DESCHUTES COUNTY (345 species) (C) Denotes County Rarity

(S) Denotes State Rarity

The ECAS wishes to thank Craig Miller for the production of "The Birds of Deschutes County, Oregon". This document lists seasonal abundance data and can be accessed via the ECAS website at SWANS, GEESE, DUCKS ___ Greater White-fronted Goose ___ Snow Goose (C) ___ Ross's Goose (C) ___ Cackling Goose (C) ___ Canada Goose ___ Brant (C) ___ Trumpeter Swan (C) ___ Tundra Swan ___ Wood Duck ___ Gadwall ___ Eurasian Wigeon (C) ___ American Wigeon ___ Mallard ___ Blue-winged Teal ___ Cinnamon Teal ___ Northern Shoveler ___ Northern Pintail ___ Green-winged Teal ___ Canvasback ___ Redhead ___ Ring-necked Duck ___ Tufted Duck (S) ___ Greater Scaup ___ Lesser Scaup ___ Harlequin Duck (C) ___ Surf Scoter (C) ___ White-winged Scoter (C) ___ Black Scoter (C) ___ Long-tailed Duck (C) ___ Bufflehead ___ Common Goldeneye ___ Barrow's Goldeneye ___ Hooded Merganser ___ Common Merganser ___ Red-breasted Merganser (C)

___ Ruddy Duck GALLINACEOUS BIRDS ___ Chukar (C) ___ Ring-necked Pheasant (C) ___ Ruffed Grouse (C) ___ Greater Sage-Grouse ___ Sooty Grouse ___ Wild Turkey (C) ___ Mountain Quail (C) ___ California Quail LOONS, GREBES ___ Red-throated Loon (C) ___ Pacific Loon (C) ___ Common Loon ___ Pied-billed Grebe ___ Horned Grebe ___ Red-necked Grebe (C) ___ Eared Grebe ___ Western Grebe ___ Clark's Grebe (C) PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS ___ American White Pelican ___ Brown Pelican (C) ___ Double-crested Cormorant ___ American Bittern (C) ___ Great Blue Heron ___ Cattle Egret (C) ___ Great Egret ___ Snowy Egret (C) ___ Green Heron (C) ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron (C) ___ White-faced Ibis (C) VULTURES, DIURNAL RAPTORS ___ Turkey Vulture ___ Osprey ___ Bald Eagle ___ Northern Harrier ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk ___ Cooper's Hawk ___ Northern Goshawk ___ Red-shouldered Hawk (C) ___ Swainson's Hawk ___ Red-tailed Hawk ___ Ferruginous Hawk ___ Rough-legged Hawk ___ Golden Eagle ___ American Kestrel ___ Merlin ___ Gyrfalcon (S) ___ Peregrine Falcon (C) ___ Prairie Falcon RAILS, CRANES ___ Virginia Rail ___ Sora ___ American Coot ___ Common Gallinule (S) ___ Sandhill Crane SHOREBIRDS ___ Black-bellied Plover (C) ___ American Golden-Plover (C) ___ Pacific Golden-Plover (C) ___ Snowy Plover (C) ___ Semipalmated Plover ___ Killdeer ___ Black-necked Stilt ___ American Avocet ___ Spotted Sandpiper

