An Icon of Sacrifice: Anneliese Michel An Article by: Mark Jaztine P. Santos Article started July 1, 2016 (Friday) – July 8, 2016 (Friday)

Anna Elizabeth Michel Code Named “Emily Rose” She was born on September 21 1952 in Leibfling, Bavaria, West Germany and died July 1, 1976(aged 23) in Klingenberg am Main, Bavaria, West Germany. It’s been a long time, 40 years since her death. She fought the devil bravely. “Early Life” Anneliese grew up with a Devout Catholic family and she grew into a deeply religious person. Her ultimate desire is to be a Catechist. She did much penance in response to the post-Vatican II changes that the Church implemented. Her Classmates described her as “Withdrawn and Very religious”. Anna Michel, Anneliese’s mother recalls: “She liked life. She sang wilfully. She was an intelligent girl. Teachers and professors always complimented her.” For the last few years of her life, she had been overtaken and besieged by demonic forces that refused to allow her even a single moment of peace. Anneliese was a very passionate and feminine girl, and in her ways of thinking, she was your typical modern woman.” "She died to save lost souls, to atone for their sins. Anneliese was a kind, loving, sweet and obedient girl. But when she was possessed, it was something unnatural, something that you can't explain." She attends a mass twice a week. I am convinced to myself that she died a martyr. I hope someday, someday she will be canonized by the church as a saint. I salute and admire her for her Penance.

“The Beginning”

At the age of 17 in 1969, Anneliese began suffering from unusual seizures happening during the night, which involved her body suddenly becoming rigid, the sensation of an enormous weight on her chest, paralysis, and inability to speak. She was diagnosed as epileptic at the Psychiatric Clinic in Würzburg, although an autopsy after her death, including microscopic study of the brain, did not show any changes or damage that could be responsible for the alleged epilepsy. She was then sent to a psychiatric hospital in Mittleberg where she remained for about one year. In June 1970, Michel suffered a 3rd seizure at the psychiatric hospital where she had been staying. She began talking about seeing devil faces at various times of day. She complained about hearing voices and some telling her that she was “damned”, would “rot in Hell”, ”stew in hell” and these kept following her. She mentioned the "demons" to the doctors only once, explaining that they have started to give her orders. Suffering from what seemed to doctors to be major seizures, Anneliese returned to secondary school in the autumn of 1970, and in The Exorcism of Emily Rose 1973 attended the University Peter and Anneliese of Würzburg where she studied elementary education. The stay at the psychiatric hospital and the powerful psychotropic drugs recommended by this hospital did not improve Anneliese’s health and her depression worsened. At by 1973, she began having devilish hallucinations while praying and voices still kept on haunting her. She increasingly became intolerant of various religious objects. According to one scene on The Exorcism of Emily Rose that was based on her story, During their class, she saw demon faces on the window and even on the faces of her classmates resulting her to panic and quit their class, she saw demon faces on every person who passes her by, where she ran all her way to the church and her boyfriend Peter witnesses and followed her to the church where she saw Anneliese kneeling in the very front of the altar, No one San Damiano, Assisi

is inside the church aside from her. He made her way to Anneliese but Anneliese turned her head in a disturbing position of her body exclaiming “Don’t touch me” and then she fell and asked for his help. Back to the story, Anneliese went to San Damiano with a family friend who regularly organized such pilgrimages to “holy places” Being attacked at 3am even if it’s not officially recognized by the church. Her escort concluded she was suffering from demonic possession for the reason that she was unable to walk past a crucifix and refused to drink the water from the holy spring. One night, Anneliese’s hands appeared to be “enormous” to the extent that she would even claim that they were almost twice their normal size. At the table when Anneliese noticed this, she was noted as saying “I have black hands, Savior forgive me. She began to have horrifying terror inciting visions. “I see devil faces on the walls; they have 7 crowns and 7 horns.” “She was been attacked by a demon during 3am before she was possessed, It’s like the demon tries to rape her in one scene in “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” “. “Exorcism and Demonic Possession”

