This is the story of the greatest cover up in history... Its masterminds are our church leaders... Its target is the American people... And its purpose is to conceal a dark and deadly secret: Because according to the final chapters of the Bible Obama will not finish his second term... he is the 44th and last President of the US

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And our country and every American citizen are about to face its greatest tribulation… From an enemy crueler and more powerful than ISIS, al Qaeda, North Korea and Iran combined Only the top church know the true meaning of this biblical prophecy That is encrypted in the writings of 4 ancient prophets Inspired to send a warning across the centuries to all true Christians and Patriots Therefore, before watching this documentary be forewarned: Everything you are about to discover is deeply disturbing Because you are about to see how all the world leaders, their armies and even financial institutions are silently playing their part In the lead up to the greatest and darkest event in human history

That will take place 1st of January 2017… Alive After The Fall

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My name is Alexander Cain I am a theology professor working at one of the largest universities in Arkansas; I earned a doctor’s degree in theology and ancient history And for the past 19 years I have studied the ancient Scriptures… Trying to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the bible.

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And it all started with one simple question: How come the bible does not say anything about America: the world’s greatest Christian nation and number one super power? When so many other nations and events are accurately predicted in the holy book: The two world wars, the rise and fall of communism and the return of the Jews to their homeland after centuries of exile… Until one day I made a discovery that would send chills down the spine of every red blooded American

Because the church teaches us that, among all the other historical accounts, the Bible tells the story of ancient Babylon

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Through the account of John the Apostle in the Book of Revelation, and through the writings of the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah According to the prophets, Babylon “reigneth over the kings of the earth”(Rev17:18). It was a “Queen among nations” and “The lady of kingdoms”. (Isaiah 47:5,7); It was called “the hammer of the whole earth”(Jer. 50:23) and it became a center of trade “And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies”. (Rev. 18:3) It was “The praise of the entire earth” and an “astonishment among the nations” (Jeremiah 51:47)

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And according to the church, all this happened a long time ago to the ancestors of current day Iraq But if this is true why do the prophets speak of pollution since there was no pollution in ancient times “Because thou hast destroyed thy land” (Isaiah 14:20) “I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand” (Isaiah 47:6) Babylon will reach space as it “mounts up to heaven” (Jeremiah 51:53) and “raises its throne above the stars of God” (Isaiah 14:14)

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How could an ancient nation reach space when flight was only discovered in the 20th century? “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels.” Isaiah (47:13) Why would the prophets say Babylon is a democracy hindered by its huge government when Iraq has never had a true democracy “O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures” (Jeremiah 51:13). While Biblical Babylon has plentiful access waters rich in resources most of Iraq is a desert and has only a narrow stretch of coastline The nation the prophets are describing is not ancient Iraq… The only nation that reached space, has become the world’s only super power, is a democracy with a huge government and military, pollutes its land and sits on waters abundant in treasures is the United States of America in present times. But what else do the prophets say about it: Isaiah in verse 18:2 talks how Babylon’s beginning would be unique and awe inspiring America was created out of the former British colonies, a nation made out of many states just like the prophets foretold (Isa 13, 47, Jer. 50, 51). Our ancestors were the first British colonists and we speak their language…

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That’s the reason why Jeremiah sees England like a mother to the US according to 50:12 More so, the prophets talk about the lion that is on the sigil of the mother of Babylon (Daniel 7:4; Ezekiel 38:13; Jer. 51:38; Psalms 17:12)… England uses the lion as its royal symbol

Even the name Babylon or Mystery Babylon is deeply symbolic. Ancient Babylon was a city made great by people who came from all parts of the ancient world just like immigrants helped made the United States the world’s only superpower. And because the prophets didn’t know of the existence of the North American Continent at the time of the visions they called it “mystery” Babylon. Babylon is also called the Daughter of Chaldea. This is another clue based on the geography and the history of the United States. Geographically, Chaldea is located in the Middle East and was inhabited by the ancient Semetic tribes during the time of the prophets.

