Although I actually wnote most of what was in the last two issues of the Bulletin, I didn't take the time to write my oriln column. I actually feLt the neHS of the r egion was far mor e impontant. l'lost of my wr*it ings had been aimed at whippins you into a frerrzy oven the mere idea of gettins to particieate in this or that club activityIt finally dawned on me this is a club of you adults, and if wanted to part i.cipate, you would, and it you you didn't want to, r^rouldn' t I r.ri I I tr-y, in the future, to keep my writings and the context of this newsletter- one of nepor-ting to you what Ehe region is planning to do, what we ar-e qloing, hov+ you fit into these activities, and t.tho did activities

urhat past-


Cunrently, the Region is involved with a very unique race pr-ogram to culminate with a weekend of oval tnack racing at Rockingham. Details of this events planning and notes of interest to planning those to panticipate ane found eLsewhere






and it's r-eaIIy not too eanly to besin planning our annual Regional Ar*rands Banquet This issue of the Bulletin r.till at least touch on these subjects and start yc:u thinkins about these ectivities and planning your involvement. Please take the time to r-ead this newsletter in it's entinety, and as you nead about the Regional pIans, bear- in mind what I said earlier "This in this articleis a cl-ub of adults", t^lhen these same adults cease to become involved to a sufficient level to impLement the successful depioyment of these uri 1l Pl-ans, the club cease to be. Thank you f or- your consi der-at iorr and time. -Bud I'latthews-


gettine directory is closer to pness time, and there will be mone infonma{ion about this in one on more articles contained henein. Other activities on the honizon that will be needing our attention ane a Solo II, the Runoff's, the election of officers fon L991 ,




Neese's Sausage Cosponsor of Jay Zimmerman's ITB Toyota wiII be cooking sausage sandwiches for ever yone attending the Rockingham Round Tr-ack nace on Sept. 15th- They wiII pnovide a I isht

br-eakfast star ting 7:3O AI1 f or aI I attendance- This will a wel-come treat f or aII, and we thank f or ar-nanging this us-

at in

be us Jay f or


Oun dinectony is moving along at a snaiLs paceDue to member apathy, I am forced to set a deadline. [^le are going pness to in October, so October 1, 1990 is the deadline. To date, I have received replies from less than L/L of ourmembens and lots of those did not include pictures. Come on folks, this is YOUR directory and r*i 1I only be as complete as you make it. I don't want to print pictunes of Joe Rat your name and beside address. I don't r*rant to visit the post of fice buI Iet in boar-ds f or pictur es either-- This ie place the perfect to about those service and other- awards you have won, and at no cost to YlUu- FLLASI set those pictures and bios to me by October- L, 1990t^le wi I I have tr*o photo sessi"ons at oun September 15t1-r-16th, 199O Rockingham oval race- This r*titI be the last chance to heve your photo taken by a portrait photogr-aphen at no cost to you. Pete l,Ji 1I iams hae arranged to have a photogr-apher, who wi I I probably be NCR member Kunt Esli:k, set up to take pictures at the Saturday Iunch houn, and f or an hour- Saturday afternoon after the days racing has ended- AtI NCR members ane ur-ged to come to the tnack on Satur day for this, even if you can't anran€te to be there aII day lons for the racesYour membenship car-d at the gate wiII you be all need to register in. Oun post nace panty alone




trie. Note: releages must




presented if you bnins minorg to the tnack. If you want to bning minors, I would suggest you call Jacque HoIIand at 9L9-5{+2-2542 prior to 1O: OO Fll and make the arnangements f or- such forms prior to coming to Rockingham. They must be signed by both panents. -Roland Raxter-

NATIOW At the Ausust NCR Board meet ing, llemberAt-Lange Al Fairer sugsested that the NC Region member-s plan to attend the National Convention in Baltimc're, l'lD, Feb. 20-24, ]-991 as a group- Al hras agreec to be in charse of putt ins togetl-rerthe plans for the regions members url-ro ulant t<^' attendThe National SCCA Convention wiII not be held any closer for a Iong time. Let's aII get together with Al and make it a tnip to nemember. NEI"J SCCA CAREER IiIAITING





