Agricola – Through the Seasons Julian Steindorfer gave the idea for this postcard expansion. The postcard shows a circle with the four seasons. Start the game with a guest marker on the field that shows the actual season (my humble addition to this great concept). At the beginning of each round, move the marker forward by one season. Depending on the season, there are different things lying on the season fields or some of the action fields work differently. First, Julian and I had collected ideas, then we had drawn a shortlist and after a few tests the circle was ready. Place both of the remaining guest markers with the arrow side up on the action fields named on the current season field. These action fields will have some minor rules changes this round. The four seasons Spring with the temporal action field: immediate breeding phase for the player taking this action, and/or sow in phase 1: stone +1 and wood -1 (on all action fields with accumulating resources) in the working phase: fences: +2 free fences (*Comments: Place both guest markers on the fences space until round 14. Place one marker each on the regular fences space and the “after renovation, also fences” action field in round 14. You need to build at least one fence regularly to get the free ones.*) Summer with temporal action field: holidays: 1 victory point for each of your family members that have been already placed this round (including

the family member on this action field) in phase 1: clay +1, fish +1 and stone -1 in the working phase: build rooms: get one stable for free for each newly built room; day labourer: +1 grain (*Comments: You don’t get a free stable on the action card “build room” of the 5-player game. The picture shows the numbers 1-5. Move the marker from number to number to show how many victory points the next person might get. This way new players won’t miss the holidays action.*) Autumn with temporal action field: immediate field phase for the player taking this action, and/or take 1 vegetable in phase 1: wood +1 and reed +1 in the working phase: major improvement: pay 1 resource less. (*Comments: Place one guest marker on the “minor or major improvement” and the other on the “after renovation, also minor or major improvement” action fields.*) Winter with temporal action field: family growth without space for 2 wood and 3 food in phase 1: clay -1 and reed -1 in the working phase: the plow action costs 1 food and no fish until round 11 (*Comments: Place the second guest marker on the “plow/sow” action field from round 12 on.*) Phase 1: Place the new resources first and then add or subtract those noted on the season field.

−1 Wood +1 Stone



Immediate Breeding Phase*




Fences: +2 Free Fences

+1 Clay +1 Fish −1 Stone

Winter −1 Clay −1 Reed

Family Growth Without Space Costs: 2 Wood and 3 Food

1 victory point for each family member you’ve already placed this round (including that one on this card)

Build rooms: +1 Free stable for each newly built room

Day Laborer: +1 Grain

Autumn Plow: Costs 1 Food Fish: Forbidden Until Round 11


+1 Wood +1 Reed

for the player taking this action

Immediate Field Phase* and/or

+1 Vegetable

Major Improvement: −1 Resource

Agricola Through the Seasons.pdf

the 5-player game. The picture shows the numbers 1-5. Move the marker. from number to number to show how many victory points the next person. might get.

626KB Sizes 1 Downloads 108 Views

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