April 1, 2015/Volume 40/Issue 4

Zion Lutheran Church / Stewartville / Minnesota / 507-533-4283

CHECK INSIDE: April Calendar of Events April Worships Bible Study Birthday list Blood Pressure Clinic Book Club Camp Christian Service Group Channel One Sunday Channel One Tour Church Stats Cookie Walk Cookie & Canvas Early Childhood Screening Easter Breakfast Easter Egg Hunt Enough Food for All Exploring the Faith-Holy Communion Exploring the Faith—Baptism Grow a Row Guatemala Mission Trip Pictures HOPE Family Support Group Kitchen Usage Checklist Lost and Found Malaria Campaign Totals Medical Mission Trip Talk Mission Quilters Mother/Daughter/Friend Salad Supper New Members: Welcomed at Church New Member Sunday Office Help Needed Orris Strum Birthday Celebration Parish Nurse—Food Safety Pick a Number Prayers Prayer Ventures Summer Worship Leaders Needed Sunday School News Thank Yous The Bridge Volunteer Appreciation Women’s Bible Study Zion Youth News

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NEW MEMBER SUNDAY – APRIL 26 Twice a year, in April and in October, we have times of welcoming new disciples to Zion’s community of faith. It is with joy that we anticipate receiving new members on Sunday, April 26, at both the 8:30 and 10:30 services. In April there will be two gatherings for those who would like to join Zion: 1. Sunday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. 2. Tuesday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings will conclude shortly after 7:30 p.m. If you are interested in becoming a member of Zion, please call the church office (5334283) or sign up on the New Member sheet on the Welcome Center as you first enter the Fellowship Hall.

EASTER EGG HUNT Zion’s Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday April 4th at 9am. We are looking for donations of Easter candy to be used to fill the eggs. Please make sure the candy will fit inside plastic Easter eggs. Some good ideas are: Hershey Kisses, individual Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, individual LifeSavers, Tootsie Rolls, bite size candy bars etc. Please bring donations to the church.


APRIL WORSHIPS April 2 Maundy Thursday 6:45 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion April 3 Good Friday 6:45 p.m. Good Friday Worship April 5 Resurrection of Our Lord/Eater Day 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service with Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion April 12 Second Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship Henley Kae Halda’s Baptism Vallynn Ray Copley’sBaptism April 19 Third Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion Keenan Cole James Shaw’s Baptism April 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:30 a.m. Worship Lincoln Stewart Johnson’s Baptism 10:30 a.m. Worship

WANTED: SUMMER WORSHIP LEADERS! With all the signs of spring around us we know that it won’t be long and summer will be upon us! During the summer months we will continue to worship at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. This is a time of the year when our choirs and Wellspring take a break from singing at worship services, so we’d love to make use of the gifts of a wider range of our Zion people during the summer months. Here are some ways you can help lead worship:  As a soloist or part of a small group of musicians bringing a special music number;  As a part of a group of singers, a pianist, and/or instrumentalist to help lead the singing, especially at the 10:30 service;  Preaching a sermon or giving the children’s message (the pastors would be happy to meet with you and give you the support you need!);  All the “usual” ways: greeters, ushers, scripture readers, communion helpers, acolytes, and the like. Please don’t feel like you have to be “polished” to serve as a worship leader. We all learn and grow in our levels of comfort as we venture out into new experiences! Please indicate your interest in serving this summer by signing up on the “Summer Worship” sheet on the sign-up table.

PLEASE CALL ZION Please call 533-4283 if you or a family member or neighbor, are hospitalized, so that we may provide pastoral care.

Enough Food for All is our synod’s six-year initiative to end food insecurity in southeastern Minnesota by 2020. Members of the Enough Food for All Task Force have now divided into four working groups. Healthy Food Mission: To increase access to healthier foods for the people of southeastern Minnesota. Description of anticipated goals/activities: 1. Strengthen partnerships with existing organizations 2. Develop healthy food programs/ministries for congregations to implement, 3. Educate the synod about the importance of healthy food within the Enough Food for All Initiative. Advocacy Mission: To educate and build awareness of food insecurity issues and advocate for lasting solutions Description of anticipated goals/activities: 1. To provide resources and information throughout the SE MN Synod 2. To inform folks of pending legislation that may help to end food insecurity on an ongoing basis Hands-On Mission: To increase the hands-on activities of Southeastern Minnesota Synod congregations Description of anticipated goals/activities: 1. Develop a booklet for churches to use with chapters of categories such as A. definitions of food insecurity B. descriptions or stories of projects each church is doing C. the overall goals of our group D. inspirational quotes or books to read on the subject 2. Develop a Speakers Bureau to visit churches and provide ideas and examples of programs they could use