Like the U. S. l'larines, we ar'e a small gr-oup in a lar'ge pond and h,e recruit sparinglyIn all sincerity, the

Stanter specialty in the Southeast Division is in pnecanious statea t^lith the except ion of Atlantaq Flonida and Central Flonida, h,e stand as foLlows: Buccaneen 1 Dixie - 1 SCR 1 ccR-3 NCR 2 (f from Chicaso Reeion) Middle GA - 1

[^le need some helpAt aI I the tnacks h,e work a minimum of 5, and usually 5 people are nequired to t un a raceThat's with no Ieeway f on an,y of t time orother compl icat ions. How about it? Do you need a specialty but don't have one? Are you tired of youn pnesent yoL.t specialty? Can handle two specialties? Ane you slowins down? t^Je don' t usual ly chase wrecks or put out firesThink. about itIs a career as a STARTER the one for you? Talk to us about it and plan to join us at the first race in 1991 to besin your training. Brins your- F&C ski.L ls, your T&S skiIIs, or others or- just your desire and interest. Thanks. Fainer -AI -Chief StanterCOMPETITIOhI TlEETING


In pr eparation for our nound tnack r-ace at N. C- llotor Speedway in September, a special meeting was held at Shoney's in Salisbur y, to N. Cdi.scuss the pnoblems this special f orm of would pnesent, and to plan our handl ing of such pnoblems. Attending the meeting were members of NCR and CCR, namely Clyde Kiser, Marion and Nornie Baind, AI Fair er, Ther esa Fainer, t^lhit Rick Cochr-an, t^lilliams, Jacque Donna Hutton, HoIland, Diann Johnston, and Buddy Matthews. Host of the pnocedure be used f or' to h,as emengencies developed and discussed AIso at this meeting. l^rag the discussed

procedune for pit usage and the use o'f the back stnaight paddock spaceIt is hand to nealize just how much extna work has gone into this particular r ace- Please turn out to support the efforts of aII involved-




In contr-ast to the spanse turnout by the RaLeigh Chapter for their


meetins/photo session, the t^lest Chaeter had in over* 50 people attendance Over 60

member photos were made by camera man Tim Drake, Pete who works with Nor-l ing Uli f I iams at Studio in Hish Point. Tim also attends races with Pete and helps keep GP Spitfir-e Pete' s going. The deli whene rJe ..reet hra-q Brl}re than a pleased as theirlittle probably cash register did a jigFon me personally, of the the highlight nieht was the pnesence of an old fniend who has nemained a member fon many year-s, but who forbusiness reasons has not been seen at an SCCA event si.nce 1974 Garvey Bean of t^linstonSalem came to the meeting and bnought a scrapbook datins back to NCR nacins days at VIROne shot showed Garvey, Pete Hilliams and Calvin Deal leaning against the old Pagoda at VIR duning a dnivens school Another

face in the familian pictures was that of Ellis Roach. Garvey has promised to get back into the gr'oup now that he has a neu, job with tlachovia Bank-

nY only pnoblem at this meeting Has by the time aiL of the back slapping and pictune taking was finished, I turned around just in t i-me to hear Diann Jof'nston adjourn the meet ing I had not had a clrance to say a wond, and could not believe I had just lost the best au'dience I had since the annual banquetBoy that hunt ! NCR




l^lith the 1990 National Racing Season quickly nunning down, the points racing is beginnins to show who will make the Bis Show in AtlantaThe final listine I have at this time does not include the Charlotte and Mor-oso Iast minute races, but pr-obably does indicate who wi 1l acJ:ual ly get the nod for AtlantaSunely you want to knour how our NCR drivers ane doine, so you wil-1 know who to pull for when you set to the runoffsIn For-mula A, i t would appear that our Lee Rackley should finish in the top 3- He had 49 points after Atlanta to hold down second, but tl^rird had 44. Charlotte and l1onoso could change this, but probably r.ron't - tle had no driver s in FCr so you can pull fon anyone, since they are all strangers. Formula Ford has us with trt drivens in the top 6, "with Rob Suggs holding 5th with 28, and Dexten Bradfond in 6th with L6- This class will take the top seven, so expect to see both of out- guYS in the nace.