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Today, the people of Israel are the most powerful descendants of the family of Semitic tribes. And the US is home to the largest population of Jewish people just like the prophets foretold (Jeremiah 50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45, Isaiah 48:20 and also Revelation 18:4). The fact that Jewish people helped the US become the world’s only superpower is not a secret. 48% of American billionaires are Jewish and have made their immense fortune while helping America become the greatest country on Earth Therefore, the daughter of the Chaldeans is in fact the United States of America… It’s just amazing how accurate these ancient prophecies are! The next clue the prophets left us is one of the most obvious: The scripture often refers to Babylon as a woman. According to the book of Revelations she sits atop water (Rev. 17.1) has a “golden cup” (Rev.17.4) in her right hand and a crown of seven rays on her head. John the Apostle says that:

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(Rev 17:18) “And the woman which thou sawest in that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth”. The United Nations, in theory “reigns” over all the “kings” of the earth and is situated in New York… the great city where you can see the Statue of Liberty. The statue is the most well-known landmark in the US and the symbol of Babylon the prophets are referring to in their clues…

So why then are they also calling it the whore of Babylon? The key to this clue lies in ancient roman mythology. Libertas in Latin, Liberty in English is the name of the ancient Roman goddess of personal freedom especially in sexual matters… She was referred to as the Mother of Harlots by the famous Roman historian (and senator) Cicero’s and she is considered the matron goddess of prostitution This is exactly why when they saw this gigantic statue of Libertas the prophets called it the “whore” of Babylon.

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The fact that the US also provides 70% of pornographic movies and adult entrainment to the world and promotes sexual freedom is not a coincidence. It’s just another biblical prophecy come true: (Isaiah 47:8) “thou that art given to pleasures” (Rev 18:3):” For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication” […]”. It was written that at the end times, Babylon turns upon its heritage and destroys all the principles that made this country great. (Jer 50:11). Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced, O ye destroyers of thy heritage, because ye are grown fat as the heifer at grass; Our recent administrations have greatly expanded in size “ye are gown fat” and have instated laws that limit our constitutional freedoms and destroy the capitalist bases that made this country great. Just think of the Patriot act, food stamps and other entitlements, going on undeclared wars, civil forfeiture and the list goes on and on… The prophets warn of the many other sins of Babylon:

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Rev 18:5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. (Rev 18:23) “for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived”

(Isaiah 47: 12) “Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail”. This clue is also straight forward: Babylon’s merchants become great by deceiving all the nations of the earth. Their profits made them prevail. Incredibly Babylon’s greatest their “sorcery” is the US dollar.

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The Dollar became the world’s reserve currency and the lifeblood of all international trade after ww2 because it was backed by the biggest gold reserves on earth. That all changed in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard… the greatest monetary sorcery ever accomplished. And the nations went along and used the dollar for trade …while we kept on printing money until as some economists like Peter Schiff put it today… the Dollar is not worth the paper it’s printed on. Because of this, the US could buy and sell the nations of the world… who were all deceived… they give up their wealth and resources for something the Federal Reserve literally creates out of thin air… And so our merchants became the great men of the earth…using financial sorceries like: bailouts, stock and bond bubbles, Quantitative easing, and our national debt that tops $18 trillion… This is why the prophet Isaiah (47:13) accurately sees the FED, financial and investment brokers and stock market specialists as “astrologers, the stargazers and monthly prognosticators”… the sorcerers of Babylon. (Rev: 18: 24) “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth”. The US today is the largest exporter of weapons in the entire world. Babylon sells the tools that fuel worldwide bloodshed and it wages wars covertly or openly seeding destruction on the entire planet…

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All her wealth and power made the US proud and arrogant exactly as the prophets foretold: “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow “(Rev 18:7) “You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, 'No one sees me.' Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, 'I am, and there is none besides me. “(Isaiah 47:10) This is what we call today American exceptionalism… The US fulfills each ancient prophecy of Babylon to the letter… The super power that has abandoned its sound foundations and tuned to sorcery and sin Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap”. Babylon’s pride, greed and wrath will lead to the greatest event in human history… war with the great enemy of Babylon, exactly as the

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prophets foretold: Isaiah 13:5 “They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land”. Jeremiah 50:3 “For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate”. Go north through the “end of heaven”, the Arctic Pole, and you see

Russia, the only nation from the north that has the capability to destroy America. This clue is as chilling as the arctic wind as it geographically pinpoints the two countries capable of starting WW3 The prophets foretell that and at the start of this war Russia will unexpectedly use a very special weapon, “the weapon of indignation” against the whole territory of the US… a weapon like which the world has never seen…

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This is the start of World War 3 will be brought about by Russia using this mysterious weapon But how exactly will World War 3 start? The clues to when this event will happen come from the Prophet Daniel. In chapter 11:40, Daniel tells of the two kings who are destined to fight the greatest war in human history at the end times. He calls these two leaders the King of the North and the King of the south. This cryptic clue can be solved when by the fact that in ancient times the birthplace was very important And this is why Daniel identifies both kings by their birthplace relative to Jerusalem, the place where he had his visions.