Building Bridges – Making Connections 3 Through Food Mission: (1) To educate and empower those who have been blessed so they can see their role in blessing others, (2) To educate and empower those with food insecurity so they receive God’s blessings from a variety of places and hands Description of anticipated goals/activities: 1. Provide tools that help people give thanks for God’s grace and blessings A. Donating food and money for food B. Volunteering to distribute, prepare, collect food C. Interacting with those receiving food with respect 2. Remove stigma too often associated with receiving food A. Educate one another to show how great the need is in our own communities B. Educate one another to see each other as brothers and sisters in Christ (rather than the circumstances, culture or appearances that too often define us) C. Educate one another to show that food security needs are circumstantial as well as short and long term 3. A central focus on discipleship: as follows of Jesus we are called to…. A. Share what we have been given B. Serve those in need C. Strengthen families big and small This information has been quoted from the web site of the Southeast MN Synod (semn.org) and presented here by Diaconal Minister Doug Spiotta. He is one of two Zion members who are Mission Interpreters. Sharon Kueker s the other. Their role is to share with their fellow members of Zion the program ministries of both the ELCA and SE MN Synod, which fulfill God’s Work and Our Hands. Doug is member of the Advocacy Team of Enough Food For All Initiative.

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Confirmation & Club 56 Return

We’ll return to business as usual on Wednesday, April 8th. Join us for choir at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6pm and Club 56 or Confirmation at 6:30pm.

Community Food Drive

Our first night back at Confirmation will be our annual food drive! Confirmation youth are invited to come, learn more about hunger and then go out into the community to serve by collecting food and donations. Adults are needed as drivers—talk to Anna if you’re available!

Senior Sunday

Seniors, we want to honor and bless you at this wonderful time in your life. Please plan to join us in worship on Sunday, May 17th with your classmates. Look for a letter with more info to go out in mid-April.

Cocoa & Conversation

We’ve been meeting in the Youth Office on Sunday mornings to share the highs and lows of our week and pondering one question together while drinking cocoa and enjoying treats. Join us!

Question to Ponder How does the resurrection change my life?

We have a God that has overcome sin and death. Have you ever thought about how incredible that is? While you’re dying eggs and finding candy this Easter, share among your family how the resurrection changes how you look at the world. One example, each winter I hold onto the hope of the resurrection knowing that Spring will eventually come (someday)!

BOOK CLUB The selection to read for the May 11th meeting of book club is The Girl With the Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. The famous painting by the same name was painted by Johannes Vermeer in Holland in the 1600’s. The novel comes to life through the eyes of a 16 year old girl who becomes the subject of the painting. It is a skillfully imagined story about the young woman who enriches the life of the wellknown artist and becomes the subject of his famous painting. 2015 Book List: May 11 - "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier July 13 - "Ordinary Grace" by William Kent Krueger September 14 - "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by C. S. Lewis November 9 - "A Boreal Owl Murder" by Jan Dunlap Please join us for book club on Monday, May 11, at 7 p.m. in Zion’s library.

MISSION QUILTERS We will meet again on Wednesdays, April 1st and 15th at 8:30 a.m. Any interested quilters and friends are invited to meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to sort, iron, organize, embroider, assemble and sew quilts to be donated. This is an important mission from Zion, as we share our time and talents for others. Coffee time included!

MOTHER/DAUGTER/FRIEND SALAD SUPPER Attention Ladies! The Annual Mother/ Daughter/Friend Salad Supper will be held on Sunday, May 3rd beginning at 5:00 p.m. Please bring a salad to share and a paper product donation for the women's shelter in Rochester. ATTENTION ALL DISH LOVERS! If you would be willing to use your favorite dinnerware to set a table for six for the annual Mother/Daughter Salad Supper on May 3rd, please contact Turi Fryer (533-6376) for details. We will need 16 tables so come one, come all with your table-setting ideas!

CHURCH STATISTICS Baptisms: David Ray Hepner 3-08-15 Paxton Ray Fjetland Splittstoesser 3-15-15 Hannah Lynn Voll 3-15-15 Alexander James Johnson 3-29-15 Funeral: Dale Bohlman


From the Parish Nurse:...



April 7th is World Health Day. The World Health Organization has chosen food safety as their topic for this year. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 Americans die of food borne diseases. What can you do to protect yourself and your family from food borne illness? 

SEPARATE: Don't cross-contaminate one food with another. Avoid crosscontaminating foods by washing hands, utensils, and cutting boards after they have been in contact with raw meat or poultry and before they touch another food. Put cooked meat on a clean platter, rather back on one that held the raw meat.

COOK: Meat, Poultry and Eggs thoroughly. Using a thermometer to measure the internal temperature of meat is a good way to be sure that it is cooked sufficiently to kill bacteria. For example, ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F. Eggs should be cooked until the yolk is firm.

CHILL: Refrigerate leftovers promptly. Bacteria can grow quickly at room temperature, so refrigerate leftover foods if they are not going to be eaten within 4 hours.