___ Solitary Sandpiper ___ Greater Yellowlegs ___ Willet (C) ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ___ Whimbrel (C) ___ Long-billed Curlew (C) ___ Hudsonian Godwit (C) ___ Marbled Godwit (C) ___ Ruddy Turnstone (C) ___ Red Knot (C) ___ Sanderling (C) ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper (C) ___ Western Sandpiper ___ Least Sandpiper ___ White-rumped Sandpiper (S) ___ Baird's Sandpiper ___ Pectoral Sandpiper ___ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (S) ___ Dunlin ___ Stilt Sandpiper (S) ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper (S) ___ Ruff (S) ___ Short-billed Dowitcher (C) ___ Long-billed Dowitcher ___ Wilson's Snipe ___ Wilson's Phalarope ___ Red-necked Phalarope ___ Red Phalarope (C) GULLS, TERNS, JAEGERS, ALCIDS ___ Laughing Gull (S) ___ Franklin's Gull (C) ___ Bonaparte's Gull ___ Heermann's Gull (C) ___ Mew Gull (C) ___ Ring-billed Gull ___ California Gull ___ Herring Gull (C) ___ Thayer's Gull (C) ___ Glaucous-winged Gull (C) ___ Western Gull (C) ___ Sabine's Gull (C) ___ Caspian Tern ___ Black Tern ___ Common Tern (C) ___ Arctic Tern (C) ___ Forster's Tern ___ Parasitic Jaeger (C) ___ Long-tailed Jaeger (C) ___ Ancient Murrelet (C) DOVES, PIGEONS ___ Rock Pigeon ___ Band-tailed Pigeon (C) ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove ___ Mourning Dove OWLS, CUCKOOS ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo (S) ___ Barn Owl ___ Flammulated Owl ___ Western Screech-Owl ___ Great Horned Owl ___ Snowy Owl (S) ___ Northern Hawk Owl (S) ___ Northern Pygmy-Owl ___ Burrowing Owl (C) ___ Spotted Owl (C) ___ Barred Owl (C) ___ Great Gray Owl (C)

___ Long-eared Owl ___ Short-eared Owl (C) ___ Boreal Owl (S) ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl NIGHTJARS, SWIFTS, HUMMINGBIRDS ___ Common Nighthawk ___ Common Poorwill ___ Black Swift (S) ___ Vaux's Swift ___ White-throated Swift ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird ___ Anna's Hummingbird ___ Costa's Hummingbird (S) ___ Calliope Hummingbird ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird (S) ___ Rufous Hummingbird KINGFISHERS, WOODPECKERS ___ Belted Kingfisher ___ Lewis's Woodpecker ___ Acorn Woodpecker (C) ___ Williamson's Sapsucker ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (S) ___ Red-naped Sapsucker ___ Red-breasted Sapsucker ___ Downy Woodpecker ___ Hairy Woodpecker ___ White-headed Woodpecker ___ American Three-toed Woodpecker (S) ___ Black-backed Woodpecker ___ Northern Flicker ___ Pileated Woodpecker FLYCATCHERS ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher ___ Western Wood-Pewee ___ Willow Flycatcher ___ Least Flycatcher (S) ___ Hammond's Flycatcher ___ Gray Flycatcher ___ Dusky Flycatcher ___ Pacific-slope Flycatcher ___ Cordilleran Flycatcher ___ Black Phoebe (C) ___ Say's Phoebe ___ Eastern Phoebe (S) ___ Vermilion Flycatcher (S) ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher ___ Western Kingbird ___ Eastern Kingbird (C) SHRIKES, VIREOS ___ Loggerhead Shrike ___ Northern Shrike ___ Cassin's Vireo ___ Warbling Vireo ___ Red-eyed Vireo (C) ___ Philadelphia Vireo (C) CORVIDS, LARKS, SWALLOWS ___ Gray Jay ___ Steller's Jay ___ Blue Jay (S) ___ Western Scrub-Jay ___ Pinyon Jay ___ Clark's Nutcracker ___ Black-billed Magpie ___ American Crow ___ Common Raven ___ Horned Lark ___ Purple Martin (C)

