Hoya Herbarium Sheets


Dale Kloppenburg 6427 N. Fruit Ave. Fresno CA, 93711 Herbarium sheets are made up of preserved (pressed and dried) plant specimens, normally a single plant per sheet. The herbarium sheets are 11 x 17 inches. In the past plant material was field collected, placed in plant presses between absorbent materials (blotters, newsprint, etc.) and left there until thoroughly dried. This dried material is then arranged on the sheet and glued in place. Collecting data is often presented in the upper left corner of the sheets, it may contain a lot or little information or even be absent. If present there is usually a field number, the collectors name, the date collected, the location, sometimes the altitude. The plants habitat, and habit (height, diameter and other pertinent data). The characters of the leaf, flower, fruit and other data may be found there. Special notations are occasionally included. In the lower Right hand corner is usually found the plants area and the herbarium name e.g. "Plants of Hainan" "Herbarium of Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University". Below this will be the specimen number and the collector and the date collected. The plants name (Genus and species and author) e.g. Hoya laingii Tsiang" there are many sheets identified only by family and or Genus, where the plant has not yet been identified. Above all this may appear slips from authors who feel they have the correct identification, which may or may not be correct. Herbarium material is invaluable as a reference source for taxonomists or others interested in plant species. They serve as a reference of plants from a historical point of view, since over time area ecology and species present often change. Species are lost, regenerate etc. as habitats change. Herbarium sheets are much more difficult to work with than live material is, but in the absence this, a herbarium sheet may be the next best source for reference. When a sheet is at its full size, the leaf characteristics and usually texture and nervation can be observed. In addition nodal characteristics and internode length can be noted. Peduncle length (in the case of hoyas) and when present, pedicel characters, flower characteristics and number can be determined. In the past one had to travel to each herbarium to study the sheets or have them mailed to you for study. With the advent of the CITES legislation mailing plant material for study has become even more cumbersome and often impossible to obtain. The New York Herbarium, to my knowledge the first, has photographed all their type material and it is now available on the internet. Certainly other herbaria will follow as funds and equipment, as well as time become available. The following is a presentation of Herbarium sheets that I have accumulated photos or copies of over the years. (copied herbarium sheets, many from Christine Burton and many other sources, including copies I made from Bogor, Singapore, Pertania & Kuala Lumpur in 1981 and later from PNH, CAHUP, UC, San Francisco Academy of 2

Science, Dudley Herbarium, Claremont and San Diego Academy of Sci. On Line from US, A, NY, L and others.) First (1) are type sheets arranged in alphabetical order. Next (2) sheets with names, they may or may not be correctly identified. (3) all other sheets, available to me and sheets not identified follow. I have tried to limit each file to 20 sheets so as to not make them too large for current computers to handle. Editorial style: I have presented each species in Bold Type, followed by the authors name, finally the date published (as near as I could determine). Under this is the herbarium sheet number, (if I could determine it) and the herbarium abbreviations in parenthesis, eg.. (BO). Explanation of terms: (see the Rules of botanical nomenclature for more extensive or precise definitions and explanations.) Holotype: the one specimen or illustration designated by the author as the nomenclature type: it is the specimen that fixes the application of the name concerned. The key (final) specimen. Lectotype: if no Holotype was indicated at the time of publication, or if it is missing (etc.) a new specimen or illustration designated from the original material to take the Holotype place. (it is subject to human error) Isotype: a duplicate of the Holotype. Syntype: a specimen is designated when no Holotype was designated, or when two or more specimens were simultaneously designated as types. Paratype: a specimen mentioned in the original description that was neither the Holotype nor Isotype, nor one of the syntypes if two or more specimens were simultaneously designated as types. Neotype: a specimen or illustration to serve as they type when all the material on which the name is based is missing Epitype: a specimen or illustration to serve as they type, when all the original material associated with the valid name is ambiguous and cannot be critically identified. From the material here presented, comparisons can be made with the Holotype to determine errors in identification and also errors in labeling. e.g. there are a number of sheets of Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg under the numbers 163340 that are labeled Syntypes, when by definition they should be labeled Paratypes. There were two numbers included in the type descriptions (Elmer did the same thing). I selected Sheet 13372 as the Holotype. Of the hoya herbarium sheets in herbaria, those represented here only scratches the surface. It is my hope that others will add to this presentation. I would appreciate pictures of missing sheets be sent to me via e-mail so I can add to this in the future, and also better copies too. Present e-mail address is [email protected]. I am always open to any corrections and additions.



Index of Hoya Type Herbarium Species Files Hoya aeschynanthoides Schlechter 1901, Holotype 13550 (B) Hoya alagensis (Schlechter) Kloppenburg 1990, Holotype (B) 5542 Hoya albiflora Zippelius ex Blume 1884, Type figure 188 Hoya ambyolepis Schlechter, Unpublished 4545 (B) Hoya amoena Bakhuizen f. 1950, 20341 (L) Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938, Syntype 16916 (NY) the type is 13372 so not Syntype Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938, Syntype 16916 (NY) the type is 13372 so not Syntype Hoya angustifolia Elmer; Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg, Isotype 13372 (NY) Hoya angustifolia Elmer; Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg, Isotype 13372 (A) Hoya angustisepala (Sch. ex Elmer) Burton 1987, Holotype 10829 (B) Hoya angustisepala (Sch. ex Elmer) Burton 1987, Isotype 10829 (L) Hoya anulata Schlechter 1902, Holotype 14185 (B Hoya archboldiana Norman 1937, Type (NY) 3621 Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935, Isotype (BISH) 2164 3 sp. in Type description Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935, Isotype (BISH) 2164 3 sp. in Type description Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935, Type (US) Hoya bandanensis Schlechter 1908, Holotype 13663 (B) Hoya benguetensis Schlechter, 1906, Holotype (B) 5979 Hoya benguetensis Schlechter, 1906, Isotype 5979 (NY) Hoya benguetensis Schlechter, 1906, Isotype 5979 (US) Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler 1913, Holotype s.n. 11/12/1880 (B) Hoya bicarinata A. Gray 1861, Holotype s.n. (NY) Hoya bicarinata A. Gray 1861, Holotype s. n. (GRAY) Hoya bicolor Kloppenburg 2003, 67050 (CAHUP) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, Holotype 420 (B) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, Isotype 420 (L) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, Isotype 420 (NY) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, Isotype 420 (US) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, Holotype 1213 Borden (B) Hoya brittonii Kloppenburg, 1992, Holotype 19519 (PNH) Hoya browniana Koorders 1911, Type 25935 (BO) Hoya buotii Kloppenburg 2002, Holotype 67049 (CAHUP) Hoya burtoniae Kloppenburg 1990, Holotype s.n. (UC) Hoya buruenensis Miquel 1869, Syntype 141 (L) Hoya buruenensis Miquel 1869, Syntype (L) no type designated in description Hoya cagayanensis Schlechter ex Burton 1987, Holotype 7374 (B) Hoya cagayanensis Schlechter ex Burton 1987, Holotype 7374 (US) Hoya calycina Schlechter 1908, Holotype 17510 (B) Hoya campanulata Blume 1826, Type s.n. (L) the Holotype is an illustration 1064 Hoya campanulata Blume 1826, Type s.n. (L) the Holotype is an illustration 1064 Hoya cardiophylla Merrill 1920, Holotype 35460 (US) Hoya carrii Forster & Liddle, Isotype 15904 (NY) Hoya caudata Hooker f. 1883, Isotype 1128 (L)


