Botanical Plants as Navgraha And Navagraha Stotram Peepul tree as Jupiter or Brahaspathi As mentioned earlier here is a write up on the Botanical plants for navagrha and their effects, on humans.

Sacred Herbs Arka Plant / Milkweed Plant (Sun)

"Arka Bhasma" is used in the talisman that is made for maintaining the effects of the placement of Sun in the horoscope. If Arka Bhasma is used when the Sun is placed well in the horoscope, it leads to dignity, leadership, confidence, power and nobility. The individual is a strong, compassionate, pious, well read and leads a happy life. When the Sun is ill placed in the horoscope, it leads to low self esteem and energy, lack of confidence and negative results in life. Arka Bhasma nullifies the malefic effects of the ill placement of Sun.

Palasha Plant / Flame-of-the-forest Tree (Moon)

"Palasha Bhasma" is used for maintaining the effects of Moon on the horoscope. If the Moon is well placed in the horoscope, the use of "Palasha Bhasma" leads to good habits, stable life and health and the individual is hard working, wealthy and well respected. 1   

If the Moon M is illl placed in n the horo oscope, itt leads to depressio d on, hypers rsensitivity y and stre ess which are remov oved by the he use of "P "Palasha Bhasm ma".

Pipp pala Tre ee / Peep pul Tree ee (Jupitter) "Pipp pala Bhas sma" is us sed for con ntrolling the t effect cts of Jupit iter. When n the Jupitter is welll place ed in the horoscope h e, the use of "Pippa ala Bhasm sma" leads s towards s spiritualiism, carin ng, optim mism, faith h, good jud dgment an and the indiviidual is ble lessed witth power a and respe ect. If the e Jupiter is s ill-placed d in the ho oroscope, e, it leads s to unhap ppiness, selfishness se s, egotism m, sloth and greed g and d all these e bad effec cts are rem moved by the he use of "Pippala "P B Bhasma". Durva a Grass / Bermuda B G Grass (Ra ahu) "Durva va Bhasma a" is essen ntial for co ontrolling g the effec cts of Rahu u. If the Rahu Ra is well placed pl in an a individu ual's horos oscope, it leads l to in nspiration n, originali lity, insight ht and uniq queness. The T use of o " Durva Bhasma"" makes th he individu ual wealth hy and forrtunate. If the planet p Rah ahu is ill pla laced in th he horosco cope it lead ds to para anoia, addicttions, men ntal ailmen ents, stres ss and trou ubles. The e use of "D Durva Bha asma" remov ves such bad b effectts of Rahu u.

Apam marga / Prickly y Chafff Plant (M Mercury ry) "A Apamarga a Bhasma a" is ideal for f contro olling the effects e off planet Me ercury. If Mercury M is well plac aced in the e ho oroscope of o an indiv vidual, it leads le to ra ationality, wit an nd dexterit ity. The us se of "Apa amarga Bh hasma" makes m an n individua al happy, educated, e d, fortunate te and high hly res espected. If the t Mercu ury is ill-pllaced in th he horosc cope, it lea ads to 2   

lack of concenttration, sp peech and d hearing impedime i ents, lack of vitality y and lack of commun nication. The T "Apam marga Bha hasma" lea ads to a re emoval off these malefi fic effects of o Mercurry.

Audu umbara a / Doom mar (Ven enus) "Audum mbara Bha asma" is used u for m maintaining ng the good eff ffects of planet p Ven nus. If the p placemen nt of Venus is good in the horos scope, it le leads to attractiv iveness, grace, g eleg gance and d long life e. The use of the th "Audum umbara Bh hasma" ma makes an individu ual refined d with hum manitarian n qualities s. When Venus V is illl-placed in n the horo oscope, itt leads to van nity, corrup uption, lac ck of taste e and refin nement an nd ageing a and the "Audu umbara Bh hasma" is s used to remove r th hese effect cts of Venu us.

Kusa a / Sacrrificial Grass G (K Ketu) "K Kusa Bhas sma" is us sed for co ontrolling tthe effectts of pla lanet Ketu u. If Ketu is well plac aced in the e horoscop ope of an n individua al, it leads s to spiritu ualism, se ensitivity and a hig igh intuitiv ve powers s. The use e of "Kusa a Bhasma"" ma akes the individual i l wealthy and a protec ected agaiinst ev vil. If the t Ketu is i ill-place ed in the horoscope h e, it will lea ead tow owards ecc ccentricity y, irrationa al behavio our, fanati ticism and ad ddictions like gamb bling and fatal f disea ases such h as cance er. To rem move these effects off Ketu, "Ku Kusa Bhasm sma" is use ed.

Sham mi Tree/ e/Prosop pis (Satturn) "Shami Bhasma" B is s used to control c th he effects of Saturn (S Shani). If Saturn S is well w place ed in the horoscop pe, it leads s to discip pline in life fe, responsib bility, hum mbleness and a if "Sh hami Bhas sma" is 3   

used by the individual, he has a long life, is charitable and proficient in every work. If Saturn is ill placed in the horoscope, the individual suffers from depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness and disorders of the nervous system. "Shami Bhasma" is used for removing these bad effects of Saturn.

Khadira/Couch Plant (Mars) "Khadira Bhasma" is used for controlling the effects of the planet Mars. If Mars is well placed in the horoscope, it leads towards positive energy, strength, courage, passion, and aggression. The use of "Khadira Bhasma" makes the individual energetic, learned, well known and noble. When Mars is ill-placed in the horoscope, it leads to anger, irritability, instability, aggression and the individual is prone to high blood pressure, anemia, and impurities in the blood. The "Khadira Bhasma" is used to counteract these bad effects of Mars. As mentioned the above plants are planted outside the temple garden, the plant which represents Sun will be in the middle and the other plants planted on the four sides of the Arka milky plant.