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Vladimir Putin was born in St. Petersburg, Russia which lies to the north of Jerusalem. Does Putin fulfill the other Bible prophecies about him? (Daniel 11:36): “And the king shall do according to his will”: Putin has absolute power, he controls the media, the military and the economy of Russia.

(Daniel 11:37): “Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”. The “gods” Daniel is talking about are the rulers of Communist Russia - Lenin, Marx and Stalin. They were practically worshipped and pictures and statues of them were everywhere exactly like all other ancient pagan divinities. And they ruled in Russia for over 70 years. Putin sees himself superior to any of the former communist leaders magnifies himself above all. That is why Russian state controlled media shows Putin as a great politician and diplomat, a great sportsman – they show him fishing, swimming and practicing judo - a “god” better than the former communist “gods” in every way. Daniel (11:38) “But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces” During his term Putin greatly expanded the Russian military and as such honored the god of forces.

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Therefore Vladimir Putin fulfills all Bible prophecies regarding the King of the North The remaining question is whether Barack Obama is the King of the South?

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Officially he was bon Hawaii but some say the truth is that his actual birthplace is Kenya. Regardless both of these are, relative to the Equator, are to the south of Jerusalem. (Daniel 11:14)”And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south”. The Obama administration has managed to antagonize a lot of countries: Russia, China and many muslin countries like Syria, Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen would like to see the US fall apart.

Daniel left us undeniable clues as to the identity of the two kings which are matched perfectly by Obama and Putin their war according to the ancient text, therefore, must start before they leave office…

And that is January 2017… The destruction of Babylon is at close and getting closer with each passing minute… And both leaders are right on track to fulfill their destiny according to scripture Because as Danilel foretold “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him” The rush to conflict with Russia over Ukraine is not ordinary geopolitics… It’s Obama fulfilling his role according to the Bible.

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In 2014 CIA backed and funded regime change against the pro-Russian leadership in Ukraine… According to every source in mainstream media, Russia is unofficially at war with Ukraine. And to add even more fuel to the fire recently US army instructors, Humvees and drones have started arriving in the Ukraine Russia has warned that arming the Ukrainians could escalate into a real war. Furthermore, when Putin annexed Crimea, the western powers led by Obama imposed wave after wave of drastic economic sanctions on targeting the Russian economy. The US made a secret deal with Saudi Arabia to collapse the price of oil from $100 to close to $50 in order to cripple the Russian economy. Russia is dependent on oil exports as 40% of its budget comes from it. As the country goes bankrupt... Putin will have the perfect excuse to fulfill his role according to the holy Bible Just like a wild animal cornered and threatened, Russia will attack suddenly and without warning. We are galloping towards the inevitable Biblical disaster the Russian attack using the weapon of indignation The Holly Books shows how Babylon will feel the fury of this terrible weapon that will seal the fate of Babylon America: This weapon will hit our entire country and all our defenses will be in vain: Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet the spoilers come unto her (Jer 51:53)

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This weapon paralyzes our military and leaves it almost defenseless: “How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight: their might hath failed;” (Jeremiah 51:30). The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire, she hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: (Jeremiah 51:58); “Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken” (Jeremiah 51:56)

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And this weapon leaves Babylon silent and in darkness: Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms (Isaiah 47:5) There is only weapon capable of paralyzing the US Military`s equipment and leaving an entire continent in total darkness and painful silence…. The Russian weapon of indignation is an Electro Magnetic Pulse One single weapon will cause the fall of Babylon America An EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse is an electro-magnetic blast that cripples all unshielded electronic devices… and that’s nearly everything with wires running through it…

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That means all military command and control as well as all civilian equipment. One blast will take us to the dark ages… And the damage may take hundreds of years to repair… Our entire lives are built around the use of electricity. We use home appliances, drive around in cars with electric circuits, we warm ourselves and feed ourselves thanks to electricity. It’s what keeps our society together and our loved ones safe and secure. All of this will be gone in the blink of an eye of after an EMP.