Remember these tips when planning picnics and road trips. This information is from the following sites:

CLEAN: Wash your hands with soap and water before preparing food. Wash cutting http://www.cdc.gov/Features/dsFoodborneEstimates/ boards, dishes, utensils (including knives), and counter tops with hot, soapy water after http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/consumer/ preparing each food item and before going en/5keys_en.pdf?ua=1 on to the next food. Wash produce. Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables in running tap water to remove visible dirt and grime.

EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING April 7 from 8 am to 2:20 pm at Grace Free Church. Early Childhood screenings are for children ages 3 ½ to 5 years of age. Please call 533-1404 to set up an appointment for your child, screening is free of charge.

DO YOU KNOW YOUR NUMBERS? Blood Pressure Clinic

The next blood pressure clinic will be April 12th between services in the reflection room. Hope to see you there.

THANK YOUS THANK YOU to the March Chair-people: Michael and Turi Fryer and Co-Chairs: Jim and Sherry Oeltjenbruns.


THANK YOU to everyone who helped with worship services in March. THANK YOU to Zion’s Meals on Wheels helpers for March Jim and Kathy Bartels. THANK YOU to the March Altar Guild members: Sandy Frank and Ron and Sue Piedmont. THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the PowerPoints and video taping our March Worship services. A big THANK YOU to all of the Zion teams who planned, prepared, served, and cleaned up Wednesday evening meals during Lent: National Youth Gathering youth participants, parents, and leaders Education Team & Altar Guild Property Management & Design Teams Church Council Stewardship & Personnel Teams Women's Team & Mission Quilters

OFFICE HELP NEEDED Please call the church office if you are able to help on any of these days: Thursday, April 23rd 3 pm—4:30 pm Monday, May 4th 8:30 am—1 pm Monday, May 18th All Day Tuesday—Friday, May 26-29 All Day

Above: Bev Wise and Dr. G. Right: Bev Wise

MEDICAL MISSION TRIPS On April 19th Bev Wise will talk about her medical mission trips to the Dominican Republic and Guatemala and why she goes on them. If you have ever thought of taking part in a medical mission trip, or another type of mission trip, or just want to hear about Bev’s adventures, please join us in the Reflection Room at about 9:40 AM, between the Sunday services.



NEW KITCHEN USAGE CHECKLIST Due to the number of individuals or groups (within or outside Zion) using the Zion Kitchen, the Kitchen Usage Task Force has developed a Kitchen Clean-Up Checklist designed to assist those who use the kitchen for any reason. This checklist will be available on a bright pink clipboard that will be hung in the kitchen. Following each usage, the checklist will be completed, signed, and placed under the secretary’s office door (during off hours) by the individual or group. The secretary will assist by adding a new checklist to the clipboard for the next individual or group using the kitchen. The hope is that implementation of this new tool will help alleviate some of the confusion surrounding proper clean-up guidelines and ensure that the kitchen will always be clean and ready for the next event. Prior to implementation of the new checklist, copies will be available on the sign-up table in the Fellowship Hall. Please feel free to review and share your feedback with any of the task force members. Thank you, Pastor Kim, Diane Berglund, Char Ferrie, Ann Olson, Kathy Ottjes, Kathy Ranzenberger, Sharon Strum, and Marcia Winch

ZION IS ON FACEBOOK Click on Like and get updates on happenings at Zion. See what is happening at Zion, ask questions or post comments.

CAMP Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to explore your faith this summer?! Good Earth Village is an outdoor ministry offering a variety of summer programs to children, youth, and families, located just outside Spring Valley. Go online to http:// www.goodearthvillage.org/ to check out their summer programs and to register. To help offset the cost of camp, Zion has campership funds available. Once you've registered through GEV, go to Zion's website under the "Children's Ministry" tab to find the form to let us know you'd like to receive campership funds. Contact Pr. Kim or Anna Wencl with questions.


VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION Attention all Zion teachers and ministry volunteers! On Sunday, April 26, we would like to take time during worship (both services) to thank all of you who serve in ministry at Zion. Zion has lots of programs and ministry opportunities, and it takes a lot of people to make it all happen! So, if you serve in one or more of the following ministries in any capacity, please plan to attend either 8:30 or 10:30 worship so the community can thank you for sharing your gifts: Sunday School Club 56 7th-9th grade Confirmation National Youth Gathering Participants Senior Choir Wellspring JAM Singers Joy Singers Christian Service Groups Wednesday Evening Meals Bulletin Helpers Meals on Wheels Prayer Chain Backpack Team Messenger Helpers Grow-a-Row Dinner for 8 Office Help Bible Study Leaders Library Board

Zion Baptismal Sponsors Mission Quilters Mission Interpreters Altar Guild Funeral Help Church Council Personnel Team Endowment Team Design Team Women's Team Welcome Team Education Team Technology Team Stewardship Team Parish Nurses and Health Ministry Team Property Management Team Building Brainstorming Bunch Kitchen Committee

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Zion’s Women’s Bible Study will meet on Thursday, April 16 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. to discuss Job 4-6. If you missed out on the introduction to the book of Job in March, don't worry. Come join us anyway! No previous Bible experience necessary. All are welcome to join this group for conversation as we read Scripture and grow in faith together.

