Accountability forum 20-01-16 Welcome, introduction, housekeeping Sabbatical Officers: ELISA Question 1: Please can you give us a quick update on what you have been doing since your first report? Positive meeting with the university regarding Wednesday lectures, awaiting full approval for the next academic year Arranging a new first aid course in the near future Varsity working group, discussing incentives and ticket plans Tour going ahead Continuing with UAB actions, salad bar has been implemented in Cafe Coco on a trial basis. Question 2: In your report you talked about sorting out a policy on Wednesday afternoons where students would be able to play sports without clashing with lectures. Would this policy allow students to miss lectures for sport or will it just be an excuse? Looking at people being excused for away fixtures to allow them to travel e.g. sports clubs that take part in BUCS. Some courses make attendance equal part of the final grade which is unfair, so working to change this so the student doesn’t feel like they are missing out on lectures or sports. ORION Question 1: If you could please give us an update on your report was written? This term been working with LGBT on rainbow laces to increase awareness of homophobia and stamp it out, currently ahead of schedule. Working on ethics policy review with the university, had a lot of good feedback from students so far. Question 2: Not in your manifesto but there was talk last year about a committee hub, where is this going now? Student staff worked on content over summer but as of yet no work or review has been done since October time. OB: I will chase this up Question 3: Can you provide an update on the new Sabb position? Lots of work has been done on this since last term with RAG chair VIP chair and VP W&C. Worked out what they want from the role and what support RAG and VIP require. However this on its own is not enough for a Sabb role so working on how to make the most out of this role and convincing the university to let the Union have this role. JAMIE Question 1: Please can you give us a quick update on what you have been doing since your last report?

Since my last update I have been involved with the WhatsUp working group with news to be published any day now. UAB awaiting on other members of UAB as we worked on actions together, worked on Opps fayre, blue wednesday and working on Blackout as part of Earth Hour, working on student staff shortlisting, faculty zones and UPSUOK marketing on its way. RAG CHAIR - SAM WHITTAKER Question 1: Please can you tell us very quickly what the successful moments have been so far for RAG? £51K raised so far through societies, AU rag and money still coming in. Biggest two things coming up are RAG ball and Jailbreak. Did well at opps fayre and Blue Wednesday, working with James Belmonte SOCIETIES CHAIR - David Ayton Question 1: At your most recent Have Your Say zone run differently to other zones, it seems to be very successful, do you think more zones should be like this? More interactive zone, more of a drop-in session voting using ballot boxes, well-received, engaging and had the opportunity to submit some ideas through post-it notes in a way that suited quieter students who didn’t want to stand up in front of a big group. Always happy to help anyone else develop their zones, such as faculty zones which are trialling a new format With societies going to try it another time and see how it works, well received, exit poll said they wanted to do this format again so will continue trialling. Question 2: Since being in the role what have you achieved and what do you plan for the next few months? Feels like I have been in the role for a long time now, sat down over the summer and talked about increasing membership and engagement from students, had an active presence on social media from societies to match the popular AU platform that was already on social media. Over 900 students part of this FB group, want to take societies outside of the Union and shout about it university wide. Fundraising has gone really well, held lots of events and promoted different charities and events to encourage students to raise money and get get involved in events. Hopefully new zone method will be a success. Not doing so well with publicity as newsletters haven’t been distributed as we had hoped. 55 societies to Have Your Say Zone - only 50 societies on average at the current zones. Feels that more societies will attend the new format of zones. Want to work on publicity in terms of newsletter. Question 3: Do you think enough societies are engaged with the Union and if not what could be done to improve engagement? Lots of societies not currently involved in the Union i.e. they only come to Freshers Fayre and don’t really do much else. Want to positively encourage students to get involved. Around 50 societies turn up to zones which is good, ideas have been from a range of people about a variety of different things. Always more than can be done to get people involved in Have Your Say, very easy to get involved. We try our best but some do not get involved - they are volunteers. Method is about being positive. Half societies are attending zone meetings - very successful. Ideas from a range of students. However, feels more could be done to get involved in Have Your Say. Really like online methods.

Question 4: All societies get an email saying that it is mandatory to attend a Have Your Say event, so isn’t the Have Your Say mandatory? It is mandatory for one person to come and represent the views of their students, in previous years if you missed 3 meetings you lost access to room booking and budgets. This was removed from constitutions over the summer so punishments are not as harsh as they used to be. Question 5: Opportunities Fayre in January was only supposed to be taster sessions, this wasn’t inclusive to all societies such as international society. This meant that lots of societies were not involved. Yes, there were socialist students there that had an interactive display, showing that there are definitely ways that societies can be interactive. A review will be done with OB to discuss ops fayre going forward and how we can involve more societies. Executive Chairs, Faculty & Deputy Faculty Reps COURSE REP EXECUTIVE CHAIR - KACPER BOCHEN Question 1: You have done a great job so far, just wondering what you will be working on in the future? Upcoming project is redesigning SSCC structure for course reps, going to get a working group together and discuss how to take it forward. also working on exam timetables and releasing them at a better time. Question 2: In your report you have had a great win with the google groups for the Course Reps, how has this been publicised and what could be done to improve it? Each course has a group set up with all year groups in that ‘group’ however it sends notificatioNs to all students which it shouldn’t so working on this. Guidance has been sent out to students on how to use it and discussions are happening to possibly move this to moodle going forward. Question 3: You said something in your manifestos about SSCC meetings, you said that the meetings were lacking in consistency does that mean that your plan is to make the meetings between staff and students more consistent and more on a regular basis? We are going to sit down with the university and work out the problems with it such as the name, which students don’t seem to remember. with consistency we are trying to find a solution so that it is run the same across the different departments. Question 4: Do you feel that different departments and faculties SSCC have different needs and requirements and if you change them then you are removing flexibility? We want to identify standing items that can run throughout, we would also like to have them more often than the recommended twice a year. Ryan Thickett: Question 1: Have you done any work on promoting equality in the faculty and improving it in the sector?

