FLOWER LIST March 2012 Committee Member Mrs Margaret Ann Crawford 4th 11th 18th 25th

Mrs Bryson Mrs Cobb Mrs A Stewart Mrs C Aitken

Abbey Church News MARCH 2012

April 2012 Committee Member Mrs D Guy & Mrs J Donald 1st Mrs A Bell 8th Mrs J Donald & Mrs M Graham 15th Mrs Mackenzie 22nd Mrs Gilchrist 29th Mrs Durie & Mrs Young


At rest in the Lord

22nd February

Veronica Frost, Station Road

Next Newsletter (Easter 2012) Contributions by 13 March please, preferably by email to the Church Office. Thank you. [email protected] Abbey Church, North Berwick (Church of Scotland) Scottish Charity No. SC004761

Don’t worry about anything but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. Philippians 4:6 20

Minister: Rev. Dr David J Graham, BSc, BD, PhD 01620 840878 Pastoral Assistant: Bob Kane 07971 075185 Abbey Church, 116 High Street, North Berwick Church Office 01620 892800 [email protected]

Dear Friends, March is always the month of Lent (even allowing for the fluctuations in the date of Easter!). It’s a time when we join in Jesus’ spiritual journey to the cross, witness his temptation in the desert, watch with him in vigil at Gethsemane, and eventually see his death and the miracle of the empty tomb. This month, in our morning services we look at some very simple words which we use to address God. They’re probably some of the first words we learned as children, words like ‘sorry’, ‘help’, ‘please’, and ‘thank you’. This is part of a bigger series of services in which we’re taking a ‘simple’ look at growing in our faith. But it also reminds us that, no matter how little or far we have travelled that road, God is always our Father, and we’re his children. We also have a Lent group, on a Wednesday evening, which considers ‘sacred words for a secular world’ (there are more details later in the newsletter). In our evening services too, we follow the ministry of Jesus, from the River Jordan to Calvary. In whatever way you mark Lent this year, I pray that it will be a time for reflection, meditation, and contemplation before we celebrate the great Christian Day, which is Easter. Your minister,


Abbey Church Mission Statement

Worship Fellowship

Discipleship Jesus



“I, Jesus, am the bright Morning Star” (Rev 22:16) “We saw his star and have come to worship him” (Matt 2:2) To enable us to • make Jesus Christ central to everything we do • meet wherever God’s people gather • learn by study, prayer, teaching and sharing • proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord • take Jesus Christ to others

The Church of Scotland’s vision: To be a church which seeks to inspire the people of Scotland with the good news of Jesus Christ through enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing and serving communities


PRAYER TIME FOR MARCH Dear Friends in Christ, Let us gladly MARCH on with joyful hearts till we meet our King in all his glory. Let’s pray! Lord God, How happy we are to be called your children. Help us to walk in your ways all the days of our life. Bless the congregations of Abbey and Dirleton, young and young at heart. Strengthen and encourage the Minister Dr Graham, Pastoral Assistant Mr Bob Kane, and their loved ones. Thank you for our families and friends. Thank you that we live in such a beautiful area, and at peace. We pray for all whose lives are very difficult, those whose countries are at war and unrest. How you must weep to see your world as it is. Lord we pray for peace all over the world. We pray that all would live in harmony. We give thanks for the money raised through the World Mission envelopes, knowing it will be put to good use. Father we ask you to heal those who are ill - in body, mind or spirit. We pray that there may be enough staff in all the hospitals, homes etc to enable the nurses to give the patients the proper care needed. Sadly we only hear of the cases of neglect. There are many more cases of loving care. Bless those who are unable to get out through age or disability. Draw near to them - uplift those who are sad or lonely Lord, and comfort all who mourn. Thank you. We ask these things in the name of Jesus, our beloved Saviour. Amen

Betty Hawthorn (Prayer Secretary) Let me know if I can be of help. Friends, when we reach March we realise that Spring is almost here - enjoy it! 19 Elisabeth, Rebekah, Sarah] [Answers (see p18) - Eve, Bathsheba,