Her parents visited different pastors to request an exorcism. Their requests were rejected and they were given recommendations that the now 20 year old Anneliese should continue with medication and treatment. It was explained that the process by which the Church proves a possession (Infestatio) is strictly defined, and until all the criteria are met, a Bishop cannot approve an exorcism. The requirements, to name a few, include an aversion to religious objects, speaking in a Pastor Ernst Alt and Fr. Arnold Renz language the person has never learned, and supernatural powers. In 1974, after supervising Anneliese for some time, Pastor Ernst Alt requested a permit to perform the exorcism from the Bishop of Wurzburg. The request was rejected, and a recommendation soon followed saying that Anneliese should live even more of a religious lifestyle in order to find peace. Every time Anneliese recites the “Hail Mary” She would be violently thrown down to the ground again and again. She could not protect herself from these falls, so she would frequently injure her face and head. The attacks did not diminish, and her behavior becomes more erratic. She did so many disturbing actions; she performed 600 genuflections a day. She began to bite, insult, and beat every member of the family. She Josef Stangl

Anneliese Michel being possessed

could be heard screaming and bark like a dog for hours while breaking crucifixes, destroying paintings of Jesus, and pulling a part rosaries. She ate spiders, flies, coals and a bird’s head. She pulls her own hair and eats it. She scratched every wall in her room. She even licked on the floor and drank her own urine. She slept on a stone floor. She becomes aggressive every 3 am. She refused to eat because the demons would not allow her. Anneliese began committing acts of self-mutilation at this time, and the act of tearing off her clothes and urinating on the floor became commonplace. Every cross and paintings in their house turned upside down. The priest Ernst Alt, whom they met, on seeing her declared that "she didn't look like an epileptic" and that he did not see her having seizures. Alt believed she was suffering from demonic possession and urged the local bishop to allow an exorcism. In a letter to him in 1975, Michel wrote, "I am nothing, everything about me is vanity, what should I do, I have to improve, you pray for me" and also once told him, "I want to suffer for other people...but this is so cruel". After making an exact verification of the possession in September 1975, the Bishop of Wurzburg, Josef Stangl ordered the Exorcism. He assigned Father Arnold Renz and Pastor Ernst Alt with the order to perform "The Great Exorcism" on Anneliese Michel. The basis for this ritual was the "Rituale Romanum", which was still, at the time, a valid Cannon Law from the 17th century. From September '75 until July '76, one or two exorcism sessions were held each week. Anneliese's attacks were sometimes so strong that she Anneliese’s Exorcism would have to be held down by 3 men, or even chained up. During this time, Anneliese found her life somewhat return to normal as she could again go to school, take final examinations at the Pedagogic Academy in Wurzburg, and go to church. Her exorcism started September 24, 1975. It has been revealed that she was possessed by Cain, Nero, Judas Iscariot, Fr. Valentin Fleischmann; a fallen priest from 16 th century , Adolf Hitler, and Lucifer, and some other damned souls. Over 40 audio tapes recorded the process, in order to preserve the details. What the Demons said through Anneliese and the exorcists, from the tapes: What Lucifer said:   

"I want to conquer the earth for myself. In the meantime, I make a rich booty. I am filling up my kingdom. I take whatever I can take; I must convince you of this". "The majority have abandoned the Nazarene. How foolish! Those still faithful are a small flock". "I took Judas with me! He is always at my service. He is damned. He could have saved himself, but he has not followed the Nazarene". For those who do not know, "The enemies of the Church belong to us". 3am – is the witching hour, the devil’s hour. This time is where the demons used to mock the “holy trinity” since it was the opposite of 3 pm, the traditional hour where Jesus died.

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"O, if you had an idea of how things stand below! The visionary children of Fatima have seen it. If you had an idea..... You would be on your knees day and night at the tabernacle. I had to say it because the High Lady compels me to". The 'High Lady' refers to Our Lady. Fr Renz asks Lucifer - "You are responsible for heresies, eg those of Kung!". Lucifer replies - " Yes and we have still more". (Kung refers to Martin Luther and Every Protestant Religion and other Christian dominions) Lucifer said - "The priests should say that I exist. Or else they will all go down!"