Our- only othen dniven in FF is Jim Lockery, and

his 6 late season points mieht not get him into the race. OnIy two drivens from NCR even have any points in FV with Michael Leonard showing t2 points fon 11th place, and our Rick Spivey in place 15th with 3 points. Both would need minor miracLes to even Next yearseb close. okay. LLA is also an easy class to report ofl, as it seems NCR drivers care much don't really for this smal Iest Formula classThis class seems to be almost property the exclusive of the Atlanta Region wi th 15 o'f 22 point s holders showing Atlanta Region llembership. Bill Burleigh ended Atianta in second place in SSA, and shouLd be in the main event with no pr^obl



Our only othen point holder in any Showroom Stou-k class is Tom t^Jilliamson with 4 points in SSC- His final total will be a Iittle better, but with 13 in the c.Lass don't Iook f orthe cheese magnate from Burlington to make the roster. The GT classes almost forsot the NCR Region with oun finst chance of standom coming from PhiI Hennrich in GT3 leaving Atlanta utith 2A points and 4th pIace. t^lith a bad weekend in Char-Iotte, Phi I wi 1l be close. In onder to fill the field they sometimes go down 6 places, and this could be whene PhiI gets an invite. Our fingers will nemain crossed on this one.

A 1 point lead oven sth place would do the trick f on Dan The l'ian Robson, il there wenen't two mone naces in the S. E. The same crossed fingens from above will be used fon Dan, as are about thene 6 drivens within range to knock him out. Hope not. Hot Damn ! t^Je've eot one sune thing in E. Production. Rock Vest has kicked 'em alI in the teeth and his 69 points can't be beat by anyone in the 5- E. safe money Probably could be bet on frow Rock will do in OctoberAlthough he can't finish finst, it looks like Rick Cochran with 4A points, plus tJhatever he up aften eicks wiLl go south AtIanta, in the Dominos./Jap Co. Mi,lset in third placeThat' g about it f orthe NCR attempt at stardom. Be eure tc at t end the Runoffs 0ctober- 6th through 13th and cheer our group on to victor-y. SOLO II


Solo Chairman Kevin lletz r eports plans ar-e f or shaping up our' scheduled Solo II in N. t^Ji lkesboro. The event wiII be held on October 28th at the l^iest Pank Shopping Center with Bart Hayes as event chainman- PIans now call for registration to run from 1O:BO until 12:OO noon with the finst car off at 12:3O. The principal sponsor of the event wiII be David's Can CIinic, and ef f onts are being marCe to enlist the Ford, Nissan Toyota and Dealer-s in the sponsor ship. The event will probably canry

pr j.zes, xtra in addition to regular cLasg LraphiesDit-ect ions tc, the eite are ae follorls: dt_rl-'r ucJLt lii i!; North e



I f !..


ect i.on r*ri t L f ind you c'n lJuy 42L - Take this you ur-rt i I r-each an irrler-sect ion with Bus t21 - There r*ri L I be a l'lcDona l-,ls at this intergectionTake Bus/-2:.. one mi Ie tor*ar-ds ,lowirLo*rn - The Uest Park Shopping Center sign wili be very obviousArea m,:,teIs for- tl-roge '*ho ar-rive Sat - night your ai-e Iisteci fc'r conveni-ence. HoI iday Inrr 919-8J8-1ACL-I. Days Ilrn ciir-

919-c{J7 -2\7{:,,

A JJ: Huul:(-,i




llet or Inn 1-aOO-672721A. ar-i,-l L,:"wes llote i 919-a3A- 43,At , Bari Hayes can be reacheC f or mci-e infor mation at the f c, I iowing numb,ers: work Vg4-324-5653" h<>me 9L9667-O856