PUZZLE PAGE - Mothering Sunday In the UK, Mothering Sunday (or Mothers’ Day) is always the fourth Sunday in Lent - this year, 18 March. There are many ideas about its origin - e.g. a day when children who had left home to work as domestic servants were given a day off to visit their family, and probably visit their 'mother' church - the church of their home town. Although Mothering Sunday is a special day for mothers, we need to remember mums everyday - and not take them for granted. And - it’s not just mums. Don’t forget Grandmas, Nans and others who are like a mother to you. If you can, say Thank You. Mary was the mother of Jesus. Can you name the mothers of the following - [Answers on page 19] Mother of Cain & Abel ? E__ Mother of Solomon? B________ Mother of John the Baptist? E________ Mother of Jacob & Esau ? R______ Mother of Issac ? S____ Pharaoh’s daughter found baby Moses in a basket floating in the river, and brought him up as her son. Can you find at least 6 frogs in the picture. Colour it in. [©365 activities ]

Future Services Our morning services have the theme of ‘Spiritual Life & Growth’. In the evening services, we follow the ministry of Jesus. On 11th March, we celebrate Communion at our morning and evening services. During Lent, we meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in Abbey Old Hall to consider ‘Handing on the Torch - sacred words for a secular world’. This will include consideration of questions such as – A Christian Country? A Secular Society? A Beleaguered Church? Competing Creeds? and Handing on the Torch. Look forward to seeing you.

Remember British Summer Time begins on 25 March, when clocks go forward 1 hour. We’ve been changing our clocks forwards and backwards since 1916, to make the most of the hours of daylight. When you change your clock, test your smoke alarm too.

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland The General Assembly has the authority to make laws determining how the Church of Scotland operates. It is also the highest court of the Church in which cases can be heard in matters of litigation. The other courts in the Church are the kirk session and the presbytery. The 2012 General Assembly will open on Saturday 19 May 2012. 18





On 3 February, members of the Kirk Session and Board were glad to meet together socially with 14 people who have recently started coming to Abbey Church. Many thanks to Joyce and others who provided food, set up and washed up afterwards! At my weekend conference at Carberry for “new” Session Clerks. I spent a fruitful time getting to know other Session Clerks from around the country, looking at issues such as “Spiritual Leadership”, “Managing Change”, “Legal Questions” and “Running Effective Meetings”. It was interesting to hear how different congregations organise the spiritual and temporal work of the Kirk Session between different committees. The 30-odd participants were a balanced mix of men and women and a mix of ages, too, with a good number being younger than I. Our discussions were centred around our role in bringing about each congregation’s vision rather than the nitty gritty of day to day tasks. If that conference is anything to go by, there is much to feel positive about for the Church of Scotland. At the last Kirk Session meeting we agreed to a three year financial contribution to the Presbytery for a Parish Worker in Tranent and Prestonpans, an area which is growing rapidly. The Pastoral Visiting group mentioned that we could improve our communication about friends and neighbours who are ill. If you hear of someone who needs a visit, or is going into hospital, please let the Minister or Pastoral Assistant know, and also Dorothy Kirkpatrick. We are very grateful to Isabel Smith who has recently replaced the pulpit fall and Bible markers which were getting very worn. One last thing – please use our “blog” to find out what is happening in the church, including intimations for the week. The address is dirletonabbey.blogspot.com.

Sally Penman 4



26 Feb

Fiona Gibson & Helen Mackenzie

Isabel Smith & Margaret Burgon

4 March

Dorothy Kirkpatrick & Isobel Hardie Sheila McCubbing & Ann Gardner

John & Doreen Guy

18 March

Sarah Kerr

Mary Graham & Zandra Main

25 March

Mary Graham Sheila Skinner

Eleanor Main & Bob Kane

11 March

Margaret Ann & Lyle Crawford

According to the BBC website - brewing tea longer increases the level of antioxidants called flavonoids, also found in fruit and vegetables, which may help in the fight against heart disease and cancer by neutralising harmful chemicals in the blood. So enjoy that cup of tea ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17030879 Donations of biscuits for tea/coffee after our services are always very welcome. Please hand them into the Church Office, or bring them along on Sunday. Many thanks.