I haven’t yet, spoken with the women’s officer but nothing happened before Christmas as planned, but we are discussing going forward making video representing women in subjects not associated with women. Elizabeth Barnes: Question 1: If you could very briefly tell us your plans for the next semester? Atm looking through issues brought to me such as building facilities and timetabling issues with mature students. faculty forum happening soon, but not much to do at the moment. Question 2: About your manifesto point on quicker turnaround dates on assessments, please can you give us an update on this?

Looking through NSS data, only a few courses having issues which I am now in talks about what can be done. Working progress, can often depend on the marker so working with course leaders on this. Shannon Thwaties: Question 1: What have you achieved so far and what will you be working on in the next few months? So far worked on cardless visits at the library, which was brought up at SSCC and the machine is now at the library. Zones not as successful as we would have liked, we have a Facebook group. Coming up going to speak with ADS about involving student officers who felt left out. Meeting coming up with Jamie about assessment bunching and whether there is a unified policy on assessments, if there isnt one we would like to make one so students dont have assessment clashes. Question 2: You probably realise that Humanities students are quiet, how would you encourage them to voice their views?

Intitally thought the opposite because we have politics students and democratic courses etc, done as much as I can to personally adverstise the events and now working with the Union on an action plan for better advertising Have Your Say, having a meeting with ADS about spreading the word faculty wide. Question 3: You mentioned all student emails, do you think that they really work because they’re sometimes too long and boring?

A good idea, will take ti ADS next week. A good way of getting feedback on HYS would indeed be to avoid all-student e-mails as you suggested. I am more than happy to take suggestions from other students as to what they think would be effective. Rhiannon Jenkins: Question 1: Please can you give us an update on your manifesto?

Looking to get Mac tutorials to help students with editing and graphics work lots of my points have already been done Question 2: What software is available for students at the moment? Editing software is often on a Mac which can make it harder to use as you have to learn to use a Mac as well as the editing software so this will be beneficial for students. Student Officers Group 1 BAME Question 1: Could you tell us about what you have been doing in your role after your election? Working on a campaign in the summer to raise awareness of different forms of discrimination, and pending a name change for the BAME officer role as I dont feel it represents the role. Working with OB on this and will hopefully have a lid case before mid feb Question 2: What could you do to involve more BAME students in the Students’ Union? I would like to change the culture that is here to encompass more students Question 3: How are you hoping to change the culture where students from ethnic minorities feel excluded from the Union? I’ve met with a lot of students to discuss their views, I am here to facilitate the transition in light of their feedback Question 4: You said that the culture in the Union does not fit in with the ethnic minority culture, but you haven’t said what that culture is? BAME defines culture rather than highlighting it as dynamic, so I want to allow this dynamic environment in the Union such as encourage different cultures to feel part of the Union. Question 5: I am trying to understand what you want to change in the Union, I don’t see the cultural difference? It isn’t that I disagree with what is already here, but I feel that we need to expand this culture and then this is an incentive for more cultures to come and make use of the Union. Question 6: I just wanted to know if there was something that was stopping them from interacting with the Students’ Union, is this part of your research? Is this something that is in the building or the people? Language - a lot of people from ethnic minority backgrounds and people don’t really understand the culture and what is behind the words. therefore breaking down this barrier is something that I want to facilitate.

Question 7: You said you wanted to change the name of the position, do you have any suggestions on name changes? My personal opinion doesnt reflect the student body, this is why i am carrying out a survey as it is my role to be a student officer i want the views of the students and not just my own. Question 8: But want do you think the name of the position should be? As above Question 9: With the Union communicating with the Union cultural language thing and other than offering the option to change the language of Union website and room booking system, what do you want to change? Students feel able to approach me and discuss their views, and I want to extend this acorss the Union so students feel able to make use of the Union. Question 10: So, just to break it down, you are trying to get a democratic system in place to try and find out what the students want from a BAME officer to include more or less ethnic minorities? I am trying to work out what your ideas are. One suggestion is to have different officers representing different groups as I fee unable to represent all students from different cultures. Putting black and Asian together for example makes me feel unable represent cultures I am not part of. EU Officer: Question 1: In your report you said that you would like to involve more events that include international students, want events where you thinking and when?