What Judas said:

"I am damned for eternity! You careless people, if you could just imagine what it is to be damned for eternity! I am damned!  "I will not come out of the girl. Down there, it is too tormenting".  "If people knew what was in store for them by not going to church! It will fair them extremely bad".  "These modernists are the result of my work and they already belong to me".  "They no longer obey the Pope in Rome. It is the one in Rome who still keeps the Church going". Anneliese Michel being possessed  "Humanae Vitae is also with no result. It is useless"  "The religious in monasteries watch TV and don't pray enough, do not kneel down and they extend their paws (ie, receive Holy Communion in the hand). What Cain said: "I have killed my brother. I am burning" What Hitler said:

"Men are so beastly stupid! They believe that after death all is finished. But life goes on, either up or down" What Father Fleischmann said:

"I was a priest at Ettleben. I am damned. It is horrible down there. Judas pulled me down there".  " I am damned because I fulfilled my duties very badly"  "I have killed 1 person and I had women".  "I prayed too little. I was always in a hurry to finish my sacred duties. Now, I am down there languishing for eternity".  "No priests should marry".  "If the bishops did not permit communion in the hand, this would not have happened" (this refers to consecrated hosts being sold). What Nero said:Anneliese Michel being possessed  "You should follow the message of Fatima!"  "Humanae Vitae is decisive, the whole Humanae Vitae!"  "The rosary should be recited, or else it is the end!"

Fr Renz asks about Bishop Lefebvre. Lucifer replies, "Ha! That one! But they don't believe in him. What a pity". Miscellaneous things the demons said:        

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"The modernists are killing the Church. We are hard at work at this". "No one speaks any longer of us, especially the parish priests". "The bishops are so foolish as to believe the theologians like Kung rather than the Pope." "This is the month of the rosary but very few recite it, because the parish priests think it's not modern. They are so foolish! If they knew its importance! It is a strong weapon against Satan and against us." Nero said, "The Dutch bishops are heretics. They have become unfaithful to the Pope!" "Catholics have the true doctrine and they run after the Protestants like prostitutes!" "There in the synods, they continue to deliberate. The bishops already know what they should do. There would be no need of synods if they followed the Pope. For them the Pope is foolish! They are those who let that thing (the host) be given in the hands!" "The doctrine is falsified in the Church!" "Many do not go to church any longer. No one kneels down to the Blessed Sacrament. And the Church is not doing well since the time it was founded. The churches are so modern! The Nazarene and His Mother are now attacking!" "People should go to confession". Judas says, "The giving of Communion in the hand The Exorcism of Emily Rose was my work". "Holy water should come back to houses! Also, the crucifix should return to its place in the home". "The Holy Face should be venerated!" "The Divine Mercy image should be propogated". "It is very important to pray to St Joseph. Rather it is most important!". "If the message of Fatima is not given due importance and Humanae Vitae, a new punishment will come". "It won't last much longer. The chastisement is coming". "The contents of the audio cassette must beforehand be made public. Many will yet be saved." "Guardian angels are day and night near you, behind you. Today people do not believe in guardian angels. Guardian angels are my enemies. I hate them." Nero said, "Abortion is homicide" The Exorcism of Emily Rose Lucifer said, "The apparitions of San Damiano and Montechiari are true. The Church did not approve them, but this is the fruit of our work." Judas said, "People standing during Holy Communion pleases me more than kneeling. I do everything possible that no one be on his knees."

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In 1975, Judas also said, "We are very happy with the new reforms. We are most happy with these changes." "The films are bad and TV not better".