Blythswood Care - Truck Collection Days The Round South truck will be at Co-op (formerly Somerfield) car park between 1.45pm and 2.15pm on 7 March and 4 April. Please help by donating goods if you can. For more information, please contact the Church Office on 892800. Thank you 17

WWF Earth Hour - Saturday 31 March This year's WWF Earth Hour is at 8:30pm on Saturday 31st March 2012. EcoCongregation Scotland is working with WWF Scotland to promote this event, which encourages people to switch off their lights for one hour. “WWF's Earth Hour is about people coming together to put the focus on this brilliant world we all share - and how we need to protect it. Not just for an hour a year, but every day" http://scotland.wwf.org.uk/how_you_can_help/ earth_hour_201222/ http://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/

Eco-Congregation Annual Gathering 2012 The Eco-Congregation Scotland Annual Gathering will take place on 21 April 2012 in Bridge of Allan from 10.30am to 5pm. The keynote speaker will be Stewart Stevenson MSP, minister for climate change - and workshops will include pilgrimage, international development, etc. For more info http://www.ecocongregationscotland.org/news/

Carbon Fast 2012 Tearfund is arranging a Carbon Fast for Lent. Running from 22nd February to 7th April, this is an opportunity for individuals and churches to consider climate justice issues and personal action on climate change. You can sign up to get daily actions emailed to you, and download their Carbon Fast 2012 Action Guide. For more info, please see https://www.tearfund.org/get_involved/ campaign/campaign_updates/ campaignnews/ cc_201111_carbon_fast_2012/ 16

Guild Matters CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Reita Greig as she celebrated 100 years this February. Reita has been a loyal and supportive member of the Guild movement since she joined many, many years ago with her mother. Until recently when she moved to stay with her daughter, Reita enjoyed coming to Abbey Church and to the Guild meetings. I’m sure that all who know Reita and love her would wish her Many Happy Returns and God's richest blessings on achieving her century. A good turnout at the annual Guild-led service at Abbey and Fidra Care Homes resulted in an enjoyable time of praise, worship and fellowship. With more members to circulate, everyone had a visitor to speak to. Defying the cold and frost of winter, we were transported to the sunshine of Uganda with film and commentary by Jenny Kellock and Ruth Gordon. They found there many live connections with North Berwick that remind us of the immense contribution made by Liz Traill who was headmistress of the Christian Girls School and now teaches at the Christian College, and more recently by Heather Lennox who is also teaching at the college. As the 2011/12 session moves towards its conclusion in March, we look forward in anticipation to the launch of the new three year programme. Mar 6 Christians Against Poverty –Speaker Ian Manning 7.30pm Mar 14 Coffee Morning & Bookswap 10.30 – 12 noon in aid of Guild Projects. All welcome. Please come and support these initiatives. Mar 20th AGM with entertainment. Mar 1st Presbyterial Council Spring Rally, Haddington West – Speaker Karen Garott, Christian Blind Mission 7.30pm Mar 31st Presbyterial Council Get-together, 10am – 2pm Chalmers Memorial Church, Port Seton. If you wish transport to any of these meeting please let any of the committee know. Eleanor Main 5

Church Newsletter Bloopers ~ During the absence of our minister, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon. ~ The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment and gracious hostility. ~ This afternoon there will be a meeting in the north and south ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. ~ The Guild will hear Mrs. Jones sing "Put Me in My Little Bed" accompanied by the minister. ~ On Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. ~ Potluck supper Sunday at 5 p.m.—prayer and medication to follow. ~ The flowers on the altar this morning are for the birth of David, the sin of Mr & Mrs Smith. ~ The annual Spring Council Retreat will be hell May 10 and 11. ~ While the minister is on holiday, massages can be given to the church secretary.

LORD OF THE EXCLUDED Lord of the excluded, open my ears to those I would prefer not to hear; open my life to those I would prefer not to know; open my heart to those I would prefer not to love; and so open my eyes to see where I exclude You.