BAeE A.Etl:,M llE__EQ€j1 THE RACE ye have all Yorked so hard for is about to be reality, and the changes ye have made in our

normal racing progran are many. All of the safety and flagging procedures have been modified and vork stations




vorkers will be nobile instead of on foot. The number and type of pit vorker vi11 be changed to enable us to control and time the cars as they nake pit stops for refueling. Timing and scoring along

Yith race control vilI be moved to areas high above the grandstands for better visability. liith the infieltt of the track not being used for the veekend, ve will finally be able to use the long roy of

covered padtlock space going

to waste on the back straight. The false griil vill remain on the front straight, and all race pittinq r*i1l be done in the front straight pits. Neeses Sausage Co. wilt serve aIl present breakfast on Sat. , and there will be lunches for aIl workers on both days. Arrangements have been made for a catering stand to be set up in the paddock your for convenienee. As alvays we will have Cam-2 gas and the

tire trucks should be available to help you vith

your set up.

I{ith all



changes, you can see rihy ye need alI of the vorkers ve can muster. Timing vill need

fairly sure things in the form of an offer by someone to help vith the cost involved yould firm up these plans in a hurry. Another good reason for you to attend this yeekend of fun is to get your picture marle f or the directory. The cameranan yill be set up to take your picture at lunch and at the social hour on Sat. (HONE SUNDAY). The gate guard vill have the papers ready for you to register if you get there after the time registration closes. Do remember to bring your membership card, and if you are going to have minors with you, you vill need to have minor rraivers ready for them. CalI Jacque Holland about this if you have a question at (919) 542-2542

a great deal more than normal, &s the timing of cars running 30 seeond plus bef ore 10:00 Pll. laps will be quite tricky. There has been so much to Theresa t{i}liams vi}l be te1l you about this raee, I Chief of T&S, and I don't sure hope I told you all you envy her the job. Norrie needed to knor'. If you do Baird vil1 be heading up EV have any questions or just and can probably use extra want to see vhere you can vorkers to man the trucks. help the most, just give me Two other specialties that a cal] at (919) 632-0679 vill be needinq extra people anytime. Especially after vill be Pit & Grid and F&C. 10:00 vhen you can't call So, as you can see there Jacque. vi}l be a definite need for you to come on down and give PR0D. DPIVf,il cl?CUP r',RITqS your region a hand at J.JAT. CO];P BOARD C]iAIF.. putting on this unique (for In a letter to lJat. Cornp. SCCA) race. board Cl:arlnan F,ob L'aIker Other than the raee fron Jj.m Creighton chalr Yorker specialties above, of the Production Drivers there are several other Assoc. the request v;as made areas where help vill be that the PDA be allowed to needed at the race. I vould work wlth the Cor',rp. bd. in ]ove to have some help in the developrnent of rules planning and serving the regardlng rollbars. the It was vorkers lunches and setting also pointed out that when up the social hour after the a group of drlvers had gone race Saturday. At this time around the paddocl< at the there is a rumor about a double nationaL that they oyster roast/boilerl shrimp had found only two cages party to go along vith the that were not sufflclent to regular fare at the Sat. pass the new rules. As they niqht party. llaybe things see 1t, they would be the vill faII into place on best ones to see that thelr this, and it viIl become own members comply with nore than a runor. I'm rules and have asked thatthe the new specs. be tableC at least for the present




About this time eveny yean r^'e are forced to consider who we want to hold the controls of the Region for the coming year- Penhaes by ntrw you are screaming for nelief from the Bimbos you elected last year-- t^leII, the system isn't complicated for nominating someone else or settins norninated y'rurself . To nominate someone to run for any yoU gimply state who NCR officer you urould like to nominate for what of f ic'e on a Piece of Paper and sign your name and membenship number-. Next, have tw,r more reEion members sign the same paper shor.;ing their membership number- - Then, most important of al l, lrave the nominee rrrite on thie same paper- their willingnegs to nun fon the office as nominated. This is tc prevent tl-rat f amc'u-.. rai Iroad into of f ice we have all hearo about- Next, turn the p,aper over to Car-ol. Cooper or anY board member prior to the end of the November board meetingThen, peliti.c like crazy and with a Iittle bit of luckr you wilI win. l^linnins is the best way in tl-re world for you to gain an appreciation f or tl^re next year-s elect i ons . ANNUAL I^'ORKER