“The Last Letter and Death”

What the Demons said to be important

Anneliese gave a hand written letter to the exorcists on June 30, 1976, saying that she no longer wanted exorcisms. In the letter she said that the Blessed Mother of God, The Virgin Mary, spoke to her. The dialogue I will base is on the movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose that is based on her story and this is exactly more like it. The Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the scene of “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” Anneliese: Why do I suffer like this? Why did the demons not leave me tonight? Mary: I am sorry but the demons are going to stay where they are... Mary: You can come with me in peace, free from your bodily form. Or you can choose to continue this, you will suffer greatly but through you many will come to be saved and see that the realm of the spirit is real. The choice is yours. Anneliese: I choose to stay... She fell down and was returned to her body receiving stigmata, the letter concludes with a statement saying “In the end, good will triumph all evil. Through my experience, the world will know that the demons are real. People say that God is dead, but how can they think that if I show them the Devil?"  She gave her two choices. 1. To be freed from the demons immediately, or 2. To remain possessed for a time longer to show the entire world the dangers and power of demons, which would save souls suffering from the Purgatory and save other souls away from hell. This just proves that God, The Devil, Heaven and Hell is real.  Anneliese predicted her death on July 1, 1976 where she will die in the state of grace and the demons will have to leave her. On July 1, 1976, the day that Anneliese had predicted as the day of her liberation, she died in her sleep. At midnight when, according to what she said, the demons had to leave her, she stopped raging. Exhausted but peaceful, she finally went to sleep and never woke up. Their house where she died. Anna Michel her mother carries the burden alone. Her siblings have families. His father died years ago.

Stigmata – wounds of Jesus Christ

Anneliese on the left and her family

The last day of the Exorcism Rite was on June 30th, 1976 where she gave the hand written letter to the exorcist. She had pneumonia, she was also totally emaciated, and running a high fever. She was exhausted and very unable to physically perform the genuflections herself; her parents stood in and helped carry her through the motions. As she knew that the time has come for her. The last word and statement she said is “Beg for Absolution” to the exorcists. The last word that Anneliese said to her mother, “Mother, I’m afraid”. She forced herself to fast after the exorcisms to get rid of the influence of Satan. She died bearing stigmata which shows that God loves her and a representation of her sacrifice. Anna Michel recorded the death of her daughter on the following day, July 1st, 1976, and at noon, Pastor Ernst Alt informed the authorities and priests in Aschaffenburg. The trial court accused her parents and the two exorcists of negligent homicide (letting someone die) the court believes that Anneliese could have survived one week before she died by putting them into 6 months in jail and 3 years probation. Anneliese died weighing only 30kg(68 pounds) due to malnourishment and dehydration. She also had broken knees due to continuous genuflections and she was unable to move by herself the time before she died. After the trial, the parents asked the authorities for permission to exhume the remains of their daughter. The official reason presented by the parents to authorities was Anneliese’s grave for Pilgrimage. that Michel had been buried in undue hurry in a cheap coffin. Almost two years after the burial, on 25 February 1978, her remains were replaced in a new oak coffin lined with tin. Her resting place is in Klingenberg Cemetery,Germany where she was buried with her half sister Martha. Her grave is a pilgrimage for people for rosary praying and I believe that she died a martyr to save the souls in the purgatory. Why would a religious person be possessed by demons? It’s not because she fears the demon but this is a proof enough about the power of demons. 3 films were based on her, naming The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Requiem, Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes and 1 Book “The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel” “I suffer for others... People say that God is dead, that God isn’t real, but how can they think if I show them the Devil?” -Anneliese Michel “She died to save the lost souls as the atonement for their sins” – Anna Michel, Her Mother It’s been a long journey and it’s been 3 years since my search has started. Celebrating her 40th Death Anniversary, resting with God. For me, she’s not just an icon of sacrifice but an icon of salvation. “BEG FOR ABSOLUTION”

An Icon of Sacrifice.pdf

possessed, it was something unnatural, something that you can't. explain. ... head in a disturbing position of her body exclaiming “Don't touch me” and then she fell and. asked for ... Every time Anneliese recites the “Hail Mary” She. would be ...

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