SPRING COOKIE WALK The spring cookie walk will be Sunday, May 10, between services. Drop off will be Saturday, May 9, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign-up sheets will be available after Easter. Once again, thank you to everyone who supports this either by baking, buying, or both. Your continuing dedication to the children of Zion is greatly appreciated.

12 Caramel Rolls 7:30a Prayer Group Meets 8:30a Worship 9:40a Blood Pressure Clinic 9:40a Fellowship 9:40a Sunday School 9:40a Welcome Team Meeting 9:40a Women's Team Meeting


7 Council


Reports are due World Health Day 1:30p Staff Meeting 4:30p Just for Kix 5:30p Wellspring 6p Girl Scout Troop #45014 Meeting 13 14 3p Library 1:30p Staff Board Meeting Meets 4:30p Just 4:30p Just for Kix for Kix

5 6 Easter 6:30a Sunrise Service with Holy Communion 7:30a Easter Breakfast 8:30a Worship with Holy Communion 9:40a Fellowship 10:30a Worship with Holy Communion




15 8:30a Quilting 9:30a Faith Reflections at Root River Estates 5:30p JAM Singers Practice

8 5:30p Exploring the Faith - Holy Communion for 5th Graders 5:50p Meal 6:30p Club 56 6:30p Confirmation Food Drive

16 9a Adult Bible Study 4:30p Just for Kix

17 Messenger items due

9 10 9a Adult Bible Study 4:30p Just for Kix 4:45p Stewardship Team Meeting 6p Girl Scout Troop #44759 6:30p Girl Scout Troop #44037

Fri 3 Good 1 2 Maundy Friday Thursday 8:30a Quilting 9:30a Faith Reflections 9a Adult Bible 11a Community at Root River Estates Study Good Fri10:15a Holy Commun- 1:45p Staff day Worion at Root River EsMeeting ship at tates 6:45p Maun- Civic Cendy Thursday ter Worship 6:45p Good Friday Worship

~ April 2015 ~

18 8a Red Cross Disaster practice

11 Making Caramel Rolls

4 8:45a Leave Zion for Saturday Noon Meals at CUMC in Rochester 9a Easter Egg Hunt



26 New Member Sunday Teacher Appreciation Volunteer Appreciation Day 7:30a Prayer Group Meets 8:30a Lincoln Stewart Johnson's Baptism 8:30a Worship 9:40a Fellowship 9:40a Sunday School 10a Senior Choir Practice 10:30a Worship 6p Wellspring Practice

20 4:30p Just for Kix 5:30p Thirty-One Meeting

19 First Communion for 5th Graders Joy Singers sing 7:30a Prayer Group Meets 8:30a Worship with Holy Communion 9:40a Medical Mission Trip Talk 9:40a Fellowship 9:40a Sunday School 10a Senior Choir Practice 10:30a Keenan Cole James Shaw's Baptism 10:30a Worship with Holy Communion 6p Wellspring Practice

14 5:30p Wellspring 7p Church Council Meeting

21 1:30p Staff Meeting 4:30p Just for Kix 5:30p Wellspring 6p Girl Scout Troop #45014 meeting 6:30p New Member Class 27 28 4:30p Just 1:30p Staff for Kix Meeting 4:30p Just for Kix 5:30p Wellspring

13 5p Design Team Meeting 6:30p Cub Scout Den #5

12 Cont. 10a Senior Choir Practice 10:30a Henley Kae Halda's Baptism 10:30a Vallynn Ray Copley's Baptism 10:30a Worship 6p Wellspring Practice 6:30p New Member Class

29 5:30p JAM Singers Practice 5:50p Meal 6:30p Club 56 6:30p Confirmation Classes

22 Earth Day 9a Priscilla Circle at Zion 5:30p JAM Singers Practice 5:50p Meal 6:30p Club 56 6:30p Confirmation Classes

15 5:30p Joy Singers Practice 5:50p Meal 6:30p Club 56 6:30p Confirmation Classes

24 5p Just for Kix 6p Tiffany Wiebrand and James Swain's Wedding rehearsal


30 Notes: Amanda Batt and Jason Kukuzke's Wedding Rehearsal 9a Adult Bible Study 4:30p Just for Kix

16 4:45p Women's Zumbro River Conference in Hayfield 6p Girl Scouts Troop #44038 6:30p Girl Scout Troop #43252 7p Women's Bible Study 23 9a Adult Bible Study 10:30a EFFA Relationship Meeting 1:30p Sarah Circle 4:30p Just for Kix 6p Girl Scout Troop #44759 7p Ruth Circle 25 4p Tiffany Wiebrand and James Swain's Wedding