Pat Bennett From 'Around a Thin Place: An Iona Pilgrimage Guide', Jane Bentley and Neil Paynter, Wild Goose Publications © http://www.iona.org.uk/news.php?id=261 6

Fairtrade Fortnight - 27 Feb to 11 March Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. In 2012, everyone is being asked to take a step for Fairtrade. The aim is 1.5million steps for Fairtrade by the end of 2012. Each step supports farmers and workers take their own steps towards a brighter future. A step can be anything you do to support Fairtrade, from swapping your tea to Fairtrade, or inviting a friend for a Fairtrade coffee, etc. What step (or steps) can you take? Please see website for more information.


Backpacks for Mary’s Meals Many backpacks have been returned, filled with educational materials etc. Thank you to everyone involved. If you still have a backpack for Mary’s Meals, can you please return it to the Church Office by 4 March. Many thanks.


Christian Aid - Count Your Blessings Lent is an opportunity to still our minds and focus our thoughts on those less fortunate than ourselves. Count Your Blessings is a daily calendar which takes you through Lent using thoughtprovoking reflections and engaging actions that will encourage and challenge you, not only in your own life but in praying for those living in poverty around the world. For more info see -

http://www.christianaid.org.uk/getinvolved/lent-2012/downloadresources.aspx “


Creche Rota 4th March

Lorna Robson

Wendy Ford

11th March.

Mary Graham

Dorothy Kirkpatrick

Please Note. If you are unable to undertake your week on duty, please swap duties or notify Dorothy Kirkpatrick or Joyce at the office 89 2800. If you wish the list to be e-mailed to you, please e-mail Dorothy. If there are very few or no children at the crèche when you are on duty, would you be willing to help out with handcrafts with the younger Sunday School children if necessary? Some people have recently retired from crèche duty. Do you know anyone willing to go on the rota? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Leap Year 2012 A leap year is a year containing 366 days, rather than the usual 365. Every year divisible by four is a leap year - unless it's divisible by 100, in which case it's not, (unless it's also divisible by 400, in which case it is!). The extra day is 29th February, and it keeps the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year. While the calendar year holds 365 days, it actually takes the earth 365.2422 days to revolve around the sun. This extra six hours a year can add up. If we didn't have leap years, we'd be out of sync by 28 days every 100 years. However, adding an extra day every four years is actually too much of a correction (hence the need for the rules about being divisible by 400 versus 100). So - enjoy 29th February 2012!

Where your treasure is………………… Here is an extract from a Christian perspective of the financial crisis by David McNair and Kathy Galloway, both of Christian Aid. “It's important to understand as much as we can about our present financial situation, since it directly affects all of us in one way or another. Some of the very irresponsible actions taken over the past few years were possible only because too few people were watching – it's easy to see now how advantage was taken of the fact that for most of us, finance and economics has been something we thought was too difficult to understand, or even to ask questions about. But it's especially important for Christians to confront hard questions about the use of resources, including money, because they lead directly to deeper issues that are at the heart of our faith. And as we face huge challenges - accumulating debt and bankruptcy, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, exclusion and powerlessness - at home and internationally, we ask, what does good news to the poor mean today? How does our faith speak to the crises of our time?... Our resources are gift. We are not God; we did not create them out of nothing! We seek to order them in obedience to God’s purposes of justice and love. Ultimately, all are held in trust, not just for our benefit but for the wellbeing of the whole community, and for the future, and we are accountable for that trust. To be a steward is about effectively sharing the blessings of creation with all of creation. “ To read the full article, please see -

http://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/__data/assets/ pdf_file/0015/9240/Where_your_treasure_is.pdf or contact the Church Office.

http://ask.yahoo.com/20060127.html 14


REGAL - Thursday 8 March

Breaking Barriers - National Youth Assembly

The next meeting of Regal will take place on Thursday, 8 March commencing at 12 noon in the Abbey Church old hall. Malcolm Baker will talk to us on "Naval battles in the Atlantic". At the conclusion of the meeting we will sit down to a soup and sandwich lunch prepared by the ladies of the congregation. Our meetings are open to all ladies and gentlemen in the area.