seen at an event, but those working the event are able to do so smoother or easier due to the effonts of someone who got a Iot done befone the event or- from a r emote locationAwand: Use of Glass Coffee TabLe for a yearReese Raxter- Awar-d - This awar-d is presented to a worker who goes beyond the call of thein specialtyThey are apt to be involved with just about every phase of the club's activities and doing something alI the time. Award: An Engraved PlaqueEllis Roach Awand - An auard given out only when deserved by some negion driver who has been especially helpful to other drivers- This driver- is usually involved ,.rith botfr our racing and solo program and spends a good bit of time with new drivers and those othens who are having problems. Send vour nominations te: Ken Payne 2"9 Two Notch TraiI Easley. 5C 29640 Ph: 803-855-277A Besi.des the pr-eviously listed awards, Ken will also award service awards to a numben of members rJl-rc, have done an exemplary joO for bhe r-egion. Ken needs your help so don't delay in contacting him-


The North Carolina Region has sevenal awards that it presents annually to wor-kers in the negion who have done outstandins iobs in helping tl-ie region in its act ivi t ies. AI I of tl^reE;e awardg are given to r*,orkers r^lho have been nominated fon them by their felIow members. Ken Payner Fast RE, has the job of reviewing these nominations. The awands and a br-ief degcniption of their selection cnitenia is listed below. l"lember of the Year - The one person who has gone far beyond the caII of duty for the nesion. This can be in any activity the negion is involved in and does not have to be nace related. Award: Engraved Steering t^lheel. Sally Zonowski Award - This is also calted the "behind the scenes" award as it is intended to rewand a uronker whose p'resence misht not be



Fully auare that its just now September, I still think we *rould be in onder to stant wor-king on the Annual Banquet Plans- What we need f ir-st is fon someone (perhaps evert you) to step forward and say "Let Me HoId It", and Bingo the process will be started- Diann Johnston or Donna Hutton who urer-e the planners of Iast year'g party at Burlington can give you a good push in the night direction and probablx alI of the help you might need. l.le have no hard fast r'ules as to what we do, where h,e do it, on when we do it. You wiII have a good deal of latitude in the planning of this eventr so come ofi, someone give us a hand. This would be a perfect thing f on someone wlro doesn't work our races to do for the reEion. N,:, urorker- specialty Iicerrse will be nequined.


rH_Eg_E__P_Ae!;i Ftft_:

M---,1,Ae -l tr'-


- 3war. ai.r.i 9e I



to tl-re Leditc'r i if y,:,-.r wi-;te them) -A Kids Column -Next ffier-itir will hai'e cc,mr'lete coverage of thre round tr'ar-k race ai -[tterg


Ficci-. i nghanr

& SARRC Pc,ints if available -':.'7'-) '! S.E Div - Tentet ive



le u'J:






S5B S6

SSB *5

-F ir-,=i. t.lational JL




-Rep'orts from more Cl-rief o'f Sr,ecialtv -Rumoi g ( eve;-, rl w= lic'Jc

r Our fomous Blockened Redfish r Bock Bqr Crob Cokes . Steomed Shrimp, Regulor & Spiced I Fresh Fish Speciol Doily ! Oyster & Cloms on Holf Shell or Steomed


Mony other Seofood items



^!. 5LE!


gq-*\ Ll lCllr

Aii AEC Permitir

-Ii-,f,:, on ne!J membei-3 -Ap,:.i' : =;ron form fc'iEu.t.ieti.n Editor

Ycor Roundl

1740 Bottleground Ave. 273-8911 at 4:0opm Mon-Sot.




9FDi,!' EAEE 9E!EA!'!E C.FFTTM== ! Lr

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10--11 SARRC RUftof=F:; 2{.*25 ReG/ECR












"lf we pulllhb off, wg'll eol llke klngs."