12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




12 13 14 15

APRIL BIRTHDAYS Andrew Chladek, Ben Gorder, Lucas Jensen, Marilyn Johnson, Jean Marie Olson Leah Bucknell, Hannah Vitse Liz Gilman, Ellen Nelson, Kelsey Olson, Katie Root, Andy Root, Jeff Schwalbach Kay Egner, Todd Ramaker Deana Dontje, Hannah Loftus, Charley VandeBerg Dominic Dontje, Blair Honsey, Sami Jensen, Ashlyn Miklas, Brent Quandt, Megan Tordsen Mason Fjetland, Alex Hamre, Sharyl Haugen, Alyssa Jech, Carmen Omacht, Ann Sand, Jamie Sjarpe, Marcia Veges Jay Alrick, Aiden Anderson, Carson Davis, Jenna DeFrang, Rocky Elton, Cora Kidd, Lindsey Lackmann, Jacob Lovstuen, Madden VandeBerg Ava Bowler, Marshall Dick, Arden Harberts, Reese Koehler, Brian Mullenbach, Elise Rester, Aubrey Sickle, Kaylee Smidt, Sara Westby Diane Bergland, Matt Bowler, Mack Christenson, Addison Eide, Shawn Husgen, Kaidance Koenig, Bonnie Rindahl, Bill Schroeder Jean Dwire, Tom Ellinghuysen, Keith Engstrand, Alice Evenson, Kristie Huber, Chrissy Lofgren, Anna Oeltjenbruns, Kenzie Petersen, Alexa Weiss Liz Bunch, Missy Elliott, Julie Hanson, Jim Honsey Jacob Amos, Emersyn Miller, Andrew Quandt, Kim Skuster Patricia Distad, Steven Haehn, Ryan Nagel, Jenna Turtle Madison Manning, Haley Nienow, Samantha Oehlke, Miranda Ruff, Arlen Steele, Teresa Thompson, Ali Trow

16 Shane Byrne, Dave Erickson, Michael Hanson, Ty Kolhoff, Jase Lehrman, Val Nelson, Nate Sikkink, Nick Wester 17 Dylan Bauman, Sharon Harberts, LouAnn Mensink, Judith Osborne, Tim Paulson 18 Alexandra Dick, Cindy Erickson, Alexandar Kidd, Kristina Westurn Reed 19 Charlie Boerger, Fred Diekman, Joshua Egner, Cheri Kulland, Joe Sobek, Trisha Troutman 20 Beulah Ankeny, Bryan Herrick 21 Tracy DeCook, Janice Hagen, Orris Strum 22 Josh DeFrang, Andrew Hagstrom, Aaron Larson, Harlan Thompson 23 Jean Barber, Emma Manning, Abram Santjer, Angie Wibben 24 Matt Boe, Vivian Cook, Kaleb Hamlin, Caleb Miller, Colton Miller, Lori Mueller, Lauren Rasmussen, Anna Schrandt 25 Jessica Garcia, Jordan Lemanski, Ella Lovstuen, Zach Majerus, Tessa Schultheis 26 Abby Petrich, Tamra Trenary, Reid Westrum 27 Keira Burzette, Dean Howard, Jordenne Huinker, Michael Malone, Kim Wiinikka 28 Caleb Boerger, Sharon Tix, Haley Wangen, Mya Wangen 29 Mikya Amos, Deb Brossoit, Owen Ferrie, Kiya Hoffman, Sharon Kueker, Paul Miller, Hunter Miller, Gabriel Newell, Chris Skaar, Dave Skuster, Josh Stensrud, Sawyer Wibben 30 Jessica Becker, Erin Jezierski, Rachel Larson, Angie Rogers, Mason Schindler, Bret Walters