will explore some of the barriers that prevent us from getting to where we’d like to be, or even who we’d like to be! If you’re aged 16-25 years and have a connection to the Church of Scotland then you’re warmly invited to come to the National Youth Assembly which takes place in Dundee at the West Park Conference Centre from 10–13 August 2012. For more info, please contact Lesley Cameron on 0131 225 5722 or [email protected] or book online at www.madstuff.biz

Ian M Aitken

World Day of Prayer - 2 March 2012 at 3pm Reminder that we celebrate World Day of Prayer in Abbey Church on 2 March at 3pm. Please come along. The focus this year is on Malaysia, and the theme of the service is ‘Let Justice Prevail’. All are welcome.


Dirleton celebrates 400 years As part of Dirleton’s celebrations, information boards have been designed and placed in the Archerfield Aisle. These boards explain something of the Kirk’s history and the significant people who have shaped the building—including a time-line in which all the ministers have been placed. Dirleton Kirk is open every day. Please call in and have a look around. From 8 to 10 June, there will be a Flower Festival in the Church on the theme ‘The Sands of Time’. This coincides with the Open Gardens weekend in Dirleton More info to follow. 8

WHY BELIEVE? Two conferences have been organised to help people ‘give a reason’ for faith. The emphasis will be on workshops to help church members explore contemporary ways of responding both to new questions and classic issues, like science, suffering and pluralism, and also to explore the opportunities of today’s changing social contexts in presenting the claims of Jesus Christ. What can I say? – commending faith in a sceptical age. 12 May, Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh EH12 5AA. How can I say it? – sharing faith in a post-modern age. 27 October, Queen’s Park Church of Scotland, 170 Queen’s Drive, Glasgow G42 8QZ. For more info, contact Sheila Reeves on 0131 225 5722 ext 2239 or [email protected]

“LOST FRIEND” A soft toy was lost some weeks ago, and has not yet been reunited with its owner. If you have lost a ‘friend’, please contact the Church Office with details.


Bethany Big Sleepout 2012 Friday 23 March, Edinburgh City Centre Support Bethany’s fund raising event to help homeless people. Each year, people give up their bed for the night and sleep under the stars (or cardboard) at a central Edinburgh location. The money raised from sponsorship makes it possible for Bethany to offer practical help to homeless people to help them overcome the challenges in their lives and become more settled. If you want to take part, you must register - please see http://www.bethanychristiantrust.com/?p=4038 Minimum recommended age is 16 years (unless accompanied by a responsible adult). If you are unable to take part but would like to donate - please contact Bethany Christian Trust on 0131 561 8925. Thank you.

Heart & Soul 2012 - 20 May. Can you help? Come to West Princes Street Gardens on Sunday 20th May from 1pm to 6pm. Celebrate the life of the Church with a whole range of music and worship styles, drama, storytelling, messy church, labyrinth, stalls and exhibitors etc - culminating in closing worship at the Ross Bandstand. Just come along, and bring friends —it’s free.

http://www.heartandsoul2012.org.uk/ newsheart_and_soul_2012 Why not volunteer? If you can help as a steward at this event, please see website or contact the Church Office. I will give you

a new heart and put a new spirit in you Ezekiel 36:26

Reminder - CLAN Lothians on 20 & 21 April At Dalkeith Schools Community Campus. For more info, see

http://www.clangathering.org.uk/page/3365/ Sit+in+or+Take+away+Equipping+for+Mission/99 12