Hoya cembra Kloppenburg (H. leucantha Schlechter) 1990, Holotype 5650 (B) Hoya cembra Kloppenburg (H. leucantha Schlechter) 1990, Isotype 5650 (US) Hoya chinghungensis (Tsiang & P. T. Li) 1995, No type designated Here 78311 Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, Holotype 1011 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, Syntype 356 (BISH) Hoya chloroleuca Schlechter 1913, Holotype 30314 (B) Hoya cinnamomifolia Hooker 1848, Tab 4347 Hoya clandestina Blume 1848, Holotype s.n. (L) Hoya clemensiorum Green, Holotype 25068 (NY) Hoya collina Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18114 (B) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, Isotype 10829 (NY) as Hoya angustisepala Elmer 10829 later H. mindorensis 3584 Hoya coriacea Blume (H. mindanaensis Elmer) (H. angustisepala Burton) Isotype 10829 (NY) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, Isotype 4181 (BO) Hoya angustisepala Schlechter, 10829 Isotype (BISH) syn. Hoya coriacea Hoya angustisepala (Sch. ex Elmer) Burton 1987, Type 10829 (B) syn Hoya coriacea Blume 1825 Hoya angustisepala Schlechter 1987, 10829 Herb. Ludg. Bat. (Leiden) This says Type but it is actually an Isotype Hoya crassicaulis (Elmer) Kloppenburg 1995, Isotype 14440 (A) Hoya crassicaulis (Elmer) Kloppenburg 1995, Isotype 14440 (A) Hoya crassicaulis Elmer ex Kloppenburg 1995, Isotype 14440 (NY) Hoya crassicaulis Elmer ex Kloppenburg 1995, Isotype 14440 (UC) Hoya crassicaulis Elmer ex Kloppenburg 1995, Isotype 14440 (UC) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, Isotype 2581 (A) Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, Isotype 1480 (L) Hoya curtisii King & Gamble 1903, Holotype 2894 (KLU) ? Hoya darwinii Loher 1910, Holotype 14574 (UC) Hoya dickasoniana P. T. Li. 1994, Holotype 3032 (A) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, Type 320 (DS) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, Isotype 320 (GREY) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 320 Isotype (A) Hoya dischorensis Schlechter 1913, Holotype 19834 (B) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, Type s.n. (L) There seems to be 2 sp. here. Sheet was included under H. kuhlii ? Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, Type s.n. (L) Hoya dodecatheiflora Fosberg 1940, Holotype Stewart (BISH) Hoya dolichosparte Schlechter 1916, Holotype 20642 (B) Hoya edanoi Burton 1991, Holotype 11655 (A) Hoya edenii King ex Hooker 1883, Holotype Hoya eitapensis Schlechter 1909, Holotype 19964 (B) Hoya elmeri Merrill 1929, Holotype 20652 (UC) Hoya elmeri Schlechter, Unpublished 8896 (B) Hoya elmeri Merrill 1929, Type 20652 (NY) Hoya epedunculata Schlechter 1913, Holotype 20102 (B) Hoya erythrina Rintz 1978, 117 (L)


Hoya exilis Schlechter 1913, Holotype 17865 (B) Hoya faoensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2009, Holotype 5714 (HAW) Hoya fetuana Kloppenburg 2003, Holotype W 2765 (UHAW) Hoya flavescens Schlechter 1913, Holotype 17623 (B) Hoya forbesii King & Gamble 1903, Holotype 2896a Hoya fraterna Blume 1849, Type s.n. (L) determined to be H. coriaceae Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, Type 20137 (NY) Hoya gigantangensis Kloppenburg 1992, Holotype 36787 (PNH) Hoya gigantangensis Kloppenburg 1992, Isotype 36787 (BISH) Hoya gildingii Kloppenburg 2001, Holotype 97009 (UC) Hoya glabra Schlechter 1908, Holotype 13458 (B) Hoya gracilipes Schlechter 1908, Holotype 20213 (B) Hoya gracilis Schlechter 1908, Holotype s. n. (B) Hoya gracilis var. philippinensis Schlechter 1906, 5653 (B) not Sect. Acanthostemma so not valid Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923, Holotype 9795 (UC) Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923, Isotype 9759 (A) Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923, Isotype 9759 (US) Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923, Isotype 9759 (A) Hoya halconensis Schlechter ex Kloppenburg 1990, Holotype 5674 (B) Hoya halophila Schlechter 1913, Holotype 19968 (B) Hoya heuschkeliana subsp. cajanoae Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, Holotype 56571 (CAHUP) Hoya hollrungii Warburg 1907, Type 5408 (A) Hoya hypolasia Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18075 (B) Hoya incurvula Schlechter 1916, Holotype 20451 (B) Hoya intermedia Schlechter, Type 5177 (B) Untenable Hoya intermedia A. C. Smith 1942, Untenable Isotype 399 (A) Hoya intermedia A. C. Smith Type 399, The species was subsequently det. as H. carnosa but this is incorrect Hoya ischnopus Schlechter 1913, Holotype 19965 (B) Hoya kenejiana Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18393 (B) Hoya kentiana Burton, Type 28501 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, Holotype 202480 (L) Hoya kuhlii (Bl.) Koorders 1912, Type s. n. (L) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, Type s. n. (L) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1923, Holotype 18261 (NY) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1923, Isotype 18261 (A) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1923 Isotype 727 (A) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1923, Isotype 24076 (A) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1923, Isotype 73411 (A) Hoya lantsangensis Tsiang & P. T. Li 1974, Type 13509 not a Hoya Hoya leucantha S. Moore 1916, Holotype s. n. (BRI) Hoya leucorhoda Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18212 (B) Hoya leucorhoda Schlechter 1913, Isotype 18212 (UC) Hoya liangii Tsiang 1936, Isotype 62867 (NY)