New Members: Welcomed at Church


Last summer before moving to Stewartville to serve as your Associate Pastor, I had a rare and exciting opportunity: to worship at any church I wanted as a regular visitor. One Sunday, a friend and I walked up the road from our house to an ELCA church, located only 3 blocks away. Neither of us had ever been inside this church. As lifelong Lutherans and soon-to-be pastors, we understood “how church works.” We were familiar with many of the songs in the hymnal, we knew the liturgy, and we were eager to hear the pastor’s sermon. But we discovered something completely unexpected. Because we were both used to being longtime members of congregations, we had absolutely no idea what to expect when it came to visiting a church as completely anonymous, random people. Worship was good: the Word was proclaimed, sins were confessed and God’s forgiveness was received, songs were sung, communion was shared, and God’s blessing was bestowed upon the community. But as we left the church after worship, we realized something very important… Attending a new church feels like showing up uninvited to someone else’s party. Like people showing up to a party without being invited, weren’t exactly sure what the dress code might be. We were hesitant to find a seat for fear of sitting in “someone else’s spot.” When it came to the announcements, we had absolutely no idea what the pastor was talking about. We didn’t know where the bathrooms were and we weren’t used to the set-up of the building. I am definitely not used to being the new person at church. It can be hard to know what to do or who you can talk to at a new church (and I’m pretty sure that’s not just true for me). Zion will welcome new members into our community of faith during worship on Sunday, April 26 at both services. Think back to when you first joined Zion - what made you feel welcome? Or, put yourself in their shoes: if you were joining a new church, what could someone do to make you feel comfortable? Don’t wait for a new person to come up to you. Take the initiative! Here are 3 easy suggestions for extending a warm welcome to new members: Introduce yourself Invite them to join you for a cup of coffee during fellowship hour Have a conversation to get to know them It really is that easy. Make Christ known by extending warmth and hospitality to our new members on April 26. Make a habit of introducing yourself to someone you don’t recognize each Sunday! You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you discover when you do! Pastor Kim


GIVE THANKS FOR THE GIFT OF BAPTISM! During the month of March, the following 4th graders and their parents attended "Exploring the Faith— Baptism" with Pastor Byron and Pastor Kim to learn more about baptism, what baptism means for them, and ways to remember their baptism in daily life. We had some great discussion about all the ways water surrounds us as helpful reminders of God's saving work in our baptism! Continue to pray for these young people as they continue to explore their faith throughout their lives: Rachel Boe Bailey Buckmeier Peyton Byrne Grace Elton Lauren Howe Nolan Huggenvik Ethan Husgen Josie Kahoun Isaac Larson Alayna Leighton Jacob Ramp Alyssa Ruffridge Jacob Schimek Alayna Sickle Owen Sikkink Haylie Strum Andrew Teal Andre Thomley Savannah Westurn Reed

EXPLORING THE FAITH— HOLY COMMUNION 5th graders will celebrate their First Communion in worship on Sunday, April 19. Join us as we celebrate this milestone in the lives of our children who experience forgiveness of sins in a whole, new way through the sacrament for the very first time! Celebrate this formative time in their faith, as we "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).

SUNDAY SCHOOL In Sunday School, we are continuing to study Jesus’ ministry. Our lessons in April include the Centurion’s servant where we learn that everyone can ask Jesus for help; Jesus blesses the children where we learn that Jesus loves all kids; and Jesus heals two blind men where we learn that Jesus is kind to everyone. Our offering also continues to climb as we head toward our next goal of a fish farm. Hooray, spring is here; and VBS registration will begin on Sunday, April 12. VBS is open to children who turn 3 by June 1 and are potty trained though those who have just finished fourth grade. VBS is June 22 to 26 from 8:45 to 11:45. We also need many volunteers to make VBS another huge success; and volunteer sign-up/ information will also be available starting April 12. A wish list of supplies needed for VBS will also be available. Thanks to everyone who volunteers to make VBS a fun and educational experience every year.


CHANNEL-ONE TOUR Have you ever expressed a desire to learn more about the Channel One Food Bank? Today, Channel One Regional Food Bank serves seniors, individuals with physical or mental-health disabilities, working families and individuals, people in times of crisis due to job loss, medical problems or personal disaster, and food shelves, programs and agencies in 14 counties. Your Zion Hunger Task Force has made arrangements for a tour of Channel-One on Tuesday, May 6th at 2pm. We are excited to learn more about those served as well as the facility and how it all works. We would like to invite interested members along on this visit. The tour will be approximately one-half to one hour including time for questions and the building tour. If you’re interested, please advise the task force by the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall. If you need a ride, please indicate so on the sign-up sheet.

IF YOU HAVE A LOST OR MISPLACED AN ITEM, Please look in one of the three boxes which are located under the mailboxes in the Fellowship Hall.

BIBLE STUDY Thursday morning bible study meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. everyone is welcome to join in.


“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:17-18

“GROW A ROW” The ELCA and Zion Hunger Task Force continues working toward eliminating hunger in communities in the immediate area of Southeast Minnesota. As you learned last March during the Minnesota Food Shelf month, many families continue visiting local food banks in our area. This fact has not changed. In fact, this year there are more families than last year. A large majority of Channel One participants work full-time jobs and yet are unable to provide nourishing meals for their children. This is where we can help through donations from our gardens. Zion will continue the “Grow a Row” program again this year. Please help by sharing the fresh fruits and vegetables from your gardens that are so important for growing children & families. As we all know, a diet including fresh foods provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to sustain or improve health. We ask that as you begin the gardening season to consider planting an additional row of vegetables or an extra cucumber hill, or tomato plant for families who count on Channel One. During Zion’s first year of participation in “Grow-a-Row” we donated over 800 pounds of fresh vegetables and fruit to Channel One. It would be excellent if we could surpass that amount this year. Watch for the “Grow-A-Row” container and fill it to the brim. Team members will pick-up on Monday mornings and Thursday mornings for immediate delivery to Channel One. Thank you for considering this very important project. The painted tote serves as the container for donated produce to be put in at Zion.

