrator—Tina Cozby


Healing Service. Healing ... If you want the offering split be- tween the two churches, simply toss the ... member to consider to help increase our ticket sales.

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