Hoya littoralis Schlechter 1905, Holotype 13675 (B) Hoya loheri Kloppenburg 1991, Holotype s.n. (UC) Hoya luzonica Schlechter 1904, Holotype (B) Hoya luzonica Schlechter 1904, Isotype 62867 (US) Hoya lyi Leveille 1907, Listed as Type 4738 (NY) but not according to Type desc. Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, Holotype 191 (B) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, Rumphia IV Tab 185 Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, Lectotype 138-A Wight herb. Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, Syntype s.n. (NY) Think there are 2 species on this sheet Hoya marginata Schlechter 1905, Holotype 13688 (B) Hoya matavanuensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2008, Holotype 9539 (HAW) Hoya mengtzeensis Tsang et P. T. Li 1974, Holotype 11368 (NY) Hoya mengtzeensis Tsang et P. T. Li 1974, Isotype 11368A (A) Hoya meredithii Green 1994, Holotype 1551 (BISH) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, Isotype 2218 (NY) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, Isotype 2218 (US) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, Isotype 2218 (?) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, Holotype 2218 (B) Hoya microphylla Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18614 (B) Hoya microstemma Schlechter 1913, Holotype 20190 (B) Hoya minahassae Schlechter 1916, Holotype 20434 (B) Hoya mindanaensis Elmer 1938, Holotype 10829 (Hoya angustisepala Burton) Syn. of Hoya coriacea Blume Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, Holotype 332 (B) Hoya mitrata Kerr 1940, Holotype 3406 Illustration Hoya montana Schlechter 1913, Holotype 17859 (B) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, Type 354 (L) no type designated in description Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, Type 354 (L) no type designated in description Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, As Centrostemma laurifolium Blume, Type s.n. (L) Hoya myanmarica P. T. Li 1995, Holotype 211190 (A) Hoya naumanii Schlechter 1908, Holotype 1896 (B) Hoya neo-caledonica Schlechter 1906, Holotype 15396 (B) Hoya nervosa Tsiang & P. T. Li, Holotype 12994 (NY) Hoya nuuuliensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2008, Holotype W 8505 (HAW) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Merrill ex Burton 1986, Isotype 16719 (L) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Merrill ex Burton 1986, Isotype 16719 (NY) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Merrill Ex Burton 1986, Isotype 16719 (GH) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, Holotype 16719 (US) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, Isotype 16719 (UC) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, Isotype 16719 (BISH) Hoya obscurinervia Merrill 1923, Type 9818 (A) Hoya obscurinervia Merrill 1923, Holotype? 9818 (UC) Hoya obscurinervia Merrill 1923, Isotype 9818 (A) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, Lectotype 1170 HB (L) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, Holotype 3202 (B)


Hoya oleoides Schlechter 1913, Holotype 1970 (B) Hoya oligantha Schlechter, 1913, Holotype 20176 (B) Hoya opposita (Vahl) G. Don 1834, Holotype 17 (C ) Hoya oreostemma Schlechter 1913, Holotype 17688 (B) Hoya ovalifolia Wight & Arnott 1834, Isotype 1522 (NY) Hoya padangensis Schlechter 1916, Holotype 15916 (B) Hoya palawanica (Schlechter) Kloppenburg 1990, Holotype 834 (B) Hoya pallida Lindley 1826, Type drawing 951 in Bot. Reg. XI, 1826 Hoya panayensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2010, Isotype: Hoya gracilis Schlechter 32378 (BO) as var.( Misidentified.) Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, Isotype 15937 (NY) Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, Isotype 15937 (NY) Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, Isotype 15937 (L) Hoya pandurata Tsiang 1939, Holotype 12258 (NY) Hoya pandurata Tsiang 1939, Isotype 12258 (A) Hoya pandurata Tsiang 1939, Isotype 12258 (US) Hoya papuana Schlechter 1913, Holotype 14400 (B) as Physostelma papuana Hoya parvifolia Schlechter 1908, Type 13307 (B) Hoya patella Schlechter 1913, Holotype 16375 (B) Hoya patella Schlechter 1913, Isotype 16375 (UC) Hoya patella Schlechter 1913, Isotype16375 (UC) Hoya paziae Kloppenburg 1990, Holotype 5618 (B), H. eugenioides Schlechter, unpublished. Hoya paziae Kloppenburg 1990, Isotype 5618 (US) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, Isotype 17411 (L) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, Isotype 17411 (US) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, Isotype 17411 (NY) Flower above label cannot be the same species! DK Hoya piestolepis Schlechter 1913, Holotype 19376 (B) Hoya phyllura Schwartz 1931, Holotype 339 (K) Hoya polystachya Blume 1849, Type s.n. (L) Hoya pseudolittoralis Norman 1937, Isotype 5990 (NY) Hoya pseudolittoralis Norman 1937, Isotype 5990 (A) Hoya pseudomaxima Koorders 1920, Isotype 22089 (US) Hoya puber Blume 1926, Holotype 5928 (BO) Hoya pubifera Elmer 1938, Type 16971 (B0) Hoya pubifera Elmer 1938, Isotype 16971 (NY) Hoya pubifera Elmer 1938, Isotype 16971 (L) Hoya pubifera Elmer 1938, Isotype 16971 (US) Hoya pulchella Schlechter 1913, Holotype 20103 (B) Hoya pulchella Schlechter 1913, Isotype 20103 (UC) Hoya pulchella Schlechter 1913, Isotype 55 (L) Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978, Holotype 55 (L) Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978, Isotype 55 (KLU) Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978, Isotype 55 (KLU) Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978, Isotype 55 (UPP)


