14 ѧýlÅ K. LALITHA BAI Associate Professor in English, Hyderabad.

COMMUNICATION ABILITY Directions (Q. No. 1 - 3): Choose the correct meaning of the word given: 1. PREDICAMENT 1) Quandary 2) Composure 3) Benign 4) Surfeit 2. GLUT 1) Jubilant 2) Flood 3) Dessert 4) Malign 3. GROSS 1) Course 2) Coarse 3) Route4) Classes Directions (Q. No. 4 - 5): Choose the word opposite in meaning of the word given: 4. OBLITERATE 1) Exculpate 2) Lacerate 3) Bemuse 4) Forge 5. CALLOUS 1) Insolent 2) Soulless 3) Flexible 4) Compassionate Directions (Q. No. 6 - 10): Fill in the blank by choosing the correct word given below. 6. Researchers have succeeded in creating a homogenous and finemeshed electrically conductive network by making plastic ____. 1) logistic 2) genetic material 3) graphene 4) conductive 7. I ____ people who do not mean what they say. 1) offer 2) ashamed of 3) dislike 4) feel superior 8. Hyderabad gets hot during summer. It is ____the rest of the time. 1) suffocating 2) humid 3) sultry 4) pleasant 9. The train will reach the ____ at the station at the ____ time. 1) stop; last 2) terminal; eleventh 3) halt; ninth 4) destination; scheduled 10. The infection may ____ if you don't take any antibiotic. 1) effect 2) affect 3) spread 4) contaminate Directions (Q. No. 11 - 13): Choose the correct answer to the following questions. 11. Identify the imperative sentence from the following: 1) This is my favourite book. 2) The butter was in the cupboard yesterday 3) I love this dress 4) Play the movie 12. He said, 'I may meet you tomorrow.' This sentence can also be written as: 1) He said that he might meet you tomorrow 2) He said that he might meet me tomorrow 3) He says that he might meet you tomorrow 4) He said that he may meet me tomorrow 13. A: May I help you? B: It's no business of yours. B is ____ 1) cordial 2) rude 3) passionate 4) polite 14. Change the following into active voice:

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AP ICET-2016 Model Questions

The door is opened by him. 1) He opened the door 2) Let him open the door 3) He opens the door 4) He is opening the door 15. The underlined phrase means. He has put on weight. 1) Lifted 2) Carried 3) Situated 4) Grown 16. The meaning of the underlined idiom is: Don't be nuts. 1) Go weird 2) Go social 3) Go crazy 4) Go party Directions (Q. No. 17 - 25): Fill in the blanks with appropriate article/phrase/verb/preposition. 17. Knowledge shouldn't only be measured _____ terms of its usefulness but also be sought ____ its own sake. 1) for; in 2) in; from 3) for; through 4) in; for 18. The committee ____ these questions carefully. 1) debate 2) debates 3) debating 4) is debate 19. Once you have made up your mind, you are free ____worry. 1) for 2) from 3) to 4) with 20. When you enter the house, ____ your shoes. 1) take off 2) take away 3) take down 4) take up 21. When giving an account ____ a person's character illustrate your answer. 1) above 2) along 3) of 4) for 22. This is ____ fifth day of our conference. 1) a 2) the 3) an 4) No article required 23. ____ curiosity is a great trait. 1) The 2) What 3) He 4) No article 24. He has been ____ in joy for the past few hours. 1) jumps 2) jump 3) jumped 4) jumping 25. Where have you been this long? Everyone ____ for you. 1) waits 2) waited 3) is waiting 4) will wait Directions (Q. No. 26 - 30): Read the following passage and answer questions. The word euthanasia is of Greek origin and literally means 'a good death.' The American Heritage Dictionary defines it as 'the act of killing a person painlessly for reasons of mercy.' Such killing can be done through active means, such as administering a lethal injection, or by passive means, such as withholding medical care or food and water. In recent years in the United States, there have been numerous cases of active euthanasia in the news. They usually involve the deliberate killing of ill or incapacitated persons by relatives or friends who plead that they can no longer bear to see their loved ones suffer. Although such killings are a crime, the perpetrators are often dealt with leniently by our legal system, and the media usually portrays them as compassionate heroes who take personal risks to save another from unb-

earable suffering. The seeming acceptance of active forms of euthanasia is alarming, but we face a bigger, more insidious threat from passive forms of euthanasia. Every year, in hospitals and nursing homes around the country, there are growing numbers of documented deaths caused by caregivers withholding life-sustaining care, including food and water, from vulnerable patients who cannot speak for themselves. While it is illegal to kill someone directly, for example with a gun or knife, in many cases the law has put its stamp of approval on causing death by omitting needed care. Further, many states have 'living will' laws designed to protect those who withhold treatment, and there have been numerous court rulings which have approved of patients being denied care and even starved and dehydrated to death. Because such deaths occur quietly within the confines of hospitals and nursing homes, they can be kept hidden from the public. Most euthanasia victims are old or very ill, so their deaths might be attributed to a cause other than the denial of care that really killed them. Further, it is often relatives of the patient who request that care be withheld. In one court case, the court held that decisions to withhold lifesustaining care may be made not only by close family members but also by a number of third parties, and that such decisions need not be reviewed by the judicial system if there is no disagreement between decision makers and medical staff. The court went so far as to rule that a nursing home may not refuse to participate in the fatal withdrawal of food and water from an incompetent patient! 26. The tone of the author can best be described as: 1) Pleading 2) Argumentative 3) Compassionate 4) Emphatic 27. The author finds starvation and dehydration induced euthanasia is to be 'more insidious' because 1) Euthanasia is legally considered to be a criminal act 2) The public’s attitude toward euthanasia is becoming more positive 3) It often involves those who cannot protest 4) The patient has asked to die with dignity 28. The author maintains that death by withholding care is: 1) Largely confined to hospitals 2) Largely confined to the terminally ill 3) Often requested by family members 4) Approved by living wills 29. Which of the statements given below is true? A: Deaths of this kind can be hidden from the public. B: Most euthanasia victims are old or very ill. 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Both A & B 4) Neither A or B 30. Which statement is false?

