Attendance Policy

This policy was updated – January 2016 Next review date – January 2018


Policy content




ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. General Responsibilities 2.2. Pupils 2.3. Parents


PROCEDURES 3.1. Target Setting 3.2. Registration 3.3. The Legal Status of Registers 3.4. Staff Responsible for Processes 3.5. Procedures for following up absence or lateness 3.6. Authorised and Unauthorised Absence 3.7. Strategies for Promoting Attendance/Punctuality






The Academy is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience to all its pupils. The Academy believes that if pupils are to benefit from education, good attendance is crucial. The Academy regards attendance and punctuality of pupils as a priority, with a view to encouraging high attendance rates and avoiding levels of persistent or intermittent absenteeism. The Academy will organise and do all it can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils. The Academy will promote a high level of attendance for all pupils by providing a stimulating, caring and happy working environment. Any problems that impede full attendance will be identified and addressed as speedily as possible. The Academy will give a high priority to conveying to parents and pupils the importance of regular and punctual attendance. The Academy recognises that parents have a vital role to play and that there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be utilised whenever there are concerns about attendance. If there are problems which affect a pupil’s attendance the Academy will investigate, identify and strive in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve those problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.



1. General responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to establish a policy and procedure for Attendance and to monitor the effects of the procedure to focus its attention and where necessary its efforts on the total level of absence amongst all its pupils. The Governing Body should set an overall absence target for the following academic year by 31 December of each year. It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to: i. ensure that the Academy continues to focus attention and where necessary effort, on the total level of absence amongst all pupils; ii. ensure an overall absence target is set for the following academic year by 31 December of each year, taking into account the performance of the best schools with similar demographic. iii. the Persistent Absentee percentage is set at the National target. iv. expect pupils to attend the Academy regularly, on time, properly equipped and ready to learn; v. encourage punctuality and a positive attitude towards attendance; vi. communicate with parents as soon as possible if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality; 3

vii. explain the importance of attendance and punctuality throughout the

curriculum; viii. set a good example and promote good attendance and punctuality; ix. closely monitor absences in order to keep unauthorised absences to a

minimum; x. support pupils in all aspects of Academy life; xi. include in yearly and other reports to parents on achievement, pupil’s

attendance and level of punctuality xii. work promptly in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve issues, which

affect attendance or punctuality as quickly as possible; xiii. liaise with the education welfare officer as necessary; xiv. establish clear procedures for recording absence to comply with the legal requirements in the Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 and associated guidance for the reporting and recording of attendance. (More detailed information on registration can be found at section 3.2.) It is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves, and comply, with this policy and procedure in accordance with relevant professional standards. Staff will: i. expect pupils to attend the Academy regularly, on time, properly equipped and ready to learn; ii. encourage punctuality and a positive attitude towards attendance; iii. communicate with parents as soon as possible if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality; iv. explain the importance of attendance and punctuality throughout the curriculum; v. set a good example and promote good attendance and punctuality; vi. effectively monitor and promptly investigate all absenteeism and lateness and use an established system of sanctions, administered by form tutors and Progress Leaders; vii. closely monitor absences in order to keep unauthorised absences to a minimum; viii. support pupils in all aspects of Academy life; ix. include in yearly and other reports to parents on achievement, pupil’s attendance and level of punctuality; x. work in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve issues, which affect attendance or punctuality as quickly as possible; xi. liaise with the education welfare officer as necessary; xii. establish clear procedures for recording absence to comply with the legal requirements in the Education (Pupil Registration)(England) Regulations 2006 and associated guidance for the reporting and recording of attendance. (More detailed information on registration can be found at section 3.2.)