Asheboro, N.C.


Awry daoibd ant-awq &awing of ttu 'ot*'Hea,el lz M4rN b lflvo page (Autospon.)

Reqional Exeeutive & Atlmin. for Scrutineers Budtly ilatthevs 3111 S. Eolden Road Greensboro, NC 27407 h) (9L9) 632-0679 Y) (919) 272-3945


Assistant RE; Driver Licensing


Itlember-at-Large, Regist rar


Hayne Quick 706 Hope llills



NC 28304

(919) 424-4489 day or night

Creek Lane

Co-Chair; Charlotte. NC 28209 ilorthern SeDiv Driver h) (704) 572-5512 y) (?04) 53?-0913 Licensing Representative Rick Cochran

?03 llontlieu Ave. Hiqh Point, NC 27262-4233

b) (919) 884-1043 H) (919) 292-5404 Secretary

Carol Cooper 3207 Oberlin Drive Greensboro, NC 274A5 h) (919) 52I-5975 Treasurer Phillip Hennrich 505 Northbrook Drive


l{embership Chairman T!ruj


Past RE, Rally Chmn.; Regional & SeDiv T&S Adnin. Ken Payne 220 Tvo l{otch


Easley, SC 29640 h) (803) 8s5-2778 Chief Starter !lember-at-Large

AI Fairer

145 Fenton Place DanviIIe, YA 2454L

b) (804) 793-4235 v) (804) 799*347I

NC 27609

h) (919) 787-7189 Yn^^t.^ .'duL!,u

2154 Larndale Drive Greensboro, NC 27408

h) (919) 621-5336 Y) (919) 379-0428

Driver' Licensing Chairman Roy Vetter 519 Dogvood Lane

HiinirEton, iJC :84C3 h) (919) 392-0378 Directory Chairnan Roland Raxter 1601 Rockereek Dairy Rd. Iihitsett , NC 273'l'l



(Catt before 10:00

F&C Chief

llhit Fairer 1133-9 FaIl


Jacque Eollanil Route 2, Box 502 Pittsboro, NC 273L2 h) (919) 542-2542

(919) 697-9513


Chief of Pit & Grid Nick Holland 53 Country CIub




NC 27834 (919) 355-1086

Solo Chairman Kevin l{etz 309 Smith Drive Durhan, NC 2771.2 v) (9L9) 583-9319 h) (919) 47L-O267

Bulletin Art Director KarI Zorovski

3939 Glenvood Avenue, 1361

Raleigh, NC 27612-4820 h) (919) 783-5754

Bul}etin Business


Sue Justice 5413 Knollwood Raleigh, NC 27609

Directory Business llanager David Crigler 2329 Pebble Creek Road l{inston-Salem, NC 2?L07 h) (919) 785-1783 Y) (919) 292-7L30

Region Meeting Places, People and Times

Board of Directors Me-etlngs (qpc4 to.$_tTlereite4 persons) Meetings on thrd wednesdag each month; western Slzzlln' Steakhotrse at I-88 and NC 49 rn Burltrieton. Weet Chapter: Contact Dtann Johnston[w> (9I9) 379-4"121, h> (glg) g52-39g71: meets;flrst ?lesday each Tontry T. Co_opcr's, Benchmark ShoppingCenter, lzo s. and vandali" hJ-b;..nsboro. ffulrsaay each month; vedneg9"ry l"gt Chapter: Contact Rrchard Johnson[(919) 37f -6g92]; meets day's Deli & Pub, 5559 Oteander Drive, Wlmington ""ioia Triangle_C_lanter: Contact Kevin Metz [w> (9t"9) 683-9319, h> (9f9) 47f -0267]; meets..frst tVednesdag eactr month: Golden Corral, U.S.7O East between Raleigb & Garner.