Hoya purpureofusca Hooker 1849, Type Tab 5420 Hoya querinoensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, Holotype 41946 (CAHUP) Hoya quisumbingii Kloppenburg 1992, Holotype 79412 (PNH) Hoya ramosii Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, Holotype 75000 (PNH) Hoya ramosii Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, Isotype 75000 (U MP) Hoya ramosii Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, Isotype 75000 (UC) Hoya recurvula Kloppenburg 2000, Holotype 81089 (UC) Hoya reticulata Merrill 1920, 18517 (B) Hoya reticulata Merrill 1920, Isotype 34530 (US) untenable Hoya revoluta Wight ex Hooker 1883, Isotype 8160 b (K) Hoya rizaliana Kloppenburg 1991, Holotype s.n. (UC) Hoya rhodostella Ridley 1923, Topotype 111976 (BO) Hoya rhodostemma Schlechter 1913, Holotype 19627 (B) Hoya rosarioae Kloppenburg & Siar 2009, Holotype 5268 CAHUP Hoya rubida Schlechter 1901, Holotype 13711 (B) Hoya salweenica Tsiang & Li 1974, Holotype 23006 Kwangtung Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921, Holotype s.n. (B) Hoya schallertiae Burton 1982, s. n. (US) Flower cluster does not belong to stem and leaves Hoya siariae Kloppenburg 2000, Holotype 67052 (CAHUP) Hoya silvatica Tsiang et P. T. Li 1974, Isotype 66906 (A) Hoya sipitangensis Kloppenburg & Wiberg 2002 Holotype 52002 (UC) Hoya solaniflora Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18214 (B) Hoya solaniflora Schlechter 1913, Isotype 18214 (UC) Hoya stenophylla Schlechter, 1913, Holotype 20066 (B) Hoya subglabra Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18060 (B) Hoya tamaleaanus Kloppenburg 2008, Holotype W 2705 (HAW) Hoya tauensis Kloppenburg 2009, Holotype W 1297 (HAW) Hoya tenggerensis Bakhulzen f. 1950, Holotype 301 (L) Hoya thompsonii Hooker f. 1883, 12 (A) Hoya tjadasmalangensis Bakhulzen f. 1950, Holotype 448 ß (L) Hoya torricellensis Schlechter 1913, Holotype 20315 (B) Hoya treubiana Schlechter 1908, Holotype s. n. (B) Hoya trigonolobos Schlechter 1905, Holotype 13763 (B) Hoya tsoi Merrill 1934, Holotype 23455 (NY) Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg 1989, Isotype 13372 (L) Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg 1991, Isotype 13372 (NY) Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg 1991, labeled Hoya intermedia Schlechter 28531 and as Holotype for H. kentiana Burton (US) Hoya tutuilensis Kloppenburg 2009, Holotype 9089 (HAW) Hoya venusta Schlechter 1913, Holotype 18767 (B) Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don 1837, Holotype Sperlingia verticillata Vahl, 72 II 1804 (C) Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don 1837, Isotype Sperlingia verticillata Vahl, 72 III 1804 Hoya vitellina Blume 1849, Type s.n. (L)


Hoya vitellinioides Brink f. 1950, Isotype 4181 (BO) labeled as H. coriacea Hoya vitellinioides Brink f. 1950, Isotype 4181 (L) labeled as H. coriacea Hoya warburgii Schlechter, Herbarium Sheet 17494 (B) unpublished. Collected by V. Warburg. Hoya wariana Schlechter 1913, Holotype 17430 (B) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, Isotype 27 (NY) Hoya wibergiae Kloppenburg 2001, Holotype 951074 (UC) Hoya whistlerii Kloppenburg 2002, Isotype W 3139 (B) Hoya yunanensis Hand –Mass 1936, Holotype 78311 Hoya x taufunua Whistler & Kloppenburg, Type 10958 (HAW)

Index of Hoya Herbarium Species Files Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, 34381 (BO) Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, 2130 (BO) Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, 38 (UPM) Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, 432 (UPM) Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, 16346 (SING) Hoya acuta Haworth (parasitica) 1821, s.n. (SING) Hoya albiflora Zippelius ex Blume 1848 39381 (A) Hoya aldrichii Hemsley 1890, 94 (SING) Hoya aldrichii Hemsley 1890 s. n. (SING) Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938 16916 (A) might be a type but cannot be two holotypes Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938 16916 (A) “ “ Hoya arnottiana Wight 1834 28 Hooker Herbarium Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 1106 (BISH) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 1623 (BISH) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 608 (BISH) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 2896 (BISH) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 769 (BISH) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 1617 (B) Hoya attenuata Christophersen 1935 W 3252 (HAW) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, s. n. (CAS) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, W 4520 Samoa (B) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, 1077 Samoa (BISH) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, 329 Samoa (B) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, 1708 (A) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, Samoa 829 (B) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, subsp. W. Samoa 2090 (KLU) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, 829684 (NSW) Hoya australis R. Brown ex Trail 1830, 9423 (NSW) Hoya benguetensis Schlechter 1908, 85130 (A) Hoya benguetensis Schlechter 1908, as cagayanensis Burton 8896 (NY) Hoya benguetensis Schlechter 1908, 117016 (PNH) Hoya betchei (Schltr.) Whistler 1913, 514 (US) Hoya betchei (Schltr.) Whistler 1913, 2255 (US) 11

Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler, 445 (B) Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler, 3111 HAW) Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler, 31110 HAW) Hoya betchei (Schlechter) Whistler, 10477 (HAW) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 19356 (UC) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 28437 (US) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 39429 (CAHUP) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 56575 (CAHUP) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 56584 (CAHUP) Hoya bilobata Schlechter 1906, 56585 (CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 61974 (CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 62326 (CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 62327 (CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 56576 (CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 56577(CAHUP) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 29900 (US) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 76351 (NY) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 15829 (BO) Hoya bordenii Schlechter 1906, 7670 (BO) Hoya cagayanensis Burton 1987, 8896 (NY) Hoya cagayanensis (Schlechter) Burton 1987, 45730 (B) Hoya cagayanensis Burton 1987, 97825 (PNH) Hoya cagayanensis Burton 1987, 29062 (US) Hoya cagayanensis Burton 1987, 45570 (BO) Hoya calycina Schlechter 1908, 45342 (A) Hoya calycina Schlechter 1908, 6644 (B) Hoya campanulata Blume 1826, 34219 (A) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 15803 (BO) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 28803 (BO) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 14244 (BO) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 15244 (DS) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 75136 (SING) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 29092 (US) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 15083 (US) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 15244 (US) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 334 (US) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 5965 (CAHUP) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 28822 (CAHUP) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 49938 (CAHUP) Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, 49939 (CAHUP) Hoya cardiophylla Merrill, 1920, 10147 (PNH) Hoya cardiophylla Merrill 1920, 11864 (PNH) Hoya cardiophylla Merrill 1920, 38435 (PNH) Hoya cardiophylla Merrill 1920, as H. reticulata 35430 (US) Hoya carnosa R. Brown 1802, 138 Fairchild Trop. Gdn, FL. Hoya carnosa R. Brown 1802, 35267 (BO)