ZION REMEMBERS IN PRAYER Health Concerns: Ally Johnson, Lu Anding, Charlotte Strong, Beatrice Sjarpe, David Skuster, Carole Jay, Clint Kueker, Marilyn Schiebsted, Cal Wolf, Glenda Spiotta, Clarice Wolf, Glenda Spiotta, Beulah Ankeny, Suzanne Piedmont, Char Kath, Bea Wiinikka, Lu Anding, Patricia, Jessie, Curt, Nick, Katelyn, Tanya (Kueker) Wolter; Kathy Brown’s nephew, Tyler; Ken Firl’s step-daughter, Kathy; Mary Olson’s brother, John Firl; Bev Wise’s nephew, Nathan; Nick and Terry Nielsen’s friend, Pat Harnisch; Becky Buckmeier’s father, Ken Fransen; Greg Anderson’s mom, Linda; Kim Wiinikka’s friend, Bev Foster In Sympathy: Char Ferrie and family on the death of her Aunt; Norma Bohlman and family on the death of Dale; Katie and Craig Nagel and family on the death of her mother, Susanne Sheehan; Mary Honsey and family on the death of her mother, Edna Hanson; The Rosenblad family on the death of Michele’s aunt, Darlene and Jerry’s cousin, Gary In Celebration: Bryan and Kristy Cook on the birth of their daughter, Sylvia Louise. Grandparents are Denny and Ginny Hanson; Bjorn and Amanda Johnson on the birth of their son, Lincoln Stewart Johnson; Terry and Pat Schroeder on the birth of their granddaughter, Evelyn Christine Schroeder. Parents of Christine are Eric and Elyse. Those serving our country: Eric Westby, Justin Ness, Todd Christopherson, Bryce Lund, Sam Freiheit, Christina Stanger, Bradley Ratz, Ben Hoff, Mack Christenson


Worldwide Ministries: Adam and Shellie Morgan and Jayne ministering in Montreal; Kirsten Fryer and her husband, Justin Kolb ministering in Cairo; Radio Television Caranavi, La Paz, Bolivia, South America; St. Wanzelya Lutheran in Singida, Tanzania; Palliative Care Program - Iambi Hospital in Tanzania (partnered with Our Savior's, Rochester); Kigaa Lutheran Church in Tanzania; St. George Lutheran Church in Tanzania (partnered with Lands, Zumbrota); Santísima Trinidad Mission in Colombia; San Pedro Lutheran Church in Colombia (partnered with Christ, Preston); Castillo Fuerte Lutheran Church in Colombia (partnered with Faith, Dodge Center); Choma Lutheran Church in Tanzania; Las Delicias Mission in Colombia; Muhintiri Lutheran Church in Tanzania (partnered with Christ the King, Mankato); Immanuel Lutheran Church in Tanzania (partnered with Central, Winona) Synod prayers: St. John Lutheran in Owatonna; Henrytown Lutheran in Canton; Our Savior's Lutheran in Rochester; Hayward Lutheran in Hayward; Mona Lutheran in Lyle; First Lutheran in Glenville; Lands Lutheran in Zumbrota; Pontoppidan Lutheran in Ellendale; Christ Lutheran in Preston; Faith Lutheran in Dodge Center; Central Freeborn Lutheran in Albert Lea; Faith Lutheran in Wabasha; Evanger Lutheran in Sargeant; Bricelyn Lutheran in Bricelyn; Dennison Lutheran in Dennison; Faith Lutheran in Janesville; Cross of Christ Lutheran in Welch; Christ the King Lutheran in Mankato; Central Lutheran in Winona; East St. Olaf Lutheran in Byron Sketch by Mildred Eberling


18 Chairpeople: Co-Chairs:

Mark and Christa Smidt, Tyler, Kaylee, and Nathan Matt and Lonnie Boe, Ahna, Olivia and Rachel

Kim Amos, Luke Matt Badger, Hayley Glenda Bale Dennis and Karen Bergrud, Andy Trisha Bly Josh and Beth Buckmeier, Bailey Pastor Kim Cassidy Scott and Cori Chvosta, Tanner Eric and Jannah Conger, Hailey Kristy Cook Laurie DeCook Tammy DeFrang, Jarett Joel and Jean Dwire, Emma and Alyssa Jim and DeAnn Elliott, Josh and Ashlyn Denise Engel, Sarah Dave and Bev Erickson Vanessa Freiheit-Rosolack, Laura, Andy Ben Gorder and Mary Drilling Robert and Marjorie Haehn Nic and Bridget Hale Orris and Ruth Hareldson Harlan and Sharyl Haugen Kha and Jackie Hollstein, Zoey Lyle and Ally Johnson Pam Jones, Alyssa Gordy and Amy Koehn Brandon Larsen

CHANNEL ONE SUNDAY Remember the last Sunday of the every month is Zion’s Channel One Sunday. Please bring your non-perishable foods for Channel One and place them in the grocery cart outside the sanctuary doors.