East Lothian Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Group Do you have a health condition – a heart or breathing disorder, or late-onset diabetes - which might benefit from regular, gentle exercise? If so, there is an exercise class in North Berwick run by ELCRG which might interest you. The benefits of regular exercise for those at risk of, or suffering from, heart disease are well researched and documented. But the nearest rehabilitation classes are at Edinburgh’s Astley Ainslie hospital. ELCRG is a local charity, founded in 1991 by Haddington GP (now retired) Dr Rob Lawson, set up to offer suitable exercise and support for patients, locally. The North Berwick class is held at the Sports Centre at 11 am on Thursday mornings, led by a qualified instructor. We begin with a warm-up routine. Then follow two circuits of ten gentle exercises to music, at the patient’s own pace. We end with a cooldown and relaxation. Do come along and see us if you think we can help! Other classes are held at Haddington, Dunbar, Prestonpans, Musselburgh and Ormiston. Although we may all have suffered some sort of major health event, we do not dwell on our experience – members are far too busy getting on with the rest of their lives, and trying to get fit for walking, golf, sailing, travel or enjoying families. There is always the opportunity, however, to share experience and receive any necessary support. Referral to the classes can be through rehabilitation services, or by a practice nurse or GP; but anyone who feels the exercise would benefit them would be welcome to come along (though some assessment may be required to verify that you are fit enough to exercise). For further information, see: www.chss.org.uk/community_support/heart_support/east/east_lothian.php David McAdam, ELCRG patient and trustee (& Abbey Church



Leprosy Mission Collection - Thank you Thank you very much to all who so kindly collected for The Leprosy Mission in 2011. A cheque for £316.00 was sent before Christmas and very gratefully received. Thank you all so much.

Margaret MacLean

The African Bible Commentary This Bible commentary was gifted to the North Berwick and District Churches by Professor Manuel Muranga, Principal of Bishop Barham University College, Kabale. It was written in English by 70 African students, and includes special articles covering the African perspective on various topics. The gift is in recognition of the support given to the college over the years by many people in our churches (Liz Traill and Heather Lennox from North Berwick are currently on the staff there.) The volume will be kept as a reference book in the Prayer Room of St Andrew Blackadder Church, which is open every day from 10am till 2pm. For more info, please contact Liz Traill.

Spiritual Discipline Spiritual Discipline is a 7 month programme looking at seven people from seven different faiths reflecting on spiritual practices and what these can offer you. The spiritual disciplines being explored are fasting, meditation, study, solitude, celebration, worship and service. They will be looked at from the perspectives of individuals from Baha ‘i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikh communities. The series starts on Ash Wednesday. See Church of Scotland website for more info -

http://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/connect/ working_together_in_faith/spiritual_discipline 10

North Berwick Christian Youth Trust If young people won’t come to church then the church must go to where the young people are. That is why Inspire exists. “Church” is changing! At our last meeting of Trustees, Neil Dougall outlined what is happening in a time of shrinking congregations and huge social change. The new display boards in Dirleton Kirk explain the great changes that happened in the Reformation. The invention of printing liberated the Bible into the hands of people who were learning to read. Church architecture changed so that people were near to the Minister whose job was to explain and apply the Bible’s teaching. Schools operated in the same way. One famous definition of Scottish education was “I tellt ye, I tellt ye”. Sit down and shut up! Not any more. Teachers describe themselves as “facilitators” helpers rather than instructors. So what does that say about church and particularly about young people in church (or not in church)? Anyone who has been on an Alpha course experiences a different learning process: an informal chat over a meal when people get to know each other socially; a short talk and then time to discuss it where the important thing is for each person to share what they know and feel about what they have heard, since everyone has, to some degree, a different response. Add to all this Facebook, Twitter, every youngster with a mobile phone, computer games etc etc. It is a big, different world out there with a lot of confused youngsters – not to mention their parents. Most readers have met Shiona, our Youth Worker. She is often in the High School, meeting young people through the drama or filmmaking she helps with, but in lots of formal and informal ways she develops an ever-widening circle of youngsters. During lunch break she runs Youth Alpha courses and follow-up Soul groups. And much more ! We have plans to develop the work of Inspire if we can get new funding. Among other things we would like to develop and expand the Messy Church experiment which has been a great success in St Andrew Blackadder. We hope to involve other churches in the area. Watch this space and get on board with your support. Talk to me: [email protected] North Berwick Christian Youth Trust: Scottish Charity No. SCO 37664 11

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