Appendix 1h treatment programs incorporating biblical scripture with Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous “These special counseling groups explore: 

Biblical scripture and the relationship to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous”

(Director of La hacienda Myers Raymer See also appendix 1:b) “The Christian Roots of the Twelve Steps Christian 12 Steps as used in Christian Rehab Centers. The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous have, with God's help, led millions of alcoholics, addicts and codependents to recovery for over 70 years. Written by AA co-founder Bill W., the Twelve Steps are based on the principles of The Oxford Group, an evangelical Christian movement in the early 20th century founded by Lutheran minster Dr. Frank Buchman.”….. …….“The breakaway meetings Bill and Bob held for alcoholics who wanted to get sober but felt similarly burned by the church became known as Alcoholics Anonymous after the book of the same name was first published in 1939. As Christians, we know Jesus told His disciples to “follow Me” and not “follow My people,” ……..“Today as back then, addicts who study the 12 Steps and the principles they embody are discovering and embracing who their Higher Power really is -- Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Lord of the Universe! The Twelve Steps These are the Twelve Steps as they are printed in The Life Recovery Bible. The words "alcohol" and "alcoholics" have been replaced respectively with "dependencies" and "others", and "God as we understood Him" is shortened simply to "God"…….

Highwatch Recovery Centre (Kent, Connecticut USA) “intensive teaching of 12 Step principles of Alcoholics Anonymous to support remission; living sober aftercare education and family education for sustained recovery.”

“We are the only center founded by AA co-founder Bill W.. We are honored to be the keepers of his legacy.” Lamb of God Recovery Centers “Each individual’s program is tailored to his specific needs, utilizing the latest proven methods of cognitive behavior therapy and 12-step work from a biblical perspective. The 12-step process is the pattern to develop coping strategies for a lifestyle free from substances abuse. Through these approaches we have become a well-know and proven leader in licensed faith-based recovery. Curriculum includes the following: AA Legacy, Genesis Process, Journey to Freedom, and GraceWalk Our A.A. Legacy to the Faith Community: This curriculum is a “Twelve-Step Guide for Those Who Want to Believe.” Written by three sponsees of Clarence Snyder, known as the AA member with the most years of sobriety. Contributions from Dr. Bob, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous are also included.” (Extracts Lamb of Gob Recovery Centers webpage): Alcoholics Anonymous may be becoming synonymous with Christianity in developing Countries: Uganda “Serenity Centre evolved from the ministries of some Missionaries of Africa, Holy Cross and the Society of Jesus (SJ) in Uganda. As early as 1985 Fr. Maurice Gelinas (RIP), Missionaries of Africa began Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) fellowships in Kampala. He wrote, and counseled some sufferers, and began to advocate for a treatment centre. In 1992, Fr. Anthony Wach, S.J., joined this mission by providing hospitality to a few addicts in the Jesuit community in Nsambya.”

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