Hoya carnosa R. Brown 1802, 325771 (DS) Hoya caudata Hooker f. 1883, 14057 (BO) Hoya caudata Hooker f. 1883, 009-A (KLU) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 9526 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 2253 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, W163 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 2851 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 599 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 610 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 1833 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 2255 (US) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, W 5165 (HAW) as betchei Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 10477 (HAW) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 8717 (HAW) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 511 (US) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 511 (US) Hoya chlorantha Rechinger 1908, 344 (HAW) Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis Christophersen 1908, 3562 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis Christophersen 1908, W 3135 (BISH) Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis Christophersen 1908, W 31101 (HAW) Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis Christophersen 1908, 514 (US) Hoya citrina Ridley 1922, 52 (UPM) Hoya citrina Ridley 1922, 52 (UPM) Hoya citrina Ridley 1922, 111 (UPM) Hoya citrina Ridley 1922, 2847 (B) Hoya coriacea Blume 1826, 3278 (B) Hoya coriacea Blume 1826, 4181 (BO) Hoya coriacea Blume 1831, s.n. or ? (A) Hoya coriacea Blume 1831, 7705 (?) Hoya angustisepala Schlechter, Syn. Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, 10829 (US) Hoya angustisepala (Schltr.) Burton, 43947 (US), Syn. Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, 2679 (BO) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, 6692 (BO) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, 6692 (BO) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, (SING) Hoya coriacea Blume 1825, RFD Herbarium 239 Illustration Hoya crassicaulis (Elmer) Kloppenburg 1995, 2613 (A) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, 1860 (BO) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, 39891 (BO) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, 27217 (BO) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, 27306β (BO) Hoya crassipes Turczaninow 1848, 27306β (BO) Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 26221 (US) Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 22214 (US) Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 14356 (US)


Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 18680 (CAHUP) is Hoya densifolia Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 18681 (CAHUP) is Hoya densifolia Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 19059 (CAHUP) is Hoya densifolia Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 58165 (CAHUP) is Hoya densifolia Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 4401 (CAHUP) is Hoya densifolia Hoya cumingiana Decaisne 1844, 15356 (A) is Hoya densifolia Hoya darwinii Loher 1910, 815 (A) Hoya densifolia Turczaninow 1848, 4401 (A) Hoya densifolia Turczaninow 1848, 9757 (US) Hoya densifolia Turczaninow 1848, 9757 (SING) Hoya densifolia Turczaninow 1848, 14356 (A) Hoya densifolia Turczaninow 1848, 26221 (US) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 14014 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 3686 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 11212 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 3556 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 6775 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 9620 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 4002 (BISH) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 6171 (US) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 6775 (US) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 9680 (US) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 14333 (A) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 14755 (A) Hoya diptera Seemann 1861, 6586 (US) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 41 (A) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 12678 Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 1446 (BO) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 44083 ? (BO) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 30844 (BO) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 19387 (BO) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 19387 (BO) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, s.n. (KLU) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 218 ? (KLU) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826,135 (KLU) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 118 (KLU) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 11866 (KLU) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 282 (UPM) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 1513 (SING) Hoya diversifolia Blume 1826, 7639? (SING) Hoya edanoi Burton 1991, 44121 (US) Hoya edanoi Burton 1991, 44121 (PNH) Hoya edanoi Burton 1991, 11655 (A) Hoya engleriana Hosseus 1907, 481 (A) Hoya elliptica Hooker 1883, 100 (UPM) Hoya elliptica Hooker 1883, 93 (UPM) 14

Hoya elliptica Hooker 1883, 60 (UPM) Hoya engleriana Hosseus 1907, 481 (A) Hoya filiformis Rechinger 1908, W 3636 (BISH) Hoya filiformis Rechinger 1908, W 1106 (US) Hoya filiformis Rechinger 1908, 1160 (BISH) may be H. attenuata Hoya filiformis Rechinger 1908, 00143 (BISH) Hoya finlaysonii Wight 1834, 63 (UMP) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 18529 (US) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 35256 (US) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 47136 (US) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 56581 (CAHUP) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 75526 (UPM) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 47136 (UPM) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 47136 (PNH) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 85130 (A) Hoya fischeriana Warburg 1904, 421 (US) Hoya forbesii King & Gamble 1903, 3592 (KLU) Hoya forbesii King & Gamble 1903, s. n. (UMP) Hoya fraterna Blume 1849, s.n. (BISH) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 70603 (B) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 61746 (B) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 72636 (A) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 71976 (A) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 70403 ? (B) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 70603 (US) Hoya fungii Merrill 1934, 81746 (US) Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, f.. 75 Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, 62175 (A) Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, 622649 (A) Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, 72288 (A) Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, s.n. (A) Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, s.n. (BO) not fusca Hoya fusca Wallich 1831, s.n. (BO) not fusca Hoya globulosa Hooker 1882, 32 (A) Hoya globulosa Hooker 1882, 757 (A) I doubt this ID, DK Hoya gracilis as var. philippinensis, 10382 (BO) most likely incorrect Hoya gracilis as var. philippinensis, 10382 (BO) most likely incorrect Hoya hainanensis Merrill 1923, 25704 (A) Hoya hasseltii Miquel 1856, 7016 (BO) Hoya hasseltii Miquel 1856, 918B (BO) Hoya hasseltii Miquel 1856, 2935 (BO) Hoya hasseltii Miquel 1856, 627 (BO) Hoya heuschkeliana Kloppenburg 1989, 24353 (US) Hoya hookeriana Wight 1834, 3496/1 (GH) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 41285 (US) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 58558 (CAHUP)


Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 58559 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 15821 (US) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 413 (US) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 2623 (US) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 24910 (US) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, (BO) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 11015 (UMP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 2239 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 2241 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 41559(CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 58558 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 58559 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 62328 (CAHUP) Hoya imbricata Decaisne 1844, 15208 (DS) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, 1230 (US) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, 20629 (GH) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, s.n. (BO) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, .... (BO) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, .... (BO) Hoya imperialis Lindley 1846, (SING) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 2613 (BO) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 5291 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 5966 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 5967 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 5968 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 9156 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 5680 (CAHUP) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 2316 (A) Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, 11591 (US) Hoya intermedia Schlechter untenable, 1148 (BO) collected by E. D. Merrill Hoya intermedia Schlechter, 28531 (BO) Hoya ischnopus Schlechter 1913, 16728 (UPM) Hoya kingdomwardii P. T. Li 1994, 3002 (A) Hoya kingdonwardii P. T. Li 1994, 21152 (A) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 111456 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 148 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, s.n. (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 4475 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 4475 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 2499 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, s.n. (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, s.n. (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 450 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 460 A (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 14316 (BO) Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 14316 (BO)


Hoya kuhlii Koorders 1912, 14316 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 2124 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 20342 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 38528 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 38751 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 25483 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 47905 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 28722 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 25483β (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 40256 ? (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 43043 (BO) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 72 (UMP) Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826, 1974 (US) Hoya lanceolata Lindley 1826,189 (US) Hoya lanceolata Lindley 1826, 2882 (A) Hoya lanceolata Lindley 1826, 69406 (A) Hoya lanceolata Lindley 1826, s.n. (BO) Hoya lanceolata Lindley 1826, (partial) (DS) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1932, 24076 (A) Hoya lancilimba Merrill 1932, 73411 (A) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 30675 (A) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 511 ? (BO) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 513 (BO) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 10 (BO) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 94 (BO) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 6903 (BO) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Bloom 1848, s.n. (SING) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 14512 (UPM) (SING) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 14512 (SING) Hoya lasiantha Korthals ex Blume 1848, 2847 (A) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 42 (KLU) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 731 (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 18356 (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 172A ? (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 621 (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 787 (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, s.n. (SING) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 19 (KLU) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 27299 (KLU) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 2847 (A) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, ? (BO) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, Labeled incorrectly as H. sp. forbesii Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, D170311 (BO) Hoya laurifolia Decaisne 1883, 798 (B) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 790 (A)


Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 41631 (A) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 24209 (US) Hoya laurifolia Decaisne 1883, D 17031 (BO) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 6540 (PNH) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 798 (A) Hoya latifolia G. Don 1838, 6540 PNH) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 41631 (US) Hoya leytensis Elmer ex Burton 1938, 24209 (US) Hoya liangii Tsiang 1936, 73935 (A) Hoya linearis Wallich 1834, s. n. (A) Hoya linearis Wallich 1834, s. n. (H) Hoya linearis var. nepalensis (Wallich) Wight 1883Wallich 1834, 6956 (A) Hoya litoralis Schlechter 1905, (BISH) Hoya longifolia Wallich 1834, s. n. (Al de Bunge Herb.) Hoya longifolia Wallich 1834, s. n. (GH) Hoya longifolia Wallich 1834, 976 (US) Hoya longifolia Wallich 1834, 2081 (A) Hoya luzonica Schlechter 1904, 2565 (A) Hoya lyi Leveille 1907, 1420 (A) Hoya macgillivrayi Bailey 1914, 19447 (A) Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, 15541 (PNH) Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, 11764 (PNH) Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, 17764 (A) Hoya macgregorii Schlechter 1906, 5297 (CAHUP) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 12678 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 10 (B0) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 6324 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 688 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 19608 ? (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 5675 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 22363 ? (BO Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 3228 ? (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 12678 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 11957 (BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826,.......(BO) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, s.n. (DS) Hoya macrophylla Blume 1826, 12678 (A) Hoya maingayi Hooker 1883, 83 (UPM) Hoya maingayi Hooker 1883, 102 (UPM) Hoya maingayi Hooker 1883, 12964 (SING) Hoya maingayi Hooker 1883, 2452 (SING) Hoya maingayi Hooker 1883, 12750 (SING) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, 4815 (BISH) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, 1649 (BISH) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, 17608 (BISH) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, 4815 (BISH)


Hoya maxima (Karsten) Koorders 1920, 16204 (BO) Hoya maxima (Karsten) Koorders 1920, 16188 (BO) Hoya maxima (Karsten) Koorders 1920, 16188 (BO) Hoya maxima (Karsten) Koorders 1920, 16817 (BO) Hoya maxima (Karsten) Koorders 1920, 16197 (BO) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, 4195 (US) Hoya megalantha Turrill # 1915, 4195 (A) Hoya megalantha Turrill 1915, ?.... (DS) Hoya meliflua Blanco ex Merrill 1837, 41926 (CAHUP) Hoya meliflua Blanco ex Merrill 1837, 2245 (CAHUP) Hoya meliflua Blanco ex Merrill 1837, 41926 (CAHUP) Hoya meliflua Blanco ex Merrill 1837, 2565 (US) Hoya meliflua (Blanco) Merrill 1837, 9385 (US) Hoya meliflua (Blanco) Merrill 1837, 11581 (US) Hoya meliflua (Blanco) Merrill 1837, 49272 (B) Hoya meliflua (Blanco) Merrill 1837, 77895 (A) Hoya meliflua (Blanco) Merrill 1837, 39728 (BO) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1906, 17764 (PNH) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1906, 17764 (A) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, 954 (US) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, 3365 (US) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, 31504 (UPM) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, 38435 (PNH) Hoya merrillii Schlechter 1904, 39370 (PNH) Hoya microphylla Schlechter 1913, 35945 (A) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 28222 (US) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 23173 (US) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 23173 (US) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 36315 (PNH) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 117696 (PNH) Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906, 2792 (PNH) Hoya mitrata Kerr 1940, 3062 (UMP) Hoya mitrata Kerr 1940, 159 (SING) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 2230 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 2231 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 2232 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 2233 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 10472 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 12439 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 17830 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 18059 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 28938 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 51315 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 51317 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 51316 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53608 (CAHUP)


Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53609 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53610 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53611 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53658 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 53659 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 57907 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 60568 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 61956 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 61957 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 61958 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 64271 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 64272 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 80567 (CAHUP) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, s.n.(18161) Fairchild Trip. Gdn. FL. Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 1832592 (DS) Hoya multiflora Blume 1823, 32953 (DS) Hoya neoebudica Guillaumin 1937, 546 (A) Hoya neo-caledonica Schlechter 1906, 5339 (A) Hoya nummularia Decaisne ex Hooker 1883, 3795 (GH) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, 5969 (CAHUP) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, 3452 (A) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, 11377 (US) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, 22886 (US) Hoya obscura Elmer ex Burton 1986, 8444 (PNH) Hoya obscurinervia Merrill 1923, 479 (B) foliage not like type sheet Hoya obscurinervia Merrill 1923, 299 (B) foliage not like type sheet Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, 41 (SING) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, 1339 (B) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, 1339 (B) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, .... (BO) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, s.n. (BO) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, s.n. (SING) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, s. n. (SING) Hoya obtusifolia Wight 1834, 26? (SING) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 2243 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 19258 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 58063 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 59537 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 62236 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1908, 62237 (CHAUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 62238 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 62239 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 63826 (CAHUP) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 23656 (US) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 8610 (US) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 14663 (US)


Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 19549 (PNH) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 6706 (PNH) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 6679 (PNH) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 21980 (PNH) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 6706 (BO) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, # ... (BO) Hoya odorata Schlechter 1906, 3202 (US) Hoya ottolanderi Koorders 1911, 2131 (BO) Hoya ottolanderi Koorders 1911, 670 (BO) Hoya ovalifolia Wight 1834, 1591 (US) Hoya ovalifolia Wight & Arnott 1834, 2218 (K) (2 sp. here outer ones seem correct Hoya pallida Lindley 1826 as parasitica, 38 (UPM) Hoya palawanica (Schltr.) Kloppenburg 1990, 8974 (PNH) Hoya palawanica (Schltr.) Kloppenburg 1990, 10664 (PNH) Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, 56582 (CAHUP) labeled incorrectly Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, 56583 (CAHUP) labeled incorrectly Hoya panchoi Kloppenburg 1988, 3677 (A) Hoya pandurata Tsiang 1939, 91-145 (K) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, 432 (UPM) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, s.n. (SING) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, 16346 (SING) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, 34381 (B0) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, 2130 (B0) Hoya parasitica Haworth 1830, 1452 (A) Hoya parviflora Wight 1834, (SING) Hoya parviflora Wight 1834, 125 (SING) Hoya parviflora Wight 1834, Mislabeled parvifolia 896 (SING) Hoya paziae Kloppenburg 1990, 32374 (U MP) Hoya paziae Kloppenburg 1990, 18041 (US) Hoya paziae Kloppenburg 1990, 32374 (UC) Hoya peekelii Markgraf 1927, 25079 (A) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, 59822 (CAHUP) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, ????8 (CAHUP) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, 763 (A) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, 13703 (A) Hoya pentaphlebia Merrill 1918, 6237 (A) Hoya phyllura O. Schwartz 1931, 122238 Sandakan Forestry Herbarium Hoya piestolepis Schlechter 1913, 23483 (A) Hoya plicata King & Gamble 1908, 315 (U MP) Most likely Hoya polyneura Hooker f. 1883, 3743 (A) Hoya pottsii Traill 1830, 3730 (BISH) Hoya polystachya Blume 1849, 12678 (B) I believe det. incorrectly below. Hoya puber Blume 1826, 5023 (BO) Hoya puber Blume 1826, 2928 (BO) Hoya pubicalyx Merrill 1918, 5970 (CAHUP) Hoya pubicalyx Merrill 1918, 9135 (CAHUP)


Hoya pubicalyx Merrill 1918, 353450 (A) Hoya purpureofusca Hooker 1849, 1937 (BO) Hoya purpureofusca Hooker 1849, 21065 (BO) Hoya purpureofusca Hooker 1849, 63 (BO) Hoya purpureofusca Hooker 1849, 4036 (FTG) Hoya pusilla Rintz 1978, 2928 (BO) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, 5409 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, W 1257 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, 9605 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, 403 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, 153 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, W 3645 (BISH) Hoya pycnophylla Rechinger 1908, W 3674 (BISH) Hoya querinoensis Kloppenburg & Siar 2007, 41945 (CAHUP) Hoya reticulata Merrill 1920, 83385 (A) Hoya retusa Dalzell 1852, 419 (US) Hoya retusa Dalzell 1852, 14794 (US) Hoya retusa Dalzell 1852, 419 (BO) Hoya retusa Warburg 1907, 78311 (A) Hoya revoluta Wight 1883, 114 (UMP) Hoya revoluta Wight 1883, 20317 (BO) Hoya revoluta Wight 1883, 95 (KLU) Hoya revoluta Wight 1883, 120 (UPM) Hoya revoluta Wight 1883, 822 (UPM) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, (SING) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, 5519 (SING) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, (SING) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, 99662 (SING) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, (SING) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903,.....(KLU) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, 11954 (KLU) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, ....... (BO) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, 2350? (SING) Hoya rizaliana Kloppenburg 1991, 24209 (US) Hoya rubida Schlechter 1901, 9214 (A) Hoya rubida Schlechter 1901, 19948 (A) Hoya rufolanata Ridley 1923, 356 (KLU) Hoya rumphii Blume 1826, 3011 (BO) Hoya rumphii Blume 1826, 22419 (BO) Hoya rumphii Blume 1826, 7484 (BO) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, W1237 (HAW) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, W 1297 (B) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, W 1506 (HAW) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, W 1985 (HAW) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, W 1297 (B)


Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, 9379 (BISH) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, 2122 (BISH) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, 916 (BISH) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, (BISH) Hoya samoensis Seemann 1866, 9379 (BISH) Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921, 5398 (GUAM) Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921, 5398 (GUAM) Hoya schneei Schlechter 192, 5379 (GUAM) Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921, 1569 (US) Hoya schneei Schlechter 1921, 1569 (NY) Hoya scortechinii King & Gamble 1908, 135 drawing Hoya serpens Hooker f. 1883, 2831 (A) Hoya subglabra Schlechter 1913, 11857 (US) Hoya trukensis Hosokawa, 1937, 5342 (GUAM) Hoya trukensis Hosokawa 1937, 5342 (GUAM) Hoya trukensis Hosokawa 1937, 3067B (BISH) Hoya trukensis Hosokawa 1937, 3091 (BISH) Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg 1992, 19647 (PNH) Hoya tsangii Burton ex Kloppenburg 1992, 333 (PNH) Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938, 163340 (A) = Hoya tsangii Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938, 16916 Hoya angustifolia Elmer 1938, 16916 (A) not the type Hoya venusta Schlechter 1913, 4413 (A) Hoya vitellina Blume 1849, 1956β (BO) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 8860 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 3095 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 14304 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 8860 (A) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 2180 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 2305 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 2599 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 6529 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 14304 (US) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 9529 (US) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 8860 (US) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 5565 (US) Hoya vitensis Turrill 1915, 20732 (BISH) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 14304 (A) Hoya vitiensis Turrill 1915, 9529 (A) Hoya weebella Kloppenburg 2005, 76330 (A) Hoya whistlerii Kloppenburg 2002, 7605 (HAW) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 379 (US) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 2851 (US) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 12809 (US) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 13580 (US) Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 2851 (US)