I would lke to being International and EU students together, and for them to all be involved at the Union. Meeting with International officer and Hums rep to discuss some sort of international fayre going forward.

Question 2: Have you made a start on changing the timing of postgraduate graduations and international students graduation? Has the postgraduate been helping you with this? it has passed to UAB, since been in discussions with my peers and hopfully can bring an update to the next UAB LGBT+ Question 1: What have you been doing regarding the Rainbow laces campaign? Have you been working with VP Activities?

The campaign is from LGBT charity organisation in the UK and we want our Union to get involved in it by wearing rainbow laces to support LGBT campaign, launching in February. Looking to have people take photos and make videos to support the campaign.

Question 2: So, do you think there is a lack of involvement with those who are LGBT + in the Union in things such as societies and sports? How do you think you could improve engagement and raise awareness? Personally I don’t think there is a lack of involvement as the LGBT community do get involved in the Union and University and there are very widespread. Disabled Students Officer Question 1: You haven’t submitted a report so why didn’t you do it and what have you been doing since you have been elected? No report due to illness. Can only apologise. Since being elected, came from a meeting discussing free dyslexic eye tests - something to be set up in September with Aztac. Also booked on to do the disabled students NUS conference in Manchester, TimeToTalk, raising awareness for mental health coming up. 3rd march there is a welfare even coming up to raise awareness for mental health. Question 2: In your manifesto you said that you will be a strong voice, what impact have you had in UAB and other Union and University meetings that you have attended? UAB - will have to ask the people around me. I am somewhat vocal about a few of the ideas however I struggle to get involved with some ideas that do not relate to my field. There are ideas I can get involved in. Question 3: If you are not getting involved in Union meetings and UAB, why aren’t you encouraging other students to participate in Have Your Say? I have submitted ideas online myself however there are issues with quorum and the zones. Nothing seems to be related to DSO Question 4: How are you encouraging disabled students to submit ideas in your role as a Student Officer? There are several disable students at the univesrity but they need to come to me to talk about their ideas and what they want to see improved to suit them but I have been very busy lately and I have not properly publicised the ideas and I can be more vocal going forward.

Question 5: How have you found reaching out to disabled students because the biggest problem I found when I was Disabled Students Officers was reaching out to disabled students? I set up a drop in session and put it on facebook. In discussions with AZDAC about raising awareness of the DSO and encouraging students to speak to me. I cannot approach students myself as that is not appropriate. Question 6: How is your relationship with AZDAC going, they do have a relationship of not following things through?

The meeting I was just in there was someone from AZDAC, there was talk about the Master Plan, a multi-sensory room which was on my manifesto and whether it can be put on the master plan. Question 7: You mentioned that you were thinking about getting a Mental Health Officer, I was just curious what kind of service would this officer offer? Second question, the Dyslexia test is very expensive what is the point in this and what financial support is offered? I definitely see a need for a mental health officer which falls a lot around my role anyway. I haven’t been particularly busy with UAB actions at the moment, but if the students want it they have to submit it as an idea to Have Your Say. Nick: Question 1: Looking at the new way question time is to be organised (Ailar to send the question time). Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: What is the process of UAB hoodies? Delayed because of budgeting, now been sent out and awaiting a response from the supplier. Question 5: Last year there was a motion passed to have sanitary towels at a reduced cost, this hasn’t happened, you have failed. Still awaiting the responses, not currently within my control but we are trying to make communications Question 6: Who will be hosting the results night of the Sabbatical Officers? Not something I know. Apparently himself, after being prompted by Media. Question 7: I would probably aim this at Carla but she isn’t here, how often do the operational staff listen to students views? For example, we were told Societies & Media Coordinator led on Opportunities Fayre but few students had a chance to voice their views. Question 8: Most of the questions have been negative, but what have been your three most successful wins since July? ‘[recording] 1. Library 24/7 2.

VIP: Question 1: I understand that RAG and VIP are having their zones together, why are you doing this? How about Have Your Say structure, will you be doing events together?

Yes we are merging the same way as the faculties have done, we want to continue this if it works. This year we are working on some development ideas with Bekki where we can join them or they can join us. Good Governance Officer: Question 1: Do you feel that a zone for students officers would work? As far as I am aware there aren’t any plans for separate zones, I dont see the functionality of this but students can submit their ideas through HYS to go to UAB if they feel differently. Question 2: What have you achieved since being in the role?

Hard to pinpoint things, but a lot of it has been about getting my head around this new role and what my responsibilities are. I do a lot of accountability work and fee that today has gone well, but it is all a working progress. perhaps video blogs going forward. Question 3: You said that you had a vague role description, in future action points would you consider working with the Union to provide more advice and guidance for the next Good Governance Officer? I have spoken to Nick and Student Experience team about this going forward and how I can contribute.

Question 4: How do you think advertising has gone for today? It is hard to get students here who are engaged. The idea of only allowing three questions per student seems silly. Limited questions done to ensure that what is asked is relevant, and today has not been perfect but we can learn from today going forward.

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