Dave and Donnis Lassig Betty McCormack Brandon and Amber Miller Misty Murray, Hayley and Cody Craig and Katie Nagel Dan and Harla Nelson David & Kathy Neswold, Kyle, Keliesha Jerry and Barbara Neubauer Fritz and Audrey Olson Delores Peterson Steve and Jennifer Quandt, Aaron, Andrew, and Austin Mark Rollie, Brady Norbert Rud Mike & Tricia Schindler, Jordan, Mason Greg and Becky Schulte Paula Sinnwell Peter and Arlene Skaar Paul and Mary Skifton, Nikki and Matthew Curtis Staab Arlen and Betty Steele Jim and Bev Stone Garth Tschetter and Kasey Morlock, Will Tim and Sommer Voyna Jeramie Winch, Charlie Ken and Bev Wise HOPE FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: Meets the First and Third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Fountain Centers 4122 18th AVE NW, Rochester. HOPE is facilitated by parents who lost their son to addiction. For more information please call 507-252-0818. Mission Statement: Our goal is to create a comfortable place for parents, siblings and loved ones of addicts and alcoholics to share concerns, experiences and solutions in hope of releasing the stigma surrounding addiction.

ORRIS STRUM WILL CELEBRATE HIS 100TH BIRTHDAY ON APRIL 21ST Orris was born in Story County, Iowa in 1915. He is the oldest of six children, and the lived on a farm near McCallsburg, Iowa. When Orris started school, he was instrumental in teaching his family English, since Norwegian was the spoken language at home. Orris enjoyed playing basketball and baseball during his high school years and continued playing on the small town team for several years after high school. While growing up he worked with his father on the home farm and continued to work on the farm after he completed high school. He was an active member of Bethany Lutheran Church in McCallsburg. In 1941, he married Margaret Risdal, who grew up on a farm near Roland, a neighboring small town. They rented several farms in the area and made farming their life. They raised three children, Steven, Kenneth and Sharon. In 1959, Orris and Margaret made the big move to their farm near Racine, Minnesota, moving the household furnishings and farm equipment, even driving a tractor for the entire 165 mile trip! Orris farmed for many years and still misses it! He also went to work at the Mayo Clinic as a custodian, and worked their until his retirement in 1980. Orris and Margaret loved to travel, and enjoyed many road trips around the country, including a trip to Hawaii and Alaska. They were also able to visit Norway, the country from which their grandparents emigrated in the 1800s. For over 25 years they spent their winters in Apache Junction, Arizona. Orris enjoyed golfing and playing shuffle board or just visiting and making good friends along the way. The family has grown over the years. Orris and Margaret have been blessed with eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. They are now residing at the Root River Estates in Stewartville. An open house to celebrate Orris’ birthday will take place at Zion on May 10th in conjunction with Margaret’s 99th birthday and their 74th wedding anniversary. Orris and Margaret have been active members of Zion for over 56 years. HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY, ORRIS!


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Worship Schedule 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worships Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays

Pastors: Byron Meline, Senior Pastor Kim Cassidy, Associate Pastor Pastor’s on-call Cell Phone: 507-250-4675.

You may contact us by e-mail Pr. Byron: [email protected] Pr. Kim: [email protected] Youth Director Anna Wencl: [email protected] Wendy Kauffmann in the main office: [email protected] Wendy Weber, Children’s Ed: [email protected] Bev Wise, Parish Nurse [email protected] (This email is not checked frequently. If this is an emergency call 911)

Youth Director: Anna Wencl

Or visit our Web site at: www.zionstewartville.org

Office Manager: Wendy Kauffmann Children’s Education: Wendy Weber Custodian: Lyle Johnson Building Supervisor: Mike Reese Organist: Gordon Koehn Senior Choir: Bill Nelson Nursery Coordinator: Lindsey Lilly Parish Nurse: Bev Wise WellSpring: Dan Goodew Financial Advisor: Jo Schimek

Inviting, Nurturing, Serving, and Sending So That All May Know Jesus Christ!


insecurity in southeastern Minnesota. by 2020. Members of the Enough. Food for All Task Force have now. divided into four working groups. Healthy Food.

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