1) In recent years in the United States, there have been numerous cases of active euthanasia in the news 2) Although such killings are a crime, the perpetrators are often dealt with stringently by our legal system 3) The word euthanasia is of Greek origin and literally means 'a good death' 4) It is illegal to kill someone directly, for example with a gun or knife Directions (Q. No. 31 - 35): Read the following passage and answer questions. Forest fires can endanger people and wildlife, and controlling a burn is expensive, both in terms of manpower and financial cost. Yet, wildfires are a natural occurrence and serve important ecosystem functions. Forest landscapes are dynamic and change in response to variations in climate and to disturbances from natural sources, such as fires caused by lightning strikes. Forests respond to these disturbances through a natural process called succession, a recovery process that occurs in predictable stages and enables forest regeneration. Many tree species evolve to take advantage of fire, and periodic burns can contribute to overall forest health. Fires move through the forest, burning lower branches and clearing dead wood from the forest floor. Clearing the forest of 'clutter,' as one site puts it, 'kick-starts regeneration by providing ideal growing conditions.' It also improves the forest floor as habitat for many species that prefer relatively open spaces to a dense thicket of brush and dead branches. After a fire burns down a swath of woodland, a sequence of ecological responses called 'succession' begins. Amid the charred forest remains, a flourishing of pioneer species begins usually quick growing grasses and weeds, followed by a steady advance of slower-growing, taller species of plants. The first trees to emerge are often small pines, followed by larger pines and finally by hardwood species such as oak and hickory. The succession process begins quickly but it can take decades or even hundreds of years for a forest ecosystem to move from its early 'pioneer' stage to its 'climax' stage. 31. Read the statements given below and mark the correct one: A: Forest fires can make the lives of people and wildlife vulnerable. B: Controlling fire is cost effective. 1) Only A 2) only B 3) Both A & B 4) Either A or B 32. Mark the false statement: 1) Forest landscapes are vibrant 2) Wildfires are a natural occurrence 3) Many tree species evolve to take advantage of fire 4) The first trees to emerge are often large pines 33. The author opines that forest fires are:

1) Deadly causing a lot of trouble 2) Lively bringing more sources 3) Evolves vegetation 4) The succession process is slow 34. The meaning of steady is: 1) Solid 2) Resonance 3) Protected 4) Stable 35. The antonym of pioneer is: 1) Forge 2) Late 3) Lead 4) Initial Directions (Q. No. 36 - 40): Read the following passage and answer questions. While the engineers of prehistoric times naturally remain anonymous, we yet find even in antiquity very few names to remind us that the innumerable great engineering works were created by living men. The history of all ages teaches us that great deeds are unimaginable without great men. But what the names of these men were, how they lived, what were their ideas about their work, all this is almost entirely outside our knowledge. Civilization could not have been developed without the work of engineers, but it was not considered necessary to enter their names in the book of history along with those of princes and kings, statesmen and generals. Hence the little that we know of those engineers of long past times will never be more than a few scraps here and there. But we will be thankful for the little that the industry of the learned has dug out of old writings, monuments and documents, even if it is of no great help in enabling us to add anything of importance to the great works themselves. 36. The synonym of Enabling is: 1) Facilitating 2) Felicitating 3) Proximity 4) Propensity 37. The meaning of Anonymous is: 1) Medieval 2) Ancient 3) Antique 4) Mysterious 38. What is the author's opinion? 1) Engineers have got great recognition 2) Their names were entered in the record books 3) They got equal appreciation along with the princes 4) Most of the early inventors are unknown 39. 'Civilization could not have been developed without the work of engineers' means: 1) Engineers have not contributed their might 2) Very few engineers have got the recognition for their works 3) Engineers have played a vital role in development 4) It was not considered necessary to enter their names in the book of history 40. The knowledge pertaining to these engineers is ____. 1) rudimentary 2) sarcastic 3) exploratory 4) fantastic 1) 1 6) 4 11) 4 16) 3 21) 3 26) 3 31) 1 36) 1

2) 2 7) 3 12) 1 17) 4 22) 2 27) 3 32) 4 37) 4

KEY 3) 2 8) 4 13) 2 18) 2 23) 4 28) 3 33) 3 38) 4

4) 4 9) 4 14) 3 19) 2 24) 4 29) 3 34) 4 39) 3

5) 4 10) 3 15) 4 20) 1 25) 3 30) 2 35) 2 40) 1


network by making plastic ____. 1) logistic ... station at the ____ time. 1) stop ... The committee ____ these quest- ions carefully. ... the media usually portrays them as .... names to remind us that the innum- erable great engineering works were.

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