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And All It Takes is a Single Warhead To Be Detonated Above The U.S.... And Russia has over 8500 warheads most of them aimed at the US. Many military experts have warned that an EMP device strategically detonated at an altitude of 20 miles above the surface of our country will destroy 99% of our electronic devices… and plunge America into silence and darkness. The biblical king of the North, Vladimir Putin, has trained his soldiers for this coming attack.

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Since Putin came to power, the number of nuclear drill exercises targeting the US skyrocketed The king of the North is preparing to fulfill his role according to the Holly Book

Babylon America will fall And in a short time after the EMP has struck the true terror will be unleashed inside the US… Exactly as the Scriptures predicted: Revelation 18:8: “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be burned with fire”. All of the people in airplanes will be killed as the aircraft plummet to the ground, all those who are on life support or in dire medical conditions will die… Pandemics and diseases will break out because of the lack of sanitation…

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Famine will start setting in as there will be no transportation…and with it, looting, food riots and desperate people… Some of our countrymen riot over discount electronics on black Friday... This time there will be no police, no law, no healthcare, no firefighters, no help… it will all descend into chaos and confusion Our great cities “shall be burned with fire”. And help will not come anytime soon: “And the kings of the earth, […] lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas Babylon has fallen, in one hour is thy judgment come” (Rev 18:9,10) Unfortunately, just like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah this too is inevitable. As the prophet Jeremiah says: “And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates: And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that It will bring upon her” (Jeremiah 51: 63,64) But unlike the total damnation of those sinful cities, in which barely anyone was left alive, this time, the Lord offers us timely warning and a chance to save ourselves and our loved ones.

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The warnings sent to us by the prophets are not in vain: But the one who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13) Only those who take these warnings seriously and start to prepare in time will be saved… That's why I’ve made this documentary.... the time to prepare is quickly running out. You have to look out for yourself and your family... When all hell breaks loose it will be every man for himself After realizing all this I knew I had to do something… I started researching survival strategies, I started speaking with the experts… the problem is that every plan out there relies on help coming because due from those who still have electricity. I knew I had to look somewhere else But there are people out there that are already prepared for this coming attack even though they don’t know is coming. People in remote areas all around the world that live comfortably without electricity: people up in the European mountains or in the plains of Asia, or in deep forests in the Amazon, or in the desert of Africa. These people live with NO electricity, and they live happy, comfortable lives. They are proof that we can live in a post - EMP world, if we know how. They hold the answer of living without of electricity, but nobody really needed to know their secrets… until now.

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These methods and techniques are passes down from generation to generation and protected as a legacy. So I left on a 3 year journey to find the solution to saving myself, my family and all other Christian and patriots who understand the revelations of the Bible. They don`t like outsiders in their communities and are suspicious of newcomers. But I managed to gain their trust! With an open heart, I went to these communities and requested shelter. They sensed I came with good intention, merely to learn from them and accepted me as an apprentice. Day and night I took notes and listened to their stories. I have discovered methods to keep food fresh without power. Places where you can find water... even if you live in a barren region. I learned how even seniors and children can survive without electricity...If they know exactly what to do. And even if it may seem impossible to you right now there are ways to find comfort and joy after such an unimaginable disaster hits But most importantly: how to keep yourself and your loved ones Alive after the fall…

It’s not hopeless and there are solutions out there…. After years of going from community to community, I realized, as a true Christian and Patriot, that I must share all my knowledge with those who are truly willing to prepare for this biblical disaster. I set to work on writing down everything I had learned and I put it all in a comprehensive guide to surviving and thriving during the

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coming dark ages Imagine that what’s coming will be worse than any Katrina, Sandy or any other natural disaster. It’s man made and it’s country wide… There will be no place to hide Faith, knowing what to do and preparing for what’s coming are the only things that will get you through the fall of Babylon… That is why I entitled my work "Alive after the fall".

This is the only thing out there specifically designed to get you through the effects of the weapon of indignation…

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