2. Pupils i. should attend the Academy regularly and on time; ii. should attend all lessons punctually; iii. can expect to be welcomed and receive assistance following periods of

absence in order to catch up; iv. will be listened to and respected; v. will have individual records of attendance/punctuality acknowledged by the

Academy. 3. Parents / carers i.


iii. iv.



are responsible for ensuring their child regularly and punctually attends the Academy, properly dressed, equipped and in an appropriate condition to learn; are responsible for immediately informing the Academy of the reason for any absence by telephone call on the first morning of any absence; this must be confirmed in writing on return to the Academy; considerations are given to procedures where parents have difficulty with the written word, or where English is not the first language; are expected to work actively with Academy staff to solve attendance problems where these develop; do not have a right to take pupils on holiday in term time; leave of absence must be granted in advance by the Academy; any application will be considered against the pupil’s attendance record, family circumstances and timing with regard to assessments and examinations; can expect the Academy to keep them fully informed of their child’s attendance/punctuality record.


1. Target setting An overall absence target should be set for the following academic year by 31 December of each year. This annual overall absence target is the total number of absences which the Governing Body intends that pupils at the Academy will not exceed in the school year, expressed as a percentage of the total possible attendances by pupils at the Academy (i.e. the ‘absence rate’). The Persistent Absentee percentage is set at the National target.

When setting targets to reduce overall absence the Academy will compare its performance with the best schools.


2. Registration Type of registration and general register maintenance at the Academy a manual register is used and will be taken and marked in ink. If alteration is necessary this must be clearly identified showing both the original entry and change. Correction fluid must not be used. Manual registers will be returned to the Academy office at the end of the registration period for safety and will be secured but accessible in case of an emergency. ii. All notes from parents regarding a pupil’s absence will be stored on the pupil’s file and retained for 7 years. i.

Start and close of registration i.

The Academy will complete accurate registers at the beginning of each morning and at the beginning of each afternoon. Registration begins at 08:50am and 1:10pm each day and registers will be closed 30 minutes after these times. Registration must be completed by 9:05am (am Registration) and by 1:15pm.

ii. If a pupil arrives after the register has closed, s/he should report to the pupil

reception to be entered as late. Pupils arriving after the registration has closed without an acceptable reason, will be marked as having an unauthorised absence for that session. Use of Symbols The following symbols are used in registers:





Present (AM 08:50-9:00)



Present (PM)



Educated off site (NOT Dual registration)

Approved Education Activity


Other Authorised Circumstances (not covered by another appropriate code/description)

Authorised absence



Dual registration (i.e. pupil attending other establishment)

Approved Education Activity


Excluded (no alternative provision made)

Authorised absence


Extended family holiday (agreed)

Authorised absence


Family holiday (NOT agreed or days in excess of agreement)

Unauthorised absence


Illness (NOT medical or dental etc. appointments)

Authorised absence



Approved Education Activity


Late (before registers closed 09:00-09:30)



Medical/Dental appointments

Authorised absence


No reason yet provided for absence

Unauthorised absence


Unauthorised absence (not covered by any other code/description)

Unauthorised absence


Approved sporting activity

Approved Education Activity


Religious observance

Authorised absence


Study leave

Authorised absence


Traveller absence

Authorised absence



Late (after registers closed 09:30 onwards)

Unauthorised absence


Educational visit or trip

Approved Education Activity


Work experience (not work based training)

Approved Education Activity


Non-compulsory school age absence

Not counted in possible attendances


Enforced closure

Not counted in possible attendances


Pupil not yet on roll

Not counted in possible attendances


School closed to pupils

Not counted in possible attendances

3. The Legal Status of Registers The register is a legal document and must be marked accurately, recording pupils’ attendance or absence and in the latter case, if authorised or unauthorised. A certified extract of the register can be used as evidence in legal proceedings against parents for failing to ensure their child’s regular attendance or in seeking an Education Supervision Order in respect of a pupil. Registers must be kept for a minimum of 7 years following completion at the end of the academic year.

4. Staff Responsible for Processes The Headteacher or Family Outreach Worker / Learning Mentor are responsible for attendance issues and will check the registers on a regular basis to identify any attendance or punctuality concerns.