Brahmanda Guruji Shri Narendra Babu Sharmaji gave us the information on Nine Planets (Navagrahas) and plant/tree related to it. Guruji recited this Navagraha mantra before starting this topic "Om Namah Suryaya Chandraya Mangalaya Budhayacha Guru Shukra Shanibhyascha Rahuve ketuve Namah" Here is the table on it:

Sl Planets no. (Grahas) 1.

Sun (Surya)


Names Of Plants/Trees in Sanskrit

Names Of Plants/Trees in Kannada

Names Of Plants/Trees in Tamil

Botanical Names

Bili Yekka

Vellai Erukku

Calotropis gigantea

Moon Palasha (Chandra)



Butea monosperma


Mars (Kuja)


Kachu, Kadiram, Kaggali, Kanti Karungali

Acacia catechu


Mercury (Budha)


Utranigida, Uttaraanne

Chirukadaladi, Naayurivi

Achyranthes aspera


Jupiter (Guru)


Arali mara

Arasa maram

Ficus religiosa




Venus (Sukra)


Atti mara

Atti maram

Ficus glomerata


Saturn (Sani)


Banni mara

Vanni maram

Prosopis cineraria


Rahu (north node)




Cynodon dactylon


Ketu (south node)




Eragrostis cynosuroides


English Transliteration

Aditya ch Somaya Mangalaya Budhayacha l Guru Sukra Sanibhyach Rahuve Ketuve namah: ll Japakusuma samkasyam, Kasyapyeyam Mahadityam l Tamarim Sarvapapagnam, Prantosmi Diwakaram ll Dadisanka Tusharabham, Ksheeranasamudbhavam l Navami Sasinam Somam, Sambooramkuta Bhushanam ll Dharanigharbha Sambootam, Vidyutkanti Samaprabham l Kumaram Shaktihastam, Mangalam Pranmayamham ll Priyagu Kalikasyamam, rupenaa pratimam Budham l Sowmayam Sowmyagunopetam, Tam Bhudham Pranamayam ll Devanancha Rushinancha Gurum kanchanam Sannibhabham l Buddhimantam Trilokesam, Tam navami Bruhasptimam ll Neelanjana samabhasam, Raviputram Yamagrajam l Chayamarthanda Sambootam, Tam navami Sanischaram ll Ardhakayam Mahaveeram, Chandraditya Vimardhana l Simhikagarbha Sambootam, Tam Rahum Pranamamyam ll Palasapushpa samkasam, Taraka Grahmastakam l Roudram Roudratmakam Ghoram, Tam Ketum Pranamamyam ll Ithi Vyasa Mukhod Geetham Ya Padeth Susamihitha Dhiva Vaa, Yadhi Vaa Rathrou Vigna Santhir Bhavishyathi Nara Naari Nrupaanam cha Bhaved, Duswapna naasanam, Iswaryamathulam Teshama arogyam Pushti Vardhanam. Graha Nakshatraja Peeda, taskaragni Samudbhava,

Thaa Sarvaa prasamam Yanthi Vyaso Bruthe Na Samsaya. ll Iti shri vyasvirchit navagraha stotram sampurnam ll



आिद य च सोमाय मंगलाय बुधायाचा l गु

शुक्र शिन याच रहुवे केतुवे नमः ll जपाकुसम ु संकाशं का यपेयं महद्यिु तम ् l

तमोऽिरं सवर्पापघ्नं प्रणतोऽि म िदवाकरम ् ll 7   

दिधशङ्खतुषाराभं क्षीरोदाणर्वसंभवम ् l

नमािम शिशनं सोमं श भोमक ुर् ु टभष ू णम ् ll धरणीगभर्संभूतं िवद्यु काि तसमप्रभम ् l

कुमारं शिक्तह तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमा यहम ् ll िप्रयङ्गक ु िलका यामं

पेणाप्रितमं बध ु म् l

सौ यं सौ यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमा यहम ् ll दे वानां च ऋषीणां च गु ं का चनसंिनभम ् l बिु द्धभत ू ं ित्रलोकेशं तं नमािम बह ृ पितम ् ll िहमकु दमण ृ ालाभं दै यानां परमं गु म ् l सवर्शा प्रवक्तारं भागर्वं प्रणमा यहम ् ll नीलांजनसमाभासं रिवपुत्रं यमाग्रजम ् l

छायामातर् डसंभत ू ं तं नमािम शनै रम ् ll अधर्कायं महावीयर्ं च द्रािद यिवमदर् नम ् l

िसंिहकागभर्संभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमा यहम ् ll पलाशपु पसंकाशं तारकाग्रहम तकम ् l

रौद्रं रौद्रा मकं घोरं तं केतंु प्रणमा यहम ् ll इित यासमुखोद्गीतं यः पठे सुसमािहतः

िदवा वा यिद वा रात्रौ िवघ्नशाि तभर्िव यित नरनारीनप ृ ाणां च भवे ुः व ननाशनम ् ऐ यर्मतुलं तेषामारोग्यं पुि वधर्नम ्

गह ृ नक्षत्रजाः पीडा त करािग्नसमुद्भवाः

ताः सवार्ः प्रशमं याि त यासो ब्रूते न संशयः ll इित

ी यासिवरिचतं नवग्रह तोत्रं संपण र् ् ll ू म


Botanical Plants as Navgraha And Navagraha Stotram

f Plant (M a Bhasma ercury. If M of an indiv ity. The us al happy, e ury is ill-pl t leads to d .... Names Of. Plants/Trees in Kannada. Names Of. Plants/Trees in. Tamil.

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