Hoya wightii Hooker 1883, 379 (US)

Species sheets Hoya sp. 56578 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 56579 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 18682 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 9135 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 5294 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 295 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 5292 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 5293 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 5271 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 5303 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 41913 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. incorrect labeling, 5269 (CAHUP) Hoya sp. 3 (BISH) Hoya sp. 2 (BISH) Hoya sp. 6236 (BISH) Hoya sp. 6364 (BISH) Hoya sp. 4316 (BISH) Hoya sp. 3648 (BISH) Hoya sp. 36790 (BISH) Hoya sp. 12434 (BISH) Hoya sp. 19963 (BISH) Hoya sp. 1992067 (BISH) Hoya sp. (BISH) Hoya latifolia G. Don, 1838, 798 (B) Hoya sp. not an Acanthostemma 11864 (A) Hoya sp. 926 (A) Hoya sp. 9894 (A) Label incorrect Hoya sp. probably Hoya leytensis 24209 (US) Hoya sp. 2090 (A) Note thin leaved, mauve color, handsomest hoya seen ! Hoya sp. 3510 (A) Hoya sp. 5715 (A) Hoya sp. 11827 (A) Hoya sp. 1452 (A) as H. parasitica but dark violet center ? Hoya sp. s.n. (A) Hoya sp. as Hoya merrillii Schlechter 40988 (A) Hoya sp. 24209 (US) Hoya sp. 1175 (US) Hoya sp. as Hoya benguetensis Schlechter 8896 (US) Hoya sp. 150 (US) Hoya sp. 543 (US) Hoya sp. 923 (US) Hoya sp. 922 (US) Hoya sp. 1963 (US)


Hoya sp. 93335? (US) Hoya sp. most likely H. australis (New Hebrides) 2238 (US) Hoya sp. 7067 (US) Hoya sp. 349 (PNH) Hoya sp. 2792 (PNH) Hoya Sp. 6540 (PNH), not H. bilobata Schltr. Hoya sp. 7404 labeled incorrectly H. gracilis Schltr. (PNH) Hoya sp. 9894 labeled incorrectly H. gracilis Schltr. (PNH) Hoya sp. 11859 (PNH) Hoya sp. 15642 (PNH) Hoya sp. 19519, labeled incorrectly H. gracilis Schltr. (PNH) Hoya sp. 36315 (PNH) Hoya sp. 37418, Taft Ave., Manila (PNH) Hoya sp. 40228 (PNH) Hoya sp. 117633 PNH Hoya sp. Hoya gracilis Schlechter var. philippinensis0482 (BO) Hoya sp. 32378 (BO). I believe misidentified. Hoya incrassata Warburg 1904, Not correct ID 2613 (BO) Hoya sp. W 162 (HAW) as chlorantha Hoya sp. W 206 (HAW) as pachnophylla Hoya sp. W 477 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. W 1106 (HAW) as filiformis Hoya sp. 1506 (HAW) as samoensis Hoya sp. W 1617 (HAW) as filiformis Hoya sp. W 2765 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. W 2793 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 3045 (HAW) ” Hoya sp. W 3243 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. W 3245 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 3801 (HAW) Hoya sp. W 3961 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. W 4443 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 5714 (HAW) as filiformis Hoya sp. 6871 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. 7020 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 8366 (HAW) as vitiensis Hoya sp. 8232 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 8798 (HAW) Hoya sp. 9456 (HAW) Hoya sp. 9539 (HAW) as cf. diptera Hoya sp. 10007 (HAW) as diptera Hoya sp. 10339 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. Vaupel #445 (HAW) as betchei Hoya sp. 3243 (HAW) “ Hoya sp. 8232 (HAW) as vitiensis ? Hoya sp. 8366 (HAW) “


Hoya sp. 1024 (HAW) Hoya sp. 1046 (HAW) Hoya sp. 1237 (HAW) Hoya sp. 1297 (HAW) Hoya sp. 1460 (HAW) Hoya sp. 1985, C. R. Long (HAW) as pottsii Hoya sp. 8505 (HAW) as pottsii Hoya sp. 9089 (HAW) as pottsii Hoya sp. C-20 (KLU) Hoya sp. 14394 (KLU) Hoya sp. 896 (KLU) Hoya sp. 86707 (KLU) Hoya ridleyi King & Gamble 1903, (KLU) Something wrong with this determination. Hoya sp. 3592 (KLU) Hoya sp. 3308 Fairchild Trop. Gdn. FL. Hoya sp. 287 “ Hoya sp. 434 “ Hoya sp. 4037 “ Hoya sp. 4036 “ Hoya sp. 4248 “ Hoya sp. 223 ? “ Hoya sp. 798 (B) Hoya sp. 5653 (B) Hoya sp. 350 (B) Hoya sp. 44121 (B) Hoya sp. 16326 (B) Hoya sp. 16107 (B) Hoya sp. 15942 (B) Hoya sp. 15904 (B) Hoya sp. 10416 (B) Hoya sp. 8033 (B) Hoya sp. 9294 (B) Hoya sp. 6711 (B) Hoya sp. 2704 (B) Hoya sp. 2272 (B) Hoya sp. 1207 (B) Hoya sp. 1083 (B) Hoya sp. 9274 (K) Hoya sp. s. n. (K) Hoya sp. 798 (UMP) Hoya sp. s. n. (UMP) Hoya sp. 315 (UMP) Hoya sp. 822 (UMP) Hoya sp. 950 Missouri Bot Gdn. Hoya sp. CP2670 ?



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