The Family Outreach Worker / Learning Mentor will meet regularly with the Headteacher / Deputy Head to discuss any attendance or punctuality concerns. 8

The administrative team are responsible for updating attendance information onto the computerised system. The class teacher is responsible for taking the register daily, once for the am session and once for the pm session. The class teacher is also responsible for register maintenance of her/his own class register including the following: i. ensuring that symbols used are appropriate; ii. ensuring all mistakes are amended with the original information still clear and corrections clearly marked; iii. using electronic registration; however, if a breakdown occurs, a manual register will be taken. The Academy will ensure that all staff are aware of the registration process and that they receive in-service training on registration regulations and Education Law. Each pupil should be called by name when the register is being taken. 5. Procedures for following up absence or lateness It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to contact the Academy on the first morning of the pupil’s absence. If this contact is not made then the Academy may: i. contact the parent/carer by telephone, or if they are unobtainable write a letter requesting information; ii. ask the education welfare officer to contact parents/ carers of those pupils who have been identified as having serious attendance concerns. iii. The Family Outreach Worker will check attendance daily and registers weekly and liaise with class teachers to monitor absences and punctuality. The Family Outreach Worker will liaise with the Headteacher / Deputy with concerns over attendance. iv. If the above actions do not elicit an explanation for the absence and the absence continues, a letter will be sent to the parents/carers. If this letter does not elicit an explanation for the absence a second letter will be sent to the parent/carer, the Academy’s education welfare officer will be informed and the parent may be invited in to the Academy for a meeting with the designated member of staff. This meeting will be to identify and resolve the difficulties which are preventing the pupil from attending the Academy. The parents/carers will be made aware of the legal requirements regarding attendance. Attendance is monitored daily and also half-termly, as a minimum, with relevant letters going out to parents.


If the pupil’s difficulties are not resolved at this meeting then a formal referral will be made to the education welfare officer at the Local Authority, and a formal intervention planned. vi. In exceptional circumstances if the pupil is returning to the Academy after an absence of longer than two weeks, there will be provision to allow the pupil to ease back into the Academy system. In the event of a pupil returning after a long absence then an individual reintegration programme (IRP) will be implemented. The IRP will include all members of the Academy staff and will be designed to be as supportive of the pupil as possible. vii. Pupils who are identified as having severe attendance problems will receive the support of the appropriate outside agencies and a programme will be established to encourage their re-integration into Academy life by the Deputy Headteacher, with the positive reinforcement of teaching staff. viii. Pupils who are absent for a period of time due to medical reasons, will be supported through work being sent home, or through home tuition. ix. Where a pupil is persistently late the class teacher, Family Outreach Worker or Deputy Headteacher / Headteacher will write to the parent/carer and an Academy based meeting may be arranged to offer advice to parents on school attendance. x. Pupils involved in truancy are placed on Attendance Report and parents are notified immediately of this and other strategies to be used to remedy this situation. There are three stages of an Attendance Card where the pupil’s attendance is monitored by the class teacher, Deputy Headteacher and the Headteacher. v.

6. Authorised and Unauthorised Absence The DCSF Guidance Absence and Attendance Codes 2009 states that parents may not authorise absence, only schools can do this. Absence for the following reasons could be authorised where parents have confirmed the absence in writing on their child’s return to the Academy. Consideration will be given to procedures where parents have difficulty with the written word, or where English is not the first language: i. sickness ii. unavoidable medical/dental appointments iii. days of religious observance iv. exceptional family circumstances i.e. bereavement v. if permission for absence has been granted by the Headteacher, due to exceptional circumstances vi. transport arranged by the council has failed to arrive where the pupil lives beyond statutory walking distance.


Absence may be recorded as unauthorised when due to: i. shopping ii. haircuts iii. missed bus iv. slept late v. no uniform vi. looking after brothers, sisters or unwell parents vii. minding the house viii. birthdays ix. unapproved holidays It may be necessary for the Academy or Family Outreach Worker to ask the parent/carer to provide the Academy with written evidence of reason for absence e.g. i. appointment cards/letters ii. medical certificate iii. letter from GP If there is an extensive period of absence due to medical reasons the Academy or the education welfare officer may ask for permission of the parent/carer to contact the pupil’s GP to confirm that the medical condition prevents the pupil from attending the Academy and to establish a possible return date for the pupil.

