Education Vital Statistics: Actual “Educators” in CiviCRM: 289. Certifying Teachers Register members: 14 Income: £0 In the last 12 months... PDC certificates sold: 472. Income: £2,360 PDC Graduates added to register: 174 (298 potential supporters lost) Credits awarded: 296 (~12 PDCs) Net income: £0

Education Vital Statistics: Capacity? Educator members: 100 @£5 pcm = £6,000 If 50 Educators award 20 PDCs each: PDC certificates sold: 1000 @£5 = £5,000 PDC Graduates added to register: 1000 Credits awarded: 1200 (100 x 12 credits @ £20 fee) Net income: £2,000 TOTAL INCOME: £13,000

Education Vital Statistics: Potential?

230,656 x £24 = £5.5m

Could we transform our income & impact with online/blended learning?


Page 1 of 3. Education Vital Statistics: Actual. “Educators” in CiviCRM: 289. Certifying Teachers Register members: 14. Income: £0. In the last 12 months.

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