___ Tree Swallow ___ Violet-green Swallow ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow ___ Bank Swallow ___ Cliff Swallow ___ Barn Swallow CHICKADEES, BUSHTITS, NUTHATCHES, CREEPERS ___ Black-capped Chickadee (C) ___ Mountain Chickadee ___ Chestnut-backed Chickadee (C) ___ Bushtit ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch ___ White-breasted Nuthatch ___ Pygmy Nuthatch ___ Brown Creeper WRENS, DIPPERS, KINGLETS, GNATCATCHERS ___ Rock Wren ___ Canyon Wren ___ Bewick's Wren (C) ___ House Wren ___ Pacific Wren ___ Marsh Wren ___ American Dipper ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (C) THRUSHES ___ Western Bluebird ___ Mountain Bluebird ___ Townsend's Solitaire ___ Veery (C) ___ Swainson's Thrush ___ Hermit Thrush ___ American Robin ___ Varied Thrush MIMIDS ___ Gray Catbird (C) ___ Northern Mockingbird (S) ___ Sage Thrasher ___ Brown Thrasher (S) STARLING, PIPITS, WAXWINGS,PHAINOPEPLA ___ European Starling ___ Red-throated Pipit (S) ___ American Pipit ___ Bohemian Waxwing (C) ___ Cedar Waxwing ___ Phainopepla (S) WARBLERS, TANAGERS ___ Blue-winged Warbler (S) ___ Golden-winged Warbler (S) ___ Tennessee Warbler (S) ___ Orange-crowned Warbler ___ Nashville Warbler ___ Yellow Warbler ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler (S) ___ Magnolia Warbler (S) ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler (S) ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler ___ Townsend's Warbler ___ Hermit Warbler ___ Blackburnian Warbler (S) ___ Palm Warbler (C) ___ Blackpoll Warbler (S) ___ Black-and-white Warbler (S) ___ American Redstart (C) ___ Ovenbird (S)

___ Northern Waterthrush ___ Mourning Warbler (S) ___ MacGillivray's Warbler ___ Common Yellowthroat ___ Hooded Warbler (S) ___ Canada Warbler (S) ___ Wilson's Warbler ___ Painted Redstart (S) ___ Yellow-breasted Chat ___ Summer Tanager (S) ___ Western Tanager SPARROWS ___ Green-tailed Towhee ___ Spotted Towhee ___ American Tree Sparrow (C) ___ Chipping Sparrow ___ Clay-colored Sparrow (S) ___ Brewer's Sparrow ___ Vesper Sparrow ___ Lark Sparrow (C) ___ Black-throated Sparrow (C) ___ Sagebrush Sparrow ___ Savannah Sparrow ___ Fox Sparrow ___ Song Sparrow ___ Lincoln's Sparrow ___ Swamp Sparrow (S) ___ White-throated Sparrow (C) ___ Harris's Sparrow (S) ___ White-crowned Sparrow ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow ___ Dark-eyed Junco LONGSPURS, GROSBEAKS, BUNTINGS ___ Lapland Longspur (C) ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur (S) ___ Snow Bunting (S) ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak (S) ___ Black-headed Grosbeak ___ Lazuli Bunting ___ Indigo Bunting (S) ___ Painted Bunting (S) BLACKBIRDS, GRACKLES, ORIOLES ___ Bobolink (C) ___ Red-winged Blackbird ___ Tricolored Blackbird (C) ___ Western Meadowlark ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird ___ Brewer's Blackbird ___ Common Grackle (S) ___ Great-tailed Grackle (S) ___ Brown-headed Cowbird ___ Hooded Oriole (S) ___ Bullock's Oriole FINCHES, HOUSE SPARROW ___ Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (C) ___ Pine Grosbeak (S) ___ Purple Finch ___ Cassin's Finch ___ House Finch ___ Red Crossbill ___ White-winged Crossbill (S) ___ Common Redpoll (S) ___ Pine Siskin ___ Lesser Goldfinch ___ American Goldfinch ___ Evening Grosbeak ___ House Sparrow

AA Deschutes County Checklist Final.pdf

___ Caspian Tern. ___ Black Tern. ___ Common Tern (C). ___ Arctic Tern (C). ___ Forster's Tern. ___ Parasitic Jaeger (C). ___ Long-tailed Jaeger (C). ___ Ancient Murrelet (C). DOVES, PIGEONS. ___ Rock Pigeon. ___ Band-tailed Pigeon (C). ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove. ___ Mourning Dove. OWLS, CUCKOOS.

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