7. Strategies for Promoting Attendance/Punctuality In the belief that pupils are more likely to attend regularly if the curriculum is lively and meets their needs, the curriculum will be regularly reviewed. A daily working routine will be established within the class group, across the year group, within lessons and at lunchtimes to ensure that high standards of attendance are encouraged. This routine should be consistently reinforced by pastoral, academic and educational support staff. Pupils should be encouraged to enjoy Academy life by participating in extra-curricular activities, benefiting from an established system of rewards, taking advantage of staff support and advice and experiencing the wide range of opportunities open to them. Attendance statistics will be collected and used to inform pastoral and curriculum practices. The Academy pastoral staff will administer random checks on punctuality, with a view to avoiding complacency in pupils. Expectations are made clear to parents/carers with regard to attendance and punctuality through an initial induction meeting, further parents' evenings and contact with the Family


Outreach Worker. The Home/Academy Agreement and Academy prospectus also explains expectations with regard to attendance. Opportunities to maintain awareness through newsletters, parents' evenings and pupil reports will be used. Parents/carers, pupils and staff will be regularly reminded of what constitutes authorised and unauthorised absence. Pupils with a known attendance problem being admitted to the Academy will be interviewed with the parents and will be set targets for improvement. Parents/ carers will be kept regularly informed of all concerns regarding attendance and punctuality. Pupils who have been absent for an extended period of time will be reintegrated back into the Academy through a structured and individually tailored programme. All issues, which may cause a pupil to experience difficulties, are to be promptly investigated by the Academy. The Deputy Headteacher will meet with the Family Outreach Worker whenever necessary, to identify and support those pupils who are experiencing attendance difficulties.



The Deputy Headteacher will report on the policy to the Headteacher as appropriate. The Headteacher will report to the Governing Body on any relevant aspects of the working of the policy as appropriate. The Governing Body will review the policy every two years.


Attendance Model

96%–100% Reward to maintain good attendance

93%–95% Intervene to prevent persistent

absence (PA)

Pupils whose attendance is within these parameters should be congratulated and receive positive encouragement to maintain high levels of attendance. Actions at this level are the responsibility of the class teacher and are celebrated in assembly and classes.

Attendance at this level is beginning to cause a concern. Early intervention is a preventative measure. The class teacher / FOW to have a key role in ensuring communication with parents. FOW to provide advice and support to ensure the pupil’s needs in school are met.

Class Teacher      

Celebrate class achievement Celebrate individual achievement Verbal praise to pupils Letters to parents Certificate of achievement Celebration assembly

Class Teacher    

Class teacher interventions agreed Speak to child Speak to parents about concerns WAVE 1 meeting with FOW

Attendance Team 90%-92.9% React as attendance

is now critical

Below 90% Pupil is PA

There are serious concerns over attendance at this level and the pupil is at risk of becoming persistently absent. A more formal approach may be required. The school FOW takes the lead role in dealing with the parents to ensure they support their child’s attendance.

A pupil with this level of attendance is in a high risk group and will be identified as persistently absent once their attendance has fallen below 90%. A key member of staff available, who may have expertise e.g. SEND, safeguarding. Considerations of child-in-need meeting or legal intervention to ensure parents accept their legal responsibilities to support their child. Formal warning letter to parents re possible legal proceedings.

      

Begin reviewing evidence Meet with parent/carer about reasons and concerns Check individual attendance Wave 2 meeting with Deputy Head/ FOW TEAM around the child meeting Warning letter sent if appropriate Identify Learning Mentor to support pupil

FOW/SLT     

Consolidation of evidence Team around family meeting Child in need meeting SLT meeting with parent Referral to County Attendance Team

   

To monitor and support child Make weekly contact with parent Review and coordinate resources to support pupil. Key contact with external agencies.


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