Race registrars for SeDiv regions: seDiv Admln: Pat Merrill, 231 NE First Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 3344/Atlanta Reglon: Regional Office: (404) 4S5-S CCA [4SS-T 2221 Blue Ridge Region: Diana Myers, 202 Deer{letd t-and, Lynchburg, v|24so2 (g04)239-6310 (H) Buccaneer Region: Jim stark, Po Box L4o44, Jacksonvtlle, FL 3224g-4oA, (go4| 771-2g6L central carolinae Region: Pegg Hyland, 8lg Bromley Road, charlotte, NC 28207 (70413g4-7gg7 tI{) Ccntral Florida Region:Jackte Rawlrngs (8f 3) 385-48f 6 Florlda Region: Ginny Amato, loo Lehane Terrace, Apt 9, North palm Beach, FL 3g4og Mid Gcorgla Reglon: Ann Boydston, (912) 987-4636 North Carollna Reglon:Jacque Holland, Route 2, Box 502, Ptttsboro, NC 27312 (gtgl U2-2il2 (H) Old Domtnton Reglon: Pat Taylor, 30 Huxley Place, Newport News, VA 23606 (804) 599-S4Og (H) South Carolina Reglon: Brenda Wallace, 1332 Chevis Street, Cloumbta, SC 29206 (803) Zgl-38S9 (H)

a ('uodsorny) zfiv4 oa11fq

*nf rI wW

sllrrri ap


Ewnorp bmo.w)

papno tno y



N. C. Reglon SCCA 3111 S. HOLDEil ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed



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the BuIletin:t|::*$'g;r""

Bulletin 1990-09.pdf

of oval tnack racing at. Rockingham. Details of ... Zimmerman's ITB Toyota. wiII be cooking sausage .... Bulletin 1990-09.pdf. Bulletin 1990-09.pdf. Open. Extract.

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Oct 9, 2014 - technicians, customer service representatives and others—manage ... Special Note: All applicants considering applying for this position should ...

Job Bulletin
Jul 14, 2014 - Working throughout the state, WDFW's employees–field biologists, ... Basic computer skills, familiarity with Microsoft Outlook and Excel software ...

Job Bulletin
Feb 12, 2014 - Basic computer skills, familiarity with Microsoft Outlook and Excel ... Which best describes your work experience working in a hatchery setting?

Job Bulletin
Jan 27, 2015 - An Associate's degree in fisheries technology or closely allied field ... culture duties in a hatchery, OR three years of education towards a Bachelor's degree in fisheries or ... your profile before completing the online application:.

Job Bulletin
Apr 2, 2015 - technicians, customer service representatives and others – manage hundreds of fish and wildlife species, maintain nearly a million acres of public wildlife lands, provide opportunities ... Care and management of equipment.

Bulletin - Calvary Baptist Church
Apr 30, 2017 - that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we ..... Check out our blog, Join us!

Bulletin - Calvary Baptist Church
Jun 18, 2017 - that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. ..... Ashley and Allen Dalton are hosting coffee hour today with a special cake.

bulletin -
Jun 9, 2014 - covers sunset, Friday, July 4, to sunset Sabbath, July 5, 2014. The time has come for all of our churches throughout our Conference to collaborate in one voice and cry out to God for a clear direction for His church. On this extraordina

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Job Bulletin -

weekly bulletin -
RTNS Esterlynne and Mercy are also on leave. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Please take note of the following and plan accordingly. ▫! 5th March is our Presidential Ball.

AAPP Bulletin -
theme: Political Extremism and Psycho- pathology. .... colleagues the amazing work that phi- losophers have ... of psychiatry is an old theme: that the. DSM is ...

Training Bulletin 853 - FY2012 Comm Spec IEMC Recruitment Bulletin ...
Training Bulletin 853 - FY2012 Comm Spec IEMC Recruitment Bulletin.pdf. Training Bulletin 853 - FY2012 Comm Spec IEMC Recruitment Bulletin.pdf. Open.

Bulletin - Calvary Baptist Church
Mar 5, 2017 - that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. ..... Calvary is hosting a Mental Health First Aid class Saturday, March 18, 9:00.

Bulletin - Calvary Baptist Church
Jun 4, 2017 - that reaches out to the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To that end we strive to ... LISTENING FOR THE WORD OF GOD. PSALTER.